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Kurdistan Regional Government ‫حكومةتى هةريَمى‬


Scientific research ‫وةزارةتى خويَندنى باالَ و تويَذينةوةى‬


Soran university ‫زانكؤى سؤران فاكةلَتى‬


Faculty of education ‫سكولَى ثةروةردةى‬


School of Basic Education ‫بةشى زانستة‬


General Science Department

Effects of junk food on human health

Prepared by :

Maryam Hersh


Parwa Mohammed


Supervised by :

Mr. Haval Abdullah


This is an essay paper of research project submitted to the Faculty of Education/Basic

Education School General Science Department in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the Degree of B.Sc in Basic Education

2019/202 I 2719/2720
This study dedicated
To our lovely parents, brothers & sister. To all the teachers in the faculty of education and
general sciences in particularity.

To all the students in faculty of education and in particular our colleagues in fourth stage.


First of all ,we would like to Allah ,the almighty for granting us the chance to complete this

We like to extend sincere gratitude to our parents for their priceless effort and help in all the
aspects of life in particular study .

We would like to thank our supervisor ((Mr.Haval Abdwlla )) for his help with our
research .His contribution and patience led to the completion of this study .

Sciences in gratitude to all the teacher in the faculty of education and general science .

Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. It is
usually of plant or animal origin, and contain essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by
the organisms cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth. Junk food refers to
food that can be prepared and served quickly it can come from many places ;sit-down
restaurant ,country service take-out, drive –thru, and delivery. Junk food is popular because
the food is inexpensive, convenient , and tastes good .However junk food is often made with
cheaper ingredients such as high fat meat , refined grains , and added sugar and fats , instead
of nutritious ingredients such as lean proteins , whole grains , fresh fruits , and vegetable
.Junk food bad is no such thing as a "bad" food .But there are some foods you should try not
to have on a regular basis .Because fast food is high in sodium , saturated fat, trans fat ,and
cholesterol , it isn’t something you should eat often . Eating too much over a long period of
time can lead to issues such as high blood pressure , heart disease , and unwanted weight
gain .There is a meditation exercise in which you place a raisin in your mouth, you meditate
and allow it to sit in your mouth unmolested. The raisin plumps up and becomes a juicy
fruitness in your mouth, tempting you to bite it. This is a powerful example of how eating is
different when you are truly aware of each morsel .

‫خؤراك هةر ماددةيةكة‪ Y‬كة ثيَكهاتووة لة ماددة خؤراكيةكان كة ثالثشتى ئةندامةكان دةكات‪ .‬ماددةكان ئةندامى رووةك ي‪YY‬ان‬
‫طيان‪YY‬ةوةرةكان خ‪YY‬ؤراكيَكى طونجاوي‪YY‬ان تيَداي‪YY‬ة وةك "كاربؤهاي‪YY‬درايت و ض‪YY‬ةورى و ث‪YY‬رؤتين و ظيت‪YY‬امين ي‪YY‬ان م‪YY‬اددةى‬
‫كانزايى"‪ .‬ماددة خؤراكيةكان تيَك دةشكيَن ل‪YY‬ةاليان ئةندامةكان‪YY‬ةوة بةتوان‪YY‬ةوةى ب‪YY‬ةهؤى خان‪YY‬ةى ئةندامةكان‪YY‬ةوة ب‪YY‬ة ثيَ‪YY‬دانى‬
‫وزة‪,‬ثاراس‪YY‬تنى ذي‪YY‬ان‪,‬ب‪YY‬ةردةوامبوونى طةش‪YY‬ة‪ .‬خواردن‪YY‬ة خيَراك‪YY‬ان ئام‪YY‬اذةن ب‪YY‬ؤ ئ‪YY‬ةم خواردنان‪YY‬ةى ك‪YY‬ة ئام‪YY‬ادة دةك‪YY‬ريَن ب‪YY‬ة‬
‫ماددةيةكى كةم لة زؤر شويَن وةك دانيشتن ل‪YY‬ة ضيَش‪YY‬تخانة‪,‬ناوض‪YY‬ةى خزم‪YY‬ةت ط‪YY‬وزارى دةرةوة ي‪YY‬ان طةيان‪YY‬دن‪ .‬خوادن‪YY‬ة‬
‫خيَراكان خؤشةويستن ضونكة زؤر بة نرخ يان طران نين‪,‬ئاسانن وة تاميان خؤشة‪ .‬هةر ضؤنيَك بيَت خواردنى خيَرا كة‬
‫دروست دةكريَت ثيَكهاتةكانيان هةرزانة وةك ب‪YY‬ةرزى ض‪YY‬ةورى طؤش‪YY‬ت‪,‬زي‪YY‬ادكردنى ش‪YY‬ةكر ل‪YY‬ة ط‪YY‬ةردي ض‪YY‬ةورى ل‪YY‬ة‬
‫جياتى بةشيَك لة خؤراكةكة وةك ثرؤتينى الواز ‪,‬هةموو تؤيةكان‪,‬ميوةى خاويَن‪,‬سةوزةكان‪.‬خوادنى خيَراى خراث ش‪YY‬تيَك‬
‫نيية خواردنى خيَ‪Y‬راى خ‪Y‬راث بيَت‪,‬ب‪Y‬ةالَم ض‪Y‬ةند خواردنيَك‪Y‬ة ك‪YY‬ة م‪Y‬اددةى بنض‪Y‬ينةى ريَ‪Y‬ك و ثيَ‪YY‬ك نيي‪Y‬ة‪,‬ض‪YY‬ونكة خواردن‪Y‬ة‬
‫خيَراكان ريَرةوى سؤديؤميان تيَدا زؤرة‪,‬ضةورى تيَركراوى تيَداية‪,‬كؤليسترؤلى تيَداية بؤي‪YY‬ة ثيَويس‪YY‬ت نيي‪Y‬ة بةب‪YY‬ةردةوامى‬
‫دل و زؤرب‪YY‬وونى كيَش‪.‬‬
‫بخوريَت‪ .‬ئةطةر بةبةردةوامى بخوريَت دةبيَتة‪ Y‬هؤى ب‪YY‬ةرز ب‪YY‬وونى ثةس‪YY‬تانى خ‪YY‬ويَن و نةخؤش‪YY‬ى َ‬
‫ناوبذيوانى كردنى مةشقةكانة لة شويَنيَك‪ Y‬كةبةرز دةبيَتةوة لة ناو دةم بير دةكاتةوة ليَى يان ورد دةبيَت‪YY‬ةوة ليَى ب‪YY‬ؤ دانيش‪YY‬تن‬
‫ل‪YY‬ة ن‪YY‬او دةم‪.‬ك‪YY‬ة ب‪YY‬ةرز دةبيَت‪YY‬ةوة دةبيَت ب‪YY‬ة ش‪YY‬ةربةتى مي‪YY‬وة ل‪YY‬ةناو دةم فري‪YY‬ودانى تؤي‪YY‬ة ب‪YY‬ؤ ط‪YY‬از ليَط‪YY‬رتن‪,‬ئةم‪YY‬ةش ب‪YY‬ةهيَزة‬
‫لةكوى بة راستى شارةزاية يان ئاطادارة لة هةر ثارويَك يان ثارضةيةك‪.‬‬
‫َ‬ ‫نموونةيةكة كة ضؤن خواردن جياوازة‬

1 Introduction 1-2
1.1 Introduction 1-2
2 Literature review 3-14
2.1 Junk food and history 3
2.2 Types of junk food 4
2.3 Food source 4
2.3.1 Lipid 4-5
2.3.2 Carbohydrate 5-6
2.3.3 Protein 6
2.4 Diet food 6-7
2.5 Function food 7
2.6 Reasons of popularity 7
2.6.1 the time factor 7
2.6.2 The taste factor 7
2.6.3 Junk food advertising 7-8
2.6.4 Shelf life 8
2.6.5 Ease of transportation 8
2.6.6 Coast 8
2.7 Reasons for avoiding the junk food 8
2.7.1 Lack of energy 8
2.7.2 Poor concentration 9
2.7.3 High cholesterol 9
2.7.4 Heart disease 9
2.7.5 Low nutrition value 9
2.7.6 Highly addictive 9
2.7.7 High chemical additives 9
2.7.8 Lack of oxygen supply 10
2.8 Health food 10-11
2.9 Health effect of junk food 11-12
2.10 Anti-junk food measures 12-13
2.11 Problem associated with junk food 13
2.11.1 High fat content 13
2.11.2 High salt content 13
2.11.3 High sugar content 13-14

Chapter one


.Introduction 1.1

Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism.

It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contain essential nutrients, such as
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an
organism and assimilated by the organisms cells to provide energy, maintain life, or
stimulate growth. Historically, humans secured food through two methods: hunting
and gathering and agriculture. Today, the majority of the food energy. Required by
the ever increasing population of the world is supplied by the food industry. Food
safety and food security are monitored by agencies like the international association
for food protection, world resources institute, world food programmer , food and
agriculture organization, and international food information council. They address
issues such as sustainability, biological diversity, climate change, nutritional
economics, population growth, water supply, and access to food. The right to food is a
human right derived from the international covenant on economic, social and cultural
rights (ICESCR), recognizing the “right to an adequate standard of living, including
adequate food”, as well as the “fundamental right to be free from hunger” [1]. A junk
food diet is one which is high in fat and sugar and low in nutrients. Fat and sugar are
not actually drugs, however many of us are addicted to them [2]. Junk food culture
has a vigorously uprising trend among youngsters and it makes people eat without
planning. They eat not only during pre-set mealtime, but also in the leisure time [3]. A
food that is high in fat, sodium, and/or sugar

provides high calories, but is of no value, is generally known as a “junk food”. Junk
food seems attractive and is easy to prepare, carry, purchase, and consume. Common
junk food includes fast food (burgers, pizzas, patties, nuggets, and so forth), chips,
candy, sweet desserts, as well as aerated beverages [3][4] . The terms fast food and
junk food are often used interchangeably. Ingredients of the junk foods give them a
good taste, making them addictive, and pose many health hazards. Multiple factors
may influence the consumption of junk food. Studies among adolescents suggest that
taste preference, parental modeling, convenience, marketing strategies, and low prices
all may play an influential role[5].

It is known that food preferences develop in childhood; these dietary behaviors
continue into adulthood and increase the risks of chronic diseases later in life [6][7].
The early stage in the juvenility of teens represent a crucial period of transition in the
overall human development; the total nutrient needs are higher during this stage of
growth than in any other stage of the life cycle [8]. It is also the time when a boy or
girl increases their social interaction with their peers and develop different eating
habits [5]. It is a stage when they are least bothered about what they eat. Currently,
fast food and junk food have expanded their sales in schools. For many students, the
day is not complete without observing the “daily ritual” of visiting the junk food shop
in and around the school premises [9].

Chapter Two
Literature Review

junk food and history.2.1

According to an
article in the New York Times, “Let Us Now Praise the Great Men of junk food”,
“The history of junk food is a largely American tale: It has been around for hundreds
of years, in many parts of the world, but no one has done a better job inventing so
many varieties of it, branding it, mass-producing it, making people rich off it and, of
course, eating it”[10]. Cracker jack, the candy-coated popcorn-and-peanuts
confection, is credited as the first popular name brand junk food; it was created in
Chicago, registered in 1896, and became the best-selling candy in the world 20 years
later [11][12].

Is what people and animal eat to survive. Food usually comes from animal
and plants. It is eaten by living thing to provide energy and nutrition [13]. Food
contains the nutrition that people and animals need to be healthy. The consumption of
food is normally enjoyable to humans. It contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins,
water, and minerals [14]. Liquids used for energy and nutrition are often called
"drinks". If someone cannot afford food they go hungry. Food for humans is mostly
made through farming or gardening. It includes animal and vegetable source. Some
people refuse to eat food from animal origin, like meat, eggs, and products with milk
in them. Not eating meat is called vegetarianism. Not eating or using any animal
products is called veganism. Usually contains several natural ingredients and food
additives (such as preservatives , antioxidants, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers). For
example, bread is processed food. Food processing at home is done in the kitchen, by
the cook. The cook sometimes uses a cookbook. Example of cooking utensils are
pressure cookers, pots, and frying pans. Food can also be prepared and served in
restaurants or refectory. The utensils used may be a plate, knife, fork, chopsticks,
spoon, bowl, or spork. Many people do not grow their own food. They have to buy
food that was grown by someone else. People buy. Most of their food in shops or
markets. But some people still grow most or all or all of their own food [15]. Is
unhealthful food that is high in calories from sugar or fat, with little dietary fiber,
protein, vitamins, minerals, or other important forms of nutritional value [16][17].

Precise definitions vary by purpose and over time. Some high-protein foods, like meat
prepared with saturated fat, may be considered junk food. The term HFSS foods (high
in fat, salt and sugar) is used synonymously [18]. Fast food and fast food restaurants
are often equated with junk food although fast foods cannot be categorically described
as junk food [19][20]. Most junk food is highly processed food. Concerns about the
negative health effects resulting from a junk food-heavy diet, especially obesity, have
resulted in public health awareness campaigns, and restrictions on advertising and sale
in several countries [21].

2.2.Types of junk food

Various types of junk food is available in market out of which the most
popular junk food is soft drink, pizza, hamburgers, potato chips, ice-creams, hot dog,
pakora, chowmins, French fries, cheese chili, pav bhaji etc. Fast food in north such as
hamburgers and French fries supplied by companies like McDonalds, KFC and pizza
Hut are often perceived as junk food, whereas similar meals supplied by more up-
market outlets such pizza Express or Nandos are often having the same or worse
nutritional content some food are considered ethnic or traditional are not generally
considered junk food, such as gyro, pakora, gyoza or chicharron, though all of these
foods lave little nutritional value and are usually high in fat from being fried in oil.
Similarly breakfast cereals are often regarded as healthy but may have high levels of
sugar, salt and fat [22].

2.3.Food source

Most food has its origin in plants. Some food is obtained directly from plants;
but even animals that are used as food sources are raised by feeding them rood
derived from plants. Cereal grain is a staple food that provides more food energy
worldwide than any other type of crop [23]. Corn (maize ), wheat, and rice –in all of
their varieties –account for 87% of all grain production worldwide [24][25].

Most of the grain that is produced worldwide is fed to livestock some foods not from
animal or plant sources include various edible fungi, especially mushrooms. Fungi
and ambient bacteria are used in the preparation of fermented and pickled foods like
leavened bread, alcoholic drinks, cheese, pickles. Kombucha, and yogurt. Another
example is blue- green algae such as Spirulina. Inorganic substances such as salt,
baking soda and cream of tartar are used to preserve or chemically alter an

2.3.1. Lipid

Lipid (greek-lipo-fat) are of great importance to the body as the chief

concentrated storage form of energy, besides their role in cellular stricter and various
other biochemical functions. As such, lipid are a heterogeneous group of compounds
and, therefore, it is rather difficult to define them precisely. At the top are cholesterol
[27] and oleic acid [27]. The middle stricter is a triglyceride composed of oleoyl,
stearoyl, and palmitoryl chains attached to a glycerol backbone . At the bottom is the
common phosphor lipid phosphatidylcholine. In biology. And biochemistry ,a lipid is
a biomolecule that is soluble in non polar solvents. Non polar solvent are typically
hydrocarbons used to dissolve other naturally occurring hydrocarbon lipid molecules
that do not (or do not easily) dissolve in water, including fatty acids, waxes, sterols,
fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), monoglycerides , diglycerides,
triglycerides, and phospholipid. The functions of lipid include storing energy,
signaling, and acting as structural components of cell membranes [28]. lipids have
applications in the cosmetic and food industries as well as in nanotechnology.
Scientists sometimes define lipids as hydrophobic or amphiphilic small molecules ;
the amphiphilic nature of some lipid allows them to form structures such as vesicles,
multilamellar/ unilamellar liposomes, or membranes in an aqueous environment.
Biological lipids originate entirely or in part from two distinct types of biochemical
subunits or "building-blocks" : ketoacyl and isoprene groups. Using this approach,
lipids may be divided into eight categories : fatty acids, glycerolipids,
glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, saccharolipids, and polyketides (derived from
condensation of ketoacyl subunits ); and sterol lipids and prenol lipids (derived from
condensation of isoprene subunits). Although the term "lipid" is sometimes used as a
synonym for fats, fats are a subgroup of lipids called triglycerides. Lipids also
encompass molecules such as fatty acids and their derivatives (including tri- di-
monoglycerides, and phospholipids ),as well as other sterol- containing metabolites
such as cholrsterol. Although humans and other mammals use various biosynthetic
pathways both to break down and to synthesize lipids, some essential lipids can't be
made this way and must be obtained from the diet [29].

2.3.2. Carbohydrate
Carbohydrate is a biomolecule consisting of carbon (C ), hydrogen (H) and
oxygen (O) atoms, usually with a hydrogen- oxygen atom ratio of 2:1 (as in water )
and thus with the empirical formula C m(H2O)n (where m may be different from n ).
This formula holds true for monosaccharides. Some exceptions exist ; for example ,
deoxyribose , a sugar component of DNA, has the empirical formula C 5H10O4 [30].
The carbohydrates are technically hydrates of carbon ; structurally it is some
accurate to view them as aldoses and ketoses. The term is most common in
biochemistry , where it is a synonym of saccharide, a group that includes sugars
starch, and cellulose. The saccharides are divided into four chemical groups:
monosacchardes, disaccharides, oligosaccharides and disaccharides, the smallest ,
are commonly referred to as sugar. The word saccharide comes from the Greek word
(sa'kkharon),meaning "sugar" [31]. While the scientific nomenclature of
carbohydrates is complex, the names of the monosaccharides and disaccharides very
often end in the suffix- ose, as in the monosaccharides fructose (fruit sugar )and
glucose (starch sugar) and the disaccharids sucrose (cane or beet sugar ) and lactose
(milk sugar). Carbohydrates perform numerous roles in living organisms.
Polysaccharides serve for the storage of energy . (e.g starch and glycogen) and as
structural components (e.g cellulose in plants and chitin in arthropods ). The 5-
carbon monosaccharide ribose in an important component of coenzymes (e.g ATP,
FAD. And ,NAD )and the backbone of the genetic molecule known as RNA. The
related deoxyribose is a component of DNA. Saccharides and their derivatives
include many other important biomolecules that play key in the immune system,
fertilization, preventing pathogenesis, blood clotting , and development. They are
found in a wide variety of natural and processed foods. Starch is a polysaccharide. It
is abundant in cereals (wheat, maize, rice), potatoes, and processed food based on
cereal flour, such as bread , pizza or pasta. Sugars appear in human diet mainly as
table sugar (sucrose , extracted, from sugarcane or sugar beets ), lactose (abundant
in milk), glucose and fructose, both of which occur naturally in honey , many fruits ,
and some vegetables table sugar, milk, or honey are often added to drinks and many
prepared foods such as jam, biscuits and cakes. Cellulose, a polysaccharide found in

the cell walls of all plants, is one of the main components of insoluble dietary fiber .
Although it is not digestible , insoluble dietary fiber helps to maintain a healthy
digestive system [32]. By easing defecation. Other polysaccharides contained in
dietary fiber include resistant starch and inulin , which feed some bacteria in the
microbiota of the large intestine and are metabolized by these bacteria to yield
short – chain fatty acid [33].

Proteins .2.3.3
Are essential nutrients for the human body. They are one of the building blocks
of body tissue and can also serve as a fuel source. As a fuel, proteins provide as much
energy density. As carbohydrates : 4 kcal (17kj) per gram ; in contrast, lipids provide
9 kcal (37kl) per gram. The most important aspect and defining characteristic of
protein from a nutritional standpoint is its amino acid composition [34]. Proteins are
polymer chains made of amino acid linked together by peptide bonds. During human
digestion, proteins are broken down in the stomach to smaller polypeptide chains via
hydrochloric acid and protease actions. This is crucial for the absorption of the
essential amino acids that cannot be biosynthesized by the body[35]. There are nine
essential amino acid which humans must obtain from their diet in order to prevent
protein-energy. Malnutrition and resulting death. They are phenylalanine valine,
theonine , typtophan, methionine , lecine, isoleucine lysine and histidine [34]. There
has been debate as to whether there are 8 or 9 essential amino acids [36]. The
consensus seems to lean towards 9 since histidine is not synthesized in adults. There
are five amino acid which humans are able to synthesize in the body. These five are
alanine , aspartic acid , asparagines, glutamic acid and serine. There are six
conditionally essential amino acids whose synthesis can be limited under special
pathophysiological conditions, such as prematurity in the infant or individuals in
severs catabolic distress . These six are arginine, crysteine, glycine, glutamine, proline
and tyrosine. Dietary sources of protein include both animals and plants : meats, dairy
products, fish and eggs as well as grains, legumes and nuts. Vegans can get enough
essential amino acids by eating plant protein [34].

Protein is a nutrient needed by the human body for growth and maintenance. Aside
from water , proteins are the most abundant kind of molecules in the body. Protein
can be found in all cells of the body, especially muscle. This also includes body
organs, hair and skin. Proteins are also used in membranes, such as glycoproteins ,
when broken down into amino acids, co- enzymes , hormones, immune response ,
cellular repair, and other molecules essential for life. Additionally , protein in needed
to from blood cells [34].

2.4. Diet food
A "low fat" child's meal from Burger King ,with "apple fries" replacing fried
potato chips, and a serving of macaroni and cheese as its main dish. Diet food (or"
dietetic food") refers to any food or beverage whose recipe is altered to reduce fat,
carbohydrates , abhor/ adhore sugar in order to make it part of a weight loss
program or diet. Such foods are usually intended to assist in weight loss or a change
in body type, although body building supplements are designed to aid in gaining
weight or muscle. The process of making a diet version of a food usually requires
finding an acceptable low-food –energy ingredient. This can be as simple as replacing
some or all of the food`s sugar with a sugar substitute as is common with diet soft
drinks such as Coco-cola (for example Diet Coke). In some snacks, the food may be
baked instead of fried thus reducing the food energy. In other cases, low-fat
ingredients may be used as replacements. In whole grain foods, the higher fiber
content effectively displaces some of the starch component of the flour. Since
certain fibers have no food energy reduction. Another technique relies on the
intentional addition of other reduced-food-energy ingredients, such as resistant
starch or dietary fiber, to replace part of the flour and achieve a more significant
energy reduction [37].

2.5. Functional food

A functional food is a food given an additional function (often one related to
health- promotion or disease prevention) by adding new ingredients or more of
existing ingredients. The term may also apply to traits purposely bred into existing
edible plants, such as purple or gold potatoes having enriched anthocyanin or
carotenoid content , respectively [38]. Functional foods may be "designed to have
physiological benefits and /or reduce the risk of chronic disease beyond basic
nutritional functions, and may be similar in appearance to conventional food and
consumed as part of a regular diet. The term was first used in japan in the 1980s
where there is a government approval process for functional foods called foods for
specified health use (FOSHU) [39].

2.6. Reasons of popularity of junk food

2.6.1. The time factor:

Junk food addiction is so high because of its simplicity. They are easy to
prepare and are very tasty. Junk foods such as potato wafers and Cheetos® do not
even need cooking or heating. Peoples prefer to eat them while watching TV, they
save themselves a lot of hassles and time when they are in a hurry eating pizzas and
burgers as they are served at their door step hot and ready to eat [40].

2.6.2. The taste factor

If time constraint is one reason that pushes peoples to eating junk food, great
taste also, to an extent influences them to opt for junk food. But junk foods get their
taste owing to lavish usage of oils, salts and sugar. Global broadcaster BBC World
and leading market research firm Synovate conducted a survey that showed Britons
are more addicted to junk food than any other nation. Overall the survey showed
that across the people have conflicting attitudes and behaviours about junk food.
Once they caught in junk food addiction, they find it hard to think about the loss of
nutrition due to junk food [40].

2.6.3 Junk food advertising:

Foods prepared outside the home and restaurant foods have a great
attraction for food buffs. An estimate tells that Frito Lays is selling a billion bags of
Cheetos per year. Junk food advertising has a major role in this. There is also concern
about the targeting of marketing to children because children are easy and potential
target for junk food [40][41]. Fast food advertising promotes fast food products and
utilizes numerous to reach out to the public. Along with automobiles, insurance,
retail outlets, and consumer electronics, fast food is among the most heavily
advertised sectors of the United States economy; spending over 4.6 billion dollars on
advertising in 2012. A 2013 Ad Age compilation of the 25 largest U.S. advertisers
ranked McDonalds as the fourth-largest advertiser (spending US$957,000,000 on
measurable advertisements in 2012) and Subway. As the nineteenth
largest(US$516,000,000) [42].

2.6.4. Shelf life

Junk food has a long shelf life and may not require refrigeration for most
products like chips and water[43]. Shelf life is the length of time that a commodity
may be stored without becoming unfit for use, consumption, or sale. In other words,
it might refer to whether a commodity should no longer be on a pantry shelf (unfit
for use), or just no longer on a supermarket shelf(unfit for sale, but no yet unfit for
use). It applies to cosmetic, foods and beverages, medical devices, medicines,
explosive, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, tires, batteries and many other
perishable items [44].

2.6.5. Ease of transportation

The transportation of junk food is easy due to its packaging as compare to the
man made food. Ease of transportation and availability increase the popularity of
junk food day by day.

2.6.6. Cost

The cost is less as compared to healthy food. Less cost is also a big reason of
the popularity of junk food. It is easily accessible to all classes of population due to
its low and attractive price range.

2.7. Reasons for avoiding the junk food

Here is some junk food facts that help to understand the harmful effects
associated with them. Some of them are long term while others are short terms
effects. The fat contents have high cholesterol level. High calorie content with sugar
can lead to obesity. Cholesterol and salt can increase blood pressure, stroke and
heart disease in chain. Exccssive salt can impaired the functioning of kidney too.

2.7.1.Lack of energy:
This is known as short term adverse effect resulting from eating junk food as junk
food don’t provide the essential nutrients [like vitamins, protein and fibers] even
though they can very much sufficing, peoples feel weakened.

2.7.2. Poor concentration:

This is another result of junk food habit. These are traced to effect in
immediate and medium term periods when peoples have a sumptuous junk meal
rich in oil they feel drowsy and fail to concentrate. Over sustained periods of junk
food eating blood circulation drop due to fat accumulation, lack of vital oxygen,
nutrients and protein particularly can stale their brain cells temporarily.

2.7.3. High cholesterol:

Apart from forming plaques and constricting arteries cholesterol also affects
liver where it is metabolized. High cholesterol due to junk food and diet strains liver
damaging it finally. This is long term effect.

2.7.4. Heart diseases:

Junk food diet is a major cause of heart diseases (Myocardial infarction) due to
plaque formation in arteries which demands heart to put in extra effort to pump
blood on the downstream, on the upstream there is lack of returning blood to heart,
this causes two damages to heart-heart fatigues due to continuous extra effort and it
suffer in oxygen supply.

2.7.5. Low nutrition value:

The nutritional value of junk food is about one on a scale of 1 to 10, which is
the least. The nutritional value is lost in the process of making the junk food so
synthetic vitamins and minerals are added to compensate it, but they are not good
compared to natural vitamins and minerals. Natural phytochemicals are not present
in junk food which soaks up the free radicals to prevent disease.

2.7.6. Highly addictive:

It is well known fact that fat and sugar are as addictive as heroin and cocaine,
they stimulate the same receptors in the brain that make feel good due to increased
dopamine level. Junk foods have a lot of hidden sugar and fat to make it addictive
and also enhance the taste.

2.7.7. High chemical additives:

Junk food have lots of chemical additives which are not useful to body, things
are like artificial coloring and preservatives. MSG and tartrazine is in almost all type
of junk food and all sorts of medical studies have revealed that MSG causes obesity
and of other nasty things. All the techniques used to process the junk food – canning,
dehydrating and freezing, virtually the flavor of food so chemicals under the guise of
natural flavor have been added to enamel the flavor, while color additives are added
to make food fresh. It might make the food look and taste better but it is harmful to
our bodies.

2.7.8. Lack of oxygen supply:
Junk food is rich in fat so accumulation of far can takes place in bronchioles so
oxygen supply tends to reduced in body which can cause some respiratory disorders

table 1: some junk food and health effect

No Foods Diseases
Trans foods e.g Trans fats your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and lower your
1 Doughnuts and baked good (HDL) cholesterol levels. Eating trans fats increases
goods including cakes, your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. It is also
pie crusts, biscuits, frozen associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes
pizza, cookies, crackers, and [46].
stick margarines.
Fast foods Risk for kidney stones, kidney disease, and stomach
2 cancer. Risk of asthma and rhinitis, depression [47].
Packaged cookies Chang in weight (loss and gain ), loss of appetite,
3 occasional nausea, dizziness, vomiting and confusion,
acidic blood condition[48].
Cake frosting Nausea, bloating, blood sugar spike diabetes, heart
4 disease, obesity, tooth decay, cavities , liver dysfunction,
infertility (in women ) , cancer, stroke [49].
Colas and sodas Kidney failures metabolism level decreases obesity and
5 diabetes, teeth and bone damage , reproduction
Fried foods Clog arteries and lead to strokes and alzeimer's clogged
6 veins and arteries cause heart attacks and aneurysms.
Emphysema and respiratory distress[51].
High fructose foods Promoting obesity, disease , and death [52].
2.8. health food

Health food is food marketed to provide human health effects beyond a
normal healthy diet required for human nutrition. Foods marketed as health foods
may be part of one or more categories, such as natural foods, organic foods, whole
foods, vegetarian foods or dietary supplements. These products may be sold in
health food stores or in the health food or organic sections of grocery stores. Leafy
green, allium and cruciferous vegetable are key components of a healthy diet . A
health diet is a diet that helps to maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet
provides the body with essential nutrition : fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients,
and adequate calories [53]. For people who are healthy ,a healthy diet is not
complicated and contains mostly fruits , vegetables, and whole grains , and includes
little to no processed food and sweetened beverages. The requirements for a
healthy diet can be met from a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods,
although a non-animal source of vitamin B12 is needed for those following a vegan
diet. Various nutrition guides are published by medical and governmental
institutions to educate individuals on what they should be eating to be healthy .
Nutrition facts labels are also mandatory in some countries to allow consumers to
choose between foods based on the components relevant to health [54]. A healthy
lifestyle includes getting exercise every day along with eating a healthy diet. A
healthy lifestyle may lower disease risks, such as obesity, heart disease , type
2diabetes, hypertension and cancer[53] . There are specialized healthy diets, called
medical nutrition therapy, for people with various diseases or conditions. There are
also prescientific idea about such specialized diets, as in dietary therapy in traditional
Chinese medicine. The World Health Organization(WHO) makes the following 5
recommendations with respect to both populations and individuals:[55]

1.Maintain a healthy weight by eating roughly the same number of calories that your
body is using.

2.Liming intake of fast. Not more than 30% of the total calories should come from
fast. Prefer unsaturated fast to saturated fast. Avoid trans fast.

3.Eat at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetable per day (potatoes, sweet potatoes,
cassava and other starchy roots do not count ). A healthy diet also contains legumes
(e.g lentils, beans) ,whole grains and nuts.

4.Limit the intake of simple sugars to less than 10% of calorie (below 5% of calories
or 25 grams may be even better).

5.Limit salt /sodium from all sources and ensure that salt is iodized . Less than 5
grams of salt per day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease [56].

Health effects of junk food .2.9
When junk food is consumed very often, the excess fat, simple
carbohydrates, and processed sugar found in junk food contributes to an increased
risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and many other chronic health conditions
[57]. A case study on consumption of fast foods in Ghana suggested a direct
correlation between consumption of junk food and obesity rates. The report asserts
that obesity resulted in related complex health concerns such upsurge of heart
attack rates Studies reveal that as early as the age of 30, arteries could begin
clogging and lay the groundwork for future heart attacks [58]. Consumers also tend
to eat too much in one sitting, and those who have satisfied their appetite with junk
food are less likely to eat healthy foods like fruit or vegetables [59]. Testing on rats
has indicated negative effects of junk food that may manifest likewise in people. A
Scrip-ps Research Institute study in 2008 suggested that junk food consumption
alters brain activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin.
After many weeks with unlimited access to junk food, the pleasure centers of rat
brains became desensitized, requiring more food for pleasure; after the junk food
was taken away and replaced with a healthy diet, the rats starved for two weeks
instead of eating nutritious fare [60]. A 2007 study in the British Journal of Nutrition
found that female rats who eat junk food during pregnancy increased the likelihood
of unhealthy eating habits in their offspring [61]. Other research has been done on
the impact of sugary foods on emotional health in humans, and has suggested that
consumption of junk food can negatively impact energy levels and emotional well-
being in a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the
frequency of consumption of 57 foods/drinks of 4000 children at the age of four and
a half were collected by maternal report. At age seven, the 4000 children were given
the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), with five scales: hyperactivity,
conduct problems, peer problems, emotional symptoms and pro-social behavior. A
one standard deviation increase in junk food was then linked to excessive
hyperactivity in 33% of the subjects, leading to the conclusion that children
consuming excess junk food at the age of seven are more likely to be in the top third
of the hyperactivity scale. There was no significant correlation between junk food
and the other scales [62].

2.10. Anti-junk food measures

A number of countries have adopted, or are considering, various forms of legislated

action to curb junk food consumption. In 2014, United Nations Special Rapporteur on
the right to health, Anand Grover, released his report, “Unhealthy foods, non-
communicable diseases and the right to health”, and called for governments to “take
measures, such as developing food and nutrition guidelines for healthy diets,
regulating marketing and advertising of junk food, adopting consumer-friendly
labeling of food products, and establishing accountability –mechanisms for violations
of the right to health."[63]. An early, high-profile and controversial attempt to identify
and curb junk food in the American diet was undertaken by the McGovern Committee
(United States Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, chaired by
Senator George McGovern) between 1968 and 1977. Initially formed to investigate
malnutrition and hunger in the US, the committees scope progressively expanded to
include environmental conditions that affected eating habits, such as urban decay,[64]
then focused on the diet and nutritional habits of the American public. The committee
took issue with the use of salt, sugar and fat in processed foods, noted problems with
overeating and the high percentage of ads for junk food on TV, and stated that bad
eating habits could be as deadly as smoking. The findings were heavily criticized and
rebutted from many directions, including the food industry, the American Medical
Association, and within the committee itself. In 1977, the committee issued public
guidelines under the title, Dietary Goals for the United States, which became the
predecessor to Dietary-Guidelines for Americans, published every five years
beginning in 1980 by the US Department of Health and Human Services [65].

2.11. Problems associated with junk food

2.11.1. High fat content:

Junk foods such as hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips usually loads
of saturated fats, too much saturated fat in diet will cause people to put on weight and
obese being overweight is a risk to the health of heart and causes other disease.

High-fat foods are especially ‘threatening’ for your figure because these high-fat
foods contain more than twice as much energy than other macronutrients (fat: 9
kcal/g, carbohydrates and proteins: 4 kcal/g). Given that health aspects and weight
concerns are important factors in determining food choice, knowing that a food is
high-fat may inhibit consumption. In fact, several studies have attempted to measure
the effect of information about the fat content of the food on consumption. In general,
these studies suggest that people adjust their consumption to the expected fat content
in that they consume less when they think the food or preload is high-fat [66].

2.11.2. High salt content:

Junk often have too much salt there is a lot of salt already in food such as
bread, breakfast cereals and biscuits. So people are getting more salt than they need
when they eat junk food too much salt is unhealthy for health.

2.11.3. High sugar content:

Soft drinks, cordials, biscuits, cakes and lollies also have loads of sugar
that’s what makes them taste too good but too much sugar makes people fat,
rots the teeth, is bad for the blood and may cause other disease [67]. Junk food
dose have some of good things that the body needs for good health as the body
needs some salt, fat and sugar for energy to burn while we play and work
however too much fat, salt and sugar is bad for health. People tend to settle
their meals by consuming fast food to save time. Researchers have shown that
junk food might cause dyslexia, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder) and may be autism [68].


1.Food usually comes from animal and plants . it is eaten by living thing to
provide and nutrition .
2.varios types of junk food is available in market out of which the most
popular junk food is soft drink, pizza, hamburgers, potato chips, ice-cream, hot
dog. Pakora, chowmins , French fries, cheese chili, ect .
3.Some food is obtained directly from plants; but even animal that are used as
food sources are raised by feeding them rood derived from plants.
4.reasons of popularity of junk food such (the time factor, the taste factor, junk
food advertising, shelf life, east of transportation, coast)
5.we can avoiding the junk food some reasons such ( lack of energy, poor
concentration, high cholesterol, heart diseases, low nutrition value, highly
addictive, high chemical additives, lack of oxygen supply)
6.health food is food marketed to provide human health effects beyond a
normal healthy diet required for human nutrition. Foods marketed as health
foods may be part of one or more categories, such as natural foods, organic
foods, whole foods, vegetarian foods or dietary supplements.
7. When junk food is consumed very often, the excess fat, simple
carbohydrates, and processed sugar found in junk food contributes to an
increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and many other chronic
health conditions.
8.some problems associated with junk food (high fat content, high salt content,
high sugar content)


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