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Every Nation Tallahassee Prayer Guide

Do not be intimidated by the thought of praying. You can do it. The Bible teaches us that
when a committed Christian prays, much is accomplished (James 5:13-16). However,
for many it is a daunting task.
Using the “Lordʼs Prayer” as our guide makes sense and this guide will help you
organize your prayer time. Letʼs look at what Jesus said in Matthew 6 in the NIV
translation... 9 “This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be
your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11
Give us today our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven
our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one”
To practically apply this prayer we will break it down for you in order for this guide to be
as helpful as possible.
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name”
-Call out the many names of God throughout scripture and thank Him for what He has
done, is doing, and, by faith, will do on behalf of you, your family, etc. But, praise Him.
El Elyon – The Most High God
Jehovah Shalom – The God of Peace
Jehovah Sabaoth – Commander of The Host
Jehovah Jireh – The Lord Provider
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord our Banner
Jehovah Rophe – The God Who Heals
El Shaddai – God all sufficient
El Roi – The God who sees all

Every Nation Tallahassee Prayer Guide - Spring 2011

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”
-The wording is key: “…as it IS in heaven”. God has a plan and you want to see it
revealed and fulfilled on earth as it is already established by Godʼs perfect will in
-Pray for Godʼs kingdom and Godʼs will to expand in and into all areas of culture… work,
school, etc. and in and into your life and those you pray for by name which include your
church family and government leaders.
“Give us this day our daily bread”
-Thank God for providing for you this very day. Pray for provision understanding that it
may come in many forms – more money, things not breaking, accidents missed, etc.
“And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors”
-Clearly, Jesus speaks of our sins and the sins committed against us. Notice the order…
seek forgiveness for yourself first, then pray forgiveness enter your heart for those who
have wounded you. But, also notice the collective word “our”. This isa great time to
intercede for others, to ask God to forgive us as a nation, a body of believers, etc.
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one”
-Trust that God will order your steps and that He has given you authority, in His name,
under His delegated authority, to come against demonic strongholds in your life and the
lives of those who believe in Him.

Every Nation Tallahassee Prayer Guide - Spring 2011

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