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Logistics Will Always Trump Game!

We spoke extensively about logistics in early modules. Here I want to focus on logistics and how it relates to pulling
from your container event.

As I mention time and time again, “logistics will always trump game.”

The easier you can make it for the girl to come back to your place, the more likely you are to consistently pull from
container events, social circle settings, and any other situation.

Also, figure out the logistics of all the girls at your container event so you know which one is most likely to come back to
yours. What are they doing after this? Do they have to wake up early for work tomorrow? Questions like these will help
you determine which girl to actually pull.

At a container event, because you’re the center of attention, you’re the alpha leader and girls will naturally find this
attractive. Therefore, pre-selection and social proof do most the gaming for you. All you have to do is figure out the
logistics and see which girls are showing you the most amount of interest.

It’s a fun position where you can sit back and have girls fighting for YOUR attention. All you have to do is choose from the
girls that are choosing you.

How To Make It Easy For The Girl

One of the simplest ways to make it easy for a girl to come home with you is to have the container event be as close as
possible to your place. If you can make YOUR place the container event even better!

It’s much easier for a girl to agree to come back to your place when you live only 5 minutes away opposed to an hour

Personally, when I was first getting started, my container event was “Sushi Thursday” at a local sushi spot just 5 minutes
away from my place.

The container event can be whatever you want it to be, (food, photoshoots, activities, etc), just keep logistics in mind
when deciding.

Another way to make it easy for girls to come back to your place is to have your place be the “Post Container” event and
making sure your place is a “Pleasure Bubble”.

Post Container Event and Pleasure Bubble

Let’s say you decide to do “Sushi Thursday”. It’s great you’re having a container event but how do you actually get the

The way you do this is by having a post container event at your place.

It’s up to you if you want to just have your girl come back or the entire group. Both options work and I recommend you try

What is important is that you have a pleasure bubble set up at your place.

This is a phenomenal way to consistently pull girls to your place after a container event.

Later in this PDF, we’ll extensively cover the concept of a pleasure bubble.
For now, just know a pleasure bubble is the idea that you have a collection of reasons a girl would enjoy going and
staying at your place.

You want to make your place as enjoyable and as comfortable for the girl as possible.

The goal of the pleasure bubble is to intice girls to come back to your place and once there, they naturally elect to stay
because they’re enjoying themselves so much.

There are an array of attraction building techniques. Breaking rapport, teasing, push pull and so on.

As we’ve discussed several times, the greatest attraction trigger is pre selection. The more women you surround
yourself with, the more attraction you’ll get from other women.

But what about in regards to your verbal game? I want to strip away all other attraction building techniques in this
section and focus on disqualification.


Disqualification should be the corner stone of your verbal attraction game. It is the most effective verbal attraction
building technique in Social Circle Game and high status areas.

Disqualification is powerful because it does the following:

Sets you apart from 90% of men by communicating that you do NOT want her

Sets the buyer frame

Stops you from supplicating or qualifying yourself

Causes her to qualify to you

Create curiosity and mystery

Causes her to chase your validation


Disqualification is the process of making statements that disqualify any interest in the girl. In other words, it’s giving her
reasons why you do NOT want her or why it won’t work between the two of you.

This will never work between us

You're too crazy

You're too nerdy

You're not crazy enough for me

We're terrible for each other

Me & you are never going to get along

Instead of supplicating and looking for ways to impress her, you’re giving her reasons why you don’t want her.

Qualification & Investment

When you disqualify correctly, you will elicit investment and qualification from the girl. Thereby you’re not only building
attraction, but you’re sparking investment.

When you disqualify correctly women will often start to chase your validation. In subtle ways at first and then in more
overt ways, such as physical escalation.

The frame should be one of challenging and playful dismissal. It’s a light hearted rejection of her or her preferences. If
done correctly she’ll defend or justify herself in a good-humored manner, thereby qualifying herself to you. Every time
she gives you a rebuttal she’s qualifying herself.

Less is More

In social circle settings, your environment games for you. Therefore, it’s about building just enough attraction to create
interest but not so much that you become the “player.” The real focus, as you’ll see in the following sections, is on
comfort and trust.

As you implement disqualification you want to be careful not to over use it. If you disqualify continually with out proper
rewards, commonalities or comfort, it will be clear that it’s just a ploy or ruse.

You want to disqualify early on in an interaction, spark attraction, establish the frame and then simply maintain it. Once
you’ve established that you’re the “buyer” you maintain that frame so that she’s proving herself to you.


Building Comfort and Trust to Close from Your Environment

In this section of th action plan, I am going to define what comfort and trust is and show you how to build both to hook
up with more girls consistently. I’m going to show you why building comfort and trust is the aspect of game that can take
you to a advanced level and deserves a high degree of importance.

Definition of Comfort:

Comfort is made up of two things: it’s made up of trust and rapport. Trust that you’re not going to do anything horrible to
them or make them think that you might try and kill them or something, and rapport is where the two of you have some
things in common - some common ground with each other so that the conversation feels nice and comfortable.

Why Comfort is Important

Comfort is important for a few reasons:

1: It’s part of her seduction process to feel safe and therefore be able to get aroused
2: The game is played in comfort, without it, you will not sleep with her
3: Comfort is the foundation to a connection between you and her
4: Comfort, rapport, affection and attention are what gets girls aroused for sex

How to Build Comfort

In this section I will show you how to build comfort with a girl so that you create connections with them and start
hooking up with girls consistently.

1: Make Your Intention Positive

Whenever you talk to a girl, your intention needs to be positive, value adding and win/win. This will ensure that
she feels safe around you and will begin the trust ladder in your favor.

2: Pre-Selection Builds Massive Comfort and Trust

Don’t underestimate the power of pre-selection in building comfort. Pre-selection is an incredibly powerful way
to generate attraction. But what a lot of people don’t realize is that it’s also a great way of generating comfort.
One of the best ways to utilize pre-selection to build comfort is to actually walk into a club, bar or venue with
some girls. By going into a venue with women, you don’t look single and desperate. Pre-selection is incredibly
powerful in building comfort because women won't feel threatened by you. They’re thinking, “Oh, this guy already
has a girl. It’s okay to talk to him.”
3: Commonalities are King
If you and the girl you’re talking to can find something in common with each other, you’ve got a great chance of
having a conversation. When you have something in common between the two of you, it becomes a
conversational topic. When you have something in common, you have a reason to stay in touch – that reason is a
commonality. She’s going to want to hang out with you. Essentially, she now has comfort with you.

Three things that you’re going to find very easy to find solid commonalities with:

1: Location (traveling, where she is from)

2: Career (what she does for work, big part of her life)
3: Hobbies (what she gets pure enjoyment out of)

Key Tactic: The key to building rapport with somebody or finding a commonality is to identify things that they care about.

Drills to Build Comfort Same Night:

1: Find a commonality by talking about the three things that are easy to find commonalities with (location, career,
hobbies). Go through all 3 until you find 1 commonality
2: Invite 15 female friends to walk in with you to the club, bar, etc so you have preselection
3: Use the FORD method to build comfort. Talk about her Family, Occupation, Recreation (hobbies) and Dreams.



By now you should’ve had your first container event. If you haven’t already, go back and complete the necessary steps to
host your first container event.

If you’ve had your first container event, congratulations! You’re well on your way to create a thriving social circle.

At first, there may only be a few girls at your container event. That’s ok. The most important thing is the consistency of
your container events. As the weeks go on you’ll start to build more social proof and everyone will start inviting their

Before you know it you’ll have 10+ girls at your container events.

Now the challenge becomes, “Which one do I go for?”. That’s what this section is all about.

Post Container Events

KEY TACTIC Set up a post container event with the girl that has shown you the most interest

When it comes to hooking up with 9’s and 10’s it’s really more about timing. The point of container events is to invite girls,
see who shows you the most amount of interest and pull her.


Don’t worry about what if the friends find out. If the friends find out, this will only make you more attractive. The
preselection will make it easier to pull the next girl at your future container events.

The only caveat is YOU can’t be the one telling girls. Girls value a man who is discrete. If you tell the whole world, no other
girl in your social circle is going to want to hook up with you. They know if they hook up with you, everyone will find out.

Now if Sarah tells Janet that you two hooked up then this creates pre-selection and Janet will find you that much more

For girls, their social standing in a social circle is everything so it’s important you’re discrete about the girls you’re with.
You want to look at these container events like speed dating opportunities. Instead of going on 10 separate dates, you
can go to one container event with 10 different girls.

As you game during your container event, you want to see which girl is showing you the most interest. That’s the one you
want to lock in on and have a “post container event” with.
You’ll want to do something more chill with the girl or a few girls that show you the most interest.

Examples of this could be dessert, drinks, hookah, movies, game night, dive bar, speakeasy, etc.

Look at this as a funnel. You invite every girl to your container event --> figure out which one is the most interested in
you --> pull her.

Creating Your Dating Pipeline

Another benefit of container events is creating your dating pipeline.

Say there are 10 girls at your container event and 5 are showing you interest. What you want to do is pull the one that is
showing you the MOST amount of interest and then set up dates with the other 4.

This way your calendar is full of dating opportunities.

This is why social circle game and container events are my favorite way to game. You’re throwing one container event per
week, inviting girls, and lining up your week with dates.

Mere Exposure Effect

KEY INSIGHT Repeated exposure builds comfort and trust.

Why do we want to have weekly container events?

Because every time you spend time with someone you're building more trust and comfort.

This is very important to build any type of relationship.


KEY INSIGHT Don’t Force Isolation

In this section we’ll be talking about group pulls vs isolation.

There’s a big misconception when it comes to pulling. A lot of times guys actually blow their chances by going for the

If you can get the easy isolation then definitely go for it.

But 9 times out of 10, she won’t want to leave the friends that she came with so going for the isolation can hurt you.

She’ll wonder why you’re being weird and trying to steal her away from her friends. The friends will also become more
and more protective.

As the drop in comfort happens so do your chances of pulling.

Instead, if you can’t get the easy isolation, what you want to do is invite and pull the entire group back to your place or an
after party.

This also is a great way to win the peer group over. You'll be the only guy that actually invites the friends. If the friends like
you they become your ally and NOT an adversary.

The friends will appreciate that unlike 99% of the male population, you’re not trying to rip their friend away from the
group. This goes a long way.

KEY TACTIC Stay in Set

If you pull the entire group back, you’ll have an opportunity to be 1 on 1 with your girl. This is a natural isolation window.

There have been countless times where I’ve gotten the girl by simply utilizing attrition -- staying in set and being patient.

I focus on creating an environment (container event) where I have pre-selection and status. From there, I solve logistics
and focus on being the last guy standing with the girl of my choice by the end of the night. This is the key to so much of
my game.
This is attrition game, which means, the longer you stay in set, the more likely you are to be the last man standing.

Attractive women will almost always be hanging out in groups. So the key is to learn to connect with the peer group and
set up the night so that entire group is excited and willing to go for the pull.

The more trust and comfort you can build with the friends the more supportive they’ll be of your suggestions and

You want to do all the heavy lifting in the beginning to make your job easier in the end.

Having great logistics and a pleasure bubble will make this step that much easier.


One of the keys to a successful pull is “plausible deniability”.

What is “plausible deniability”?

It’s giving a woman the sense that she’s not responsible for anything that’s about to happen. It’s “not her fault”. It’s you
keeping the responsibility of anything that might happen “on you”.

Even though women enjoy sex, they will rarely do anything during the interaction that makes them feel responsible for
what may happen between the two of you.

It’s the reason why 99% of the time, YOU have to be the one that makes the move. YOU have to be the one to go for the

Even though she’s receptive of the kiss and clearly wanted it, women will rarely be the one to escalate and move the
interaction forward.

This is a status protection mechanism all girls have in order to avoid having others in her social circle perceive her poorly,
as well as avoiding the discomfort of feeling this herself.

Plausible Deniability For Pulling

We covered plausible deniability very quickly in general. Now I want to cover it in regards to pulling from your container

When it comes to pulling, plausible deniability is giving her reasons to come back to your place that have NOTHING to do
with sex. She needs to be able to tell her friends some LOGICAL reasons as to why she’s going back to your place.

Give her a reason to come back to your place that has nothing to do with sex. This is where your
pleasure bubble really comes into play.

Instead, if you were to say, “hey let’s stop by my place after this so we can grab some drinks and sit by the jacuzzi”, now
she has a VALID excuse and plausible deniability to actually go back to your place. Then while there, one thing leads to
another and “it just happened”.

A woman will often not do anything that makes her feel responsible for the escalation. She needs plausible deniability
for this.

The “3 am” Rule

One thing I’m known for telling my Vegas Immersion students is, “if she comes back to your place at 3 am, it doesn’t
matter the reason why she’s there, what’s the chance that you’ll hook up with her?”

The time that she’s back at your place doesn’t matter. I mainly say 3 am because I’m talking to Vegas Immersion students
who are out here in Vegas crushing it 7 nights per week.

What does matter is the following concept, "what's the chance you'll hook up if she has enjoyed her night with you, has
comfort and a connection with you, and is now back at your place or hers?"

It doesn’t matter the reason why she came back with you.
What does matter is you drastically increased the chance that something will happen just by the mere fact that you two
are in a comfortable place where sex can happen and NO ONE is going to judge either of you.

Pleasure Bubble

We have an entire section dedicated to your pleasure bubble so the only thing I have to mention for now is the more
things you have in your pleasure bubble, the more “excuses” and “reasons” you have for a girl to come back to your place.

One of the primal attraction triggers is “leader of men”.

Women naturally are attracted to leaders. This is why it’s so important for her to perceive you as the leader of the group.

The easiest way to do this is by being decisive in all your actions. From small decisions to big ones.

Girls want to be with a guy that’s decisive. They feel safe around this person and can feel comfortable “not having to
think” because they know you’ll take care of moving the interaction forward.

Look at this in your own life in regards to group dynamics. Who do you normally tend to follow? The wishy-washy person
that doesn’t know between going to bar A or bar B? Or the person that gets up, declares we’re going to bar A and then
starts leading the way?

Girls are no different. If they feel, even for a moment, you’re a wishy-washy person, if they feel you don’t have a plan, then
they’re not going to follow you.

What you’ll find when you’re decisive, even with the smallest decisions, girls will follow along with all your decisions.
This includes when you say, “let’s go back to my place for XYZ pleasure bubble reasons”.

If at any moment you second guess yourself, so will the girl.

KEY INSIGHT You must always be leading the interaction.

Women rarely take responsibility for what is happening. We covered this in the “plausible deniability” section.

It’s up to YOU to make things happen!

You must take responsibility for your shared experience with her.

It’s your job to lead her from one shared experience to the next both decisively and confidently.

Pulling Decisively

Going back to your container event, you want to be decisive with every decision you make.

If you’re doing “Sushi Thursday” like I used to, don’t be the guy that takes 30 minutes to order asking everyone what their
opinion is. That’s clearly not a leader.
Before the container event, get there early so you can determine the best seating for your group and request that

During conversations, let the conversations flow but don’t be afraid to lead them down the path you want to go down.
Don’t be afraid to talk about the things you want to talk about. If a girl starts talking about something that brings the
mood down, don’t hesitate to cut that conversational thread and start a new one.

Don’t ask the group what they want to do. Tell the group what’s happening next.

“Hey after this we’re all going to my place to have some wine and enjoy some desserts” for example. Not, “hey what do
you guys want to do after this?”.
Tale of Two Students

There’s 1000’s of stories I could share about how important it is to be decisive.

The one I’ll share today isn’t anything crazy, it’s just something that happened last night with two Vegas Immersion
students. One got laid, the other one didn’t.

To keep their identity safe, we’ll call them Bob and Jim.

After a night out clubbing, they decided to have an after party with 10 girls. A 5:1 ratio is always a good thing. You always
want the setup to be more girls than guys. The guys become the scarce resource and now girls have to fight over the
limited guys.

Anyway, there they were enjoying themselves at the after party and now comes time to pull.

All the beds in Bob’s place are occupied so his only option is to bring the girl to the jacuzzi and make something happen

Unfortunately for Bob, he wasn’t decisive.

He’s going back and forth asking the girl, “hey do you want to go to the jacuzzi later?”. She’s unsure, doesn’t have a
bathing suit, so she says maybe. An hour later, Bob brings it up again and because he’s wishy-washy so is the girl.

While all this is happening, Jim is seeing that because Bob isn’t being decisive, the girls aren’t following along and are
following in his footsteps being wishy-washy themselves.

This is when Jim decides to take charge and become a decisive leader of the group.

Without asking, he takes his girl by the hand and says, “you guys are taking too long. We’re going to the jacuzzi now so
we’ll meet you there.”

Because he was decisive and lead the way, the girl naturally followed.

If you ever salsa danced, that’s the natural order of things. Men lead, and the women will follow. The more decisive you
are in leading, the more a girl can trust in following you.

Before they went to the jacuzzi, they had to stop by Jim’s apartment down the hall to grab his “bathing suit”. (Do you
notice the use of plausible deniability there).

Long story short, they never made it to the jacuzzi.

They were too busy enjoying themselves to ever make it down.

One student enjoyed his night with a beautiful girl. Another student went home empty-handed.

And this is all because one was decisive in his decisions and actions while the other one was not.
After determining which girl is showing you the most interest, you want to focus on pulling her.

It's a combination of interest levels for both you and her. You want to first game all the girls to see who you have the most
natural chemistry with. Then you want to isolate the one that shows you the most interest.

As we talked about before, the key to container events is consistency and timing.

You want to consistently have container events to allow them to snowball. The more social proof and pre-selection you
have, the more attractive girls will find you.

The girl you REALLY want might not like you now but give it a couple of weeks and she'll only find you more attractive.
Eventually, you can hit that tipping point.

Not every girl is going to like you but pre-selection and social proof are scientifically proven to make you more attractive.

If she doesn't like you, then one of the girls she invites will. That's the key to container events. You get people to invite
more girls to your events and you no longer have to do all the heavy lifting.

Once you pull a girl to your place it's important to continue to move the interaction forward.

As a man, you should always be leading the interaction forward.

KEY INSIGHT The burden of performance is always on the man.

Leading it forward becomes easier when you know exactly what your end goal is.

This is why I have all my Vegas Immersion and mentoring students reverse engineer from sex to the club (or wherever
you're meeting a girl).

Reverse engineering, the end goal would be hooking up.

Do you have condoms next to your bed or are they on the complete other side of the room? Do you even have

Do you have a music playlist to set the mood?

Do you have mood lighting?

A step before hooking up is getting the girl into your room.

Do you know what you're going to say to transition from your living room to your room?

All these little steps are crucial.

1: Shoes off
4: Tour

As soon as I walk in, I take off my shoes and tell the girl to do the same. I don't ask. I tell her.

This helps later on when we get to the bedroom.

It also allows the girl to get comfortable and stay awhile.

Secondly, I play music to set the mood and keep the party going (especially if you're pulling from the club).

Third, I offer her drinks. Again, this is to set the mode and keep the party going.

If you're pulling during the day, offer her a regular drink. Try to get drinks all girls like (Fuji water, LaCroix, etc).

The last step, when you're ready to bring her to the room, is to offer her a tour. You show her the entire place with the last
stop as.....

You guessed it. Your bedroom.

From here you'll want to play music that sets the mood, add some mood lighting and enjoy the rest of your night.
This topic has been covered many times throughout this module but it’s worth bringing up one last time.

Women appreciate a man who is discrete.

When you do pull and close, don’t go around bragging to all your friends. It only takes one person for the word to spread.

The only person you should share with is your confidant who you know won’t tell a single person. It only takes one wrong
person knowing for news to spread throughout your social circle.

If the girl finds out you’ve been telling people she’s not going to want to get with you again.

And if other girls hear stories about the people you hook up with then guess what they’ll assume? That if they hook up
with you everyone will find out and they DON’T want that.

Unfortunately, women have to face the reality of the double standard. Because of this, it’s very important to them to be

Ironically, if she tells people this actually builds your social proof and pre-selection.

There’s no need to brag because girls will do the work for you! Girls love to talk and actually talk about sex more than
guys do!

Eventually, she’ll tell her friends who can’t help but be a little more intrigued by you.

It’s much more attractive if Mary tells Susan how amazing of a guy you are then if you tell Susan (for example).

Mary telling Susan builds pre-selection and attractiveness for you. You telling Susan lets her know she can’t be discrete
and that if she hooks up with you everyone is going to know. Sleeping around only lowers a girl’s social status so she
values a man who is discrete.

KEY INSIGHT Keep sexual escalation to a minimum

Part of being discrete is not escalating in public. If you're constantly the one escalating on girls then it looks like you’re
the one pursuing every girl. It’s better to have the optics be that you're the guy all the girls are pursuing. This is how you
build MASSIVE pre-selection within your social circle.

The good news is you actually don’t even need to sexually escalate at your container events. Your only focus is to pull the
girl that’s showing you the MOST amount of interest.

With the pre-selection and status you get from running these container events, you'll create situations where girls
escalate on YOU!

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