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Nhóm 1

1. After World War II, the United States led efforts like the Marshall Plan to assist in
rebuilding Europe, financial and industrial development assistance to rebuild Japan, and
funds channeled to foster economic growth in the underdeveloped world. These efforts
were primarily aimed at:

A) halting the growth of Nazi Germany.

B) dampening the spread of communism.

C) dissolving the colonial powers.

D) building a stronger defense force.

E) creating a worldwide trade bloc to counter the OPEC countries' clout.

2. After World War II, the United States set out to infuse the ideal of capitalism throughout
as much of the world as possible. The _____, aimed at assisting in rebuilding Europe, is the
plan most closely associated with this endeavor.

A) Eisenhower Plan

B) Marshall Plan

C) Bradley Plan

D) Roosevelt Plan

E) Truman Plan

3. What was the most apparent reciprocal impact of the foreign economic assistance given
by the United States?

A) European countries formed an alliance to counter the OPEC countries' clout.

B) European countries formed an alliance to counter the OPEC countries' clout.

C) All recipient countries appointed Americans to manage their central banks.

D) Purchases of U.S. agricultural products, manufactured goods, and services by the
recipient countries increased.

E) Distribution of economic power and potential became more uneven.

4. Which of the following factors was primarily responsible for the excess production
capacity in the U.S. in the first half of the twentieth century?

A) Technological innovation revolutionized production during this time.

B) Many firms from other nations shifted their production facilities to the U.S.

C) Domestic demand was at a historic low and resulted in excess capacity.

D) Swelling labor supply of returning military after World War II.

E) Influx of migrant laborers from Europe and Japan.

5. Which of the following was the most significant move of the 1980s that contributed
toward international cooperation among trading nations?

A) Formation of the United Nations Development Programme.

B) Creation of the United Nations.

C) Establishment of the World Trade Organization.

D) Signing of the Montreal Protocol.

E) Negotiation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

6. Which of the following acronyms refers to the international forum that was created for
member countries to engage in the negotiation of tariffs and other barriers to trade?






7. What was the outcome for the GATT after the ratification of the Uruguay Round

A) With the ratification of the Uruguay Round agreements, the GATT became part of the World
Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, and its 117 original members moved into a new era of free

B) It became part of the World Trade Organization.

C) It led to the uneven distribution of economic power and potential.

D) The European Union decided to stay away from the treaty.

E) The original purpose was sidelined in favor of political and military intervention between
member states.

8. The rapid growth of war-torn economies and previously underdeveloped countries,

coupled with large-scale economic cooperation and assistance that followed World War II
led to:

A) the rise of new global marketing opportunities.

B) the uneven distribution of economic power.

C) the dissolution of GATT.

D) the spread of Communism.

E) the sharp reduction of the production capacity in the U.S.

9. Which were the two major challenges faced by U.S. multinational corporations at the
close of the 1960s?

A) The creation of the Soviet Union and the higher tariffs on imports.

B) Growing jingoistic nationalism and a negative population growth rate in major international

C) Resistance to direct investment and increasing competition in export markets.

D) Increasing Chinese domination in the manufacturing sector and the falling dollar in global

E) Political intervention in free trade movement and growing influence of consumer rights
advocacy in the home market.

10. In the late 1990s, most of the countries of the world saw a slow down in the
unprecedented and precipitous growth of their economies. However, _____ remained
unaffected by this trend.

A) the United States

B) Germany

C) China

D) Japan

E) France

11. The World Bank estimates that five countries whose share of world trade is barely one-
third that of the European Union will, by 2020, have a 50 percent higher share than that of
the European Union. _____ is one of the countries included in this list.

A) Canada

B) Nigeria

C) Netherlands

D) Indonesia

E) Rhodesia

12. The system of accounts that records a nation's international financial transactions is
most accurately called its:

A) supply chain management system.

B) gross domestic product system.

C) net domestic product payments.

D) balance of payments.

E) net national product systems.

13. Which of the following ensures that balance-of-payments records are always in

A) The sum of squares recording system.

B) The ledger entry model.

C) The double-entry bookkeeping system.

D) The archival records system.

E) The multifactor recording system.

14. Which of the following is true regarding the balance-of-payments records?

A) The balance-of-payments accounts do not consider income brought in by non-resident

citizens of a country.

B) The fact that assets and liabilities balance does not essentially mean that a nation is in a
particularly good financial condition.

C) A balance of payments is not a record of condition.

D) A balance of payments is a determinant of condition.

E) A balance of payments records all the financial transactions of a country since 1980.

15. Which of the following is a defining characteristic of a balance-of-payments statement?

A) It is a record of the transactions between the government of a country and the private

B) It records all financial transactions between the residents of a country and those of the
rest of the world.

C) It records the trade policies of the member nations of the WTO.

D) It is an annual record of the profitable foreign transactions made by a particular country.

E) It is a localfirm's financial statement, where the credits and debits must offset each other.

16. Which of the following falls on the plus side of the U.S. balance of payments?

A) Payments to the United States for insurance.

B) The costs of goods imported.

C) Spending by American tourists overseas.

D) New overseas investments.

E) The cost of foreign military.

17. Which of the following falls on the minus side of the U.S. balance of payments?

A) Payments to the United States for insurance.

B) Payments of dividends and interest on investments abroad.

C) Return on capital invested abroad.

D) New foreign investments in the United States.

E) Spending by American tourists overseas.

18. A balance-of-payments statement includes three accounts. Two of those accounts are
the current account and the capital account. What is the third account found on the
balance-of-payments statement?

A) Investment account

B) Receivables account

C) Services account

D) Credit account

E) Reserves account

19. The _____ of the balance-of-payments statement is most likely to record all
merchandise exports, imports, and services plus unilateral transfers of funds.

A) current account

B) capital account

C) credit account

D) receivables account

E) reserves account

20. Which of the following sections of the balance-of-payments statement is a record of the
direct investment, portfolio investment, and short-term movement of cash and technology
to and from countries?

A) Current account

B) Capital account

C) Credit account

D) Receivables account

E) Reserves account

21. The _____ account of the balance-of-payments statement is most likely to record all
exports and imports of gold, increases or decreases in foreign exchange, and increases or
decreases in liabilities to foreign central banks.

A) current D) receivables

B) capital E) reserves

C) credit

22. Which of the following arguments regarding the need for protectionism is recognized
by economists as valid?

A) Need to keep money at home.

B) Encouragement of capital accumulation.

C) Protection of an infant industry.

D) Conservation of natural resources.

E) Maintenance of employment and reduction of unemployment.

23. A tax imposed by a government on goods entering at its borders is most accurately
termed as a(n) _____.

A) boycott

B) asterisk bill

C) tariff

D) quota

E) writ

24. In general, tariffs weaken:

A) inflationary pressures.

B) special interests' privileges.

C) balance-of-payments positions.

D) government control in economic matters.

E) reciprocal tariffs by other countries.

25. A specific unit or dollar limit applied to a particular type of good is called a(n):

A) trade license.

B) quota.

C) asterisk bill.

D) predatory price.

E) exchange rate.

26. Which of the following is an example of a nontariff trade barrier?

A) Compound duties

B) Revenue tariffs

C) Administrative fees

D) Specific duties

E) Duties

27. In general, tariffs restrict:

A) inflationary pressures.

B) special interests' privileges.

C) government control in economic matters.

D) the number of reciprocal tariffs.

E) manufacturers' supply sources.

28. Which of the following is true regarding the impact of globalization on domestic
markets in the United States?

A. Companies with only domestic markets have been able to sustain their customary rates of

B. Multinational companies are making more profits from their domestic operations compared to
their earnings from the foreign markets.

C. Only multinational companies with large production facilities have outperformed their strictly
domestic U.S. counterparts.

D. The domestic companies have reduced their manufacturing employment more than U.S.

E. Multinational manufacturing companies in all industries and sizes have outperformed

their domestic counterparts. (9)

29. Which of the following is an essential requirement for already experienced as well as
new firms to succeed in international markets?

A. Adhering strictly to their traditional methods of production and operations

B. Focusing primarily on their production to exclusively meet domestic demand

C. Venturing into multiple markets by investing in all of them at once

D. Committing themselves completely to foreign markets (10)

E. Having beneficial relations with lobbyists of foreign markets

30. _____ is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and
direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one
nation for a profit.

A. Internal marketing

B. Importing

C. Performance appraisal

D. International marketing (10)

E. Domestic trade

31. Which of the following is the most critical difference between domestic marketing and
international marketing?

A. The difference in marketing principles being followed

B. The different concepts of marketing

C. The difference in marketing theories being followed

D. The environment in which marketing plans must be implemented (11)

E. The basic processes used to market products and services

32. Which of the following elements in the marketing environment poses a challenge to
both domestic and international marketers due to its dominantly uncontrollable nature?

A. Price

B. Promotion

C. Research activities

D. Political/legal forces (11)

E. Channels of distribution

33. Which of the following is a controllable element for an international marketer?

A. Level of technology

B. Geography and infrastructure

C. Channels of distribution (11)

D. Cultural forces

E. Competitive forces

34. Which of the following is an uncontrollable element for an international marketer?

A. Firm characteristics

B. Channels of distribution

C. Price

D. Research

E. Level of technology (11)

35. For an international marketer, the _____ can be altered in the long run and, usually, in
the short run to adjust to changing market conditions, consumer tastes, or corporate

A. competitive structure

B. economic climate

C. structure of distribution

D. environmental factors

E. controllable elements (12)

36. The marketing tasks of an international marketer differs from that of a domestic
marketer as the:

A. international marketer has fewer uncontrollable elements to deal than a domestic marketer.

B. level of technology and cultural forces are controllable elements for the international

C. structure of distribution is an uncontrollable element for the international marketer.

D. competitive structure is one of the controllable factors for an international marketer.

E. international marketer is less concerned about geography and infrastructure than the domestic

37. Robert Jonas is in charge of a new marketing effort directed toward Peru. In order for
his company to effectively market and distribute to all of Peru's major cities, Jonas must
devise a logistics plan for crossing the Andes Mountains on a daily basis. Which of the
following foreign environment uncontrollable variables would be a chief concern as Jonas
devises his firm's logistics plan?

A. Price

B. Product

C. Geography and infrastructure

D. Promotional strategies

E. Channels of distribution

38. Compared to the foreign environment variables, which of the following uncontrollable
variables is least likely to affect a domestic marketer?

A. Political forces

B. Competitive structure

C. Economic climate

D. Cultural forces

E. Legal forces

39. Amy Sims has been assigned the task of preparing a marketing plan for her company
for the upcoming year's business activities. She knows that she should begin her plan by
examining the variables that she has some control over. These controllable variables would
include price, product, channels-of-distribution, and _____.

A. level of technology

B. political forces

C. competition

D. economic climate

E. promotion

40. M&G Inc., a company producing musical instruments, had dominated its home market
for several years before venturing into international markets. The company was focusing
more on international operations until Beige N, German company in the same business,
entered its home market. Beige N started selling good quality products at prices much
lower than M&G's and affected its sales adversely. Which of the following elements in the
marketing environment has affected the business of M&G Inc. with the market entry of
Beige N?

A. Level of technology

B. Structure of distribution

C. Competition in the domestic market

D. Cultural forces

E. Promotion of the product

41. Ralph Waite, a marketing manager at a video game console manufacturing firm, is
asked to review the marketing opportunities of his company in a foreign market. He is
aware that he can modify certain elements of the marketing environment to suit the foreign
market needs. He focuses his attention on the uncontrollable factors that might affect their
business prospects. Which of the following uncontrollable elements is most likely to affect
the company's business prospects in the foreign market?

A. The pricing policies in the domestic market

B. The research methodologies used by his company

C. The promotional activities required to market the product

D. The level of technology in the targeted market

E. The product distribution channels adopted by his company

42. The uncontrollable issue of _____ faced by a company abroad is often amplified by the
"alien status" of the company, which increases the difficulty of properly assessing and
forecasting the dynamic international business climate.

A. research

B. channel of distribution

C. product specification

D. politics

E. product promotion

43. Which of the following best illustrates the political and legal issues faced by companies
because of their "alien status" when they attempt to do business in foreign countries?

A. A company doing moderate business in international markets because of violent history of its
home country

B. A company being forced by the local government to share its core competencies in order
to continue doing business

C. A product not being widely accepted in the foreign market because of its irrelevance to the

D. A company utilizing an identical promotional campaign it used in the domestic country

E. A company not succeeding in a foreign market because its product pricing is above the
purchasing power of the local customers

44. Which of the following best defines adaptation on the part of an international

A. It is a conscious effort to make themselves aware of the home cultural reference in their
analyses and decision making.

B. It is a conscious effort to anticipate the influences of both the foreign and domestic
uncontrollable factors on a marketing mix and then to adjust the marketing mix to
minimize the effects.

C. It is the notion that people in one's own company or country know best how to do things.

D. It is the process of identifying the similarities that exists between the domestic and foreign

E. It is an unconscious reference to one's own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a

basis for decisions and then to adjust the marketing mix in order to closely reflect these

45. The primary obstacles to success in international marketing are a person's _____ and
an associated ethnocentrism.

A. conscious regionalism

B. holism

C. self-reference criterion

D. moral relativism

E. moral nihilism

46. _____ is an unconscious reference to one's own cultural values, experiences, and
knowledge as a basis for decisions.

A. Xenocentrism

B. Holism

C. Self-reference criterion

D. Segregation

E. Orientalism

47. When confronted with a set of facts, one reacts spontaneously on the basis of knowledge
assimilated over a lifetime—knowledge that is a product of the history of one's culture. One
seldom stops to think about a reaction; one simply reacts. Thus, when faced with a problem
in another culture, one's tendency is to react instinctively and refer to one's _____ for a

A. self-space principle

B. segregation principle

C. integration criterion

D. space command criterion

E. self-reference criterion

48. Which of the following is an area that is considered critical in improving U.S. trade in
the context of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act?

A) Market access

B) Market availability

C) Exchange stability

D) Export restriction

E) Sustainability in trade

49. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is specifically addressed in the _____
section of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness act.

A) market access

B) export expansion

C) import relief

D) foreign exchange regulation

E) trade deficit

50. Which section of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act recognizes that foreign
penetration of U.S. markets can cause serious competitive pressure, loss of market share,
and, occasionally, severe financial harm?

A) The market access section.

B) The export expansion section.

C) The import relief section.

D) The foreign exchange regulation section.

E) The trade deficit section.

Nhóm 2

1. How many steps in the research process?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
2. …………..are designed to obtain specific responses regarding aspects of the
respondents’behavior, intentions, attitudes, motives, and demographic characteristics.
A. Quantitative research
B. Qualitative research

C. Not at all

3. …………. seeks to interpret what the people in the sample are like their outlooks,
their feelings, the dynamic interplay of their feelings and ideas, their attitudes and
opinions, and their resulting actions.
A. Quantitative research
B. Qualitative research
C. Not at all

4. ……………: respondents are asked to reply either verbally or in writing to

structured questions using a specific response format (such as yes/ no) or to select a
response from a set of choices
A. Quantitative research
B. Qualitative research
C. Not at all

5. The ability to express attitudes and opinions about a product or concept depends on
the respondent’s ability to recognize the usefulness and value of such a product or concept.
A. Ability to Communicate Opinions
B. Willingness to Respond
C. Sampling in Field Surveys
D. Language and Comprehension
6. How many different uses for the Internet in international research?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
7. Which NOT problems of gathering Primary Data?
A. Ability to Communicate Opinions
B. Willingness to Respond
C. Sampling in Field Surveys

D. Reliability of Data
8. How many basic factors to established the economic union?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
9. ………………..requires more cooperation and integration than the RCD. It is an
agreement between two or more countries to reduce or eliminate customs duties and
nontariff trade barriers among partner countries while members maintain individual tariff
schedules for external countries
A. Free Trade Area
B. A customs union
C. Common Market
D. Political union

10. ………… agreement eliminates all tariffs and other restrictions on internal trade,
adopts a set of common external tariffs, and removes all restrictions on the free flow of
capital and labor among member nations
A. Free Trade Area

B. A customs union

C. Common Market

D. Political union

11. What are problems in analyzing and interpreting research information?

A. The researcher must possess a high degree of cultural understanding of the market in
which research is being conducted.

B. Skeptical attitude in handling both primary and secondary data is helpful.

C. Information is incomplete or inaccurate

D. Both A & B

12. What is triangulation?
A. Measurable values used by marketing teams to demonstrate the effectiveness of
campaigns across all marketing channels

B. The division of a map or plan into triangles for measurement purposes, or the
calculation of positions and distances using this method

C. An increase in national production reflected by an increase in the average per capital

gross domestic product (GDP) or gross national income (GNI)

D. The fundamental objective of most developing countries.

13. What are two main methods for estimating market demand?
A. Market-test , past – sale analysis

B. Expert opinion, analogy

C. Market – test, analogy

D. Expert opinion, past – sale analysis

14. What companies consult from experts when estimating market demand?
A. The target market

B. The ways to operate company

C. Market size and grow rate

D. A, B, C are correct

15. Implications of Market integration are:

A. Opportunities, Market Barrier, Marketing Mix Implication

B. Opportunities, Market Barrier, Market Metric

C. Opportunities, Market Barrier

D. Opportunities, Market Barrier, Market Metric, Marketing Mix Implication

16. Three most active regional cooperative groups in Africa:




D. All are incorrect

17. How many types of research can be divided on the basis of information needs?
A. 2
B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

18. The scope of International Marketing research includes :

A. Economic and demographic; Cultural, sociological, and political climate; Overview of
market conditions; Summary of the technological environment; Competitive situation.

B. Cultural, sociological, and political climate; Overview of market conditions; Summary of the
technological environment; Competitive situation.

C. Economic and demographic; Cultural, sociological, and political climate; Overview of

market conditions; Summary of the technological environment.

D. Overview of market conditions; Summary of the technological environment; Competitive


19. What is the information about competitors' sales revenues, market segmentation,
products and strategies on an international scope relevant to international marketing
A. Cultural, sociological, and political climate;

B. Overview of market conditions;

C. Summary of the technological environment;

D. Competitive situation.

20. For international marketing research, most such information has been acquired
after years of experience with a single market
A. True

B. False

21. How is the research process in each country?

A. The same

B. Different

C. A&B are wrong

D. Both A&B

22. What should researchers do if data have been collected already by some other
A. Consult

A. Keep collecting

B. Do nothing

C. Both A&B

23. What is/are the problem(s) of availability of data?

A. Unmatched in other countries

B. A lack of comprehensive market data

C. Researchs’ language skill

D. All correct

24. Why is production statistics inaccurate frequently in EU?

A. These countries collect taxes on domestic sales

B. Data supplies are wrong

C. They donot want to public their economy data

D. Not at all
25. When can Comparability of data be a problem?
A. The best commercial research firms collect data across countries

B. Managers are well advised to query their vendors about this problem.

C. All correct

D. Not at all

26. What should marketers do after colleting secondary data?

A. Checking and interpreting carefully

B. Keep going

C. Comparing with previous information

D. A&B are correct

27. When do Maketers have need of the collection of primary data?

A. No data are available

B. The secondary data sources are inadequate

C. All correct

D. Not at all

28. What is one of the long-term goal of the Latin American Integration Association
(LAIA) ?
A. Helping the economy of America, Canada and Mexico be easy
B. The long-term goal of the LAIA, is a gradual and progressive establishment of a Latin
American common market.

C. The ultimate goal is a free trade agreement covering all America.

D. Competition more effectively in the world market

29. Which of the following countries is a signatory? (Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the United States)


C. Mercosur


30. What basic decisions are needed for the company to expand abroad?
A. Which market to enter
B. When to enter those market
C. What scale
D. All correct
31. Honda Motor Company (Japan), Asian Honda Motor Company (Thailand) and Vietnam
Motors and Agricultural Machinery Corporation are Co-Founders of Honda Viet Nam. Which
entry mode did Honda use to enter Viet Nam market ?
A. Turnkey project

B. Joint venture

C. Wholly owned subsidaries

D. Licensing

32. A strategic alliance means:

A. Choosing an international business partner that shares the same business objectives

B. That will offer the possibility to set-up a win-win partnership

C. Choosing a partner that will share its knowledge and skills

D. All of above

33. You book a table on a website of a famous international restaurant. As you arrive to
the restaurant, you can see its logo everywhere. But the restaurant is owned by someone
else. What is the nature of the business that the restaurant has?
A. A licence
B. A franchise
C. A joint-venture
D. A turnkey project

37. Which companies increased their grow rates by developing products at home and then
expanding sales of these product in international market?
A. Ford

B. P&G

C. Toyota

D. All of above

38. In which the followining industries are turnkey projects the most common ?
A. Fresh fruit, grain and meat products

B. Chemical, pharmaceutical and metal refining, petroleum refining

C. Apparel, shoes and leather products

D. Computer peripheral ,automotive parts

42. Which of the following is the term used to refer to both the People's Republic of China
(PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC) or Taiwan?
A. The SAR
B. The Greater China
C. The Asia Pacific Region
D. The Four “Asian Tiger”
43. C. K. Prahalad and his associates introduced a new concept into the discussion of
developing countries and markets— bottom-of-the pyramid markets (BOPMs)—consisting
of the______ people across the globe with annual incomes of less than______.
A. 3 billion/ $1,200

B. 4 billion/ $1,200
C. 3 billion/ $1,400
D. 4 billion/ $1,400
44. The 1990s recession in Japan did not have a significant negative impact on the standard
of living of the Japanese people because:
A. Unemployment levels remained low
B. Lending institutions continued to lend freely to individuals

C. The cost of living decreased
D. Japanese consumers started to spend liberally
45. The countries that are collectively known as the Four Asian Tigers are called so
A. They have recently moved from the status of underdeveloped countries to developing
B. They shun foreign capital and prohibit the entry of multinational companies
C. They transitioned from the status of developing countries to industrialized countries
D. They are fiercely protective of their domestic markets and discourage imports
46.Which factors suggest that Vietnam may become an Asian Tiger in the future?
A. The country's infrastructure is on par with that of developed countries
B. The Vietnamese people are well educated, and the government is interested in economic
C. The country has abundant capital and technology resources within its borders
D. The government follow a policy of minimal intervention in business

46. In ASEAN +3, which countries that "+3" represent for?

A. China, Japan, America

B. China, Japan, South Korea

C. China, South Korea, Russia

D. Japan, South Korea, America

48. Jilin, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang belong to :

A. Northeast China

B. Southeast China

C. Northwest China

D. Southwest China

49. Which region of China has a majority of industrial employment is Medium value-added
industries :
A. Beijing

B. Chongqing
C. Wuhan
D. Shanghai
50. Which the following sentence show the Marketing opportunities within China
A. The Chinese market is growing fast.

B. ASEAN +3 link between Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia

C. APEC meet annually

D. China must concern about the environment

51. Why we can't go far in Bangladesh Market Metrics Analysis?

A. Because of the lack of information
B. Because they are suffering disasters
C. Because of Coronavirus

D. Because there is no enough water for them

52. The company sells to a customer in another country

A. Corporate planning
B. Direct exporting
C. Global marketing management is about:
D. Exporting via Direct Sales
53. The formulation of long-term, generalized goals for an enterprise as a whole.

A. Strategic planning

B. Exporting

C. Exporting via The Internet

D. Corporate Planning

54. A common approach for mature international companies with strong marketing and
relational capabilities → Exporting

A. True

B. False

55. Conducted at the highest levels of management and deals with:

- Products
- Capital
- Research
- Long and short term goals of the company → Tactical planning

A. True

B. False

56. - Standarization vs. Adaptation ; Globalization vs. Localization ; Global integration vs.
local responsiveness  → Global Marketing Management
A. True
B. False
57. - Local level
- Specific actions and allocation of resources
A. Strategic International Alliances
B. Strategic Planning
C. Tactical Planning or Market Planning
D. Contractual Agreements: Franchising
58. Generalized goals, long term
A. Direct Foreign Investment
B. Strategic Planning
C. 3 Types of Planning
D. Corporate Planning
59. 2 or more companies cooperate and share risk → Strategic International Alliances
A. True
B. False
60. The process of dividing a market into meaningful, relatively similar, and identifiable
segments or groups → 4 Market-Entry Strategies
A. True

B. False
Nhóm 3 CHAPTER 13,14,18 (C5&6)

Question 1: In the more mature markets of the industrialized world, how consumers’s
tastes become when opportunity and challenge also abound?

A. More sophisticated and complex

B. More sophisticated and simple

C. More complex and carefull

D. More diversified and simple

Question 2: In a competitive struggle, … products and services that meet the needs and
wants of consumers at an … price should be the goal of any marketing firm. Fill the blank.

A. Features / Cheap

B. Function/Cheap

C. Quality/Affordable

D. Quantity/Affordable

Question 3: More competition and more choices drive the for what?

A. Price

B. Strategies

C. Brand

D. Quality

Question 4: Which the most important criteria by which purchases are made in most
global markets?

A. Brand & Quality

B. Quality & Price

C. Advertisment & Quality

D. Warranty & Quality

Question 5: When there are alternative products, all of which meet performance quality
standards, which products will be chosen?

A. Product which has many impressive advertisments

B. Product meets market – perceived quality attributes

C. Product which has the same price

D. Product which has near distributions with customers

Question 6: Why frequently a product that leaves the factory with performance quality is
damaged and it makes maintaining performance quality have some difficulties?

A. Because that’s the business risk which any company have to meet in bussiness activities.

B. Because there is an error in the manufacturing technique which company can’t find and solve.

C. Because production is distant from the market and control of the product is lost because
of the distribution system within the market

D. All are correct

Question 7: Quality is not only customers’s desirable but also how important it is to
businesses in competitve global market?

A. It’s a competitve tool to struggle with another businesses and gain market share also profit.

B. It’s can help business attract many attentions from customers and affirm their brand.

C. It’s a regulation in trade law and business must follow to run the bussiness.

D. It’s a decision to standardize or adapt a product is crucial in delivering quality.

Question 8: What are two critical issues that affect product development in green

A. Control of the packaging component of waste & improve protecting knowledge of customers.

B. Increasing more and more environmentally friendly products & implementing many
advertising campaign related to environmental protection.

C. Control of the packaging component of solid waste & consumer demand for
environmentally friendly products.

D. Control of the packaging component of solid waste & increasing more and more
environmentally friendly products

Question 9: Which statement is not correct?

A. When analyzing a product for a second market, the extent of adaptation required depends on
cultural differences in product use and perception between the market the product was originally
developed for and the new market.

B. The goal of a foreign marketer is to much profit by the largest number of consumers in
the market in the shortest span of time and probable rate of acceptance.

C. The goals of the diffusion researcher and the marketer are to shorten the time lag between
introduction of an idea or product and its widespread adoption.

D. The physical features or primary function of an automobile generally are in demand in all

Question 10: Which statement is true?

A. To make a purchase more affordable in low-income countries, manufacturers may increase

quantity per package with affordable price in high-income countries.

B. A product is the sum of the core functions and satisfactions it provides the user.

C. The more innovative a product is perceived to be, the more difficult it is to gain market

D. The more good product perceptions are with current cultural values, the more resistance there
will be and the less rapid product diffusion or acceptance will be.

Question 11: Which elements belong to core component?

A. Design features & Functional features

B. Deliveries & Quality

C. Functional features & Quality

D. Design features & Deliveries

Question 12: Why we adjust some aspects of the core component that can be costly?

A. To adapt the product which fit many local cultures

B. Can affect product processes

C. Need to more capital investment

D. All the correct

Question 13: Which one is one of four barriers that face Consumer Services Marketers?

A. Dumping

B. Protectionism

C. Supply – Demand

D. Economic Crisis

Question 14: Which of the following statements is the most correct statement?

A. The literacy rates and educational levels of a country are not affect a firm because almost
countries have advanced technology to support services for customers

B. The literacy rates and educational levels of a country may affect a firm to change a
product’s instructions

C. Customers have no trouble understanding services of the company offers

D. The concept of routine maintenance or preventative maintenance in different countries is a

part of the culture

Question 15: A global brand is defined as the worldwide use of a name, term, sign, symbol
(visual and/or auditory), design, or combination thereof intended to _____ goods or
services of oneseller and to _____ them from those of competitors.

A. differentiate / identify

B. compare / identify

C. identify / differentiate

D. differentiate / include

Question 16: Just as is the case with products, the answer to the question of when to go
global with a brand is, “It depends—the market dictates.” Use global brands where _____
and national brands where _____.

A. positive / negative

B. strong brand / weak brand

C. necessary / should

D. possible / necessary

Question 17: What are the advantages of using a global brand?

A. Makes it easier to do brand extensions (coming out with new products using global brand

B. Have increases in scales when perceived “globalness”

C. A&B are correct

D. A&B are incorrect

Question 18: What are 3 reasons that make private labels formidable competitors?

A. They provide the retailer with higher margins

B. They receive preferential shelf space and strong in store promotion

C. Quality products at low prices

D. All correct

Question 19: What factors seem to afect the demand in International industrial markets
differently than in consumer market ?

A. The votility of Industrial denamd

B. Stages of economic development

C. Technology and market denamd

D. All of them

Question 20: How many stages of model of economics development ?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

Question 21: What’s the definition of “ Preconditions for takeoff” ?

A. The most important industrial demand will associated with natural resources extraction

B. Manufacturing is beginning. Primary needs will be related to infrastructure


C. Manufacturing of both semidurable and nondurable cusonsumer goods has begun

D. Focus is more on low cost manufacturing of a variety of consumer and some industrial goods

Question 22: What stage of development is appropriate for Việt Nam?

A. Take off

B. The traditional society

C. Drive to maturity

D. Preconditions for society

Question 23: Why after-sales services are importance?

A. Building strong customer loyalty

B. Reputation that leads to sales at other companies

C. Get more profitable than the actual sale of the machinery or product

D. All of them are correct

Question 24: Which one is not a role of trade-show?

A. Selling products

B. Reaching prospective customers

C. Attracting many competitors in the industry

D. Contacting and evaluation potential agents and distributors

Question 25: The objective of relationship marketing is:

A. To make the relationship an important attribute of the transaction

B. Reduce competition in the industry

C. Selling more products

D. Capture customer psychology and change products to fit the latest needs

Question 26: What is parallel importing?

A. Trade customers buy goods cheaper abroad, import them undercut the manufacture

B. A manufacture piggybacks on another manufacturer’s distribution channel

C. A manufacture imports and prices two product lines together

D. Distributors put together a large shipment of different goods to cut costs

Question 27: Importers who buy products rom distributors in one country and sell them in
another country to distributors who are not part of the manufacturer’s regular and
authorized distribution system

A. Parallel Exporting

B. Parallel Importing

C. Grey Market

D. Exclusion Distribution

Question 28: Company A has product X stored in FTZs. So does company A need to pay
tariffs to the United States when goods X is imported into the United States? In your
opinion, the most correct opinion?

A. Company A is allowed to delay tariffs until goods X are imported into the US

B. Company A must pay tariffs to the US before storing goods X in FTZs

C. Company A must pay tariffs to the US after storing goods X in FTZs

D. Company A does not need to pay tariffs to the US

Question 29: If a company’s objective is to reach a market segment that is relatively price
insensitive and thus willing to pay a premium price for the value received, it will most
likely use a pricing strategy called

A. Penetration pricing

B. Skimming pricing

C. Value-based pricing

D. Super low pricing

Question 30: The added costs incurred as a result of exporting products from one country
to another are called

A. Price deflation

B. Price escalation

C. Price gouging

D. All of above

Question 31: In _____ pricing, the firm is concerned only with the marginal or incremental
cost of procuring goods to be sold in overseas markets. It’s practical when a company has
high fixed costs and unused production capacity

A. Skimming
B. Penetration

C. Variable-cost

D. Low

Question 32: Each unit must bear its full share of the total fixed and variable cost. This
approach is suitable when a company has high variable costs relative to its fixed costs. In
such case, prices are often set on a cost-plus basis, that is total costs plus a profit margin.
What is it?

A. Full-cost pricing

B. Variable pricing

C. Global pricing

D. Kno Dicing

Question 33: _____ is defined 2 ways, depending on whether a product is sold

internationally below its cost of production or below its selling price in the home market

A. Bumping

B. Humping

C. Jumping

D. Dumping

Question 34: _____ involves charging a high price in the individual countries may only
vary within a set range

A. Psychological pricing

B. Skimming

C. Transfer pricing

D. Penetration pricing

Question 35: How many approaches to reducing price?

A. 5

B. 4

C. 3

D. 2

Question 36: Approaches to Reducing Price include:

A. Lowering tariffs, dumping, lowering the distribution cost

B. Lowering the cost of goods, lowering tariffs, lowering the distribution cost

C. Lowering overall product quality, lowering the cost of goods, lowering tariffs

D. Lowering the distribution cost, dumping

Question 37: Dumping mean:____

A. Export product that there isn’t demand in a country

B. Export product at prices lower than production costs in the importing country

C. Export product at prices higher than production costs in the importing country

D. Export only the worst quality products

Question 38: In variable cost pricing businesses will consider______

A. Marginal cost

B. Tax

C. Variable free

D. Tax tariffs

Question 39: When the production cost is high and the penetration fee is high, the company
should sell the exported product ____ than the price in the domestic market.

A. Lower

B. Equal

C. Higher

D. Equal or higher

Question 40: When reducing the cost of tax distribution, payment is made based on the
difference between the intermediary_____

A. Cost

B. The selling price

C. Profit

D. A & B are correct

Question 41: China has cheap labor and cheap resources, so which countries are often
chosen to adopt the discounted approach?

A. Lowering the cost of goods

B. Lowering the distribution cost

C. Lowering tariffs

D. All of above

Question 42: Question Which of the following pricing formats is considered to be an

attempt to establish prices for an entire market?

A. Skimming price.

B. Administered pricing

C. Premium pricing.

D. Intracompany pricing

Question 43: When several Middle Eastern oil companies worked together to form OPEC
to control oil sales, production, and revenues for all oil products coming out of the region,
the group was called a :

A. Corporation

B. Partnership

C. Cartel

D. Companies

Question 44: In quoting the price of goods for international sale, a contract may include
specific elements affecting the price, such as:

A. Credit

B. Sales terms,

C. Transportation, Currency, type of documentation required.

D. All of the above

Question 45: To control prices, governments may:

A. Establish margins, set prices and floors or ceilings.

B. Restrict price changes, compete in the market, grant subsidies.

C. Act as a purchasing monopsony or selling monopoly.

D. All of the above

Question 46: The most frequently used term of payment in foreign commercial transactions
for both export and import sales is:

A. Letters of credit

B. Cash in advance

C. Open accounts

D. Forfaiting

Question 47: How many basic payment arrangements are there?

A. 3

B. 5

C. 4

D. 6

Question 48: Bills of exchange also known as:

A. Money order

B. Negotiable

C. Dollar drafts

D. Commercial paper

Question 49: The price quotation should define:

A. Quantity and quality

B. Quantity

C. Quality

D. No sentence correctly

Question 50: When does the cartel exist?

A. When different companies that produce similar products or services work together not to
control the market.

B. When different companies that produce different products or services work together to control
the market for the types of goods and services they produce

C. When various companies producing similar products or services work together to

control markets for the types of goods and services they produce.

D. No sentence correctly

Nhóm 4

1. In direct marketing channel:

a) Wholesalers and retailers interposed between direct producers and consumers.
b) Must have a wholesaler.

c) Producers sell directly to consumers.
d) All are wrong.
2. Which of the following is correct for a wholesaler in a distribution channel?
a) Acting as an intermediary to perform distribution functions on the industrial market.
b) Trung An intermediary who has a legal right to act on behalf of a manufacturer.
c) Being an intermediary selling goods and services to other intermediaries.
d) Is the intermediary selling goods directly to the final consumer.
3. Manufacturers use distribution intermediaries for the following reasons, except:
a) Manufacturers often do not have sufficient financial resources to perform the
distribution function.
b) Manufacturers do not want to participate in product distribution.
c) Manufacturers recognize the effectiveness of specialization.
d) None of the statements are correct.
4. Which of the following statements is about retail, which is NOT true?
a) Retail is the sale of goods to end consumers.
b) Retail is a big industry.
c) Manufacturer and wholesaler cannot directly retail.
d) Retailing can be done through salespeople, by mail sales, by phone and at home sales.
5. Sales to individuals and businesses that they resell or use for business purposes are
a) Retail.
b) Wholesale.
c) Joint venture.
d) Production.
6. Who is the seller at the consumer home
a) Retailer.
b) Direct marketing person.
c) Sellers without intermediaries.
d) Everything is wrong.
7. This statement is true or false:

“Distribution in Japan has long been considered a most effective tariff barrier to the
Japanese market”
a) True.
b) False.
8. Distribution system in Japan has some outstanding features:
a) 3.
b) 4.
c) 5.
d) 6.
9. Which is the e-commerce website about the retail industry in Vietnam?
a) Bestbuy.com.
b) Amazon.com.
c) Alibaba.
d) Adayroi.
10. How many factors affecting the channel management ?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 2
11. What are the steps of selecting middlemen ?
a) Choosing , accepting
b) Screening , The agreement
c) Testing , Choosing
d) Screening , Testing
12. The actual process of building channels for international distribution is ….
a) Hard
b) Different
c) Easy
d) seldom easy
13. How long does it usually take to sign a contract with the middlemen ?
a) 1 year

b) 6 months
c) 2 years
d) 1 month
14. Motivational techniques that can be employed to maintain middleman interest and
support for the product may be grouped into five categories:…….. psychological
rewards, communications, …….. , and corporate rapport.
a) financial rewards , company support
b) sale support , marketing support
c) logictics support , company support
d) financials reward , sale support
15. . ……… by company representatives can be effective in managing middleman
activities at any level of the channel
a) Sales
b) Documents
c) Quotas, reports, and personal visits
d) Personal visit , reports
16. Control over the system and control over middlemen are ……….in
international business
a) easy
b) impossible
c) necessary
d) possible
17. How many types of domestic intermediaries are often used?
a) 7
b) 9
c) 8
d) 6
18. Which international marketers can work directly with middlemen in foreign
a) Manufacturer’s representatives, Foreign Distributors, Foreign-country brokers,
Managing agents & compradors, Dealers, Import jobbers

b) Manufacture’s representatives, Foreign-country brokers, Managing agent &
c) Manufacture’s representatives, Foreign-country brokers, Managing agent &
compradors, Import jobbers
d) Foreign-country brokers, Managing agents & compradors, Dealers, Import jobbers
19. What are the main benefits of WPEA?
a) Reduction of export costs and trade barrier reductions
b) Demand expansion through promotion
c) Improvement of trade terms through bilateral bargaining
d) All correct
20. Who is the export agent middlemen?
a) an individual agent middleman and an agent middleman corporation that provides
sales services to manufacturers
b) an individual agent middleman and an agent middleman company that provides
sales services to manufacturers
c) All is incorrect
d) All Correct
21. What type of intermediaries that companies using relatively small international
volumes or those who do not want to involve their personnel in international
a) Manufacturers’ Retail Stores.
b) Trading Companies
c) The export management company
d) Complementary Marketers
22. What are the most characteristic of Agent middlemen?
a) Work on commission
b) Work on indemnification
c) Work based on experience
d) Work based on available capital
23. What is the next step after marketers clarify the company's objectives and

a) To select the intermediaries needed to develop the channel
b) To select manager to develop the channel
c) To select the right company to develop the channel
d) To select customers to develop the channel
24. Merchant middlemen tend to be ___________ agent middlemen. Fill the right
words in the blank.
a) more controllable than
b) less controllable than
c) less comfortable than
d) more comfortable than
25. How many markets does MEA have?
a) Only one
b) 2 or more
c) Very much
d) 1 or 2
26. Where is the government purchasing office working?
a. federal, regional, and local levels
b. federal, regional
c.local levels, federal
d. regional, local levels
27. How many ways does B2B allow companies to cut costs?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
28. How many issues should be concerned with international internet sales?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
29. What services is e-commerce used to market through the World Wide Web?

a) B2B services
b) Consumer services
c) Consumer and industrial products
d) All correct
30. The Web site and the product must be culturally ______or _______to fit the
uniqueness of a market. Fill the blanket
a) neutral / varied
b) private / diversify
c) neutral / adapt
d) adapt / biased
31. Which markets website should be translated into languages?
a) China market
b) All markets in the world
c) Industrial markets
d) Target markets
32. Companies should be able to use a ______ to international payment
a) Credit card
b) Bank card
c) Debit card
d) Credit and debit card
33. What do you need to do to let customers know about your product or service when
participating in e-commerce?
a) Attract
b) Advertise
c) PR
d) Propaganda
34. What is Click-and-mortar models of business?
a) The business has just only an online store
b) The business has just only a physical shop
c) The business has a store overseas
d) The business has both an online store and a physical shop

35. When the volume is reached at a specific location, container shipments to free trade
zones or bonded warehouses may be used for what?
a) Distribution of business
b) A&C all correct
c) Distribution of individual
d) A&C all wrong
36. With the only difference between it and a physical store being that the customer
arrives over the Internet instead of on foot, a website should be seen as?
a) Retail store
b) Wholesale store
c) Online store
d) Physical store
37. Logistic is the process of managing distribution activities, including all activities
related to transportation, the process of inventory of raw materials and finished
goods inventory from the point of origin to the point of consumption?

a) Yes
b) No
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
38. The form of sale to consumers via email, phone or in person is called:
a) Personal sales
b) Direct sales
c) Retail
d) Wholesale
39. Retailing is more diversified in structure than wholesale
a) Yes
b) No
40. Direct sales to consumers via email, phone or in person customers apply when:
a) Potential market

b) Customers do not want to buy directly
c) Distribution system is not yet developed
d) Competitors are dominating the market
41. International companies are constrained by the structure of the market to use at
least some intermediaries in arranging distribution
a) Yes
b) No
42. Creating a flexible and reliable distribution channel will be the decisive and
challenging task facing international marketers:
a) Yes
b) No
43. The concept behind physical distribution is the achievement of the optimal (lowest)
system cost, consistent with the company's customer service goals.
a) Yes
b) No
44. The international firm broadens the scope of its operations, the additional variables and
costs become ........ in their effect on the efficiency of the distribution system.
a) More crucial
b) More trivial
c) Less crucial
d) Less trivial
45. What are the specific goals of the channel strategy?
a) Cost, capital, control, coverage, character and continuity
b) Cost, capital, character, control, coverage, change
c) Cost, capital, control, character, continuity, channel
d) Cost, control, character, continuity, change, capital
46. What are the 2 kinds of cost?
a) The cost of developing and maintaining a channel
b) The cost of planning and developing a channel
c) The cost of making and forging a channel
d) The cost of building and maintaining a channel

47. What will save cost when you eliminate middlemen?
a) Creative and trending marketing
b) Creative and efficient marketing
c) Cliché and efficient marketing
d) Cliché and trending marketing
48. The more …. the company is with the distribution, the more …. it gains:
a) Involved/Experience
b) Involved/Money
c) Involved/Control
d) Satisfy/Pleasure
49. Most agent middlemen firms tend to be small institutions. True or False?
a) True
b) False
50. Companies that neglect the growth of self-service, scambled merchandising or
discontinuing will lose large segments of its market because:
a) Its channels no longer reflect the character of the market.
b) Its channels reflect strongly the character of the market.
c) Its channels don’t know what to reflect of the market’s character
d) Its channels are old and need updating.


1. What compromises the integrated marketing communication?

a. Advertising, sale promotions

b. Trade show, personal selling
c. Public relations.
d. All of above
2. … are marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchases and improve retailer or
middlemen effectiveness and cooperation.
a. Sales Promotion

b. IMC

c. PR
d. All of above
3. Sale promotion are…………efforts directed to the consumer or retailer to
achieve such specific objective.

a. Long-term
b. Short-term
c. A and B are correct
d. A and B are incorrect
4. ……….. is a powerful tool for cultural change, and as such, it receives continuing
scrutiny by a wide variety of institutions.
a. Global mass media advertising

b. PR
c. Advertising expenditures
d. IMC
5. ………………. are generally cyclical, though less so in relationship-oriented countries
where managers and regulators favor stability and long-term performance.
a. Global mass media advertising

b. PR
c. Advertising expenditures
d. IMC
6. How many steps in Reconciling an international advertising?

a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
7. How many steps does the international communication process involve?

a. 9
b. 8
c. 7

d. 6

8. The international communication process consists of the following:

a. An information source, encoding, a message channel, receiver, feedback, noise, sender .

b. An information source, decoding, sender , receiver, noise, feedback, encoding .

c. Receiver, feedback, noise ,encoding, a message channel, decoding, sender .

d. Receiver, feedback, noise ,encoding, decoding, a message channel, decoding .
9. A message channel is:

a. The interpretation by the receiver of the symbolism transmitted from the information source.
b. The sales force and/or advertising media that convey the encoded message to the
intended receiver.
c. Uncontrollable and unpredictable influences such as competitive activities and confusion that
detract from the process and affect any or all of the other six steps.
d. Consumer action by those who receive the message and are the target for the thought
10. A perfume presented against a backdrop of rain that, for Europeans, symbolized a
clean, cool, refreshing image but to Africans was a symbol of fertility. The ad prompted
many viewers to ask if the perfume was effective against infertility. This is the example of:
a. Encoding
b. Noise
c. Decoding
d. Receiver
11. Receiver is:

a. The sales force and/or advertising media that convey the encoded message to the intended

b. The interpretation by the receiver of the symbolism transmitted from the information source.

c. Consumer action by those who receive the message and are the target for the

thought transmitted.

d. Evaluation of communications process and measure of action by receiver.

12. Noise is a disruptive force interfering with the process at any step. Comprises all other
external influences as:
a. Competitive advertising
b. Other sales personnel
c. Confusion at the receiving end
d. Both A, B and C
13. Laws that control comparative advertising vary from country to country in Europe. It
is illegal to use any comparative terminology; you can be sued by a competitor if you do
a. Germany
b. Spain
c. United Kingdom
d. Portugal
14. The giant bulls posted on hillsides around rural . They were originally meant to
advertise Osborne Brandy, but they have evolved into a national symbol.Which country is
a. Germany
b. Spain
c. United Kingdom
d. Portugal
15. If an advertiser wants flexibility, timeliness, good local market coverage,
broad acceptability, and high believability, the advertiser will probably choose which of the
following mass media types?

a. Newspapers
b. Television
c. Direct mail
d. Radio

16. _____________combine(s) sight, sound, and motion; appeals to the senses; and, has a
low cost per exposure as advantages.
a. Newspapers
b. Television
c. Direct mail
d. Radio
17. The advantages of audience selectivity, no ad competition, and personalization apply
to which type of media?
a. Newspapers
b. Television
c. Direct mail
d. Radio

18. ___________has the advantage of being high in selectivity, low cost, immediacy, and
interactive capabilities.
a. Direct mail
b. Outdoor
c. Internet/Online
d. Radio
19. Which of the following mass media forms has the disadvantages of long ad-purchase
lead time, high cost, no guarantee of position?
a. Newspapers
b. Television
c. Magazines
d. Radio
20. Assume you are advertising very expensive authentic Turkish carpets to upscale
investors in Germany. Credibility and prestige are important. The best medium for your
advertising message is______
a. Television
b. Newspapers
c. Magazine (moderate)

d. Direct mail
21. Outdoor advertising are NOT include:

a. Billboards
b. Bus benches
c. Taxis and business vehicles
d. Newspapers

22. Billboards are especially useful in countries with ____ ________

a. High/ illiteracy rates

b. Low/ illiteracy rates
c. Literacy rate does not affect economy
d. None of above
23. The development of advertising campaigns and their execution are managed
a. Development agencies
b. Advertising agencies
c. Market research agencies
d. Other agencies
24. The best compromise is a ______, because it has the sophistication of a major agency
with local representation.
a. Multinational agency
b. Multinational agency with local branches
c. Local domestic agency
d. Company-owned agency
25. Compensation arrangements for advertising agencies throughout the world are based
on the _______
a. Europe system of 15 percent commissions
b. Europe system of 17 percent commissions
c. U.S system of 15 percent commissions
d. U.S system of 17 percent commissions

26. Companies are moving from ______ to ______, which details remuneration terms at
the outset
a. the commission system, a reward-by-results system
b. a reward-by-results system, the commission system
c. U.S system, their own system
d. Their own system, U.S system
27. Which country has a 41-page advertising code that the government has been compiling
for more than 10 years?
a. Vietnam
b. Europe
c. Malaysia
d. China
28. Advertising regulations are ____ to Europe

a. Not limited
b. Limited
c. Depend on each country
d. None of above
29. The level of sophistication of ______ can be weak

a. Local domestic agency

b. Multinational agency
c. Multinational agency with local branches
d. Company-owned agency
30. _______ is neon capital of the world

a. Tokyo
b. New York’s Times Square
c. Hong Kong
d. Seoul
31. The main role of personal sales in international marketing:
a. direct tie to the customer

b. Exchange of goods beneficial to both parties

c. Reach potential customers
d. Create trust with customers
32. The first step in managing a sales force is:
a. Designing the Sales Force
b. Analyze potential customers
c. Competitor analysis
d. Analyze the sales environment
33. What decisions about sales force management depend on?
a. regarding the numbers
b. characteristics
c. assignments of sales personnel
d. All answers are correct
34. How many international salespeople are recruited?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
35. Sources for recruiting international salespeople:
a. expatriates, local nationals, and third-country nationals
b. Virtual Expatriates, local nationals, and third-country nationals
c. expatriates, local nationals, and Host-Country Restrictions
d. Virtual Expatriates, expatriates and local nationals
36. The chief disadvantages of an expatriate sales force:
a. the high cost
b. cultural and legal barriers
c. the limited number of high-caliber personnel willing to live abroad for extended periods.
d. All answers are correct
37. Disadvantages of local Nationals?
a. lack of availability
b. Ignore the advice of headquarters staff
c. transcend both cultural and legal barriers.

d. A and B are correct
38. How many criteria are there to select international salespeople?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
39. The nature of a training program International Marketing depends largely

a. the home culture of the salesperson

b. the culture of the business system in the foreign market.
c. A and B are correct
d. A and B are incorrect
40. Why is the motivation for individual sales personnel complicated?
a. different cultures
b. different sources
c. different philosophies
d. All answers are correct

41. Factors create problems in compensation planning?

a. Compensations comparisons between the home office and abroad
b. Short-term/long term assignments
c. A and B are correct
d. A and B are incorrect
42. Why is business organization must have a good compensation?
a. Compensation is a vital part of human resource management
b. It helps improve organizational effectiveness
c. It gives an employee a reason to stick to the company
d. All answers are correct
43. What is fringe benefits
a. is the rewards that the employees receive in return for their work

b. an extra thing that is given to you addition to your pay but is not in the form of
c. a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis but often
expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee,
d. a sum of money paid regularly to a person who has retired
44. In many countries have relationship-oriented cultures, the evaluation is more complex
a. Teamwork is favored over individual effort
b. Performance measures require closer observation and may include the opinions of
customers, peers, and supervisors
c. Inrelationship-oriented cultures spans of control can be quite narrow
d. All answer are correct
45. Which is the most problematic in foreign assignments

a. Managers sent abroad returned early because of job dissatisfaction or difficulties in

adjusting to a foreign country
b. Manager sent abroad did not perform up to the expectations of their superiors
when they returned
c. Completed an assignment,left their company and join a competitor
d. managers sent abroad didn't want to return home country
46. Why people usually choose to avoid foreign assignment?
a.The fear that a two or three year absence will affect opportunities for advancement
b. Concern for family
c. A and B are correct
d. A and B are incorrect
47. How to reduce those problems that can occur in foreign assignment?
a. The planning process must begin prior to the selection of those who go abroad
b. The planning process must extend to their specific assignments after returning
c. A and B are correct

d. A and B are incorrect
48. How to reduce the rate of early returns
a. Cross-cultural training for families as well as the employee
b. Local ombudsman
c. A and B are correct
d. A and B are incorrect
49. How many problems need to concern in managing the expatriate?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
50. According to a report on what MNCs, how many steps are suggested to to improve the
reentry process?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

Nhóm 6

1. What is International marketing definition ?

A. The performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and
direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more
than one nation for a profit.
B. The supply and demand of goods, services, and securities within a single country
C. The activity encompasses all commercial activities that take place to promote the
transfer of goods, services, resources, people, ideas, and technologies across national
D. A,B are correct
2. The difference between domestic and international marketing lies in what?
A. The concept of Marketing

B. The environment within which marketing plans must be implemented.
C. The different level of Marketers
D. A and B are correct
3. At least how many levels of uncontrollable uncertainty that the International
marketer must deal with?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
4. What is Self-Reference Criterion?
A. An unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values, experiences, and
knowledge as a basis for decisions
B. A conscious reference to one’s own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a
basis for decisions
C. The notion that people in one’s own company, culture, or country know best how to
do things.
D. B and C are correct
5. How many steps that knowledgable mareketer conduct cross-cutural analysis
A. 3
B. 6
C. 2
D. 4
6. Which strategies below use to approach to International marketing?
A. International Market Extension Orientation, Multi-nation Market Orientation, Global
Marketing Orientation
B. Domestic Market Extension Orientation, Multidomestic Market Orientation, Global
Marketing Orientation and globalization
C. Domestic Market Extension Orientation, Multidomestic Market Orientation,
Global Marketing Orientation
D. None is correct
7. Beliefs and ________ are very sustainable and least changed.

A. People
B. Primary
C. Cultural branch
D. Cultural Value
8. Culture is an important element in modern marketing because:
A. Every products has their own cultural elements
B. Consumers’ consumption behavior is increasingly similar
C. The mission of a marketer is to adjust marketing activities in accordance with
the requirements of the culture
D. Due to globalization, the cultures among countries have more and more similarities.
9. The marketing environment of a business can be defined as:
A. A set of controllable factors.
B. A collection of uncontrollable factors.
C. A set of factors outside that business.
D. A set of controllable and uncontrollable factors.
10. The political environment factor is probably the most important factor that changes
the level of industrialization and modernization of a country.
A. The Technological
B. The Demographic
C. The Political
D. The Economic
11. (Choose the wrong answer) Countless reasons to maintain government restrictions
on trade are espoused by protectionists, but essentially all arguments can be
classified as follows:
A. Protection of an infant industry
B. Protection of the home market
C. Maintenance of employment and reduction of unemployment
D. All are correct
12. The elements of culture are:
A. Family, religion, school, media, government, corporations
B. Culture values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes

C. History, geography, social institutions, technology and political economy
D. Culture values, religions, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes
13. Manager should have affirmative acceptance of
A. Knowledge of country
B. Ability to adjust to varying tempos
C. Ability to integrate oneself-into the environment
D. All are correct
14. What factors should be considered in the economic environment?, EXCEPT
A. Bank interest rate
B. Collectivism Index
C. Protection policy
D. GDP trends
15. What characteristics are information-oriented culture?
A. Low context, individualism, competition.
B. Low context, collectivism, reduce transaction costs
C. High context, face-to-face, M-time
D. High context, low power distance, M-time
16. The duration of a licensing contract depends on:
A. Large extent of technology
B. Market stability
C. A and B are correct
D. A and B are wrong
17. There are many different ways to enter the water market
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
18. The main factors that affect the success of the franchise approach:
A. Brand value
B. Reduce marketing costs
C. Technology development

D. Market stability
19. In market penetration strategies, which ones are most risky
A. Exporting
B. Contract agreements
C. Strategic international alliances
D. Direct foreign investment
20. Successful small companies are often adept at exploiting the network of personal
and commercial relationships to minimize financial risks when entering the market.
A. True
B. False
21. How many stages are in the planning process
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
22. The main methods of primary data collection are:
A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative
C. Retrieved from available sources
D. a & b are right
23. Open or in-depth questions, not structured through group discussions and in-depth
A. qualitative research
B. quantitative research
C. research customer needs
D. study opponent's behavior
24. How many steps are in the research process?
A. 7
B. 5
C. 6
D. 4

25. Difficulties encountered by international businesses when collecting primary data
A. The ability to communicate ideas and differences between countries
B. Businesses do not cost much
C. Everyone is willing to share information
D. There is no right answer
26. When the business collects data, if the data has been collected by some other agency
and market research specialist, the marketing researcher should consult these
secondary data sources.
A. False
B. True
27. Which of the following is NOT one of five stages of economic development?
A. Traditional society
B. Take-off
C. Drive to maturity
D. Technological society
28. How many dimensions can quality be defined on?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 2
D. 1
29. Which is a base of green marketing?
A. Greenhouse gas reduction market
B. Capital Flow
C. Programme
D. Product
30. One of crucial elements in the diffusion of new ideas are?
A. An innovation
B. Overtime
C. Among the members of a social system
D. All of them are correct
31. Why we adjust some aspects of the core component that can be costly?

A. To adapt the product which fit many local cultures
B. Can affect product processes
C. Need to more capital investment
D. All of them are correct
32. What is ISO 9001?
A. It is a certification of the existence of a quality control system a company has in place
to ensure it can meet published quality standards.
B. It is certification of the production process only
C. A & B are wrong
D. A & B are correct
33. How many factors in the escalating price?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
34. How many stages in Price Skimming?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
35. …………..is a pricing strategy where the price of a product is initially set low to
rapidly reach a wide fraction of the market and initiate word of mouth.
A. Variable cost
B. Full cost
C. Price Skimming
D. Penetration Pricing
36. Bills of exchange drawn by….on…..
A. Exporter/Importer
B. Seller/Buyer
C. Buyer/Seller
D. Importer/Exporter

37. Variable cost is concerned only with….
A. The marginal
B. The incremental cost
C. The profit margin
D. Both A & B
38. Which are elements in the contract that affecting the price?
A. Credit, Sale terms, Transportation, Currency, Type of documentation required.
B. Cost of exporting, Taxes, Inflation, Deflation, Exchange Rate Fluctuations
C. Varying currency values, Middlemen & transportation cost
D. Variable cost, Full cost
39. What are the main risks of having an international distribution relationship?
A. Opportunism
B. Exploitation
C. Opportunism + Exploitation
40. The six Cs included:
a) Cost, Capital requirements, Control, Coverage, Character, Continuity
b) Control, Coverage, Character, Continuity
c) Capital requirement, Control, Coverage, Character
d) Control, Coverage, Continuity
41. How many major factors affect channel management?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
42. Logistics management steps included:
a) Location Of Plants & Warehousing -> Transportation Mode -> Inventory
Quantities -> Packing
b) Location Of Plant & Warehousing -> Inventory Quantities -> Packing
c) Transportation Mode -> Inventory Quantities -> Location Of Plant &
Warehousing -> Packing

d) Inventory Quantities -> Packing -> Location Of Plant & Warehousing ->
Transportation Mode
43. B2B allows cost cutting by:
a) Reduce process costs
b) Allows better supply-chain management
c) Makes possible tighter inventory control
d) All are correct
44. Locating middlemen includes how many evaluation criteria?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
45. To introduce the new products to world of consumers is the main goal of
A. Entertainment
B. Advertising.
C. Boost the sales
D. Online marketing
46. Building good relations with the company’s various publics (internally to employees,
externally to customers, other firms, the government, and media) by obtaining
favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading
off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events is called
A. Publicity
B. Public relations.
C. Event management
D. Image menegement
47. It is advisable to use ____________________ as a source of advertising.
A. Social media
B. Email
C. Radio
D. Television.

48. Advertising is not flexible as the message is once fixed it can’t be altered again and
again according to the_____________.
A. Advertiser
B. Sponsor
C. Customer
D. Marketer
49. Drama, exhibitions, fair are effective means of
A. Personal selling
B. Advertisements
C. Sales territory
D. Entertainment.
50. Digital marketing is same as
A. Marketing through emails

B. Marketing on Facebook, Twitter

C. Online ads
D. All of the above.


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