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BIOTECHNOLOGY Biochemical engineering: has usually meant to extension

A field of applied biology that involves the use of living of chemical engineering principles to systems using a
organisms and bioprocesses in engineering, technology, biological catalyst to bring about desired chemical
medicine and other fields requiring bioproducts. Modern transformations.
use of similar terms includes genetic engineering as well Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics is an independent
as cell and tissue technologies. The concept discipline which merges the field of molecular biology
encompasses a wide range of procedures for modifying and computer science. This mainly involves the
living organisms according to human purposes. transformation of biological polymers such as nucleic
acids molecules and proteins into sequences of digital
DIFFERENT TYPES OF BIOTECHNOLOGY symbols. The symbols and their meaning for the protein
I. Green biotechnology: Green biotechnology is defined sequences have also been generated.
as the application of biological techniques to plants with Bioremediation: Bioremediation is the use of
the aim of improving the nutritional quality, quantity and microorganisms for the degradation of hazardous
production economics. It is done by implanting foreign chemicals in soil, sediments, water, or other
genes to plant species that is economically important. contaminated materials. It uses naturally occurring
This contains three main areas: plant tissue culture; bacteria and fungi or plants to degrade or detoxify
plant genetic engineering and plant molecular marker substances hazardous to human health and/or the
assisted breeding. environment.
II. Red biotechnology: Red biotechnology is concerned Biosensors: Biosensors are biophysical devices which
with the discovery and development of innovative drugs can detect the presence of specific substances e.g.
and treatments. A key prerequisite was an increasing sugars, proteins, hormones, pollutants and a variety of
understanding of how proteins function, their roles in toxins in the environment.
communication between and within cells, and the Bioreactors: Bioreactors can be thought of as vessels in
diseases caused when these proteins malfunction. This which raw materials are biologically converted into
includes: Gene Therapy, Stem Cells, Genetic Testing, specific products, individual enzymes, etc., using
etc. microbial plant, animal or human cells.
III. White biotechnology: This field of biotechnology is Bioprospecting is an umbrella term describing the
connected with industry. White biotech uses moulds, process of discovery and commercialization of new
yeasts, bacteria and enzymes to produce goods and products based in biological resources, typically in less-
services or parts of products. It offers a wide range of developed countries. Bioprospecting often draws on
bio-products like detergents, vitamins, antibiotics etc. indigenous knowledge about uses and characteristics of
Most of the white biotech processes results in the saving plants and animals.
of water, energy, chemicals and in the reduction of Biopiracy is a situation where indigenous knowledge of
waste compared to traditional methods. nature, originating with indigenous people, is used by
IV. Blue biotechnology: Blue biotechnology is concerned others for profit, without permission from and with little or
with the application of molecular biological methods to no compensation or recognition to the indigenous people
marine and freshwater organisms. It involves the use of themselves.
these organisms, and their derivatives, for multiple Bioregionalism is a political, cultural, and ecological
purposes, the most remarkable are the identification system or set of views based on naturally defined areas
process and development of new active ingredients from called bioregions, similar to ecoregions. Bioregions are
marine origin. defined through physical and environmental features,
V. Yellow biotechnology: Yellow biotechnology’ refers to including watershed boundaries and soil and terrain
biotechnology with insects — analogous to the green characteristics. Bioregionalism stresses that the
(plants) and red (animals) biotechnology. Active determination of a bioregion is also a cultural
ingredients or genes in insects are characterized and phenomenon, and emphasizes local populations,
used for research or application in agriculture and knowledge, and solutions.
medicine. Bioethics: Bioethics is the branch of ethics, philosophy,
and social commentary that deals with the biological
TERMINOLOGIES ASSOCIATED WITH sciences and its impact on the society.
BIOTECHNOLOGY Chromosome: A DNA-containing body, located in the
Biochemistry: It is the branch of science use to study cells of most living things, that holds most of the
chemical reactions in organisms. organism's genes.
Clone: A cell, group of cells, or organism that contains multicellular organisms such as plants and animals,
genetic in formation identical to that of its parent cell or whose genetic makeup has been altered by scientists.
organism. Microarray: Typically a glass side, on to which DNA
Cloning: A specialized genetic process whereby clones molecules are attached at fixed locations as spots
are produced. Cloning is a form of asexual reproduction. Microbiology: Study of organisms, a large and diverse
Asexual reproduction is reproduction without sex. In this group of microscopic organisms that exists as single
form of reproduction, a single organism or cell makes a cells or a cluster of cells including viruses.
copy of itself. The genes of the original and copy will be Nanotechnology: It involves techniques and methods for
the same, except for rare mutations. studying, designing, fabricating and manipulating things
DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that at the nanoscale to understand and create materials,
encodes the genetic instructions used in the devices and systems to exploit these.
development and functioning of all known living Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): It is a technique used
organisms. in molecular biology to amplify a single copy or a few
Enzyme: A protein material that speeds up chemical copies of a segment of DNA across several orders of
reactions in the bodies of plants and animals without magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of
itself taking part in or being consumed by those a particular DNA sequence
reactions. Plasmid: An extrachromosomal, autonomous circular
GENE: A gene is a segment of nucleic acid that contains DNA molecule found in certain bacteria, capable of
the information necessary to produce a functional autonomous replication. Plasmids can transfer genes
product, usually a protein. The genes are made up of a between bacteria and are important tools of
coding alphabet of 4 nucleotides made up of 4 bases:- transformation in genetic engineering. They exist in an
Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C) autonomous state and are transferred independently of
present in DNA. chromosomes.
Genetic engineering: Techniques to alter the chemistry Restriction enzymes: Enzymes that break DNA into
of genetic material (DNA and RNA), to introduce these fragments at particular sites.
into host organisms and thus change the phenotype of Recombinant DNA allows the direct manipulation of
the host organism. genetic material of individual cells, which may be used to
Gene Therapy: This is in a way, genetic engineering of develop microorganisms that produce new products as
humans, which would allow a person suffering from a well as useful microorganisms. The laboratory
disabling genetic disorder to lead a normal life. technology for the genetic manipulation w/in living cells
Genome: The entire complement of genetic material is also known as genetic engineering.
(genes + noncoding sequences) present in each cell of Stem cell: A fundamental cell that has the potential to
an organism, or in avirus or organelle. A complete set of develop into any of the 210 different cell types found in
chromosomes (hence of genes) inherited as a (haploid) the human body. Human life begins with stem cells,
unit from one parent. which divide again and again and branch off into special
Genome Resource Bank: Genome Resource Bank roles, like becoming liver or heart cells. They are an
(GRB) is a frozen repository of biological materials, important resource for disease research and for the
including sperm and embryos, tissue, blood products development of new ways to treat disease.
and DNA. It is going to being used as a conservation tool Transgene: A gene from one genome that has been
for protecting and preserving biodiversity incorporated into the genome of another organism. Often
Human Genome Project: The aim of the Human refers to a gene that has been introduced into a
Genome Project was to identify all the genes (approx. multicellular organism.
25,000) in human DNA and to determine the sequence Transgenesis: The introduction of a gene or genes into
of the three billion chemical base pairs that make up animal or plant cells, which leads to the transmission of
human DNA. Efforts were made to create databases to the input gene (transgene) to successive generations.
store this information and develop tools to do Transgenic: An organism in which a foreign gene (a
comprehensive data analysis transgene) is incorporated into its genome. The
Gel electrophoresis: A technique used to separate DNA transgene is present in both somatic and germ cells, is
fragments and other macromolecules by size and expressed in one or more tissues, and is inherited by
charge. offspring in a Mendelian fashion.
GMO: GMO stands for genetically modified organism. Vector: A vehicle that carries foreign genes into an
This refers to bacteria or other microorganisms, or organism and inserts them into the organism’s genome.
Modified viruses are used as vectors for gene therapy.

Animal Agriculture


Concern: Some people are concerned that genetically
altering foods could change their nutritional value by
lowering vitamin content or other nutrients.
Plant Agriculture Counter Argument: Others point out that several genetic
engineering projects are designed to increase, not lower
the health attributes of foods.
Concern: There is some concern that the process of
inserting genes is not precise. Scientists can not tell
exactly where they go or how many reach their target.
Counter Argument: Supporters of genetic engineering
insist that it is more precise than traditional
Environmental Applications crossbreeding methods and carries less risk of
undesired traits being transferred.
Concern: Some fear that a foreign gene may not behave
in a new crop the way it did in the original species. It
may interact with genes around it or with its new
environment to produce undesirable traits.
Counter Argument: Others point out that traditional plant
breeders use well-established practices to eliminate
Food and Beverage plants with adverse traits prior to commercial use and
that transgenic plant breeders can do the same.
Concern: Concerns have been raised about the effect of
genetically engineered foods on special populations,
such as infants or people suffering from other conditions
or diseases. Testing is done on healthy adults, so effects
Health Care that might emerge in other populations could be missed.
Counter Argument: This situation is not unique to
genetically engineered foods. It would be very difficult to
test any new product on every specialized population
before it is marketed.
Concern: A reaction might occur between two food
Tissue Engineering compounds that may be harmless separately, but
together could be toxic. There are also concerns that
harmless plants that have toxic relatives may have the
toxic gene turned on in a recombinant plant.
Counter Argument: Genetic changes that can lead to
unexpected toxins can occur not only in genetically
transformed plants, but also in plants developed through
traditional breeding practices or as a natural part of
Concern: Some people fear that the genes for resistance 100 C.E.- The first insecticide is produced in China from
which are inserted into plants will somehow be passed to powdered chrysanthemums.
weeds. Insects may build up resistance to the new 13th and 14th CENTURY
pesticide. Some think that a gene that is intended to be - The Aztecs used Spirulina algae to make cakes.
toxic only for insects will somehow mutate and become -One of the oldest examples of crossbreeding for the
toxic to humans as well. benefit of humans is mule. Mule is an offspring of a male
Counter Argument: Others cite the fact that the potential donkey and a female horse. People started using mules
of pests to develop resistance against defense for transportation, carrying loads, and farming, when
mechanisms of crops is well-known and is not unique to there were no tractors or trucks.
genetically engineered plants. Insects may develop - The distillation of alcoholic spirits was common in many
resistance to a crop defense no matter how it was parts of the world.
developed. - Vinegar manufacture began in France
Concern: There are individuals who see a conflict of 1590 - Dutch spectacle-maker Zacharias Janssen
interest where a company’s own scientific data is used to invents the microscope.
determine food safety. They would like to see a great 1663 - English physicist, mathematician and inventor
deal more independent testing. Robert Hooke discovers the existence of the cell.
Counter Argument: Some companies resent this 1675 - In the seventeenth century, Antonie Van
implication that test results from their own laboratories Leeuwenhoek discovered microorganisms by examining
are false. They argue that it is to their benefit to produce scrapings from his teeth under a microscope. He
safe, beneficial food products because there is no profit discovers bacteria using a simple microscope.
in bad products. 1796 - First vaccination. First small pox vaccine is
Concern: Others fear that new plant species may upset discovered. Edward Jenner discovered the process of
the balance of nature, changing the delicate vaccination by inoculating a small boy with cowpox and
relationships between crop plants, weeds, and the then trying to re-infect him with smallpox. The boy
animals that consume them. recovered from the weaker cowpox infection and thus
Counter Argument: Supporters of biotechnology foresee became immune to smallpox. The cowpox virus was
a different day when not one, but many improved crop called ‘Vaccinia’, from the Latin word for cow, ‘Vacca’.
varieties could flourish in areas of the world that This is how the word ‘Vaccine’ came into use.
currently can not produce enough food crops for the 1830 - Proteins are discovered.
entire population. 1833 - First enzyme is discovered and isolated
1850 - Casimir Davaine detected rod-shaped objects in
BIOTECHNOLOGY TIMELINE the blood of anthrax-infected sheep and was able to
The history of using scientific knowledge and produce the disease in healthy sheep by inoculation of
living systems as tools to solve problems or make useful such blood.
products. Humans have manipulated genes since the 1855 - The Escherichia coli bacterium is discovered. It
dawn of civilization later becomes a major research, development, and
8000 B.C.E. - Humans domesticate crops and livestock. production tool for biotechnology.
Potatoes first are cultivated for food. 1822-1895 – Louis Pasteur
7000 B.C.E - Yeast is one of the oldest microbes that - Louis Pasteur proposes that microbes cause
have been exploited by humans for their benefit. The fermentation. He later conducts experiments that
oldest fermentation was used to make beer in Sumeria support the germ theory of disease.
and Babylonia as early as 7,000BCE. - Disproved the notion of spontaneous generation,
4000 B.C.E. - The Egyptians use yeast to leaven bread describing the role of bacteria in spoilage and the
and ferment beer scientific basis for fermentation
2000 B.C.E. - Production of cheese, fermentation of - Created the rabies vaccine
wine occur in Sumeria, China, Egypt 1859 - Charles Darwin’s landmark book, The Origin of
500 B.C.E. - Chinese use the first antibiotic: Moldy Species is published. This is about the theory of
soybean curds for treating boils evolution by natural selection
400 B.C.E. - Hippocrates treated patients with vinegar 1865 - After seven years of cultivating and testing
300 B.C.E - Greeks develop grafting techniques for plant thousands of pea plants, Gregor Mendel publishes a
breeding. description of rules governing how hereditary traits pass
100 B.C.E. - Rome had over 250 bakeries which were between generations, the foundation of modern
making leavened bread genetics. Often considered the founder of genetics.
1869 - Swiss physiological chemist Friedrich Miescher etiology, led to the discovery of oncogenes, and laid the
first identified what he called "nuclein" inside the nuclei foundation for the molecular mechanisms of
of human white blood cells. (The term "nuclein" was later carcinogenesis.
changed to "nucleic acid" and eventually to The 55 years elapsed between Rous’s discovery and his
"deoxyribonucleic acid," or "DNA.") Nobel recognition in 1966 is, in part, a testament to the
1870-1910 Luther Burbank way time operates when it comes to science. There’s no
Father of modern plant breeding Luther Burbank way to know what is going to turn out to be important
develops over 800 new strains of fruits, vegetables and and why.
flowers. His blight-resistant Burbank potato is heavily 1915 - Phages — viruses that only infect bacteria — are
planted across Ireland, ending the potato famine. discovered.
1873 - Botanist William James Beal produces the first 1919 - The word “biotechnology” was coined by Karl
experimental corn hybrid in the laboratory. Ereky (1878–1952), in Hungary, to describe general
1881 - Robert Koch, a German physician, described processes of converting raw materials into useful
bacterial colonies growing on potato slices (First ever products, such as on industrial farms.
solid medium) 1922 - In Toronto, Dr. Frederick Banting and his
1901 - Japanese biologist, Shigetane Ishiwatari first assistant Charles Best discover insulin as a treatment for
isolated the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) in 1901. diabetes.
And it was rediscovered by Ernst Berliner in 1911. 1927 - Herman Muller discovers that radiation causes
Bacillus Thuringiensis defects in chromosomes (mutations).
Plants are now being engineered to produce Bacillus 1928 - Sir Alexander Fleming discovers the antibiotic
thuringiensis (Bt). This is a bacterium which occurs penicillin by chance when he realizes that Penicillium
naturally in the soil. There are strains of Bt that produce mold kills bacteria. He shared the 1945 Nobel Prize in
proteins that kill certain insects. When these insects Medicine with Ernst Boris Chain and Sir Howard Walter
ingest the protein, the function of their digestive system Florey.
is disrupted, producing slow growth and eventually 1928: World War II: Penicillin Production
death. Another positive feature of Bt is that it is not In 1940, a team of researchers at Oxford University
harmful to humans, other mammals, birds, fish, or found a way to purify penicillin and keep it stable.
beneficial insects. It is not a very effective pesticide for • Pfizer, which had made fortunes using fermenting
several reasons. It is relatively expensive, it must be processes to produce citric acid in the 1920s, turned its
eaten by insects as opposed to simple exposure, it is attention to penicillin.
broken down by sunlight, and rain washes it away from The company developed a complicated
plants. This is why Bt is most effective when it is actually production process and opened a new factory to
contained in the plant itself. implement it: Pure strains of the mold were first grown in
1909 - The term ‘Gene’ had already been coined by small bottles, then seed tanks, then deep fermentation
Wilhelm Johannsen (1857-1927), who described ‘gene’ tanks. The mold was then purified using a crystallization
as carrier of heredity. Johannsen also coined the terms process. Using this new method, they were able to
‘genotype’ and ‘phenotype.’ produce as much in a day as they had in the previous
Genes are linked with hereditary disorders year.
1910 - American pathologist Peyton Rous extracted • The massive production of penicillin was another major
material from a cancer tumor in a hen and injected it into factor in the Allied victory in WWII.
a healthy chicken. The chicken developed cancer, and 1941 - Danish microbiologist A. Justin coins the term
he concluded that cells from the hen's tumor contained genetic engineering, a technique involving the transfer of
an infectious substance, a virus, that transmits cancer. a select piece of genetic material from one organism to
However, the study could not be replicated in mammals another.
and was long overlooked. When research showed that 1943-1944 Canadian scientist Oswald Theodore Avery
viruses can operate by affecting the genetic material of isolates pure DNA. DNA is proven to carry genetic
normal germ cells, interest in Peyton Rous' discovery information by Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and
was reignited. Maclyn McCarty.
Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV) 1953 - James Watson and Francis Crick describe the
The discovery of Rous sarcoma virus, which was double helical structure of DNA. They shared the 1962
reported by Peyton Rous in the Journal of Experimental Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology with Maurice
Medicine 100 years ago, opened the field of tumor Wilkins.
virology. It showed that some cancers have infectious
1955 – Frederick Sanger determines the amino acid, 1977 - Herbert Boyer uses E. coli bacteria to produce
sequence of insulin, making it the first protein to be human insulin. The technique represents a significant
sequenced and by 1982 Human insulin (humulin) is improvement in the efficiency and long term viability of
produced in genetically modified bacteria and is the first producing this vital medical therapy, formerly extracted
biotech drug approved by the FDA from limited supplies of animal tissues that could lead to
1958 - DNA is made in a test tube for the first time. allergic reactions. The vast majority of insulin used in the
Sickle cell disease is shown to occur due to a change in today is now produced through this recombinant method.
one amino acid. 1981 - The first transgenic animals are produced by
1960 - Discovery of messenger RNA ‘tape copy’. transferring genes from other animals into mice. The first
Messenger RNA plays a key role in protein synthesis. patent for a genetically modified organism is granted —
Messenger RNA, also known as mRNA, are RNA for bacteria that can break down crude oil.
molecules that carry genetic information from the DNA in 1982 - The first recombinant DNA vaccine for livestock is
the cell nucleus to the protein-making machinery in the developed.
cell cytoplasm. - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
1961 - Scientists understand genetic code for the first approves the first biologic or recombinant protein.
time. 1983 - Dr. Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in
1962 - Dr. Osamu Shimomura discovers the green Paris isolates the AIDS virus. The discovery of HIV/AIDS
fluorescent protein in the jellyfish Aequorea victoria. He as a deadly disease has helped tremendously to
later develops it into a tool for observing previously improve various tools employed by life-scientist for
invisible cellular processes discoveries and applications in various aspects of day-
1968 - The genetic code for DNA is cracked, to-day life
demonstrating that a sequence of three nucleotide bases - The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, which
(a codon) determines each of 20 amino acids. Three makes unlimited copies of genes and gene fragments, is
scientists ( Marshall Nirenberg, Robert Holley and Har conceived. Kary Mullis, who was born in Lenoir, N.C.,
Gobind Khorana) shared the 1968 Nobel Prize in later would win the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for
Physiology or Medicine for the discovery. the discovery. He became interested in science as a
1969 - An enzyme is synthesized in vitro for the first child when he received a chemistry set for Christmas.
time. In vitro (meaning: in the glass) studies are - The FDA approves a monoclonal antibody based
performed with microorganisms, cells, or biological diagnostic test to detect Chlamydia trachomatis.
molecules outside their normal biological context. - The first artificial chromosome is synthesized.
1970 - Restriction enzymes that cut and splice genetic - The first genetic markers for specific inherited diseases
material are discovered, opening the way for gene are found.
cloning. 1984 - Genetic fingerprinting is discovered, which is
The restriction enzyme technique becomes a used today to establish family relationships and to
fundamental tool in modern genetic research, helping to identify criminal suspects.
create the biotechnology industry and providing the 1985 - Genetic fingerprinting is entered as evidence in a
basis for the Human Genome Project. courtroom.
1971 - The first complete synthesis of a gene occurs. - The NIH approves guidelines for performing
1973 - Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer perfect genetic gene‐therapy experiments in humans
engineering techniques to cut and paste DNA using 1986 - First recombinant vaccine is approved for human
restriction enzymes. They develop recombinant DNA use: hepatitis B. First anti-cancer drug is produced
technology. Considered to be the birth of modern hrough biotech: interferon.
biotechnology, they complete the first successful genetic 1989 - Oil-eating bacteria are used to clean up the
engineering experiment by inserting a gene from an Exxon Valdez oil spill.
African clawed toad into bacterial DNA. (1977 sees the - Discovery of defective gene for cystic fibrosis by Dr.
first expression of a human gene in bacteria.) Lap-Chee Tsui at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children.
1975 - Georges Kohler and Cesar Milstein develop the Similar discoveries later link specific genes to other
technology to produce monoclonal antibodies — highly disorders, such as autism, Huntington’s Disease, and a
specific, purified antibodies derived from only one clone rare heart problem known as Right Ventricular
of cells that recognize only one antigen. They later would Cardiomyopathy. Each has added to a growing
share the 1984 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine knowledge of the complex relationship between gene
with Neils Jerne. function and disease.
1990 - The first federally approved gene therapy as “mad cow” disease) and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
treatment is performed successfully on a 4-year-old girl (CJD).
suffering from an immune disorder called adenosine - The complete genetic code of the human chromosome
deaminase deficiency. is deciphered.
- Chy‐Max™, an artificially produced form of the 2001 - Science and Nature magazines publish the
chymosin enzyme for cheesemaking, is introduced. It is human genome sequence, making it possible for
the first product of recombinant DNA technology in the scientists all over the world to begin researching new
U.S. food supply. treatments for diseases that have genetic origins, such
1992 - American and British scientists unveil a technique as cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
for testing embryos in vitro for genetic abnormalities 2002 - Draft version of the complete map of the human
such as cystic fibrosis and hemophilia. genome is published.
- The FDA declares that transgenic foods are “not 2003 - The SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)
inherently dangerous” and do not require special virus is sequenced three weeks after its discovery.
regulation. SARS, which began in China, spreads quickly — and
1994 - Genetically modified tomatoes are sold for the spreads fear throughout the Far East and the world. The
first time in the United States. FDA approves the first last reported cases occurred in 2004 and resulted from
whole food produced through biotechnology: laboratory-acquired infections.
FLAVRSAVR™ tomato. - A far more precise version of the human genome—one
- The first breast‐cancer gene is discovered. that is 99.999%accurate—is published.
- Pulmozyme® (dornase alfa), a recombinant version of - TK-1 (GloFish) went on sale in Taiwan, as the first
human DNase, is approved. The drug breaks down genetically modified pet.
protein accumulation in the lungs of cystic fibrosis 2004 - The first cloned pet — a kitten — is delivered to
patients. its owner. She is called CopyCat (or Cc for short).
1995 - The first baboon-to-human bone marrow - Avastin, a recombinant monoclonal antibody, is the first
transplant is performed on an AIDS patient. targeted biological therapy of its kind to receive FDA
The first vaccine for Hepatitis A is developed. approval
1996 - Sequencing of the baker’s yeast genome is - UN Food and Agriculture Organization endorses
completed. The achievement marks the complete biotech crops, stating biotechnology is a complementary
sequencing of the largest genome to date—more than tool to traditional farming methods that can help poor
12 million base pairs of DNA farmers and consumers in developing nations.
1997 - Scientists report the birth of Dolly, the first animal 2005 - Researchers at the University of Georgia
cloned from an adult cell. UNESCO adopts the Universal successfully produce a cow cloned from the cells of a
Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights, carcass.
recognizing the human genome as a common heritage - Scientists at Harvard University report success in
that must be safeguarded from inappropriate converting skin cells into embryonic stem cells through
manipulation fusion with existing embryonic stem cells.
- Biotech crops are grown commercially on nearly 5 - On May 7, the one billionth acre of biotech seed is
million acres worldwide. The crops are grown in planted.
Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Mexico and the 2006 - A vaccine against the human papillomavirus,
United States. which causes cancer of the cervix, receives FDA
- The first human artificial chromosome is created approval. The vaccine is made via recombinant DNA
1998 - Human embryonic stem cell lines are established. technology by inserting of the viral genes into the DNA of
They offer hope to many because they may be able to baker’s yeast.
replace diseased or dysfunctional cells. - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grants
- The first complete animal genome, for the C. elegans Dow AgroSciences the first regulatory approval for a
roundworm, is sequenced. plant-made vaccine.
- An early rough draft of the human genome map is - The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine,
produced, showing the locations of more than thirty in Winston-Salem, N.C., creates the first laboratory-
thousands of genes. grown organs by successfully transplanting bladders
- Human skin is produced for the first time in the lab. grown from a patient’s own cells. This method greatly
1999 - A diagnostic test allows quick identification of reduces the risk of organ rejection.
Bovine Spongicorm Encephalopathy (BSE, also known - The artist Stelarc had an ear grown in a vat and grafted
onto his arm.
2007 - Scientists discover how to use human skin cells 2014 - Researchers showed that blood from a young
to create embryonic stem cells. mouse can rejuvenate an old mouse’s muscles and
- Taiwanese researchers develop a biotech eucalyptus brain.
tree that ingests up to three times more carbon dioxide - Researchers figured out how to turn human stem cells
than conventional varieties. The biotech eucalyptus also into functional pancreatic β cells—the same cells that
produces less lignin and more cellulose. are destroyed by the body’s own immune system in type
- U.S. researchers announce the production of biotech 1 diabetes patients.
cattle that cannot develop prion proteins. Prions have - All life on Earth as we know it encodes genetic
been implicated in the degenerative neurological disease information using four DNA letters: A, T, G, and C. Not
bovine spongiform encephalopathy. (Mad Cow Disease) anymore! In 2014, researchers created new DNA bases
2008 - Japanese scientists create the first DNA molecule in the lab, expanding life’s genetic code and opening the
made almost entirely of artificial parts. This advances the door to creating new kinds of microbes.
field of gene therapy and brings scientists one step - For the first time ever, a woman gave birth to a baby
closer to creating an artificial organism. after receiving a womb transplant.
2009 - U.S. Congress frees up federal funding for - An international team of scientists reconstructed a
broader embryonic stem cell research. synthetic and fully functional yeast chromosome. A
- Canadian-owned Medicago produces the first plant- breakthrough seven years in the making, the remarkable
based influenza vaccine, in tobacco leaves. Medicago advance could eventually lead to custom-built organisms
has built a manufacturing facility in Durham, N.C., to (human organisms included).
scale up production. Quebecbased firm Medicago grows - Doctors discovered a vaccine that totally blocks
H5N1 (bird flu) vaccine in tobacco leaves. The product infection altogether in the monkey equivalent of the
becomes the first plantbased influenza vaccine to disease — a breakthrough that is now being studied to
undergo human trials in Canada. see if it works in humans.
- Sasaki and Okana produced transgenic marmosets - Ebola was merely an interesting footnote for anyone
that glow green in ultraviolet light (and pass the trait to studying tropical diseases. Now it’s a global health
their offspring). disaster. But the epidemic started at a single point with
2010 - First synthetic cell. J. Craig Venter Institute one human-animal interaction — an interaction which
created the first fully synthetic, self-replicating bacterial has now been pinpointed using genetic research. A total
cell, which was named Synthia. of 50 authors contributed to the paper announcing the
2011 - A trachea derived from stem cells is transplanted discovery, including five who died of the disease before
into a human recipient. it could be published.
- Advances in 3D printing technology lead to “skin 2015 - Scientists hit a number of breakthroughs using
printing.” the gene-editing technology CRISPR.
- European scientists begin clinical trials for an anti-HIV Researchers in China reported modifying the
biotech medicine produced using genetically modified DNA of a nonviable human embryo, a controversial
tobacco. This increases the potential for cost-effective move.
HIV/AIDS therapy in the developing world. Researchers at Harvard University inserted
2012 - The FDA issues draft guidelines for biosimilar genes from a long-extinct woolly mammoth into the living
drugs (follow-on biologics) as a growing percentage of cells — in a petri dish — of a modern elephant.
biopharmaceuticals reach the end of patent protection. Elsewhere, scientists reported using CRISPR to
Novartis, which has a manufacturing facility in Holly potentially modify pig organs for human transplant and
Springs, N.C., receives FDA approval for Flucelvax, the modify mosquitoes to eradicate malaria.
first cell-culture derived vaccine in the United States. - Scientists from Singapore’s Institute of bioengineering
2013 - The U.S. Supreme Court rules that naturally and nanotechnology designed short strings of peptides
occurring genes cannot be patented. that self-assemble into a fibrous gel when water is added
- The world celebrates the 60th anniversary of Watson for use as a healing nanogel.
and Crick’s discovery of the double helix. - Researchers in Sweden developed a blood test that
- The first bionic eye has seen the light of day in the can detect cancer at an early stage from a single drop of
United States, giving hope to the blind around the world. blood.
Developed by Second Sight Medical Products, the Argus - Scientists discovered a new antibiotic, the first in nearly
II Retinal Prosthesis System has helped more than 60 30 years, that may pave the way for a new generation of
people recover partial sight, with some experiencing antibiotics and fight growing drug-resistance. The
better results than others. antibiotic, teixobactin, can treat many common bacterial
infections, such as tuberculosis, septicaemia, and C. • Primary focus on the development of agriculture
Diff. and food production (to address issues on
- A team of geneticists finished building the most famine and malnutrition)
comprehensive map of the human epigenome, a Classical Biotechnology (1800-1945)
culmination of almost a decade of research. The team • “Biotechnology” is a technology based on
was able to map more than 100 types of human cells, converting raw materials into a more useful
which will help researchers better understand the product. Biotechnology could provide solutions
complex links between DNA and diseases. to societal crises, such as food and energy
- Stanford University Scientists revealed a method that shortages.
may be able to force malicious leukemia cells to change • Classical biotechnology refers to a number of
into harmless immune cells, called macrophages. ancient ways of using living organisms to make
- Using cells from human donors, doctors, for the first new products or modify existing ones.
time, built a set of vocal cords from scratch. The cells • Ancient Science was adapted for industrial
were urged to form a tissue that mimics vocal fold production.
mucosa – vibrating flaps in the larynx that create the Modern (New) Biotechnology (1945-present)
sounds of the human voice. • Modern biotechnology refers to a number of
2016 - A little-known virus first identified in Uganda in techniques that involve the intentional
1947—Zika—exploded onto the international stage when manipulation of genes, cells and living tissue in
the mosquito-borne illness began spreading rapidly a predictable and controlled manner to generate
throughout Latin America. Researchers successfully changes in the genetic make-up of an organism
isolated a human antibody that “markedly reduces” or produce new tissue.
infection from the Zika virus. • Applications using Genetic engineering and
- The revolutionary gene-editing tool that promises to rDNA
cure illnesses and solve environmental calamities, took a • Biotechnology is most often associated with the
major step forward this year when a team of Chinese development of drugs
scientists used it to treat a human patient for the very
- Researchers found that an ancient molecule, gk-pid, is
the reason single-celled organisms started to evolve into
multicellular organisms approximately 800 million years
- Stem cells injected into stroke patients re-enable
patient to walk.
- Cloning does not cause long-term health issues
- For the first time, bioengineers created a completely
3D-printed ‘heart on a chip.’
2017 - Scientists at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, CA,
said they’re one step closer to being able to grow human
organs inside pigs. In their latest research they were
able to grow human cells inside pig embryos, a small but
promising step toward organ growth.
- Researchers at the National Institute of Health (NIH)
discovered a new molecular mechanism that might be
the cause of severe premenstrual syndrome known as

Ancient Biotechnology (Pre-1800)
• Most of the biotech developments can be
termed as ‘discoveries’ or ‘developments’.
• Inventions were based on common observations There are 65 countries that opted to label GMO crops.
about nature. USA is the 65th country who have GMO labeling law.
DOMAINS and PROSPECTS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY • Biotechnology will become a part of our life, from
drugs, medicine and therapeutics to
environmentally friendly chemicals, fuels and


The Philippines is the first ASEAN country to
initiate a biotechnology regulatory system with the
issuance of Executive Order No. 430 in 1990, which
established the National Committee on Biosafety of the
Philippines (NCBP). The countries biosafety regulatory
system follows strict scientific standards and has
become a model for member-countries of the ASEAN
seeking to become producers of agricultural
biotechnology crops.
Agricultural biotechnology is recognized by the
Philippine government as one of the potent tools to
attain food security and sustainable agriculture, and
promote health and food/environmental safety. The
agricultural biotechnology R&D in the Philippines started
in the 1970s.
Biotechnology Products developed and being
developed in the Philippines:
• Bt Corn greenhouse trial done in 1996. The
Philippines pioneered the planting of Bt corn in
Asia. The crop’s commercial propagation was
allowed in late December 2002.
• Since then, the area planted to biotech maize in
the country has reached a total of 702,000
hectares (has) involving over 400,000 farming
families. (Sunstar 2016)
• Bt cotton has been genetically engineered to
resist the dreaded bollworm (Heliothis armigera),
a destructive pest that is partly responsible for
the decline of the Philippines’ cotton industry.
The Bt variety is being cultivated in experimental
areas as PhilFIDA works on securing approvals
for commercial release of the seeds. In 2017, 26
*Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is farmers in Ilocos Norte and a growing number of
defined as an assay that relies on an enzymatic farmers in Pangasinan are expected to plant Bt
conversion reaction and is used to detect the presence cotton
of specific substances (such as enzymes or viruses or • Bt eggplant is a modern variety, genetically
antibodies or bacteria). modified with high level of resistance against the
eggplant fruit and shoot borer developed by the
PROSPECTS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY University of the Philippines in Los Banos
• A world where there is sustainable development Institute of Plant Breeding. In 2017, the
that will tackle energy, food and environmental Vegetable Industry Council of Southern
needs without compromising the Earth’s Mindanao (Vicsmin) has expressed its full
resources or its future. support for the commercial planting of Bt
• A world which can address any medical and eggplant in the country.
health challenges • Biotech papaya with delayed ripening traits and
resistance to the destructive papaya ring spot
virus, being developed by UPLB-IPB, has been %20bean%20curd%20for%20treating%20boils&ved=0a
tested in confined field trials. hUKEwiFtYiS-IDZAhWKopQKHRjhCDUQMwg-
• Golden Rice (GR), a biotech rice biofortified with KAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8
provitamin A beta-carotene that is being https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%
developed by the Philippine Rice Research 2Fimage.slidesharecdn.com%2Flec1mbb12014qb-
Institute (PhilRice) and the International Rice 140818013905-phpapp02%2F95%2Fmmb1-lecture-1-
Research Institute (IRRI). introduction-to-biotechnology-23-
• The virus-resistant sweet potato is being 638.jpg%3Fcb%3D1408420645&imgrefurl=https%3A%2
developed by the Visayas State University in F%2Fwww.slideshare.net%2Flhenparungao%2Flec1-
Baybay City, Leyte and UPLB-IPB. mbb1-
• The DA-Fiber Industry Development Authority 2014qb&docid=mmJh22_KtLYhxM&tbnid=aSft1oSYn4O
and UPLB have also been developing e6M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiFtYiS-
transgenic lines of virus-resistant abaca. IDZAhWKopQKHRjhCDUQMwg8KAAwAA..i&w=638&h=
The Philippines remains to be the top grower 479&client=firefox-
of biotech or genetically modified (GM) crops in b&bih=666&biw=1366&q=what%20is%20moldy%20soy
Southeast Asia, and ranks as the twelfth biggest %20bean%20curd%20for%20treating%20boils&ved=0a
producer of such crops in the world, according to the hUKEwiFtYiS-
latest report from the International Service for the IDZAhWKopQKHRjhCDUQMwg8KAAwAA&iact=mrc&ua
Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA). ct=8
(SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center May 19, http://allaboutbiotechnology.blogspot.com/2008/06/traditi
2017) onal-biotechnology-vs-new.html
REFERENCES: chapter-1
Modern Biotechnology by Nathan Mosier and Michael R. https://www.pharma-iq.com/glossary/elisa
Ladish https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/what-is-
http://www.scienceclarified.com/everyday/Real-Life- biotechnology-how-will-it-change-our-lives/
Physics-Vol-3-Biology-Vol-1/Genetic-Engineering-Key- https://ckscience.co.uk/candidate/biotechnology/next-
terms.html#ixzz55XzWFm4g steps-in-your-biotech-career/the-future-of-biotechnology/
https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexual_reproduction https://gmo.geneticliteracyproject.org/FAQ/how-are-
http://www.iasscore.in/upsc-prelims/terminology-biotech gmos-labeled-around-the-world/
http://www.biologyexams4u.com/2014/05/dna- http://www.sunstar.com.ph/davao/local-
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https://arxiv.org/pdf/1001.3529 https://allianceforscience.cornell.edu/blog/gmo-cotton-
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timeline.ppt supports-commercial-planting-of-bt-eggplant/
https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/07/18/biotechnolo http://bic.searca.org/site/tag/prsv-papaya/
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