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Rehabilitation of patients with spondyloarthritis: a narrative

Simeon Grazio, Frane Grubišić, Vedran Brnić
Department of Rheumatology, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, University Hospital Centre Sestre milosrdnice, School of Medicine,
University of Zagreb; Referral Centre for Spondyloarthritides, Ministry of Health, Republic of Croatia, UEMS PRM Board Training Centre
in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia


Nonpharmacological interventions are one of the mainstreams of

treatment for patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA). They include
education, measures regarding joint protection, posture and rest,
therapeutic exercise, physical therapy modalities, orthoses, and
acupuncture. A key component in the rehabilitation of patients
with SpA entities is therapeutic exercise, which can be performed
as land-based or water-based. Positive effects of the exercises are
manifested in reducing pain, maintaining mobility, improving po-
Corresponding author: sture, increasing aerobic capacity and improving quality of life.
Simeon Grazio The best effects can be obtained when exercise is performed un-
University Hospital Centre der the supervision of a physiotherapist at a health institution. The
Sestre milosrdnice, Department of Rheu-
majority of studies on therapeutic exercise in SpA are related to
ankylosing spondylitis (AS), while there is a paucity of studies
matology, Physical and
devoted to other conditions. Although progress has been made in
Rehabilitation Medicine the quantity and quality of research on this topic, there are still
Vinogradska 29, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia issues regarding the quality of studies and considerable variability
Phone: +3851 3787 248; among them, which makes it difficult to compare different met-
Fax: +385 1 3787 395; hods and harmonize and develop rehabilitation protocols accor-
E-mail: simeon.grazio@zg.t-com.hr;
ding to evidence-based medicine.
simeon.grazio@kbcsm.hr Key words: exercise, physical therapy modalities, rehabilitation,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003- spondylarthritis rehabilitation

Original submission:
28 May 2019;
Revised submission:
31 May 2019;
19 June 2019.
doi: 10.17392/1047-19

Med Glas (Zenica) 2019; 16(2): 144-156

Grazio et al. Rehabilitation in spondyloarthritis

INTRODUCTION health, QoL, level of functioning, disease acti-

vity and self-efficacy (13).
Spondyloarthritides (formerly spondyloarthro-
pathies) (abbreviation SpA) is a group of he- The prerequisite of an adequate plan for rehabi-
terogeneous inflammatory rheumatic diseases litation interventions is an evaluation of a patient
sharing similar genetic, clinical and radiolo- in regard to the disease activity and functional
gical features. The group includes ankylosing ability (biomedical aspect) as well as the biop-
spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), reac- sychosocial aspect (biometric evaluation). In the
tive arthritis, enteropathic or arthritis associated last 20 years, validated questionnaires for measu-
with inflammatory bowel disease and undiffe- ring disease activity and functional ability were
rentiated spondyloarthritis (1). The most promi- designed for AS and PsA. These instruments con-
nent common features in these entities are: nega- sist of questions reported by the patients themse-
tive rheumatoid factor, familial aggregation and lves (Patient Reported Outcomes - PRO-s) and
high prevalence of HLA B-27 antigen, clinical some are combining PRO-s with some objective
features which include the involvement of axial measures, e.g. CRP. Some of the most known
skeleton (spine and sacroiliac joints) or asymme- examples for AS are Bath Ankylosing Spondyli-
trical and oligoarticular affection of peripheral tis Functional Index (BASFI), Bath Ankylosing
joints, enthesitis, dactylitis and extra-articular Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) or
manifestations such as uveitis, psoriasis, and in- Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score
flammatory bowel disease. Depending on the cli- (ASDAS), while examples of instruments develo-
nical and radiographic characteristics, SpA may ped for PsA are Psoriatic Disease Activity Index
be classified either as axial or peripheral, and (CPDAI), Disease Activity in Psoriatic Arthritis
newer classification criteria have expanded the (DAPSA), and Psoriatic Arthritis Disease Activity
spectrum by including early (non-radiographic) Score (PASDAS) (14, 15). It is worth mentioning
forms of axial disease detectable on magnetic that due to its heterogeneity, tools for PsA are not
resonance imaging (MRI) (2, 3). Prevalence of generally accepted and various instruments are in
SpA in the world population ranges from 0.2% use, most commonly those “borrowed” from rhe-
to 1.61%, bearing in mind that some of the diffe- umatoid arthritis (RA) and AS (15).
rences might be the result of the different defini- From the point of view of physical and rehabilita-
tion and methodology used in these studies (4). tion medicine, main health issues of SpA patients
Patients with SpA have reduced physical ability are encompassed by the International Classifica-
and quality of life (QoL) (5). For instance, self- tion of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF),
care and mobility are impaired in more than half which is based on the biopsychosocial principle
of patients with AS (6). Working capacity is also (16, 17). As a universal conceptual framework ICF
reduced in these patients, resulting in an increa- covers the whole spectrum of issues in the mus-
sed economic burden on the patient and the he- culoskeletal diseases and is useful for structured
alth system (7). Depending on the study, working identification of disability in a particular condition
incapacity for patients with AS ranged between and for the particular patient, as the diagnosis itself
3% and 50% (8,9). does not reveal what the patient can do, what is
his/her prognosis or what are the costs of rehabi-
In PsA, alongside physical impairment, the pre-
litation. ICF includes domains of body functions
sence of psoriasis carries a great psychological
and structure, activities and participation and envi-
and social burden, too. The disease negatively
ronmental factors. Among SpA entities, Compre-
affects the quality of life and leads to an incre-
hensive and Short Core Set of ICF was developed
ased incidence of sleep disorders, exhausti-
for AS, but not for other SpA entities (18).
on, stress, and depression, creating a negative
body image and leading to a decrease in work GENERAL PRINCIPLES
productivity (10). It was shown that the risk of
depression is significantly increased in patients The primary objective of any intervention in SpA
with AS and PsA (11, 12). In one study, factors is to achieve best possible long-term health-rela-
associated with deterioration or improvement of ted quality of life (HR-QoL) through the control
self-reported depression were fatigue, general of symptoms, prevention of structural damage

Medicinski Glasnik, Volume 16, Number 2, August 2019

progression and preservation and improvement of lities of sport and recreational activities that can
functionality and social participation (19, 20). In contribute to the improvement of their functional
accordance with these goals, adequate assessment status should be communicated to these patients,
and regular patient follow-up are required, ide- too. For example, backstroke swimming, skiing,
ally within a multidisciplinary team. The number basketball, badminton or volleyball can be re-
of team members can be expanded or reduced as commended for patients with AS/axSpA, while
needed, but it usually consists of physicians (spe- sports and recreational activities that are increa-
cialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine sing the load on pectoral muscles and worsening
and, if necessary, other specialties), physiothera- thoracic spine kyphosis, such as breaststroke
pists, occupational therapists, nurses, occasionally swimming, cycling, rowing, hockey, high or long
accompanied by orthopaedic technicians, social jump and contact sports (e.g. boxing) cannot (26).
workers, and clinical psychologists. This approach Apart from the individual face to face approach
in the rehabilitation of chronic illness, such as patients can get information through support gro-
SpA, encourages the patient to participate more ups, printed materials (e.g. booklets, magazines),
actively in the treatment and to take responsibility websites, lectures or public campaigns. A study
for the decisions related to his/her condition. Non- which evaluated the significance of specific ad-
pharmacological non-surgical interventions, as the vice given to AS patients showed that the most
mainstream of rehabilitation, are recognized as valuable for them were those about the importan-
extremely important in patients with SpA (21,22). ce of daily exercise routine (69%), followed by
In that regard, therapeutic exercises have a crucial the advice about the importance of maintaining
role, especially in patients with axial SpA (axSpA) mobility (55%). Other advices perceived to be
(21,22). Other methods used in a non-pharmaco- important referred to sleeping on a hard mattress
logical non-surgical approach for patients with (53%), avoiding the use of large pillows (42%),
SpA usually include education of patients and the- maintaining good posture (38%) and participa-
ir families, occupational therapy, use of different ting in sports activities (36%) (27).
physical modalities and in some instances use of
Among others, smoking cessation is frequently
orthoses and walking aids (22).
recommended, especially for patients with AS, as
EDUCATION it was shown that smoking increases disease ac-
tivity, inflammatory activity visible on magnetic
Patient education is included in the domain of se- resonance imaging and spondylophyte formation
lf-help, along with social learning and cognitive- (28,29). Despite that, the effect of smoking ces-
behavioural therapy (22). sation on signs and symptoms in AS/axSpA has
Educational programs include informing patients not been proven.
and their families about nature and course of the Interventions based on social learning through
disease, possibilities of self-treatment, conserva- the observation of other patients’ behaviour are
tive and surgical treatment and the importance also included, and for this purpose, problem-sol-
of modifying habits and professional activities, ving and goal-achieving techniques such as bio-
including the use of aids. Studies have shown the feedback, relaxation, cognitive restructuring and
efficacy of education in improving the functiona- encouragement of social participation are appli-
lity of patients with AS, and better results of these ed (22). One should always consider a question
programs can be achieved if they are applied at of effect-size and cost-effectiveness of these
an early stage of the disease (23). Level of pati- interventions in a specific socio-economic envi-
ent involvement in decision-making is important, ronment (30-32).
as it was shown in patients with PsA, where the
low level of their involvement resulted in lower JOINT PROTECTION, POSTURE AND REST
satisfaction with the treatment (24). Patients sho-
Certain positions and motions in SpA patients can
uld realize, accept and implement that investing
increase the risk of experiencing pain and further
time and energy in these non-pharmacological in-
damage. Joint protection is based on learning to
terventions results in a reduction of disability and
position a joint in the least painful way with the
improvement of the quality of life (25). Possibi-
smallest functional deficit. Studies have provided

Grazio et al. Rehabilitation in spondyloarthritis

strong evidence on the efficacy and long-term THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE

effectiveness of joint protection programs, which
Therapeutic exercise is the most important non-
should be done under the supervision of an adequ-
pharmacological intervention in patients with
ate professional, mostly occupational therapist
SpA, having a preventive and therapeutic purpo-
(33, 34). Maintaining proper posture is especially
se. General positive effects of exercise are well
important for patients with AS/axSpA. In the initi-
known, and they include reducing the risk of
al stage of the disease, lumbar lordosis is reduced,
cardiovascular and metabolic diseases (38, 39),
followed by the increase of the thoracic kyphosis
maintaining cognitive functions (40), improving
and the reduction of the cervical lordosis, while
strength, mobility, balance and coordination (41),
in the later stage of the disease, a hip contractu-
reducing the risk of fall (42), increasing bone
re can occur, which, in order to maintain the ba-
density (43), and improving mental health (44).
lance, results in compensatory knee flexion. This
Therapeutic exercise can be performed in health
type of posture is called “skier’s stance”. In bio-
facilities or at home, individually or in groups
mechanical sense, it is rather ineffective in main-
and it can be land-based or water-based.
taining proper balance because even in the early
stage of the disease it shifts the gravitational centre In the past two decades, new insights have emer-
forward (35). Therefore, patients should be advi- ged regarding the role of therapeutic exercise in
sed not to spontaneously stand (or sit) in a flexion inflammatory rheumatic diseases, therefore mo-
posture, even though it reduces pain. Implemen- difying the present paradigm. Studies have shown
ting ergonomic rules at home, workplace and du- that exercise has a significant anti-inflammatory
ring recreational activities will improve the long- effect. The contraction of the muscle, which acts
term functional outcome of the disease. In order to as a secretory organ, stimulates the production,
minimize long-term consequences, regular change excretion, and expression of cytokines and other
of body position, stretching and postural control peptides, called myokines, derived from the
are recommended. When working in an upright muscle fibres. Interleukin – 6 (IL-6) that comes
position, the working surface should be at a height from the same family as proinflammatory IL-6,
that allows working without bending. A chair sho- is considered to be the most important myokine
uld provide support for the entire spine, including (45). It inhibits the production of tumor-necrosis
the neck, while the hips and knees should be po- factor – alpha (TNF-α) and stimulates the produc-
sitioned at 90 degrees, foot pads should be used if tion of anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-1 receptor
feet do not reach the floor, while armrests help to antagonist and IL-10 (45-47). Therefore, contrary
reduce the strain on the cervical muscles. For peo- to the previous belief that exercise is contraindica-
ple who spend more time working at the computer, ted in the acute phase of inflammation, therapeutic
a simple adaptation of the height of the screen and exercise is now viewed as a potential remedy for
the chair can make a significant difference (34). patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
Car seats should support the neck and spine, and This can also explain some of the positive effects
headrest should be at least 7 cm higher than the of exercise in other chronic diseases (48).
eye level. Specially designed rear view mirrors Therapeutic exercise should be prescribed indivi-
can increase the field of vision (36). dually for each patient, depending on the current
Since the lack of energy and fatigue are important disease activity and functional status. Generally, it
symptoms of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, is important to start such a program at low levels of
patients should be advised on resting, and the re- load, gradually, increasing its intensity and duration.
sting position should prevent the development of Although the beneficial effects of physical activity
the contractures. Patients with AS/axSpA are re- and exercise are well-known, no specific guidelines
commended to lie supine but should have a pillow on the required type and dosage for patients with
under the head, which should be as small as po- arthritis were available until 2018., when EULAR
ssible. Hip flexion contractures can be prevented published recommendations for physical activity
by laying prone twice a day for 20-30 minutes or, in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoar-
when lying supine, by suspending the leg over the thritis. Given the evidence of its effectiveness, fe-
edge of the bed, thus stretching the hips (37). asibility and safety, physical activity is advocated
as an integral part of standard care throughout the

Medicinski Glasnik, Volume 16, Number 2, August 2019

course of these rheumatic diseases (49). One should In AS, shortening and tension of muscles are most
be aware of contraindications for therapeutic exer- prominent in the sternocleidomastoid and trape-
cise, and the usual ones for patients with axSpA/ zius muscles, shoulder adductors and flexors, hip
AS are atlanto-axial dislocation, active uveitis, and adductors and flexors, hamstrings and m. triceps
discitis. In inflammatory rheumatic diseases, SpA surae. Stretching improves a range of motion and
included, pain can increase with rest and decrease posture. It can be preceded or carried out simul-
with motion, but one should keep in mind that it can taneously with thermal physical procedures. A
also increase at the start of the exercise cycle (50, technique used in the context of stretching is the
51). Overall, long-term results in patients with SpA proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (62). It
are positive not only regarding the improvement is usually performed in a way that a muscle is
in physical performances and aerobic capacity but placed in a maximally stretched position and iso-
also in the reduction of fatigue and improvement in metrically contracted for 3 seconds, followed by
mental health (52). The majority of studies on the 2 seconds of muscle relaxation, then actively or
effects of therapeutic exercise in SpA refer to AS. passively stretched for further 6 seconds.
A recent meta-analysis has confirmed the effective- In patients with AS, range of motion exerci-
ness of therapeutic exercise on disease activity and ses include spinal, chest and limb mobilization
function in these patients, as was seen by a decrease techniques, and for the latter emphasis is put on
in BASDAI and BASFI (53). For AS patients, espe- hips and shoulders. Spinal mobilization exerci-
cially younger and working individuals, home-ba- ses can be performed from a supine, crawling or
sed exercise is more practical and time-efficient. In seated position. Chest mobilization is especially
a work of Aytekin et al. regular exercise at home (at important in patients with AS, and in addition to
least 5 times a week with a minimum duration of 30 breathing exercises, activities such as singing or
minutes a day) reduced pain and stiffness of the spi- playing a wind instrument are also encouraged.
ne and improved chest expansion and quality of life Studies evaluating the effect of therapeutic exer-
(54). A recent meta-analysis has confirmed that ho- cises on pulmonary function in patients with AS
me-based exercise improves health-related quality have shown positive results in multiple pulmo-
of life (55). Despite that, studies have shown that nary function outcomes, including chest expan-
health facility-based exercise supervised by a physi- sion, maximal inspiratory pressure, maximal
otherapist was more effective than home-based expiratory pressure and overall pulmonary func-
exercise in terms of both alleviating symptoms and tion (63). A study by Basakci Calik et al. inve-
improving mobility (56, 57). Reasons for this could stigated the effects of inspiratory muscle training
be better exercise technique and better motivation, and showed that this type of exercise in addition
social contact, and communication with other pati- to conventional exercises increased inspiratory
ents. According to some studies, the duration of the muscle strength, functional exercise capacity and
disease is not crucial in achieving a positive result, positively affected disease activity (64).
i.e. it is possible to prevent further decrease of spinal Strengthening exercises are also an important
function and improve general condition in short or part of SpA rehabilitation because the disease le-
long-lasting disease (58, 59). A recent study on the ads to loss of muscle strength due to both inacti-
effects of therapeutic exercise in non-radiographic vity and the inflammatory process itself (65, 66).
axSpA compared to established AS patients showed In axSpA/AS patients special attention should
equal effectiveness of intensive exercise program be given to the strengthening of the antigravity
on spinal mobility and serum calprotectin level, as a muscles - spine extensors and gluteal muscles,
marker of disease activity (60). although lateral trunk flexors and trunk rotators
There are different types of exercise that are used should not be neglected (50, 61). Caution is requ-
and consequently were evaluated in patients with ired in the mobilization of the joints with active
axSpA/AS. They include stretching, range of inflammation or in more mechanically impaired
motion, strengthening and endurance (especially joints when gentle active assisted exercises or
paravertebral, abdominal and chest muscles), isometric exercises can be prefered because of
exercises for improving posture, breathing exer- their minimal effect on joint load (67).
cises and aerobic exercises (50, 61).

Grazio et al. Rehabilitation in spondyloarthritis

As postural stability is deteriorating with the pro- study that investigated the efficacy of Tai-chi in
gression of axSpA/AS, exercises for balance and SpA conditions, and the results suggested that
posture should be included in the rehabilitation this type of exercise can decrease disease activity
program. Demonitis et al. demonstrated positive and improve flexibility in patients with AS, altho-
effects of the supervised rehabilitation program ugh the possibility of the placebo effect could not
and home-based rehabilitation program on balan- be discounted (79). Yoga seems to be effective in
ce and postural stability (68). In the study by Gu- decreasing pain and inflammation while increa-
nay et al. balance and postural stability exercises sing QoL in patients with RA (80), but despite the
in addition to a spa-based rehabilitation program increasing acceptance and its use as an effective
increased the duration of maintaining balance (69). mind-body technique, there are no studies about
For AS patients, special exercise programs such its effect in patients with SpA (81).
as the Global Posture Reeducation method have As the treatment of AS with TNF-α inhibitors
been developed. This method is based on exer- is becoming more widespread, a number of stu-
cises for shortened muscular chains, such as the dies analysed the effect of the combination of
posterior chain, anterior diaphragmal chain, an- TNF-α inhibitors and therapeutic exercises. Me-
teromedial pelvic chain and the scapular chain ta-analysis has shown that this combination has
(70, 71). Some studies have shown that this type improved outcomes measuring disease activity
of exercise is better than a conventional exercise (BASDAI) and range of motion (BASMI) (82).
in outcomes such as forced vital capacity, forced The effects of rehabilitation modalities, therape-
expiratory volume in one second and peak expi- utic exercise included, in PsA, as well as other
ratory flow (71-73). SpA-s, have not been sufficiently evaluated so
Aerobic exercises are very beneficial in patients far. Nevertheless, the international society of
with AS. One type of aerobic exercise often re- experts on psoriasis and PsA (Group for Resear-
commended to AS patients is swimming, though ch and Assessment of Psoriatic and Psoriatic Ar-
evidence of its overall effectiveness is limited. A thritis - GRAPPA) considers rehabilitation to be
study by Karapolat et al. showed significant im- an important component of treatment for these
provement in exercise tolerance and pulmonary patients (21). Physical therapy has been particu-
capacity by combining swimming and walking larly effective in the axial form of the disease and
(74). In the study of Jennings et al. aerobic trai- in the treatment of enthesitis (83). A recent study
ning led to improvements in aerobic capacity and by Roger-Silva et al. observed positive effects of
maximum walking distance but did not have an resistance training in PsA patients in the sense of
impact on functional capacity, mobility, disea- improvement in functional capacity and quality of
se activity, quality of life and blood lipid levels life, as well as in the reduction of disease activity
(75). Although morbidity and mortality of cardi- (measured by BASDAI), although no significant
ovascular diseases in SpA patients are increasing, increase in muscle strength was observed (84).
benefits of aerobic exercise in the reduction of Adherence is one of the most important factors in
cardiovascular risk have not yet been adequately the success of the therapeutic exercise. According to
studied in this population (76). some studies, adherence for supervised short-term
Pilates, Tai-chi, Yoga and similar techniques are programs (1-12 months) was found to be 68-93%,
becoming increasingly attractive for various con- while long-term adherence requiring significant li-
ditions, SpA included. Altan et al. evaluated the festyle changes was 25-50% (85, 86). Adherence
effect of Pilates exercise in patients with AS, and was better if exercise technique and purpose had
the results showed an increase in functionality, been clearly explained and if they could be perfor-
measured by BASFI (77). Rosu et al. demonstra- med in a safe environment under the supervision
ted the benefits of multimodal exercise program of a physiotherapist. One should bear in mind that
combining Pilates, McKenzie, and Heckscher disease activity reduces adherence (87). A study by
techniques with significant improvement in pain, Barlow et al. in AS patients found that the most im-
lumbar spine mobility (modified Schober test, portant obstacles for exercise were: pain, fatigue,
fingertips-floor distance), BASFI, BASDAI, BA- boredom, lack of time, inadequate education on the
SMI and chest expansion (78). There is only one safety of exercise, lack of support from family and

Medicinski Glasnik, Volume 16, Number 2, August 2019

friends, inadequate equipment and stigma during a of the pectoral muscles and should be preferred
group exercise (88). Solutions proposed for these to the breaststroke, although breaststroke has a
problems include diversity in exercise programs, good effect on the increase of the cervical lordo-
group exercise, better social support and pain ma- sis, which is often reduced in these patients (92).
nagement, establishing therapeutic exercise as a In spite of its widespread use in clinical practi-
form of everyday activity and increasing the con- ce, effects of hydrotherapy and balneotherapy in
fidence in the safety of exercises (88). Swinnen et rheumatic conditions are still a matter of debate.
al. aimed to determine whether fear of movement A water-based exercise program can improve cir-
and (re)injury [FOM/(R)I] beliefs, measured with culation, muscle strength, flexibility and range of
the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia 11-item ver- motion, coordination, cardiovascular and respira-
sion (TSK-11), influenced activity limitations and tory conditioning and reduction of pain and muscle
mediated the relationship between pain severity spasm (62, 93). As for AS, several studies showed
and activity limitations in axSpA (89). The results a positive effect of hydrotherapy (therapeutic exer-
showed that TSK-11 partially mediated the BAS- cise included) and balneotherapy in these patients.
DAI/pain/BASFI relationship and that FOM/(R)I A meta-analysis in AS patients showed that the
could be a novel treatment target in these patients effect of combined hydrotherapy and land-based
(89). A study by Santos et al. showed that adheren- therapy was better than land-based therapy alone in
ce in AS was most related to rheumatologist follow- terms of pain reduction, improvement in physical
up belief in the benefits of therapeutic exercise and function and global health assessment (94). A study
a higher degree of education (90). Also, in a study by Olah et al. compared the effect of hydrotherapy
by Passalent et al. the majority of patients stated in pipe water and in mineral water and observed
that they did not exercise regularly (more than 3 that mineral water had a better effect on some in-
times a week) despite knowledge of the positive flammatory markers and serum lipid levels (95).
effects of exercise. Fatigue was identified as the Assessing the results of 16 randomized controlled
most important interference factor, and adherence studies, Françon and Forestier concluded that bal-
decreased with the duration of the disease, too (91). neotherapy resulted in long-term pain reduction,
Considering the aforementioned studies, besides decreased use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
the education on the positive effects of exercise, it drugs (NSAIDs) and improvement in functional
is important to include exercise in the daily routine ability and/or quality of life in AS and RA patients
and create diverse and interesting programs. In that (96). Ciprian et al. evaluated the effect of balne-
context patient’s preferences, expectations and atti- otherapy in AS patients treated with TNF inhibi-
tudes should be especially respected (51). tors, and found a greater improvement in functio-
Regarding the quality of evidence presented in nal status (measured by BASFI), disease activity
the studies of therapeutic exercise in SpA, the reduction (measured by BASDAI), range of moti-
comparison between studies is hampered by high on increase (measured by BASMI), pain reduction
variability of techniques, duration, frequency and (measured by VAS) and functional improvement
number of repeats of exercise. (measured by HAQ) in a combination of TNF in-
hibitor therapy and balneotherapy than when the
HYDROTHERAPY AND BALNEOTHERAPY TNF inhibitors were used alone. The improvement
Hydrotherapy and balneotherapy are traditio- was maintained after 3 and 6 months (97).
nally used in the treatment of patients with diffe- Only a small number of studies evaluated the
rent musculoskeletal conditions including dise- effects of balneotherapy and hydrotherapy in
ases from the spectrum of SpA. A water-based other SpA entities. Mustur et al. conducted
exercise program should be well designed and 4-week spa rehabilitation study in patients with
adjusted to the condition of the patient because PsA and concluded that such a program signifi-
in the water the patient is feeling freer so there is cantly reduced disease activity parameters (num-
an increased risk of effects of compensatory mo- ber of pain and swollen joints, level of pain, dura-
vements on the weaker parts of the kinetic chain. tion of morning stiffness, and composite disease
As for the swimming techniques in AS, backstro- activity index DAS28) (98).
ke swimming has a good effect on the stretching

Grazio et al. Rehabilitation in spondyloarthritis

PHYSICAL THERAPY MODALITIES for this purpose. In the peripheral forms of SpA
conditions, orthoses are sometimes used for re-
Different physical therapy modalities are used in
ducing joint load and preventing deformation
clinical practice. However, there is a very limi-
and contracture, while orthopaedic shoes can be
ted number of quality studies on their efficacy in
beneficial in the case of major foot deformities
SpA conditions. So, their use in clinical practice
(22). It should be noted that there are no studies
is mainly based on experience in treating other
on the use of orthoses in SpA conditions. Howe-
musculoskeletal disorders (99).
ver, from the data in the studies of RA it can be
In a study by Gemignani et al. transcutaneous concluded that, for example, finger orthoses can
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in AS pati- be effective in correcting deformations and incre-
ents provided short-term pain reduction, but it asing stability and dexterity, while foot orthoses
was not significant compared to placebo (100). can be effective in reducing pain, improving
In a recent study by Chen et al. TENS had no function and delaying the development of bunion
effect on pain reduction, functional improvement (106). Also, a systematic review has shown the
or quality of life in patients with AS (101). efficacy of special shoes in reducing pain and im-
A study by Turan et al. has shown some posi- proving function (107).
tive effects of magnetotherapy in AS patients, It is important to note that orthoses should be
but without significant short-term or long-term prescribed for a shortest possible period and
effects on crucial outcomes such as pain, fatigue, always combined with active therapeutic exerci-
morning stiffness, functional indices and quality se, due to possible negative effects of prolonged
of life (102). A study by Karamanlioglu et al. eva- immobilization.
luated the effect of therapeutic ultrasound in AS
Prescription of mobility aids, such as crutches,
patients (103). It improved the effect of exercise
cane, walker or wheelchair is also an important
and reduced pain, stiffness and disease activity
part of rehabilitation interventions in patients
and improved mobility of the lumbar spine and
with SpA conditions, especially in cases of seve-
the quality of life (103).
re disability.
Oosterveld et al. observed positive effects of infra-
red sauna in AS patients, regarding significant re- MANUAL THERAPY
duction in pain and stiffness, but only immediately
Manual therapy is a traditional method of tre-
after the application of the therapy, with the effects
atment, practiced in clinics, although there is a
not lasting for 4 weeks after the intervention (104).
lack of quality studies which could confirm its
Straburzyńska-Lupa et al. evaluated the effect of effectiveness, SpA patients included. Widberg et
whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) at -110°C and al. conducted a small study on a cohort of patients
-60°C on disease activity, selected pro-inflamma- with AS (n = 32) who were randomized for self-
tory cytokines, and oxidative stress in patients mobilization and manual spinal mobilization for
with AS. The results showed a significantly lower 8 weeks and compared to a control group (108).
disease activity (measured by BASDAI score) af- Manual therapy group showed a significant im-
ter WBC at -110°C compared to the non-WBC provement in chest expansion index, posture, spi-
group which performed exercise therapy (105). nal mobility and functionality, with improvement
in posture, spinal mobility and functionality ma-
intained for 6 months (108).
In axSpA/AS patients orthoses can be used to
stabilize the unstable spinal segment, especially ACUPUNCTURE
in the case of advanced manifestations of the di- Acupuncture is increasingly becoming a part of
sease, such as atlantoaxial dislocation with pre- treatment in rheumatic conditions (109). A me-
sent or potential major neurologic deficit or in the ta-analysis that evaluated the efficiency of acu-
case of complications such as vertebral fracture. puncture in AS patients demonstrated that it can
Sometimes a brace is applied in severe exacer- further improve the clinical effect, including
bation of pain, usually for a very short period, functional measures such as occiput-wall distan-
although there are no studies supporting its use ce, chest expansion index and fingertip-to-floor

Medicinski Glasnik, Volume 16, Number 2, August 2019

distance, as well as decrease acute phase re- of such an approach is therapeutic exercise, which
actants when used alongside with conventional demonstrated efficacy in reducing pain, impro-
synthetic disease-modifying drugs (csDMARDs) ving functionality and quality of life. Although
compared to csDMARDs alone (110). However, the number of high-quality studies is increasing,
these results require a careful interpretation due further research is needed to determine the effecti-
to the poor methodological quality of the studies. ve rehabilitation protocols for these patients.
In conclusion, although we are witnessing the
increasing availability of potent drugs for the tre-
atment of patients with SpA conditions, non-phar- No specific funding was received for this study.
macological/non-surgical approach still has an
essential role in the treatment and rehabilitation TRANSPARENCY DECLARATION
of these patients. The most important component Conflicts of interest: Nothing to declare.

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