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> hac's Tran~iticn~l

hotma Assent)'; (TNA)yes'erja; n l ~ 13d amend the Trans WnZl

Adrnin slrai JP Law TAl ) m give ihemselvesatotber wen to fir st dratng fre corsli:ufon.

. Aug. 15 was the initialdeadline mandated In the Transitional AdministrativeLaw.

Iraqis chose the democraticoption of legislatingan extension insteadof abandoning the


On Monday Aua 22. Iraois will have the same choices beforethem They will either need
to prodma cokitution,'amendthe TAL m get anotnerextension, or cissohe the
govemnent anj go IOInew elechons, allowing h e new Assemaly 10 wrie the conslltutlon.
P The new mstitutai will be the basis of a fuBy democraticIraqigovernment.

Iraqis have shown they arecommittedto democracy. Mom than 8 millon vot9d on Jan. 30,
2005, to elect the 275 membereof the Transitional NationalAssembly, despite threats of
death and intimidation

. l b e Sunnis hare realizedhat they made a mistake by not participatingin the January
elections. Over the oast severe months. the,r leaders have wo-ked to be a van ofthb

D A national referendum on the constitution Is due by Oct. 15

. If the Iraql pew ratify the constitution,there will be parliamentaryelectionsno later(tun

Dec. 15 to ekd a permanent government.

The White House yesterday reteaseda statement from President Bush, In which he said dthe
Irans. Their effortsart a tribute to democracv and an examte !hat d fllcur ~mtllermcan tÃ
solved peacefullythrough debate, nqotiator)and compromise "(White House release!

D Secretary of Slate Condoieezza R i briefed rrniters shortly after the extensionwas

approved Followingare some of her comments. (State Deoanment transcnotl

à Iraqis from across the politcalspectrum are makingsubstanlial progresson the

constitution and nave generated considerablemomentumtoward its complet~n.

. Iraqis are committed to drafting a document that can be a foundation for a free and
democratic Iraqfor all Iraqte

. ~raqisam trying to bum a common ~ u after

m decades of tyranny

. White the United Slates has been very involvedwith the Iraqis every step of the Way. this
Is an Iraqiprocess, this Is not an American process.
Army Maj Gen Joseph Taluto bnefed the Pentagon press corps today from Tiknt on secunty
operations in north central Iraq, which includes Tikrit, Kirkuk, Balad and Samana Ma1 Gen Taluto
Is the commander of the 42"' Infantry Division and Hie 22 000 U S forces who are part of Task
Forte Likdy Followngare highlighbof his rematts

US. forces are concentratingon training thelr Iraqi army partner6 and assistingIraqi
authorities for the fall elections.
Four of the five Iraqi brigadesin the four-province regionhave completed training
exercises that focus on counlerlnsuraencylights and secunty for the elections.

> There Is considerable confidence about securityfor the constitutional referendum,

çchedulçdf0ct 15.
Much of the confidencecomes from the successfulelectionheld on Jan. 30.2005.which

.. elected the Transitional NationalAssembly More than 8 million Iraqis voted In the election.
Other favorable factors conbibutinoto the increasedconfidenceinclude

IraqiSecurity Forces are now bet& trained and better equipped.
Iraq's Independent ElectoralCommission is more organizedand prepared
Most important, there is a growingsenseof support among Iraqis to expresstheirtight

. to vote
Registrationis continuingat the93 sites in the four provincesof the region.

b I n q l and T o k Force LIMrty soldbra contlniw to put pressure on the Imurgnncy.
The insurgentsare not opera'hg with impunity- Coalitionand Iraqiforces a- deterring

. many attacks and taking away insurgents' resources

Calls to the tips line continueto increase, and Coalition and Iraqi forces continue to get
support from informants

b Commanden see no major changes In tho nature of the threat
While there are tensiins in theregion, there are no indicators that would lead commandera
to think there will be large-scalebreakoutsof sectarian violence in the region
Attacks from the enemy continue to ebb and flow in conjunctionwith political
developments Commandersexpect this will continue through the election penod.
None of the insuments'efforts have smnficantiv
- ,affected elections DreDarahonsor the
democratic process

9 Task Force Liberty soldiers are focused on their job.
The ~ O D feelsuooorted
S bv Americans back home.
The considerable effort pu: ionn by .raqis, Iwir pol tteal eadas and securtty forces. plus
tho panncrst'cs fcnred win the Irays. nave sireiqhened tne resolveof US. troops to
are we putting the homeland defense mission at risk weare able to do what the nation needs us
to do. and wheneverwe are needed, we are there with the riuht skills and the naht eaui~mentand
the right personnel."
Army Ll Gen. H. Steven Blum
Chief, NationalGuard Bureau
Aug. 29,2005

 The NationalGuard Is preparedto answer every call to support operations h several states
and to preserveMe and protect property as Humcane Katnna makes landfall.

. The Guard's citizen-soldiershave considerableskills and are committedto he mission at

hand. The thousands of Army and Air NationalGuardtroops called to active duty to support
hurricane o~erationsare a testament to the Guard's ability.tocaw out its federaland state
missions simultaneously.

. Tliro~ghEmergency ManagementAssistance Compactagreements. 98.000 NationalGuan)

troops from 12 states in or near the region struck by the nurricaneare Irrmediately availableb
suppol emergencyoperatons (Near y every slate participatesin me EMAC, wlich provides
for NationalG ~ a r"oops
j in one state to support operalans in anotnel'state,tnus sigr~ficantty
increasingthe size of NationalGuardforces availableto any state)

Currently more than 5 000 NationalGuardsolders are on dutv in the four hardest-hitstates:
~ouislaia,Mississippi, Alabama and Florida A! told, 31,500 Guard membersfrom those
states are already engaged in or ready to provide assistance.

. In Louisiana 3,565 Guard am on State Active Duty to provide security, shelter, citizensupport
(water, food distribution) and debris removal Two hundred soldiers are conductingsecunty
and screeningat the Superdome

In Mkslsslpoi: 1.700 Guard are on State Active Duty to provide security, citizen support (waler.
food d stiibution), debris removaland iwistical s ~ p w l aCamp
t Shelby.

. In Alabama- 283 Guard have been preposilionlnggeneratorsand trucks,monitoringand

prepanngfor support missions,and working directly with Slate Emergency Management
Agency for possiblerequests

. In Flonda 700 Guard and Air National Guardon State Active Duty providing lce/water
distnbubon Two lqistc support sites areoperatingin Miami and Homestead

. Sixteen state joint operation centers are up and running, and ready to assist with logistics,
personnel and equipment requests

Story: Humcane Response DemonstratesGuard's State. FederalCapabilities
Story National Guard Respondsto Hurricane Katnna
National Guard Bureau
Joint Task Force Katrina Set Up
Joint Task Force Katrina is setting up today at Camp Shelby, Miss The task force is the
Defense Department's focal point to support the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency's
(FEMA) reliefefforts along tie Gulf Coast
Army Lt Gen Russel Honore, 1" U S. Amy commander, will head the task face,US.
NorthernCommand announced.

I LbD As&-
A wide rangeof military members and assets are bound or prepanngto leave br the Gulf Coast to
provide support, including
USS Bataan (NavalStation Ingleside, Texas):
Four MH-53 Sea Stallion and two HH-60 Seahawkhelimpten am flying medical~ v E C U ~ ~

..and search-and-rescue missionsIn Louisiana

Bataan's hospital is prepanngfor possible use for medical support.
The Bataan is based out of Naval Station Ingkside, Texas. It is now in the waters off the
Louisiana coast

1 High Speed Vessel Swift: Has also left Ingtesldefor Louisiana to provide support.

Fort Hood (Texas) Helicopters:

Three helicoptersfrom Fort Hood Texas are in Baton Rouge, La,and two are m Mtssm&i to
help with search and rescues and damage assessments

PatrickAir Force Base (Florida) and MoodyAir Force Base (Georgia)Helicopters:
Five Air Force helicoptersfrom P a w Air Force Base In Ftonda and Moody Air Fom Base h

. Geoqe are in Mississippifor search-and-rescue missions.

The helicopters can conduct nghttimesearches and rescuesandalso will tanspoit F E W

US. TransportationCommand:
Eight U S. TransportationCommand swift-water rescue teams (14 members each) are headed
from California to Lafayette,La., to resale those stranded m flooded areas

Iwo Jima AmphibiousReadinessGroup (Norfolk, Va.)
The Iwo Jima Amphibious Readiness Group (US5Iwo Jima, USS Shreveport,USS Tortuga
and USNS Arhc) is prepanng to sail from Norfolk,Va., with disaster response equipment

I .
USNS Comfort (Baltimore, Md.)
The hospital ship USNS Comfort is preparingto leave Baltimoreto bring m e d i ~aS~lstance.

USS Grapple
Plans are being made to bring USS Grapple, a Navy rescue and salvage vessel, to t i e region
to support maritimeand underwater survey and salvage operations
US. Nefthern Command (NORTHCOM)
NORTHCOM'sJoint Operations Center In ColoradoSprings, Cob,Is on 24-hourduty to
expedite any additional requests for help from FEMA.

. NORTHCOMhas establishedfederal operational staging areas to expedite the movement of

l i e f supplies and emergency personnel to affected areas a t
Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama,
Naval Air Station in Mendfan, Miss , and
Barksdale Air Force Base, La, Alexandria. La, and Fort Polk. La.

NORTHCOM liaisors are operating in Clanton. Ala.; Baton Rouge, La.; and Jackson, Miss.,to
WON nate effols between the command other Do0 elements and FEMA.
National Guard
There are now more than 10,000 National Guard memberson Slate Actne Duty in Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida By tomorrow night there will be more than 20,000 The
Guard will provide as many more as may be required.

The Natana G ~ a r dIs providing essential personneland critical equ'pment b the states
affected by riumcane Karma through theiremeqency managementagencies.

. Affected states are assessing their rescective skuations and reauestina eauioment and
personnel m respond 10 im&a ate needs through the Gnergenky ~ a ~ a ~ e mAssistance
Compact (EMAC) (Nearly every stale park p a t s in the EMAC, wM p'ovdes for National
Guard troops in m e stale to sJppon operations t i another siate. tnus signfixilly increasing
the size 01 haliona Guam forces ava Ifbie to any state)

. NationalGuard elements from nearly all states are providing orare positioned to provide
additionalassistance as required

. The National Guard is augmentingcivilian taw enforcement in supportof thetr missions, not in
feu of i t

. The National G ~ a r dremains under tne command and control of state civi authority and is in
suppon of me ch el law enforcement ofllce~of the parisnteounly.

Seven ships have been staged or are en mute to the affectedareas with approximately6,000
Active duty personnel.

. Approved FEMA requestsfor Departmentof DefenseAssistanceInclude'

. 583.000 cases of MREs - 6 mil ion meals. 9 mRIm poundsof ice, 200,000cases of later
Prov:d ng a 500-tied fed hospital (New Ortaans International Airport)
'Before this is over, you will see Nahonal Guard soldiers and airmen from every state and territory
in our nation responding to this national catastrophe. 1 think that sends a very strong message that
when you call out the National Guard, you call out America."
Army Lt. Gen. H Steven Blum. Chief, NationalGuard Bureau, SepL 1,2005

HomelandSecuritySecretary Michael Chertof this &moon held a brieflna for tie Dress C U P on
hurricane ~amnaoperations. Fo lowing are highlights of comments by ~ssstanlSSretily of
Dete~sefor homeland Defense P a ~Mcrfaie
l -
bo. ana h v Lt Gen H StevenBlim (h<A Chief.
National Guard Bureau.

Assistant Secretary McHah
It is the public policyof our nationthatour acthedutymitteny foroesordlnaifr do notengage in
law enforcementactivity We turn first and foremost to civilianlaw enforcement to protect us.

. When military support is neededto erisure the effective execution of a law enforeenwit

funcuon, it is me NationalGuard, rather tan ¥ adw duty mlitaiy, that is more useful.
The Guard is forward deotoved throuohoutl i e nation:

. d often fmthe communities they are d n 4 :

The nen and women in m e ~ i i a r ari
The National Ghard is exenoi from the Posse CornitatusAct so they can work srde bY
side with law enforcement officials In ways ttie active duty forces cannot

. Them has been close planningamong 000,the a d j b general, the gamanand UN

Guard Bureau and others for the ~'sibilifaof a cocrd nated effort that w M inWlve u s w
National Guard forces to augment and reinforcecMianlaw enforcement

. Over the next three days the National Guard, through the cooperationof the ~OWIIWand
ultimately under tie command and control of the p w m o r of Louisiana.çÂbe deployinginb
the ^GN Orleansarea a force me SIM of the New Oceans Police Dopartmeit each day. e w
day, for the next three days.

L t Gon. Blum
The cihzen soldiers and airmen that MH be anidng in New Orteans are trained orofmatonalt.
They have the nght skill sets They are military police. Many are civilian law enforcement
officers They come with great expertrse and great sensitivity to the fact that they are them h
support of existing law enforcement agencies

. This Is not. as has teen emeousty reported, martial law. This is heUna aDofce fbic* that a
overstretchedwith the extaoidinary challenge hat It's facing.

. be in chmp ifi any respect or

ffle miiiry is not in charge and it Is no1foreseen that they çç
manner curing the d u r a i i of th6 humane recomry operation.

. V requests from Secretary Chertoff are somethingtiat DoD can fuffill, we wll do so.We wid be
there with what they ask for as long as they need
The Departmentof Defense has unique capabilitiesto assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina and the
thousandsof local, state and other federal respondersrespondingto the devastat~on

DoD continues 10 aggressivey u r g e its capabilitiesforward b be in a poauon to respond rapidly to

assist me Departmentcf Home anc Semty, FEMA. ana orhÃmeicks in s~pdcnirgther bao b
respond to this disaster.

b In anticipation of the hurkme. the Departmentof Defensef o d a joint task force (JTF Katitia)

specifically to respondtactically to this relief effort.
At the direction of Secretaiy Rumsfeld, Admiral T i Keathg(head of U S NorthernCorninand)

. formed JTF Katrina

JTF Katnna is commanded by Army It Gen. Russal H o r n , who has fcr tile past sewral
days been in the affected region, morffnatmgefbitswith Ills FEMA counterparts.

b Ttie total National Guard mtttumnto the effort likely to spike doseb 30,000 in the days

More than 13,000Army and Air National Gueia meinbere are already on stat9 active Onlythls

. morning h Louisiana, Mississippi,Alabamaand Ronda

That number is emected to increaseto 20 OOO bvtoniaht
"he ~ a t i o iGua-d
l currently has t,7W ~ a ~ i n i ~ u a r d s m
n I" Louisianaami
2,700 n ksissipo. in -OJ s ara. :hose numtere w\ increaseto 7,400 later today and 8,600
by Sept 2 n tA i~i~sippi, 6.COO Guardsmen w I be en duty by nightfal. and9.500 by Sepi 2.

b Several thousand more acthe duty troops, mostly Navy, are also supporting Kartna operatons.
USS H a m S. Truman ICVN 751 aim dock andm shin USS Whidhnv Island (LSD 41 H m
making p&paratons togel underwayW a y for a& off the U S Gulf Coast In support of the

.FEMA relief operations

Truman will serve as the commandcenter and afloat staninq base. and willcarry additional
helco?te-s from NavalA r Station JacksonV.lIeto support &arch and rescue (SARI e M .
Wh dbey island wli bring wftn it the caoab'fty to employ a movable causeway to the rqmn.
Army Corps of Engineers
More than 400 membersof the Army Corps of Engineersare on site in New Orleans, working
m repa r tnecity s ie Jee system aniremovinqflooflwaters from tiecity.
Tne Ccrps is a so work ng on plans 10 establsh temporary h o ~ ~ i for
n gthousandsof displaced
residents and working torestore navigationin the area.

Almost 22,000 NationalGuard members are In place providing security, assistingwith food am)
water distribution and conductha search and rescue missions in Louisiana,Mississ~p~i

. Alabama and Florida

Over the next few dam. that number will rise to flea* 30,000 as the Guard continUeS to

. deploy personneland equipment to the hardesthit a&

6,500 NationalGuard troops poured into the greater New Orleansarea to help restoreouter

. and continue relief operations.

National Guard helicoptershave evacuatedhundreds of sick and inlured people Out of the
devastated greater New Orleansarea.
More than 320 000 NationalGuard soldtere and a i m fromevery state, aswet as their
equipment, are avalabie to support emergencyoperations if needed
(&N) ( s ~ M
The Nationai Guard

Air Force Hiahliahtt
The Air Fora is pmvulmg strategic humanitarian aMfl assistanceto the region by airffling Ions

. of relief materials and military support personneland equipment into several affectedareas.
Some of the aircraft used to fiv missionsinclude the G5 Galaxv. the GI7 Gbbemaster Ill.the
GI41 Staniftefaid the ~ 1 3 rterc~ks
0 Aircrew are aclwe outy. Resew and airmen fron
bases in Nashinaton CaKomia Massachusetts Otiio. Alaoama Arkansas Georoia, - South

. Carolina, ~ew.!&rse~, Mississippi,New York, West Virginia and PuertoRico

Approximately35 Air Force helicoptersare dedcated to day and night search and r e w e
operations and rescues
To date, 221 people have been rescuedin the New (Means area by the Air Force.
Air Force Aero-Medical evacuationscontinue, 294 patents moved to date. More that7 403 tors

. of supplies moved to assist with Katnna reliefefforts

More lhan 700 patients tagedlt-eatedby Ihe Air Force yesterday; a $ i i n l l a r s u ~isanticipated

. daily
A U-2 surveillanceand reconnaissance aircraftfrom B d e Air Force Base in Californiahas
flom over the region to lake high-resolutionphoios to nelp FEMA ass st with disaster-relief
etfots. Tne media orocessinq tacl n at Wrbht-PaltersoflAir F m Base in Ohio is process@
the imagery,it is the only U
< faciift dedicated to processingand duplicating U-2

Air Force Katnna web Mae

N w Hlnhllahtt
Thanks to the Naws new readiness model- the Fleet Re- -
Plan 28 s h w were ready
to get underway within 24 hours Fleet ForcesCommand. responsiblefor providingships and
personnelin response to this emergency, proacfivelypihoned naval forces m s u W of
USS Baraan and HSV 2 Swift are off the affected coastlire pmvlding supprt Baman's hosorta)
and slal has been augmented by an additional conlingent from the law's Bureau of Meoicine

. (BUMED) consistingof 85 personnel, inciuding 12 physdans and surgeons

USS Hany S. Truman (CVN 751 ant] USS Mnidbey Island (LSD 41) are sairq for areaÈ0f tie
G ~ lCcast
t in suppol of FEMA re:ef operatons. Truman wit serve as a command Center and
an afloat sfaqinq base and will ca'v acdil onal hercopiers 'mm Naval Air Station Jacksonville
1c s~pporseam and rescue efforts. hiicley Isand will brng 10 the region the ability 10

. employ a movable causeway

Navy helicoptersfrom Jacksonvilleand MayDort.Fla ,ape supporting relief efforts, and Navy
Seabeas from Port Hueneme, Jacksonvilleand Norfolk are on scene or making pprations to
deploy to assist in relief operations
Naw Katnna web site
Lt Gen Joseph Inge, deputy commander of U S Northern Command at Peterson Air Force Base
In Colorado, briefed the Pentagon press corps today on relief efforts tor Hurricane Katrlna
Follow~ngare highiights of his remarks

. U S NorthernCommand (NORTHCOM) Is leadingthe Departmentof Defense efforton

Hunkme Katnna relief.

The first and foremost concern continuesto be the immediaterescueeffort.

. The effortwin continue unUI commanders are confident Dialevery pereon in dim siralts has
been located
. -
Lame amounts of resources water, food, medicalsupplies and people - continueto tow Into
the area

. As the presidentannouncedthis morning, 7,000 additional active duty troops have teen
ordered to deploy to the region

. Approximately 2.500 b p s çcome from lie 82" Airborne;

. Appmma!eiy 2.700 troops wll come from fre 1" Cavany Division: and
A~3mxlna:elv2.000 Maines nil be sent from tie 1' Manne Ea~eOltonan
' F o m and M

. 2 k a r i n e ~xpeditionaryForce (1,000 fromeach coast)

It IS expected that tie W Airborne should be on the ground soretime Lhis ~ f t e ~ ~

These troops' purpose will be to continueto conbibuteto the reliefeffort by bringingabout a

more stable environment and to assist in the disaster relief.
. These are Title 10 forces. They will not take on a law enforcementrole and they have not
been directed in any way to do so. There 6 no discussionol waiving tie Posse C0mBatuS

. Act
We do not have in active considerationany plans for any active duty units to assist in any
. bv. local and state
form of law enforcement That is a function best accomolshed

. authorities.
These active duty bwpwit be providingretef to the suffering so law eflforcement
assistancecan be done by the NationalGuart.
President Bush this morning addressed the nation from the Rose Garden With him were Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumfeld, Chainnan ofthe Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen Richard6
Myers and Secretary of Homeland Secunty MchaelChertoH

Followingare highlights

> This morning the president a received a briefing on the lÈwdevebpmenb on the

. Currently there are more than 21,000 National Guard t r o o p s ~ p a b qin Louisianaand
M ssissi~.end more are on the way Mom than 13,000 o'these t-oopsare In LOUSM~.

. The main prionly is to restore and maintamlaw and order and assist In recoveryand

In addition to these National Guard forces, the Department of Defense has deployed inoia
than 4.000 a h duty forces to assist 0 search and recovery and provide logistical and
medical support

> Hour by hour the situation Is Improving, yel the enomKy of the tank requlms mom
resources and more troops.

. Today the presidentordered the Departmentof Defense to deploy additional active duty
forces to the region.
. Over me next to 24 lo 72 hours, more than 7.000 additional tmop from the 82" Airtonie.
the I* Cavalm. the 1%Mama Emditionaw Force and the 2" Marine Exwtionw Force
will arrive in affected areas.

. These forces will be on the ground and operating under the directcommandof UGen
Russel H o r n

> Our prioritiesam clear

. We win completethe evacuationas quicWyand safely as possible.

. We wB not let criminalsprey on the wlnerable.

. We wli1not allow bureaucracyto get in the way of saving iiws.

Follow are h~ghl~ghb
from a press briefing by ADM Tim Keabmg of U S Norlhern Cammand
[NORTHCOM web s te] ADM Keating bnefed the Pentagon press corps from Colorado Springs Gob,
abut h~sr m n t ~1stto Lumana and M~sswppi@ &!@


38.000 Anny and Air NationalGuard.

13,000 active duty farces are in the theater now.

The president has o&red acllm duly troops IromlfK 82-Alitioro In Fort Brqg, N.C., OK W CavW
from Forl Hood. Texas, and U S Marine C a p e@itonery mils tron Camp L e h m In Nonh
Carolina and Camp Pencteton n Cal famia

More than 300 Department of Defense helicopters are behg used in search and rescue missions and to
providehumanitarian assistance

There are 21 Navy slips in Ie area The USS Tmman is h Ie water, just soith of Mississippi An
amoh HUB shte k der sde in New Orleans and anotner, Be USS Iwo &ma s M be p i n sdm
downtown ~ewO&ns by noon on Tuesday.

. The U S Air Fom. tlirough the U.S. TranspaitelionCommnd n'RANSCOM websitel is llowtig *of

the equipment and humanitananassistance

6.5 mfflofi meals have oeen deffveredby air and land to LoAsian8and more than 2 m M i i b
Mlsslss.ppl. Another 3 5 m'lion meals a-e in the pipelineas am 15 mi ran gallons of water.

. Milbry sateme bandwith Is being providetfto eel phonecompanies so Biçycaget ttiefselves back
and enable ceB phone transmission amongcivfllans in Mississippi

Katnna has devastated about 90,000 square miles, an area larger than Great Britain.

. AÃ Katma was moving nonhwesioulofthe Canban, plans -ere b&g made at NORTHCOMh
conjuncnonwift FEW ID s~pw Hie Departmernof HomelandSecuQ, about he days before KaimI

made landfail
On Saturday and Sunday as KaMna was bulkthgfrom a Category 2 to a Category 3 hunkam,
disastercontrolofficers (active dutv Arm colonelslwere belw moved forward to Alabama.
Mississippi and Louisiana.

Forces were alerted 10 be preparedtomow as somas the situationon the ground stabiBzedandm
soon as me Deoamnl of %meland Security, through FEMA determined wnat p r b X amti
would be needed

. For example TRANSCOM assets such as heavy Iffialrplanes, were bring put aade to brtna
water, food and ice The USS ~ a & n was akady in the Gulf of Mexico; she went south to a m
the hurricane then back up to provide helicoptersearch and rescue capability on Tuesday, as the
Â¥ humcane was moving throughnorthernMississippi
. The US Army Coip of Engineersperformingde-watenng (iterations In New Orleans with
pumps and controlled levee breaches.

. Two National Guard C-130firefighting aircraft were divertedfrom wildland fire MhthD In U'm
northwesternUnitedStates to Pensamla, Fia., to suppcrt New Orleans fire fghting optrations

Seven helicopters also preparing to mnduct Brefghtng operationsti New Orleans

. Secretaryof Transpntationis r e q u e m Secretary of Defense concurrence to utilize four of

the maritime Ready Reserve Fleet ships as tempniay housingbr relief workers
. Receiveda requestfrom FEMA for communications support for the City of New Orieans Police
Department to facilitate communications and enhance security and law enforcement

. 745 hosptel beds available at New Ofteans Intanatma1Aliport (25). USS Bataan 1360)and
USS Iwo Jima (360)-500 more bedsen route b New means

. Air Force wilincreasecapability and providean 85 bed mobile hospital unit and a t logistics
support at Alexandria Airport, currently a staging area for rescue operations

10 federal medical shelters (250 beds each) establishedat DoD installations.Ebin AFB, Fla.
(2); Fort Polk, La (4), and Meridian NavalAir Slaton, Mississippi(4)

. Total patents treated by DoD: 5,070

Links: (bio of AS0 McHale)

DOD Assets on Station

hut Operating Minion


Helicopter Carrier Stationed offMew 5 h e k ~ W 3landing

, daft W ho@lal beds nilti
BATAAN Orleans nursng care, and 500 beds with minimalcare
High-speed Supply On station In Gulf Re-supply missions for BATAAN
Vessel SWIFT of Mexico
Logistcs fast sealffl ship Docked In New Fuel and relief supples, foiward operating base for
ALTAIR Means JTF-Katrina
Logistcs fast sealfflship On station In Gulf Fuel and relief supplies
ARCTIC of Mexico
LogistcsShlp USNS Docked m New Only source of fuel for New Orleans
Lcgistcs Ships ALGOL On station in Gulf Fuel and relief supplies
367 National Guard and On station In LA Searchand rescue, evacuee and medical
000Helicootes and MS transmiiation. relief distribution
Four C-17 cam aircraft On station in LA Evacuatina disolaced Dersons

beds with minimal care) with 6 USMC hefcopters.

Support Ships


DoDAss Route

hut Expected Mission Commnte

82 Aliborne Division Monday 2.500 Soldiers to New Deployment complete 5
Sept5 Weans Sept
laCalvary Division Monday 2,700 Soldiers to New Deploymentcomplete5
Sept 5 Orleans
IMarine Exp Force Monday 1,000 Soffim to Elloxi, MS Deploymentcomplete 5
Sept 5 -Swt
II Marine Exp Force Monday 1,WSoldiers to Stennis, Deploymentcomplete 5
C ~ I ;
--r. MS
Salvage Ship Tuesday Help in clearing Mississippi 31 Navy divers aboard
GRAPPLE September 6 Rive-r
Command Ship Tuesday Bridge and facfi repair
USAF Emergency Tuesday 85 Bed medical support AlexandriaAilpoil, LA
MedicalServices Sept 6
HospitalShip Thursday Medical (12 operating rooms 250 pasomel embarked,
COMFORT September 8 and 250 beds) 250 additionalembark en

Army Hospital Thursday 204 Bed medicalsupport

Sept 8
Defense on 06 .Septemberat 0700.

Commandand Control
U S Northern Command CommanderIs Admiral Keadngin ColoradoSprings, Colorado.
Joint Task Force Katnna Commanderis LieutenantGeneral Honore at Camp Sheby.
Joint Task Force LouisianaNationalGuard Commanderis hb@rGeneral Landreneau.

. New Orleans, Louisiana

Joint Task Force MISSISSIPPINationalGuart Commanderis M a p General Cross at Camp
Shelby, Mississlpp

O ~ r a t l o n aHIahBahb
58,917 Active Duly and NationalGuard personnelare on the gmuM oraboard s h e
supporting relief operations.
o 17.417 Active Duly ~ereonnd.
o 41,500 NationalGuard personnel.
Twentv-oneUS Naw shim are in or saBina to the Gulf region.
Total av:alon s . ~ p ni d i e s Active City National ~ i a r aircraft.
o 355 helimtere 1175 Active Duly 8 180 Nal'ona Guard).
93 airplanes (70~ctiveDuty t.23 National Guad)
DoD has providedextensive search and rescue, evacuation,and medical support.
1,771 sorties flown 799 in the past 24-hours.
o 75,000 peopleevacuated
o 13 000 people rescued
and an a<^itiona) 2.552 evaraiatedhair.

o 7 fi00 natients evacuatedbvamund,"
i 5,512 patents treated
Joint Task Force Katnna (Forward) vil relocateto the USS IWO JIMA, pier side New

. Orleans, to imorove overall command and control of the ooeraton

Corps of Engineer?will ciose 17m Street Canal levee breach and begin pumping
ooeratons on Smenber 6: two ccniml ed breacheswll allow nterior water to drain as
The 82nd Alibcme DMsbn, 1st Cavalry D W n , I and II Marine ExpeditionavF c m Èi
conduct himanitarian.search and rescue, evacuationand security missions.
o USS WHIDBEY ISLANDwll deliver six floating bridgesto replace d e s W
bridges In New Weans
o USS GRAPPLE will support srivage and clearing operationswith tie U S
Coast Guard
A U.S Army element arrived at Camp Sheby, Mississippi equippedwill airborne and

. ground loud speakers to assist with evacuationoperations.

Secretaryof Defense concurredwith the Secretaw of Transportationuffimlon of Marttne
Readv Reserve Force shim -current& dannhg on utilization of 6 sh@ from the (teet.
We are providing 1,500mobw radios and tectincalsupport to be used by officiate ki
Mlsslsslpplto e-haice their comrnunmlions DoD conmun.caiionssuopon w II also be

. provided to tie New Orleans Police Depart-nent

The Armed Fortes Institute of Pathologyis providinga specialized DNA leanto assist with
identification of fatalities
Six installationsare providingsupport as transportationstagingareas for ice, water.
medical supplies.
o Litle Rock Air ForceBase,Arkansas is the cental collection point wttliln DoD

. for supples donated by foreign counties

Military Sealift Command contractedfor one passenger ship to providetodglng fordisaster
victims and response personnel
We have delivered seven millionof the 21 million MREs ordered by FEMA and 200
tmCkloadSof Ice and water.
o We have delivered seven million of the 21 m l h n MREs ordered by FEMA and

200 trucktoads of ice and water

745 beds are available Inteld hospitals establishedat New OrleansInternationalAirport

(25 beds), USS BATAAN(360 beds) and USS IWO JIMA (360 beds)
Ten Depaitmnl of heath and Human Services FederalMedical Sheters (250 beds eacti)
are toaied at DoD hstdla!ons: Eolln Air Force Base. Florida '2 shelters): Forl Polk,

. Louisiana (4 shelters), Mendian ~aÈaAir Station. Mississippi (4 shelters)

Air Force will provide a mobile hospital unit (85 beds) and air logistics support at
Alexandria Airport, now a staging area for rescue operations.
Secretary Rurnsfeldand Air Force Gen Richard B Myers chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
bnefed the Pentagon press corps this afternoonon Hurncane Katr~narelief efforts Followingare
highlights of their opening remarks A full transcript will be posted to the Departnentof Defenses
web site, www defenselink mil Secretary Rurnsfeldand Gen Myers visited the affectedareas on

> On the President'sorders, the greatestdisaster recoveryeffort in Amencan history IS well

Do0 Is playing a supportingrole to the Department of HomelandSecurity However, the

. support Do0 is providing is substantial.

Army National Guard and A r National Guard Irocvs and their equipment from more than
40 states are deployed in the hard-tiitcommunitiesthat are working to restore order and
save lives

> US. NorthernCommand (NORTHCOh4). under the capaL'de leadershipof Admiral Tim Kern,
Is overseeng Do0 s contributionsin su&rtof operations h h e G ~ ibeing
f lead Dy DHS.
Amy L l Gen. Russe honore IS the very able commander on the scene, exexling the

. day-&
.aly responsibilitiesfor Do0
The beneft of DoD having establishedNORTHCOMafter September 116is clear It is the
command helping to establish planningand priorities and providing many of Ihe resources
neededto respond to a domesticemergencywhile other military commandsare ante to
stay focused on their missions overseas

% DoO is stepping in to help civilian federal agenciesin many missionshat the first EspondeB
had been assigned and are well-suitedfor, but m Ms case were simply not available
in this disaster. the would-be fust responderswere themselvesvicbms h large n~mbas.

. Many need time to adjust to their personalcircumstances

As a result, the federal response has been adjusted accordingly These adjustmentsare

. happeningin real time

As was learned after September 1111, no war plan survives the first contactwith the
enemy Operatonal leaders must always be ready to adpsl

> Ttie Departmentof Defense has the forces, the capability and the Intentionto fully prosecute
the Global War on Terror white respond'mg to this unprecedentedhumanitariancrisis at twm
We can and mil do both
More than 3CO.OOC NationalGuard soldiers and amen who are not deotoyedoverseas
are ava labk for re1;ef and security efforts in the United States iftney are needed.

> Our troops at home and abroadare demonstraingthe full depth of the compassonof tie
Amencan people
They are riskingtheir Byes as they work around tie clock, and they are respectedand
appreciatedfor their tireless efforts.

P The immediate task is to save lives and stabilize thesituation.
Do0 mll provide whatever assistancewe can, as fast as we can, In support of W.
There WIH be time later to examine what happened in responseto the disaster.
Gen. Myera provide infomtlon about specific mllef effort*.

> More than 58,000 active duty and NationalGuad personnelare on the ground and In the area.
. More than 41.000 membersor the NationalGuard tam a150 slates and are woniina
humcane relief operations.

. Approximately17,000actlve duty personnelare on the ground and In the regton providing

support from the 82M Aiibome Division, Hie 1" Cavalry Division, and the 1"d nd Manne

. Of the afloat feces, nearly 7,000 are Navy personnelprovidingsupportfrom 21 Mval

ships off the coast of Louisianaand Mississippi.

> Additional support

. Six military installationsare serving as FEN4 staging areas far equipment and relief
. More than 350 Deparhentof Defense. U S. Coast G~ardand NationalGuard helicopters
and more tian 75 DoD ano Nat onal Guardfixeo-wing a i m ? are assfe'ng in tie effort

Nearly 1.800 search and rescue, evacuationand supply delivery missions have been flown
by the Department of Defense wftn more than 799 In Lhe past24 hu~rs.

. More than 13,000 people have been rescued; more than 75,000 people have been
evacuatedso far.

. Thousands of tons of reliefsupples have been moved Maritime units have supplied
78.000 gallons of f ~ etol hospilas, law enforcement.Natbnal Guard and other cnlcal
pwnment sewices More tnan 9 mifbn meals ready to eat have beer deliwed b

U.S. Army Corps of Engineersis performingunwateflngvrations in New OkmS.

. Two C-130 firefnhvngaircraftwere deployedto suppon Hie New means firefiohthg

operations, and seven helicoptersare there conductingfirefigkingowfationsas well.

. Military forces are ~rovidhgessential madteal services: In New Orleans alone, OoO has
transponed more ban 10,000 patents and t-eated more Hian 5.000 pafenis.

. In addition, there are 4,000 Coast Guatd p m n e l also [rovidingsuDrort.

L t Gen. Joseph Inge, deputy commanderof U S NorthernCommand, briefed the Pentagon press
corps today on the Department of Defense'sefforts n support of Hurricane Katma relief Following
am hQhlightsofhis remarks

. Currently 18,000 active duty and 45,000 National Guard troops are saving lives and
relieving suffering along the Gulf Coast and in New Orleans.

. These forces continueto work In partnershipwith FEW and other federal agenciesas UW
situation is stabilized

. During Katrina relief operations NORTHCOMwill continue to focus on its mission of

homeland defense and assunng that potential national needs are supoorted

. The Department of Defense nas been bwaid leaning - before t k sbrm the USS Batam
was moved out to sea and then back up into the coast on Sunday. A q 28. defense
coordinatingofficers were deployec into Mississippi and Louisiana;on Tuesday Lt Gen.
Hone-e and his ,ask force an i/e at cam^ She by. Miss., to s ~ p w rti-e
t relief effort.
approximately150 klicopters were in the air by last Wednesday

Actions In the last 24 h o w

. Approximately1,900 82mArtome tnmpsam on me ground, the mst wll dose !today.


à Approximately1,900 of the 2,500 1" Cavalry Division solders are on the ground. They'll
link up with the 82M and wakundertheircontrol

. The special purpose Marine force (the 11" Marine ExpeditionaryUnit and the 24çMarin
ExpeditionaryUnit) are engaged in operations.

. The IWO JIMA b per side,it has become the headquaitersfor Lt Gen. Russel Hoitorc

. The TORTTJGA is also pler side in New Orteans, it will assist in housingcity workers such
as police

. The Navy Is continuinghaiborsalvage.

. Surveyingof offshorecritical08 storage and facilitiescontinues.

. The Coast Guard continuesits tremendous work around the dock to rescue oeoote and
save hves.

. In the last 24 hours, 7 milRon liters of water. 5 million poundsof tee and 2 million meal3
ready to eat (MREs) have been delivered
Todw'a efforts

. Fly more than70 houre of aen'al reconnaissanceto survey damage and determine
mitigation priorities.

. SuppM the evacuationof s u m .

Transport and distribute mkf support

. House-by-house searches to look forthose who need to be rescued.

. Allies are beginning to a r t w Canadians have divers ir Die waters 01

Pascagoub, Was.,
neiping with harbor reconslnidlon,and a vessel will' helcopier p alfoms sent by Mexico
wl' a* M a y to loin the JSS %ban in Die Guy and begin search arcl rescue.

Nee 24-to-72 Houn

. Continue to explore isolatedareas and conduct rescue

I . Providefor the Immediate needs of residentsawaitingevacuation

I . Expand the h o m e - t o h e searches.

I --
Expand medical facilities as needed for the sick and Injured.

USNS Comfort will airfve withinthe next 72 hours

Continue to respond to FEMA requests lor assistance.

. Active duty forces will not participate h the mandatoryevacuationolder Issuedby local
authorities In New Orleans.
reief, lh iaoc~ncrl~pcaipiI-mhers aid nfana'cr n m ,csterc^/ The ^uno ox.rrenlis
infomalor a h 1 ne Yaiola G J T ~3u'ea~ T k t i rd d o w ~ nOLIlines
i s-ppm from me L S
Amy Corps of Engineers to HurricaneKatnna


Command and Control

U S, NorthernCommand Commanderis Admiral Keatmg in ColoradoSprings, Colorado.
Joint Task Force Katnna Commanderis LieutenantGeneralHanore at Camp Shew,
Joint Task Force LouisianaNationalGuard Commanderk Mabr General Landreneau,
New Orleans, Louisiana
Joint Task Force MississippiNationalGuard Commanderis Mqor GeneralCross at
Jackson, Mississippi

OoenHonal Hbhll~hts
60,407Active Duty and National Guard p m n n e l are on the gramd or aboard ships
supporting relief operations

o 17,417 Active Duty
o 42,990 National Guard.
20 US. Navy ships are in the Joint OperationalArea
Total adatton s-ppon ndudes Active Duty and NaUonalGuard alrcrafl:
o 368 nelicoolers 1180 Active Duly & 180 National Guard!.
o 93 airplanes (70~ctiveDuty & 23 National Guard)

DoD has providedextensive searchand resale,evacuation, and medical support-

o 5.211 sortes(town - 802 m the past 24-houre.
o 75,000 peopleevacuated.
o 14,224 peoplerescued.
o 7,500 palients evacuatedby ground and an additional 2,552 evacuatedby air.

. o 5,512 patents treated

Projectedflow of personnelfor the next 24- 48 hours:
o 1,419 National Guard
o 5,441 Active Duty

. Joint Task Fore Katrine (Fomrd) wl relocate to the USS IWO JIMA within 24 h o w

Corpe of Englnwre closed 17th Strut Ciml levtà breach and begin pumping

operations on September 6. Working toopen pump nation ST.

82nd Airborne Division, 1st Cavalry Division, Iand IIMarine Expeditonary Force a
conduct humanitanan, search and rescue,evacuation and security missions
Mortuary Affair :1 expected to arrive at Camp Shelby on Sept. 7 toassist FEMAwfth
processingof deceased.
Armed Forces Instituteof Pathology is pmvMing a specialized DNA team to assist with
identification of fatalities

. USS WHIDBEY ISLAND and USS GRAPPLE arrived inthe Gulf-

o USS WHIDBEY ISLAND delivered six ftoating bridges to re@acedestroyed
bridges in New Orleans. USS GRAPPLE is on station to support salvage
and clearing operationswith the U.S. Coast Guani

USNS COMFORT, staffed to treat 2% patients, will arrive Sept 9.

U S Amy element arrived at Camp Shelby, Mississippiequippedwith airborneand

. ground loud speakers to assist wrth evacuation operations.

DoD provided 1,500 mobile radios and technical support to be used by offlcltk In
Mississippi and Louisiana; radios arrived Sept 6 and given to the 82M Airborne i t
the New OrleansAirport
Six installationsare providingsupport as tramportalionstaging areas for ice, water,
medical supplies.
o Little Rock Air Force Base. Arkansas Is h e central collection mint within DoD
for supplies donatedby foreigncountries.

Military SealiR Command contacted for one passengership to providebdging for disaster
victims and response personnel.

21 mllibn MREs have entered by FEMA

745 beds are available in field hospitals New Orleans InternationalA l ~(25l beds), USS
BATAAN (360 beds) and USS IWO JIMA (360 beds).

Ten Department of Healthand Human Services Federa Medical Sheltem (250 beds
are m t e c at DoD mta ations: Eolin Air Force Base. Florida (2 shelted. Fort Polk.
Louisiana (4 shelters) Meridian~ & a l ~ i r ~ t a t i Misssslppi
on, (4 shelters)

Air Force established 1of 3 tent cities at New Orleans InternationalAirport.


Onerational Hlahliohta
45,420 NationalGuard personnelare on tie ground or aboard ships supporting relief
o 39,468Amy National Guard
o 5,952 Air NationalGuard

. o 336 Air Force Reserve

LA National Guard-
o Conducting security, evacuation,and rescue operations.
o Support the Corps of Engineers m levee repair.
o Providingsupport to 12 Red Cross Shelter
MS National Guard.
o Conducting water and ice distribution operations.
o Conducting security, debris renmva!ldeanng operations.
o Establishedairfft controlopmlons.
o Handing out 3,000 AMFM radios; 10,000 additional en routs.
o Providingsupport b 7 Red Cross Shelters.
Total NationalGuard aviation support Includes.
o 180 helicopters.
o 23 airplanes
National Guard has providedextensive search and rescue, evacuation,and medical
o 7,979 sorties flown 313 In the past 24-houis.
o 53,368 peopleWaGUated- 2,093 In ltie past 24 hours,
o 11,086 people rescued 152 in tie past 24 hours

USAGE conducts its emergency responseactivities under two basic authorities:
o The Flood Control and Coastal EmergenciesAct (P L 84-99).
o The StaffordDisaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (P.L 93-288).

Command and Control

Commander. USAGE IS LieutenantGeneral Stock In Washinuton. D C.

USAGE Task Force Commanderis Major General Don ~ i l e y i nBaton Rouge, Louisiana
Missrisipp Val ey D Ã s on (MVD) Commanderis Brigadier General Crear in Vdtsouq,
Mississnp His area of opera'ions covers the States of Lou siana and Mississippi
South Atlantic DivisionCommander is Brigadier General Welsh in Atlanta, Georgia His
area of operations coners the States of Alabama and Florida

Omrational Hiqhilahb

1,003 USAGE personnelare on the groundor aboardships supportingreliefoperations.

o This number includes 46 soldiers from the 249" Pnme Power Battalion

MississippiVallsy Divisionhas formed Task Force Unwater to synergize the effloendesof

the multipledistrictresources engaged.
o Task Force Unwater held meeting h Baton Rouge with Navy Facilities Command,
USAGE Contractingand Prime Contractors: KBR and Shaw Group.
o Environment ProtectonAgency has issueda permit waiver fordischarge of ftood
wale's. JSACE General Co-incllworking 10 oeterminewtiat"reas0nabie
precautions' are acceptableto keep progress accelerating
Pump Station 6 has two pimps operating Total capacity Is 2,000 cfs Into
the 17" Street Canal
= Pump Station 19 wrrenty pumping 1,300cfs. Pending arnval of
generator will activate anofter pump with an additional 1.000 cfa
= Pump Station 8 IS running at full capacity 837 cfs.
o Working to close deliberate breach at Bohemia now that gravity drainingout of (he
flooded areas has ceased
o No breaches am requiredat Venice area. Unit is attemptingb recon pumping
station slatus in P aquemires Parish through locais/station workers.
o Actions for next 24 hours. Pumpingoperations wiK continueand water levels wfl
winnue to droo ~Glhinc%v. E m t contractor b iislaii first 10 depth -oaow
- that

. will be used to track p m g k

Water and ice: 27,540,000 liter of water and 83,440,000 Ibs dice delireredto date.
o Water and Ice deliveries ware Impacted by transportationand produclkm ISSW
over Labor Day weekend
o Expectcnntractorsandrenderst o - e u p b y Thursday
0 Detxis.
o Emergency clearing of US 90 In Louisianacontinues Clearingshould he
completed by late this week
In MS, discussingalternativewith localand county officials. Contractorstaging aman

. have been approved Completingcerttetbn of trucks by end of week.

o Working with volunteersto begin obtaining "Rightsof Entry"to begin temporary
roofing mission.
o Rolled plastic sheetingwas delivered last night and expect roofing mission to
begin in earnest today.

Power 46 Pnme Powersoldkrs working In the am.

o Last 24 hours. Continuedworking assessments and generatorinstalls in
Mississippiand Louisiana. Primary effort in LA Is getting power to pumping

Completed Pump Station6 and beginningwork on Pump Station 7
Have completed261 assessments and 77 generator Installsto dçt8
o Next 24 hours' Continueto work overhead power line to Pump Station7.

. Navlgaton.
o MississippiRiver is open to shallow draft trafffc and deep draft vessels less than
39' (daylightonly) Contractorw o r n to removeobstaclesin Southwest Pass.
o HarveyLock,Algiers Canal and Lock are operating.
o Inner Harbor NavigationCanal (IHNC) is not operationaldue to bridge ctoiures.
Working to repair The IHNC lock is woniing.

o Continuingworking with FEMA's HousingArea Command on the requirementsto
temporarilyhouse 500,000through a combinationof travel trailers, mobile homes,
hotels, and cruise ships
o Alabama housing team is working plansto build a 1,200 person requirementfor
Dauphin Island
Following is a summary of DoD support to Hurncane Katrina relief as provided by Ide Office of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense.

Command and Control
U S NorthernCommand Commander is Admiral Keatingin Colorado Springs, Colorado
Joint Task Force Katnna Commander is LieutenantGeneralHonore at Camp Shelby,

Joint Task Force LouisianaNational GuardCommander is Mapr GeneralLandreneau,
New Orleans, Louisiana
Joint Task Force MississippiNationalGuardCommanderis M a p General Cross at
Keesler AFB, Mississippi

65,410 Active Duty and NationalGuard personnelam on the groundor aboard ships
supporting relief operations
o 19,224 Active Duty
o 46,186 National Guard.

. 20 US. Navy ships are in the Joint OperationalArea.

DoD has providedextensivesearchand rescue, evacuation,and medical support:
o 4,019 active sorties flown 598 In me past 24-hours.
o 8.388 ANG IARNGsorties town -409 in the past 24 hours.
o 77,769 people evacuated
o 14,275 people rescued.
o 7,500 patients evacuatedby ground and an additional 2,607 evacuatedby air.
o 5,707 patients treated

ProjectedÇo of personnelfor the next 24 -4E hours: 3,267 Active Duty

Joint Task Fora Katrina (West) aboard the USS IWO JIMA

Lieutenant General Honors directed that no Federal military service memberwin

perform or assist with any type of forced evacuation.

82nd Airborne Divism, 1st CavalryDivision, I and II Marine ExpeditonalyF o m

conducting humanitarianassistance, search and rescue, evacuationand secunty
o Primary operatingarea Is Orleans Parishand S t Tammany Parish.
o Evacuated2,769 and rescued 51 displaced American!.

Federal military fore- In Mlssisalppiwill move to Louisiana; National Guardforeu

In Mlssisslppi are sufficient.
54" QuartemasierCorps, Fort Lee, Vb?$nla is standing-byat Fort Benn'ng prepared to
assist FEMA f rewired -unit consists of 13 teams witn a caoacilv to m m s 260 bode8


o USS WHIDBEY ISLANDcompletad off-load of the Marine Air Ground Tatk
o USS GRAPPLEis on staton to support salvage and clearing operationswith
the U S Coast Guard.

I USNS COMFORT, staffed to treat 250 patientsand 750 beds to housesupport

personnel, will arrive September 9.
Blloxl Airport generator 1s receivingthe highest priority to bring it back on lim.
Six installations are providing support as transportationstaging areas for tee, Water,
medical supplies

. 1,257 beds are availablein field hospitals: New Orleans InternationalA i i r t (25 beds),
USS BATAAN (360 beds), USS IWO JIMA (360 beds), USS Tortuga (308 beds), and 14"
Combat Support Hospital(204 beds)

Deputy Secretary of Defense approved Federalfunding for use of NationalGuard In

Title 32 status 10 supporl relief operation* status is retfooctrveto August 26.
The Vice President will visit the disasterarea on September 8- the AsslsUnt

. Secretary of Defensefor HomelandDefense will accompany.

Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas Is the centralcollection point for suppliesdonated by
foreign counties,eighty-ninenations and international organlzatonshare offered
o U.S. Government has accepted or plans to accept 49 offers of assistance.
o To date the United Kingdom, France, and Italy have providedmaterial
assistance; decision to accept assistance from China, Spain, Israel, Egypt
and Russia Is pending.
o Tinker Air Force Base, Is available as back-up&aging arei, If requlnd.
US. Army Corps of Engineers Supportto Hurricane KATRINA
Executive Summary
Thumday, September08,2005 (as of 0600)

USAGE conduce Is emergency response activities under Mo basic autionties:

o The Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies ACT (P L 84-99).
o The Siafford Sisaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Ad (PL93-288)

Commandand Control
Commander. USACE Is LieutenantGeneralS W In Washinoton, D C.
USACE Task Force Commander Is Major General Don Riley i Baton Rouge, LOUiSiana
M ss'ss pp Valley D'islon (MVD) Commander is BrigadierGeneral Clear in Vcksburg.
M'ss 3s pp his area of operarions covers the Stales of Lcu siana and MississW
Scuth Atlantic Civ ston Commander is Brigade' General Wash in At anla, Georgia. Hs i
area of operates corers I% Slates of Alabama ard Fonda

1,132 USAGE p w n n e l are on the gmundor aboard ships supportingreliefoperations.

o This number includes 47 soldiers from tile 249m Prime Power Battalion

MVD has formed Task Force Unwaler to synergizethe efficienciesof the multipledistrict
o Task Force Unwater added 15 additional pump8 Into operatlm t l n m
yesterday. CltylParishPumps, 21 Operating at a total of 9,163 cfs and 7
auxiliary pumps operating at a total of 565 cfs.
o Environment ProtectionAgency h i s issued a permit waiver fcf dischargeof food
o Clearing and Snagging unit closing tho deliberate breachat Bohemia now that
gravi'y drainingou* o' the flooded areas has ceased
o Contractor Installednine stiff gaups to better measure progressIn baslm.
o Unit is attempting to recon pumping station status In Plaquemines Parish through
o Actions tor next 24 hours: Pumping operaions will m i n u e and water levelswil
contrue to d'op within city. Contractor will Install additional depth gauges ( t i t
. -
will nrovlde us the data needed to i m m v e our modeling and track DroarwÈ
Expect 94 German engineers with pumps and equipment to arrive over the

- next several days. Coordinating for their life support and logistics.
Water and tee 31.752.000 liters of water and 93.760.000 Ibs of ice deliveredto dale
o Water and r e deliveries were Impacted by transportationand productionssues
over Labor Day weekend.
o Continuingefforts to push vendors and trinsportitlon to produce and
dellvet omd~ct.Worhlng with FEMA and USACE Water & Ice Team to
reconcileshortfall* -
o Emergency ckanng of US 90 in Louisianacompleted Sept 6Èhowever. It
\ remains impassable due to drawbridge and closed floodgate.
o Contractor continues removing debris In Lafourche Parish; over 2,640 CY
removedon Sept B*.
o Still awaiting debris estimates and baseline for removal broken down by
parish Meeting again with St. Janas and St. Johns Parishes today.
Four additional parishes, Washingtm,Tangipahoa, S t Helen, and Livingston
have requested Corps assistance.
o Will establisha 'Rights of Entrf (ROE) collection point on the mute to
JeffersonParish. Contractor onground with 30crews but lackof life
support a challenge.
o Rolledplastic sheetingwas delivered test nght and expect roofing mission to
begin in earnesttoday

Power 46 Prime Power soldiers working in the area.

o Last 24 hours: Continuedworkingassessments and generatorinstalls in
Mississippiand Louisiana. Primary effort in LA is getting power to pumping
CompletedPump Station 6 and beginningwork on Pump Station 7
Have completed261 assessments and 77 generator installsto date
o Next 24 hours. Continueto w r i t overhead power tine to Pump Station 7

o Mississippi River is open to shallow draft traffic and deep draft vessels kss t a n
39 (daylightonly) Contractorworkingto remove obstaclesin Southwest Pass.
o H ~ N Lock ~ v Aiaiers Canal and Lock are ooerahna Guff IntercoastalWater Ww
is open from ~ k a tos Florida via ~aptiate~olittt*.
o Inier harbor NavidabonCaia ilHhCl remains non ooeratonaldue to bridoe
closures and sunken barges. ~ontr&or working to repair. The IHNC lock is
FEMA's Hcus ng Area Command workimg requirementsto temporarfly house 500,000
thm~gha combination of travel trailers. mbae l-omes, hotels, and cr~iseshim
Following is a summary of DoD support to HurricaneKatrina relief as provided by the Officeof the
Assistant Secretary of Defensefor Homeland Defense

Command and Control

U S. NorthernCommand Commander Is Admiral Kealng In Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Joint Task Force Katnna Commanderis LieutenantGeneralHonore at Camp Shelby,

Joint Task Force LouisianaNational GuardCommanderIs Major General Landreneau,
New Orieans, Louisiana
Joint Task Force MississippiNationalGuardCommanderis Major GeneralCross at
KeeslerAFB, Mississippi.

Oceratiornl Hlahliahts
70,616 Active Duty and National Guard p e m n e l am on the ground or aboard ships
supporting relief operations.
o 19,793 Active Duty
o 46,186 National Guard. (+ 4,637 outside the response area).

20 US Navy ships are in the area

Total aviation support includesActive Dutyand National Guard aircraft.
o 346 (-1 helicopters(166 Active Duly and 180 National Guard)

o 68 (-)airplanes(35Aclive Duty and 33 National Guard)

DoD has provided extensive search and rescue, evacuation, and medicalsupport
o 4,637 active sorites flown-496 m the past 24410~s.
o 8,697 National Guard sorties town - 309 In the part 24 hours.
o Approximately80,000 peopte evacuated.
o Approximately 15,000 people leaned
o 7,500 patients evacuatedby ground and an additional2,607 evacuatedby air.

o 5,707 patentstreated
Total DoD medical personre in the area Is 2,037 (1072 Active and 965 National Guard).
Dep~iySecretary of Defense approved Federalfuming for use of National Guard m Ti*
32 status 10 SLpport relief opefa%ns - status is relroacliveto August 29.
Projectedflow of personnelfor the next 24 to 48 hours. 3,140 Active Duty and 1154
National Guard

Joint Task Force Katrina (West) aboardthe USS IWO J I M .

JTF Katrini (Forward)continuesto Improve JTF communicationsandcomputer

networksand complete establishnwntd backup SyÈtÈm
LieutenantGeneral Honore directed that no Federal military s e d member will peribnn
or assist with any type of forced evacuation.
" T ~ ~ U S N~S0 M F 0 f l i s &%GriDy at Pas&@%l&%WsBElppi; after s a W j ? ~
medical requirement! there the shipwill move to New Orleans
82nd Airborne Division, 1st Cavalry Division, Iand II Marine ExpeditionalyForce
conducdna humanitarianassistance. search and rescue, evacuationand s W I V
0 Developing boundaries and search grH m e
m ain conjunctionwith JTF
Katrtna and FEW to facilitate clearing designated areas.
o Deliberate planningto execute tlw high risk waterborne ~ e i r c h
and recwwy
in flooded areas in coord'nation with FEMA and US Coast Guard.
o Division soldiers will not recover remains; will only mark and record
locations for mortuaryteams.

54* QuartermasterCorps, Fort Lea, Virginia. is standing-byat Fort Benning prepared to

. assist FEMA with mortuaryaffairs if required

SIX installations are providing support as transportation stagingareas for Ice, water,
medical supplies

1.507 beds are available h field hosnilals: New Orleans InternationalA

mi 125 beds).
USS BATAAh (360 beds) LSS I W JIMA ~ (360 Beds). JSS Toluga (308 beds), 14"
Combat S~pporlHosplai (20' beds) and the USNS COMFORT (250 beds).

21 million Meals Ready to Eat have beenordered by FEMA- 15.7 million have been
o As a result of more organizations provldlng meals and movementof poopto
to ternnoraw shelters, FEMA vlaead the delivery of 2.5 mill on meals on-hdd
as current inventory is sufficient
Little Rock Air Force Base. Arkansas s tne central collection point for supplies donatedby
fore on countries - 100 nations and 11 internatlonil oraanizationshave offered
US. Army Corps of Engineers Supportto Hurricane KATRINA
Office of tha Assistant Secretary of Defense (HomelandDefense)
Executive Summary
Friday, September09,2005

USACE conductsUs emerpmy response activities undertwo base authodUW
o Tne Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies Act (P L 84-99)
o The Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (PL 93-288).

Command and Control

Commander, USACE is LieutenantGeneral Stuck in Washington. D C.
USACE Task Force Commanderis Major General Don Riley in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
MississippiValley Diwsion (MVD) Commanderis BrigadierGeneral Crear in Vicksburg,
Mississippi His area of operationsoners lieStates of Louisianaand Mississippi
South Atlantic DivisionCommander is BrigadierGeneralWalsh in Atlanta. Georgia. His
area of operations covers the States of Alabama and Florida

Operational Hlqhllahla
1,281 USAGE personnelare on the groundor aboad ships supportingreliefoperations.
o This number includes 47 soldiers from the 249* Pnme Power Battalion

Chief of Engineers met WhVice President Cheney, Governor Blanco, SRCretary

Chertoft and other* itthe 1 P Street Canal yesterdiy.
o TF Unwaier has 37 of 174 pumps operatingthroughout New Orleans and
Plaqwmlnçfor a current flow d 10,934 CFS.Th1a Is a 1,200 CFS i n c m n
from yesterday.
o EnvironmentProtectionAgency has issued a pennit waiver fordischawe of flood
o The German pump team arrived and will be preparedto operate on Sept lo*.
They will likely be employed In besin € New Orleans East Bank.
o Contractormstalkd nine staff gauges to better measure progressin basins.
o Unit is attempting to recon pumpingstation status in PlaqueminesPansh through
o Actions for next 24 hours: Expect b release updatedunwtfring estimatn
September 10.. Expect contractorto start mobilizing to unwater
PlaqJemines. Expect contractor, Shaw Group, to Install an additional 31
auxiliary pumps over the next 24 hours. Will continueto reline pump
assessments, brlna aodltlonal Dimes online, and Rater !evils w Icontinue to
drop within city
Water and Ice 40,248,000 liters of water aid 111,920,000 Ibs of ice delivered to date.
o Water ano Ice demand appears to hive leveled off. Will continue to mÇe
current FEMA FCO reaulrements and recommend changes to that kvef of
. support if demand throughput Indicates.. - - - -- - -
o Emergency dearing of US 90 in Louisianacompkted S@ 6 * however, it remains
impassable due to drawbddge and dosed floodgate.
o Contractorcontinuesremoving debris in Laburche and Jefferson Parishw.
Expectto start In S t John and S t James Parishes tomorrow.
o Still awaiting debris estimates and baseline for removal broken down by
parish. Meeting again with St. James and S t Johns Parishes today.

' R?Wll esbbllsh a'Riihb0f Entrf (ROE) colledbn pdIlt0n the rOUbb
Jefferson Parish. Contractor on groundwith 30 crews but lack of life
support a challengt
o 27 Quality Assurance Inspectorsare wortlng In Mississippi. Another 40 m
on the way with a projectedrequirement of 300 They collect ROES and
inspect completed roofs.

Power 47 Pnme Power soldiers working in the area

o Last 24 hours' Continued mrking assessments and generator installs in
Mississippiand Louisiana Pnmary effort in LA is getting power to pumping
Installed power for an emergency broadcastradio station and
erected a repeater at the Landmark Hotel in NOLA.
Have completed445assessments and 77 generator Installs lo date
o Next 24 hours' Continueto work overhead power line to Pump Station7 and
conduct aMWÈmen at health facllltias.

o MlssissloniRiver Is own to shatow draft traffic and deep draft vessels less than
39 (da,&ht only) &tractor vmiting to remove obstaclesin Soumwest Pass
o r i a ~ e -ocU.
y Alg ere Canal and Lock are operating. GLU ntercoastalWater 'Nay
Is open frcm Texas to F onda v a BaptisteCoBette.
o Inner hartor NavigationCanal (IHNZJremains non ~ H o n adue l to brickie
dosires and s~nkenbarges. Contractor working to repair Tne IHNC lock Ã

FEMA's housingArea Command w o w req~irements to temporarily house 500.000
lnm~gha wmiiinaton of travel trailers, mooik homes, hotels, and wise shim.
Followingis an updated summary of DoD support to Hurncane Katrina relief efforts

Command and Control
NORTHCOM Commander. ADM Kealing, Colorado Springs, CO
JTF Katnna Commander LTG Honore, Camp Shetoy, MS

JFCOM Standing HQ Commander: MajGen GaMneffl, Baton Rouge, LA
JTF LA Natmnal Guard Commander MG Landreneau, New Orteans, LA
JTF MS National Guard Commander MG Cross, Camp Shelby, MS

hatonal Guard sold'ers and airmen are now seming in Tide 32 capacity. retroaoiveto Aug. 29.
This change in s!atus provides hational Guard members with The same active d ~ t ybenefits and
sewices as the acme forces oh Ie allowing State Govemo-sto retain central of tier resourns

Operational Highliohts

70,073 Active Duty and NationalGuard personnela n on the ground or aboard ships
supporting refeloperattons.
o 22,028 Active Duty.

.. o 46,328 National Guard. (1,717oiitsk)e area ready to as8lsÈ

20 US Navy ships are In the area.
Total aviation support in area
o 346 helicopter (Actm Duty and NationalGuard).
o 68 airplanes(Active Duty and National Guard)
DoD has provided extensivesearch and rescue, evacuation,and medical support:
o 2,565 Ache Duty sorties flown 171 in the past 24-houis.
o 9,104 National Guard sorties flow - 103 in the past 24 hours.
Total DoD medicalpersonnelin the area Is 2,037 (1072Active Duty am) 965 National
Lieutenant General Honoredirected that no Federal military s e w b memberwill
perfom or assist with any typeof forcedevacuation.
82nd Airborne Division, 1st Cavalry Division, i and II Marine Expednioniry Force
conductng human !aran assistance. searcn and rescue, evacuationand 9eCIJrity
o Division soldiers will not recover remains of deceasedpersons: wid only mark and
record locationsformortuaryteams.
o LieutenantGeneralHome directed that no Federal military service member will
perfom or assist wilh any type of forced evacuation.
Commander, US. NorthernCommandrequestedthe deploymentof two fire trucks to
support airport operations at New Orleans International.
o Fire tracks from MountanHome Air Force Base. Idahoand Hohran Air FOPS
Base, New Mex'ka will assst with aircraftf i t and rescue operaiions.
Mosquitospraying operations approved. To date, no DoD aircraft have flown mosquito
spraying missions
o 91PAir Wing, Air Force Reserve, from Youngstown, Oho hastwo C-alrcrafl(G
130s) deployed to Duke Fled, Florida.
o First missions to be town by DoD on September 12. Focus of operations Is lhÃ
New Orleans area will spray outlymg areas of Louisianaand Mississippiif
Seven installatonsam providingsupport as transportationstagingareas for ice, water,
foodand medical supples
à 21 million Meals Ready to Eat have been ordered by FEMA to support HuTiteane KaMnÃ
response 16 7 millton have been delivered. One million have been divertedto Virginia

- and Georgia to support Hurricanedpheha responseif required

789 beds are availablein field hospitals New Orleans InternationalAirport (25 beds). USS
BATAAN (360 beds), USS IWO JIMA (105 beds), USSTortuga (35 beds), 14* Combat
Support Hospital(204 beds), and the USS Shrewport (60 beds)
M e RockAir Force Base, Arkansas is the central collection point for supplies donated by
foreign countries - 115 nations and 12 international organizationshave offered assistance
DoD will mnbnue to tailor forces required, offenng DoD assets to the federal response
. Approximately22,000 Active duty forces, 48,000 Army and Air National Guard members, and
1,900 Reserve component troops are currentlysupporting disaster relief efforts on the Gulf

- Coast.
The current military support force continuesto provide critical security, logistical and oher
National Guard
in -0miana 29,000 National Guardsmen am working h a l l 3 affectedpanshes providing
c l zen s~pporl(water ana food distr.b~fcn),reDairina levees, clearing debm and siipponing
12 Red Cmss shelters.
Neady 16 000 Natoial Guard soldiers and airmen are located thmughwl he hardestareas of
Miss'ssip?,s~oporti~q sevm Red Cross shetefs, mannbg water and ice dstnbiilion centers.
conducting debris removaland supportingthe overall recckry and reconstmctioneffort
Another 300,000 NationalGuard soldiers and airmen reman available in their home state;.
National Guard Forces were in the water and on the streets throuahoutthe affectareas
rescuing people within four hours of Katnna's passing. The ~uardhadmore than 11,000
people involved in rescue operationson Aug. 31 when the governors asked for more troops.

Active Duty Forces
Troops from the 8P Ainxime M i o n , the 1" Cavalry Division, and the l*and P Marine
Expert lona'y Force m t n u e to conduct humanitarianassistance, search and rescue, and
evacuaticn and sewritv assessmenis. They wi 1mark and record matons of deceased people

. for mortuary teams, but will not recovery bodies.

Army LL General honore, me commanderof Task Force Karrina. has directedthal no federal

. military mops be Jsed to perform or ass st mth any type of forced evacuation.
Nine mortuaryaffairs teams from the 54' Quartermaster Companyat Fort Lee, Va , have
deployedto the region to perform ail aspectsofthe mortuaryaffairs mission unbl a new civifen
contractor is identified.Another nine teams from the company are on an alert status and ready
to deploy, tdtmted &ry)

Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks
In brief remarks today to reportersaboardhis plane en mute to an informal meeting of defense
m nistere n Bertr, secretary Rumsfek)said the flow of miliiary forces and equipment into the

.. GJI' region nas 'pre- well stopped: @&y)

Same forces will begin leaving the areas when tieir unique parts of the missionare complete
For instance, dock landing ship USS Widbey Island brought budgingequipment and supplies
into the region, but will now be departing As search-and-rescuemissions draw down, some

. heJicoptersand their crews may soon be able to retail to home stations

Secretary R~msfetastressed tne Department of Defense WOJUnot remove assets from the
region Kthoul coordinatpa with local, slate and federal officias.
ntematlonal Assistance Offers
As of Sept. 12, the United Slates has receivedoffem of assistance from 118 ~untriesand12
internationaloraanizations.Thiriv olanes have landedfrom abroadwith relief suoolies. (State
Army Col H. R McMaster, commander of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, bnefedthe Pentagon
press corps via videoconferencefrom Iraq on Sept 13 about Operation Restore Rights in Tal Afar,
which is in Ninevah Province in northwest Iraq. Following are highlights.

> The puipose of Operation Restore R'qh3 is to seare !ne popi alon of Tal Afar from tnÃ
terrorists' camca an of ixim nation In order to allow economc anc politca devebomenl

. Between ~ e p 2andi Sept 6 118 lerorels were k l c d and 137 werecsihred

The operatin incudes more man 5 000 Iraq Secuntf Forces, and more tnan 3.500U.S
l ~ ere from the 3" ACR and me 2d Eattalion-325 A oorne Infantry
b o p s i n c l ~ dsod
Regiment, 82d Airborne Division.

9 The enemy in the area is al Qaeda in Iraq They were drawn to Bie area for several reasons
Tal Afar is along the route that leads from Mosul to Syna, giving the enemy freedm to

. access sources of external support in Syria

The area has an ethnic minontv - the Turkmen. which is further divided between the
a a minonly of Turkmen Shi'a There are also Sund Arabs
majonty of Turkmen ~ u n n and
and lzedis and Kurds in the realon The enemv wants to foment ethnic and sectarian
v.0 ence so they h a e a cnaotc area where they can operation freely
The t'ban l e m n m the C.Nof Tal Pfar .s derse maklna n di*fiCJlt for US. forces, which
are primarily organized as a mechanizedforce, to operite in

> The enemv in Tal Afar waned a brutal and murderouscamoaion to establish themselves.
rneYreplaced imamsynmosques wtn lsfamcextremi~t&n
To keeo the moulawm afraid Ihev ludnamed and m~rdered~ e c d eand conducttd

. Indiscriminatemortar attacks
They replaced teachers in schools with peoplewho hadonly S^-gradeeducation and
preached hatred and intolerance
They are highly organized They set up cells,Including a sniper cell, a mortarcell and a
propaganda cell

9 Several faciors have contributedto the successof Operation Restore Rights, Including:
Close integral01 between the U S. and the Irmi Security Forces, especially Die 3"raql
Annv Diiision 1aa Sec~nNForces are mmmiled b the m:ssion. and hei are dotna their
work at great nsk to thems&es and their familes
An unprecedented level of cooperation am* ciwlian officials, securtty Ibims, and the

. populace
The disciplined U S troops who have relentlesslypursued the enemy

9 Security operations In Tal Afar are still ongoing, but the enemy has been dlsnipled, ha8 been

denied a safehaven and is on the iun
The standard for success in the operation Is ensunng hat the enemy can no longer~rag~
an effectivecamoaian of Intimidation aoamslthe citizens of Tal Afar.
This will requirepro~idingpermanentsicurity, which means buildingthe capability of the

securlty forces, including the policeso they can be the pnmaly level of security
The army wli have toadd longer-term capabilities, such as command and ambd,
more mobile platforms so they can ovennatchthe enemy in tacticalengagement and
the develooment of exoenenced and effectiveleadershim includina
commissioned officeijunior officers.
" arnono non-
Following is informationabout the Sept. 18 elections in Afghanistan

> Last year was a turning point for Afghanistan as the co~ntrymoved from a period of
warfare and violence to a period of great po ttlcal growth. F o ~events
r scNe0 as g'eai
victories for the Afghan people and strategicdefeats forterronsm They were
(1) The passage of the Afghan constitution in January 2004,
(2) Election registration -more than 10 5 milion Afghans registeredto vote In the October
2004 presidentialelection,
(3) Election turnout- an estimated8 5 million Afghans turned out to vote h y elected Hamid
Kana1and rejectedterrorism
(4) President Kami's official inaugurationin December2004and his appontment of a cabinet
icon after

> On Sept 18, Afghans will take another step forward by electing a Natlonal Assembly to
dive them avoice in their government

. Afgnanistan 4 1 nod pari'anentaryand provincial electionson Sunday, Sept. 18.

5.60C cancioaies are ru~niiqfoi 249 seats In Parliaments Lower House and 420

.. Provincial Council seats

More than 12 million Afghans are registeredto vote.
On average each day during the past voter registrationpanod, more than 50,000

. Afghans registeredto vote

ADoroximateiv 6 300 wllina centerswBl b e a m from 6 am. to4 P rn.

à E eclon day MI be a puali; holiday to increasewlerlumout and assist wllh seaiflty.
Pmv siona resi ts are dre OcL 10, final resureare eimecled on Oct 22
Ballot counting centers will be located in 32 of the 34 provincial capitals

> Al Qaeda and associated movementswere handed a atratuuic defeat with the election d

an Afghan president, but they will continue b challenge us.
As the terror st8 caoabil tics cirninish, their c^oerat'on to c h a w the courseof e~entsin
Afghanistan grows They are still desperate foes that will try to l~flictl0~9eS

> The Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Policewill providesecurity for the

elections. They will be sumrted by a stmnn Internationalpresence.
Police will be around p i i n g stati&s. -
There are a~pmximately49,000 Afqhan National Police forces on duty: just more than
.. a year ago, Ju / 2004, *ere were approximately22,000.
Afghan NationalArm) sod ers ml omvide tie second ring of protection.
There arc wore inan 30.00 Afahan Nat onal Armv soldiers: 26.000 have been trained.

. another 4,000 are in taming

Coalition forces will respond when needed in order to ensure the Afghans can participate

. .. - ,=b"tinn
.in. the -.-- .
T^iere are almost 18,000 U S.forces supportingoperationsin Afghanistan; more the4
2 1CO CoaEfor forces, and an addt'ial12,000 InternatonalSecurity Assistance
Force L S A m bps operating ~ n d w NATO.

Link. Combined Forces Command Afahan~slan

Army Brig Gen. James G, Champion, deputy commanding general, operations and intelligence, of
Combined Joint Task Force 76 (CJTF 76). briefed t i e Pentagon press corps today from Bagram.
Following are highlightsM.

P The electionsscheduled for Sept. 18 are a areat historical milestone for the Coalition's
mission In Afghanistan, and for the ~ f ~ h a n - ~ e owho
~ l ewill
, have the opportunityto
experience democracy at work for the second time.
Elections are to thewolest Jirga (the tower house of parliament)am) to34 provincial
Approximately5,800 candidatesare running; 125 million votere are registered;there wit
be 6 000 polling places
Approximately45 percent of the 2 5 mlllbnvoterswho have reglsteredsinmthe
presidential election in October 2004 are m n .

> CJTF 76 has transklond from Operation Debmlnad Resolve Into OperationVigilant
Operation Determined Resolvefocusedoncapturingand killingtieenemiesof

. Afahanistan and selttw the conditkns for a successfulelection.

oieiation Vglant ~ e n i n eis des cried to support the govenment of Awanlstan and the
,c nt El~cloralManaqenent Body - :In<
to ,FMB wen we) by proridinga secure
environmentfor voters and continuingto pursue enemy forces that want to disruptthe

. elections
While the task force is focusedon Hieelectons,they haw not shut down at any time from
conducting operations against enemy foroes Forces continue to search for Osama tin
Laden, and his terrorist network that spread his ideology

P The Coalition Task Force will serve In 8 supporting rote to Afghan government, ttà army
and Its police for this weekend's nlectlon.
The government and Its security forces are the punapalsupporterefor security during the
course of the actual electron.
The Afghan National Police and the Afghan National Amy will form levels of Security

. around approximately 6,000 polling stations In Afghanistan.

Coalition forces will be out in the field in support of the elections.

> Commandersanticipate there will beattempts todisrupt the election.

Enemy combatants have sac! ihev want to6 WDI eectlons bv matino a SDectacular
event~heevent would probably be aimed at Coalitionforcesor the ~fghangovernment,

. perhaps through bombings or improvisedexplosivedevices (IEDs)

While IED incidentsare up, they haven't nsen to thedegree the enemy wants, and the
Coalition has been able to disrupt the enemies attempts The incidentsam less frequent

. than the run LIDto the oresidentialelections last vear

~omwanders'nave not seen 'hat We enemy hasme abl ~tyto mo~ntcoordlnataU&a
ac-oss the coury Afgl-ar sec-rity forces nave taken measures 10 prerent attacks.

P Conditions have changed In Afghanistan since the presidential elections a year ago.
Security is better, and reconstructionhas improvedthe country's facilities.
The U.S. military is preparing to respond to Hurricane Rita as it continues to assist with Hurricane
Katrina relief operations Following are highlights

Hurricane Rita:
More than 2,000 Guardsmenare on duly in response to R i throughout southern Florida,
while another 2,000of the remaining 8,000 avatebte are on stand-by.

Maritime assets In the Gulf region are moving as a result of Hurricane Rita- The USS Batam U
underway for Mayport. Ra. for resupply and embarnof sixadditional helicopters. The B a l m
w I depart Mayport cn Sept 20.21 and fdow behind Hurricane Rita to sipponpotential relief

. In the Gulf now resoondino to Katrinaare the USS Tortuaa. the USNS ComM, Itie USS 1ç
the USS Shr&epon'and Ihe LSS Grapple ~ ~ i e ~ ' l k ~ o stoi 6the
o neast 10 avoid the
storm The UShS Patuxent will remain in the Gulf of Mexico n suppoctol rexsitwning ships.

Defense DeoartmentDersonnelare also moMdna to supwrt Rita: DoD has orovkled a

defense coordiialin] oncer and team in the stat<emergency operatbns centers È
Taliahassee and n Atstn, eneqency preparedness liarson officers are workirg at trw FEMA
regional response headquartersin Georgia and at the Flonda state emergency wmmand

There are mobilization centers for FEMAat HomesteadAir Reserve Base and Patrick Air
Force Base in Flonoa to p r e - p ~ ~ i l wmmod
bn tç(ice, fca), water) and eq.lpmnL

Four medium and four heavy lift hebpters willconduct search and rescue, evacuation and
aerial assessment operations from Patrick AFB in support of F E W

Hurricane Katrina:
Approximately 41,000 National Guard and 13,000 active duly peisonnel are supl1oi1lng Katrina
relief operations.

Air NationalGuard medical personnelhave treated nearly 13,000 patients affected by Kalnna.

. In Louisiana, tne Nat onal Guard has delivered wore than 5.5 millon meah ready to eat
(MREs), nearly 7 m lion Irters of water and 12 million pounds of ice.

. IMs Rock Air Force Base. Arkansas, Is tne cental collection point for supplies donated by
foreign w~nlries.One h~ndredtwenty-five nations have offered assistance.

. Turn insect-sprayng sorties -ere flown Monday by the Dl@ Air Wing operating from Naval Air
Station Pensamla, ^brida. To date, almost 900.000 acres have been ~ p m @ .
Following are highlights of Secretary Rurnsfeld'sopening remarks at a press conference at the
Pentagon today with Gen. RichardB Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

> Afghans on Sunday cast their votes In elections for p r l k m c n l and provincial counclis,
the second successful democratic election h the country In less than a year.
Terrorists did everythingin their power, but failed, to intimidate millionsof voters and

. thousandsof candidatesfrom participatingin the free elections

Afghanistan-a country that hostedbin Laden, supported al Qaeda taring camps; and
endured civilwar, Soviet occupation,drought and Taliban brutality, is now a democracy
that fights terrorists insteadof harboringthem

> Afghans' courage h a stunning rebuketo the seemingly self-confident prognostlcatom

who foresaw an Afghan "quagmlm.'
Millions of Afghans provedthem wrong, and a determinedCoalition put a plan into place,
adjusted it as needed and followed a steady couise, despite the dire predictions.

> Many who were quick to give up on Afghanistan are doing the tame In Iraq. chiming the
situation there Is hopeless. But Iraqis and the Coalition have a plan for Iraq, too.
Iraqis have formed a government that realistically incorporatesthe views of the various

.. responsibiafactions in Iraq
Iraais have successfullvheld remsntatfve etecbons
~raqs have sucecoedn craning a constitutor hat accotdsrespect for mdlud~al mts.
Ins~qenkare os ng the s~pponof Ine Iraq peop e. PresidentTalabari recently notedthe
vast iis onty of raqis incl~dng Sunnis, wart to particpateIn the 30 ibcal process and are
disgusteo oy tne extremsk bamnsm
Iraq's secunty forces are growing in size and capability, allowingthegovernment tosecure

Some 5,000 Iraqi forces playeda leading role in liberating (he d f l m of Tat Afar
recently from the grip of insurgentsand foreign extremists A numberof Insurgents
were caught fleeing dressed in women's dothing hardly indicativeof aconfident
group supported by the citaenv

> Those who know bee4 what I t happening on the ground In Iraq am the Iraqh and tbÃ
- growing
Coalition forces. Both report progress, - - confidence in the Iraqi Security F o r m
and hope about the future.
It lakes time for the history of an era to be known. Witness Lincoln's GettysburgAddress,
the Marshalplan and the 1)S -Russia summt at Reykjawk hat was panned as a failure,

. but later cited by some Sovietsas the beginningof h e end of the Cold War.
In thinkina about Afghanistanand Iraa hiitow will not remember the short term setbacks,
or those vino predidc-d cocm. It wil snow [hebattle for Afqnanistan anc Iraq was tough,
but Arnenca was on freedom's sde. An0 ;t will remember 'he m Ilions ireeo and the
hundreds of thousands of Coalibon forces who helped them achieve that freedom.
Following are highlights of Department of Defense support for Hurricanes Katrinaand Rita.

> The Department of Defenseis continuing to work closely with FEMA and otter local, state and
federal agencies in response to Hurricane Katnnarelief efforts and In preparationfor Hurncane

More than 39,000 National Guard and 13.000 active duly personnelare cun'ently
supportingKatnna relief eflbrts.
Ten ships are currently in the area six Navy and four Coast Guard

9 On Sunday, Sept 18, FEMAIssued Its tot requestfor DoD assets to support Huincane RHa
relief operations In Florida and Texas.

. As the hurncane has gained strength, additional requestshave been received.

NationalGuard resources are pre-pcsbned In anticipation of Rita, Mile some Guard
forces may temporarily reposition, no Guardsmenare evacuating

mState Emergency Operations Center (Austin)- Defense Coordinating Officer and staff; DoD

.. FEMA reaional headauarters fDenton1- DoD liaison officers.

Nea" y 2 000 ~ationai~dardimen;a on state acnve d t y preparing for Hurtcare Rita.
Covernor Perrv has ad'honzed the stale ad vaiion of IJD' lo 5.000 of the more haq 10 000

. National~uardsmencurrently available in the state.

Texas Guarismen s e ~ n ain Louisiana am redeokwing
R la as omer "nits a s s k e ther r<atniamissons
- to Texas In antfciBahm of H u m o W
Tne haticna C ~ a r dsass sine w lh -he relocam of nearly 10,000 Katrlnaevacuees from
Houston and surrounding are;
As a precautionary measure the Air NationalGuard has relocated several of its aircraft from
Houston to Austin

. There are currently25,000 Guardsmenconducing operations throughout the state In support

of Katnna recovery efforts

=e -
Emergemy Opera~onsCenter (Tallahssse) DefenseCuor&nabng Gffixr and SM
DoD liaison officers

. FEMA reaionaf headouarters fAtiantal - DoD liaison DM.

F!MA na"s requesifdthe i s e o f i n k ~ e f e n s eDepartment installationsas cgisfcal staging
areas Homestead Air Reserve Base. Patrick A t Force Base. and Naval Air Slation B m Rica.
Eight helicopters(four medium and four heavy Wl) are at Patrick Air Force Base to provide
search, rescue and evacuation ca~abilitles.as well as transportation for federal and state

. damage assessment teams, if required

Nearly 1,500 Guardsmenare on duty in response to Rlla Itmwghout southern Flonda, wMe

. another 2 000 of the remainino 8 000 available are on stand bv

F onrla cLrrrn1.y has 19 a rcrafi aia abe lor serial operaliois,fourfrom Pennsylvaniaas part
ol an Emergency Managmen! Ast stance Compact (EMAC) request.
Following are highlightsofDepartment of Defense support for HurricanesKatnna and Rita


Twenty-fivethousand Guardsmen are currently conductingoperationsIvoughoutthe state h
sumort of Katnna recovew efforts. includina monitonna road closures and uanshevacuations.
l'hree hundred members of an englneennggroup, 700members of an infartry group and 300
members of a medical unit are oreoared
impact of HurricaneRita.
, .,.
to deobvauicklv. to new locationsdeuendina on the

Texas National Guard
Governor Perry of Texas has authorizedthe activation of up to 5,000NationalGuard pmOnnef

. In state active duty status.

More than 1,350 Texas National Guard personnel have returned from Louisiana, where they
were assisting with Hurncane Katrina reliefefforts.

DoD Inatallatlon Prewration
There are 22 major military installationsin Texas (eight Army, five Navy, seven Air Forced

. two Texas Army NationalGuard)

Ail Navy ships have been moved out of the m a ,
USS Iwo Jima, USS ShreveoorL USS Toituoa, USS Grawle,USNS Pataent and USNS
. Comfor! are prepamg to f o h h e storm mihe Texas coast
A tob ol110 DoD airrat- have been reocated Irom Elinom AT Fore Base and NavalAh
Station Corpus Chnsb.

Premltioned DoD Suwortto F E N
The FifthArmy under L t Gen.Robert Clan; is expected to be designatedas a Joint Task

. Force.
Fort Sam Houston in San Anton'io has been designated as the operationalstaging area for

. Humcane Rita reswnse o~erafcna.

U.S. Konnem omn nand (~ORTHCOM) has deployeda 20-plus person planning team. lead
by Brio. Gen Modton to Aust n tc the State E m e w c v OoeraBons Center, to S L P F the
federi coordinatingofficial and the principal federal official

Hurricane Katrfna
More than 36,000 NationalGuard and 13,000 active duty troops are pmvldingsupportfcr

. HurricaneKatma relief operations.

DoD continues to provide search and rescue, evacuation and medical support
à More than 6,700 acbve duty sorties flown.
Almost, 9,600 NationalGuard sortiesflown
Following are hnhlightsof remarks at a press bnefing Sept 27 by Secretary Rumsfeld and Air
Force Gen Richard B Myers on the war on terrorim and the rote of the military in major national

I The Pentaqonpress conferencewas the last for Gen Myers as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of

I1 Staff. He isreti1ng after a 40-year military career. The secretarycalled ttw clalman a wise and
tamed comelor an0 said dunnq his pencc of histonc cfiallenaes -tien our canny needed (he
best, America found <in Gen. M$B.

Gen. Myers thanked (he secretary and expressedhis condolences to the farnl as and friendsof
those kited of m n d e d in the war on terrorism, he aso praised t i e accomplishments of the men
and women i i uniform:Wir determination,dedicalion, courage aid professionahsm.

I >
The new Iraq Is on a path toward freedom.
While Iraq does have difficultes, it is now pursuingdemocracy Insteadof tyranny and
An example is the ability of reportersto ask their leaders questions without fear of a visit
from the secret police. Iraqnow has some 170 independentnews publfcaltons.

% Gen. John Abkald, commander of US. Central Command (CENTCOMI and Gen. George
Casey Jr., commander of Multl-NatlonalForce-Iraq(MNF-I), will report this week on

progress to createconditions for self government in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The generals are in Washington for the Combatant CommandersConference, and win
update the president, Congress and the Amencan people
A focusof the generals' reports will be the growing responsibilitiesof the Afghan and Iraqi
security forces The terrorists attempts to intimidateAfghans and Iraqisfrom vot~ntedng
to defend their new freedoms continue to fail as volunteers sbll stepfotward to serve

> The enemies In Iraq know they cannot defeat us militarily, so they rely on eels of
terrorism to breakourwill and the will of the Coalition, hoping we leave before vm

complete our mission.
As a nation, we have the people, plans and leadershipfor victory. We must maintainour

% The Coalition must win the war on terrorism, or out future and Our W p f life are it

The Coalition must not leave Iraq before the security forces and gowrnmentare capable

. of handlingthe Insurgency
The Insurgency in Iraq, like all insurgencies, will not just yield to militafysolutions, political
and economic instrumentsof power w'll also play a majorrote,and must be conbnualty

% The killing of Abu Azzam, comldered the No. 2 al Qaeda operative In Iraq, will put
pressure on al Qaeda senior leaders.
Al Qaeda will be forced to go to lheir bench to replacehim, probably witl someone less

. ~ualified.
Becase a\ Qaeda over time will replace people, a long ssue in the war is moving Iraq b
h e point wnere po itlcalfy and economical y people have opportunitiesand nave anottier
way forward, so they won't want to join the insurgency.

> Reoardlna discusslorn to Increase the role forthe mllttaw in response to major national
di&sters,it is up to the country and the government to diclde how the Defense
Department's capabilitiesare arranged, and how relationshipsand responsibilitiesam
organized to best respond to catastrophicevents such as Hurricane Katrina.
s The federal aoverrment reifeso'i I'te state ana bca governmeits to be fre first
responcers hder 'lie Consbln on 3nd ~nderou-current arrangenents t Jmever, the
real I/ *as tl-e I rst responders for Katnra were in large measire v ~IITISthemsefves.
While the Defense Department isn t organized. trained equippedor resourced for
domestic events such as Katrina, it can do a variety of other things, and there are certain
para el wpa:)i.ties that wn be brougnilo bear
Ar e m k i t 'ealonship between tne Ndtoral Guard and active-duty personnelalready
exsts 1here was i n 'v of effort n me GJIIream in resmnse 13 fte h~fr!cane~. rf not unW

. of command
After action reviews of the event (lessons teamed will help Informthedlscusstons
Strategy and Plan for Succnss in Iraq:
Highlights of Gen. George Casey's Sept. 29,2005, testimony before Congress

Goal: Iraq, at peace with its neighbors and an ally In the war on terror, with a representative
Governmentthat resoeds human nahts and secuntvforas ' sufficient to maintain domesticorder
ind deny Iraq as a safe haven for &mits

Mlç~ion In partnershipwith fie Iraqi TransitionalGownment, Multi-NafomI Forcdraq

~roaresslveivtransibons the munterinsumenwcam~a!unto Ihe Iraci oovmment bv devekuMiB
l r a i ~ecuntyForces and security mnistnk &ileaggr&sively executing countemsiiyncy
operations tocreate a securityenvironment.

8 We wll continue to drive a wedge betweenthe Iraqipeople and lietenorisb in Iraq.
Continueoperationsto restore Iraqicontroloftheir borders.
Provide referendumand election security mth the IraqiSea@ Forces

. Continue to enhance secuniy and transfer wcunty resconsltlhly.

Complete the ongoing review of conditionsto transfer security responslblBiM.

Strategy: Set the mnd'fons for Iraqi success. Prod& a shield while Iraqipolitical, economic and
secuntv caoacitv amw to the ooht of secmtv transition, then combined veiqht of IraaicapaNities
will contain, erodeand eventuallydefeatthiinsurgency.

Iraqiseonity self-relance Is mclalto our strategy:

More than 192,000 IraqiSacurity Forces am trained and equippednow The planned

writy-fora level Is 325,00(1.
119 army and police battalionsare operational and are performingcombat optntens. A
year ago there were five operational battalions.
In Juk 2005,85%of militav operationsin Iraqinvolved Iraqi Security f w à ˆ aid 15% of
rnititaryoperationswere conducted by Iraqis independently

Enemy: A mix of former realm elements (who seek l i e returnof Sunni-dominatsaIraa),ivUaa

enrenkts (who seek an extremist-dominatedIraq), and glotal religious extremsts (Iwraists and
foreign fighters vmo seek violence and a regional sancluary) am Ine enemies of freedom m Iraq
The enemy is purs~inga counterstrategyof aitnixm ny lenur, hoping t:weardtnim tna ill of inÃ
American people and terrify lraqs into notpnmg the pol tical process

Keys to defeating the Insurgency:

Deny sanctuaryand freedom of m o m 1

Deny external support.
Separate the insurgentsfrom public suppot
Protect the population and meet its taste needs
Buildeffective,legitimate governance and local security forees
Followinqare hiohliahts of testimony by Gen. John P. Abizaid, commander of U S.Central
omm maid belo; me Senate A'rned Services Cm: m ree or Sep- 29 Sen Ahzaid J scdssed me
a1 Qaeoa inreal ne airea'ec bef0.e me mnmii'ee A .n Sccrefary R~ms'?lcGen Ricnad B
Myere and Gen. ~eorgeW. Casey, Jr.

> Al Qaeda and associatedenremistsare lhe main enemy to peace and stability in the region.
A1 Qaeda is attempling10 become a rnalnsfiam ideology.

A1 Qaeda is driven oy a militant ideology that celebratesmurder and s u W .
The vast maioritvof o d e ,n the Middie East CentralAsia and the tlun of Africa don't
buy this perverted&W of Islam, but thegrp of this ideology should not be

> The enemv is adeot at using modem communicationswith the aoal of breath our wffl by

capturing headlines -
They know that propaganda and makingthe news are more importantthan miItaly
operations, and they expertly use the virtualworid for planning, recruiting,fundratsing,

. indoctrinationaid exploiting the mass media

They want us to think we cannot help the peopleh the region help themselves againstthe

. extremist ideology
Thev are masters of intimidation.but not of the battlefield. They can intimidate and kM
inn&nts, but cannot win an engagement against military forces properlyempbyad.

> The enemy seeks to acquireweapons of mass destructionand will certainly use such weapons

if they obtain them
They experimentedwith anthrax in Afghanistan, and they tried to developcrude cdemteal

. weapons there
They talk about how they might develop a ladnlogiil dispersal device
If they could buy or acquirea nuclearweapon, they would, that's not a guess, that's what
they say.

> The enemv believes in a ihad to overthrow teoBmate rwtros in the legion To do thai. (hey

first must drive us from the region.
Next they will by to create and expand a geographicsafe haven In the region - a
'caliphate' from winch they MI apply a very narrow fcini of Shafia law not believedIn or

. practiced anywhere in the Muslim WM today

Their greatest pnze would be Saudi Arabiaand lls holy shrmes; tiley would atow al Qaeda
and their proxiesto control a vast degree of the region's oil wealth, it Is dear they intend to
destroy Israelin the process

classic wayis'tooking at a map to&support ami leadershipnodes, I I I ~

.. communicationand placeswhere the enemy can and Is known to operate

The enemy also takes advantage of areas where there Is no governance.
Al Qaeda and their associatedmovementsarenot centrally led from a main headquartera;
they operate more like a franchise that is decentralizedbut linked in many ways.
The enemy Is developing sale havens in Ihe oeographic, virtualand mass media nonds;
tney have front companies: hey buy off polhiins and financiersvmo rove Illkit money
around; tney have sympathetic nongovernmentalorganzatois that t m f e r h e r hateful
MV tary pressure and all elemenB 01 IntamaHotial and nallona power v d be requiredto
defeat me enemv's sources of strenath and ulhmateliallow tie mple of tie regbm to

I . haw the courage and ability to stand against them

in Iraq and Afghanistan, our forces provide the shield behindwtiich legitimateand
representativegovernments and economicdevelopment are taking root

> We have a rare opportunityto get h front of these extremists, beforeal Qaeda and Its

underlyingideobgy become mainstream
We must help those in the region help themselvesby pmoting self-reliantpartners wiling

. to face the enemy from within their own borders

We should over hme reduce our military fooipnnt In the region, being mindfulthat list we
must stabilize Afghanistan and Iraq,continue to deter Syna and Iran, and protect the (low

I . of oil vital to the oeoole of the reom and the emnomies of the world
We must make It rear 1c the peopleof the q m we have no des gns on their tenit0rie6of

. resourcesand trat we are Ponr'nc wth them oitot mutual r e s w and mutualself-benefit.
We must enhance our networksamong our agencies and partner governments to

. coordinate all instruments of national power.

A combinationof military, economic, diplomaticand politicalpower will ultimately$pel the
end of al Qaedas hateful bieohgy

> We must stabilize Iraq in older to fight the bmaderenemy, which Is going tote with us for a

long time
While Al Qaeda Is not the man enemy in Iraq, it Is the most dangerousenemythere. The

. terronstsfeed on the country's instability.

When Iraq and Afghanistan stabilize, it win be the beginningof (he end far the extremist
Folbwing are highlights ofcomments by U S Army Lt Gen David H. Petraeus,who has recently returned
from Iraq, where he commandedthe Mult-NationalSecurity Transition Command, whlci trained Iraqi

> The Iraqi Security Forces haw madeenormous progress in the past 16 months in the face of a bnitiil

While there Is sill work to be done, metrics show growth in readinesswith eadi passmg week -in
training, equipping, infrastructure, reconstructionand othercategories.
 The Iraqiforces are performing increasinglywed, and they are dying for their country. They an h
the fifihl.

The number of securityforces continuestogrow
There are now more than 197.000 trained and equipped forces; by the referendumin mid October

.. there should be close to 200.000

More than 115 mlim and annv combat battalions hthefiaht

. Awut 60 ire assessed aibeing at Level 3 -that is libng a b w C0albn Irxp

fAxe than 36 are assessed as Dew at Level 2 or above, a \ew} at which they can g
conduct independentoperations, in fact, a substantial number have their own areas of

responsibility including seven battalions in Baghdad atone

One battalion is at Level 1 -which is fully independent- not JustcapaUeOf independent
operations, but requinng no Coalition assistance in any form They would have a transrtlon
team with them, but nothing eke
Level 2 is the better indicator to focus on,because t is the levelat which Iraqiforcescan replace
U S forces

% Security fcres hstmonsara a h itewbpkq we1

. On S e a 25 the iuntor and senior staffcofeoas ooened on hme. wtth NATO SUDDOrt.
~hesecolegesiIprovide ine staff skins and trained staff officerstnat w ~be
brigadean0 drmon eels as tney come on fine
i essential at the

. Infrastnicturerepair k going we!, as is equipmentdelivery.
There are hundredsof police stations, morethan 100 borderforts, dozens of arm/ bases, a
Ministry of Defense building and training facilities
More than 220 000 sets of Iwfr a m r , 30,000 radios. 186,000AM7s, 324 milbanrcwdi of

. ammunition and nearly 20 000 vehicles have been delivered since July 1,2004
Increasingly, the focus son providing more armored protection Tlmre are two mechanized
brigades now, one in the police and one in the army, another mechanizedarmy made ism

% Other factors are key to Iraq's fature, Including:

Devebpmg a political ennmment that supports the Ira@faros and denies msuigen'd sanduay
and assistance,
Reducing unemployment;
More assistance from nebhbortw .countries In leitridinothe flow of foreignMiters and siiW

bombers, and
Improvementsin the government's provisionof basic savices, VA l would uiKtemtinethe

. insuments' effortsto discredit it

lra? k e r n ac G-e nabona and provinciallevels and h themhistries
Ira?s fuure as sre me ~ p c o m mbwtumal
g refeicndiimand geneml electmu
critical part of
Following are highlights of Department of Defense assistance to help those affectedby the Oct 8
earthquakem south Asia.

. U S Army Lt, Gen. Karl Eikenbeny,thecommander of Coalitionforces in Afghanistan, traveled

to Islamabad to oversee the initial US. military, resoonseto the disaster. He has returnedto
Kabul to resume his responsibilitiesthere

. Rear Adrn. Michael LeFever has been appointedto establsh a DisasterAssistance Center h
Islamabad.Pansan. He will coordinateDefense Deoartment s u ~ ~ otorthe
l Slate Deoarbnent
other U S government agencies and the Palastan government

Less than 48 hours after tie eanhqdae stuck, a U S Air Fom C-17 with crew from tie 7"'
Ainifl Squadron at WcChord Air Force Base in Washington deoarted Bagran Air Base in
Afghanistanto deliver the first re ief supples from the Jnitea States to lsiarnaoad - more than
90.COO pounds of food water, medrine and blankets.

. Five heavy-liflCH-47 Chinook helicoptersand three medium-tilUhKO Black Hawk helicopters

have deployedfrom Afghanistan to assist with the initial response The aircraft and crews are
providing rescue, recovery and loglsttcsassistance A Predatorfor unmannedreconnaissance
and two tactical cargo (G130aircraft
) have also been deployedfrom Afghanistan
. The Conbngency ResponseGroup (CRG) frmMcGuire Air Force Base in New Jelsey ha
been sent, they provide initial airfieldcapability assessment

. On Tuesday, right U.S. helicoptersferried 228 passenqereand more than 32,000poundsof

supplies 10 forward supply centers, where the Pakistaimilitary M I push out the aid to those h

The Departmentof Defensewiil continueto Identifyand deploy additional capabilities,

including helicopters,engineering and heavy-liecapabilities and humanitanan assistance.
briefingon the report by Peter ~ o d m ~ assistant
n, secretary of defense for internatinnalaffaim,and Air Force
L t Gen Gene Renuarlofthe Joint staff mxcnot) lremiil

> The ultimate goals ofthe transittonalsecurity process remainto:

Defeat terrorists,
Neutralize the insurgency;am)
Transition the Iraqis to secunly SelheSance.

> The numixof Iraqi units able to lake the lead in combat operatons againstDie nsuigencycontinues
to increase
The report notesthat more Ulan 192.000 Iraqi secuntyfoiceshaw been trained and equipped,a

12 percentincreasesince July
This number has risen since the reportdata were collected, and now is actuaJly dose to

. 200 000 acniniina lo L t Gen Retinal)

in total, appmx matoly 116 ground combat batta'mnsare conducting operations h Iraq. 11nw
barn ons s nec the July report.This ~ m b e rncixtes forces under both the Deparunentof Ministry
and the DepartmentofIntenor
 88 IraqiArmy and special operations battalions are now conducting combat operations againstthe
Of the 38 opsratmnal uno,36 are assessed al being I n the lead'orfully Wepenilml This is
a 50 percent increaseoverunits at these levelsof readinessIn the July report
28 Special Police Force battalions arecapableofcombat operations, an Increaseof 13 since ttÃ
last mmrt
~&ttn;for lW's security forcescontinues to be done through nationalm f f i n g centere spread
throughoutthecountry ~ffortsto recruit more SUMIS into the militaryare continuing.

Iraqi Security Forces continueto assume more battle space,am) they are preparingto assume

commandand controlresponsibilities at the divisionlevel
The IraqiArmy is presently in the lead in one province that IS roughlythe s b o f New Jersey
Iraqi forces also have the lead tor 87 square mies in Baghdad, and more than 450 square rnHw Of
battle snace in the other crowices
Coalrmn haws con0ni.e t? c ~ w rand t assist the 1SF hthese areas as they orow morecapable
of noepenoerr cperabcns aid the competenceoflne Iraqi forces is gmwing as Wey patrol
abngside coalition forces elsewhere

> Some other points of note include

An increase in independentmedia none under Saddam, now 44 wmmerdai televisionstations. 72
commercial radio stabons and more than 100 independent newspapemand m a g d m
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) IS p+ to be 3 7 percentthis year, slower because
cmblems in the oil sector have led to flat oil omductmn and exoons
Acetate elecinc power conpnies to oe drfficuHfor sewral masons, lffiludmq brronstattacks,
reconWJctonchal eqes micreasedconsJrner oe'nand and s~bstandardopra'mns and
maintenance practices
Insurgent attacks remainconcentrated(85 percent) Infourof Iraq's 18 provinces, containing be-Â
than 42 percent of the population In mostiy urban areas Twelve provinces, containing 50 percent
of the population experience only 6 percent of all attacks
Followingis informationabout the Oct 15 elections in Iraq

> A key indicatorthat Iraq is movingforward politically despite numerous challenges is the
continued development of the country's democraticard constitutional process,

. On Saturdav. Oct. 15. lraais Mi vote in a referendum on the Cdnnosed Wnstitution.

The draft &sti~tionwas'delvered on August 22 to the ~ra&&al NationalAssembly
(TNA) by the constitutiondrafting committee. and read to ttà TNAon September 18.
The Indeoendent Flectoral Commission-Iran(IECH anticjpates nital refereno~mresub on
Oct 16 The iECi is managing the elections:

9 The draft mstitultar

Contains protectionsfar fundamental humanfreedoms including religion, assembly,
Vests sovereignty in the Iraqi peopleto be expressed by secret ballot and regular

. elections, and
Declares that a l Iraqis are equal before the law witliout regard to gender, ethnicityor

> Iraqi parkipaton in the politicalprocesscontinues to grow.

- More than 15 6 million Iraqis are registeredto vote

Approximately 14 million Iraqis w r e registeredto vote In the January elections for tho
Transitional NationalAssembly, and about 8 million, or58 percent tamed out to wb.
The greatest growth in new registrants is among the Sunni Arab population.

9 If the constitution Is approved by a majority ofthe voters and not rejected by two-thirds of the
voters in three or more of the 18 prownces, them inill be elections in Decemberfar a new
This new gxemment would then be responsiblefor passingenabling legislationto clarify

. and codifygeneral provisionsof the new constitution

If the constitatronIs not approvedduring the referendum vote Saturday, t i e Transitional
Administrative Law outlines what WM happen The TransiBonal NationalAssembly would
be dissolved, new elections would be held and another draft constitutionwould be written
and submitted to a national referendum

> Key facts for the Oct. 15 referendum:

Out-of-countryvoters may not participateIn the referendum; in January, they were allowed
to vote, and approximately 265,000did
There are more polling centers, mom poU writers and more Iraqis who applied to be poM
workers this election compared with the January election.

. Pollingcenters' 6,235 October 5,677 Janualy

Poll workers. 171,000 October 102,000January
0 Applicationsto be a poll miter:450,000 October;110,000 January
Of note 171 polling centers in Al Anterpmvmm (33 in January), 330 poling centera
m Ninewah province(88 In January)

> The Iraqigovernment Is taking decisiveaction to provide safe and secure conditionsfor
Saturday's vote so Iraqis can participate in the democratic process.

All of the Iraqi Seiynty Forces (momthan 200,000) wl> assist In securingthe elections. h
coniuncter ~8thMukrNahonal Force-lraa (MNF-11forces This is 65.000 more I r e
security Forces than in the January elections
Iraqi Secunty Forces will pmnde the pnmary layers of security for the elections, as

. they did in January

Iraqi police will provide the dose security at the pollingcenters

. The IraqiArmy will controlthe areas around the polling C3ntefS

Coalition forces (MNF-1) Ail assist with broad-area security
Actions taken to help improveelection security include dosing the borders,aprohibition
against civilians canying weapons, curtailing and controlling vehicular moienient a four-
day public holiday and a nationwidecurfew

> White the numberof insurgent attacks per day now in Iraq are fewer than the period leading to
the January elections, terrorists will continueInattack and attempt to dlsmpt the elections
They won't succeed.
Secretary's Travel
Secretary Rumsfeld leaves Washington today for an e~ht-daytrip that includestravel to
China, South Korea, Mongolia,Kazakhstanand Lithuania.

The secretary's visit TO China is his first as defense secretary. He'll meet with President Hu
Jintac and Miniver of halima DefenseCao Gannrhuan. The leaders will discuss mutual
security interests and ways to improve the countries' military-to-militaryrelationship.

. In the Rep~bk!of Korea the secretary will attend the 32"' Security ComultaliveMwW ill
Seoul. Hes also than< South Korea for its strona suooort in the Global War on Terrorism:
South Korea has deployed more than 3,200 troops 6 Iraq and Afghanistan; the country is
the 411 largest Coalition partner in Iraq.
As the secretary outlined In an op-ed in today's Asia Wal Street Journal. Soulli
Korea's dep oyment of troops demonstratesthat the country k increasngly taking on
responsibilites oeymd the region The secretary went on to write that as Korea has
clanged, so has% nature of its relationship hilh t i e United Stales. Whie we
manta n our cornmitnentto Scuth Korea's defense, we wil increasngly take on a
supporting rote in the years ahead, acting not asa patron, but as a partner and

Ima Constitution Referendum

Finalresults of Saturday's referendumon Iran's proposedconstitution will nOf be known
until later this week Preliminarycounts are underway in the 18 pro bin^ The
Incependeit Electora omm mission of Iraq (IECI) is supenrtsmg the process. Tiley wil
a n l o m e an ofc a tally after votes are recounted a! a centrai ocation.
By al indicat ons the oirnoLt ncluaing by Vie S~nnk,was greater than for the January 30
elect ons for tic TransitionalNauonal Assembly By contrast there were slgnfficanUyfewer

. secunty incidentsthan in January

in remarks this morning, President Bush (hanked the Iraqipeople for meetingthis
milestone, and said the best way forward in Iraq is through the democratic process.

For more information,please visit DoD's special web page' Iraa Referendum2005.

Pakistan Earthouake Relief
The United States continuesto feny fd, water, clolhing, medicine, tents and olhw
essential life-savinqsupplies to Pakistaniearthquake victims (storvl(Arr Force release\
Neariy 450 U S pekonnel and 12 helicoptersare supoortmg relief operations in Pakistan.
To date U S forces have wmteted 168 helicooter sorties, one airdrop, delivered 324

. short ions of h~maiitanana a a evac~aied

~ A r e man 2.500 passenwrs.
Two U S Na/v vessels fewino maw rrarkmerv and other eanhquake re-ief eq~ioment
and supplies have landed the ~akrstaniport of Karachi
The first increment of a U S Army MASH hospital is scheduledto arnve in PakiSh
> A DepaIneni of Defenseresort [Ink to 'em)reeased to Corqress ,n J ~ i yw e d U S wncems
about Cnira's QDÃnq m ta'y ca~abimes and stratqlc infl~enceSecretary Riimskld Had
foresnadowedthe remn's f nd nos in die ouma the Asia Set-rfr Conference n Sin&Wre @@&
speech transcript)

> In backgroundremarks to waters a t o m week's hio a DefenseDqaitment affcal stressed the

Jnrted Sta-eswas looking for an 'enqaqemenl'wwn the Chinese, rather thai whathe cakd
Wiverabtes" -such anything being signed or agreed to.

> Speaking b reportersen routs to Ctma the sçcietÃnow the UnitedStales has [Èliçcsnd
ecoromic interactionwrtn Ch.na, and said he hopeshe two mumries can inwove their m l b q
relations as well
Incrementalsteps have been taken to restorethe relationshipaftera U S Nay EP-3 and a
Chinese F-8 fighter plane mllkled over internationalwaterssouth of China In Apffl201. Ira
Chinese detained the U S crew tor 11days afterB made an emereencylanding on Chlna'S Hainan

. kland
Snip Èlsll and high-level mllltay exchangeshave sBM to r e m e , and China has beenm

. influem a partner in ire Six-Pa* laks concerning North Korea s nucleararrblttons.

After the Sept 11 attacks,China offered smnq p ~ b i cs~pporfortre warm tern:, has
conhiy-ted 5150 mil ion of bilateral assistance to Alpan roamstrmn and has pledged $25
millionfor Iraq's reconstruction

> The secretary stressed he expects togafninsiqhtefromascussions with Chinese leaders about the

WunWs intentions and Dims for the future.
IODICS will Ikey nclude Cnma s mi tary w
Some amJnts p ~China
in g .
m i m niodemizath and w q n s pnagrani
t s mi nafy spending al two and a haKto mree times what the Chinese say
it is The se':reniv noted in ns Smaaoore soeech hat China's milrtary budaetis esbmalea to tÃ
the third largest in the worid.

> The secretary said China's lackof transparency on wtiat ifs doing and how much Ks spending is

issue hat troubles many countries, notptthe UnitedStates.
The secretary reiterated this point when he spoke today at the CentralParty SchoolIn Being. The
Central Party School is a trammg center for 1,600 mid level and senior officialsidentifiedto

. become future kaders

He told the Communist Party members the speed and scope of the expansion"understandably

. leddb oilier rialionblo question China's intentions'

This plus China's effortsto exclude the United States from regionalInstitutions and &vilh raises
questions about whether China will make choices that win serve the w i d s interestsin regional

. peace and stability.

The secretary askedthe students what kind of future they envtelonfor their country. asMno them
what rots will thw have h heldnathe Chinese Denoteachieve wlifcal and ~mnomicbenefits to
which they aspics

> Ttie secretmy's schedule Way also included iroetngs wth Ptesidenl Hu JIntao and Defense MnElsr
Gen. Cao Ganghchdan and travel to Q nghe, toadouarters dChna's Strategic Rocket Forces.
Hurricane Wilma

serve around the worn in the war on terrorism

. To date, F E W has requestedand DoD has provided.

6 A Defense CoordinatingOfficer (DCO) and a Defense Coordinating Elementwriting m h e State
Ememem ODerahons Center in Tallahassee. Fla
Use of ~ o t i ~ i ' e m

Ceorg~,.ac<sonvlic Naval Ar SBtion m d HornÇaÇ All ROsMvà BÇÃ
Ficnda as F E M A I p e r a t K n a I L ~ aStasmg
l Areas
Font idcoolers h r n e c u n t f b ~h~e w f i for carentfal evacuationdmzens.transoortFEMA
asiessment and Urban Search and Rescue Teams, and transport essential supoiies and

.. Seven communicationteams with the varying capabilities

Waterbornecaroo transwrtca~abllitvas an alternativeto over-lhe-roaddeliveryof commodities.
hORTHCOU spmvdina plaiien m FEW t.%nal H e m e i s .
Approximatey 18 OM National Guardsmenaremiinuinq recovery efforts in areas affected by
Hurricanes Katnna and Rita

DoD m i a l h u m r m wb 0309

P a r f m n c e of Hurricane Protectten Sntems in New Orlearn
Secietaw Rurnsfek) has directed the Secretary01 ffe A w Francis H w to cofwene an hdeDendfrt
oanel of nationalemem under the direction of the National Academiesto evaluatethe Derfomian~eof
humcane protecton systems in New Odeans and th? sumunding areas KJoDrelea*)

p m
. Rear Adrn Michael LeFever is teadim the Disaster Assistanm Centerin Islamahfri. P a k m
heady 400 L S m litary personnel and 12 helvmters are supootingre &sfoierations Nineteen
add 'wna he copters are meddled to arrive in ftp next few flays
To flaw 1 S helicmers nave competed 279 sorues flekverod 624 short tonsof lium8nterian nbl

. and evacuated 3.778 woole.

Trie ampr bious deck 'ardirg ship USSPeart Hartwamwdin Karachi, Pakistan,W 0% 18 *ffi
~ ~helpdeardebnsand fx loads. TbiWtwo Pieces of
equ p e n t sich as a med grader and l i a c k l i o to
eng neenng equ pmerltrom Pea? Harbor and MV Northen Ugh's areenm~tetoQasim Ar Base and

. are expected to ame tomorrow.

Incirhk Air Base in Turkey has been approvedas a base of support for up to 10 strategicliftsorties Per
day for NATO use
FOI more information, please W l DoWs Wkdm m u a k e &Q JS

Alteflilions of MisconductInAfuhan.Ma~
The Army Cnrninal Investigation Division has begun an investigation into aleged mBWnduct by U S.
servicemembers, includingthe burning of two dead enemy combatant bodies under inappW!ate
- -- .-- ---
~ ., m , ~ r " < h <
 Army Ma] Gen. Jason Kamiya, the commarK^d CamblmdJoint Task Force-76,said trKmmam)
taxes all allegations of m sconduct or inapproonate benavor seriously. He sab If Be allegation U
s~bsta-tarea. lne aoomonatecourse of action under me Uniformed Code of M Raw Jusbce and
correcljveaction wili be taken.
L19 Oclober CENTCOM reteasel ( m r C E N T W h 4 &ad¶
Following is information plus highlghts from a bmefing to the Pentagon press corps by Rear Adm Michael
M e w on Ocl 24 He is laadirgthe DisasWAss~tanceCenter In lslamabac Pakistan

. The governmentof Pakistan &mated on Oct 24 that there were 53,000dead, mere than 75,000
injuredand 3 millionaffectedm Pakistan.

. m e UnitedNationsreported on Oct 24 there isa threeweek window to deflverassistanw to

mountainous areas in Pakistan before the first snowfall '
. Rear Adm LeFever reports his top three prioritiesare-
Establishing Die mobile amy medical unit (MASH)unit
Repair damage to roads, and
Establish a rapid refueling pout

. The U S m k q continues to respondto the gownwetitof Pakistm'sneeds, Includng~ k a d n ioaite,

deliveringmedical and humanitananassistance, helicopter ahlift and helping mov~donationsfrom
other mntnbubng nalmns.

Approximately 560 U S military personnel are supporting relief efforts,this number is expected to*
soon to more than 1,WO
Sixteen helkopters a n supportingreilefoperationsnow: 17 additional helcoptere aresrtedulMl
m a m the next few days To date U.S heicoptem have.
Completed647 sorties;
Delivered1,060short tons of humanitarian relief;and
Transported more than 2500 injuredPakistanis.

Approximately 70 fxed-mng aI(crafthave delnreisd more thm 530 tons of hurnanilaian assistance anO
53 tons of medical supplies.
. An Anny MASH (MoMeAmy Surgical How ta') has been flown in tan Germany b Muzafanfbad. His
expected m have surgical capaoilty today aid MS continue m grow into a luiiy staled W t a l in ins
next few days

A hospitalfrom thei'hird Marine ExqdKlonaq Force In Okinawa Is being sent to tie area of Balatol

As eady as Thursday a construction battalionfrom Okinawa will be clearingrods and ¥Witin on otw
projects south of Muzaffarabad

. USS Peari Hartw has unloaded earthquake relief supplies and equipment such as ~LJMOM~S
h (he
port* of Karachi. SS homem Lighk, a ship underconmd to the Nuby. has also M n m d s u m
to the region. USS Ckve and and USS T a m are fncd up to deliver more homaciiariangoods b

113 NMCB.74 (Sefbee3) persçinean1vçat Chalihla Alr BasemOcl24

> The Iraqi government has announced that Iraqi voters have approved their country's new

More than 9.8 million Iraqisvoted in the Ocl 15 referendum; 79 percent votedyes.
Electionrules outlined that the constitutionmust be a m r o d bv a maiorltv of voters, and not be

. rctcaed by two-ttnrds of the voters n at least three of tie mUnhS l ~ p t w n c e s

A ma oiry cf voters in 15 provinces vctec* yes, and n 12 proi/mces me yes veto Surpassed 94

. Percent
Voters in urn prwinces rejected t i e constitulton: Anbar (97 peront no*)
percentno vote). Fifty-five percent of Ninwa province voters voted no.
and SalahaMeen(82

> Because the referendum was approved, there Wl be elections In Decemberfor a new

This new governmentMIbe responsible for passaw enabhg legislaltontodarify and codify
general provisions of the new constitution.

Iraqis are becomingmore involved Inthe democratic process.
Iraqi participator]was greater m the 0x2 15 referendum than in the Jan. 30 eladtms fcrtlw

.. Transitional National Assembly

Registration increased by more than 1 m S h people.
Estimates are that more approximately 63 patent of reglstmO wtem toon partln the October
elections, compared with 58 percent In the January el8ctbnS

b The Increwlng capabilnies of Iraq's s w r i t y tomes helpedprovidea çafand tçcu

environmentfor Iraqis to vote.
t i e Bflmaiylayer of secuq for tlw elB~tb2i-S.
More than 200,000 Iraqi Security Fonces ~fovlded
Havmg a secure environmentgave Iraqisthe opportunity tocast tieir votes and determine tlw

. future of their country

Gen Casev renortedthat on Jan 30 there were anornximatelv300 attacks across the Wnliv.

The referendumwas a legitimateprocess where the Iraqis voterswere heard.
Severalprominent Sunni leaden and q n a a f o n s supportedthe draft constitution Sunnk E!30
voted in the referendumin large numbers, shorng heir desire to partBlpate n the demratio
mcess and voice their oninion
Secretary of Stale c o h o eezze Rce said yesterday, officials believe the nexl elected Iraqi
parliament w have fii, S m particapaim,because SNne are no* m v m m the process Iraq's
two other major ethnic groups - the Kurds and the Shiltes - agreed to a rnechanrn that allW5 the
wnsbtutm to k amended so Sunnis can sbllshape the &cumen1 P%i 25 b a n m ~ t )
the Iraat draft constitution) (000Webpaoe on referendum)
'. Real, measurable progresshas been made Ms past year Yes, the insugencycontinues.
but the march to democracy is in full stride '
Mq Gen. Joseph Taluto, Oct. 28,2005

Ma Gen. Joseph Taluto bnefedthe Pentagonpress u?ips today on progress In the north-
central region of Iraq The general e the Mmnanderof the 42- Infantry Dnlslon and Task
Force Liberty The 42"1 ID and most of Task Force Lberty will be redeployingin the next few
days They are being replacedby h e 101aAirtx)meDivism Their area of responsibility
mcludes the cities of Tiknt, Kirkuk, Balad and Samarra FoHowingare highlightsof his bnefing

ROLE: Tne role of Task Force L'berly has been to protect the democratic process while
b ~dmg
i the capab~lfcsand s~~tanabllities of its Iraqip3fb-m.


Iraqt Security Forces (ISF)

9 Substantial progress In organizing, (raining and equipping the Iraqi Security Forces.
In Februarythere was onedivisionheadquarters,four bwadesand 14 battalions

. Currently there are two division headquarters,five brigades and 18 battalions

Nearly half of the operators in the MultbNationalDivision North-Centralsector are led by
or conducted by Iraqiarmy forces

Reduction of Coalition force bmw

9 Ten U S toward operating bases (FOBS)have been dosed since the 42"' ID'SamI~alin

Febniary, reducing the Coalition's present*
There are 17 FOBSin the region now
Saddam's former palace in Tknt wil soon be turned o w to the Iraq's, t has been used by
the 4"nfantry Division,the 1- Infantry Division and the 42"' Infantry D m n

9 Iraqi leaders are growing into their positions- becomingmom confident, visible and
Such a change significant it means Iraqisolutions to Iraqi issues.
.. forceful is
In Fetiuary provincialgovernments were elected but not functioning
Now provincial governments arc fully functimmg with provincial councils; local city
governmentshave been electedand for the most part are up and runningeffectively.

The growth of tire Iraqi media capability m north-central Iraqis another Impressive
Pnnt media, radio, localtelevision and a satellite television station m Tiknt have g m
voice to the Iraqi people in the region.
> Buildingthe Iraqi Security Forces' sustalnmentcapabilities is a crucial of their

. readiness to conduct independentoperations

As Iraqi forces can sustain themsehres, Coalitonforces can draw down
Work continueson ISF development and sustammant 'issues ensuringthere are enough
Iraqi troops, that they have leadershipand are properlytrained, that their skill sets are
maintainedand improvedon, and ensuringtroops have the nght kind of equipment to do

. their job and this equipment is maintainedand replaced if needed

SustainmentcaDabilitiesshould ImDrovefurtherafter aoennanentgovernment is in PiXe
following the December 15electons

The Insurgency
> The division between al Qaeda In Iraq and l i e Iraqireiect'onisb or Saddamists is
.. dfl~nftnino
~i 6aka.n Irac and the rejectonisls and Saddamists am not coaleschg as a force.
A1 Qaeda in I'aq s influence ,s north-centrai Iraq is waning - its message has fa.led to

. resonate
Attitudes about Muslims killing Muslims haw changed in Un region Die provincial
governorsstrongly condemned the bombings and killings at their meeting in June, d u r n a

. oenod when the violence had nsen

i n n Arabs are now padcipating n !he p~Realp- becausetieyreafee tiat not
. - n n e Jawah elections 'or t i e TransiHonalNatonal Assemb y hurl Ihek
. cause
There Is still an Insurgency, but as (he politicalprocessgoes forward, issues will be
resolved, compromises will be agreed to. and tiere will be consensus.

(transcriot of bfletnuwith Mai Gen. Taluto)

Political Proaress

> With the passageof their new constitution, the Iraqi peoplecontinue thek march todemocracy
Nearly 10 millioncitizens voted to deckfethe future of a new Iraq

9 Ayman al-Zawahm (a1Qaeda'ssocond m command). Abu Musab H-Zarqawi (the d W a telrorist

leader in Iraq) and others have failed b derail progress n k6q
They failed to stop the Jan 30 eledlons for HielransitionatNationaltambl?,

They failed to step the Transitional National Assembly from beingseated and meeting,
Thev failed to stm the constitution from k i r m rafted

. hey failed ¥ sloptre Oci 15 referen'lumoimc :onslIlltion and

And the) w1 fa I o stop the oecoans for a p e m a r w governmentin Decemtw

saiiriw Prooreas
9 The secuntv situation in Iraa is lmwovina

they are successfully training at higher levels
More than 207 000 Iraqi Security Forces are palroHnq Die steels and briers.
There are more than 120 army and pol- batlaions m the fight approximately 30 percentare

. conductingindependentoperations
More than 6,700 basic commandos and pbfic order police haw fawn bumadanda liriDDed in tfw

. Sustaining the forces is the responsibility of the minlstnes, whch are developing effectra

2awdhM Letter to Zaroawi

9 Zawahin's letter to Zarqawl should beMdely debated, as it spels out al Oaeda'S chlhg vtetonfotBit

future Of Iraq
in his letter Zawahinoirtfines the imwltanfie ofthe madia, statinnthat more man half of&
Qaada's fight is taking place m the bale space of the media,andthatal Qada s i n a media b a t h
for the hearts and minds of the Muslimcommunity
9 The termnsts are attempting to use the media as a force muWpCer to make themselves appear more

capable than they really are, and to intimidate others with attack videos and webs* posting%
An example K the attack last week on the Palestine Hotel, home to many media outlets and

The attack was phased The mtsnton was tocreate as much death and destruction as

. ------ in front
nnt-cihip - of - m-- m -m-- and
- - snmst
-=- rrtf>mtvÈ of the madia
-he attack nqh'gris ttre desperation d Z m ~ a wand oViers they m ' t g a i m n g any
uecib ity witn t i e r vision so bey are resortiig 10 mlndess desiructiony n t at the meda't

Links American Forces Press Sendee store:Al Qieda Leader's Letter QuestionsZargiwl TKtIU:
Letter from Zawahirlto Zanavii)
U S m~l~tary mmmanderm lmq conhnue to outlme lhecount~sm~ltarypmgress The lmq~%cuW
F o m pedonnance IS on Vack - they are In the neld, t k y are conductug combat opemtlons aqd W are
succ?sslully trainlng at hgher levels

One hpftantwmwnantol movit!q 1w Ire@bb d i & p e n d m IS b u i M i i Ih.an sust3iimrd

capabiliies - e n s ~ n ~lhalmey
g w n sUsWiLhek persod, skllsand equipmen! as*y w n d ~ d
lMecencentoceiaI~nsArm, Wai Gen hsecn Talub and Av Force Bda. Gen Domd & ton nava ~Q#I

As Ira01forces can &an hmetm Mitmfcuns can draw d o m

and ensuring IIWW have t k right kind of equipmnt lo do thelr@band Lhls equipmnt is mainmired

k d y 3,000 1-1 P d l c e G m d u ~ eFrom Tnlnlng
W lM J
A tolal ofZ939 new WIG? oficam gradualed from bask pbmining wumes L h ~ ~ hI w

lmql Amy Englneen Travel t o UnHed Arab EmIrateafcdralnlng Ey G m n E n g h m
More Lhan 80 1rau1Amendreers recenUvbmkd t oeihm?ruab Emuatesto receiwbalnlnn

Appmmate?y 1% g a d $ are alreatywfflrg &e by sHe Mth Task F m 3m&1S;a*$-%
Quads and stafl am x h e d u M to c m o n line es the CoalHbn Im&m WrahOnS to W
Fod Suse 6 an OM Russ~awbultm4litaiytralnlng fadlly in MSutamanIra An lmql mr!sWcbm
company u m g Iraq1emp4yeestegan the $8mamn renwatnn in Augusl@&!4
Operation A1 Hal~vElfulathi (Steel Curtain)
Operahn A1 Haj~pElfulath~(Steel Curla~n)contmue In Husaybah ln w t e m ai Anbar
provmce, near the Iraq-Syna border The oflenslve was launched Nov 5

. Husaybah IS one of the man centers fortransidng fwgn fighters, e q u ~ p m l a n d m n e y

into lmq

The objectives of the operalion are b re* security dong Ux Iraq-Syna b r d e r and
destroy the a1 Caeda m mq's n e t w h opem:ng throahout the w o n .

. Ammnmaleiv 2.5M members of Realmrib1CombatTeam.2 and 1,Ml w l ~

solders are n v d d In t
w operabm-~hqamd e m w Lhe aiy house by house,
d~scmenngv.eawns caches term-isi propaganda and mpiov~sedb o n b

Cprabon Steel Cuhin k pan of Qxrahn Saya!d (Hunter), designed b deny a1 Qaeda m
Ira0 h e &IIIv to ooerate rn h e Euohmles Rmr VaUevand m establsha wrmanenl

. 6y elimhavng I e m n W in%enca k~W i area and olhem, Iraq' and CodlUon f o r m am

DnIVldlM a safe and s m r e environment fw lmk b vote In the L k 15 natmat

Esbbli8hirm a F'ermanent imal k u Farce~Pmence
in h'l bnefing yesterday to press rn Baghdad, Alr Force Bdg. Gen. Donaki A siM
emphasized mat Iraq1Secunty Forces c w t ~ n wIngrow in sze and capdlky T ~ I S
progress IS allomg Ihem m r e frequently wer the past few fimtlI$ la slay tehlnd aR6i
olfens~veoperabons are wmluded eslablsh~nga permanent presence tn the areas b
hold the ground that was gamed

steppmg brwardto provGe mlell~gencer n h t m

Baqhdad f i m d Road Safer

Attacks along the mad Ihat w n ~ &IbBaghdad airpod b the Green Zone haw bpwd
dramatkallv smce the I* lmi Mechanized Police h a & taaan ~ r o M n asecudtv. In
Ap,l !here k r e 37 am& 0; the mad, once d~bted-them - t d & g e m s ~ m a dln he
wda Last m o m t*e #as one am&. Thii demase IS a hbuie to the m~abtitmsOf fie
h l n e d p o l w forces,

Do0 Announces U n b for Nexl Oimatlon lmlFreedom Rotdtlon
The D e p a h m t of Defense announcad t d a y the mapr u n h scheduled b depby an pi
of the next OperabonIraq1Freedom rotahon This annwncemnt lnvoiws severalcunbat
brigades, headquarter$ekmenb, and ombat suppat and m m M s e M m s u p p d unlb
and aDomnmateiv 92 000 sewre mmters as oresenUv env~s~oned The ?&eduM
totabon for these k e s vdll begm ln rntd.2OE. (irnk lo full release]
Follow ng afe t g ~S~IS
l 0:propss n a c and tne sacr+ces made by 0-r me? aid #omen n
Cer, Peter Pace, cna man of l
unifom as oLLlnco n recent .rlcrvlews IJ< w .omt Cn efs of
I stat

I 9 W i o n and Iraqi k r ' w Forces wnhue la seamh f a pock& of resismrs hmughwt Iraq,
defeat them, be- establish underhe Iraqimi5tary cnntml of h e area.

when SteelCurtain in wstem lmq !s an emp4e of his strakgy,%3 wem W

offenstves In Mmul and FaJk~,bh
Coal~t~onand lraq fmes go ID kg&w, dear the area, then lmql h e s am b l a l M to

. malntatn the freedom gamed

Handowrs are mndltlons.based: we All ensure hat h e Iraq1forces b w the capadly and
rapabhty b stad on theu om,

. h n i i n g M i e s is m t a gwd wayto masum s m s s , &cause the operatioms am m t

abut klli~ngpeop4e, theyam abwtpmvdq seuintyforpeorh.
As the Iraq1forces pmvlde seunly In these areas HE govemmt Canthen pvlde
schools mads, p w r and pbs - all assets for IWB who want to chmse a peaceful
future, rather than h m to the opUons lnsu@nt !eaders dfer

iI b Tb 8p,kes n vioenm before the electnns (nhuafy, m M b e r , and l+atepded in tm

wnup b the December eecbnsl show tne ~nsmentsundxslandthat e& h m an I w l
goes to the pons, it IS a slnke agahst G?e msu&&cy.

I The insurgds fear that Iraqis MUbe able to chm thekown fulum.
IS exeme offre&m IS a loss for the ~munpnts.

9 What is @xd ~ wnani

and rrmasurable a b ~the t and futum s b M y in lraq Is VnIkhg In the
lraq govemmnrs fawr

. -
lap are patik3palimgIn the demoua!~p m s 64 pwmt voted hthe hl&dim.
They are also stepping forward to defend thelrcvunw-nmm han 210,CdO men and

. w m n sere m the Iraq1Secunly F o m , w h h are p w n g in stah~reand capmly

The lnsu@enkcan't gmw tnsde such an e w m n m t all they haw to o h IS fear and
the Iraq1peopkare not going to bow lo !hat fear

I to nounsh, cher~shand fight for Wse lrwbns to pmsew them for fubm genefabns.

I Unk: Inte&w by Jim Lehmr on Qn Pam s m h w b vme; @y

Follow rg are Sec~eta-yRumsled s o x n q revah :as del v e w ) barn h ~ s3 c i l a q o ~press
conference tn~sa t t e r r m vntt A W EOnJnd P 5 arnmslar * r , vc? cha m a r o'the ~0111Chefs
of stafl

Geed afkmoon folks.

A few day8 ago. Pm&nt B ~ s rmted n that wrne CIMB wan o! want to rewdlethe history of the
Cw1t;on's involvement i i Iraq. It m'ght te dseful lo take a m m t to retraceUw adual hlskwy.

In 1998, h e U.S. Congress passed, ad PresklentBill Clintonsignd, hlraq UbemIbn Ad M

law speclftedI 0 findings of Sadcam Hussem s d d m s of Internatonal norms, ard slated, 'ii
should be the p k y of he Un led Sta!es lo s u m eifo* to r e m w the reg me headed by
Saddam Hussem from p w r In lmq, and to pmmte the emergenceofa d e m m k g 0 w m M t
to replace that regme '

That IqIslaUon passed be House ot R e p v s e n t a h by a wb of 3M lo 28, a-d I! passed the

Senate Whout a slngle vole In cpqwihn

In W m k r of that yew- IS96 Presdent Clinfm mitred m l h r y a W h m p n s to lraqk
k l s l o n to expel the UN weapon lflspctom In an a d d m to the nation he stated 'CXher
wunlnes m e s s w a r n s of mass desbudm and balllst!c mmlbs Wlth Saddam, thm k me
b y dlference He has used them The mtemaboralwmrnuntty h a i I* doubt then, and I haw
no doubt todq, that lefl unche&d, Sadhm Husse~nwll use these temble wapon8 agam "

JusMymg PreMenl CMnbn's deckon, t h e n - V i P d n t C km a & d , 'lf you a b w sm3oW

Saddam dussei~to c e t x ~ c k awr m s , bal1,stic missiles chemka! weawn$, h o b g k d
weapons, how m a n i w p l e IS he g i n g to kil wth sch weaponsT

The then-Secretafy of State Madelehe Albdght %Id, "Iraq Is a bng way from Ohin, t+A v h l
happens there ma!tes a great deal hem. For the n?k that the t a w of a rogue slate wi8 ma
nuclear, chemical or b l o b c a l weapons agalwt us o r o u r e k s IS the greatest secunty threat w8

And the t h e n 4 a h a l SecudIy Advkor Sandy Beqwsakl, We dl rebuiid his m n a l o f w q m u

of m a s &stNctlon and some day, wmeway, Iam m m he wll use that a m a l agah, ashe
has 10 bmes since 1983.'

Four yeam k r , In Cctdwr 2W2, by a large m a ~ l n a, bl-n majodty of the h g -

authorized President Bush t~use force lf necesmv to deal wlth the wnbnued t m a t posed by
Saddam Husseln In the Iegmlatm, the U S Congress statd that lhq, .Poses a amtlnulng thm!
to the nabonal secunty of the U n t M Stales [by] mnbnulng to possess and develop a ~ g n k d n t
chem~caland b m b c a l weapons mpabllty, acl~velyseekmg a nuclear weapons mpablW, and
supporhg and hattonng termnst ogan~zahns'
In eady 2004. weapons inspector David Kay, white acknowledging he had not found weapons of
mass deSi~&n, w i i d that Irw, 'Maintained programs and aciivities. and tney certainly had t i e
intentions at a point to resume their programs.'

Later that year, weapons InspectorCharles Duelfernoted, 'Saddam Hussein wanted to end
sanctions whHe preservingthecapability to reconstitute his weapons of mass destructionwhen
(the) sanctions were h f M

Tins is the history that brought us h e r e we are today. TTiese are simply fads. The times we live in
are serious We are in the midst of a global war that threatens free people across the world, as
evidenced by attacks here in Washington, D C., in New York City, in Bali, London, Madnd, B e s h
Jerusalem, Riyadh, and most recently, at a wedding reception In Amman, Jordan

Innocent oeonte - mothers, fathers, children - have been murdered bv a network of tefamk
extremists - lslamc-fasasts, if you will - seeking to impose their darkvisionon free people. They
seek to build in Iraa what thev once had in Afghanistan-a safe haven -and then to e m n d
throughout the region and beyond ~he1rterm"sare not negotiable

White U !e American people understandablywarn to know wden our forces can leave Iraq. Ibelieve
they do not want them b leave mill ow mlss.on Is accomliihed and the Iraqisare able 10 sustain
their fledgling democracy.

As the Presidenthas said one cannot set cannot set a r m deadlines. TMna of W handoverof
responsibility to Iraqlsdepends on conditions on tieground,bd already somebsponsibllitiesare
beinn assumed bv the I m t Security Forces. We must be careful not to dive terrorists the false
hogthat f they &n simply hold oilongenough that they can outlast us.

Admiral GiarnbastmL
Followingare highlightsfrom Nov. 10 and Nov. 17 tmetings by Army Maj. Sen.Rick Lynch in

Operation Steel Curtain

> U S and Iraqi militaryforces continue to make Inroadsagainst insurgentsin al Anbar province
Operation Steel Curtain was launchedNov 4 Most recentlyoperationshave been
centered in Ubaydt
Ubaydi citizens are tired of the insurgents,and they are identifying the insurgents hiding
among the populaton to Iraqiand U S forces (link to AFPS article)

I End state i n Iraq

> An Iraq that is at peacewith Its neighbors, is an ally In the war on tenor, has a representative
governmentthat respects the human nqhts of a l Iraqis, and has a security force that can
rainla n domestic order and deny iraqas a safe havenfor lmnsts
Iraq conwes to rake progresson the two fronts neected to reach tnese goals:
(11 Seantv - rrore tian 211 000 IraoiSewrib Forces GFI are trained and eoui~~ed.
(2) ~oliticai-successful elections in January for the ~ i n s i i o n a~ational~s&mbi~;
l in
October for the referendumon the constitution, and DreDarations for the Dec. 15
elections for a permanent government are on kck.

. The operation's goals Include:

D i s ~ ~ H nthea Insuments'activities:

.. eni in^ the insurgentsfreedom of movement;

Reducim the insumenta' ability to DIM future attacks:
~eestabishin~ of the borders, and
Establishinga persistent presencein the area

. Iraqi Security Forces continueto glow h numbers and capability, and this progress Is
allowing the forces 10 stay behindand to estabish a persistent presence in the areas after
major operations More than 17,000 trained and equ'pped ISz are in al Anbar.

. Several recent focused, shorter-termoffensive actions have been part of Operation

Savari .ncl~timO~erationsJahirho SMke Iron Fist Mo~nta.neer arfl River Gate. and
1 mist recently operationSteel Curtain.

> Operationsin western Iraqand across the courtly am setting conditions so Iraqis can
participate in the democratic processand vote [tec. 15,
The nsurgentsJor't want Iraqis to bave the chance to vote They havetvm missionsm
Iraq Dera me cemcraw process and discredit the Iraqigovernment

The Insummcy
> The insurgencycomprises three groups:
Termnsts and foreign fighters,
Iraqi rejecbonisb, and

9 The terrorists and foreign fighters are h e most lethal, the face of this group is Abu Mussab sl-
Zaqawi, al Qaeda'i leader in Iraq.
Coalition and Imai forces continueto taroet alQaeda's teadenshio vdth great effect.

. In the pas' severe montis more than 160 members have beel killed @ capturedi
While Coa ilon and Iraqi forces are affecting Zaqawl s command and-controlsmicture
and access 10 money and munitions Pe stll has capabilities mcliding recruiting suicide
bcm%rs The forces w con! nJe their operationsaid fgit meir way m the elections to
deny him these capabilities

> The Iraaire'eclmnisls. a lamerarcuo in the middle haw the same stated w m as the
terrorists -to derail the d~mocratiiprocessanddiscredit the Iraqigovemmeit
As the Sunnis increasinalvoartiu~ateand are reoresentedin the democratic~wassand
believe that their voicesai being heard, the re)ectiinistswill stop their violen&.

9 Insurgent attacks in Iraq are focused in four provinces' al Anbar, Baghdad, Salahuddin and
Eighty-five percent of the attacks in Iraq are in these four of the provinces,where just 40

. percent ofthe population lives

Elevenof the 18 provincesaverage less than one attack per day.

Link: MNF-Ira transcrl~tand slides

Army -.IGtn J?nr R \ nv5 :r c.idlit " ~ " i x c rycss c:~; 'ocay I'cn r2q _I Gen Vnes is
the comnia'ic nc genera of ire lbr A rooT9 C o p -e 13s send 1 1 'ac as U^e conrranjer of
the Mull-NaiundlCorns-Iraqsince PecrJay = 1 w n c ari? hgn igr'ls o'ns onefin3

Governance Pioareaa
9 Since January
A nabonai election has been held, from this election the Transitional NationalAssembly
was seated

. A con st%^& has been drafted and subsemnllv ratified in a national referendum.
There A l oe a rational erection for a permanentgovernmenton Dec 15; this permanent
gownneni w I! he p !o prowoe a nigher k w l of stability in Iraq

D Iraqis are determiningfor themselves their own form of government

Iraqis are turning out to vote In the October constitutional referendum, they voted in
numbers that exceeded the partupation levels In elections in Western democracies.
Iraqis are not taking their secunty for granted They recognize the terrorists and Islamic
extremistswant to impose their worldview on Iraq, and they recognize what is at stake.

D Sunnis are getting invoked In the politicalprocess.

 Sunnis are choosing h e ballot box rather than violence to influence Diet gOvemment
The leadershipof the greater Sunm populace is committed to attemptingto have a say In
the outcome of iteir government

Security Proare-
b Iraqi soldiers and police are m the fight
Volunteers for the IraqiSecunly Forces (ISF) are ilsking ttieir lives,and in some cases
dying, to protect their fellow citizens.
Iraqi Secunty Forces are accepted by the Iraqipeople as legitimately protecting their

. secunty interests
One-third of Iraqi army battalionsare responsiblefor their own areas of operation and the
operations conducted in those areas
Eighty percent of Iraqi Security Forces are In the fight and participating 'n combat
operations around the country,

> Iraqiforces are conducting operations, such as Operation Steel Curtain, that are helping to
establish control over Iraas borders and oenuno sanctuaryto forehn +erronsis.
The endunng presence that the secunty forces are establishing"in these areas will help
provide stability and secunty there

Force Levels
9 Recommendations for U S. force levels in Iraq wil be made based on conditonson (he
Includedin the rangeof conditionsare the capabilities of the IraqiSecurity Forces, the
government's ability to sustain the ISF, antHheslate ofthe Insurgency.
> The Coalition is In Iraq at the requestof the Iraqigovernment
Although Iraqi forces are able to conduct operations in a large portion of their areas with
limited Coalition support, they still require Coalition support, which will decrease over tine
A precipitous pullout of Coalitionforces would be destablimg.

Tarroritta and ForeignFlnhUn

9 The hunt for Abu Mussab al-Zaqawi continues.
Commander'shave no reason to beleve that Zaqawi, al Qaeda's leader in Iraq, was killed
dunng a recent raid in Mosul
P Commanders believe considerableprogress is being made regardingforeign fighters in
The number of foreign fighters showing up in a variety of venues could be half as many as
this summer.

Links: Vines transcn~t,MuB-NationalForo-lrao web ate. Lt. Gen. Vies bio

Followingis informationabout the upcoming election in Iraq.

> The democratic process n continuing in Iraq.

. Iraqiswill vote in a national election in December for their permanent government.

On Dec 15 Iraois will elect
A 275-seatcound of Reoresentabwsb save (of a bur-year term
The Counc I ol Representahesml select I q ' s presdent and two deputy presidents.

. The Indebendent ElectoralCommission of Iran reoortsthat 307 witteal entities and 19

coalitions are registeredw,th the IECI b r Ihe December eteclions.
Some DO!11x 1 ties wil, oan ioate as oan of a coal lion In some Drovinces. and as
an i n d ~ d ~polilicai
al entity in ~ttier~romncas.
(link to IECI'S FAQ election sheet)

. Iraqis will be able to vote by party or may setect independentcandidates.

. The new Iraqigovernment wll be seated no later than Dec. 31

> Iraq's recent constitutional referendumshowed that given an environment that 1ÃMfc
and free of Intimidation, the people of Iraqirill vote fortheir future.

Despite threatsof terrorist attacks, approximately10 million Iraqis (63 percent of eligfcte
voters) voted in the Oct 15 constitutional referendum.

Iraqisapproved their new constitution by a nationwide79 peroeni majorityvote.

> Iraqi Security Forxea will help ensure Mfeiy and security for the Dec. 15 dectioni.

. More than 6.000 additional Iraqi Security Forces wl be on tie streets for the Dtc. 15
election than were for the 03.15 referendum: tnis is is.000more ISF Than There were for
the Jan 15 election (linkto Gen. George Casey's weekly messaaefrom tlia Muld-Nalional
Force-Iraq Nw 23 newsletter)

For more information'

IndepmdentE l e W Cmml$slonof lqy&&e
U S Embassy
U.S State Department
DoD web page on the warm terrorism www defendam&a.mil
Secretary 3Jmsted anc Gen Peter Pace craman o'ire Joint Chefs c' Slap oretetuPe
Pentagon press ccrps woa, Fol ow ng are h ghligh!~of me secreiaty s caemrg remanis

Iraqis are Inoreaslngly taking control of their country.

To date. U S forces have turned over controlof 29 military bases to Iraqis.

On Nov 22, Saddam's former palace complex in Tikrrt.his hometown, was handed
over to the Iraqi people Its true ownm
The commander of the Iraqi army's 4* Division said that as a general In Saddam's
army, he dared not look at the palaces when he drove through the city, feanng he
miqht bearrested Now the 1 000-acrecampuswith its 136 buildinas Will be open (0
the public

. An Iraqi police battalion assumed controlor the Baghdad airport road h AprU, and t i n
number of attacks has declined sharply
Well-known Haifa Street in Baghdad is under ltà controlof an Ira* army battalion and b
largely peaceful
. The Shi Ç areas of Nalaf, Kartala and Sadr Clly the meof a numberof baffles last
year are largely peaceful
In Tall Afar in northern Iraq, 5,000 Iraql troops tooka key role In liberating and securing
what had been a base of operations for extremist and terrorist networks

Iraqi Security Force* continue to make progrms.

In Augdst 2004 five Iraql army badaltonswereeffectively 'In the fight"; today therem95.

In July 2004 there were no ready operational Irml army division or ortgade wadquarter*.
now !here are seven ooemonai division end 31 ooeratwnel bclnaoe ImadaLarterÈ
In July 2004 there were no ready special policecommando public order or mechanized
police battalions under the Ministry of Interior 28 such battalions are conducting
operations today

. Last year there were 86,000 trained and equipped Iraql Secunty Forces, now Hum Ç
more than 212,000
The forces' growing experience has allowed them to take over responsibilities in several
areas of the country, including87 square miles In Baghdad, one entire province, and 450
square miles of temtory in other places
The secui ty forces still face challenges-tttey must d e v l w their IogIStea and
acministratwe capac ty and they mu9 overcome the legacy of m e Saodam-en military,
which p m shea in 113 ve and centralizedvrtua ly al dec sion makmg

> U.S. forces are In Iraq to help Iraqis fightthe terrorists them, so we do not have to fight

them In the United SIMM.

We must continueto work with Iraqis, so they can gain the experience and resourew
they need to fight the terrorists,rather than abandon the effort prematurelyand allow tfte

. terroriststo prevail
Quitting is not an exit strategy, ifs a formula to put our country atstill greater risk, and R

. would be an notation for more terroristviolence

Rather than thinking rn terms of an exit strategy, we should focus on our strategy for
victory - to succeed in passing responsibility to the Iraqi people and to help them develop
the capabilitiesto assume the responaibrlity

Lmks Mult+NatmndF o r c e - l m m o n Tlkrfi palace

Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, addressed students at the National Defense
University at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C.on Thursday on progress and challenges in Iraq and
the global war on terror. Followingare highlights.

9 The nature of thisenemy is different than any we have faced In the part.
Just leaving the enemy alone will not wwk, they will not just go away. Taking such an
approach is not the world we live in now

9 The enemy does not equivocate: They have stated publicly their goal is to destroy our
way of life.
The enemy wants to rid the Middle East of all foreionere, overtlimw all governments not
friendly to them, and use that base as a way to spread their terrorism and oppressionuntil
they dominate theglobe.

9 Victory te our only option.

As the enemy has changed, so has victmy in baffle- there wll not be a signing ceremony
on a battleship or large-scaleVictoy in Europe andVictory in Japan celebrationslike in

- Worid War II
This must be avtetwyovertime, not a pinpoint victory. We mustguarditdaily, weekly,
monthly and yearly.
Globally, victor; is a suppression of terronst incidents betow a level where free nations can
take care of their citizens the way they wish to be governed.

9 The President's National Strategyfor Victory In Iraqfocuses on three tracks for

progress in Iraq: political,economic and security.
Short term in Iraq, there must be steady political, economic and security progress.

. Md term, Iraqis musl be in the lead in these categories

Long term, Iraqmust be free and peaceful, living at peace with its neighbore and no longer
hospitable to terronst acts

9 Security Is a fundamental component of lonptem success In Iraq and globally.

A frequent question is whether we need more troops h Iraq The answer is we need more
Iraqi troops,we are working on this and we are making progress.
In May 2003 them were no Iraqi forces
In June 2004, when the Coalition transfend power to the Iraqi intern Government

-there were 100,000 IraqiSecurity Forces

Today there are more than 200,000, growing toward 300,000.

9 While the number of Iraqi forces is important, so is their quality.
Iraqis have growing confidence in their forces.
The number of calk) tips has grown -from400in March to mom than4,700 In
September On Monday, U S and lwiforces following up on a tip found an IED

. factory with 4,000 pounds of explosives and a dozen 500-poundbombs.

The Iraqis are courageous
. Iraqis continue to step foiwaid to join the security forces despite the dangers In
Mosul, a whide-bome IED killed or badly injured 12 of 40 Iraqis In lime outside a

. polm recruiting station. The next day, the remaining28 got in line again
Iraqi forces are giving Bieir ives for their country, and Iraqi citizens are being muntered
for simply trying to live their lives

> There Is work ahead to make the security forces fully capable, but theCoalition c a n t ~ k ~

great pride in the enormous progress Iraqis have made to date.
More than 30 battalionsare controlling their own areas of operation and mom am coming

II . online
Iraqi forces need some external help-ustas our own do-a Marine battalion commander
m ih1. ask for Navy assfstaxe to qet to his dest nation, Air Force air power, and heb from
t h i ~ r m for
y logistics sustainment.

1 .
9 Some of the successes In Iraa Include:
Military. Fourteen of the 18 provinces in Iraq are relatively stabla, four have current terrorist
threats and problems Coalitionand Iraqifores are continuing the current campaign of
cleaning out terrorists between Baghdad and the Syrian border Iraqis are mUe~ingly
taking the leadng in clearing, holding and building future capacity in these areas
Economic More than 30,000 businesseshaw opened their doors, employing Iraqis and
1 strenqtheninqthe economy

I Ã Pol I 33 MO&-?an300 political parties are competingfor the 275 seals in parliamentin
h e Dec 15 election. The elections am an oppnrtuni?ytor many voices to be heard, Ã
I should not fearthat individuals might vote In a way contrary to what we think Is best

Gen. Pa& k.1 s p c h at NDU -
National Defense University (www ndu edu)
White House Natbnal Shtegy for Victory in Iraq-
Lt Gen. Kad Eikenbeny bnefed the Pentagon press corps Thursday on progress and challenges in
Afghanistan. He is the commandinggeneral of Combined Forces Command-Afchanistan.
Following are highlights.

Afghanlstan on Sept. 11.2001

Under Taliban mte
A haven for al Qaeda
Countnf had endured two decades of brutalwarfare: much of w ~ u l a l o nheaviv iiimed;
fact on; fight no ra-npant; no national recogn zed security instilitiuns.
Mich of infrasnuct~redevastated ediicaftonand health systems oestroyed; 20 percent
literacy rate, women denied access to schools and health care

Misskm of the Military Reswmeto the Attack!

Defeat al Qaeda and the Taliban regimethal hartwred than
Set conditions to prevent Afghanistan from ever sewing again as a sanctuaryfor
internatonal terrorism

Afghanistan Toda
Although fighting continues, al Qaedaejected from Afghanistan, Taiiban toppled.
Has a constitution, and a democrabcallyelected president, padlament and provincial

. co~ncits.
Afghan rationalArmy now30,OOO strong; nationally recognized institution; nationwide
presence, wmoteied frst dedoyment OJIof country sdpported eartriwake r e k f efforts
in Pakistan
Afghan National Police force taking shape; training atin being emphasized; program In

. place to focus on provisioning of e& pmeniand mentoring.

Roacs clines, we1 s scnook being built: rnillons of ch dren attendkg school, many for the

. first time.
Strong international consensus to continue productive partnership with Afghans.

C h a l l e n w Ahead
Work with Afghan and Coalition security forces to continue war againstal Qaeda and Its

. associatedmovements.
Continue in partnership buildingAfghan national security Ibices and theirteadershlp,

. cmpnas zing q&, dcvc.oporga?zations b sustain the forces.

Cantme in pame'snip improving governance, deve-oping infrastructure.

Production and traffickingof llegal narcotics still a significant concern
Narco-trafficking is significant threat to country's Allure stability and lls ablity tostand up
. governance and justice mstrtubons
Afahanistan and internationalcornmunWincreasina efforts to stoo narco-traffickina,

. e l h a t e poem a. livaton ~ong-tern,sustained effort required to cornrat problem

C~rnoamn.s x m e x rvolves law enforement eradication, IJSW providmq ma&
alternativeto farmers
Many U S government agencies Involved,IncludingDepartments of Justice and Slate,

. USAID, Dmg Enforcement Administration

U S military plays supportingrole provide wpportfor intelligence. support for lnteriiction
or law enforcement operation, can provide medevac and closeair support.
U S in charge of 12 of the Provincial ReccrstnictonTeams (PRTa), PRTs help b offer
alternative livelihood programs

NATO Role Growing
NATO major contributorto Afghanistan's secunv currenty fielding nliw Provincial

. ReconstructionTeams (PRTs) and approximately 12,000 troops.

U S forces will continue to work closely wlth NATO InternationalSecurityAssistanceF m

. (ISW
Transition planned(or ISAF to take over responslblllyfor RegionalCommand South
Political discussionsongoing within NATO regardingexact configurationof how the

. command will look U S will contributeto the NATO farce.

If expansion into RegionalCommand South moves forward, U.S force kvds MI be
adjusted There are approximately 18,000 U S troops in Afghanistannow

Proqress ConllnulnaAaalnit Al Qmdi Leadership Nttwork

tw reason to be ieve Osama an Laden ailea in D e l 8 eanhauake in Pakistan.
. Forces will not rest until bin Laden captured or killed
Al Qaeda is a movement, not lust one man
Coalition continuingprogressagainst al Qaeda leadershipnetwork andassocialed
Coalition working to change conditions thatgave rim to the movements.

m&No concreteevdence fighters or facilitators moving from Iraq into Afghan stan torein
Taliban oral Qaeda assoc ated mowments. foreign fdnding continues b be made
ava'lable to mose Talban or a1 Qaeda associated movements.
More fiqhhr~over the past year in Afqhanistan n-uch of il in listed by CoalMon form^ and
a n whose numbers nave grown over oast year, ailowingtnem to operate in
by ~ f ~ h forces,
areas of mad 'JonalTdioan inl~ence,nclutfnq eastern Afghanistanan0 northern pans of
southern Afghanistan
Shift in tactics by Taliban, such as using more EDs and suicide bombers, Issign of theif
weakness These attack numbers are not extraordinary. Coalition, Afghan forces pursuing

. counter-tactics,sharing techniques and training

Afghans' willingness to provide bps to Afghan, Coalitionforces steadily InUeasing
Broadertrends in county give sense that Afghansare winning

hks Lt &n. E i k e n b e v h Afghanism rn

Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan www &a centcom mil
Dec. 15- National Electionsfor a PermanentCouncilof Rearesentatlves
On Dec 15 Iraqis wili vote on their new, permanent Council of Representatives
The Council of RepresentativeswH have 275 members
230 seats will be allocatedaccording to (he populationof each of Iraq's 18 provinces
45 seats will be allocated on a national basis Most of these seals will be distributed
among parties that fam well In the national vote, but do not win seats hany piwince.
More than 300 politicalentities (parties, coalitions and Individualcandidates)are competingfor

Election %cur&
The electnns for parliamenton Thursday are the third elections the year In Iraq.
Each election the CoalMon has provkted less support.
Iraqisecurity units am taking the had In pmpamg for the elections
The security plan for Thursday'selectrons will build on experiencesganed in the January 30
election for the Transii onat NationalAssembly yid on the October 15 for the referendumon

. the constitution.
Iraqipolice wl, provide c ose-in protectionat poling stations. Iraqi public order battalionsand
Iraqiam) solo ers wtll pmwde 'he next level of protection; more raqi soldim's and Coalition

. forces will be in a third ring of troops, they will provide a quick-reactionforce if needed
Iraqiofficials have imposed curfews, restrictions on vehicular traffic will start tomorrow: Iraqi
officials have cut off movement between provincesand from neighboringcountries

Transition to Iraal Self Government Mllestonq

. Transfer of sovereigntyto an Iraqiinterim government June 28,2004.

Iraqis hold free and fair elections to choose a transitional government. Jan. 30,2005.
Iraqis adopt a democraticconstitution In a national referendum' Oct. 15,2005.
. Iraqis wili choose a government under their new democraticconstitution: Dec. 15,2005.

I L i n k h i d e n t Bush M, 12 addms Whltm Hwse Democracy tn lq

Following is an opinion editorial about tomorrow's elections in Iraq by Gen Geove W. Casey Jr ,
the cornrnandino aeneral of Multi-NationalForce-lrao. It ameared in this week's edition of the
MNF-Iraqweek&>nline newsletter "Tnis Week in Iraq.'

These are momentous limes Tomorrow, those here in Iraq, as well as everyone around thewodd,
will witness nistory n the iraKinq as the lrwi twoole vote lor the first democratic and
conslitul~onaliyelected govem6ent h the Arabwrtd.

This has not come about by accident or minc(fence, but by me determinationof the Iraqi people.
Over the pas1two years me people of Iraq have met every challenge: forrring interimand
transrtionaiaovernments writma and rattfvlna a constitutionand selechna their leaders basedan
that rew charter The Coa t o i along w;1 tie Iraqi SecmIy Forces and l i e Iraq T'ansftonal
Governmeit ias ne ned .n secdnna Ife counm beat Sac{ the nsumerts ana w d e 11wsslbte b
vote in a secure environment ~ltimatel~ though, democracy is in thehands of the populace, the
people that make up Iraq It is up to them to vote for Iheir future

If the recent oast Is any indication, Irads wart b Daitlcbale in the process and have a vote Al
indications are mat tni, !411demonstrite that wlitonomw in numbers possibly largertbn the 9.4
nn lion that voted n tt'e cons! turonai referendum. Remember. Ihls is me third government in
atrnost three years Nonetheless, Iraqis want a say in their future and a voice in the government
that will represent them for the next four years.

A stable and deinocraticel y elected government is important in the next phase of a free Iraq. Since
the end of the war. b i b no acomcetent and capable military has been a onmary concern. To a
large extent that effort hasbeensuccessful, making tomorrow'selections possible

riowever. to ensure me m lilary and police maintaintne momentum lhey nave achieved,the next
year wl see a focus on efnancing the capacity d various m n~stdes.s ~ c as
h the Minist'y of
Defense, Interior, Finance and Justice. Increasingmnisteria capacity s key to naking the
elect ons dec s ve, s~ptiortnq me rewly elected qowrnment ard ma n1a.nng the romentum
achieved over the past two years Remember, the elections are not the end They are only the

t i n k Gm. Casej's k.14 1-; MuM-NatkmalFodraq web site w m n f i w . m Yw

can check the MNF-1m b site tl~uohoul(he dav fur election ohotos fat the D e m c v In Action
special electionphoto sectionat thetop ofthe web
mg~).Formore Inlbnnahonabout (fw efcctons.
wsit the Defense Department's Iraq eiecibns web imoe
Followino are hiohliahts of an uodale on the iraai elections from Gen, Georae W. Casev Jr., the
command r g of IL11-ha',onaFcrce- raq Tne general mdde h s rA"m~nt5vasaid He
(unna a tom nal meenna ftts a'femoonat the Peniacon " nosted bv Secre'afv F~msfea and Gen
peterpace,chairmanof the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Iraq' people have bad a great day today. It's their thW national poll !hiis year (Jan. 30
elections 'or me Trans tiona Nabona Assembly:Oct. 15 national refermdJmon the

. constitution; Dec. 15 elections for a permanentassembly).

Voter turnout was high, we expect it to be at or above the October level. Turnout in Antar
province, in western Iraq .s expected to nave increase0 faifly s~bsianlalyover October.
There was low violence across Iraq, we expect it to be at or below the October level
The Iraqi Secunty Forces performed wonderfully to maintain security at the poffing sttes.
The high sentiment was set this morning when Iraqis swiftly repaireddamage from an
improvisedexplosive device attack at a polling site in Karmah, and tie site was open at seven
Three years ago Saddam Husseinwas still tyrannizingthe Iraqi people The accomplishments
of the Iraqis and the Coalition since then have been unprecedented, even in the face Of a
ruthless and resilient insurgency They include:
.. The transition to sovereignty;

.. Elections for a transitional government;

A peacefultransition from the interim to thetransibwalgovernment:
The draftingand approvingof the constitution;
The building of he IraqlSecurityForces to more than 200,000; and

. Tile elections for a pamanen1assembly today.

There is work ahead for 2006 Thenew four-year government must be selected, make the
transition, and take its olace There are sbll ~olificaland economic develomentcriallenaes.
There will be a debate on amending the co~sttiition,and a debate on federalism, both could
be fairly divisive
Despitethe greatelectors today, the insurgencywill not just go away. But they will gradually
reduce as the root causes of the msuqiencyare addressedover time
Our Coalition partners,and the men and women in uniform and their civilian support help make
h e successes in Iraq possible.

bnks. MubNalbnal Form.lraq -on attackat Karmah p l l h g sib, Do0 e W n

MuI~I-NahalForce-Iraq m, DoD )ransawts oar@(tramp! mll be p.9M w h r d
becomes available)
- Following are highlights of an update on the Iraq electionsfmmGen George W Casey Jr the
commanding general of Multi-NationalForce-Iraq The general made his comments via satellite to
the Pentagon press corps
9 With each successive election In Iraq this year, them has been higherturnout and leu

Turnoutfor yesterday's electionsfor the NationalAssembly is projectedto be n the 65-70

. percent range
Iraqi Secunty Forces perhmned supeiblyacross the county maintainingsecurity at the
polling sites
The insurgencywi Inot :ust go away because of the election, but R will gradually weaken
as more Iraqis adopt the pol ical process and as the root causes of the ins~foencyare
addressed by the new Iraql government
> Military operationsconductedthis fall affectedthe Insurgency, particularlythe t0tTorists
and foreign fightera.
~ ~

In Ta I Afar in the north, operationstook away a major transit plnlfor foreign fighters and
sJicioe Sonbere coming from Syria into noiine'n Iraq to Mosul tnen down the T g h Valtey.
O~erationsthat b a n in October in the western Euchrates Valley were designed to mt
conditions for in Anbar provinceto wte. Projectedturnout there yesterday Is 45 to
50 percent, much higher than m the past two elections
Both operations have restored Iraqicontrol to that Syrian border and also disrupted the
facilitation network that al Qaeda used to Mng suicide bombers and foreign fighters from
the bonier with Syna down the Euphrates Valtey and mtocar bombs in Baghdad
Last June there were more than 60 suicide attacks across Iraq. In Nowmber, there
were 26. This month the average Is less than one a day.
9 Coalffion leaden expect the terrorists and foreign fighter!to resume attacks again*!
civilians, Iraql Security Forces and Coalitionforces.
They want to discredit the political process and altempt to demonstratethey are SIB a

. force
Coalition and Security forces wil continue operations to prevent this

Progrew continueson training thà Iraqi Security Forces.
Today there Is one division of the IraqiAmy, four bnqades and more than 30 b a t t a h in

the lead.
When Iraqiforces are in the had, they plan and conduct the mission.They stii have
transition teams and enabling support from the Coaliin Coalition forces may ass&
by providinghelicopter support on an ar assault mission, for Instance, or by providing
other specific assistance There are also quick reaction forces available to both Iraqi

. and Coalition1 m s in the area if they are needed

Iraql forces continue to take a larger role in operations.
. In November only 200 of the 1.700 operationscompany-size or larger were US.
forces only The rest were e'ther wmblr^ed operations with Coaliioi and Iraqiforces,
or independent Iraqioperations.
Work continuesontraining poke to the poht where they can lake charge of mainlaming

. internal security across Iraq.

Another factor In transhoning the security l a w s Is building the capacity of the county's
> Many factors will be taken Into considerationwhen deciding on future US. troop levels

In Iraq.
Factors include the capacity of the insurgencyand of the IraqiSecurity Forces, the
outcome of the elections, and current intelligence.
Following is informationabout today's Operation Enduring Freedom troop rotation announcement.
> The number of US. troops serving in Afghanistan will decline by about 2,500 next year

due to a troop deployment change announced by the Department of Defense on Dec. 20.
The readjustment will bring U S force levels in Afghanistan to approximately 16,500, from
the nearly 19,000 troopsservingthere today.
D An expanded NATO contingent and Improvements in the Afghan National Army and the
Afghan NationalPolice are enabling the reduced American pretence.
The 4" Bngade, 10'1 Mountain Division will not deploy as a brigade unit as pmvb~ly
announced in December 2004.
Instead, one batta ion-sized task force of approximateby 1,200soldiers wit1 be sent to
assist transtior of the Coal't on operations to the NATO InternationalSecurity
Assistance Force (ISAF) in soAhem Afgianistan in md 2006.
The ISAF contingentm thesouth will mdude troops from the UnitedKingdom,the
Netherlands,Romaniaand Canada.
The remainderof the 4" Brigadewill remain at Fort Polk, La. They will tm ready to deploy
to Afghanistan in 15 days if required.
> Asignificant part of the U.S. effort In Afghanistan is training and equippingthe Afghan

NationalArmy and the Afghan National Police.
The Mglan halonal Army no* stands at abut 27,000 troops. Afghan s o M h vmfk
closely with U S Speoa Forces dunng muntennsurgencyoperations
About 55,000 Afghan police have been trained and deployed They attend to local law

The United States remainscommittedto thecounter-terrorismmlttlon In Afghanistan.
U S forces will continue to press the fight against al Qaeda and the Talban elements Bat

. want to conhnue to fight

Even with the force adjustment, the United States will remain the largest troop and
financial mntnbutor to the overall security mission in Afghanistan.
D The troop reductionIs another step in the success story in Afghanistan, which Includes

the opening of the first session of Afghanlatan's new parliament Dec. 19.
More than 12 5 million Afghans voted in the Sect 18 elections forp?3rliament.

Link h D r e k q A m b a n Foms I n h a t i a n S ~ I new

V ~ afick
Secretary Rumsfeld today in Fallujah announced adjustments to U S . tmop deployments to Iraq
Following is information.
> Two US. Army brigadev are affected by ttr Doc. 23 announcornofit Tho 1" Brigade, 1"
Infantry Division basea In Fort R i b . Kan.. and the2d B r i d e , 1" Armored DN slon b i n d
In aukh holder, Germany,and now-ln Kuwait
The 1* Bngade, t* InfantryDmmwill not deployas a brigade to tad
Some elements of the unil wil deploy to Ira; fbr missionssuch as providingsecurity forcel and
conducting transition trainingfor the IraqiSecurity Forces
 Personnelremaining at Fort RIley, Kan., win assist In training transition teams before they

.. deploy
The 2d Brigade, l a h o r e d Dhiston will remain In Kuwait as a "call f0Wrd' force.
This decisionwill reduce the numberof combat braadea In Iran from 17 to 15. There are
appmxmalely 159 OM U S troops in raq today, &p$aied by another 36 000 troop9 n Kuwait In
adoltion tiere are 23 000 Coalition forces from 28 otCercounbiesand from NATO
The see and mmpos,bonofthe U S force in Iraq w Iconbnm TO fluctuate as cornmandm

conin* to shift focus from combat operationsVo (raring and supporting ttie Iraqi Security F m s
This wil nclude itcreasesin the number of U S forces involved n tram tion teams.
inleffiaenmsmonand loo shes. to assist the Iraq SecJw Forces in contnuinc to assume
respinslbilityfor the secuniy of their courtly
> Reductions of US. forces for Operation Iraqi Freedom are made at the recommendationof
military commandersand are based on condlllons in Iraq, not on timetibte*.
The decision reflectsthe implementation of the strategyto gradually hand over security
responsibilityto the Iraqi forces as they grow and mature.

> This decision was enabled by military, political and economk progren In Inq, Including:
Continued growth and development of the IraqiSecurity Forces.
The number of trained and equipped IraqiSecurity F m has nearly doubled in the past war,
there are approximately 216,000 Iraqi Secunty Forces now, compared with 115,000 h

. November WM
Mom man 125 Iraqiarmy and manpolice banaihs are In the IQM;more than 50 fcattaton!
are considered in the lead for coumemsurgeflcyoperations; 5C percent of Baghdad Is under
ooeralional control of me Iraa; Secunty Forces, Naiaf and Karbalaare conbled by l r q i

.. forces
Continued political development.
Iraq just completed its third successful election this year, and the pemanentparliamentIraqi
voters democrahcalyelected on Dec. 15 will soon be seated.
Continued economk and social transition.
Thousands of new businesses have opened h Iraq; personal Income has risen: and Iraqtafael
costive a h t We r fuure Accord nq to one recent survey, nearly two-tnirdsof Iraqis exped
things to improve In the next ~ear.(linkloDoD release)
Followingare highlightsof a press bnefing by U S Air Force Brig Gen. Donald Alston on Jan 1,
2006, in Iraq.

9 Iraqi Security Forces continue to grow in size and capability. The key to the free future
of Iraq Is the ability of the country to provide for its own security.
One year ago there were 127.000 IraqiSecunty F o m , now there are inore than 223,0(10
Iraqiforces deployed throughout Iraq, a 77 percent increase,and more than 120 Iraqi army
and special operations battalions
Iraqi forces deserve great credit for tiesecure environment far the Dec 15 pdlamenkW

electrons, especially in western Iraq.
Their presence on election day and their participation In the military operafcns leading
up to the electionenabled more than 1 million Iraqis h thatpart of the country to vote,

. a large increase over tie number who wted in the January elections.
The Iraqi forces' proven successes are helping to increasetheir support among the Iraqi
Half of all improvisedexplosivedevices (IEDs) found and cleared last week in the
Kirkuk area were a direct result of Ups from citizens

b Although democracy Is taking hold In Iraq. dZarqawl and the Imurgenb I n ~ c u t l M y

see the time frameahead while the government tacklestough transition Issues a* an

opportunity to continueto attack.
Their mission is the same disrupt the poGtteal process and discredit the Iraqi government

9 The Insurgents are losing their capabilityto sustain numerous and pmlstmt o l ~ ~ Â ¥ t M

attack levels for three reasons:
Firet - the pint offensiveoperations by the Coalition and Iraqlfarm ow the pastfew

These operations focused on defeating tmnsts and foreign fighters and disrupting
the insumencv.

. -
Second -k"&ressive bahlng and equippingof the Iraqi Security Foreet.
A focus tnis vear win be acceleratingthe DO ice train!%?by increasfnoCoafition

. partnershipswiththe Iraqi police. -

Third - active Sunni participation in the political process. The choice of batoh overtxritets
was a very positive development

9 The United Stat- is engaged In a global war on terror being fought principally In Ireq
and in Afghanistan.
In Iraq, the partnershipbetweenthe Coalition and the Iraqigovernment oil)the
growing capabihtfesof the Iraqi forces are essential, and contribirtinq to the successes
in the war
Marine Gen Peter Pace, chaiman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. bneM the Pentagon press corps Jan 5
on his recent tnp to the Gulf region and to Landstuhl, Germany, where he thanked U S troops and met
with foreign leaders

During the press conference, Gen. Pace spoke about the high morale of the troops and tie sense of
confidence iney have in iheir missions Fol owmg are h'qhlghts of his remarksaoout progressand
challenges in Iraq

The three elections last war In Iran were a malor blow to al Qieda.
In January. October &d ~ecember,al ~aeda" tried to influence vo!ell not 10 go to Ihe p 0 k
They failed on their mission. Voting perznlages rose each eteciion - from 50-plus percent
for the Jan. 30 e ections for a Transitional hatonal Assembly, '0 6 0 9 ~ percent
s in the
Cd.15 consiituhcnatreferendum,to more man 70 oercent for the Dec. 15 elections for a
.. permanent parliament
Now the terrorists are continuing to attempt to disrupt the formation of the govem17Wt
They will fa4 at this, too,as Iraqis form a govemment that is representativeof what they
want and (unctionsin a way that Improvestheir lives

b Two elements stlll fighting against a new Iraq are some Irql citizens and foreign terrorist*.
More citizens w l come on ine as they realize the government is proviimga way ahead for a'd
The foreign fighters provide many of the suicide bombers They am not going b decide that
they want to he part of Iraq's future insteadof its past Rather, they are h Iraq Simply to
subjugate the Iraqi people

b Aa more Iraqli decide they want a peacefuleolutlonto their problems, and see the benefit
of their own government, there will be fewer places forthon who wnt to launch attacks to

take refuge.
There are enough munitionsaround Iraq b give the terrorists the capacity m attack. What will
mehe a differenceis the abilty of the security forces to maintainorder, and the desire of Iraqis otn

. want 'o ead a normal ufe to make it clear lo lenonsis that they are not wicome
The enemy sbli has a m e ; and h e Coalition wit continde to assis! Iraqso the Country has
enougn security for the government to provide 'he sewrces the raqi people deserve.
~ .
b Coalitionforces will focus this year on ImprovingIraq's police forces.
Coalition forces including U S. military police, will Increasethe number of p p s embedded

. with police commando battalions They will be helping to Wain the trailers
The Iraqi government has the primary responsibility for reouiting and training !h3 m u n t y ' ~
security forces Coalitionforces work with the government to recommend the type of and
techniques for training

1 .
> Dectelonson trooo levels are based on condition! on the ground, not on a Catendtr.
One factor is the arno.int of territory under l i e command and control of tie Iraqi f o m
White increasec wpaoilllks of the Iraqi forces could roan more L.S troops could withdraw,
therecould be situationsthat warrant more U S troops, such as the recentelections
Link- ftrm ~hotoessay) [msotne?, - Jointchiefs web m e 1
Uc-fc-rses2i;:is Cu'iftiencc ros'cc t \ 2c:r.?b'\ Dcia j ?.nistcc aid Zen PC? Pdce, cia man of me
Jc il Chefs @'Staff "he t r l n ~ m i i qQ ~ a ~ e r nD-It
a ise i?eue# (2CW Repon - 10 tc Ce lew la
Congresson Feb 6 -is expected t i b e a topic of major discussionwhen Pentagon military and ci~lllan
leaders meet with the combatant commanderson Jan 11

9 m e QDR 1- congreaslonally mandatedreport the Defense hpartnient undTBkM w r y bur

vears to look at defense strateov. force modernization, infrastructure needs and other UWtS
of the defense program.

. The 2005 QDRwili be submittedto Congress In February, along with the prwidenrsdefense

. budget
Previous QDRs were conductedin 1997end 2001

9 The QDR examine8 current and emerging challengn and balances capabilitieswith these

. The QDR is instrumentalin shaping budgets, strategy and force structure.

It will examine tie relationsamong ell aspectsof strategy and resources and determineifthey
ere in sync, Navy Adm Edmund P Giambastiani, the vtmchairman of tie Joint Chiefs of Staff,
said m an mtereiew with the Amencan Fences Press Service In November(link).

> The QDR will consider the broad range of missions that the U.S. military could 4a calkdon to
These missions (un the gamut from full-scale combat operations to nontraditionalmissions
ranging from countennsurpncymissions to stability operations to homeland defense, then-
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen RichardB Myere told reportersat the National Press

. Club in July 2005 w

How to create the best-structured,-trained, and -cqui@ force for these various missionswill
be the QDR's 'essence "

I > The 2005 QDR Is the first to draw on lessons learnedfrom fighting the GlobalWar on T m .

Planners cannot assume that future operationswll be run Ike May's. Gen. Myers said.
For i n s t a w me way opera:ions m Afghanistanwere conducted was different than the way

. Iraq was to~ght.and Iraq w 1 be different thar whatever the rrifitq is called on to do next
Defeise and m ury eaters awady recognize mere is too much coivenional force struaure in
some areas, Gen Myers said
The Army already is working to rebalancethe skills within Its active and reserve components
and to transform some'heavy'units mto lighter, more a g k units

> While the QDR will chart a course for continuing transformation of OUT milltarycapabilities
there will still be significant elementsof continuity.
ProgressIn Iraq:
Since June 2004,when the CoaHtton transferred &xwe&@y to Iraq, the peopleof Iraq have:
Elected an intenmgovernment(January 2005),
Drafled and raM6d (October 2005) a msStuton; anil
Elected a four-year, constitutionallybasedgovernment (December2005).

> TIM end state In Iraq:

.. An Imthai k at Deace wllti is neiohbon:

i is an'aily in the war onterror.
An ~ r amat
An Iraq n a l has 8 rearesenwive govemnienlftatrespectsftehuman dghB of all Iraqis'md
An Iraq n a i has a secvw bmthai can malnta n demesne order and deny ,raq as a Safe naven for wroristt

9 Iraqi Security Forces continue to make strfdw In number and capability.
More than 227 000 Ira01Senirttv Forcesare trained and eoulmd todav, cotirared win 127.01)0 aYear ?@
.ust over six mwths ago l~une'X45) tour b p d e s and 11 b& tors k r e l n m lead hcounwi&urg3n&
operatiois n iwir respectiveareas ( p a n n q and exechng coJnlenns~faency ope'aians wth minimal
Coalition support)

. Today, one division, eight brigadesand 37 battafonsarein the lead

Based on current ~miections75 Dercenlof the lraai a m bnaadeswflbB in he lead m CWntBrinsuraefxw

. F also'increasingly able to conduct Independent ope?ationS

I ~ are
In August ISF wnductMl260 independenloperetta In Decmber, ISF planned and e m o l t e d M

. than 550 independentoperations, wftti no support from the Coalition forces

U S troops who are embeitiKi wth ISF conbnue to applaud their capabilities
Iraq;forces bring significant capabilityto the battlefield, particularly In human inteEtfgence

Attack! In Iraq:
The number of attacks m Iraq varies from week to week. However, the pattenofthe effecllwnwsofÈ
alack remains about the same. CuroiHy, the tend is that approximated25 percent of the attacks am

. effective(resulting in a casuetty)
The continuing attacks show that leiromts andforeign lightersam sill IKIIraqandsffl haw ~aDabityto Sum
their acts of violence Their obi& hasn'tchanoed- Thev want toderail the democratic orocess and discredit
the Ikaoi Government
lncre~.i&, me raqlpeople are rejectnqthe teronsis and foreign lighten among rfwn provkfim
inlomaion ahul the where theenemy or their mm bons are ridam
Iraq s fea ze these gmp$ have no app-eaamn tor their lives, they am in IWb ~Stablshan IdKnic
caliphate and spread it across the region

9 Iraqla appreciatethe efforts of tin C o b .

The mayor of Tall Afar, in rmnhem Iraq, recently wrote US. Army Gen. Seam W Cawy Jr. c m m d w ol
Coalition hros in Iraq He said that before Operation Restore Rights last year, WtlIch ims planned at the
request of the mayor and localand provincialleaders, the city was 'overrun by heartless terrorists' After the
operation conducted along with Iraqi forces, U S forces started 'nursing the wounds of thk aty by reburidtiq
damaqed lives and bulldinas witii qreat com~asslonand speed These soldiers have done more than their
onginal mission requiredof them Thank you from the bottom of our hearts "

bnks WF.1 vmb ste Do0 hm.mlofopam Resture R ~ h M

b ra on 13,203
Prcscer! B J S an0
~ .S ni 13ry tdrieri r;..? tri:ra:i^co U'i.1 e, ria01gc3l'~tvie Coa l c l n 2CC5 S 13
acce ewe 'he train no o'the i f + F J ice 01 -an 17 lne rresoeii~smke lo :lie Vclerars cl r 0 f g l Ware.
Fcl owing are i.cnl3hlsof his 'en?.'i<s.pus r"ornct-cr atr-1 fie r q i 'A r islry i f nter rr forces 'TOTIlne
MI. ti-Namnal Security T'ansiton Command-Iraq(MNSC- 1

Tralnlno Iraqi Police F o r m

Effortswill focus on improvingtie performanceof ttnee categories of Iraqi p o l b - t i e Special Police, Die
Border Policeand the local Iraqipolice.

> The Special Police:

The special nolice areflahtina alonasldethe Iraal atrnyagamstthe teroists and Saddairists

. Special po ice new n~mberapproxhately 19 000, do& 6tho goal for a completeforce.
L.S. 'oms w 11 ço wilh and rein spec al p ice. This will help the police become morecapableand

. professional so !bey can serve and protea aI Iraqis wthout (iiscnnina1on

Spec a1 30 ice wll be recuired to urdeqo tra ning on human runts and h e meanhg of the me Of

9 Iraal Bordtr Polio:
The Iraqi Border Poke now stand at about 18,000
The noel s lo have 28.000 border oolce t i n e d and e a ~ i ~ by
~ ethed end of tne year.
The Coalition expects hand over responsibili& f& all of lraq9sborders iraqi border poke

. laterthis year.
In November, border forces took tie lead in protecting Iraq's Syrian bonier.

. A new customs academy has been established in Basra.

The Coalition isembedding borderpolicetransition teams with Iraqiunite They IncludeCoallllon
soldiers and experts from the U S Department of Homeland Security

> Local Iraqi Police

The local Iraqi police currently numberamund80,000officers. The goalis 135,000 trained and
equipped station police
The Coalition is partnering local Iraqipoke units with teams of U.S mlltary p o l b and International
police liaison officers, including refined U.S policeofficers
The officerswill work with provincial police chiefs and focus on ImpnHingk d police IbicesIn nine
key cities that have seen intensefighting with the temnsts Baghdad, Baquba, Fallujah,Kirkuk,
Najaf, Ramadi, Samarra and Tal Afar

. The MNSTC-1 mission is to assist the IraqigovernmentIn the development, organization,frantng,

equipping and sustainment of IraqiSecunly Forcescapableofdefeatingterrorism and providing a
stable environment in which representativegovernment,individual freedom, the rule of law, and free
market economy can evolve and wrtich, in time, will contribute to regional secunty in the Gulf Region
The MNSTC-1commanderis A m y Lt Gen Martin Dempsey
Ministry of Interior Security Force Units
Iraqi Police Service: The foundationof the Ministry of Interior police forces and the first line of
secunty under civil law enforcement

Special PoliceForcm: Provides national high-end.rapid-responsecapab'files to counter l a w

scaled sobediem and insurgents.Tnese forces include the Publk OmDivision, the 1'
Mechan zed Po ice and the Spec:al Police Commandos

Publk Order Division: Tie principle civil interventionforce to deal with security situations
wtiich are beyond he capabilities of local police forces.
Mechanized Police: Provides light-ann~capability to counter nsuqsficyadlvBeÈ
Special Police Commandos: Conducts counterinsurgency and force-entty 0pemti0nS to
gather intelligenceand capture terrorists.

Department of Border Enforcement: Protects Iraq's border Monitorsand controls movement of 4

personsor goods at border crossings

Iraqi Highway Patrol: Provides lawenfoncfiment.wblic safety and convoy security abno IW'S

Emergency Response Unit: Provides national-level, hgh-end, rapid-re- hostage rescue and
high-risk arrests

Bureau of DignitaryProtection: Providesclose protection, convoy secunty and fixed-site security

for key Iraqi political leaders

Source: Jan. 14,2006, edilon of MNSTGI's online weekly newsletter The Advisor

Links: For more informationon training Iraqi Security Forces, link to the MNSTCI web site at
www mnstc irao centcornrml
Operation Koa Canyon Successful
Coalition forces on Jan 27 concluded Owratton Koa Canyon (WakiAiiundi) along the western Eurtirates
R ver Valley, between me ~ ~ s b a h l ~ q h dregion
a d and thecity of H L
Tne oceratcn beaar Jan. 15 10 capture or ki 1insurgentsand to locate and destroy Thek maDon8
Iraqisoldiers and U S Marties found and destroyed45 weapns caches and detained20 SusDeded
insurgentsduring the operation
Koa Canyon is a wntmuation of operations in Al Anbar ProvinceIn western Iraq to defeat al Qaeda ffl
Iraq in the province,to deny them safe havens and freedom of movement, and to disrupt their flow of
munitonsand funding

Imah A w m e Mom Btttb SPK*
Iraqi Sear I / Forces m?k control of security of Dwaniyaand Wasit (Kut) provincesfrom Multinational
Dvision Cerwal Soutn MVCCSl on Jan. 2 6 In his briefinq to pnuss in BagMad last week. Army Ma].
Gen Rick Lynch described the forces' progressin assumingthe battle space, describing the area as

. being aocmximatelvthe size of Kentucky.

M N ~ C S ,n wopera'ion wth Iraqi forces, started building the security farces' combat pow in 2005
Mil tar, trans lion learns conducied me ntensive training, wnch was created by Pokh, Ukrainian,
B ilganan Sa.\adoran an'l U S .rst'uctors and was focused on units of the @ l'aq Amy Dlv sion and

. the Iraqi border police

To date, MNDCS has trained more than 20,000IraqiSecurity Forces, helpingto enable this battle space

(Jan 26 CENTCOM release)

For more information about Multinational Division Central South, visit their web site at www.~l~mnd~~.mil

For transcripts of Ma] Gen Lynch's press bnefinqs, link to the Mult-National Force-Iraq lmscnDt D W on
their web site, www mnf-Iraq corn.

Cadets Graduatefrom Iran1Military Academy A1 Rustamlvah

T9e first class of cadets for l i e new rai armv. awuared tram the Irwi Military Academy Al RiistanW
on Jan 19,2006
The 73 graduatescomokted52 weeks of Intensivemilitary. training. - They ml join units throughoul i W as

. junior officers in ell oranchesof the army.

The acaaemv, located six mles soul-least of Bagndad, is modeled after England'sfarnous Ropl Mi%

.. Academv ~aidhurst
If was 411by -he Brtlsh in 1924 and rnked with Sandhum until 1990, Men the Gulf War began
In January ?Or3 onor lo Omrarinn Irani Freedom lne acadenv was abandmed by the 1W.S thftn

. occupiedby the U S Army in mid.2003

The Coalition MilitaryAssistance TrainingTeam took controlof the arts in March 2004. and began
reconstructiontwo months later; major imnstruclion works were completedSeptember 2005.

(Jan. 28,2006, Advisor) For more infomation about the Mult-NationalSecurityTransition Command-Iraq
(MNSTGI), visit their web site at www mnstci iraa centcm mll/advisor htm
hey were Gen Peter Schoomaker, the chief of staff of the Army, Lt Gen Clyde Vaughn, Director,
Army National Guard and Lt Gen James Helmly Chief, U S Army Reserve Followingare
highlights of their remarks

> The Army will continue to build in a way that meet8 the requirements and challenge! of

the21" century.
The mission is simple Support the nation's globaloperations, prevail In the global war on
terrorism, and conduct expanded state and homeland secunty missions.

> The Guard and Reserveare no longer a ttrategk reserve with months to prepare ttxlr
soldiers and their eauloment forde~loyment.
Today's G~ardaic Reserve are t k nation's operationalforce and reserve.
They arc ready on short nctico to OCDOV ^war or to react immediatelyto domestic
situations andmissions

> The Army I8 committed to growing and balancingcapabllltlet within and acroM thÃ
active, Guard and Reserve components.
There is no intentionof reducingthe number of Guard and Reserve soMkrs, brigadesOr

The Guard will remain at 106 total brtaades (28 BrigadeCombatTeams and 78
support brigades of varying types).
Cumnty the Guard has 34 combat brigades, but because of under-resourcingIn
the 1990s,only 15 of these are what is called "enhanced,' meaning b y hare
more of their equipment and are manned and trained at a higher level than the
other briaades.
o Tire A[& is building up from these 15enhanced brtgades to 28 fully manned,
resourced trained and eaub~edb h d e combat teams, hke the active force The
new force structure plan is i t reducingthe numberof bngades- ifs building
whokness up to 28 rather than the 15
o The new f a m structure plan wil enabte more than $21 b i h to be invested in
National Guard equipment over the next six years.

P The Army's changes to Its force shucturewitl:
Balancetne emre Army. across all components, b matdl tie requirementsof tie 21"

. century
Put active, Guwd and Resale units on a predictable rotationalpath, which gives the

. soldiers, their families and their employers belter predictability

Make the best use of a modularfom Theactve, Guard and Reserve will beabteto he
'- Give the Amencan people more fortheirtaxdollar and greatersecunty
Links 02-02-06 Armv Force Structure Bnefiq
Following is informationon the Army's forcestructure plan

the Army Force Needs to Be Restructured

. As the nature of warfare changes so must the Army

In the past, the Army plan dependedon forwanMepkiying divisions (Hie !q& unit of the Airoy)to hnt
spots such as Germany and U S -based reinforcement?with laqescale deploymentsover time
Now the Army depends more on brigades, a smallerunil, specifically designed forthe new formsd
Restructuringthe Army brigades will ensure the law's capabllttesare balanced and MIIncreaseh
Army's readiness
The rebalancing will result in a largeroperationalAmy and create more useful brigades across the

PThCIplesof tie Foite-Slmcture Plan
While draftingthe new force structure plan, senior Amy teadels were guMed by ttiese two principles:
0 All Army unitswPI be whole, and
0 All unitswill be ready for the missionsthey a r e d e d toiulfill.

The New Force Structure Plan Im~rovesthe Army

Under the new force-structure plan, the Army wtl be:
o A more-readyforce, and
0 Fully manned, equipped and trained across all components of (he Army.

Fundha MKi Numbers

Fundmg lhe National Guard and t i e Army Reserve are being funding & M r actual strmplti.

Amy NationalGua-d
Amencans depend on the Guard to be ready to deploy foroperatlwis, Including long wars such as we
are lighting now against terrorism, defend the homeland; and assis' with disaster-relief missions
Nabonal Guard 106 brigades ( s m total number as prevbusly)
0 28BngadeCombatTeams
0 78SupportBiwdes
o (tins is a change in the mix ofthe kinds of brigades, but not achange total number of brigades)

Amy Reserve
Will maintain 58 Support Brioajei.

Active BCTs h i d from 33 to 42 and retain 75supporting brigades

~ n t o b e M l n N ~ l m d G m d e q ~ (ph e m m f l s~k pw
Allow lor a rotatonalpool of 70 Brgade CombatTeams across the Army (28 in tie National Quart ptn
42 in the active Army), in addition to supporting brigades
Unlike in the past, fund actual Guardend strength at a fully mined, equipped and Operationallyready
The Department of Defense has released the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review(QDR].The QDR is mandated by
Congress Previous QDRs wereconducted in 1997 and 2001. The QDR report has been posted to DoD s website.
Following is information.

> The nation is engaged in a long war, a warthat hirregular hi nature. The Quadrennial Defense Review
takes a look at the capabilitiesthe national will need to prwall in Ate war.

The QDR defines two fundamentalImpwalives f o r m D w i t e H i l t & M ~ l ~ :
Continuing to reorient the Deparbnenfs capablRfesand forces to be more agile nthis timeofwar, to

. prepare for wider asymmetricchallenges and to hedge against uncertaintyover the ne?2i 0W.
Implementingenterprise wide changes toensure tiat organizational structures processes and procedures
effectivelysupport its strategic direction

> TheQDR report should not be cast as a "new beginning': the Departmenthas been transfonnlng since

n office, he directed a review dtne Dewrlmert and uroed lnal the forcesbÃ
When President E ~ s took

. transformed 10 k-erFt tits new cenury

"Pie OCR resort rs a 'snapshot'of w a l the senior cmTan aW ma'w leadera swat this FQht in flme.

> Tile O M identitiestin four molt pmslng dmmih our d m f i c u , and usas tih lilt to d d i n olMl
klnd of capabilitiesand polkieÃthe military needs to cottlnuoto rçorisnlhs f o r m

Defeatingterrorist networks
Deferdng the h m l a r d in dqb,
Shaping the choices of countries at a strategicCrcSSmads, and
Preventing the acquisition or us0 of WMD by hosflo states or m t a k actors.

> TheQDR report emphasize that ttr United StiteB mint contlnui to adjutt to m m of uncerttlnly nd
a as terrorism;
While traditionalthreats remain, wa also face the threats o f V ~ â ‚ ¬ g u l a * c hsuch
'catastrophe" challenges such as the pursuit anduse of weapons of mass destructionor attacks sUC3 as
Pearl Harbor or 9 11, and "dis~ptiw'challengesto counter our military advantagesthat would n0Utratiza
the military as a key instrument ofnationalpower
We are changing from our Cold War wnstnrct- shining away from aganteoned mffitaryfocusedon see,
predictabilityand mass to becomea ghbalepedmary forcethat has thespeed, agility andtethatityto
res~ondlo discrete tasks

The Department of Defenserecognizesthat It cannot prevail In the long war alone.
" ,wflner-ito build natonal unltvof effort to face today's 'WIIIDteX
The Denartment must workwith interaoencv

. sec~ntychallen~
Likewise the United S t a k m i a k l p InternattonilpMrmr-ihiildthekown cataillytoreff*
and develop mechanisms toshare the risks and responsibilitiesof common 21" centurychallenges

> Thellical year 2007 budget will bÃaligned with QDR pfloritlei,but die budge" h f l m l y u r 2 M I ~ d
bond MI1 more fulb refled pmgrammHc change8 In the QDR (linkto DOD QtR W . h d
Presdei13.;h m a \ si^r fled 115 ?.-'-l;e'~ m o s ?f ~ ^ s c ^,%r
: l 213" lo C x j t t s > h - i w I!
are n gr p i s of the Cepamenl of Dcfxse's pciicr o ' " i ~ u o q e las Dncfccltc We Pertaqci
press corps by Secre:ay Rurisfco, -rJer Sccrfe:3'\ of Dc'ens? Gom~irolor) "in3 ,.mas
Crairman o l - Jo ~ nt Cn ek. of Staff Va-lie Gen A x " Pace aid VAU'A Evan V (war{) Chanik
of the Joint Staff.

. The world has changed dramaticallysince the end of the last century, and the Department of
Defense is changing with rt.

à We are r e f a s @ our capab"!~ and forcesfor the luture - away from a Cold War COnstruct
of the oast TO me sceed
and inthe future.
. .
,oower. m d s b n and aaililvo~rnatbn
" , needs to face ctialenoestoday

The QuaorennialDefense Revkmcontinues?9shift h emphasis by k l e t i t i w strategic

or onties. The QOR reoorl accotnoanicdthe budaet reauest sent to Congress locay. Tnis is the
first time the two documents have been delivered to Congress together.-

* The president's budget request invests in capabiliis and forces in these priority areas:
Prevail in Irregularwarfare operations:
Special Operations Forces grow by more than 14,000.

. Language and culturalawareness training is expanded.

Amy combat power increases-expand and convert 48 regular brigades to 70 IUUy
equipped, manned and trained Modular BrigadeCombat Teams.

Defendthe homeland agalmt advanced thread:
Improves defenses against catastrophe terrorism, and expands missile defense and
global communications capabilities

MaintainAmerica's military superiority:

Invests in joint air support, joint air dominance and joint maritime capabilities.

Support ourservlcemembereand their families.
Increasesmilitary base pay by 2 2 percentover fmal year 2006 (since 2001,military
pay has increased by 29 percent)
Increasesbasic allowance for housing 5 9 percent, keeping DoD's commitment to no

. out-of-pocket costs for off-base housing.

Provides funds to eliminate remaininginadequatebase housing in the continental
U n M Stales

The fiscal year 2007 budget will be aligned wKK QDR pitonties but the budgets n fiscal year
2008 and beyond wll more fully reflect programmaticchangesIn the WR.

Formore informah, @easerefertodaysDXI on f i e b~dgel,t4w-e you can ink b a

copy of tne budget the slices that accompanied May's baling, and the QOR repoit. A iransctipt
of the briefing wll be pasled lo h e m t papa
Schoomaner. :i ?I i f stcicl ine Arm) lest.?< ioja) nelcre tne h a t e Amed Sew ces
Co'nmiti~eon tne FY 20'17 %^gel Fol i~ r g an? sone t- y l q - i s 31 me secretary s 1est"nony

Our ration Is enaaaed In what will be a "Ion; war.'
Th s long warisihe cental securrty issue of our time.
The camoaians n Irao. Afoiansan and otter Ineaters in Ihe Global War on Terror have
added new impetus and h e w y totransfomaton efforts that were already underway ç

- the De~artmentof Defense before September 1l a

in 'h s long war, lne task anead - to contrive m pursue theenemy bolsterour defenses,
and enaole 0.r hiends a i d ares to manage their awn defense - requires us to not only
meet today's threats, but also to plan for tomorrow's uncertainties

b As the De~artmenthas transformed the nast xeveml @an, - we have shifted 9mphuh
from the pmcticos and assumptbni of the past
. - - -
From Dreoar no to fight conveitonal wars - which we are still pieoared lo du b a greater
emphasis on fighting unconventional,or trregular, or mymmetnc wars qainsttemrist

. cells or enemy guerillas

From simply de-conflictiq the branches of (he Anned Services and keeping them out of
each others' way on the battlefield to morefuliylntegrating them In ways that
complement and leverage each Service'sstrengths.
From reactingto cnses - to preventive action, such as in Ihe Horn of Africa, where W'W
undertaken sewnty and development misscns to Keepthem from becomiq a new haven
for terrorist activity such as Afghanistan became in the 1990s
From knowing where the enemy has been -to better ascertainingwhere he is going,next

. by improving our intelligence capabilities so we can 'find" and "fix,"

as well as finish
From our tvoicallv Amencan imnulse of Wino to do everylhingourselves -to helpiq
partners and a1 is dove op their own capacity to better govern and cefend themselves.
This s ~ a n ' c ~ lva im~onant
r 11he Nar on :error, wnere many cf cur mast dangerous

. enemies exist within the borders of wuntnes with whom we are not at war
Within the Executive Branch, we are seekiq ways to wort more closely with Our*
at the departmentsof State, Justice, Treasury and Homeland Security and the CIA.

b Other Important chlfb In our posture and thtnkhg:
From a peacetimetempo to a wartime sense of urgency;
From oneratino in an era of certainly to one of sumrise,

.. From abiding-nsk to managing and balancing nsk,

From confronting other nation states to confronting decentralized terrorists n e t ~ o i t e
From garrison forces defending fixed frontiers to expeditionary forces that can be d e w

. anywhere,
From havingthe bulkof personnel in t i e institutionalmilitary-the so-called "taiL't0
moving troops to the operational side that deploys and fights the "teeth", and
From separating people and mfonnaton in vertical "stove piw' to sharing data and
coordinatingoperations across organizations, military services and agencies.

Link to the secrelaiy's statement as moar6d

Followingare highlightsofchanges proposed in the fiscal year 2007 Defense budget to TRICARE

> The United States military Is committed to providing the best possiblecare for those

who have served our country.
TRICARE is the Department of Defense's managed health care program for active duly
military, active duty service families, rebrees and their families, and other benefiuanes.

> Adiustmentsto t h TRICARE svstem am necessaryto ensure mllitaw healthbenefits

are maintained at a superior level for many years.
The Defense Deoaiment Is orooosma that mm na-aae mllilarv retirees an<)their fainks

pay higher premums to neiadoress"mng healthkk costs. '
P'ooosec ad,ustments w 1 nilafleci acnve dutv. militarv. or their farri.ie9 or mililaiv

. retirees age 65 or older or lheir families.

Proposed adjustments will not change the benefits military beneficiaries receive under

. the system
Rebalancingthe share of costs between individualsand the government and Indexingthe
cost shares so they will be adjusted annually for inflation will help placeTRICARE on a
sound fiscal basis forthe long term

D The way DoD's current healthcare system Is funded Is not sustainable.

main^ as a resuit of benefits added bv' Comrass.
" DoD's heal* care costs have almost
doubled over the past five years.
Costs In fiscal year 2006 were $37 Milton. UP from $19 billion In 2001. By comparison,
inis years p'opose<!st'pbuidlng budget is $11 billion.
tealln carecosts are mrservalnely pro,ectM lo reach $64 billion h fiscal year2015,
an estimated 12 percent of the total DoD budget, compared with 8 percent now and
4 5 percent in 1990
Today nearly 60 percent of the Defense health spending IS for r e t i . These costs
are projectedto keep rising

9 A* TRICARE has been enhanced, Individual's cost shares have nsenllally remained tn*
same since 1995. As a resun. DoD oavs a cmtlnuallv Incraasiw WrCmtaW of

beneficiaries'health costs.
In 1995 beneficiariespaid approximately27 percent of their hearth care costs.
Today terraficianes pay only 12 parent of their health care costs

TRICARE annual premiums haven't changed in 11 years.
By contrast, premiums for federal employees (In the FederalEmployees Health Benefit
Plan) rose 115 percent from 1995 to 2005.

D The military Is, In affect. Increasinglysubsidizingthe heallh care costs of private

coruoratlons.omanlzatii. and state and local aovernmenb.
Becase TRICARE coverage is so comprenensive,maqy pri~ateemptoyers are d w n g

. employer coverage form Irary retirees ma airecng them to re y on TRiCARE instead

Some state goien-mentshave passed m es nat encourageemployees wlo are milit8ry
retreesto use TRICARE and ncl Weir state Health care systems
b In addition to benefit enhancements, Increased use by more beneficiaries, and no cost
share increases, DoD has experiencedthe aame double-digit health care Inflation as all

health plans in thà nation.
The military health system will emobv other strateaies to make omrationsmore efficient
and sax &c/, suin as generic ow use In pnarrn&es, the use ot Bit mall-
order oiarmacv. bener riosoital use, and ,aim omcmment with the Vewans Affairs
These and other management initiadvesare being implementedto reducedennay costs
and enhance perfomancewithin the system, but these actionsalonewll notcontainthe
escalating costs

> The proposed plan would ask retirees to pay somewhat more In premiums and for
certain co-payments.
The current TR1CARE Pnme annual enmllnmntfee for retirees is $230 for ind'vfduals and

$460 for families for both enlisted and commissioned retirees.
The proposed changes would increaseTRICARE Pnme enmllrnenlfees for junior
enlisted retrees at pay grades E-6 and below to $325 per individual and $650 for

. families by October2008
Enlisted retrees at pay grades E-7 and above would pay 1475 for individualsand

.. $950 for families by October2008.

Retired officers of ail ranks would pay $700per individual and $1,400 per family
In fiscal year 2009 and beyond, the share of health care costs paid by military retirees
would be indexed to the Federal Employees Health Benefits Programthat covers
federal wtkers and retirees

. Funds collected from increasedfees wl go to offset health care costs

DoD provides the best health care program We are proud of our impmWMts to tho
system Our promise is to sustain lhe benefit. These relatively modest changes In
beneficiarycost shares will make TRICARE available for future generations

Links: Secretary Rumsfekl's remarks on the budnet as submittedto the Senate Armed Services
Committee on ~ e b7,2006;
. & " o ~ l ~ A R ~ benefdaries from Amy B*. Gen. Elder Granger
on the orooosed chanaes Hià to In-foldsusiaininq the beiefit brochure and orowed cost
summary table), ~ m e r b Forces
n Press S e r w &hencan Forces Press %rimW.
Secretary R~ms'elosmke 'oaay at me Truman Presaenba! M ~ s e ~and m m a r y 19Inoepenctence.
Mo He reflected on P'e; aent T ~ n ' a rs eadershio m tl'e M . t e i-lo~sedur ng it-e eany days of h e
Cold War, and the sirnilanties and differences between that struggle and the Global War on Terror,

Folowing are highlights

Ourtask M a y is simiar to that m (tie Cold War
t firm defend ourselves over mg decades, and Bust that He Buth mi win.
We m ~ shold

9 The two eras have many differences:
Rather than an emrtire. ourenemv todav Is a shadowv movement of terf0ristCek

.Threats today are unconventional;and '

A! Qaeda and oner terrorists n a e nether territories to defend, nor didomats to S Q ~

The wo eras also have many similarities. Boa haw requiredthe United Slates to;
Be prepared for a long struggle, punctuated by periodsof military conflict

. Jse a.1 elenenk of our natona pow todefeat tne enemy;

Trans lion fte D q a r l m ~ noft Defense from arrangements that worked hi the last war to

those better suited for a new and differentera: and
R e m y ze tnat our citizens and cade- must above a! persevere
Both coin 3 s a e also hnoairenta~v -
' de~lmlcal - ctia knalnq
- - free W k and free
systems of government

ARw Wortd War I He United States bolsteredt i e capacily of parmef natons
Through the Marsnall P an, wfiich helped to save western Europe from Soviet tyranny: by

. aiding Japan m oecome a democracy, and by invest nq in the Republicof Korea

Today, we are bo ster ng me capabil lies ofour many new ales in the Global Warm
Terror, including ~f~hanistan
and Iraq.

b In the early days of the Cold War, the tasks often seemed insurmountable.
We did not win by luck, and our victory was not inevitable. We self-corrected, and we
stayed resolved

> There was no clear answer when (tiat war mighl be over, and there isn't one today for this
The mission for our brave s e h m e n and women deployed around the w d d remains to
continue to secure the peace for our generation and for generations to come.

Links* speech as delivered

Amy Gen George A Casey JF , corrmander of Coal lion forces 11Iraq, one'eo tne Pentagon
Dress corps todav via teleconference'ion Baqhdaa. Followinq
.are hqh
. iqnts of his openin3

9 The Feb. 22 bomblm of a ShPtte mosaue In Samarra was a deliberate ittomot . to f0ment
sectarian strife during a sensitive point In Iraq's political development
Wile the dancer f'om me aftermathof the ~ombinahasn t oassea cometelv. Iraq6 have
"sen against the terror designed to deny them theirfuture

9 Iraqi Security Forces performed generally well across the country, but not unlfonnly

Secur'hyterra kaders took Initiative eany in moving to a full alert and securingkey sites.

. In eight of the m~ntiy's18 provinces,there was little wno reaction to the b m w .

In ei5htolner provnces Iraqi police and army quixly contained demorstratlons and mittia

. actV!y showing tl'eir .mproviig capabilities and cocrdmalion.

Settlng me stuaticn took longer in Baghdad and Basra where Iraqiforces were aSSiStRd

. by Coalition forces
In all cases, Iraqi security ministites and security force teadershlp directed 0pratiOn.Y. Tht

. Coalition played a supportingrote

The transitionalaovernment res~ondedin oar1 bv I~DOSIWcurfews. The !Io~mment's
public calls for A m also helped reduce the vio~ince'

9 Reports of the levels of violence after the attacks were exaggentod.

The overa I ,evels of violence did not increase substanbaliy as a resurt of the Lumbhg The

.levels of v olence tie week after the bomb ng were m p a r a o k to the rml prevous ¥reek
The nature o' the vioence changed - ahackson mosqJes a i d c-vihan hllllgs increased
Inlliallv but oradualiv tmered off
~ p ~ r o x h a 30
t e lattacks
~ on mosques around the county can be cofifimied, ISM!

. than 10 were moderatelv dammed. two or three were severely damwed.

Approximd ely 3% civ nits we& Killed This is unacceptable,and soiemteg ftat tfw

. iraoi transit ma1ooveri~ent.secunw farces and the Ccalmon wort ham to prevent
There were numerous demonstrationsaround the county the see of the crowd Varied
from several dozen ~ e o d eto several thousand
Twenty cemonsf-atonsdrew crowds 01more than 1,OCC.
Tt.eie weir iii; siran 'icani incidents of violence associated with thedemonstrations;
they were for themost part conducted peacefuly,with the support of the Iraqiseailty

> Some militla did take to the streets after the bombing, but In the vast majorityof Caua
yielded without confl'ct to Iraai security forces.
Coal I101and Iraqi leaders are follcwiig Lpon reports of security forces assisting militia
movements, ano a'eqahors that miliba were pnrnanly respnsible for the mosque attacks
in Baghdad
These incidentshighlightthe need forthe Ira@government to deal with the inllltia Issue
soon (Link @fino traosaftt)
Secretary Rumsfeld and Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, today
briefed the Pentagon press corps. Following are highlights.

'1 do not believe they re (Iraq) in a civil war today Them has always been a potentialforcivil war.
That county was held together though an oppresslveregtme that put hundredsof thousandsof
human kmgs into mass graves It was held together not by a constitution, not by a pece of paper,
not by respect by your fellow citizens of different religious faiths but it was held together through
force and viciousness, and that's gone " Secretary Rumsfeld March 7,2(106

'...(what) you have seen is the Iraqi armed forces and the Iraqipolice are loyal b tie central
government.They have been on the streets prolecimg Hie Iraqipeople. The $micehaw gone 10
the nmsqJes and proiecteo the rnosqJes. Yo~'reseeing a.l the things you would waul to see to
precludetne knd cf thngs that wid .ead to civil war.'Gen. Pete' Pace, Marcl- 7,2006
s a hmeoftestingf o r e Iraqi people.
~ i n is

The terrorists who were behindthe bombing of the shrine In Samarra last month want to
foment chnl stnfe

. Iraqis are successfullydefyingthe rush to proclaimwhat some both here and abroad seek -a
civil war.

The leadership berg shown by Iraq's security forces, by lls governmentOfficialsam by 18

major polthcall e a r e in me wake oflhe bombng is encourawg.

Iraqiforces look the lead in controlling thesituation- Coalition forces assisted h a supporting

. Iraqi government leaders took several steps to calm the situation' They imposed a curfew and
leaders of most of tie malor parties stepped forward to publicly urge restraint on all parties.

- MJOI of the media eponingalter h e bombing, botti domestic and abroad, has exmerated
the number of attacks on mosaues and tne number of Iraqideaths, and mischaracterkedthe
behavmrof Iraq's securityforces.

Gen. George W. Casey Jr., commander of Coaldon forces In mq, has mprted lhal overall
levels of violence have not increased substantially as a result of the bomoirg.

Violencecontinues to slow Iraq's progress. Themuntry must get control oflts militias,
strengthen us min siries, ano tasnion a unity government that will representail elements of its

The regime that held Iraq together by force and vidousness is gone,but differencesm llr
comm~niCesSUBeç'stand they are bemg reflected In one nay or another, =oflunalely,a btof
Inis is berg manfested in we d h d debate wrh is p x i h e , [l'nk lo l r a n m ~ t l
supplementalappropriationsrequest Followingare highlights of the Defense Department's portion

The bil proposes$65 3 billon to t o d operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, including

9 Ongoingdeployments and operationsby US.fncesIn the Afghanistanand I r a q t h e a h

($34.7 Mll~on).

b Continuingto develop Afghan and Iraqi security forces ($5.9 billion).

Developingthe capabilities of these forces wH help them control more of their territory,
reducing the need for U S. forces This saves Americans' lives and treasure

Secretary Rumsfeid testified&costs about $90,000 per year to sustain a U S servicememterin

theater, compared with $11,000to sustain an Afghan soldier and about $40,000for an IraqIS~ldk

9 Counteringthe threat of Improvisedexplosivedevices (IEDs)($1.9 bllllonl.

Gen. Pace testifiedthe request wfll help test and buy jammers and detectiondevices, pins train
wilh them n the desert beforetroops deploy. he said here has been an increase in the
number of lEDs found before tnev ex~lmedand a decrease in tne numbers of ~a%katiesPer
explosion, showing that the workand' resourcesallocated are having positiveeffects

9 Continuing the Army's transformationto a modular force built around brigade combat
team, allowing the Army to transform the same timeit's fighting In combat ($3.4 billion).

9 Repairing or replacingdamaged or dwtroy6dequipment($10.4billion).

. These funds ç be used to replenish riumvees. Bradteyf g h w vehicles, tnJCk9, hellmptsn
and Other equlp'rmnt bat k wearing out or beng damaged, Gen. Pace testified. Equtoment is
teino reolaced not iust one for one but m somecasesbeinn redaced with items that mt
better serve the a i e d fortes further into the future, rather than just the next 10 to 15 years.

b Troop force protection ($2.6 billion).

. Gen. Pace testfed that thk request addedto me $3.6 billon already allocated and spent
thfouqhfiscal 2005 on items sum as hdiduai body armor and uparmoredHumvees shows
that enormous energy and resources have been applied to force protedon.

> Requestingthe funds In a supplemental appropriation nthw thin DoUs annual budgt
allow: the deoament to out toaether reouesu
' closer to the time they will be USKI,
for more accurate cost estimates.

. The traditional budget can take a year tofwraulate, anothereight to 12 morths to pass
Congress,and lien another year to execute.The supplementalalso allows quicker accessof
funds when they are needed and stops the department from having to reprogram money fliB
Secretary Rumsfeldand Gen, Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, briefed the
Pentagon press corps on March 14, Followingare hqhlights of their remarks

> The Iraqi people are at a crossroads now, choosing betweena path toward civil war and

one toward freedom and prowerib.
iraqis haw looted d o h [fie pa6 towaid civil war and are rejecUng I t
MOTIof raa's ekcted and RII~IOJSleaders are ca \m for cal'n and unity.
The Iraqi military has been loyal to the central govemment

The vast majority of Iraqi* are supporting th* Coalition's tffortt In Iraq.
Wi-h each subseqJent election in Irq. iragis have turned out to vote in 8Waiing
numbers lncludina Sunnls
Tne terrorists tredand failed to stop tne elections for the Transtiinal NationalAssembly in
Jawam 2005.1-e wnst lutonal referendumin October 2005. and elections for a
pennaientgovernment in December 2005.

9 Iraqis continue to volunteerto defendtheir nation, despite attack* against the security
These security forces are increasingly(alongon more responsibilityThere are some 100
Iraqi battalions in the fight against the terrorists, about 75 percent of operations involve
Iraqi Security Forces and nearly half of those are independentlyIraqiplanned, conducted

. and led
Bevondtrainina and eauioninathe Irani Seuinlv Forces, we are UalnIMthe trainers and
also Ine enabters - thosientities beyondthe oisk n u m b of po'ky aid army. such
combat support an0 ntelgence, helping lo bring more forces and capaDility on line.

9 The Coalition effort in I n o is cdributina to US. socuritv.

A free and stable raq 4'1not go to waragainst its nelgibois; use cherricalmeapons
aoa nst rs o w pecpie; t a h r or support :mnsts; cab fami ies of su clde bombers or
seek to kill~mericans.

9 We must underetand as a nation that it takes decdes for terrorist organizttlom to tx

defeated or to lose their ideology.
Even ifwe left Iraq tomorrow, we would stallhave a long way ahead to defeat terrorism
around the world.
We are going to need forces foniard deployedaround the wodd to respond to the terroifct
threats to our country.

9 Amidst the violence In Iraq there Is a string of victorias:
For those who want a single country,
For those who want a representativesystem,
For those who want a constitutionalgovernmentand for those who are trying to fofm a
new govemment.

Link briefingtransma
Gen. Georae W Casev Jr., commander of Coalition forces in Iraa, aooeared yesterdav on several
sunday news shows ~ollowin~ are highlights of his comments on and challenges in Iraq
on the three-year anniversary of Operation iraqi Freedom.

> The Iraql people am making great progrew:

Three yean ago Saddam Hussein was still in c h a p of Iraq; now he Is on trial
Turnout increasedand violence decreased with each of the three nationalelections In Iraq
in 2005.
Iraqi politicalleaden from different ethnic and sectarian groups are wortmg to form a

. re~resenlat~e

aovemment of national unitv that mil insure the rights of all Iraais
lGq's secunty forces are increasing in number and capability. €$summer end,
. oercert
75 , of the rail. brloaoes
" will Be in h e .cad in 1he.r battle saare
around Iraq.

9 There Is sectarianviolence and sectariantension In Iraq, but It Is primarily focused In

the center of the country around Baghdad.
In 15 of Iraq's 18 provinces, there are six or fewer incidentsof violence per day, not aR a
sectarian incidents
Peopte are being kitedfor sectarian reasons The terrorists, foreiign fighters and Insuigenb
are attempting again to derail the politicalprocessthey fated tostopin the January 2005
elections for a TransitionalNational Assembly. in the October 2005 constitutional
referencuman0 in the December 2305eledks for a permanent govenment
 The Coal lion rs wcrk no with 'he lraoi brws to mventtnis tlolenx and to Frotact the
iraqi peopb.

Iraq Is not In a civil war, nor Is one Imminent or Inevitable.
As h e county's leaden form a government of na'iwnal unity that beglni to mow (inward.
. tensions will araduallv ebb
Gen. Casey noted that as he drove around Baghdad last week, there was a sense of
bustle and there was a lot of economic activity. Goods were stacked un in front of stores.
and the traffic police were weanng white s h i i and tes, not armored vests

9 U.S. troop reductionsIn Iraq will continueto be conditioro-based.
Commanders m I nake recommendaions based on the situation on the ground.
Approximately 133,000 US. troops are in Iraq now.
As IraqiSecuriti Forcesassume more of the security resoonsibiBies,Coalition forces wil
Be grad~a'y red~cedraqi forces will still have enabling support from Coalition Hoops.
such as medicalebacuauon, logistical support, intelligence aid .ndirecl-fire support

9 Operation Swarmer Is one of a series of operations to deny the terrorists and the foreign
fighters safe haven and sanctuary in isolated carts of Iraa
--The operation in the Samara regionwas ~lannedwlth the IraqiSecurity Forcesai

. intelligence was available

Iraqi Secunty Forces and U.S. troops have bund weapons caches and pelted up 30-40
detainees,including one ortwo highvalue targets
Following is information compiled by the Mulb-MatonalForce Iraq (Link to the page on the MNF-1 web srta
at www mnf iraa corn)

Operation Iraal Freedom: Three Year Anniversary - ProgressFactShwt

I n p I three years, the people, the governmentand seorty forces of raq have made twnefidousand
steady p'ogiess the el m n a m of a hula. dictator, the democratic election of an Iraqigovernment the
development of an I m i constitution, the restoration of I m ' s infrastructure beyond prewar levek and ttw
establishment of an increasingly effectiveIraqi Secunty Forcethat in time WIN be able to take over from
Multi-National Force-Iraq

As their marctl towards a stable democracycontinues. tta United States Embassy Imq and MulthNatwal
Force-lraqremaincommmedto the people and governmentof Iraq white it shapes andseats its new
government, a government in which all Iraqis have a voice and their rights are protected and acts as a
partner in the war on terror


Beforethe start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Ira& underthecontrolof Saddam, was anenemy of
the U S. and the cmteed WM today it is an aly of both as well as a ulobal partnerlnt-ahtmi. .

. terror
The arm is to defeat thetennnstsand ttieir aSes at the heart of thar wvmr and Coalition foreas
are achieving tha'goal Coal ton and \wu Sum ty Force operacans in Iraq mminua fflMmg thÃ
teror sB and regime remnam in Iraq wtw seek to overtirow a democracy, cam a strategic
country as a haven of terror, destabilize the Middle East, and strike America and other free
with ever increasing violence
Since 2003 Iraoiforces have fowht 8bmsideCoalitionbrcesIn Naiaf. Samara. Fadulah.
< l aof oiher ocationi Almouch Iraqibfws haw
Beghdao, hortfieabl ~ o s ~ l , ~ l i r b a f , a nnost
endured muusads of casJa!ies, have been attacked multiple times each day, and nave suffered
osses i t rougr br~taintimidation attacks, Inere remains 10 snonageof loi-in-eeisready to step up

. anj cefend the scne-egnty sid heedomofthen nab^

FichIng 'ne ererry lere in raq maws itmore dffictiii forthem to strike us in the U S. We can
decis te y weakei ire Jeokgial extremsts, lkm D) Din Laden, Zawahiri and Zaq* DY StBbIlang

. Iraq an0 actvet)he ping w: help :?ernselvesaga nst this mreat.

Now '?at Ihe pwak of raq ?'e permkea 0 cnoose .'or own oesUny and advance by their own
energy me terrorists are be nq r a r ] i a (zed as )ear Ws to Coa .tion or iraq Security Fotws
recariing lerrcns: activty w omons cnty nurrkrw about403 a montt, by yeaf'spnd more than
4,500 calls per month provided informationon terronsts or resources whereabouts
Operations continue to degrade the tenonst network Since January 2005, we have kMed a
captured more than 122 key leaders o f N Qaeda in Iraq

Information compiled from White House reports, 2006 MNF-1 press conference transcripts, and UKF-I
Report'2005 Year in R e v W


The Iraqipeoplelook responsibilityfm their gwemment wiltl the transfer of sovereitflly and tÃ
establishment ofthe Intenm Iraqi GovernmentonJune28, 20(14 In theDecember 2005elections
more than 300 parties and coalmns were registered, ami roughly 11 million mters participated.

. including many who had opposed the constituton and boycotted elections in January
The Council of Representatives(CoR), the parliament elected under the new Iraqi constitutor!,
convened on Thursday, March 16, at the Parliament Center in Baghdad Tw hundred seventy-
five representativeswere sworn mto Iraq s new four-year government- The formal Seating or
convening ofthis CoRsymbolues an important stepin iraqs pathway to democracy This
representative body will serve as the bass for establishing a broad based governmentof national
unitv for Iraa
In k 0 3 theauthof#tanmcontrol of Saddam's regime alwd few of Iraq's 18 gowmorak3 any
rea a~l*iofty Today, nose 18 governor& counas. n adt'nm to 90 dshctw-incik 1S4cq of
si,bo;>m co~ncilsand 437 neqnboitioodcounc s established since the slanof OIF e q w b
and promote a decentralizedaovirnancesystem that wovkles more than 19million people the
means to enaaoe in local w l i v discourse..
It is unknow~if~ivilsociety organizations even existed under the totalitarian regime of Saddam;
however, now in 2006, there are more than 561 civil society organizations in 18 gOVeInorates
established as part of a campaign targeting grassroots democracy
Today there are more than 40 countries and international organizations with Embassiesand
Missions established in Iraq cementing Iraq's position in a cooperative, global community

Inkmaton pmvided by MNF-1, OCS STRATEFF, Policy W n

Ministry d Educaiofi

In 2003, approximately6 1mlBlon chMren were mrdied In Iraq's lower education system. Of ~ E S
cnlv about 2 96 miliioi were expected to graduate from secondaw school. NOW, in 2006 ne*
25% of tie Iraqi populationeither attendia schwl of, or isdirectif empioyedby, t i e Minbty of
Education. With a 2006 budget of $1.9 million (up 66% from 2005), the ministy oversees more
than 20,000 school sessions in over 14,731 school buildings, administrative offices,and
educational facilities nationwide. The MoED provides the oversight and training needed to support

. 500.0(10 taachen in their work with 6.2B.6 4 maion K-12 students a 3 4 % increase from 2003.
In2003 there were 14,731 kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools, most of which
. . - .
suffered from vearsof n e o k t bv the Saddam reoime an insuraencv mtenl on inlimldatirm
teachers an0 shidents, ard me damage c a m ty war Occr :nc lost ¥nrrc)c ncsriy 6,00001
those scnoo s na,e been reravaied or undcrgm some lorn of rehab itation
In 2C03 the MnsQ of Hgher Cowanor an0 Scientffi: R w a i c h (MHESR)mnsisÈdol2
universities, 46 institutes or colleges vnthm the communitycollegesystem two commissionsand
two research centers Since 2003, MHESR has in addition to continiiouswork on Its facilities and
infrastructure that had been largely destroyed by war and tooting, has been able to install n m t y a
dozen new colleges within its university system

Informationprovided by Iraq Reconstruction ManagementOffice

Iraq's Mhety of heath (MoH)mSew 4.2004. inkned the flmt pofc Inw~nIzalonpfOgIOTIn
tne comuy since the start of the war In March 2003 in an efful b proffia A 7 mil on cnldren from
me infectiousdisease After two rounds of Naftona Polb immunizat on Days m t!a summer of

. 2005,Wh of Ira0 c'lldren under five nave ~ e enccnated

r for pobo
Win sdpwrt from me Lnned hatnns Ch dren s Fund UNICEF),ne Wortd H8alth OrganizaliCT
( W i C ) anothe E~m9ean"non (EJI, whfcn cortnbirted over US $2 5 mil ion the IraqiaJihorites
succeeded n imm-r zing the vast napn'y ofchioren n mefrst three days oftne campaqn.
JhiCEF sad Alota 01 25 mlion ooses o'vacz i e were p~xhasedwrth help fro? a $32miffin
grant from t i e Jn tea ^tales Agency far intenatriia Devekprrenl (USAIDI

Infcnnatbncompiled from the MNF-1 Reports "200412005Year in Review" and Iraq Reconstnictol
Management Office report ¥RebuildinIraq" (Feb 08)


General Security

. Today, 1SF independentoperations account for more than 36 percent of total operafim

. cond-.
Since 2003 34 ForwardOoeratino B a s s out da mak total of 110. have been transferred to the
Iraqi ~ r a n s k n a~overnment,
l transferred to the I ~ or
F closed.
Controlling its national borders end preventing infiltrationof terroristsand foreign fighters wishing to
use Iraq as a safe haven or conduct acts of tenor, was possible due to operations in Al Anbar, Tilt
Afar, and the Western Euphrates Rwer Valley area These operations, dong wlh the
establishment of 256 border forts, resulted in the successful restoration of border controlb the

. Deode and Governmentof Iraa in late 2005

sin& 2 ~ 1 3 2 5 8norlerlaci:& 309 w cestanm, 14 academies and branch schools. 26 unl
headquarrers. ard 6 1 fi"c smmns have been b~iltorrehahi taied.

informationcomplied from 2006 MNF-I press conference transcripts

Ministry of M e n u

After being formally dissolved May 23,2003, the ftst 1.000 d B of Iraq's new Army toaan
ran.ng Adg 2 2C03 Today the Ministry of Defenseforces now number 112.900. with 99.500 hthe
Army, 600 17the Air FOW, and 800 in the N w . and 10.800 in vano~ssuppol blC?units
The Iraa military was rebuilt from scratch since 2003. The lraai Army absorbed the lraai National
Guard to form 10 IraqiArmy combat divisions. There are now 101 trained and equipped combat
battalions in the Iraqi Army - all of them are in fte fight. This includes a (Special Operations
Forces) Counter-Terrorist battalion, a Commando battalion, and Strategic Infrastructurebattalions.
Most recently, the Counter-Terrorism battalionrescued a retired Iraqi army brigadier generalwho
had been kidnappedand was going to be killed by hiscaptors. Today, 49 Iraqi Army combat
battalions, 13 Brigade headquarters, and two Division headquarters control thairown battle space.
Iraq's Navy Is now operational with a Patrol Boat Squadron with five Predator-classPatrol Craft, an
Assault Boat Squadron with 25 Fast Assault Boats (FABs), and a Marine battalion, ail of whfch
serve todefend Iraq's coast, territorial waters, vital ports and offshore assets against both external
and internal security threats.
Iraq's Air Force has five fultfoperational squadrons capable of conducting a variety ofalM, utiffiy.
intelliaene?oathenna surveillance and remnnalssane? missions The sauadrons include one G
130 t-anspori sq.ad&, TWO 1% squadrons wth CrI2TOO Compalr, and Seewrairsraft, and two

. nelmpier squ3drons ~ , t UH-1s

h a d Be4 Jet R a g m Tne IAF recent)/ pJrciaseo 10 Mi17 Hip
helicopters which will soon form another helkopter squadron
Iraq's three military academies are committed to professionalizingthe Iraqimilitary Rustamtyah
has oraduated 73 from the Sandhurst model caurse Zahko has araduated411. and Qalachoun
currently has 188 enrolled Between the three institutions, 653 hive graduated froin the three-

. week newcomer's course

Since 2003, construction on 12 major militarytraining facilitieswas completed and 10 other
projects are ongoing

infonnaltonprovided by MNSTC-1 Public Affairs

Mlnkby of Interior

In 2003, Iraq had a dilapidated Internal securityforce Today Die Ministry of Interiorhas onr
127 845 pmfessionally trained and equipped members Of those, over 88 962 are trained and
equipped regular police officersand the other approximately 38 883 are assignedto National
Police Forces, Commandos, Public Order Division, Mechanized PoliceBrigade and Border

. -. .- -- .- ...
In November 2033, Iraq's only formal police train ng academy opened in Jordan; today. Own are
12 police !iaming academies including eight ba5.c pol- academiesthm i n s r r ~tnel0-week
~l basic
trainina course, designed to better .o&e. the .nolice for the challenoing
. .environment In which

. many wil serve,

In 2M3 Iraq was inane 10 Mepmdentiypmitlesecurity tofIB o w Doroo:today 20.391 Mrftr
erforcemc-i! penorne nave completed Iran rg and 258 border fans nave been hilt,ware
c-rrentty under construction,to hep Iraq s Border Enforcement off-cerepairo and secure Iraq's

. bcrdere
Since 2003.20 crovinclal SWAT teams of 32 tereonneleach haveteen batred and W J W , and

. one more is scheduled to mmotete tralnm bvDecember 2006

Since 2003,277 Iraq Pol- consiitrion projects were comp eted across the 18 provinces and 11
maor cites Ths r>&d 37 police neadauartere '87 M c e slatcns, and seven ngnwaynalrol

InfomaDonp r o v k d by MNF-I/MWstiy of IrteMr Liaison Officer


. When Coalition forces began Operation Iraqi Freedom, they entered a countiy whose enemy
nfrastnJClure had deterioiatedover many yeam The U.S Embassy and MNF-I set ulb helpSn
Iraqlgovernment restore oil facilities, increase production, and improve refining, natural gas
production, and pipeline facilities; by year-end 2005, 179 oil projectshave been pursued worth
$1.16 billion. 42 have h e n comoleted wnrth $110 mili~n.Production is on oarwitii Drewar tiavBte
at 2 0 million barrels of oil p r day (bpd) and exports of 1 3 million bpd Over350 pipelines have

. been repaired and revenues are up to $24 5 bll on from postwar kvekof $5 1 billion In 2003
The U S Embassy and the Governmentof Iraq continue to address the issue of Iraqi
unemployment,today about 1 5 million Iraqis are empluyed under reconstructionefforts WMW
on schook, clinic, mads and numerousother infrastructure projects, and the overall national
unemploymentdmpped In 2005 to 28% (as reportedby COSIn or 12.18% (as estimated W MNF-

. 1)
%re 2003,32,574 new Iraqi businesses haw been registered

Infcrmatonpmvided by MNF 1. DCS STRATEFF, Econmiro Divitim


. The Iraq Relief 8 Reconslmctlon Fund ($2.5 bilion) and s~~pbtrmntal

appropriations ( Ã ˆ I
have been comnrlled to the reb~ildiio01 Iran As of March 7.3008, $18 6 b'llbn (01which $11.4
billionIs obligated for DoD prop&) has been obligated on Iraqi reconstruction
Since March 2003. more than 11.600 construction projects have been started More thai9.340
projects valued at $9 3 billion, have been compteted
Smcà M'arch 2003 $9 6 billion (IRRF 1 .$2 5 billon, IRRF 2- $7 1 bn~ion)has teen focusedon
orovldino reliable essental services (electricity water. tranrortatnn, telewminunBatiore, and

. oil1 M O than

... 19 . tn
. .
~ 2412 essential servm oroiects are either comoleted or u n d e W .
Before March 2003, Iraq averaged 4 300 MW of peak electricity generation, supplying Baghdad
94 honrc
. - -ria"
7- , - , -- a now,
- - hudwerfinn r fmm The rest of I r a left wth four toehht
h o ~ r of
s pow,towever 1noay"ie avcrqc 'oc; cnzen has sedei hours of eipcincal sefvice in
Oaqhdao and 10 'o 12 noi,rs n me rest o' The ccmry. If is expcc'eo to Lm 12 m 14 h o n o w the

. next year
Before March 2(103 onk 5 5 million of Irati's 25 millm citizens h i d access to a safe and stah
water supply lraq's cities suffered from Inadequatesewage systems,today 19 potable water
treatment facilities have been built or rehabilitated, pmvdlq a standard levelof service to about
2 7 million more Iraqis In addrtion eght centralized sewage treatment facilities have been
rehabilitated adding capacity to benefit 4 9 million Iraqis
Health care for some ethnic groups was almost nonexistent under Saddam's regime; today thorn
are over 300 new health care facility crowis across Iran and over 270 pml& urnjetway la be
completed by mid-year2007 allowing an additional 7 million Iraql citizens, regardtessofelhnicity,
geographic origin, gender or religious affiliationaccess to health care that was unavailable under
the old regime

Infomalion ampled from U S Army Corps of Englneere,Gulf Region Dmion, PublicAlfalrs and Im
Feb 06 report 'Rebuilding Iraq"
President Bush
"A free Iraq is importantfor the United States of America It was important to remove athreat it was
important to deal with threats before they fully materialized, but a free Iraq also does someother things
One, it serves as an amazing example it will serve as an amazing example f a people who am desperate
for freedom "pNl~iteHouse transcript)

Pmsiiient Discusses Waron Terror and Progress In Iran. Wheeling, West Virginia, March 22,2(106

Vice President Cheney

'Theresa lot at stake here Ifs just not about Iraq Ifs not about today's situation h Iraq Ifs about
where we're going to be 10 years from now in the Middte East and whether or not there's p i n g to be hope
and the developmentof governmentsthat are responsive to the will of the people that are not a threat to
anyone, that are not safe havens for terror or manufacturers of weapons of mass destnjcton-thafs our
vision and our view-or whether or not the terrorists succeed And if they succeed, then the danger is that
Iraq wil become a failed state, as Afghanistan was a few years ago when it was governed by the Tahban, a
safe haven for Osama bin Laden, and a base from which they launchedattacks against the United States
and our friends around the world '

Wth Bob SdlieDeron CBS's Face the Nalon, March 10.2006

'The raqi peope - who had s~fferedthrough decades of h t o ity and conupton understandthe high
slakes in m s war They are &term ned to claim tnen bifthrgM of freedom and secdm tie r new democracy.
In d e f m of 1oknce. m y nave elema a tiovisional government drafted aconsmBon, ratified ft t h W n
popular referendumand elected a permanentgovernmerit - with millions more Iraqis participating in the
process at each new stage '

Secretary of Defense message, TtiW Annhiefsayof Opration Iraqi Freedom (lettertothe HOODS)

m u %
- Chaimwa afthe Joint Chi& of S f l
'Tl-iere is me path towam CM war an0 peces oi that patn we in place. And them's the path m freedom and
representative government and a prosperousfuture, and that nght now the Iraqi people were - through ftw
aovernment and with their Government were makina the baste fundamental decisions which of those oaths
they want to walk down ~ n noht
d now I believe that the" have looked at the oath that leads to civil war and
dec'ded they a0 not want lo iratdirecbon ara $of& ,cry nucn bokingtcwad low can the{ Pave a
I n fed government en0 move dowr frat pam And heie are man{ many more voices tor unIfKatran and
freedom amongst Ihe leadersnip botn eected ane re' j UJS m Ihal country than ¥herare voices of

Pentagon Press briefing4 t h Secretary Rumsfeid, Maid) 14,2006pD Iransdnf)

Gem John P. Ablnld. Commnder. U.S. Central Command

Â¥Thfoes of U.S and Coaliion m. ta'y operauonsin Iraq has proceeded from Invasion,t o liberation, to
occupation with the Coalition ProvisonalAuthority, to paffifirship with the Interim and fransittonal
governments In 2006. we will emphasize buildinq self reliance in Iraq's s e c u r i t v f m a n d newly-ebcted
government Institutions. An essential element of achievingoverall success in Iraq will depend on the
leadership, vision, and characterof Iraq's newly-electedgovernmentofficials.'

Testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, March 16,2006 (preoared statement1

..-- "A
.- -- -..
.- . .-
- - --- ----
------ --A
.--- .- -
Gen. George W. C a w . Commandno General, MM-National Force- Iraq
'Tliree yean ago, Saddm Hussein was sbll in charge of Iraq Today, he's on tnal and lie will be held

accountable by the I'aq ~eopk,an9 the eaaen of Ue ww raq a'e sin ng down am meeting and
drscussirg how they re gong 'o nsttine a lo mof gi emnwtina'tfH r e w me human wits and aHh6
rohts 013 l Tie differentepnic and sectanar o r o m here ir rao Anc they nave w e hrougn three national

p sini a yearanc ir eachone, ine aels ofiartc oabo't increased the l&els o~viokrcedecreased,and
ea;n lime the term sts and ire fore gn fighters-the same gmuas hat are tfy.ng 10 foment sectam7 8 t h
r q i t row-failed to smptne e m o n , Ihe 'elerendtmano the electon in Decenber '

M l h Tim Russerton NBCs Meet the Press, March 19, XX

I LL Gen. Peter Chlirelll, Commanding Central. Mulli-MaltonalCorn. IrM

'Tne progress see m tie raq Sec~nryForces since Iamw '1 montns ago is absolutely a m m The
Iraqi arn-y is ncfeasngy laking 'ne kad n ope'atons dnd 'aking over responsibil.iy for bafflespace They
did a phenomenalp b in providing security aroundthe country following the (Feb 22) Samara bombing
Thev demonstrateda true understsndinqof then role m a democratic qovemment They were Iraais first.
I dedicated IO secunna thercountiv with&t reaard fortheir reimous ot~ntelaffiliation his is also Ihe year
of tie p i c e v.ne'e i e are p o $ d r qpo i'x.r"a nirq teams a?~nIpamereh ps and rren'orfig 10 nel0
de.elop the ccoasiliydtne po :elorce m-ct as we nave .vth the em/ Onse Taned. mese polw forces
w l ta<erespoisiaili'yfor ,ec-nrq man areas alnwig the 2rmy to TICie OJI of the cues for more of a
focuson national security'

Visit the Multi-NaBonalC c p Iraq web site at www mnd centcorn mil The MNC-Iraqpubk affairs ofltce
nas set up a fad o-newscast Ink on the page (MNG hews,OIF &ate) wne-c you tan Intento a ttve-
minute weekly muncup of news and leatiire stcm atom troops sen ng n Operation l'aq F w l o m

Muld-NaltonalCorps Iraq, panof Mut-Natonal FOW Iraq(wmWmq m). k He laclcalunl
respons bte for command and controlof operatons tnmughoulIraq Ifaq is divided htosix m a p areas d
respons oilry manta ned oy forces from 26 countries VhG is neadquanereaby the U S Army V COW
toward deployed to Camp Victory. Baghdad
Following are highlights of the March 23 press conference at the Pentagon with Secretary Rumsfeld and
Adm. Edmund P GiambastianiJr., w e chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Slaff.

'It seems to be comforting to some to hope that there might be some way to placate this enemy, that
somehow if we acted differently, theviolence, the conflictahed mghtjust goaway. But this enemyseeks
no armistice with free people. They've calledAmerica an enemy of God. They have said of Americans and
Europeans, quote, "Their wives will be widowed and their children will be orphaned,' unquote, and that,
Quote, 'iihad against the United States does not stoo with its withdrawal from the Arabian peninsula,'
unauote The &stion of our time is whether we face this enemvon then terms or on our terms, on their
territory or on our territory,where they are on offense or where they are on defense (bnefinu tran~criot)
Secretary Rumsfeld, opening remarks, March 23,2006

Acompetent, Inclusive government In Iraq lhat is seen by Iraqis as governing fromthe center will be
good for Iraq and will reduce the levelofviolence.

Saddam's regime was vicious and repressive Those Iraqis w*io took mks were pmkned. It çi tak*
!.me for Iraqis to dewbp ski1 sea to negoiats. polilck and compromise The last before them a
monumen%l.but the I'aoi people arestov. ngcourage volunteering for therse:~rty forcesand for
pubic office, a i d neqotiating a government that ther country's citizens have faith m

. Withdrawal d U S triww from lraa is crwiditioncs^asd.It k anlTClmteri thatthe k lof U S. fon'eswifl

go down as anraqi c o & m e ~ isfonwd
t and becwnes accepted, and as the Iraci Security Forces
wnbnue to assume more batdespaca, bases and responsibility.

TTw performance of me Iraqi Security Forces continues to tmpm; they suocessf~liyhetoed

millions of DIanms as lhev marched to Na af durino the Arba'een rellaiius
- holiday (Read more about
the Shi'ite&xnagefrom the M a t h 20 MNF-lrairelease)

. Stress on the U S mltery is being eased by the way tiw force a being managed Mlltary m n e l are
being moved out of c vi an positions back nto military positions; me Army is aggressively modulanznfl
their forceand ncreasingthe ndmbero'combal brigades that am avalable tne DepXhWt has been
successful m reducing the extent to which Guarda m Reserve are being called upon

O m l i o n s UndrtM
Northern Lights: Iraqi army a i d C o a i t o n f m , approximatsly 1,400 personnel, kicked off Operefon
Northern Lights on March 22 to disrupt anti-Iraqi forces and to find and destroy temnsi caches in the Abu
Ghraibarea west of Baghdad Theoperation Is basedon inblkgence, including bpsfrom local 1 ~that.
terrorists are ooeretina in the area and are stock~ilinoroadside bomb and truck bombmaking mat^& to
prepare f o r t i h k attacks in Baghdad. [MNF-Iraq release}

.. -.-.- .- . - -. ... . ...-..

.. .
wrapped up Mdrcn 22 witrout any cawates and with a1 ofthe tactical objeci-ves met The mission began >mth
me he1copter t r a n s m o l approx mately 1 500 Iraq and Coalition so'&re and Iraqi pice mmmaodosnb a
10 by10 square mile area northeast of Samarra on March 16 The initial insertion aircrall artd subsequentair
security provided bythe 101st Combat Avaton Bngademovedthe force comprising unitsfrom the 1st
Commando Bnaade the 1st Brioade 4th Iraqi Armv Dwsion and the 3rd Bnqade Combat Team. 101st Airborne
Division. The corrb neu force move4 tirowgn the aria usng intefigenceardclannng xovded ~ r , n a i tby l the
Iraqi Sec~rryForces. The operewn resu tec r 104 suswcKd m~rgen'3cunen: y ae lg detainedand
questioned and 24 caches d scoverec ['&PI rac ? e E p .
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld

. The Supreme Court today heard the case Hamdan v Rumsfeld.

Sallm Ahrned Hamdan is a Yemeni who has admittedto being Osama bin Laden's dnver in
Afghanistan and is alleged to be a member of a! Qaeda and to have trained in terroristcamps

I . in Afahanistan He was caotured there in 2001

hanijan s one of 490 de-hees being he d at a fac'By set up at U S. NaÈaStation
Guantanamo in 2302 to holo terrons-s captured on me battlefield in AJgnanstan and

. elsewhere
Today the Supreme Court heard Hamdan's challenge that President Bush did not have the
power to create military commissions at Guantanamo

. Military commissions are trials for those susoected of cormnfttirowar cnmes.

Tne COILI w I also consider wi-ether tne cleiainees can go to c o h n re United Slates to
enforce prot$ctions .noel tne Geneva Conveilins The Bush Adrn nstration nas argued that
the coivent ons oo not app y to tnese oeta nees They a-e not pr:sonere of ow because al
Qacda is not a signatory :o tnc Geneva ConveTicns, and neitherthe Taiban nor al Qaeda

. meel any o l the ctfriitmns of lhe 'em 'pr s o w of war* 04 ned n l i e conven+ins.
The Court must a'sc dec de wnetner a wen1 ,w, me Deta nee Treaiment Act. sin@ It of in
I junsdichon over Hamdan's appeal.

I Military Commissions

. Military commissions have tiadluonally been used to Q violations of the la* of war.
To date, Ihe President has determined that 14 detainees currently at Guantanamoare eligible
for tnal by military commission Of those 14,lO have had charges approved against them and
six cases have begun, including Hamdan's Theother four of the 14 who areeligible for tnai by
military commission have not been charged.
Military commissions provide a full and far trialand protection for classifiedand sensitive
Information The rules of evidence take into account the unfqw battlefield environmentthat k

. very differentfrom peacetimecivilian law enforcement practices

Each military commission panel consists of a presiding officer who must be a judge advocate

I . and at least three other military offteer members

Safeguards for the accused kiuoe the presurrpton of innocence and proof of gu It beyond8
reasonable d o ~ b t"he acc~sedis vouded a m .taw defensecounsel at no cost and may hire
a civilian defense counsel, and may present evidenceand call witnesses
Military commissions are separate from the Combatant Status Review Tribunals and
Administrative Review Boards

Combatant Status Review Tribunal

 The Combatant Status Revlew Tribunaldeals with enemy combatant designation. It does not
deal with threat assessment
The Tribunal was a one-time venue for detainees to challenge their enemy combatant

. designation
Dozens of Individuals have been released as a result of their Tribunal hear@.
The Administrative Review Board annually assesses the remaining potenbalthreat and
ntellgence value represented by each detainee The boards are designed to reexamine
detalnees regularly in order to identify detalnees who can be released
The Administrative Review Board operates much like a oarole board assessma wlietheran

I individualwho is lawfully and appro~natelydetained remains a threat The pm&also

Dmvides a detainee the ODrortunitvto make a case for whv he mioht be released or
There are three possible outcomes to the Admhisfrafive Review Board process. The individual
can be released, typically bacs to the:r home country: me individua'can be transferred, again,
lypcaly aack 'o tne r wuniry when the home country is willing to accept responsib.ity for
ensumg consisten wth is aws, that the oelamee wll not continue to pose a treat to me

. iiternatcnel wmm~nily;or me ndiwdual can ccnlinue to be cetained at Giartanamo

A process like the Administrative Review Board is not required by the Geneva Conventions or
by any international or domestic law It helps mitigateconcern about indefinite detention during
the unconventional conflict in which we are now engaged

U.S. Naval Station Guintanamo Bav. Cuba

Captured combatants are being detained to prevent them from continuing f i e fght against the
United States and our allies, and to obtain inteligenm necessary m the ongoing Global Waron
The Lnited States has no desire to hot) detalnees any longer man is absolutely necessary b

. p r o w OJrcitzensand me secunty of the Unsed Slates.

All detalnees are treated humanely and in amrjance with the Geneva Conventions. The
Pres oenl has been c ear n stat-rg hat tha U S. does not condone torture. None of the
evidencethe prosecuton intends to offer in the 10 cases cumnty referred to military

. commission was obtained through condud thatcould reasonably be considered torture

More than 1 000 members of the media numerous members of the U S Conaress. and

I . represen'atrfes f w the ntemational Committee for n e Red Cnss nave vs& tne faciftty.
Approximate v a dozen of me nore than 23C detainees wna have teen released or iranstemd
since detainee operations started at Guantanamoare known to have returned to the battlefield.

Link to COD GTMU me

- -

Followina. are hiohl~ahtsof

, .
a Dress briefina" todav,frcm Baohdad bv, Mai Gen James Thurman.
~ o ' n m a n d y ~ e i cof' i 'A-t'.b.ncnri C c, n.Encl-cac arc carrmanr nt; genera of the 4m

n f a n ! ~D i s an h t h lni: rcriaaor r'css roc; arc a lTe%a m t c r d w. 3v. Ma. 3cn RICK Lynch,
spokesman for Multi-National ~ & c e h a to~ reporters
, in 6aghdad

Iraqis Have Prevented Terrorists From Succeeding

..The terrorists are failinq Terrorisk have failed to stop the elections. They fated to stop to recent
seating of the Co~nciot ~e~resentatves, whch occurred on t e 16" of Varch.And they have
fai ec! to ncile c.v Iwer by tie atlacit en ihe Go den Shnne in Samarra. In each case Iraqis m% to
the c i a l e r w ana prevented the terrorists fron succeeding. iraqi and CoaI'ion 'orces coniin~eto
disruat m~'bpletemrstce s :hat ird scr minaielyatlac6 c villans, iraqi Security Forces arid We

Not All Violence In Iran Is Sectarian

"Since the Goden ~ n r i n ebombiig on February l i e 22", many are tempted b cal e w y act of
mlence as seclaran Tnis IS rot true. Mucl of the volence In Iraq can be altrinmed lo desperate
acts of teno6sir. aesigned to dera the formation of the national unit! wveirment Wh.e sectarian
violence does exist, nuch of the vioence s due b criminalact 1ity lhai ex sled mor 10 tne S a m m

mahead Residents concerned bout security. ~ a s i Needs.

c Unemolovmnt
op here's three Bungs people are concerned about 'llBaghdad, at least thiriwhat they've tom me,
as I've been throuahoul everv kev area. Ore. lhev are concerned about security They are
concernedaboil the bcs c needscf life, about It&ablily to raise their familesand h'ave
- hat we take for craited in our co~niry.And then the
ekcticnv. have clear water and tne tiinas
third thing is the unemployment'

Hal. GUI. Lynch

End State: Iraq At PeaceWith Neighbor*, War On Terror Ally, With Representah
Government, Effective Security Force
"Our oreralions continue across Iran lowanjs the identifiedend state, an Iran thafs at Peacewith
is neiibbcrs, that s an ally in the war on temr, that has a representative govemmen! lhal resped8
He h u i a r riants cf a I Iracis. ihat iias a security force that can manidin dorresicorder and deny
Iraq as a safe haven for te'nor. And we're making progress there every day."

Iraqk Must Build Security Forces, Plus Progress I n Political World to Accomplish End Sbta
'We wnnnue operations tcwards an establhhedend state. There's two things in whch the Iraqi
oeo~lehave to be successful with to accom~ilshthat end state. One is to build a Security force that
canmainla n domes! s crder and deny Iraq as a safe hawn for terrortsk And thals happening n
spades 242.000o i me steels loday Tne otl-er is p r o p s s in the pollca w i l d And, meed we
san the eiecions n .an"a^y and then agaii in December We see a cons'il~bolt9at has k e n
ral fed by me peoo e of Iraq. and we see tnem forminq a nai oral ~ n i t go~emnient
y s it taking a
M i l e to do th8V Yes. it is '
Enemy Now Trying To Derail Democratic Process By Inflaming Sectarian Ylolenco
'Let's ta k a b o ~Baghdad
l - a very very sensitve lime as the Iravs trv to form tlls national unity
government, and its the time where theenemy Is saying, ,They have vulnerability Maybe, lust
maybe; I can derail the democratic process I muldn'tdo It In 2005 Icouldn't stop the January
elections I couldn't stop them drafting or ratifying a constitutionin October, and 1 couldn't stop the
Decemberelections So maybe, just maybe, dunng this period of hme, I can inflame sectanan
violence and delay the fonnahon of a national unity government"

Enemy Shifting Target From Coalition Forces To Iraqi CMIIan8, Suurlty Foren
"We're facing a cowarok enemy Term sts and foreiqn (enters navedec ared war against
democracy. And m a t we're see'ng then' now do is shift n s large1from the Coa .lion forces to Iraqi
c v Ians apd raqi Sec~rtyForces. n ¥hipast week, ' /on low at casualles, 53 percent of the
cas~altiesw r e nnocen! Iraq c.d;ans men, women and ciddrer smply hying to have a life. b
go to work go to schoo go to tne store; and Ihey were me casla ties. 50 pexenl Tnirty percent
were members of tie Iraqi sccur ty Fcrces,and only 2C percent of the c a u a l c s last week were
meme's of tne Coal lion forces "his is by design. And if yo^ look at the gashc, what you see
s nce January t 4 t II new s VOJsee a decrease .n te numberI!' casusllies of h e Coal lion forow
and a significant increase iniraqi casualties, both security forces and innocent men, women and
childrenof Iraq The enemy is trying to stop the formation of this national unity government, he's
trying to inflame sectanan violence and he's attacking civilians for that effect'


Transcriots of briefinas from the Pentaaon ~ r e s briefing

s mom ape oosled as soon as they are
available on DoD's a;n. web page y&&pl. ~ o o k &the ~ghl-liandcolumn for the "Press
Resources'mi~mn, c M on tJm Vanscnpts' b u t b &&) ~~

Transcripts of Ma] Gen. Lynch's weekly briefings to press In Baghdad can be found on the Muhi-
National Force-Iraq web site The address is www mnfiraa corn, click on "press desk" on the bft-
hand column, then clck on transcripts '

Both these briefings, plus others, are available on the Pentagon Channel at
www pentaaonchannel mil

DoD has a W a l web page for news about the Global War on Terror - www defendamerica.mil.
Three years ago, on April 9,2003, the slalue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square in Baghdad was
toppled The Iraqi government has declared Apnl 9 as Iraqi FreedomDay

Followingare highlightsof progress in Iraq over the past three years, and challengesthat remain.

End State In troq:

An Iraq that's at Race with its netahbors, that is an allv in the war on tern. that has
represenralvegovernmeit that respects the human nghts of a I Iraqis, that has a security force
that can maintaindomestic order and deny Iraq as a safe havenfor terror

Iraql Security Forces Are Growing In Number and Capabilities

. The Iraqis, with Coalitionassistance, are building an increasinglycapable security force that is
assuming greater responsibilityfor combatingthe insurgency

.. This oast war US. and Coartion forces in Iranfocusedon:

~ r a i n ibuilding
~, and conductingoperationswith capable IraqlSecurity Forces,
Providina the shield behind which wltical and economic oroaress can continueand
legitima~government institutions &an form and take rootand
Killing and capturing terrorists and neutralizing the insurgents.

Cumnty there are more than 250,000 trained and equfepeu Iraql Security Force membere.
The Coa lion's god 5 10 increasethat lumber lo 325,000by Deceiikr. In January 2305.
here we 127.0Xtola M.nisIryof Defense (miilary]and MinisTy of Interior (pdice)securily

Of the 110 fotward operatingbases operated by Coalton forces at the start of 2005.34 have
now been transferredto the Iraqi transitionalgovernment or the Iraql Security Forces, or

Coafrton and Iraql eaders focused in 2005 on balding h e Iraql army. The army now has two
divisions, 13 bigades and 50 baraliins that control batJe space. By summers end. 75 percent
of me Iraq brigacessno~idta in the ead in their batle space ammd Iraq.

A major kcus in 2006 will be building the Iraqipolice Coalition leaders are workingwifi Iraqi
authontes to Improve the capability of the Iraqipolice, specifically in three areas detention
operations, infiltration of militias and overall effectiveness

The Enemy Is Fallingto Derail Progress InIraq

The enemv failed to stoo the January 2005 elections for a Transitional NabonalAssemUv. the
October 2005 constitutionalreferendumand the December 2005 elections for a permakt
aovemment. In eadi successive election last vear. voter tunrout was hlaher and attacks wore
fewer In JanJary, JJSI over 13 503 reois~ered'voters
in a Anbar province >nwestern Iraq voted.
In December, more than 365.000voters in Al Anbar part cipated in thee ecbns.
. The enemy wl continue twina. but will fail. to inflamesectarian violenceand delay the
formation of a nalional ~niy givemmenl The Feb. 22 2006, anam on tne ~ o l d eMosqwi h
Sanam d'd not w a k e 11-e Iraai aovernment - the Council of Reoresentatnes.e e c M in
December, was seated, there was no nationwideuprising and IraqiSecurity Forces remained
hyal to the government

à Violence that was once widespread in Iraq is now reteaafed to three provinces. In 15 tiffhe18
provinces .n Iraq. there are six or fewer inddentsof violence a day; 12 of tne 18 provincesin
Iraq average less than two attacks per day. Seventy aercantof raq's wp~alienlimwilhotit

Operationslast fan In the Euphrates River Valcy, conductedwith both Coaltionand Iraqi
forces, effectively cut off the mapr routesfor weapons and suicide terrorists As a result, there
have been fewerofthoseattacks

Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces operations will continue to place unrelentingpressureon
the terrorists.


 After 35 years of li*K) under Saddam Hussein'sbrutal dictatorship. Iraqis are working hrocgh
difficultissues abxt how m craft their new government b ensure mat me mhts of ah tie
differentethnic and sectariangroups are represented

 Saddam played on h e ethnic divisions within Iraa to kero himself In cower Sectarianvfotence
is not gomg to end mmeciately, but it will end. Although the terrorists wil ant-nue to do
e < e W nq they can 10 de-ai. rhe cemcratic process. the new wwmment will formand the
Iraqi security Forces and their Coalition will help usherin a new era of democracy.

Since the transfer of sovereignly In June 2004, the Iraqi people have elected an interim
government 0-aped and ratted a consttiition. and elected a'cur-year constitutionallybaÈ


Saddarn HusseinneglectedIraq's infrastructure and the bask needs of Iraqis for decades.

Through U.S , Coalition and Iraqiefforts and resources, there has been much progress. Justa

few of the highlightsinclude-
More than 47,000 school teachers and adrninlstratois have been trained;
Three sewage plants in Baghdad, serving 80 percent of the city's population; have been
rehabilitated, and
Thirteen power plants have been rehabirhbd, providingapproximately60 percentof the
power generationin Iraq.
Secretary Rurnsfeld and Marine Gen Peter Pace,chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, bnefed the
Pentagon press corps on April 11. Following are highlights of their remarks.

Iran Is a country that supports terrorists and has indicated an interestin having weaponsof

. mass destruction.
Prestdent Bush and America's allies are on a diplomatic track with regard to Iran, The
president'spolicy is the Defense Department's policy.

. i n i ofstaff have the responsibility to watch for the potentialfor conflict around the
~ h e ~ o Cniefs
worid. Thev ro~tlne/ loo6 a1 worst-case scenaifos that m ah1unfold in the comma months and

. at resources available to handle these scenarios

There are 2 4 million U S serwcemernbers- active duty, Guard and Reserve Approximately
200,000 are currently in the Gulf Region There aresufficient personnel, weapons and
equipment to handle any potentialadversary

Iraq Planning Included Opportunltlw to Voke Concern
D'scdssions n pre-çap arm ng fwIraq with Gen Tommy Franks, then commanderof US.
Central Command, were open and nc.udedquestions about what might gorighl orwrong, and

. what was needed.

Before final orders #em given the Jo nt Chiefs met n private with Gen. Frari~s,and assured
tiemse ves Dial me DIan was solid a m that resources needed WNM be allocated. The Joht
Chiefs met with thesecretary and with the president, who also met with thecombatant

. commanders before a final decision was made

The plan mat //as executed was developed and presented by military officers,questionedby
avi tars, revamped oy m ,my oHcem and blessedby the senior mi l a y leadership.
The military leaders then and now have every opportunity to speak their minds, their opinions
are elicited and expected They are questioned in their confinnabon hearings before Congress

. whether thev will aive their ~ersonalootnrons.

The JW &e!s aid u e &nbalanl &maider$ g've their best military addm to the
secretary and 'o n e oresideit. LJ S moos ceserve and wil continue to oel their best militefy

en Pace stated his belief that the system wotks He said, 7 wanted to tell you how I have
observed it working for five years, because the articles that are out there about folks not
speaking up are just flat wrong."

U.S. Troop DrawdownI n Iraq
U S and Coalition forceswntinue to pass responsibility to Iraqi Secunty Forces, Including

. forward operating bases and territory.

U S military commanders are continuah assessing develnnnents on the around. Their
recomwnciatons a-e aassed m 1 k secklafy, wtionrakeskcomrnendallins lo the president
with the advice aid counsel of the Joint Chiefs.

Unk. Pace b t o a w
today atthe Pentagon. Followingare highlights.

On Change in the Department

The Departmentof Defense has undergone many changes in the past five-plus years,all whilefuhbng the
Global War M Tenor

Chanoes include anreefno wftti the Russians on sizable reductions in strate& offensive nuclear weaDom:
new unified command olak forthe Northern Gnrnmand and tho Strateaii& n a n d : chanoes in 6m
o n s fasnioning
defense looislcs system, p w i o ng reformsin NATOto create a ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ e s p Force e a
p m ltary, crviians, *he Services and fre combatart comnandersam a inchxtod
senor leve review g m ~ so
In decision making on maior issues, increasina the Special Operations Forces and gwnq them new
authorities: base iosinas two auadrennial defense reviews: adiustina U.S. military m t u r e around the
world and bonging home forcesfrom Europe and Korea; a new personnei~~stem to help better
manage the civilianworkforce; canceling weapons systems; and modernizingthe Army.

Qn C r l t l c h
There are a lot of moving parts to these changes Some people will be uncomfortable with change and
some people 4 1complain about it Differences of opinionam healthy, but cannot be paralyzing or nothing
will get done

On k i a b ~ k i n and a
Each day the chairman and vice chairman meet with the secretary of defense, listen to the information he's
being given and give him their own best military advice They reach out formally and informally to tho
combatant commandersfor input. The chicts of staffs of each of the Services also meet at least oncea
week with the secretary Senior civilianand m i l i t a,~leaden oather. somehmes for two or three days at a
time Ttere are nuiipieopporti-nrties to DC heard arc allopinions ate p ~ t o n n taak
e Oecismis are not
miide in 3 vawum Ailern aaq cuden ha= g ven their opinions, the secretary makes a decision, and
unless it is illegalor immoral, it is earned out

On Effect of Criticism dthe Leadership on theTroops

Troops in t i e Held are focused on cawing out their missions, noton the a'ring hithe tnediaondifferences h

On the Dma Tre& In Afahanlibn

The pull of narcotics is powerful, and money fromthe narcotics trade i s e n o m . The corruptioncould
adversely affect the democratic process in Afghanistan While agreat deal is beingdone to mibgato the
narcoticstrade we sbll need to do mow The K a m i aovernment has reswnsibilrtv for taking the lead, the
Unite:! Kingdom and o*nc-courlrcs am hep ng t3 s'Jppot!hern. inclding many agonciosof the d S
pzvernmert s,ch a; me oepanmentsofdefense,slate and justice, alorg wiv Ire Cmg Enforcement

On Minilas anda Permanent Govwmmentln loo

The decision on how to assimaete the militias, and the soeed at which thte Is addressed, is an issue for the
new Iraqi government

It is a concern mat raqk have not been able 10 agree on tne new leadership for their government.But tney
are n disc~ssions,ana senior K~rdisn.S ~ mand i Shia leadership recognize H is inaok sable b continue
without a government and that they must resolve this issue.
Army Maj Gen Rick Lynch spokesman for the Mu ti National Force-Iraq,bnefed press in Baghdad
yesterday Followingare highlights

"Operationscontinue Attacks continue Tne enemy still wants to dismpt the formationof tilts
national unity government, and he's going to do everything he can, everytting in his power to
cause sectanan violence with the belief that If he creates sectarian violence, the ShFas will turn
against the Sunnis, the Sunnis against the Kurds, and they will not be able to come togetherand
form a national unity government So thafs examwhat he's trying to do with attacks across Iraq,
and our owrations are desianed to stoo him from hino what he wants to do and omvide an
environmentso that the of Iraq can form this national unity government and then continue."
Ma Gen Lynch. Apnl20.2006

9 Iraqi Security Forces continueto make a dominant contribution acmsà Iraq.

There am 250,000 trained and equippedmembers of the Iraqi SecurityForcesconducing

. operationsacross Iraq.
Two divisions, 16 brigadesand 58 battalions haw the lead h counterinsutgency
operations in the respective areas of operations A year ago,only three battalionsLad
operations in their areas.
Twenty-five percent of day-May company-leveland above operationsare Iraqi

. independentoperations
On Wednesday,Apl19,60 percent of Hie 1,162 patrols in Baghdad ware independent
patrols by the Iraqi Secunty Forces.

9 The Iraqi SecurityForce patrols are fruitful: They're effective; the forces are very familiar
with the local surroundings; Iraqis are willing to come forward and give these f o r m

In western Baghdad, the 3" Brigade of the 6* IraqiAmy Division responded to a call (rom
a mosque caretaker concerned them was an improvisedexplosive deuce (IED) m the
vicinity of the mosque. The division's explosive ordnanceattachment found and cleared
the IED before rt could detonate

The security 8Ituatlon In al Anbçprovince h wmtm Iraq i8 improving.
n Octoser. there were an averwe of 27 attacks oer dav currenlly there are about 17.
Rarnadi, the provincialcapital oial ~ n b aprovince,
r s still a problemas insurgentstry to
increasetheir level of controlover h e city
The insurgents are attacking the governmentcenter In Ramadi to disrupt the formation

..of a stable government at the provincial level.

Some of the attacks are comma fmm a nmsaue adiacent to the oovementstte
This week the Marines, acting kithin the rules of engagement and lo stop attack.50~
the Government center, returned fire after receivinadirect fire from one of the minarets

. in the mosque
ISF and Coalitionforces will continue to conduct Operationsto stabilize tie city

9 Effective border operations have helped to reduce the number of suicide attacks across
A year ago, them were an average of 75 suicide attacks a day. now them are 24.
In November the Iraqi government declared initial control of the bonders.
a n d en'orcement oersonnel and 259 Border camps are helringto
Twenty f t ~ ~ ~ border
stop the flow of foreign nationals Into Iraq, someof whom are coming In as potentiid

. suicide bombers
The conscious effortby Iraqiand Coalitionforces to take bomb makers off the battlefield

by killing or capturing them is working.
Nearlv half of IEDs are found and cleared before Ihev detonate
The IEDSnow being made are less effective; some of the people emplacing the lEDs
are killed bv them. other IEDs don't aooff as claimed
In 2005,Z 880 weapons caches were found since the beginningof this year, 900haw
been found

9 Iraals are urovldlna information.
~cnon&letps are (ncreasng. Iraqis are real zing they are the large1of the Insurgency; the
lumber of araca against civilans has doubled in The last f o ~months.

The formation of a nationalunity government in Iraqwill help reduce violence.
The absence of an effective national unity government is creating conditionsfor the
Insurgency toachieve theirgoals
Zarqaw has the most to lose if a government is estabted He Is the primaly threat, and
is acting to enflame violence He wants to establish an Islamiccaliphate in Iraq andstop
the growth of democracy

P operations scale* of Justice continues In the Baghdadam.

The operation Is helpingto create a secure environment in Baghdadwhile a national unity
governmentis established.

Ninety percent of the suicide attacks in iraqareconducted by foreign fightera.
A1 Qaeda and A h Mussab a1Zamawi la1Qaeda's leader in Iraalare commissioning
foreign fighters to conduct these sukadeattacks

9 The Coalition Is focusing this year on the Ministryof Interior forces.

Emphasis will be on improvingtheir capabiities,equipmentand training, plus ensuring the
forces are Sited by the best people by carefully vetting applicants, pulling out those who
might have ties to militias or loyaltiesotherthanto the Iraqigovernment

Fret Fact: The Ministryof Defense will celebrate the 75" a n n m a i y of the founding of the Iraqi
Air Force on April 22 In 1931, the air force had five pilots and 32 mechanics Now there are more
than 800 people in the Iraqi air forte, some of whom operate from the new Al Muthanna air base
near Baahdad InternationalAlroort The air force's GI30 fleet lranswrted IraaiSecunfvForce
members dunng operations in Tall Afar last year, and recently they transportedfive Iraqi children to
Turkey foreye surgery

Link: Multi-NationalFence-Iraqsite www mnfi-iraam

. Iraqi leaders on Saturday announced agreement on the top leadershipposts for a national
unity government.
The new leaders were chosen by the 275-member permanent parliament(National

. Assembly) that Iraqis voted into office on Dec. 15

The parliamentelected seven top officials to lead their government' a prime minister,a
president, two vice presidents, a parliamentspeaker and two deputies.
The parliamentchose Jawad al-Malaki to serve as Iraq's pnme minister He is a Shi'ite

. Mush
Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, wil retain his position as president
Mahmoudal-Meshhedarn, a S u m Arab, was elected parliamentsmker
Spea~hgh Ca fomia on %urday, President Bush said the agreement represents

. compromise and consensus among many different Iraqigroups.

The presidentsaid Iraqis have rejected the terrorists' efforts to dMde them, choosfrro

. instead the path of unity for their country

The presidentsa'd Iraqis had Importantrespons'bllittes:to deploy the growing strengthof
the Iraq Security Forces tooefeat the terroriste and insurgentsand estab.shcontrol over
the militias: to rebuild infrastructure:to strenuthenthe economv: to enforce the rule of law;

. and to ensure all Iraqis share in the benefits-of their new democracy.
will be more t04h fight'ng akad in Iraq tie president said. he praisedthe men
and women who have served h the J S. mil taw and d ol0mat.c cones far tie cause ol

- freedom in Iraq,and their families who haw a60 sacrificed.

The designatedprime ninister nominee (Jawadal-Valw) has 30 days b form a cabnet
that wll run the m n sines am draft a government platform. BoBi must be approved by a
majority of pariiament.
Once inaugurated, the new governmentwin hold power for up to four years.
Unlikethe interim and transitional governments that came before, the new Iraqi
government will have (nil mstitulional authority.
Folowing are n gnl gntsoi comments to reportersn Bagidad by Secre-ary of Ceiense Sonata
Rumsfe'dand Army Gen George i V Case{ .r. cowmander of Coal lion troops n Iraq

Secretary Riimsfeld amved n Iraq Oils morning on an unannounced visit He and Secretary of
State Condoleezza R ce, wfio arrived from Turtcey, will be meetiw with senior mi itary commanders
and Iraq's new leaders.

. Iraq is making impressive progress. Iraqis are m the process of forming h e r permanent

. Government
-as1 wee<the members of parliament selected the leaders for this new natbnat unity
government: Prime M'nister Nun Kam Ial-Malaki(Shine) President Jalal Telabani (rCjrd), Vice
President Acfl abd ai-Mand.(Sh ite), Vice Presdent Tariq Hashimi (Sunnl). Speaner of
Far iameil yahmoud Hasnadan fSunnil, Deo~!vS~eakefKnald Ativa ~Shiitel.3ewtv

. Speaker Anf Tayfur (Kurd)

Under Iraq's constitution, thedesignated prime minister nominee (Nun Kaml al-Maih) has 30
days to form a cabinet that will run the ministries and draft a government platform Soft must
be approved by a maionty of parliament
The new gove-nment leaders are moving forward aggressively
The next Dencnman u .Ioe to MItogether a set of cabinet members The Iraqi people want
these ministers to understand the m ~ o r t a n mof runnina the ministries in a nonsectarian way
that fill bereft the whok ccuntry and also to mqn'ze-the importance of fighting conupion.
Secretarv RumsfeM emolas zed the imoodance ot selecnno comoetent miilsers o' Dcfcnie
(military) and Intermr (police) in an interview w~thThe pentagon Channelon Apni25 He said if
the new leaders govern from the center instead of favonng a sect or tnbe and workclosely
together, the Iraqi Secunty Forces (ISF) will conbnue to be successful
The selectionof a prime minister and other leaders is a major step in the process toward
reducing U S troops in Iraq, but not the only factor
Also important in determining t k appropriate military presence m Iraq is the state of the

.. country's security forces

The capabilities of the IraqiSecunty Forces continue to increase
Iraai Seoiritv Forces trainina and eauimna is oroceedina. The ISF ~mwdedthe 0veiwhMffia
panon 0%; secunly d ~nglast r year'se&lfo"s: in ~ a n i a r yfcime'transitimal government. in
October'or the consitmna referendm and r December for h e election of a ~ermanent
à These accomplishments have proven that the naysayers and critics who tried to undermine the
quality of the forces were wrong.
Currently there are two Iraqidivshs, 14 bngades and more than 50 battatore in the lead h
militarv oaeratlons Last vear lust one Iraai bnaade and twn battalionswere In the Lead
~ e r e kcasey
i predictdtha~bysummer'se;, 75 percent of Iraqi brigades snouic be in the
Icac in tfieir bstfle mace am-nd raa. There are mom than 250.000 baircdand w ~ i ~ I~ de d

. Secunty Forces
The Coalition will continue to work to develop Iraq's police forces and transition the CWntry'S
18 provinces to Iraqicontrol

(ink -of s 25 m t e k w w4lh T b Pentagm ChanneO

Secmlary R u m f ~ M April
'You are fighting for Iraq We must unite as one family, leaving our religious differencesbehind A
peaceful Iraq depends on it '
Iraqi Ma1 Gen M Ghallb, deputy minister of Interior for Police AfMTi
Speaking to police and community teaders at a policestation east of Baghdad, as relayed by Col Barhan

9 Two thousand six is the "Year of the Police" In Iraq.

Close to 90,000 Iraqi police are trained, the goal is 135,000 trained and reswnxd by end of

All types of Iraqis are joining the force- some already have served as police, some were h the
Iraqi army under the oki regime, others are new recruits The men and women must be
between 19 and 35 years old
There am many types of police in I r a Indudinastation DO^, police who patrolthe streets
and respond beiergences traffic p61ce, riverpo6ce, checkpoint police aid highway pofice.
Seoaate are 'he nalio-ia police, such as thecommandos end p-iblc o r m brigades, and the
facility protection service
The Minister of the Interior Is responsiblefor t i e police(bnÈ

9 The police forces must be loyal to the country rattier than to a mlllfla group.
Recruits who attend the police academiesare more loyalto the central government than to a
militia, and U S leaders are hopeful that as the forces continue to come or h e , thn
centralized loyalty will keep building
Reports of conuption, ailhough minor, am behg addressed. When allegationsare reporttt
the Iraqi police internal affairs office investigates.The force's leadership Is not tolerating
conuption, and B doing a good p b of M i n g out the bad Individuals

9 More than 140 Police Transition Teams (PTTs) are In place In 14 of the 18 provinces and all
the major cities.
They include approximately400 U.S. croillan law enforcement agents who teach Iraou
community-base! policing skills, 3,700 military police sharing their technical expertise and 250

. IlnguMs
The PITS also measure the systems, resourcesand effects to assess me readiness levelof
each station The goal is to empowereach station to operate independentlyin its own

9 Coalition p r t n e n ire also helping train Ira@police.

Poland and Italy are working in the Wasat and Qadiisiyah areas, and southof that the Biflteh
haveoversightof thelrown PTTs In Iraq's foursouthem provinces

9 The 49th Military Police Briaade is asaessina Ira01~ o l i c eassets across the country.
d is nves'lgating the needs of the Iraq po'ice, ensunng re& from the 13
The ~ a l ' f o & G ~ a J$
academes are property paced, ami Ira n ng PO ice at the siation, disu,ct and provincal bwfs.

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