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Beirut Arab University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Chemical and Petroleum

ENGL300-20920: Speech Communication

“Assignment 1: Personal Speech”

Submitted to: Ms. Layal Mosleh

Prepared by: Dima Al Kibbi (201500560)

Date: April 15, 2020

An Obstacle I Overcame in Life

As quoted by Mason Cooley “Procrastination makes easy things hard and hard things harder.”
The topic I would like to talk about today is how I overcame procrastination. For the ones that
didn't recognize what is procrastination, it is an action of delaying or postponing something to its
deadline. There were many reasons why I used to procrastinate. Some of these reasons were lack
of time management and lack of motivation. For instance, as a university student, I used to
postpone every assignment before a couple of hours of its due date or study two hours before the
examinations. I couldn't care less about my grades. The only thing that mattered was passing my
courses. As a result, this unpleasant habit developed problems for me. It led to high-stress levels,
the feel of guilt, and self-doubt. Procrastination is remarkably an easy habit of falling into and
overcoming it was difficult. Moreover, I have tried helping myself limit this obstacle by
preparing a list of priorities and determine which tasks need to be completed at first base of
deadlines. In conclusion, I overcame my obstacle by comprehending its causes, misconceptions
and embody its preventions. Therefore, it is a human tendency to procrastinate to get rid of it you
need to start taking critical actions.

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