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 The skeletal system is the body system composed of bones, cartilages, ligaments and other
tissues that perform essential functions for the human body.
 Bones of the human body is composed of 206 bones.

Functions of the Skeletal System:

1. Movement: Skeletal system provides points of attachment for muscles. Your legs and arms move
when the muscles pull on the bones.
2. Support: The backbone is the main support center for the upper body. It holds your head up and
protects your spinal cord.
3. Protection: The bones of your skull protect your brain. Your ribs protect your lungs and heart from
4. Makes Blood: Red and white blood cells are formed by tissue called marrow, which is in the center of
the bone.
5. Storage: Bones store minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, for use by the body

Parts of the Skeletal System

 Bones (skeleton)
 Joints
 Cartilages
 Ligaments (bone to bone)
 tendon (bone to muscle)

Two divisions of the skeletal system:

► Axial Skeleton: The axial skeleton includes the skull, spine, ribs and sternum.
► Appendicular Skeleton: The appendicular skeleton includes the appendages of the body, which
are the shoulders, arms, hips, and legs

Two basic types of Bone tissue:

 Compact bone - Homogeneous
 Spongy bone - Small needle-like pieces of bone; many open spaces

Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shape:

1. long bone
2. short bone
3. flat bone
4. irregular bone

Typical Four Layers of Bone Structure:

 Periosteum: Covers Bones
 Compact Bone: Lies beneath the periosteum
 Spongy Bone: Lies beneath the compact bone
 Bone Marrow: Fills the gaps between the spongy bone
Structure of the Bones:
 Bones are complex living structures that undergo growth and development.
 A thin tough outer membrane covers the bone.
 Beneath the outer membrane is a layer of compact bone (hard and dense, but not solid – it is
filled with holes and has small canals for blood vessels and nerves).
 Inside the compact bone is a layer of spongy bone.
 It has many small spaces, is light weight, but strong.
 Spongy bone is also found at the ends of bones.
 In the spaces of many bones there is a soft connective tissue called marrow.
two types of marrow:
► Red - is where the production of blood cells (named nematopoices, hemato-=
“blood”, - poises “to make blood” takes place.
► Yellow - contains adipose tissue, and the triglycerides stored in the adipocytes
of this tissue can be released to serve as a source of energy for other tissue.
How Strong are Bones?
 The structure of bones make it both strong and light weight.
 20 % of an adults body weight is bone.
 Bone is made up of 2 minerals:
► Calcium
► Phosphorus
Types of Bone Cells:
► Osteocytes - Mature bone cells
► Osteoblasts - Bone-forming cells
► Osteoclasts - Bone-destroying cells; Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of
Bone remodeling - is a process by both osteoblasts and osteoclasts

How do Bones Develop?

 As an infant, most of your skeleton is cartilage.
 Cartilage is a strong flexible tissue.
 Over time the cartilage is replaced by solid bone, usually complete by the time you stop
 Not all cartilage is replaced in adults. Many joints contain cartilage, protecting the ends
of bones (ears and the end of the nose is also cartilage).
 A joint is a place where two bones come together.
 Joints allow the bones to move in different ways.
Two types of Joints:
 Movable
 Immovable
Movable joints
 A joint that allows little or no movement
 Most of the joint are movable joints.
 Allow the body to move in a wide range of movements.
 Bones in movable joints are held together by strong connective tissue called ligaments.

Four types of movable joints:

1. Ball and Socket - Round end of bone fitting snuggly within another bone. Allows the greatest
range of motion.
 The ball-and-socket joint allows you to swing your arm freely in a circle.
Example: Shoulder and Hip
2. Hinge Joint - Movement in one direction like a door.
 Allows forward or backward motion.
Ex. Knee and Elbow
3. Pivot Joint - Bone resting atop another bone permitting free movement.
 Allows one bone to rotate around another.
 Allows you to turn your head
Ex. Neck, Wrist and Ankles
4. Gliding Joint - Allows one bone to slide over another.
 Allows you to bend and flex as well as make limited side to side motions.
 Ex. Knuckles, wrist, ankle

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