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Alike the name in astrology name number also a very important number in Numerology. We fixed a
name of the native from the rising nakshatra (cancelation) as per the position of Moon and its rasi. In
most of people today do not kept their kid’s name matching with the Janma nakshatra or with numbers.
As per my experience we need to kept a name and try to call a child with the most effective and Good
name so that that the sound (sabda Brahma) makes a different effects while floating up to not
destroyed or completely sprayed over. So we should be care enough while keeping a name for a child.
When we pray, shunting Mantra the sound only work and make a differences with the divine power and
the sub conscious body (body ,people) and heal or effects as per its use. The sound is floating over earth
up to the ether elements (Sky) .In this article I just want to narrate a brief of the numbers of our five
elements and how name number is most important.
In the Pentagon below I tried to give the logic behind
the number of a native and his most important ether
elements the name number. From the pentagon the ETHER
base triangle is the Earth element and the number will NAME NO.
be from the date of the birth. Another two adjacent
triangles are for Water and Air element. If we see FIRE -THE DESTINY
geometrically the same line of the base triangle for the NUMBER
side two triangles also the base line for the Earth
triangle. Earth elements are directly related to the Air YEAR OF BIRTH BIRTH MONTH
and Water. The triangle above the Earth triangle is for
the Fire elements. In a human body all the internal AIR WATER
systems of digestion, extraction, purification are BIRTH DATE- EARTH
govern by this element. The total sum digit of the date
of birth (date+month+year) is the Fire number for a
native. On the Top the Elements it is Ether element and this is the name number. This is influenced by its
sound vibration and the name number. In a human body the sense organs the control system (nervous)
and brain, all the good and bad thinking’s organs of all glands DNA are under this Element. So while
going to fix a name we need to see the name number matching with the three base elements.

For example, a native his date of birth is 4/11/1975. Now if we derive the all elements number for him
these are will be Earth number is 4 from date, Air element number is 4 (1+9+7+5=22=2+2=4), the Water
element number is 2 (1+1=2), Fire element number is 10=1 (4+4+2=10).His name is Bidyot Krishna


214174 2213551 212615

If we add all these number the single digit number will be 19+19+17=55=10.

Now the Ether element or name number of the native is 6. In Numerology Chiero’s book, the ancient
Kabala the number is taken to in consideration with its sound and pronunciation. Same thing is also we
have in our ancient Hindu and Kamrupiya jyotish regarding the prediction of some happening by the
name of the flower and animal ask to the client.


1).The earth number (date) is the main number of your own and all everything. We cannot stand if
there is no earth or base below our foot. All individual things feelings, prosperity, physical property and
mental strength depend on this number. Anything for a native in numerology starts with this Earth
number. His destiny nature, education, profession, all start with this number. So the date of birth is
taken as the Base and earth number.

2).After this earth number another two important numbers are Air and Water. The Water element
number is the number of month of the native. This is also an important number for periodic events and
mental and physical quality of a native. The nature of cosmic color absorb from the universe is most
effective with this water number as water can absorb the quality of color reflect on it. The month is the
divine period as we divided with the all twelve signs and 9 number as per its negative and positive
aspects. So it reflects more positive and better aspects if this Water number is friendly, attraction, same
and vibration number for a native.

3). The Air element number also important for a native. The single digit number of the Year number is
the Air element number. In the above example the year 1975 the single year number for the native is 4.
This air element number is related to periodic years of events like the air sprayed over an area, the
circumstances, the situation experienced by native is related to this Air element. So if this number is not
an attraction or vibration number of the Earth element number people have to work hard to overcome
the circumstances fallen in danger or critical. All the periodic year wise change or events taken place can
be known from this number. So we can say that it is a environmental number, situation number govern
the air element.

4).Above the earth number the Fire element number is there. It represents by the single digit number of
the total sum of the complete date of birth. For the above example it is 10 or 1.This number represents
the Fire elements and all the system of a native that related to his personal life, family, office, technical
and mental issue etc. For an example a native work in a school teacher and the system work in the
school the rules regulations, the duty towards the students, duty toward the society are became as a
system for him. If do not maintain this it will be the drawbacks for him and cannot progress. This is the
element number of self respect, social status, his position in the family, society, and politics whatever
related to a native. An attraction number or a vibration number always do well in this element.

5).The Ether number is the main number of a native which is effective by calling his name by sound
(Sabda Brahma). It relates to all the Elements and may be the super number as I think. From the above
example of Bidyot Krishna Baruah, If we call him as BIDYOT (number is 1) by all of us even in his home
also the vibration and effects of the ether element will be difference than we call him as Bidyot Krishna
(number is 2). The sound and kamponanka (bites of sound DB) will be difference the ether elements will
vary. The total number of his name is 10 is a good number for his name number. As per the Chiero and
some other famous Numerologist wrote in their valuable books that If the Earth number is 4 and 8 it is
better to change the name number to another number than 4 or 8.Anyway the Ether elements is the
very critical and spiritual number for a native. If the Ether elements number is not matched with the
Earth number or opposition number the person most probably getting chance of unnatural happening in
his life. As we know the raining and control of weather is also affected by the position of Plants in the
sign. The heavenly bodies, the Stars and Planets are having effects on human life through the Ether
elements. The cosmic color of the number with the relations of Planet passes through the Ether and
effects as the vibration match with somebody. So the name number is the most (calling name by
everybody) important in a human life.

I given some relation of number which is to be considered when fix a name of a native

Number Attraction number Vibration Repulsion Associate Alphabet

number number number
1 4,8 9 6 2,7 A,I,J,Q,Y
2 9 8 5 1,7 B,K,R
3 5,6,9 7 8 C,G,L,S
4 8 6 3 1,7 D,M,T
5 6,3 5 2 10, E,H,N,X
6 3,9 4 1,7 5 U,V,W
7 2 3 9 1,4 O,Z
8 4 2 3 1 F,P
9 3,6 1 7 5,1 NO LETTER

From the above table we can see the relation of number while keeping a name for a new born child. We
must try to fix form it and can see the difference and better result of number in future days.


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