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Nama : Diah ayu saputri

Kelas : 2C Ilmu keperawatan

Npm :

1. Dfinition (what does intravenous mean?)

Intravenous injection is the administration of a drug inserting a drug into a vein using a syringe

2. Function (what is intravenous infussiosns used for?

 To obtain a drug reaction that is more quickly absorbed than with other parenteral
 To avoid tissue damage
 To enter the drug in a larger amount

3. Explain types of intravenous fluids?

 hypotonic fluid: osmolarity is lower than serum (Na + ion concentration is lower than
serum), so it dissolves in serum, and decreases serum osmolarity. Then the fluid is "pulled"
from the blood vessels out into the surrounding tissue (the principle of fluid moves from low
osmolarity to high osmolarity), until finally filling the target cells. Used in the state of cells
"experiencing" dehydration, for example in dialysis patients (dialysis) in diuretic therapy,
also in patients with hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) with diabetic ketoacidosis. A
dangerous complication is the sudden transfer of fluid from the blood vessels to cells,
causing cardiovascular collapse and increased intracranial pressure (in the brain) in some
people. Examples are 45% NaCl and 2.5% Dextrose.

 Isotonic fluid: osmolarity (level of concentration) the fluid approaches the serum (the liquid
part of the blood component), so it continues to be in the blood vessels. Useful for patients
experiencing hypovolemia (lack of body fluids, so blood pressure continues to fall). Have a
risk of overload (excess fluid), especially in congestive heart failure and hypertension.
Examples are Ringer-Lactate fluid (RL), and normal saline / physiological saline solution
(NaCl 0.9%).
 Hypertonic fluid: its osmolarity is higher than that of serum, so it "draws" fluids and
electrolytes from tissues and cells into blood vessels. Able to stabilize blood pressure,
increase urine production, and reduce edema (swelling). Its use is contradictory to
hypotonic fluid. For example Dextrose 5%, hypertonic 45% NaCl, Dextrose 5% + Ringer-
Lactate, Dextrose 5% + NaCl 0.9%, blood products (blood), and albumin.

4. List equipment needed for an intravenous infusios?

 Medication book or drug card
 An alcohol swab
 Gloves
 Appropriate medicine
 The syringe 2ml- 5 ml
 Like a syringe
 Medicine tray
 Plaster
 Make a fool
 Venous containment (tourniquet)
 Sterile gauze (if necessary)
 Crooked

5. Types of IV infusion and give example in picture ?

Anwers :
 Antibiotic piils aren’t getting rid of an infection
 You cant take or swallow pills
 Youre dehydrated
 You need long – term antibiotics
 The doctor wants to give you an intravenous antibiotic to make sure you wont have an
allergic reaction
 Youre chronically anemic, so need blood or iron from time to time

6. Steps (how do you give an IV infusion?)

 Washing hands
 Prepare medicine with principle 6 correctly
 Greetings therapeutic
 Client identification
 Notify the client in a comfortable position
 Install the leveling agent
 Free the client arm from the shirt or shirt
 Put a dumper
 Select the stabbing area that is free of signs of stiffness, inflammation oritching .avoiding drug
absorption or injury and excessive pain.
 Wear gloves
 Clean the stabbing area using an alcohol swab, with a circular motion from the inside out with a
diameter of about 5 cm. wait until dry this methodis used to remove secretions from the skin
that contain microorganism
 Hold the alcohol cotton, with the middle fingers on the non dominant hand.
 Open the needle cap. Pull the ski down approximately 2.5 cm below the stabbing area with a
non-dominant hand. Makes the skin tighter and the veins do not shift facilitating pricking in line
the veins that will be pierced slowly and surely hold the needle in position 30
 Lowers the needle position parallel to the skin and continue the needle info the vein
 Make aspiration with the non dominant hand holding the barrel from the syringe and the
dominant hand pulling the pluger
 Observe for blood on the syringe
 If there is blood, remove the tourniquet and slowly enter the medicine
 Remove the needle at the same angle as when inserted, while applying pressure using an
alcohol swab in the stabbing area
 Cover the stabbing area by using sterile gauze that isstabing area
 Restore client position
 Dispose of equipment that is not needed in the bent
 Open gloves
 Washing hands
 Document the actions taken

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