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From the Podium

Secmarv Rumsfeld Outlhes How lilt US. Mllltarv Is Chinaha to Confront hew Threats
'Tooay, n :es: mcny to Goigress. w' 0.t i e Granges under u q .n tnc Dspiinmeil cf Cefense to transform0.r m l l w to mfcwit
these new threats, including changes in America'sglobal posture...Transformation isabout more than just newwaysoffightlq. It's
about new ways Of thinking. Today, our f o m s arestill situated tnlame" .oar! as if little has chanoeri forthe last 50 e m - a s if.for
example. Gerr-any is st l brae rig for a S o ~ . e t t mn,as.onacross i"s nort'em pa.n r S a m iorea ~ ntroops ' nave Dee?viiaaly
r pace were t e y e r e awn tne fiorean Aar enoed m 195; So *e hate oevelooeo ,n t m q m t ConsJtaron wh our a ies
f r o ~ e in
a m ~h bigr.%s a set oi ne* conce?ts t o g c m tne my w wl. a QI o m bes in 'w m m ~g yea6 an0 oecaom W -- @&
Secretary Doc& H RumsfBkl
Oiwd, San Diego Union-Tribune.Sept. 23,21244
Media&ailabilRy With Lt Gen Sham on iraal SecurftvForces
T I e raw Sec~ntyForce recurng 5 not a Proaem it continues We gel many, many raq s wno Itrim am rea yansrtenng b
P m e M ism A a h s ca mat s e c q s the rsspons b thy of I'Ms and that's the on y way tna'n wi era And tney are stand ng up
to that test We are working very closely in partnership with Iraqis across the board. And as Isaid earlier, that is making a huge -
difference for Iraqi security forces to stand up and do well these noeratiom where frev see their leaders from Allawi all the way down
at the local level standing UP and takinq resmsibilrtv. Gen. l ~ a & Petrams has started schods. We're workha verv claselv' with our --
~ aro we,-&e kacemh;pqa ties wai a? neeoa t m . g - ~ o ~mer8'~transcn~t,
un'ts b dede 00 t r o m~o. t <ow '
S A m ; 2 Ger caller Snarp, d r e m t o f strateg c plans on the Joint Staff

The Pentagon, Sept. 20,2004

the.~ ~ . ~ . -
Abbaid Ptodooxto Root Out. Dastrov ZamawlTerror Natwork
WASHIMGTON, Sept 22 -The U S general responsible for U S military
o~eralionsfrom the Horn of Africa to Central and Southwest Asia we

R-rsfeacna- S Amoassaca"? raq.orn 0 bg-cponte to ownga

Cow0 Sera txefing Z a n a i i ~cle.eoto?ate personallyw-aptatac
several nostages d w e g r c - w r e c - a n * were recont7 a x m s ~ o n

Newweb Site Offers Information on Terrorist Incldante. Groum

WASH'dGTON,Sept 22 - A nonprofit organization dedicated to
prevenbng terrorismon U S so* has launched a Web site that powdes

bailTranslatots Service Comes at Hloh Cost

ANBAR PROVINCE, Iraq, Sept 22 -Sally's children were taken away from
h e w e than six months ago Her husband beat her Her brother
treatereaner rfe m e n o d q a@n tc ner nead ner own fafief
untiacied l e i oeaft *"i s $5001 re/-afd Sac, an Iraq iransat~t
Center in Texas, Army Staff Sqt Heather Martin helpswounded
troops from Iraq and Afahanistan rebuild their lives "I mavnot
ar'_a, w 0' me hcnt "fa c.1 ionrrm, nc"i13 nf v-:ref",
1 i w i k m mCi M_naiofia Force iaq astewfpngtiy wrtonq mh*

çiuch Saiiy said -11I had to do it over a& I would Ihelp the ~mericans,
v.nw n ~t iin c ' i s ' x i ~ a . - m ' w e s a c ?A, ?f-fvQ4 , help my pwfle: lmy)
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Addresses The Council on Foreian Relations
"From the outset ofthisconflict it was clear that OurCoalition had to goon theoffense againstterrorists. Thegoals induded the
need to pursue terrorists and their regimes that provide them aid and comfort, havens; to establish relationships with new allies and
bolster international coalitions to prosecute the war; to improve considerably America's homeland defense: and to advance freedom
and democracy, and to wufi with mcderate leaders to urdemine temrism's kleolcgicai foundakm" ltrar!scn~t~ kdeas.9
Secretary Donald H. Runsfeid
New Yok, NY, Oct 4,2004

SecretaN Rumsfeld Reiterates ODDOSltlon to Draft

'Wedo not need a draft. We've goL295 million people in thiscountry and we have an active fuceofaboula 1.4 millionand we
are havinq no trouble at all attracting and retain14the people that we need to serve in the Armed Forces The people are all
volunteers. And ifit happenedthat we didn't have enough peopleto serve, all we have to do is what anyone else in the country
would do and that's increase the incentives and make rt a more attractive tiling for people to do. So the idea of using compulsion
and ~ o i n gback to a drail ln this day and age I thmk isjustaterdbk idaaand IWU fight it w ~ m l y . ' ~ t r a n s c r(IeUer)
(Note. HR 163 to ranstitute the draft was defeated in the House of Representatives402-2 on Oct. 5)
Secretary Rumsfeld
Radio interview with WABC's Scan HannBy, Oct. 4.2004

1 AfghanistanSections Security In the News

U.S. Commander Not- OEF SUCCWBÃ
WASHINGTON, Od 6 Thrw pars alter the Coalinon
began combat operations against the Taliban and a1 Qaeda in
Afqransl;"-. 9 e Afcnai peope are .st days sway frorr a
presoein? eecron expec-M m a0 a rr.qo-sm z-rg e b r t m

Afohanistan He said credit for this 'awesome

e&mr srrnem' goes ass y i o w ' e r y n w g . wry heroic
ino' 0s "2 performm l y S tola er<s sa 0's. arrnen and
M2rnes s.ppomq 3per.a-on E i 3 .rn$ Freenofn (ssal

V-.AS* \GTC\ 7 - Sanoam hiisset" 'ceany had
erne no78 tr respect D +emom 01rnm3 oestruaon ' me
heao of me irac S.r,evGnx mat searcnea 'ao tor weaoons '
of mass destructiontold ttie Senate Armed ~ e r v i k
Committee Oct 6 The h e r dictator intendedto resume
WMD productionin !heevent U.N. economicsanctionsplaced
on Iraq after the 1991 Parsian Gulf War were lfled, Charbs A.
Dmlfersald Lmwl

Reduction Doesn't L e i x n U.S. Commitmentto Euron

WASHINGTON,Ocl6-Adrop in the numberof U.S.forces
in Europe does not mean any iesseninqin U.S commitmentto
the continent, the mmmanderof U S European Command
said The United Stateswill reahgn its forces in Europe "to
meet me tarn y 0'n'ea-s nal face -s in a *a) mat s rno-e
s.otaoe's3a Marm C?n MI ~ o n sW
From the Podium
Secreta~RumsfeldTalksA b o u t l r a ~ r o m % Cwll!ion's
. Missim at T o m Hall With US, Tm&
"Despte the terror, despite The intinidanon. tens of thousands of Iraqis have volunteered,and bey continue to volunteer. And they're
Protectingtheir country. They performed bravely in Nalaf and in Samara And since the beginning of this year, over 700 Iraqi security forces
have been killed. So they're not hiding in their barracks Theyra out there servingtheir country,And there are now something close to
100,000Iraqisecuntyforces. We expect to have 150,000by theend of January when the elections are to be held. The goal istogo up over
200,towards225-plusthousand in the period thereafter. Thisistheircountry. itwili be Iraqis who will have to build thiscountry. 11will be
Iraqisthat will have to defendthis country And our task, this Coalition's task, is to be here for a period and create an environment M e r e
they can do that, where they can make this asingie nation at peacewth itsneighban, without weaponsof mass desiruction, acountry that
creates a pweful influence in the w i o n fortha g o o d ~ ~ t r a ~ r fi os tbl ~ fsbw\
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfem
Ai Asad, Iran, Oct. 10,2004

Secretaw Rurrofeld HI~hlIahbPiogres8 in Afghanistan

"Afghanistanjust had a historicalelection l recognize that the media will flyspeckthat election and say: well, this was not perfect, that
happened,,,butit was an enormous accomplishment Three years ago in Afghanistan the Ai-Qaeda was launching an attack against the
United States that killed 3,000people Three years ago the Taliban was wing the soccerstadium in Kabul to chop off people's heads
instead of play sncnar And not witb^andina all the comments in the media mat it wa<; a nnafimim that this iiunuldn'twork and lhat ww;

Secretary DonaldH. Rimsfem

Skopje. ForwYugostnRepubl'c of Macedonia Oct. 11,2004

In. the
. Nows
...- . .- ..-
RmÇfçTranifomiatlonMoving KATO Into21T Cintufl
POiAhABRASO/. Ronania Oci '7. n a1 /es oc- mexpandNATU~
capat res a"? ndp n$ me a arce to o e ~ m'ront r 7lsi-ceniLryma r n ~
5 . is lorn mmsn Sac-eiav Donac n R.msfeiO saio For emple.
h 4 T O s 'eceiny es'm snpd 'apn nxicopw brre 'H ieo ('W m w a'afice
m3.e i o t r e ?"*I < ^ i.r)~ 'R in<;ten<; a-wo rg ne Ori 12-14 hATO nfomai
oefersem nslenal Tiwnrgs hr* -flip ?f memppnalons NATO has a sa
eipaiam Is -?em "a nicogca wrf?-ecapan res tLm NATC oepcymenism
me Pamti'i ~ ' g i a irn n m ivaq 'ne a an* n g i q sc maven (\~ts.ccof 3
m i l c ~ a l 3 p " e -o ' < ' w m " s

Peaceful Afghan Elections a 'Milestone'for Counby

WASHINGTON, On 13 -The presidentialeteenons in Afghani- on Oct.9 m
a 'milestone" in the history ofthe troubledcountry,said a Coalitionspokesman in
Kabul Anny Mat, Scott Nelson said Afghans'demonstratedtoallon Saturday
theif powerful courageand resolve in the face ofterroristpropaganda and threats
ofmtnnidakm a d wdanca.' m
Miuila %fans*
M .NTS'/ii .i.
a r d Etaact Cancel Rcxaarcn 7 Bin Laden Hunt Continues24.7. DoD Lidem Report
A a . O n 8 -Tne i- S Am-" S p a 2 and

V ss e Oe'ense Cmnairt's Teem ca On 3 s
investigabng whemer or not missile defense technobav
11 WASHINGTON. Oct. 10 -The manhum for Osama bin Laden mntinuesmeverv
aoy 24 rC.m aaay'lnecom-nanoe: of COa 00" fc/m n AfoHanm m d h k
can ce .<PC m -n-iro.? marim-iqram maaay The hews A n y -1 Ger D a m IA Earrosaia'a .eq q oerfcated n@lycapabie
reseafrrercare lopifg o unon weirer if POI me
app'oaci M- *om D) .a,.a^y m .*
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Reiterates ODwsition to the Draft
"Thisis a mischievous politlcaleffort that's k i n g made tofrghten young menand women. The truth is wedonot need adraft. We'renot
g@r.Qto have a draft. There 1s a law ttiat exists on the books passed by Congressthat requires that there be a selectiveservicesystem and
that it requires that they make assessments from time to time about various skill sets. But there is not a draft. There will not be a draft. 1was
one of the first noonle that onnowd the drafl back in thp 19RHciwhun . Irin-nmmerdwi
... . ...we.mnw ..to.an- -all-unliinter.tseruifp -
- - .-- -- -- men Iw% -

con5-ess~arfiun'ne slateif -isana n"oa-ceo egs itonio a T eve W a i ~e f r a acnebe2 n 1963 a n 19'0 We'degotE5
n onpeooe ntnscc.nr\ Asme' '= n on Y aciec-'yanoarww81^ JOC n i i e G.an ana?eser-e Ana nism:apmoiemat
a E T ~ Cre arc re'a r nc me wp e MB new 'o serve I-e armea forces Eery one of r e m .s a w -?leer JSI x>mat the tecn.org
n m e ' s here Tne Army ana ire t.a,/ a'e a1 100 perceni f iner targets n goa ne Manne Cow s a: t C l p e r c e ' n a ~ne Ar Fc're s a1

rn relam s t w
lo! De'ceit Sotre ioea iia: ^e nee0 a a ' ^ l s lase ana r scfievos aw. n r-if e/k "on nq Dcnef iraca sca'e lecrnc,e'lTO''3£.npf

Secretary Don* H. Rumsfeid

Radii Intewkw with Bob Guthrie, WOAI-AM Radm. San Antonn. Texas
Oct. 20,2004

L t m . Barno Briefs on Afghanistan Election Suc-

ttie Ta lan trresieneo me! =,'I
â‚ n e b "Im w e 2 3.1 &!Ielectionday cane they essent a tf were aosem irom ine ~afflefie-o

SpeCifC targeting of the electionprocess, but it's also a big defeat for them to make all of the threats hey've made and thin essentially not
shww tobllow throughon anyo'thnse fireats,'(tmcn~tlW
Lt Gen. David W. Barn, Commander, Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan
The PenBoon, Oct 19,2004

.. . - - - - - .---- > -
1 m a n to help severely disabled soldiers and their families tap
into services available to them throuoh 1% - ' a""
,,m m,,,,mv
A a
11 -
Trooo Profiles Dfinbvad Phvsician Dedicated to Diitifts 1
From the Podium Back in Action
Secretary Rumsfeld Discusses Afqhanistan Progress
...The Sovkt Union tmk 2100.0001or 300 000 trooos i believe
subdue Afghanistan and they lost thewar. w e had i?ss than 20,000 and & won. The
Taliban are gone, the a1 Qaeda are out of there They ve had an elecion. They have a
consthution Women voted The people voted for the first lime in the history of that
country. It was a breathtaking accomplishment. And for anyoneto be running around
flyspecltiw wQat took place in Afghanistan, when we just had this bniiant, unbelievable
hislorcelection,. and that country is 0 1 a path of 23 nlllion people liberated, on a path
towards being respectful to its various diverse elements, is beyond conprehension."
l & m r i O t ~a st or"\
SecretaryCanaki H. Rumsfald
Ratio Inter+wwth WLW.AM Cincinnab, Oct 26,2004

Secretary RumsfekJAddressesthe Association of the US. ArmvAnnual Meeting

'...TheArmy is restructuring and retraining the activecomponentand the reserve
components to achieve a more appropriate 21st century balance to get a distribution of
skillsets between tf^eactive force and the reserve componentsto fit thisnew century,..
and so that Reservists and Guardsmenw,ll be called somewhat less often, possibly for
shorter perlcds of time, and with wmewtmt more p~dldabli,V'(tmnxr~~t) istor4
Secretary Donald H Rumsfeid
Washrgon Od 27,2004 00 24 2204 -Several iromkrs of a lean a
w e -nemoe'swhc Icsilin'bs .n Alaha?i-.tanand
tad pfoare (0run we annual ~ i m 'Tyen ww my
i t Cavid Rczelle who lost wrt 311'1snolit lea in a
In the News
Offlclab Sav Chanca o(Enamv Ordnanci Move NeartvNil
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27- Thechances thatenemy forcesmoved 377 tonsofheaq
ordnance out of the Al Qaqaa arms facilty after U S, forces arrived In maarea are neariy outsndhingbutguts," hesaid '~&ernaywalk.
but mats <*ay What matters ismat:hey wl! finish.'
impossible, said Amy Col. David Perkms, who commandedthe American troopswho took
[Photo by a t u r e J & l ) W
the area during major m m a t operations m Iraq in 2003. Perking, now assigned to the Joint
Staff,said it is"high1y improbable' that the enemy was abte to lake theexplosives out any
timeafter U S forces arrived in the area itwouid require that theenemy sneaks a convoy
of 10-ton bucks in and toads themup inthedark of nighland infiltratesthemin yourconvoy
and m v ~ o u t ; he sad "Thars ktrd ofa sbt* t m fa~'lslowli r a n m ~ t l
extinguish This is especiallyso when ttiere ls a
Amarent KarzaiVktow in Afghanistan a Bid Win forDemocracy
vested nterest in somequarters in keeping
WASHINGTON Oct 28 Athough the Jan1Election Mmagement Body iraittfldany
men alve Like many Americans I have
certifyresults of the Ahhan electionsfor a few more dam interim President Hmld Kami
mp&s t o b the&wnner the U S ambasador t ~ ~ ~ sad h CUm 27~ h
recent heard a great deal of misinformedtalk
about aso-calleti'secret pan' to bring teck the
draft This plot is so secret that it doesn'lexist.
BRAG115 to Support DoDTransfornntion
Neitherour commander in chief nor the
WASHINGTON, Oci 26- The 2005 bale redgnmnlandHosum Inltiatià MI be d i n t
secretary of defense know anything about
from previous rounds in that it will direct/ contributeto W s transformationefforts, a top 11That's becauseit simply is not true Lei me be
Do0 official said here Oct. 25 BWCs conducted be- 1983 and 1995aosed97 mNtaly
even mare emphatic on that point To my
bases am realigned 57, Raymond DuBois, deputy undersecretaryof defersefor
knowtedqe, in the time I have served as
instailatinnsand finvbment told attcndpfx at the Assmiatinn of me U.5 Annv'sannud
~ ,
meehrg here. Officialstoday asbmate the department still carries about 23 percentexcess
infrastructure The 2005 BRAC will be unique in that besides paring nchlonger-nBeded
facilities, it writ also support transformationcoals, thereby making Do0 better prepared for
combeting 21stcentury threatslikeglobal terrorism, DuEoteo&serffid.istorrt
From the Podium

President Vows t o Continue Flahtina the Global War o n l e r r o r

'We will help the emerqing democracies of Iraq and Afghanistan so they can grow in strength and defend their freedom.
And then our servicemen and women will come home with the honor they have earned. With good allies at ourside, we
will fight this waron terror with every resource of our national power so our children can live in freedom and in peace."
President G e o q e W. Bush
Washington, Nov. 3,2004

In the News
lnsuroent BakadasTargatedAs FalluiahAction Increaaw
WASHINGTON, Nov 4. US. military and iraai securityforcessteooed no

Hoop Scheffer at th<alliance's Istanbulsummit in June At the summit, 26 heads

of state and government declared "full suppon" for the Interim government in Iraq
and Vedgd to help vain Iraq's s ~ ~ l y f o t c e s

Judae's Rulino PausesAnthrax-VaccinationProoram

WASHINGTON, Nov 2 -The Detense Department has temporarlb paused the
anthrax vaccination program because of an injunctionissuedby the US. District
Court for the Districtof Columbia Assistan! Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs WASHINGTON NO" 3 - Soldiers ofthe future will head
Dr W\\m Winkenwerder emphasized the iniunctioiwas not relatedto lh8 safety i l o battle with lighter loads, enhanced body protection,
better &ow, and more portable eleclncal power.
Technologies like nanotechnolw~yand pholovoltai^-
evolving methods hat areresponsible for much ofthe

Using nanotechnology, scenists and engineers envision

mesoldier of thefuturein a battle unrfwm that can stop
or slow bullets and other projectiles,repel water, monitor
health and automaticallydeliver medicinesto treat
injuries The forum also includeda demonstration offte
new combat uniform The uniform has been field tested
by Sttyker Brqade %Mien ~nl k q
November Is Military Family ~ o n t h ,
Thank You From Our Leaders
'America's militaryforces are the finest in If-e word. Our Nation is also
grateful for the military families who serve our country by giving their
support to these breve individuals As we contlnuelofi~htterrorism and
advance peace around the wohd, America stands behind you and lire
members of our Armed Forces "
President George W. Bush

'061 A m y has a ' q r mssor a% tney reec t h e s ~ p p o n d

ano wes en dren ara parerrs orotncrs2-0 sistm Our familes ano
comm~ni'esare m a t mane &r Amy an0 ¥s count? strcq '

"ItIsnosmallKbbaing inaNavyfamiiy...i amsure Ispeakforall

Sailors Men I say thank you. Thank you for yourunderstandingwhen
duty keeps us apart. Thank you for supporting us when timas get
tough. But mosiof ali,thank you for your love and support that gives us officer erf the l~tcavairyO i m m 3 1st amion 6tf CavalryRegiment
the strength to serve ' held on Fort Hood Texas Theslahcdsdaywasearidldeunits
Farr ly Day celebrationmat afso idudeda BBQ awst from irte
Terry D, Scott housior Texans Cheeiieadeis humveendes and a ocwnunily to sc
Matter Chief Petty Officer of the Nwy fmly Astrotilaiifieldtraning(US Amyphrtoby Spc Kelly Hunt)
W e uno* mat mjntav service anwmany sacnfces mssed - ForArmed Services YMCA. November Ail About Family
holidays balqames ana oaim recic s VOJ w ncness ic s u m
stmq n t i e face cf mose sacrfices s v tai ia 1% effeciiwrtcsa of os By Samantha L Ouigley
force Our Air Force is cener ceca-se09 ire lam e s wno staw bmnd American Forces Press Service
Gerald R. Murray WASHINGTON,Nov. 1-It began about two decades ago a
part of The Great Amarcan Family project. Thm in 1996, the
Chief Master Sergeant oftha Ari Fora
Armed ServicesYMCAexoaicietiMBim FamtvWeek. which
occurred around Thanksgiving,into ~ i l i t a ~mily
~ y Month,
Themleaf the family Iscriticaltomlluary success. Guard and Reserve And lust like the week Few into a month-lono celebration, so too
members can stay focused on iheir mission when they know their
families supportthem in theGlobal War on Terror...Ithank you for your
steadfast backing and support.'
Lawrence W. Holland
Command Seqeanl Major, OASD Seventh Senior Enlisted Advisor
Reserve Affars

"We arecertainthat you have fen the additional strains of Increased

homelandsecurityoperaiionsbut trust that you understand the many
challenges that continue to face our great country.'
Frank Welch
Master Chief Paly Officer of ma ma#Guam
the good in a lot of people 'American peopleere generous to a
The Military Assistance Program Famly Center Internet Site, providedbythe fault That's a really good part of whafscome outof this war,%
DeputyAssistant Secretary for Defensefor PersonnelSupport,Famiiesand said Military Family Month continues throughout Novemter.
Educakn, p m d e s maw link5to rewum br m l i l q h m f i i e s w IklluloBi
Secretary Rumsfeld Discusses Iraq's Future
From the Podium
"It's Importantfor all elements In that countryto feel they have astake in the future of the country Sthe county is to be successful.
The Iraqi Government has been reachino out to all elements. I have hiah confidence that there will be elections. that thev will be on
fine and that they'll be successful. ~ n d w h e none looks at this countryand recognizes the fierce struggle that existed h& 20 years
ago and thesuccess they've had despite the fact thatthere was a war raging during their election, i thtnkit proves that thegreat
sweep of human history IS for freedom We've seen that in this country, we've seen it in Afghanistan, and I [relievewe'll see it n Iraq.'

Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld

Press Conference in El Salrador, Nw. 12,2004


In the News
Falldish Sçci. BJI Not Vat Site. Mame Commander Say
rt/iSi- hGTON hc; '3 Ano-gn me lraq city of F a i ah
~ s
e n nat Marines nere comroi "ie aft it is not w mfefw

Supporting Those Who Defend Us Force said during a briefing to reporters Marine Lt Gen John F.
Tne Defense Deparmert -Â¥)sa a-rimes Arrer ca Supports h , ' a Sattlersari he cannot consider the city safe unhl Marines have
gone through every house and purged the town of weapons and
insurgents,' w f ~mey w m l to fight to the death 'W
nationwide k i p build the morale of our sewicemen and &in who
defend freedom anfl font tvrannv. 'America Su~oortsYou" sootilohts RumafetdsSuccesses PromotesInter.American Stabilfh
wnatc'zens ~ f - o sa i l asnesses a ' e c o q tor me "roopsanc [ner QUITO, Ecuador, Nov, 18- Defense ministerstom 34 nations
tarn ?s sure 'Arne- ca S.oDcrts Y c ' rtec-i te m reao stores sftare thmuahwt Vie Western HemlsohereODened the Defense
you'omn and no* lau m a w a wwn af-er .c'a.ci'onsv~umi ~iniskrialof the Americas to discuss ways to improve Inter-
American security Secretary Donald H Rumsfeld said te's
impressedby increased coordination already under way such a
maritimecooperahon and "creased participationin peacekeeping

Afahan Security Situation Continuesto Show ImDroveiMnt

WASHINGTON, Noç17 -Citng'aignfculy fewer' incidents
during Ramadan this yearthan in the past two years'observances,
thesecurity situation inAfghanistancontinues toshow
improvement,a military spokesmansaid today in the Afghan capita

Mvera Wmm UD Iran Trip With Mostinat. Unit V i s h

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 16. Chairman of the Joint Chtefsof Staff
Gen RichardB Myers wrapped up his trip to Iraq with a series of
unitvisits anc high-levelmaebngs. includingone with Prime
Miraster Ayad Allaw, Myere said that although he knows theway
keep possiblefloatingimprov sec ~xpiosivedevicesfrom
oestrcpgrneMEUS ahead wfll continue to be "ifem verv touch" ha is enauraad bv
bme ,-wt,"c,on ,"
en>m T k bc,doew* wwrelv "mmm! wwn,m what he saw and heard durini his visit, and he is optimisticabout
1bqs fibre &ly)
From the Podium
Secretav RumsWd, G m Mwm W e f P m m m Pm$s-C.qp
"^redictably we're heariig from those who say the Iraqis earner pull off a transitionto democracy can't be done. Let them tall that to the people
of Afghanstan who braved the threats end violence to elect lher first democratic president,or to the people of Asia or Eastern Europe, or Latin
America, for that matter Histoy has shown in most every region of the weld, when people are given achance to rule their own lives, lheyseize
1L Aid why should we ~llavathatthepeople of lraqwllchwse mydtferen8p'(transd~t)fstoty)

SecretaryDonaldH Rumsfeld
The Penlapn, N w 2 3 , 2 W
Lt. Gm,Lance L. Smith Gives O~erationalUcdateon ir
W e are very pleased with operations m Failujah It happened the way It was planned. It was swift. Therewm owrvfheirdngflrepowerthat was put
in thenght place at the righttime And I wouldn't say that we are in mopping up operations,thatsounds Bke nothing'sgoing on. There's some
intense fighting still goinq on in some pockets in Faffuiah and we will continueuntil those pockets are gone...We're going to find continued
evidence, we think, thatwe've severely disrupted the insurgents'game plan aswe go back and take a look atthe exploitationerf what we'vedone.'

LL Gen. Lance Smith. Deputy Commending General, U.S Central Command

In the News
Rumsfeld Calls Lobbying Reports'Nonmr'
WASHINGTON (Noç231 -Defense Secrelaty Donald H.
Rumsfeld called published leports that he lobbiedagainst the
Senate intelligen'ce bill "nonsense" Rumsfeld spokiduringa
Pentagon press conference The inteiligence bill is stalled 1n
Congress The secretary sad the Senate and House versions of
the bib are very close and that themnferees are trying to smooth
out the differences.Rurrsfed said he fully supports President
Bush's policy in regard to in'elligence reform. 'Needless to say, I'm
part of this administration,' Rumsfeldsaid. 7 support the
presidents posllion."M

Jones Oirtinea NATO. EUCOM Traralormatlona

WASHINGTON (No". 23) -NATO and U.S. European Command
With Thanks for Our TI-oms. Red White and Blue Video
J are sheddina Uieir Cold War-era structuresand mindsets and
transfominato more effectively meet Zlst-century threats,the
Thanksgiving Day Messages commander of U.S. European Command saki here. MarineGen,
James L. Jones told reporters at the National Press Club that

'...onthisThanksgiving Day, I offer mythanks: Toourmenand
women In uniformfor their steadfastdewtion to our nation and to the
cams ol Ib&: lo f a m M and M d s of Uma wlcamen and
women for the strenath,suowrt. and emuraoementthev offer ther
loved ones, and to l i e families of the men, for the sacrificesthey
NATO is engaged in a van* of missions against tnreats
unforeseen when the alllance formed in iM9. lmy)

have endured on behalfof a grateful nation and a futureof freedom

May God bless them all this day and always. And may God continue
to bless the United States of mema' - Suetary R u m i e k i ~

1 ". Amow the many blessiwsAmericans can be thankfulfor 13the as from the 1st
1 fadthat every day, brave serviceman and women are willing to go
into nm s may to ddenc 0.r hwcom //i^mer f m ' m n&e&
t\sg'eatAirencan no m y or n nemipmyoffam t anahwas.
~ wn 8 m m m a n ' n m 'Gen Uym
flu am o o n qreat
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Discusses Iraqi Elections
. owerrmerit
'The Ira01,
for~3'ni ~ tie
has annodncpd
~ - ~- ~.~ that
.. thw
" ? e ? m Ve) If- ;r i m "ico
f * *

that expect 'mn 11 c i lnal con; ?if A C fado(

thu" N. ar r x c aoofl I <: Ti31 tne rao peoplewant -
Show Your Support for Our Troops www.amencasuvwrtsvou.orq
OeCTors ""c o e w n e m ng ma 01 ') of Ten are
Ocmmec lo w e e c x o n s T m i e r e wil oe
In the News
determined that those elections go forward "
{traItscriDtl 1 ~ 1 0 ~ )
Secreteq Donald H. RumsfeM
Interview i l t h WNDB-AM Radio, Daytona Bead\ Fla.
Nov. 30,2004

BG RodriauezDiscusses OIF Trom Rotation*

'As you look closely through the timing of when the . .
elacton$in January and that a free ard msnerous Ira0 will exert a stabilm
people are rotating in and how they're rotatingIn, the
ground commander believes that the mosi
experienced troops are the ones he needs tostay Iran Committed to F m , Fair. On-Tim Eteebonc
there longer dunng thiscntical time surroundingthe AASr- NGTON MI 29 raq's m n n Qowe'nmemis mmmrttea to hd6 ng
Iraqi election They're the ones who know the around heeanola~ems¥nrotiqio;tireco.niryaspianneoo -an 30aW s
best, who have worked with the people closes,.And acr-et, wfkng to omare lcr tt'ai enc raq Dev-ily P m e Nin ster Barftar
as the ground commander assessed the situationon
the ground betweenthe operation In Falluiahand the
results of that and what we were able to accomptsh ~ m m
IncreaseswDC4tin la
there, and then as he looked toward he came forward WASHINGTON,Nov 29 -Two Coalition allies, Singapore and Denmark have
with this request" (Iranscnvt)hiow) aqrew n ex'ena Ten coi-nwes s-ipcn In Operanon raql Freedom arm
Brig Gen. David Rodriguez a w l s e/wwo'3fotio~?.n n me ftwks aneao Denman wea 10inuease
The Penlmcm Dec, 1.2l)M tt3 m p s t ~ e ~aNqnawan
ct~ an: lc e m 1 trmr 10-10, sxmnt4u &

P x e V M US, T r m in C w
WASHINGTON,Nov. 29 -Marine Gen Petar Pacefflelttlwsands of U.S.
seivicemembefsduring a swing lhrau$ Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and
Kyroyzslan Nov. 20-24 Pace, the vicechairmanof the Joint Chi& of Staff,
m t t o the region to thank Amrican servtcemembersfor their mntributionsto
the gbbal wr on t e r r d m 0

Authorization Act Funds 3.5 Percent Troop Pay Raise. Cuts Housing Costs
WASHINGTON, Nov 26. Money conlamed wihn tie 2005 Natlmtl Defense
AuthorizationAct MI1fund a 3.5percept troop pay raise and eliminate
srn'mmtrtm o u t d w k e t cosb for family hwslng &g)

helicanters flvino in Iran and Afohanisbn The ArmVs Aviation Aodied

andjustqottie green light to beqin applying the~ylar~lyesterm~tingtothe

wrdifrields of o~mtlonalaircraft, (storvl
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Resoonds to Soldier's Question on Armored Vehicles
"I talked to the General coming out here a b u t the pace a! which (tie vehicles are being armored, They have been bmughtfrom all
overthe world, wherever they're not needed, lo a place here where they are needed I'm told that they are being the Army is I -
thinkit'ssomething like 400 a month are beinq done. And il's essentially a matter of physics. Itisn't a matter of money. It isn't a
matteron the partof the Army of desire. Its a matter of production and capability of doing it. As you know, you go to warwith the
Army you have. They're not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time. Since the Iraq conflict began, the Anny has been
pressing ahead to produce the armor necessary at a rate that they believe - it's a greasy expanded rate from what existed previously,
but a rate that they bekve is the rate that is all that can be a c c o ~ l i s h e datm momen~~transcnot) ~stowi(stow) MOM
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Town Hall with Troops, Camp Buehring. Kuwait, Dec. 8,2004

L t Gen. Steve Whltcomb Briefs Pentauon Press Corns on Armored Vehicles

'I ddn't as I said, I did not talk to the soldier. Looking at h s unit, he IS assigned the 278th Brigade Combat lean,and so fortheir
unit they have not totally deployed into Iraq They have started moving into Iraq a couple days ago, But the objective and the
requirement forthat unit is thesame for all units - that any wheeled vehicle that drives from Kuwait into Iraq will have some level of
armor plating on it - kvel three, two or one, as w have drscussed. And so I'm satisfied. That unil may not be completely outtlled
now, because it hasnt completed its deployment into Iraq, and that will take place over some period of time. So we're continuing to
workfeverishlyto ansure that they meet our requirement, and thaw that n o k d y gees north without it"banscrim) (stmyj
Lt Gen Steve Wliitmmb
Va teleconferencefrom Kuwait. Dec. 9,2004

In the News

1 hanlttan's First ElectedPresident Ta

KABUL. Afghanistan, Dec 7 -The first freely elected presidentn
zhmSWsWCWearhiston tmk the o~~~~~~
~Nothigmakes me more hopefulto the future of this country and my
ability toserve it man theincredible experienceof our country's
participationin recent elections" President Hamid K a m said in his
inauguraflm w c h . &y)

1 Construction Makin a 'Dilffimu'ln Ir I N hborhoods

WASHINGTON.DecQ9.W~thmore thm ?kQ% wnstn~ctiom
projects started in November, the Iraqi people are "beginningto see a
differencein their neighborftoods,"the militarywmmander of the US.
Army Corps of Engineers in Iraq said. During a press briefing in
Baghdad, Army Brig. Gen. Thomas Bostick, who heads me Corpi' Gulf
ofoffire ir Kcsul Afchar8sL-r Dec7 2004 lSPC.OHf.NY R AUGON,
55-H SIGNAL CO 8 Vice PresdenlChereyand Secrclary Runsiela
attencted the historic cmmv

Pres Gent Highlignts 'Amenca Supports You' Web We

Speak -g 17bane? ani'rer 'ari es at Cam? Pew e m Ca f
on Dec 7, President Bush urged every Amencan 'to find some way
11 Acidem FtlloulWill Chanqa All Military Seivico
WASHINGTON,Dec 8 .All seivicemembers will dealwith the fstwA
from Pie sexualassault m i e m at me U.S. Air ForceAcademy.
tolhankour mlitary and helpout themilitary family down the 1 Department of Defense officialssaldhere Dec 7 First, thedepartment
street." Bush urged people to go to the Defense Department's
Â¥AmericSupports You' Web site to learn about private efforts
b m g undertaken naUmwide to show support fw be troops
Log on to w.americasu~portsvou.mil
From the Podium
BrhGen, Jeffrw Srnensm D l ~ s s ? Situation s In Ira% A r m o r d m
"Now Ithink, as has been exola ned In manv ooints arvl refenanxi; mere's an art and w i m to this As General Snpakes mentioned with
a m ? W 1, sing s'a. - <
the cultural asnect the wholl mint 01what ie're doinn there 1s to win the heark and minrtsnfthat
e a ,a'^" on' gnGo, acne
siarcw i i of ~ r a si n e m a c e r iorris o- p'oie:' :Iw is -ecurec 'sfat cartc.3r
~ --- oarticniar
, nnoniitinn in that m n w . you
.Fr cie a- o 101oemg exoosea So mere is ananlnere from tne '
!. nerao :y mere iere,.nniecteo A w ffs that
a r crd scexe'na' mre ac1.a , AC'K rc d m CI ne icence p-ece ic. inoh he -ate aasw f pro! 000 e-e s OQroieciO? a&+-
amw'or i r e s o l e' aoo on aimr to' lra .ences :"- sccs'ec s . P i r s t 1 esse-la q o e ' w soon sicaleo system to ientrty. DU
tneres a so a pan of tn s 'M: ,I n1> as mert onea oelore vle',e l ~ r I" g n me r e m a10 T 13s ?' n s pooi.at or ano ~ O w L i Ioo tnat
snng ~i in n a c o r n m r e lo. wn ioc inai P so-a!on Yc- w.e so ge10~:aw essenta ,engage So 'TOT m a slanmr nt tnpT's a
littk bitof balance here and we're trying to make sure we get that nqht balance by making sure we provide the right, proper levelsot
pmtec~onas well as whays requ~red:(tranxripl) &y)
Brig. Gen,Jeffrey Sorenson
The Pentagon, Dec. 15,2004
Lt Gen. Lance Smith. CENTCOM DeoirtvCommander.Briefs PentagonPress Corm
'Right now we believeit is asmall percentme ofthe Snnnl populationthat is Involvedin these extremist activities. And I'd remind again that
for the most part its Sunnis that they're k Ilinq, And so, you know, th&s a losing proposition, in our opinion, And ithink ifwe can get through
the elections and the aftermath of that, that we will have more and more moderates that will be prepared and willing to take a tead,and
hopefullythal will helpdestroy the spirit, if you will, ofthe insurgency But it's not going to be asilver bullet. It is going to haveto be a
gradual thing that they're gomg to have to find light at the end of the tunnel And Prime Minister A l l m cleariy is ..understandsthat part of
vii!at he has to do is give t k m m e hops and mom cbm the road of remnc~liationwth the former ,qlme and iim Wdhls&."
Lt. Gen. Lance Smith
The Pentagon, Dec 15,2004

US0 Tour In the News

'Have to Expect Problems' Durina Iraot Elections, RumsfddSam
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16- Insurgentsrealize upcoming Iraq elector
represenlaIremendous threat to thar interests, Defense Secretary
Donald H Rumsfeldtold radio personalitySean Hannilyon Dec, 15.
Conseauenttv. U S Coalitionand oro-aomment Iraat forces
'certainly have la expect problems' before and during the January
vc4mg lk secretarys a d kQ&

Commander In lraa Savs Cimnalnn P l a n s h d i v o nTrack'

WASHINGTON, Dec 16 -Things in Iraq are generallyheaded ki the
right direction,the commanderof Coalition forces in Iraq sad '&r
assessment is that we're broadly on track in helprig the Iraqi people
oel to the foenerall
" ," . .
,electionsat the end ofnext vear' Armv Gen,
George Casey, commander cf Multi-NationalForce-Iraq,sad in a
confeeme-11 with m,lkary malysts.W

Bittalion's IRRs ReadilvA m r Call to Duty

CAMP ATTERBURY, Ind. Dec 14 -Like thousancfeoffofTner active
duty soldiers,many soldiers row w i n g wth the 844th Engineer
Battalion(Combat Heavy) qol letters and telegramsorderingthem
b m to service Thev were amma more than 4 000 members of the
AMERICA SUPPORTS YOU Ind~vldualReady ~eserveenlisted soldiers and officers who had
service obligationsremaining after leaving the active Army or drlllng
Reserve who have been called back since (ast summer The Amy
I' hasmorethan 100 000such soldierson its rolls (siaai
Show Your Suoportfor the Troops www.americasiiDDortsvou.mil
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen, Myers Brief Pentagon Press Corps, Discuss Effortsin Iraq
' T I were to elevate a conceot, it is that t i e task forthe Coalit~on.forthe Uiitec Stales Danlcularlv. and uitimatelvforttm ImfD w l e . s to

1 have the Iraqi peoplelakeoverresponsibiiilyfor their own security, T h m f o r , ,oi.r principaljobis to work with the Iraqis sothat they
d e v e b the Gersistent presence of Irani SeciiriNforces in tnat a m t r v sfi hat tiere IS a OenalNfor the kind of behavior one sees wrth a
SJKX m c e r o r a ran?or r m e t c t r m a r G o nine c3- arc ^s in? i 0.r 33,. Oy'tdai i no! to ~ e nt mere d i n a pefsisten
' D'ence cf An", cars ?.el a s s a nei per00 o- 1n e De:a.se nst nas ¥rco .~e'proa-cl e aspect of :d creain:] md lona! targets
a t :ream a senseo"^CLoato" 2.1 ;oa s l  ¥ ^ e ~ aarc d m a l e an en. 'o"~?n: tna'a n?3~%0eIY lne raqis10 step fcnwaro a d do
1 LT n nas tne* new to oo 'ftms'T'ri sto'v
Secretary Donate h R-mskd
Pentagon P m Pnefng. Dec 22.2004

Sen. Richard 8. Myers, Chdnnan of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Pentagon Press Briefing, Dec. 22,2004

1 In the News Election Preoaration

Command in Iraa Releases s t a t i m i t onMosui ~ttack
WASHINGTON. Dec 22 - A preliminary ir~iasligatonirdicalasthat
the explosion at the U S Army dining facility at Forward Operating
Base Marez m Mosul on Dec 21 was lkely caused bv a makeshift
bomb worn by a suicide attacter,a written statemenifrom Mut6-
Nanonal F u c & q sa~d. m

~ c l a l s T w l ~ ' ~ l k e R ~ ~ h l BRelewlw
a l a ~ ~ h~ l na i n ~
WASHINGTON, Dec 20 U S officials are balancingIndividm not*.
aoainst the need to wotect American citbens in detemmina who to
release from custody In Guantanamo Bav. Cuba. 'This \s e"verv
difficult pccess we're in. We don't want b let people out who 411
m e back, fight and kill Arnericansor anyone else in the word,'
Navy Secretary Gordon England said at aPentagon press
inference. "At thesame time, we aretrying tostnka the nght
batam in terms ofthm nghts and t h r freedm5 " &@

Thunder recenUy i a k m d "0pe'"ationThunder Freedom,"The

operationincludes hunbng Taliban and a1 Qaedamititantstrough the
Atcra- wm' aid sapp r; tire r strenp a y e x 31 -e ee"t>ons~
, -
Trmicna flgnters A';m sian a, . o c.r ~ nq me rarsh mief
Secretary Rumsfeld Holidav Messme to the Troops
Gen Myers Holiday Messaae to the Trooos
mmns a m t o r e cam 0.1 sor'; n ina s i n y is'=
. . - ... ...- . --.-...
Secretary Rumsfeld 0i~cussesU.S.Military lnvotmwts, Expectations in DisasterAid
"It'sjust an amazing accomplishment. if you took at the front pages of many papers, you I1see pictures0fU.S. mliitarypersonnel rescuing people.
dellvenngfood and water, assisting with emergency medical types of assistance If you look around the world, the reason you see these pctures
of U S. militarypeopledoingit is becauseour country, our taxpayersare !heonesvhc'vemade theseinvBBtments and have these capabilities.
The'e aren't a lot of wuntres *ere the taxpayers have nvesed in tiose capabilities,thereforewhen an emergency comes, they look to the
. oroanizea
United States It's iust been a terrific wmounno and txilliantiv - . --
t v our Pacific Command forces "ftranscncti lstorvi
SecretaryDonrfd H, Rumfad
lnteroew on WTFKRadia,Jacksonutle,N.C., Jan.4.2004

Admhl Thomat Fimo,Commanderof U.$. Pacific Command, Brief) Preçon Militaw's Tsunami Relief Effortt
There's an important point that I'd like to reiterate. We seeour job as one of assistance Many organizations ..International, national,
governmental and nongovernmental have joined togethertohelp We'vecoordinatedclosely with the State Department and with USAID.and
we'rem support lo the host nation, wtids responsible for itscitizens...Allofus are working togetherto land a hand, mindful that we do so inn way
that meets the requestof our host governments, and wepin with many m provideassistanceand relief 11's hard for ustowmprehendthe
devastation sufferedbv so m a w And over the nexi dam week and months, well oush forward lo orovid?aid and comfort. resoondm0 , " wih lha
team of dMlcated w&es and organlzatlons,and well mtlnuously twrovi our em* as we go! lb'anmoti M O M
Admiral Thomas B. F a y
The Pentwon, Jan.4,2005

In the News
Mom Shim, Helkooten Arrtva to Aid Tsunami Victims
WASHINGTON Jan. 5 -Haw helicopterscontnueto a r t art tothmmnds of people tell
strugglingfor survivaldue to the earnquake-generatedtsunami that hit Irxian Ocean nations
f-om Indonesiato Somalia The helicopters- part of newly named OperationUnified
Assstance are deliveringsupohes to parts of the Inconesian province of Aceh, the Bpfeenter
for the disaster Aceh lost almost 100 000 people Dec, 26, and officials estimatethat more than
155 000 peopleAeti across the region U S Pacific Command officials stressad that the
affected nations t h e m d m are d~reangth8 rel~efoperabons M g )

help dispense fresh water to tsunakvictims in South A m Repair division Sailors have been
wo*lng around the clccklopmduceme ~n.hws-desgned mmfolds

AA% \GTC'h Jan. 5 - M.i.orah'ir.a fr-res a? genn('ww~r ar ÈnOin andloÈngbm

a m 'ne B q n m WM ~ - m Ma ) Ger Pfw r iare m a n w r o f 1st CavaQ
0 0snr.toki'epoien h e w c neo.eral vc-nt) s" a'on n Ba$Maa s m p r o v t > o o ~ e ~
m e n.telack;a'eI<e, ¥ w e i w n T I P O ~ Sear nr .cmscrao.ieoeecl-ons .$QM

11 Lincoln fill tugswilt purifiedwater from apolaote

watermani,olO Jan 4 2005 ,US Navyphotok
Seaman Jordan R Beesi0j)INaw ohotoa^lery
Tsumml Web W, - UJW
The M i t e House. Slate Depamim1, Fifsl&w.Gov
From the Podium
President Briefed at Pentawn, Praitet T m o m and Tsunami Relief Effom
.Cur rr .say is ma< r.g a s i n ficaitdifference .n om) d n i re ef an0 a d anc re3ana csmDassion fortnose who naves~tfered.
am very impressed...byhow quickty we have responded and theassets that you have & i d deployed to help these peop1e.M
there's a lot of talk about how some in the w d d don? appreciateAmenca, well, Ican assure you that those who have been helped by
our military appreciateAmenca." f t r a n ~ r i ~(stor$
PresidentGeo~geW. Bush
The Pentagon. Jan. 13,2M5

%wa~R~msfeld-Sap-EnUe ClvIli7ed Wcfld Ha$ Sake In lraal Eldo118

'On ,an,ary 30tn me ~ a q sv. 1 fn.' .y nate anopmrl-r ty ^o c n m e r h f~n n i m d e m p a n a B takecnqw d I h e r o m h.m "nils
r Coa .Ir n s grai - sn -aq r-I oy Iraq s an6 sec-reo by raci s e c q forces. Tne raq peope and their ntenm
has ~ e e me
government are ma< nq progress nlhat c region a !no-gn mere is s' a d stsnce lo go The ertire c r i zet'won0 nas a stmein
tnese o ocnons Fo ow ng ne e e m n s n Atananismi a m [he e ectcns recent v n the Palest nan A-itticntv tne raa vote w l l mart
still amthef s m m s fordemrecy and a d i k a t forthe prodiclabrshlp and e&mist elements in that reg&! f m n m p t l f*]
Secretary Donald H. R-imsfeM
The pentagon Jan 11,2005
Tsunami Aid In the News
Guard General Saw Stem Now Will PreventFutureCriite
WASHINGTON, Jan 13- The United Slates "should nevergoto
war wilhout itsNationalGuad" the chiefofthe National Guard
Bureau said during an inteivew on CNVs'AmeTCan Mornng."
Whitestressing that he supportsthe National Guard's key nlein
U.S militaryopa-ations, Amy Ll. Gen. H Steven Bium said during
CNN interviews aired today and Jan 12 that it's cntical poltical
and militaryleaders take measures now to ensure the Guard is
manned, trained acd equ~poedto keep up its cumnt pace

Jan. 30 Election a 'High Stakw' E m for Iraq

BAGHDAD, Iraq,Jan. 12 -Troopsfrom MultinationalF o m e l w
are wording toensure every Iraqi who wants to vote has the
A Lamng CraftMrC~$-ionca ucm,assigned lo L X BO~iimUi: chance to do so in the Jan 30 election. The election is 'a high
RICHARD (LdD3i unioa0humanman relefs~pplk'iinmectyof stakes' event lor the Iraqi people and forthe Coalition, said a
Meulchh, onthe IslandofSiimgifa,inoonesia,onJail 10.20C5 The senior MNFI official 'This is the first democraticelection sincethe
supples areOesdned for citizens affecld by me Dec 26,2004 IndianOcean
Ismami The'JSSBonhommeRicharnExpeditionaryStrikeGroupis state of Iraq was established in 1928," said the official. 'I guess
r d y q e r m n g in the IndianOcean off tne coasts of Indonesia and you could really say it's the first election in this part of Iraq n 5.000
Thailsnd ~dppartngOperationUnifiedAssistar.:e (PhotograplidsMate 1st years.'M
ClassBanA Bauer,U S Navy)
ReconstructionIn Iraa Movlna Forward at Steady CIIQ
WASHINGTON, Jan 12- Security and reconstructiongo hand In
Links hand and are equally critical to Iraq's future, the commander of the
Department of Defense tsunami relief web w e Army Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division told reporters in
Support the Troops: www americasu~portsvou.mil Baghdad 'You need a secore environmentto do reconstnct'on,'
U S Military Suooort to the Inauquration said Army Brio, Gen, ThomasBostick, 'But you also need
U.S. Military Freedom's Ambassadors (slide show) reconstructionto have a secure environment,' MuitinationatForce
Iraq,the U.S. government and the interim irqigovernmentare
Web Watch DoD web site links wrking together to ensure s u m s on b t h f m t s
From the Podium
h s l d e n t Pralses M 1 . a ~Curlna l n a ~ a ~ rCelebrarion
" n tnese!o:)ears ^e n a e m%eI lotuarc as a p?me We
have faced challenges We have faced them together. And we've
taken uoserious tasks at home. as well as abroad We have
grew in apprec.a'.o" for 0-r 'reeocn a^o we late g m m n
aporecabon 'or Ire men aia mnPI #no cefeno t At ins very
n0i.r rrm Inan a m on cf 0'r IP ow en zers are w n f l ng watch
for Amenca. We are grateful lo them ail And we are grateful to
their families We orav for ourboos: we m v fortheirfamilies.'
(COD s ~ i i alnamuraimb
i pagei
Presdent Beep W. Bush
Celebration of Freedom Concert, The Ellipse
Washington, D.C Jan. 19.21)M
'~^ti"gim,oC Jan 9,
Deputy Secretary WolfowltzVlslts Indonesia. Discusses Aid 201'5 3efense Depi, (U 3 raw Peuy Officer 2nd C . m Max 0 Sonaid)
W e intend to do evewihina we can to fill the need as lono as
there is need for our ceoolfi For examnic~. lame
e~ numb&
- -- - -
nelcootm are reqJ'ed ' Bi~tI repeat ins! in r < me ai '*eeo TO In the News
cc<a1r s 11 terms of hm to f Ia reeo that s us! ndescnbabte
from a humanitanan pomt of iew.,,' [transcript) (stowl
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Woiiowte, Jan. 16 Rumfeld: I n o l Elections Will Procwd a i Planned
WASn.hG-ON Jar 21 - M e n s t Secretary Conalo
'And we would like to emhasize that March26"' is no! a deadline Rumsfeld dismissed speculationmat me Iraqi elections
f a involvementofforeion military wnionnel in #vi &f.... affnrt rt k. 'won't happen' orwill bÂdelayed beyond Jan. 30 duringan
a bencnmarvfor n e noonas an &ernmew to improve and inaugural ball here Jan 20 honoring troops wounded in Iraq
aaeerate 's reref eforts so .nat q March Itw 267 t w large part and Afghan~stan.& t g j
of the burden of the relief effort will be earned by the Indonesian
Governmentand the Indonesian authorities on the ground, Training and Eouiooina IruiForcat
Foreign military assistance, foreign military operations providing WSoL raq .an 21 -~:s'i<eo~Idigmarpamw~te
YOJ w a l r ~ a r i yn flnhf s h r w o n ~
ntfica at Mutinatonal
relidand rehabilitation will beallowed to continue albeit m a
reduced scale ' (Do0 tsunami web oaoel &urity rans sit ion Command Iraq describes buildingthe
Minister of DefenseJ u m Sudarsono, Jan 16 Iraoi
, .
security forces The command isresDmlble fortralnim
ana equop-ig tnc raq m y an0 me rac poi ce Tne
Coa 'on tormM Ifo bwnq ne 31sapponlr g snowing of me
Iraqi security forces during radical cleric Muqtada a l - W t s
uorisina in ApnI, U.S. Amy Lt. Gen David Petraeus is(he

Poll Finds Iraqis Overwhelmlnalv Favor Elections

BAGHDAD raq, .an. ¥- As Coa.boi ano .raq forces
con1r ~ loe K and c a v ~ r em.wits benl on os'uctng or
preventingIraq's national assembly election, a new poll
shows Iraqis overwhelmingtybelieve it's important forthem to
cast their ballots Jan 30 Accordina to a oublic o~inion
M w s o l H i e Ceorga Bndgei-idfi;and h m .owdes High Scoal n Valdosla
sme! o" raq m e n in ear! -an>& ino;~ n a i 93 percentof
Ga cam an'AmericaSii~oortsYoi.'bamera~tbwmar-h 10 the , ~ , m w a , .rqisce eke Is mpoiart to w e n tne e m a n A tola of
82 9 percent sa a Iwas 'very rpo'tant " an0 S 4 percent
said it was "sonewhat nnportant." W
From the Podium

President Praises Election Effort8

'I am impressed by the bravery of the Iraqi citizens. I am heartened by the strong words of Prime Minister Allawi. 1talked to him
yesterday on the phone He is determined to lead his country forward into the elections, I appreciate the hard work of the United
Nations, v h c h is pmvidiy g c d leadership on thegmund. AIKI i ankipteagrand m n t ~nlkaq h~stov.'~ t r a n m i ~ t ) k t o ~
President George W, Bush
PressConferenceat the White House, Jan. 28.21X5

Gen_AbinldSaysJnsumenls Will Conllnue to Roht Against a New Futurefor Iraq

. ft nk mat we a Ineed to moefiiand ma' n raq m a y ma- w a t is mppening s rev0 m n a v In pol tical t m s We a m needm
tnoenwnd !naptne n me enemy fears me most n e th 1q trat people s.cn as Zarqaw am b n -aoen ana Zawanin 'cartre most
are free elections, elections that arethe result of afair processwherea new gowmment ischosenand a new future 1s taken. And so
we should anticipate that after the elections that the Deode that desire to derail the omcess of a new future for Im win continue to
fight and continueto fight hard, butthey're fighting uphill baffle because the ~ra~ikcuityforces, with ourbackik, will be
SWESS~U''(tX?SC&) ( s ~ M
Gen John Abizaid, Commander, U.S. Central Command
M i a Availability with Secrataly RurnsfM and San. John Warner, Capitol Hil, Jan. 28,2005

Getting Out the Vote In the News

h a Taking Stwf to Promote SecurHv During Elections
WASHINGTON,Jan 27, 2005 -The interim Iraqi government Is taking
active sleps to reduce the likelihoodof violence on election day white
eicouraana Iraais to vote. Iraa's minister of state for nationaleecunN told
Pentag& ripotters today during a videoconference from Baghdad. &im
Daoud sad several security measures will go intoeffectJar 28 and
continue through Jan. 31, the day after die elections.These nclude a
curfew, limitationson vehicle movement, restrictionson civilian trav"!
between provinces, increased vetide searches and a ban on carrying
~ ~ " S

DoDTsunami Relief Efforts InTransition

A b~iltoardai atraffic intersection n Bachdad reads, 'How we will
WASHINGTON,Jan. 27 -Department 0' Defense tsunami reiefefforts are
provide a better country for our kids7Election of the National
Assembly Ekc! Ireq ' An es!irnated four millionvoters iiw r and transltionhg to something different,'F'Peter Rodman, the assistant
arouwi the lraai capital city. The Iraqi natonal election is slated lor secretary o'defense for intematenalsecurity affairs, told a House
Jan. 30 2005 1U S Armv ohoto bv SDC Brian Schmederi subcommitteeJan 26 'A lot of whatthe U 3 DepartnentofDefense has
L provided may not be as necessary as it was. and we're in the processof
handingthis over," Rodman said 'The militaryheadquartersin Thai&,
* * * IRAQI ELECTIONS 2005 * * la-exam~tehas stood down' theone in Sri Lanka later this week 'he
said. "~fcourse,meeffort in Indonesia, because it's bqger, wil! continuea
little bit lower "Rodman called the overall levelof involvement's longer-
Wm rmnstmbon e f f o ! t ' m

BIrthlna Democracya Painful Proems

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Jan. 24 -The Iraq elsatons Jan. 30Wll rc4 be perfect
will not be nreltv"officials have sad and in that the" will havfi a lotin
common with (tie beatnnma of democracy in the united States The Jan
M election wll seteci 270 Iraqis tc be members of a nationalassefrbly,
wfilch will choosea president and twodeputy presidents. It will asoname
channel streams live 24 hours aday. a ptime minister and depalment flinsters.
From the Podium
President PiNQes Lnited S t a i n Will P u m e Terwistn Unti.Ihe FiaM Is Won
"0,i nato", ~ o r ing i wm a i -"; ?no 'renos na1; a so c n I w l = c 'ne wemy aofiaa *itn meas-re9 tnat are ctetennned. SJCCSSS~LI,
arm nr.l n, no -?e a Oaeaa terror newor< Ira! aracfted OL- caiirl'y st I has eaden twi rrany of ts top commanders have been
removed. ..There are still regimes seeking weapons of mass destruction but no longer wrthout attention and without consequence.
Our country is still the target of terrorists who want to kill many, and intimidate us all and we w\\ stay on the offens'ive against them,
untllthe fight is won."ftIanscn~tll s t o d
President Geowe W. Bush
Stale of the Union Aodress, The Capitol, Feb. 2,2005

Secretary RumsfeldD'acusses Futureof Iraq

"The aoal is to have a secure environment, and the aoal is to have the hais omvide the secureenvironment. not us and not the

Secretory Donald H Rumsfeld

The Pentagon, Feb.3,2005

In The News
wj sacurnF ~ $ T Q AJ r w w!mmafinP
WASHINGTON, Feh 3 -'The Coalition mustfocus ourefforts on reaching tiepoint
where we car shin our mission to fichtlnq thecounterinsurgencyounelvesto

&t%&en&~al be&ea&,zof discussiondurik ttie ?eiateArmed Services

Committee nearing Myerssaidmat the training process ismomno along t s t ~ ~ l

Pentagon. UnateSç Doubling Of GI. SUN NO^' Bantit

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1- Penlagon leaden ard Capitol Hill l e g i s l a t o m w w t t o ~
the w e m w n t oea'n neie'itfo' fan es of fe er sen ce n e n m oy about S250 000
If erared tie pioaoseoc w q e essen'al i ff>- 1oa-cle Tie 3262 000 no* ava me
to fan es c' s w c e memen % ec n &a1w cwauons ,sWi

Quadrennld Defense Reviewto Reflect Uncertain Environment

Secretary's Messaae to the Troops WASHINGTON. Feb 3 .The 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review i l l reflecttie main
On h u a w 30th in Iraq, be worid witnessed an that potentialthreats against the Un'ted States reman uncertain and% lust cant
Important moment in Ihe global struggle agalnsi predict, like we could dunng the Cold War, of what it is we've got to face," Ryan Henry.
tyranny, a moment Ihat historians might one day
m a wp.7 i-noer sec-etary of ceiense h-f po m ma-emmnalme nenBoe
call a maor luring point America's men and Fc~iicanmhen') is amoq lne ser 0,le'ense pa cf expens *cmnQ on n e ?lC5
women in uniform, who were instrumentalin the ODR a to'ma re. eAiol Do0 strategy liars c3n:.c*eoeVery'oi. years Tre reflews
liberation of J r q , were there I witness th~s
sat- k ~ m w u o m n w t w r e c Feor aq w
moment as well (read letter!
I r a Begins
~ Next Phase of Plan Aftar Suecissf111Election
BAGHDAD,Iraq, Jan. 31 - B Yany measure,the Jan 30 Iraqi electiomfar anabonal
assembly were a success. Membersof me Independent ElectoralComrmssionfor Iraq
From t h e Podium
Sffiretaw Rumsfeld Addresses the 41st Munich Conference On European Security Policy
'NATO has a great deal of energy and vitality. It tsdoingthings that aresignificant. Just only a few years aqo, people would not have
dreamed that NATO would be involved in places like Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan to the extentthey are. 1 believethey are
undertaking the kind of reforms to bring that institution into ffie 2tacentury -which it needs to do, just as all our respective ministries
and bureaucraciesneed to do. The place to discuss transatlantic issues, clearty, is in NATO. And we do it bilaterally, which is
important; we do it multilaterally,which is important The advantaaes of doing thims within NATO is that we have countries there that
have such common interests and such common approaches to (tie world and are able to do it together and in front of each other in a
very efic&nt way: ftranscriml (smry)
Secretary Donald H. RumsfeM
Munch, Germany, Feb. 12,2005
Secretary Rumsfeld Testifies on N2006 Budoet Before the House Armed Services Committee
"After more than three Years of confl!Rt, two central realitisof this war are m e clear. The first is that the sinmote cannot be won bv
military means alone. The Defense Department must continue to work with othergovernment agencies to su&essfully employ all '
instruments of national power. A second reality of the new era is that the United Stales cant win thisglobal struggle atone dearly,
it will takecooperation among a great many nations tostop weapons proliferation, for example. It takes agreat many nations working
togetherto locate anddismantle global extremist cells It takes a great many nationsto gather and share the intelligence that'scrucial
to stopping future attacks." (opening statement as orepared]
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfsid
Opening Statement before the House Armed Services Committee, Feb. 16,2005

In the News
Ahlzald: War on Terror Renuire* Patience. Parswarsncb
DOHA, Qatar, Feb 17 -The elections in Iraq were a significant
accomplishment for the citizensofthat nation, and Iraqi farces hwe
cone a .one "8, 0-1 ine rai p 0 3 e ieeo ne 'xifi n. nr neb d
Ccaron f w z s t o m o a t irefircpscte~trpmsmm r i n$ tore
r n m m w d s S n r a b m m c km: &n .omt<.zaa &QJ

MIIftarvStressed.But Abto toExecm Strateav, Mvem Saw

WASHINGTON,Feb 16- Despitestressesandstrainsontheforce, the
chairman of the Joint Chiefsof Staff told members of the House Armed
ServcesCommittee that tieAmerican military remains able to execute
America's national military strategy "We are now in ourfourth yearof
sustained combat operations,"Air Force Gen, Richard B Myers said.
'We are sfil a nation at war Ou- servicemen and women continiift to
performsuperbly under conditions of significantstress and in the face of
mvnad challermes, Thev stand read" to mtect the United States.
pivent conftiand suhnse attack,andprevaii against adversaries!
1 Links
Soeclal Reoort: Freedom to Vote. IraoiElections2005 Bush Sends Sumlemental Budget Reaueat to Congress
m; Photo Esam and Arch~ve -
WASHINGTON Feb. 15,2005 PresKlent Bush ryeslea almoitS90
blllm t o m Conorss 10 mv brtiem.omo w.z on temrism md Mhs
erneraencv measures The Whits ~ o u ; submittedthe reouest to
Con&esskeb 14 Defense Seoetary Donald H Rumsfeld sad Ills
importantto view the suvnlementalreouestand thefiscal 2006 Defense
BJCOCI?eq.es!ioqemer 1'-e %vveier!a f.nos'ne",roe'w & m t
Support tie troow- www amencasuvoortsvou.mi . -.
m n a i "ne 20%'eq.est a sins T wry o f i m s tc pan *or nelonq-
tern w p a ~ l i e so ' w S 'w m, n%to%D OAC~IJ
From the Podium
President Praises Troops Durlna V sit 10 fflesbaden
'The sacifces yo. nave mice *
crarge tnc wont 'ordecades to
come B) f o r l i g termnits n pa-^sne Bacroaa arc) &ma a and
Tiknt, you are making sure we do not face those enemies at home By
hetomo caDtive Deootesoain meir freedom. vou have made a cntcai
c o n t n h o n 1 0 W n sto{cf b e q An5 m i r r e a n s me work; w oe
more peace'.. ,an0 ciir :n oren ar: qrgnocn d-en w l oe more
secure. Your success issending a clear message throughout the
Middle East, that the only force powerful enough to stop the rise of

&ad& " itrenscnotl ist&

tvrannv and terror, and replace hatred with hone.. is the force of human

President George W. Bush

Wiesbaden Army Airfield Base, Germany, Feb 23,2005 h sfe'lw Marines anasators by pfes¡ntm the wrea'.? d.if.fqths
ceremony Feb 19,2&Cj, lomark the 30t? annversary of the baffle
The bronzemonurnenl#as modeledafter the famous pnoloby "oe
Rosonthafof the flag rasingon Moun: Snbachi Inscibed01 the

I In the News
Iraal Elections Ended any Insument LwMmacv, ttym Ssn
base is the Inhte of Fleet Adm. CnestefW Nimitz to thefighting
m on l i o Jima, "Uncommonvalorwas a common virtue' lU S.
Navy photo by 11, Crndi. Jane Campbell J 'irk lo two Jima web
1 HUTCHISONKan.,Feb. 24-The Jan 30 elections in Iraq'putan end many
mwal teaibmacy the insuroentsrnav have had" Gen Richard B Myers said
duringaiews conferencehere ~ e s a i dthe terror tactics the insurgentsuse

agalnsi Innocents already had proven their lam of moral worth, but the
elections in which 58 percent of eligible Iraqis voted -showed they had no

, following in the country either "The Iraqis voted, and mey sad'No'to
mtotwmm, md they se.8 'W to ~ e m ayd 'w to m: hemd
1 mliterv history to be returned to a dangerous command (storvl 1
1 Ablldd Contrasts Situations In I r i . Afghanbun
WASHINGTON, Feb 23 Havingvisited both Iraq and Afahanlatanduring
the past couple of weeks, Army Gen John Abtzaid saki there are both AFRICAN AMERICANS IN THE US. ARMY
similanies and differencesin Bie curent sltuabon in both countries."In Iraq
and Gfghanistan,cultures are different,histories are different In many ways Tnmgrion m m i n story b n me Battie of Leanotonm
mereare more d'fferencesabout it Uian there aresimilarities," Abizaidsaid me b i t e for Faw an o m soiaiersfiae nmmoly
He said me countries are both "develooino a morass of oolitical rehiilldim
1 and restructuring01constitutionaland r e i r e s e n t a t i v e ~ o v e r n m e n t * ~ distinction In Americas armed forces DuringFebruary, the
Army celebratesand pays tribute to African-American soldiers

1 Bush Calls Em-American Alliance Main Pillar of Security

WASHINGTON, Feb. 2' -In his first kipab'oad of his second terminoffice,
and recognizes me importantcontributionsmey havemade i~
past wars and arecontinuing to make today in fte Global War
on Terrorism (link tospecial Army web~aoe)

- --"-- - - William Gamey-First African-AmericanCongressional

1 manvin Eurooe havenotirwid with~Rfivainn~oolic~.Bijt w. added for Medal of Honor recipisnt
I the sakeof oeace in theworid ~mencaarid~u;oDe mustnotforoetlhen -
Cathay Williams FirstAfrican-Americanfernate to artist in

I shared briiifs "Our strong inendship isessentialto peace ana prosperity

acrosstheglwe, arid no tempomy debate, no passlig disagreementof
govemmenls no power on earth will evsr d~mdeus,' he said.

Australia @SendMore Troops to Iraq

the U S. Army
Benjamin 0. Davts, Sr Frst Afncan-Anerican general

WASHINGTON, Fet 23 -Noting mat Iraq is at "a tiWng point," Australian

Rime Minister John Howwd announcedolans to send1a 450-memberlask
group to (Me southern IraqtprovinceofMuthannato prowiesecurityfo(
Japanese engneemand to Iran kaq~smnv t m m me p m c e 0 Support the troops - www.ainen'casu~oortsvou.mil
From the Podium

W a r f WoWowl~Outiines DewrhnenCs Budael Rmuesj

m3 Presioer: nas reoiiested £41 3 o .o'- n a screociay ruaq+taJthontyforDepam of Defense a 4 8 percentmcrease
from FY 2005 Combneo Aim me s x e e n e r t a t r s r w ~ e snc
l messuffcent fund no m s ~ s t a the
n Pres.&nl'sp&es to defeat
global terrorism, restructure America's armed forces and global defense posture, develop and field advanced war fiahtiw
. .capabilities.
and pmwde frxthe needs of our forces '' (statement) klo&) ( s b M
kputy Secretary of Defsnso Paul WoltMilz
Senate Budget Committee, Capitol Hill, March 1, 20C5

Secretary Tech Testifies Before Senate Budget Committee

"As th'i cent~rydrfo 3s lecnm oq ca i n o ~ a t o si acceeratw at an .nDreca).?ntea w c e O ~ r c h a i e m eis to~ulcklvrnnvert
laboratory ideas into battlefield effects. This entails more than creatino newweanonss~tems:itmeans&ohnoa d e k o m e n t a l
cuItute tiat IS inherently ag~leand respawe, enabling d a t e o f - t b ~ ~ h n o l i i e s b ' r e x hbaulefed
h n; &Itime:-
Acting Secretary of the Air Force Peter Teets
Senate Armed Services Committee, Capitol Hill, March 3,2005

AnnvMisses RecruitingGoal. Ralsei Enlistment Bonuses

WASHINGTON, March 3 -The Army "is a pi-iculariy stressed W a n d officials ara studying
ways toincreaserecruibng. Pentagon spokesman Lany Di Ritasaid.The Army missed Its
February recruitinggoafs for the active duty, Guard and Reserve forces, It was the first time the
service missed recruiting goals in five years. In February,the active Army'sgoal was 7,050 new
recruits, and the service fell short by 1.900, Allother services made recruitingpak, Do0 officials

Do0 Works to Ihnorove Cam. TranirtionforwoundedTroom

WASHINGTON. March 3 -The military'sgoal is to provide wfld-&sscarefrom injury on the
battlefieldthrough its stateside medicalfacilities, a top Army medicalofficial said. Maj. GOT.
.bseph Webb Jr , the Army's deputy surgeon general and chief of staff ofds medicalcommand,
testifiedwth sixother militaryofficials before the House Armed ServicesCommittee's
% k m m ~ t t e e mm6htary personnel

NATO Rwoonn Force Will TransformAlliance. Jones Saw

WASHINGTON, March 1 -The mtroductionof NATO's response force In 2006 will transform the
alliance and helpit to better confront21st centurychaleriges,the U.S. military'stopofficer in
Europe told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee Deploying NATOforces outside

20,000th Afnhanistan NationalArmv Soldier GraduatesfromKMTC

CAMP PHOENIX, KABUL, Afghanistan(ArmyNews Service March2, 2005)-February 27
marked tit graduation of the 20.000B soklier to train at the Kabul Mllitan Traininge n t e r The
AfghanlslanNational Army's first kandaK, or ballahon,graduatedJuly 23, 2002, and lassthan
three yean later the ANA has grow tnb a f w e of m thm 20,000 ANA rnldlers

Irea Refers First Case Involvinn Saddam Officials for Trial

WASHINGTON, March 1-Iraq's new court system ismovingforwardon proseculingfive men
From the Podium
President Bush Discusses the War on Terror
"In three and a half vears tbe Unit& States and oiirailipfi have wafted a mmoaian of olohat scale -from themountainsof
Afglar stan n me ~ o d e rr q o i s c' Pa6 star 10 me rfom ol ~ l r c a t the
o s'ancs of me Fn ,cp i e s to the plains of Norm Central
Iraq T i e a Qaeaa 1e-a n e M m mat aremeo our cwnQ st- nas leaders but man, cf its to? mmancers nave been removed
There are still governments that sponsor and harbor terrorists, but their number has declined. There are still regimes seeking
weapons of mass destruction but no longer wrthout attention and without consequence. Our country is still the target of terrorists
w h wantto killmany, and intimidate us all. We MI1 stay on the okns~veagainstk m , until the fqht is wn.'ltranscriotl ~ S t o r v I ~ s ~ N ~
PresidentGeorge W. Bush
Natenal Defense University Fort Lesley J. McNair
Washington, March8, 2005

Gen, Casev Briefs Pentanon Press Corps on Progress in Iraa

"(Iraqi Security Forces) ...continue to get stronger every day. And the election success was a great boost not only to their own sell-
confidence, but also to the Iraqi people's confidence in them. Today we have just over 140,000 trained and equipped Iraqi security
forces -- about 80,000 in the Ministryof Interior and about 60,000 in the Ministry of Defense ,.. We will continue to build Iraqi diiisions
and brigades that are capable of independent counterinsurgency operations, so that the Iraqi armed forces themsetves can take the
teading role in fighting the insurgency, and the Coalition forcescan move t o a supporting role. That will be our main effort here aver
the course of this year:[transcnDt) (stowl
Gen. George W. Casey Jr.
CommandingGeneral, Mufti-National ForceIraq
The Pentagon, March 8,2005

1 In the News

1 Admiral l i s u n Renoit 'No ~ o l i c ycondoned ~ & r i . ~ b u s e '

WASWINGTON,March 10- The latestreview of detentionoperationshasfound "no
m l i ~ ~ m a t c o n ~ ~ e r e d o r o o ntorhxe:
d o n ~ se~dthe $lTGeraoooinMlaledthe
&&ation. Vice Adm. Alben T. Church Ill, director of the Navy staff, alsosaid he
found no policy "thatcondoned or in any way encouraged abse of detainee3,'TThe
admiral said the investigationdid find inconsistencies with regard to t k
development, prmulgaiion and disemnabon of [fitarrqahon techniques These
techniques 'migrated" from Naval Station Guantanamo Bay,Cubs, to Afghanistan, to
Iraq, he m d m & y j l C h u r c + R m f i f i ~ d ~ n o s ~

Team to Conduct In~ulryInto CheckpointShooting

WASHINGTON,March 8 - U.S Army Bng Gen Peter Vanglel will Had a
MultinationalCorps Iraq team to investigatethe March 4 Incident on a Baghdadroad driven by'FromRow"JceNemeOiek lmv wna pawl
thatlefl Italian security specialist N~colaCaliparidead and Italianjournalkt Gulliana kq@!m
arm w n d d MultinationalForce Iraq annwnced

.S. Military Fwtorint In Eurooe Chanalna to We

WASHINGTON, March 8 -The U S militaryfootprint in Europe is changingas

commander Europe sald In an intervew Marine Corps Gen James Jones sald that
the 20th century military philosophyL~almassequalscommitment is nottruein the
21stcentury. "lt'snot thesize ofthe force you have, its Wat you areabktodo with
it that's important"Jones said He saidthe bordersof the allonce are harder to
define, and the alliancehas moved away from the "defensivecroucti" it maintained
agalnsttm Saw1 Unlon l%!cgJ
1 commander
of S
U Forces
. nut hnw thp
..laid- .- . - . .- llniiod
ArmyGen Leon
- . .- - - - .- - .
Staff";.and th^ 1
1 1 ioi!i. 1

2ep.oc c'<ok-a are w r n q 13 c.I n e caMDiBues

I Swport ire Troops - wwv AmencaS~wonsVounu horn <?tea" w r e s OP :vop. i n u
From the Podium

Positive Signs in Iraqi Security Forces Development. President Tells Wnite House Press Corps
Inn< hnai p~re gang tofnd s ratco-rtres ir. l o e ,/i ng - a n x c J s i o a e t o ~ ~ u n er an q s r a e ~ f t n e w p a c i t ytodefend
tnemse w s Ana ma's n e w s i or of e;t ..-lei States Ojr r o o m u !I cone iome k e n raq is capabe of defend ng nerse i One
of me ssiies r lems of Iraq loops ce ng a w to owend me r country s me ao MO Sam LP cn2 ns of commano tnmit lve shared
this with you before, and ifs stili an issue that they're working on.There's officer training schools, plus the ability for a command to go
from a civilian government to a military chain of mmmand, down to the lower ranks of troops And there's positive signs that h a w -
taken plme in the development of fie Iraq munly fones, and tkre's still work to LE d m e Our allhes understand thatm&gr&&

President Geage W. Bush

The White House,Marcti 16,20(15

Ideoloaical Fiflht Kev to Victory in War on Terrorism, Assistant Secretary Paul McHale Tells Congress
"A successful defense of the United Slates homeland is the oreeminent reaulrement of the Global War on Terrorism. There is no
* h e game ' Tnere s no away game ' Ae are engaged i i a gcbal conflcl Ant nthai c oba m f l c l medefenseof the L S
home an0 s me veemineri o.ty Tre n a n e enerts 31 the L S srateqy in tne gboal #at on l e m n s n a'e (1) protect 4the
homeland; (2) disrupting and attacking terrorist networksaand (3) countering ideological support for terrorism. The third the -
ideological fiaht - w w as the key t o ~ c b r y " [ s ~ e m e n t ) ~ s i o M
Assistant Secretary of Defensefor Homeland Defense Paul H a t e
House Armed Services Subcommittee on Terrorism, UnconventionalThreats and Capabilities
Capitol Hill. March 15, 2005

In the News
PreaUmt to Nominate W o l W lo Head World Bank
WASHINGTON,Mzctlt6,2005- Deputy Defense Seiretq Paul
WotfowifrisPresident Bush'schaiceto head tie World Rank. Bush
rweated h(s demon a1 a hhte House news c o n f e r e m
Statement) fRums^eldStatement1WoIfmtzStatement)(story)

CENTCOM Officials Cite P r o n ~to

t Iraa Succew
MACDILLAIR FORGE BASE, Fla. March 15-Continuedprogressin
Irao reauires a four-oronoedanDmach lhat win create conditions where

WASHINGTON, March 14-ESPNmrn andTeamESPN, tie

corporateoulreachprogram of ESPN, inc, havejoined 000's
From the Podium
Secretary Riirnsfeld DISCLSS~I ProarnS In Iraq on Two-Year OIF Anniversary
n raq r s oeer Wc yeare s i c s r e bee nr no a'me corfici -ne 30 1" ss.aton s movina a ono we1 Thev n m a succesfful
lust seated their ons st if& ~siemblv.Tkv'll Le
election. ~ h e v
m i s t t~tionTie econcmc sr.aicrts m p m na
". .
! draffinn a constitution sivinthan k i n a ofinnle urder that new
~ n 'at\ steaody l i e re!-gees are :en.rning ncspfa s ana scncds areopen Tne
STOCKmarnetsopen Peoce are west nq Tne mlnar\ s t a r on has been mpro. ng as wed Tre ms-qenq is sit dflc-t People
are yf be ng acac<eo an0 < ed by tro Zarqam reiworn a w the forme' rec n e eenents . me Saodam hussen elenents Bnme
lraai Secunty Forces now number some 145.000 and they're doin0 a aood rob ofworkin0 with us to deal wi!h theinsuroencv.
ho?e an0 expectat on is that we w' be ao'e to con1 rue to pass o f & a& no'e res'Mns.08 r/ to in0 raq Sec-nry Fotes mc tne

Gaa ton at Inat po 01 m 0 t e an e r k ao.Aed a-m sow of +ern wile? njed ' pns-c gcr~,
Secretary Donald H R.msWd
Media staneo-rt fol owng appearance on ARC'S'This Week'
Aasn ngwi D C March 20.2C05

Secretary of the Annv Francis J. H a w w Discusses Armv Reccuitina and Retention Goals
"Retention is exceeding all our goals ... it's over 100 percent in the Active; it's near 100 percent in both the Reserves and the Guard.
So, retention-wise,we're doing quite well Statistics show particularly for units that have deployed to theater, the retention is actually
higher than goal So that's a good news story. In terms of recruiting, the active component, through Febnialy, k at 94 percent of the
goal, the year-lo-date goal, the ReSeNf5 is at 90, and the National Guard's at 75. So, obviously, I'm concerned about the National
Guard.I am cautiously optimistic about the Reserve and the Active component. But we are. , taking a number ofsteps toensure that
we make our goak ...We are increasingthe number of recrwters across the board; we've increased that by 33 percent. We've
increased the incentivesacross the board. And we're really doing everything that we know how to do in order to meet our goak I f s
March I'm, cleariy, not going to give up. At this stage we still havesix months to go," (transcript! lstorvl
Secretary of the Army Francis J. Harvey
The Pentagon, March 23.2005

In the News
R U M State Strmalhenlnu Of U S,-Latin American T i e
BUENOSAIRES, Argentina. March 22- Defense SecretaryDonald
H. Rumsfeld arrived here at the Aqenbne capital city March 21,
kicking off a fourday Latin-American tnp The secretarywill seek to
strengthen the U S.bilateral defense relationshipwith Argentina,
acmdmg to senior defenseofficials, as well as solicifyrelabonships
with Brazi! and Guaternaia,which Rumsfeld 1s also slated to visit
between nw and March 24

General Explains New Defense Department Sexual Assault Policy

WASHINGTON, March 22- The new aunelines for reDortrra
incidentsof sexual assault within the ilitary create, for the first time,
department-wide standard that wit1 both provide victims with the

Hornd Alrici General Dtscrfbes'Rwional Approach to SBblllg

WASHINGTON, March 23-As stabilityand security hmase in
Afghanistan and Iraq. terrorists will took for other places where they
From the Podium

Iran s,Not the Coalition, Will Defiat Insuroencv, Secretary Rumsfeld Savs
" i n n i rt cetanty s -easoiaoe to sa, t w t t i e C m t on sno'qanq '3 oelfat t k tnsuwncv The ^30 p e w 6 will moderate the
insurgency and eventually defeat it, Insuroencles eventuallvend one wav or another but ckadv in this instance it strikes me that It
will be the Iraqi people who will have to do this. And they'll do it becauseof progress in the polit'cal area, which teqiiimizas the
government and de-legitimizes the people opposing the government. It will happen because of economic progress, and fewerpmple
will be attracted to it becauseof that It will be defeated becauseof the successof the Iraqi security forces as they develop skill sets
and are better equipped and have much betteratuationai awareness than Coalition forces would, for example They knowthe
language;their relatives live In those areas; they have a desire to live in a peaceful environment. So it will be all of those things over
time that ~4do it, but it will baAcally be the Iraqi p e o ~ e . ' f ~ n s ~ p ~ ~ l s t o w l
Secretary Donald H,Rurosfeld
Interview with Steve Inskeepof NPR
.- - .- -
Mawh M 9 m - - --
Combatant Status Review Tribunals for All Detainees at GTMO Complete, Secretary England Savs
'TteConoatam Sm:& Review "n:.iais tor a of me C30oelanees at G~ania-an0are com~leteo Tne oass ddetain f ~ a
captured enemy combatants is notlo punish but, rather, to prevent themfromcontinuing tofighl againstthe United Stales &its
Coalition partners in theongoing global war on terrorism. Detention of captured enemy mmbatants is both allowed and accepted
under international law of armed conflict ... We have completed a total of 558 of the Combatantstatus Review Tribunals ... The
tribunals also concluded that 38 detainees were found to no longer meet the critena to bedesgnated asenemy combatants .. The
Departmentof State has been notified of d l of these determinations, and State is coordinating the return of the 38 non- enemy-
combatantsto their home counine" f m n s m t l f s f o ~ l
Secretary of the Navy Gordon England
Press Briefing on Combatant Status Review Tribunals
The Pentagon, March 29,2005

In the News
I Medal of Honor
PresKient Georp W. Bush wfll present
the first Medal of Honor to be awarded
dunng the Glob4 War on Ten-or to the
family of Sgt 1st aaai Piul R. Smith
atthe White House onApril4,2005.
the second anniversary of SmiWs
courageous actions during ttie Battle
of BaghdadAirpor.

Sgt I"Class Smllh prewnted Ihe enemy from overtaking

his units position,protectedIns Task Force's flank, and
defended the livesof more than 100 soldiers,acmrding to
his award citabon.Hisfamily remembered that as far oack

The Medal of Honors we Baton's

reportersat a Pentagon news conference To hi~hlichtIkse initiatives and to h~heslrnsd8ltevdorin combat
create a forum to foster additionalparticipationand support, Rumsfeusaid. thal can be awarded to members 01
DoD recentlylaunchedthe"AmericaSupportsYou'web site. On March31,he thearmedforces.
nored, Enid, Okla., will bemme the first U.S. city toactoplanArmy brigade and [ A w wab lAbulel&&)@&)
an Au Forcesqua&on as panof the Amma %pprts You prqram &)j
From the Podium
Prcsldent Bush Awards First Medal of Honor in Global War on Terror
Â¥Om s oay iwo yea's ago SeTea-it Smin 3 a e r.s a 10-h s men = ~ days e ater. Bagndao fel. an0 me Iraqi people*
1'oeraied Ano today w b e s i 3 ~.Don Sewant Sm.1" r e first Medal 0' nonor n lne war on !ermr me's also tne finlto k awarded
I this new ~ e d aofl Honor nao. authorized bv the United States Conores We count ourselves blessed to have soldiers like Semeant
1 .
Smim rtfto put me r VOT c i n e n? to ac-aice the c a s e of k e c b and omeci itie Amencar people ae every one of me &n -
and ^omen in un  ¥ o wno nave se'veo n Cpear.cn raq Freedom Setqeant Paul Srr in was a wo iinlwar Ae inma n s fam-ly f a
tne falner tJsbar-1 and son and bmmer #no can n e e r be redace0 We reca witn ap3rec at on I r e 14 ow so I P-S mose ves he
saved, and the many more he inspired And we express our gratitude for a new generation of Americans, every bit as selfless and
dedicatedl o liberty as any that has gone on before -- a dedication exemplilied by the sacrifice and valor of Sergeant First Class Paul
Ray Smith " W t e House c e m o n transcriul)
~ -(Pentawn c e r e m n ~tmnscmt) (stowl MOM
President George W, Bush
The White House, April4,2005

11 D Secrets Wolfowi Thanks Veterans for Serviceto Their Coun

' I Y ~ I Othank i o f v o u sekemefnkrs for "cur serv~mto ourmunW. w ~ t h e r ~ w combat 'm & m w mt 'iw have
the uniform, vou havecontributed to a causeakaterthan vourseives and we areiivour debt We are ~artlculadvinthedebt of all of
~ Ow J o served and sac, free in combat YO-are t e s t m i y tome 1x1 h a t freeaorn'snt free And personal y I& deep y ndeoled
toal.cf yo, for oerg aoe>" I i e in Ln sgreatco~rr~,'oday To me veterans o'hond War me rfeterans olKorea Wveteransof
V e ram tne veierans o' Desert Stom a m now o,r rehest cornmi veterans'mn fifgnan,stan ano Iraq, you re a neroes'

Depuiy Secretary of Oufmw Paul Wotfowik

Opening Ceremonies, Disabled American Veterans Winter Sports Clinic
S m a s s Village, Coin., April 3, 2005

Medal of Honor Presentation In the News

pr&~nt today, Gtiazi ai-Yawar, who had been serving as lraq's intenm
pre*ident, md M l I bbd al.Mahdl weresworn cn 8s deputy pmdents ktay)

Space Importantt o U.S. National Security. General Says

WASHINGTON,April 5 -'The importance ofthe space mission to our national
security cannot be overstated,"Mame Gen James E Cartmght bld a
subconminee of the Senate Armed Se'vices Committee The economy and
: C< :,I!., :..<.r,: * . ' , , c I., ..l.,h,.:' Arnencans' quality of li'e and national defense, he said, 'are all linked toour
L - 5 ; i
. Re, 2 T(.[.~:T(I i V - 1 - . c in ? a freedom 01acbon m Tam.' & XJ
White House ceremony on April4 2005 (From left
daughter Jessica 18 wfe, Birgit and son David 11 )(US
Annysholo by StaffSql Rmba Cntseri- 11 Oklahoma Town Takes'America Su You' a Ste Further
ENID. Okla..ADriIl -Theciaine townthatrum from :al nd ambin 1893
ã has evolved into Enid, okla. a citv thars proudlyiroclaimiw 'Enid Suwrls
You'b US seMcemembere. o he dtylaned 000,s 'America SupportsYou'
COD mnoums critwia lm hvo campaw m e d d s . M pkqrm,tha nnt mmmunityto fom a pamrsh,p with the pro~ram.&yj
From the Podium
President Bush Thanks US. Troops for Their Role in Fighting Terror
~ ~
r m Becauseof vourservice
"The terrorists have made irao,~acentral front in the war on t e~~-~ ~~ ,~~ ~~ ~ ~ , sacrifice. we are
& c a~-w of wur
0eka"ry Tnm mere A-ere trey ie ?o be do nc' hebe t. '3.e n:n- J,' ere vie :/e Becase d ~ O Jihe peope of raq no ionQer live
in fear of w r y exec-lei aid left "mass craves B e c a m ci p. treedm .stak ng root n ,raq OJr s-ccess n raq w'i ma6e
America safer,for usand for futuregenerations.In my liberation message to the Iraqi people, I made them a solemn promise:'The
government of Iraq, and the future of your country, will soon belong to you.' I went on to say:'We will help you build a peacefuland
representative governmentthat pmeck the mhts of all utizens. And t k n our mllitary forces win leave."' [hnnscriptl ( s t o ~ ~ )
President GeowW. Bush
Fort Hood, Texas, April 12,2005

Secrelaw Rtmsfeld P r o s Avallabllltv with Pnm Minllter A I M

'Ewer> [ n o como oacn 1 am .m?rcssco oy trw c o w coord natm #mi me mqi securny forces win tnemrgipeniq of the raqi
S e w l y "rces r !ems of me r -ra 'in3 en0 q~cp ng \e& ess 'o say our go6 ism have dm Iraq Secdnry ^orces a s s ~ m e i d
resoons-b.lQ o'me sec.my o'tre county as Ire oassfy conlnumg tne ~ ~ " c e s s fpolma
ul processandtre successftleconomic
rec~7shcTonof meco.nly ' @anscntd~6tm1
Secretary Donald H. RumsMd
Baghdad, Iraq, April 12,2005

In the News
Jdnt Chiefs Chairman S a n U 9 , Latin American CooperationGrowing
WAS" N'7Oh Apr 13- Tne m ¥alo-m ray re atoishms OetvÈee trw
Un lee S'ales arm m n m 01 Laor Amenca con11-e tc rrprobe A r Fcrce Gen
R cnard 6 Mfers s a l lo owing meetrgs n'ne reg on Apn 1J-12 Myers visited
Cnomha h a d o r 6ra b n c o d m g a tveeaa) t o n 121% regon

Afahanistan Seeking Closer. Lena-Term Ties to U.S.

LABu- Algnan s-an A m n 3 A f g ~ a n i ~ maggress
s ve y seekmg' a closer
ecuimmic dno strdteg-csec~rnyrelaco-isn p w m l i e Jnled Stales Afghan
PrescenI mafro (ava sao nere

SecumvConditions imorovinu n Southern Afghanistan

Q4iAT 4fonaiistan A x 13 Th5 secu t) sd-iauon n tie souwrn region of
Atanan star nas n p i w d cons oerabtf ode! tne cast year bca commanders
TO o D-!+me 5weIary %an Rumsfed twe M-cn nprovpiwn' n me
s o m e a w n ranof 410 c c . q cw\ be ainbfflpo¥concede0 efons among
Coaliton and Iraqi forces to improve conditions as construction progresses along
the Rlng Road between Kabul, Kandahar and Hew.&y)

Readiness. Environment Missions 'Closety Intertwined'

WASHINGTON, Apni13 -Sustaining readiness and taking care of tie
environment are notseparaterealms but twin missions in the same cause, Paul
Mayberry, deputy undersecretaryof defense for readiness,told environmental
managers and DoD officials m Tampa. "We have all come to realize." he said,
'that as far as milttaiy training goes, readiness and environmental responsibilities
are closelv intertwined and cannot be seoaraled. Ranae sustainment makes us
a.1re?oon&! e foi ne¡pn our fcrc?s ready anc for p'oiecl IQ l i e ewrmmenia!
m m emr-stm ,o 0 - m * . O ~ ssors V alem~pare~e ' m 1
-.- .
From the Podium

Secretary of me havy Gordon Ew and

Senate Armed ServicesCofTimmeC, Cap 12 r l I,Apn 19.2005

It Gen MekTestlfies on Readiness of Military Units In Opentlon Iran1 Freedom

'The Arm! s Ira mg strategy w l - c e o sc aters emers and 2r.b mat were *e prepared for me ntense demands of co~ntef-
insurgency operatons n imq O.nm r nc srateqy relies on a buld ng b o a aoproacn tnai fmempnasues sound app icabonof
bas c sk s and tfen ncreases n e x n p ex'y of tne ' a s s and denaids o'ine mv -omen1 Everyminq o e g h warnme na~vui-a
solder, *ma must ce read) 1ofgit anfirre anfirere ha rear m a exists A fac on y frcm nes ano e v w solder mows il They
habe12 k ready t o n I r e m m e i t m , ?m we oem -+I
Iraq a i d I P P ~were -nu

Lt Gen. Thomas Metz

Gmnnanoef of 11Corps and Fon Hood. former commander d Muhi-National Corps- raq
Senate Armea Servces Sonmmee Capita di Apnl20 2005

In the News Combat Mission

WASHINGTON, Ann1 19-Adm. Micha'l Lullen IaidttieSenateArmed
Services Committee that ifhe is confirmedas the next chief ofneval ooeralions

b ~ & 3 9 4It -itertWeapon n America's 21" C e n l ~ w

A m 1
l^ASn'\GTOh Apn 15 - Dess'e me'-emenoo~ss0,ances ~i irilm-,
naraaare a10 tecnn: ag; on c SF a\ n'ne cma AX an tern tree are sUl
sore "apaoihes or y r-pans can p m Tiat *as IPC :Inn nq bet nd a new
lncaove lc m5roe!we.gn aPQ.ase aPa a n m exwrseat MIm
B p m a e W e n ' b p l d P b n o Card* EeUw n t n OIhm
*ASnlhGTC\ Apr 18 - Wen t cwies 13 CJ, -$ prepaa pnone caras to cal
hon-e'loir q o r A%pan#sBr nota ca'as are a K C wan. pwaocardi mat
overhaul ,US r^awphoto by Cmdr
affv OM m,-m-nteca i c c i arofts a r e m a , h cemwi
- -- for--
- < I ? '----
P < ~--
B i r -,
e Beryl
according to ~ u d Ansley,public"affalrs
d specialistfor the Army and Air Force
Exchanoe Service When used overseas la call home these-hoe oreoari cards
Show Your Support For the Troops
Log on to w AmencaSuooortsYou mil
From the Podium
Gen. Myers Discusses Progress in Iraq
'Theessential point is that for things to workin Iraq, you got towork against -what we said, all these lines of operation, of winch
good governance is one, which means the political process must go forward. We must have a cabinet appointed here very
auicklv. The ministries must continue to work. People must focuson two thinas. develooina a constitution and develwino their
m i s m s ntoi.nmning m nsiies mat wn!tnJe io nelp w mo-ilthai - a n i n a r s m i AQK t i e osenlrarchseo ite v a m ~
sects woe Ana :na's go110 De p a l c l i r e suateqy So to focuson m y one panofth s ana say - IO jran wpcii.s'ons th-nk. mould
De mrq Vod'ne Qnllo ox a1 l w tolai pcl .re ' itran%r 01, fumy)
Gen. Richard 0. M y m
Press Conference at the Penwcm, April 26,2005

Secretary Rumsfeld Testifies Before Senate. D scusses 6RAC

'The new qbba; set-nry e-v m m e m drnes me amnach *o o t r oomesficlorce posture as * 9 1 The Department continues to
maintain more military bases and facilities than are needed - consuminq and diverting valuable personnel and resources. Base
ReaPgnment and Closure, or BRAC, will allow the Department to reconfiaure its current infrastructureto one thai maximizes
WarfQhtinQ caoabilitv and efficiency. And it will omvide substantial savinis overtime ..monev mat is needed to improve tim duality
of life fortie men and women in u n i n n , for f o r k protefim, and f ~ i n v k m e n kin needed &ponssystems: @iitenk?ntl i&t$
Secretary Donald H.Rumsfeld
Statement before Senate Appiopriallms Defense Subcommittee,Capitol Hill, Apfii 27.2005

In the News Super Support

i i d Captain America, a formi 98-pound weaMing who

3 scienceexperiment turned into the perfect soldier,
risiled the nabon's militaryheadquartersto shake
bands, pose for photos and unveil a new Marvel comic
wok that features a military character in the opening
scene. The wmw was designed and is being
fistnbuted in partnershipwith D0D's"Amenca
iuooortsYou' omram w h ~ aseeks to showcase
va; in which the kencan public is supporting ttie
nen and women of thearneti forces, and me Army
lnd Air Force Exchange Service
-- - - -

From the Podium

Secretary Rumsfeld Testifies Before Senate, Discusses BRAC
"The new olobal secuntv environment drives the aoDrosch to our domestic force Dosture as we! The DeD~rImant continues to
ms nta n more m l a y ~asesa n j k c ties n a n are nee-led ..cons-im ng and o verb? va ~ a eapersonre1 and resoJrces Base
Rea gnrrern an0 C o m e or BRAC 6 a'oh'he Dep~nmentto reconfgure us c.rrent r f f a s t ~ c l ~ r e t o o n e t hmax
a l mUes
nsricnt~ngcapat rty duo elf-,ex, A m t pro{ I?s m i a n t a saw nqsover tme - monet I I s~neeoeo 10 mpmvetne qi,alffyof

~ecreta-onald H. ~ u k f e l d
Statement before Senate Appropriations Defense SubcommBee, Capitol Hill. April 27,2005

Gen. Myers Discusses Prowessin Iraq

"Theessential point is that for thinas to work in Iraq, you got to work against what we said, all these lines of operation, of which
good governance is one, which means the political process mustgo forward, We must have a cabinet appointed here very
quickly The ministries must continue to work. People must focus on two things, developing a constitution and developing their
ministries into functioning ministries that continue to help. Without that and W s what dl give the disenfranchised,the varbus
sects, hope. And that's got to be part of the strategy. So to focus on any one part ofthis and say to draw conclusions, I think, would
be w o q . You've gat to lo* at the total pkture: (tmmiM(M
Gen. Richard 0. Myers
Press Conference at the Pentagon, April 26,2005

In the News

roo; m m wonk will see the berefits He fsnoke dunno a White House cress
conferenci~pril23"There are still some inlraq who aren't happy with democracy,'1
Bush said They want to go back to the old days of tyranny and darkness, torture
chambers and mess graves. I believe we're making really good progressin Iraq,
because the Iraq1pmfle em beymmg to see the beneitsof a bee smety.'

Bush Proposes Oil Refineries on Closed Military Basel

WASHINGTON. April 27 -President Bush has unveileda plan to encourage building

oil refinerieson militarysites that have closed Speahng at a Small Business
Administration conference, he recommendedthis and other initiativesto address the U S A~rForceTecti Sgl CteneA T-iiriayl
WWSenergy reeds acd r e a m depi7dencam foregn energy m m s . ~
WASHINGTON,April 28 -Message to U S troops:
Spiderman and Captain America Support You. And

I1 I1 I1
the two Marvel Comics supertieroes came to the
Pentagontowove it, Spiderman, theonginal webbed
War Pace Ihe vicechai&anof the Jointchiefsof Staff wasdoino&re than tefllno wonder, and Captain America, aformer Wpound
war stories to an appreciativeaudience He was passing a!ong hard won lessorsto weakling who a science experiment turned into tha
ywng leaders wtco In all lhkeirhoodcoda find mmne!ves in wmbat nex? year bWl oerfect soldier, visited to shake hands, wse for ohotos
k o unveil a new Marvel comic boo^ that features a
militarycharacter in the opening scene Thecomic
11 was designed and is being distributed in partnership 11
w- O ~ D s ' n J n ~ m S . ~ c ' ~ ~ Y ' k / v wen
seeks in snomw war<; i rtnm Ire Amf'm o~Dlic
Joint CivilianOnentaton Conference Is a weeklong tou'rif mllkry installation&for 9 i.pp-n~me men dnr amen of ireamM forca3,
top- end m m u n l b leaders from a c m s the Unted SMes 0
From the Podium

Gen Myem Says U.S.Military Ready to Handle AnvTask

T h e r-essage Im seno i g ro Congress s tnzt -ie L "rteo $rases in' taw can h fill its lasts Inow me hanona Security Strategy, me
ha1 w a Je'ense Strate2 and tne t.at ona ' A -ari Sra'eay a m *e vi IIbe successfu and Drew1 -n anwi -
. no mat oiir Naron asks us
lo do ucderthme stratege and thars the bouom iine: ( & c r i ~ l ~SIOIV~
AiiForceGen. Richard B.Myers
Chairman, Joint Chiefsof Staff
Media Stakeout, The Pentagon, May 3,20(15

Lt Gen Conwav Says JolrrtnessNow Way of Life in US. M l l b r y

*My persoicl J C A s 'nal ic nfess s s most p a w no* n 5 a wsy of fe And as a c assc examp e, in Raman we nad a Manne
battaton wo"x r g tor an Amy qace commander wno w < e d fo'a Manne div son commamef wno wo'kea for me a m wow for
an A n y tnree-sta' So I s r has ?f 'raw up an0 down ~ n ctia-n
e of command We st nave some mm.'0 a0 on inleroperab iity.
in tern's of me eq- pnenl mesnirg and scme of ma'typeof Iring 3~tmeconceprsare Inere And pi.re go n g m see mi OJTArmy
soid ers weanng a 1s' Manie Di'. son or a 2nd Vanne Civ soon paten Inat reprosems G-e r name patch And Ininit tnat I c o v e y
symtdic ofths whole i&a ofjolntres: [transcript) fsm*
Marine L t Gen. James T. Conwav
Director, Operations. ~ o i n t staff
Pentagon Press Conference, May 5,2005

In the News
Bush Llluds Pakistanfor Catturn of TOD ai Q W a General
WASHINGTON. May 4- Calling it ' a acriticelvictory in the war on terror,"President Bush praisedthe
Pakistanigovernment forcapturing Abu Faraj al-Libbi, the No. 3 man in Osamabln Laden'$a1
Qaeda terror network 'Al-Libbi was a top generalfor bin Laden: Bush said, before beginninga
Sooal Security address to the Latino Coalition Conference nere. "Hewas a major facilitator and a
chief planner for the al Qaeda network. His arrest removes a dangerous enemy who was a direct
thatto h b and for thme who lorn freedor"

IED ConferenceLooks for Solutions to Save Lives

HATTIESBURG, Mias, May 4,2005 -Powerful improvised expbsivede- setoff by cell phones,
doorbells,toy remoles and tripwires are the lead in^ cause of death mno US. soldiers in Iraq. For

Inve-iKcatKin Finds Italian O W a Death a Tonic Accident'

WASHINGTON, May 1 -Army investigatorshaverecommendedthatnodisO~lHiarvaction be taken
against U.S. soldrers in the arch 4 k i k g of Italian inteliigence officer Nicola &pan, Multinational
Force Iraq officials announced April 30 Calipan'sdeath, accordingto a recently completed Army
~mvesbgamn,was wholly unintenf~onal and not atlnbulakk l a wgl~geweby the sold~em.

Pentagon Concert Kiib Off First 'America Supports You Salute

WASHINGTON, May 5-A'l five sides of the Pentagon reverberatedwith the patrioticsoundsof
country musicasmore than a thousand servicemembers and DoD civitans cracked around the
bullding's courtyard stage to hear a tributeconcert to the troops today. ~ou&musioansCraig l^," "' I or, :i ' C ' ¥",.-iner
Morgan, Ken)Thomas and Rockie wrformed far the crowd All three sinoers haw served in tha u^-.-.i.,.: SUli-"3.. '4,

kmy. The concert was part of the first America Supports You Salute@trie Men and Women of the
h e d Forces. America Supports You is a Defense Department program designed to highlight how
WMkans m s s me m m r y are suppwbng the tow.[stwl [~hotoesavl
I From the Podium
ODeratlon Maiaaor Launched In Weslem I r a ~ E l I ~ n sForelm la Flqhtws and lnaurnenw
%lultmationai forces continue Operation Matador in the western potion of the AI-Anbar province The mission is to eliminate Insurgents and
foreign fighters In this regionthat'sknown 10'- its snugging and as a recent location for foreign fighten and insurgents Recently Iraqis have
taken over the Iraqi TIPS hotline from U S forces in Baglrdad, where I'aqi civilianscan anonymouslyreportcriminaland insurgent
artvlly in the first week of operation under Iraqi control,we find thatthe numbersof calls that have provided substantive informationhave
inmasad tenfold.And we see that as a testament to 'he determination of those Iraqiswho want to see a safe and stable country.'
ltranxrlvtj l s t o a
Marine Lt. Gen. James T. Conway
Pentagon Briefing, May 10,2005

BRAC Ratlonalka MnI-E to F m e st-

"1 want to spend a moment just on this notion of (he 20-25 percent or the 24 percentexcess capacity because it has caused periodically
%me confusion. That number was never meant to suggest nordld rt eversuggest that one In four bases would be closed thmuqhnfflthis
process. It was a parametric estimate similar to a study that the Congresshad requestedsix years earlier that resulted in a number of 23
percent excess, and it was a base closure constructthat was not a mitary value analysis, nor was It a BRAG analysis. So what we've done
with an actua BRAC process is we've put the appropriate millta~valuearoundour Installations and the functionsthat we're analyzing, to
come up with a way to rationalize our Infrastructure toour forcestructure in a way that improves military effectivenessandin additionto
w p W ihe wamghter.' (tranxnpt) (story)
Phil Gmne, DUSD Inslallalionsi Environment, May 10,2005
PentauonBrlefinu on Base Closure and Real'anmmt lBRAC1

1 MaritimeSecurity 1 In the News

Bush Apofoves 582 Billion in Suo~lunmtalFunding
WASHINGTON, May 12-Prtsidtnt Bush i g n i d intolawon May 11
legislationCistpmvides$82 billion in supplemental funding, mostofrtto
help cover the cost of operationsin Iraq and Afghanistan.The measure
provides$75 9 billion for the Defense Department,includingfunds for

the Pentagon today Followinga ceremony. Rumsfeld and the presidents

(iscussedeconomic devebpmentandsecurity, as well as what effect the
Cflnlrai American Free Trade Agreementwouldhave on [hose issues. The
six presiderts will meet witti Presided Bush on May 12 to press the case
far ratifying the free-trade agreement "Economicprogressand security are
imterdeperdenl." Rumsfeldsaid in8 Pentagon wnnen release IstofYi

EUCOM Commander DescribesOverseas Basing Priorities

WASHIhGTON May 10-ThetopU S general m Europesapponsplans
roresnace n e  force s-.c'.'eo!erseas arc sao rsa mica step n
ens>(nq me J S T tar) s prepa'm o 'ace nen an0 emeq ng inreas
I From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Savs BRAC Process Transparent, Stresses Military Value
Tne sen- ces sro Lie com3a:aN cc'mnanoers anc t^e members 11T e Deparmeni of Wense have spent fears in prepamg
these (BRAG, reccmnenoa 01s n s naro *om I n n .ed m Inns o1 peces cf data Tne t a s ~s over h s now n the nands of inis
1 commission. And this commission will hold hearings and it will hear from oeople, and it will learn more things and have hearings. And
1 lhafs a aood thing. And then 11'11oo to the residei it A d then ifli 00 to ttie &naress. So this m s s is o h that was based in
statute. i t is one that has beentransparent it has had the principliinterest being military value, throughout and that is at the root of
lhese recommendat'mns."
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Media Availability, Capitol Hill, May 16,2005

1 Gen. Abiuald Sa Middle East Re' i n Terrorists

'Pemle lhke Z a m E i and bin laden re:afded bv the Wc#emdon as bein0 exiremists Re mocdeoul tiwe don? wantthem fa

I win Trey nave no a o n of me fu'dre l's'-s a jai( dark way a& ~ e o p ~ o obeIevB
w n Ttey &ant '0 m b e me81 o w g0Lerment.o wn t m bave m a m e s
ni n k s m and tney dont want mem 10
tre QC s a m w q to ~n on tneirow
Amy Gen. John Abuad
Commander, U.S. Central Command
Media Availability, Capitol Hill, May 18, 2005

In the News
BRAC 2005 RumsfçkW à ‡ r T h M Cam to Comm.ufon
AAS-iihFOh Ma; '6 -As me mi lary c o ~ h mires 'lee oemanas of me waf & a f n s l e l m m
1 a o'rwt em. ngoalienses n 'ne m a 'me rcfense Sepaimmra mmenoalonslof base
~ pece?'~a? Secrelq Done 1 r- Rmsfeo !c 0 fte conmiss on
re? qnn-em aro c o w 8 c"e
cons:eq OoVs o'ooosa s %insfen am Cna man cf 're .w Cnds 0' Staff A, "orce Gen
S w d me o i i arp'can m e n i!cmnq m s rears RRAC n m m o m m
R o w n 6 V ~ P -w
isl:rv ikm, S W C 3 - m [Naq-Marne ERAC itor,, tA,r c o r e BKAC slow

rtASnfh'3-dh -^a. le Cnanran of'le mi Cnebof SiaflGen Rchard 0 Myerecaleda
o.miec new BLOC p i e a c e f f n'LOiIIB IPTOP?! A h M.sab a-Zamaw 'an oJtraae ' n a
message posted on some l$amic websites today a speaker introducedas Z q a w states that
M u s h kMng Innocent Musl~ms~s ~l~g~ouslysan~~oned !r a holy war 0
ftmed F o r m Day rs May ;* Presidem Pemaaon CTficial Debitkt Koran Oercration Srory
hairy S Tnnr-an led fre effon to eslablish a A n S r \y^ Mav ' 7 - A heÈS#Pe mqaz ne arae a m s ng 'v S oersonne a G.anmamo
sng B holiday for c.1izens lo come tqeher
ma thank our niitary members for ncr Ba; C.oa c l xseuaing a < n a i n3s 'o ':as s t i fax a son or defense Depanmentoffic alsau
Mtnotc service in support of our country ne'e ' A e /e c e ~/ fi o m innq in# MI-0 $ /e 9nyauostanceto re hews*&cns:txy '
3n August 31 1949 Secretary Louis a n e m 0 R.-a prnc-pa oeut, ass-start secretary o'oefersefor pi^vcaflairs 100 repoiters
Johnson a n n o u r n the cream of an ma) 81a pen tag^ n ~ a ronielerce
s m
4mwd Form Day to replace Separate
tmy %vy Marine Corps ma Air Force ~ M ~ e d rmom s Dudnal P@rfomma
Says The celebration stemTied from the 3 - E G- r^ C ..w 1s I\NS) - Former -iisota Cofrwm 3 d Cass-tLfTted-actorMan Bll
mfcatton d the Armed Forces under me
fepartmenf-the Department of Ws& Cmo. rooit -me to loior a m h m R e - . 31m-r im 5 xrfonnance neie Met rneebna Mft\
her bickstage Cosby told Navy ~cuiselor1" Class Lauren R. Fyfe to blbw him outonto the
www AmencaSu~~ortsYou
stage He introducedher to thousands in attendanceand began to ask her about her Navy service
and the Navy's role in thewar on terrorism. Cosby led tt'e audience in a round of applause for Fyfe.
Later, he asked the audience to join him in three moments of silence for those serving overseas and
DoD BRAC web site thwe vho wtll not be returrr@and b r the fam)lymenbets of lhose %&cei members W
r-- -----
From the Podium
Secrclaw Rumsfela Addresses Phlladel~hlaWond Affairs Cctncll
-- - .-

e to w i n g mnsdeat ms
M i a tren s me stmeqy :or A 11"g 'n s strdsg e aga 1st v o k r l e i r e m s s ? wouid cife' 5 ~ ~ ofn the
F rst we r u s t fnd hays 10 reo-ice r e 'ieooq a; acpea of viclente-t'remm Ths is aeftef m a nation oenna President Bust s
strategy of promoting political and economic ireedom. When people have more control over theii own lives, and have civil outlets
thmugh wWh to air and remedy grievances, they are far k s hkely to k at!mled to the appals of eximmists.'[rema~s~1 s t ~ ' ~ )
Secretary Donald H Rumsfeld

1 B r t ~ . G mCarter Ham Mdresscs Rwork AI..?am& Mas h n Woundad

May 25, 2005, Philadelphia

a eve tc oe a i e toconfm or o e r i r a t , O T tre n t i s, v/c arc not aoo lo doso Weoo not have an n d e i ~ n d e n t w m b o r a t m
1 the statements from the Irani oovemkent officials. I would also note. thouoh. that it's imoortant to nut this in context. Whik Zamawi
certan y s a i mpotant cnaracie' n s organ zalon is o age' rmn l.s^ onB g..y And so n s d e n x, wtierner ne oe captifed $41 - en
wotla i e preferao e . or Ine s n e: or wx-noed Inashi1not caifie a Caeoa n raq to cease m funoon So ¥i r ,s important
ceta n Y 01. 11.. ' nes 61 ed of CaVJreo fl mr t ca.w the o q a n m o n to nemsar y ctum3e. tnnsmatl f m w l ~

Army 0ng. Gen. Carter Ham

Pentaaan Press Bneflrm Mav 26.2005

In the News
Rumsfdd Praise* 'A I-AmerictnOhitten:
FCRT 9W6G n C May 26 Swaçn m 12OOO 82noAitome 0us.m
so c i m caheieo nere af Pne Fieo t y n e r anr~ala ^isonme m ew
. ..... , R.
.. ..^n-rreim
Dpfoicp msfp
..n.nfa.. ..me
e7 . .'Ai. M. .i
.a- .. 3 mmq
accompkshneflt$in Afghanistan,Ira0 and me greater MlMle East @g)

O ~ m U o nSaueft~eUav Alms to Crack Down on Tarrorltta

WASHINGTON, May 23 -Local Commanderstom the Iraqi Inttnofand
Defense ministriesand Coalition forces met May 21 to discuss Operaton
Squeeze Play, which is designadlo deal with terrorist actions in Baghdad's
Rusafa neighborhood. "This is psi the baginnmgof a new era of
cooperatior betweenthe Iraqi pice, public-ordertongadasand the Iraqi
army From now on, forces from the Ministry of Intenor,Ministry of Defense
and Coalitan forces will work toadher to defeat the terrorists in Baohdad.'
U S Amy Col Joseph ~iSalvo,>omrnanderof Coalitionforcesin the
easkm 8aghdad area, sad lo y e n the meeting (@!yJ

1 Amphb~ousBaseCoronacc in San C i q o Cail on May 29 2035 The

ceremm was hclo to -or Naw and Coast Guad WEOT~I who 11 - Proarm Returns Wounded Guard, ReserveTroopsHome to Recover

I ther Hie? ihe Vietnam war 300 o h m by PeTy Off-mr2nd

Class3nnceA1k1Hughes ti1 U S Navy (Relema4)
- -
WASHINGTON May 24 -When wounded actiwcomponentsoldiers get
sent none from a deploymentfor medical care they're generallytreated
di'RrtIv at bar home bases Not so for their resewemDonen!
c o u n l & t s Typically they returnto their mobilization stations and get
M e m o r i a l Day, Armed F o r c e s Day 2005 iSKjned to a medical hold company. There, sometimes hundredsor even
Message F r o m the S e c r e t a r y o f Defense Ihousandsof miles away from their homes andfamilies, they receive
follow-on medical care that can stretch out for monfis But now new

1 The new war we face nas 'eqJreow'mn Dry to m m t e Comminly-Basecmancare 3'canzaionso"ices m a x e to'm.nded
Ihning aramalwceo Jsmprepare n i w <rap #et troops 10 ve a' nome *ire qe"/n fr"a 2 caw r 1re.r wnrnmtes
wrwr be m s o n v&m,o, re mdenoe '?aIm odm JS mu.gri a rr ury 'ac t~ w^; ar Trca'e rmvoe' soh

gnt and courage. 1thank eacti of you and yourfamiliesforyour

service to our country (link to full texti 1 Support the troops - www.amerlcasupoort8vou.mll 1
From the Podium
Vice President Addresses Air Force Academv Graduates
'To protect the American people,we are conf^orllng new dangers
with a new national security slrateqv Durinu :he '80s and '90s as
terror networks began to wage attacksagainst Americans, there was
a tendency to treat those attacks as isolated incidents. And tbse
acts were answered, if at ail, on an ad hoc basis with subpoenas,
criminalindictments, and the occasional cruise missile. As time
passed, the terorisrts cone uded that they could hit America wth very
M e consequence to themselves and might even change American
policy though acts of murder,sotheir attacks became more
ambitious and more deadly After 9111 this nation made a decision:
We will not sit back and wait for future attacks. We will prevent those
attacksby taking thef'ght to the enemy.' (tranwiutl [stowl
Vice President Richard B C h e w
June 1,2005, COhdO SpnnQS,Cob.

Gen. M m @ y s J n j d ~ s ~ o ~toeChanae
y d Tactfca
'vie'e see 3 me -3.gein n 'aq crmqe 'ne-r lac1cs an0 w a r n
lner cerlers a'g'av -y cecx-se cl Ire refseveraxe ard
I In the News
Rumsfeh) Travels to Asia. Eurooe for Defense Ministar Talta
mmir inert 0' Coa 'or IUCKam rot on v CM to"forces b ~ l
me raq peqpe a n m a' afree r%q -el r e te to- W t lmean
ny mes ' of Gravity F -st ¥hns ~ c e n - rs ec 10or em me
Ccair or Iron raq c-l here st mere hex: me. 'uc.9ea on r q r
WASHINGTON June 1 Defense Stcimry Donald H Riimfeld secry l o w DJi ne, W T r ~ e t ois1 -1 r recon ~ ~ m b e rAnds
departsfrom Washinqm early June 2 to atend mtematianal tien me, aleriDl?d -0 itniaatetne rau x o u e DJ~II~! went to
security conferencesinSingapore and Belgium, Rumsfeldwll tie PO s avl mm for a resresent8.e go-e"imn1 A m a r w t
speak to defense ministersfrom throughout the Asia-Pacfficregion $m ir .raq sno# that 85 percen' of the raa 5 MT\o resporam sao
1Singapore June 4 at lhe Asia Security Conference, sponsored by
!nat the> m. 0 i'e)vcw It"e Ociooef c3r.s i.uota
b e tn:em~tlon~lhshtute hShtegic Stud~es
r e e e n m P i n 3 pprcq~wsue, 0. ccufe '0 success n Iraq '

I RumsfeldCalls U S Strvlctmemberi Llbeflton

WASHINGTON, June 1 -Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
defended U S military men and women accused of runniw a
'gulag'at Guantanamo Bay. Cuba The secretary spoke during a
Pentagon press conference, 'Those privileged to livein free
Gen. Richard B. Myers
Pentagon Press Conference, June 1,2005

countdes are forever in the debt of those who make mat freedom
We Love the Troops
wssible,' Rumsfeld said "Nolorce in the wodd has done more to Adam Biodsky,New Yon Pod (May 29)
liberals poople that they have never met, than the men and women They'reeuewere R noons. p rn; m t e #ow. on cars boab vans
of the United States military,That's why the recent el@ation that r o no su~mrl ¥oAmericas ~ S are bands on oeme'sm s
D TnerB
the U.S mlita'y is runninga gukg at Guantanamo Bay rsso ;&A flags oosted in windows or adorning porches. No &mion,
Wehms~ble' Mcgj few ttiinp are is corny as these ubiquitous public displays of supportfor
' GI Joe and Jane, Butthafs a small pnce to pay foffresdm. Iknow:
1,000thReconstructionProject Completed In Iraq That notions itselfmy. But ifs true.In fact, America'ssupport'orrts
BAGHDAD Iraq,May 31 -The public spotlight recently shoneon fighting men and women ultimatelymay be the decisivefactor in me War
an unassuming,eight-classroom school in d e town of Zakho, Iraq. on Teror - and many of its major battles, like Iraq That's even more true
and for gwd reason.The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,Guff now that military ~lannersare caoitaliano on that s u ~ ~ o r tai nsystemafc
Regm Division, responsible for oversightof reconstructionin iraq, way, magnifyingits impact, H's all partofa new weapon the pentagon
announced it had identifiedBetasScfiwl as its 1,OOOth cornoleled rolled out last November, called 'America Supports You,'Here's l o w it
works Through a Web site (America Supports You mil),Americans -
individuals, businesses,priveteofgantzaums-can rwistertheirsupport
forttie troops They can list campaigns they've launched of simply send
messages to GIs. [linkto-MXdd
From the Podium ÑÑ
President Bush Reaffirms Coalition SUDDO~~ For Iraqis
'Prime Minister Blairand i sharea common visionof a world thatis free, prosperous, and atpeace. When men and women am free
to choose their own governments, to speak their minds, and to pursue a good life for their families, they build a strong, prosperous
and just society. This is the vision chosen by Iraqis in elections in January. And the United States and Britain will stand with the Iraqi
people as they continue theirlourney toward freedom and democracy. We'll supcorl Iraqis as they lake the tead in piwiding Irieirown
security. Our strategy isclear We're training Iraqi forces so they can take the fight to the enemy, so they can defend their country.
And thmour troops viillcom home wtth the honor they h a w w m d m ~ b n w ifstoryj ~tl
President G e o w W.Bush
Joint Press Conference with British Prime Minister Blair
The White House. June 7,2005

Secretary Rumsfeld Stresses Imwrtance of Pacific Region Countries

"...the reoion of course and the Pacificcountries are enormouslvimwrtant to the United States. If YOUthinkofltwchancas that have
tanen p .& n me reg on a i d 'ne n.rcer o f c o ~ n u e sw e n noi I& 'tee p o H d sysiems an0 tne
nJmDer of countries which have
re a t w y free ecoionicsyste-ris a m t i e s-ccess a n-imer of ¥nos:o.ntnes nave h a i s areqon 01 growiq moorrance n f i e
WOI a anc n s . n p u n t ! o 1% Jn teo S!ates .o ce encaged n t w s co.nws l m n m t l istow

SeCTelaiy h a k l H. Rijmsfeld
En mule to Singapore, JuneZ2005 1
In the News
BRAC Communltles Reflalnal 90 PercentOf Loft Jobs. Offlc-
DENVER,June 8 -Redevelopment effortshave created more than 115,000
new ~ b nationwide
s in communities affected bv the last bur base realionment
and closure actions, a senior Defense ~epartmentofficial said here this"week
Thoseemploymentgains account for'nearly 90 percent ofthecivilan jobs Biat
were tost" as the resultof BRACrounds conducted In 1988,1991,1993.and
1995,said PatncK J O'Bnen, director of DoD's Office of Economic AdjusamenL
Emland Saw Do0 Actions Must Be'Above Reoroach'
WASHINGTON, June 7 Emphasizngthat the Defense Departmenthasnvevery
high ethical standards," acting Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England told
Ihe Senate Armed Services Committee that he expects everyone In Don to act
legally and efriicaliywith every action they deal with. England appeared before airfield operator sprays the airfie10 K camp Korea" Village
h e committee today along with other high-ranking defense officials to provide Iraq, with dust abatnq salmon May 31, 2005 The M d r e
keens 6"s and 6ebm from d a m m n ~wmR an6 mstmnns
lesbmony about the DoD lhspeclor General's ManagementAccountability
Revlw of the h e ~ n gKC-767A Tanker h g r m
the view of pilots DoU ohoto by Cpl Roeco UeFniPpis
Media Need to Focus on Extremist Acts. Mvam Savs
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, June 6- The mediaought to f- on lie wry
real vicious acts of violent extremists, and no!on vague allegationsof Koran
atuse, Gen Richad B Myem3aid to repmtm haw @~JJ
Contrast Between Two KomasqProfound: RumsfeldSavi
SINGAPORE June4 -The differencebetween freedom and tyranny is more
vivid an (tie Korean oeninsula than in anv other ~lacaon Earth @dense ~. Send a message to the troops from the America Supports
Secretary Donald H Rumsfeld said he; In his &ech at the Asia Security You Web site and readtiow othars flffl'supportingour
Conference, Runsfeldsaidthe Lrrted States has urged North Korea to return servicemen and women. w.AmericaSu~portsYw.mB
to me Six-Party Tdhs we, the country's prol~krationmbibons,
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeid Outlines Guantanamo Policies
'Dcia nees are se". .o G-amanam: on, after a prcper screening process inat identifies these prisoners who pose a threat to the
Lntec pates or +.no nade nte q e x e .a Je T?e n no of people hed at Guartanmo me iioe t m t m ners bomb-manm
extremist recruiters and financiers, bodyguards of Osama bin Laden and would-be suicide bombers. They are not common car
t h e m . They are believed to be d e t m i i e d h i l e r s ~ ~ t r a n s c( ns ~t ol ~~ ) p o Drelesel
secretary Donald H. ~umsfeld
P e n t a p Press Conference,June 14,2005

Gen Pace Discusses A m Recrjltlng Goals

' thnk ine Amy s ta-i ng n i? ngiit leaoersi p approach m tne problems it nao tne last coupe of montris n meebngthe r fecruihng
goals F rst of a MQ sno- 1mane rote of me f s a that trev're m o k m for a i m 1 8 000 more so dars th s vear tnai tnev were ha
year, because of our desire to grow the Army so it can traisform w'H, and then go back down to its prewar size. ~ uthere
t is an
increased number there. The A m y has allocated another 3,000 recruiters and a good deal of leadership time to train those recruiters
in getting out to our communities interestingly, those whoserve in the Army today, who are currently on activeduty, are reenlistingat
historic numbers. We have had the goalsfor reenlistment exceeded, especially by those units w i o have seived in Afghanistanand
Iraq. Why? Because thosesoldiers have had theopportunilyto servelhe country theway they volunteered todo. They get it. They
- --
understand the tremendous Positive impact ttev are hawna"ftranscriDtl fstowl
Ice Cnaiman of the -o nt Cnmis of Staff Gen. Peter Pace
Pentagon Press Conference June 14.2005

In the News Oath of Office

Despite Insuraency.Things Better In Iraq. RumsfeldSaw
WASHINGTON, June 15 -Despite tieinsurgency,thmgs aregcthg belterin
Ins.Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld Bid the BBC's David Frost.

TODAnnv Sergeant Outlines Transformation

WASHINGTON, June 14-Inaddition to making IheArmy askker, more
deployable force. transformationwill add predictabilityand stabilityto the Evasof
soldiers and tieirfamilies, Sot Mai. of the A m y Kennelh0. Piston said in an Arm, Chef of Stan Gen Pe e"3l'tmrskefadnlnls:ere"e oat"
inbmww[h [ h Pentawn~ Chmm! of office to about 30 new Amy volun'eersii-am!he rerums
d s c ; o i 3ainmofe, Md di-nnc Pemwnceremonies on JUIS 14,
Tiroritt Thrill Not Jull 1US. Problem. Chimy Sna 2005,m a m g the 2~03anniversaryoipe ~ r m f sfound in'^
MACDILLAIR FORCE BASE, Fla , June 13-The United States Isfarfrom Secretaryof the Arm/ F'anos J iarvey (I&) looks on CoDphoto
alone in facing the threat posed by terrorists, Vice President Richard B.Cheney by R D Vtara (Released)
said here June 10 in an inlewfew with he Pentagon Channel, The global
terrorist threa: really is a worldwide problem; its not just a U.S problem,' he Iraqi FreedomVeteranReflads on Meaning of Flaa Dav
sd,'Since wa were attackedon 9/11, obviously, [here have been attacks in WASHINOTON,Jine 14- it's been a i d e m [ h a n Iw
Madrid, Casablanca, Mombassa,Istanbul, Bal,(acd) Jakarta- So ourabiiiym mcnirs s nce 'eumea f-ofr r¥ More :?ana fea e a i m
deal with this 'hreatrequires really an internationaleffort' Chenay ated tie pcomwc mi çf a cone "on'= w f ? y anorno nay
need to share intelffgmceand conduct bilateraland mutinatonaltraining. re* rnw 10.maher 780 mme ncme mmm m d e
exerases and ccmatlors as b m g key to that e m for i?e Un~tedStates. eaaeriv remove [he Blue Star Service Banner that h i m in
ourfr&ndow, and she happily watched me bnnqdkn

1 -
Support the Troops www.AmericaSuo~ortsYou.mil
the yellow ribbon that had hugged our yard's corner yee for
a year (Imk to Capt Steve Alvarezsessay!
-- .
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Outlines Terms of Success in Iraq
'Ira0 wasa violent olace lono before its liberation and there mavundoubtedlv besomeviolence in Iran after CoaBtionforces&~art.
8.d &wss n 1" sefor^cainat b e d e f n ~as cor.eslic uanq,iily. Rattier. &ccess M I oe w e n tnereisa free raq. wnere &are
me ~uararitorsof mer owr sec.ny & i n rnn n-al Coa flwi m.ol,ement Ano maiffll be at&./ n sionc accomplsiment '

Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld

Capitol Hill, June 23,2005

LL Gen. Vines Sam Iraqis Are Increaslnalv Rejectinn the Insurgency

*, raq s e ~ ~ r W-PS)
ry recrt :rg ( e m ns very s l r o q An3 in fact the 'p are up That's one of the things we monitor very closely, is
how effective the attacks are And it's not just wtellrer or not there are attacks; it is what is the effect on the Iraqi population, because
let's be honestabout that. That is what they're alternotin0 to dois to intimidate, threaten, coerce the tmwlation, And we see
increased evidence that the DODulationis reikctino . .
. *the k k n c v . It is reiectino
. >attacks aaainst " ..
the ~onulation.
Zaqatv aswm itat I s acceg!a^te to m.rdef irocew raois. lo m A e f .nnccen* r/-s ms r tne p.rsJtof wob,ec'ivps Iraq*
You know. imaaine:

ODvi&,sryOcr.i ag-ee h r n ma! A w s o me n m x r of opsare JO And mats oneof t i e nocaion r a t w e c o i l n ~ at y rnonmr s

wnecner - Wa!s 'tieeffecl on tne pop~latonAna we see ne popuaio-I ncreasng y re ell ng ¥neins-.rgenc at arqe [ waris b
m a n l h q government
~ that provWs for ~ t own
s security.'' pranszdpt) Istow)
Lt. Gen. John R. Vines, Commander, Multinational Corps-Iraq
Vdeo teleconference from Baghdad with Pentagon press corps,June 21,2005

In the News
C h e w Attributes Spike In Attacks t I onsurgents Sensing Defeat
WASHINGTON, June 24 -Increased violence and a growing numberofforeign
insurgentsare signs that the United States is close to accomplishingits
objective in Iraq,Vice President Rictiard 0. Cheney sad in an interviewwith
CNN'sWM BiDm June 23, Chenevdarified earlier comments he madethat
Ihe insurgents in Iraq were in their last throes There has been significant
political progress In Iraq, Cheney sa'd, and the insurgentsare stepping up
violence becausemay recognize that the establishmentof a democracywould
mean defeat br them &J)

Rumsfdd: Operationsat GuantanamoTransparent'

WASHINGTON. June 23-There has been notortureatGuantanmBay,
Cuba,Secretary Rumsfeldsaid in asenesofradiointerviewsJune21 In fad,
he added, & falily there 1s bmg run as a &el detwhon kcil~ly@&

Coalition. NATO Forces Taka Pride In Afghanistan's Progrecs

WASHINGTON. June 23-Afghanislan"has come alive,'thanksm propss
made durng Operation Enduring Freedom, and troops sewins there can't help
but feel motivated knowng the rde fte/re playing in that proq'ess, Gen. Robert
H Wc"Fogksongs.wd I Links
Air F 3 m Ada-ina ProDltm of RÃ ia out Inlolflncf
WAS4 hGTCh ..re?? -AtForcescf-casna.e is:l.isoctiangesdBsqnw www oentaconchmnelmil
Multi-Vation81 Force-Iraq

cnef .' Gen ROQPIh a

Fcmk m r y m e -, D c roeq eniocteo
A A r Fcrce-ntte sad Acing
7 l . v r q a 002 n%sc:ikfenm Mcd
DcD Spe-la Reoorts
From the Podium
P m dent &ah Tnanm Troops for Coura~e.Service
'To me soid ¡r n 1n.s na . an0 ~ i -servicemen
r ano ~ c m across
n the globe' 1 thank yo^ for y o ~werage
r under fireand ywrservice
to our nation Ithank our military families -the burden of war falls especially hard on you In this war, we have lost good men and
women who left our shores to defend freedom and did not live to make the journey home. I've met with families grieving the toss of
loved ones who were taken from us too soon. I've been inspired by their strength in the face of such great loss We pray forthe
famikms. And the test way to honortb lives that have b w n given in this struggle is lo cmplete t b misson" ~ t r a n ~ r l ~ t l b l o ~
President George W. Bush
Address to the Nahon, Fort Bragg, N C , June 23,2005

Secretary Rumsfeld Outlines Prowess in Iraq

'The suggestion of those who say we are losing, or that we're in a quagmire, seems to be that,as long as there's violence in Iraq, that
the conclusion must be that insurgents are winning. Not so Consider the changes ofthe past year. A democratically elected
government is in place, and more than 8 million Iraqis went@ thepolls, defying intimidation at home and skepticism here in the
United States, in their region and abroad The Sunni minority nowhas belatedly recognized thatboycottingtheir electionwas a
mistake. And they are rejoining the political process. Insurgents remaincapableof savageattacks,to be sure. Butthey can nolonger
take advantageofsanctuaneslike Fallujah to train, plan and hold hostages, Iraq's security forces have grown steadily in size and
caoabilitv. Thev haveeouiomentand exoeriencethev~reviouslylacked, and areearning the confidence and support oftha Iraqi

Secretes h a d H R~rnsfeld
Pentagon Press Conkrence June 27 2005

AMERICA I In the News

SUPPORTS 1 insumms ChmW T&ks AM, Fall" ah F h ~ General k SNS

ftASdhGTON .-ne 30- rs^rg?nls in iraq are icreasmgfy employing
<u m e amoprs ana roaasioeeiooswes aia wlenoaenn S ano

1 US military officer saidin Baohdad "I trunk that Meability oftheenemv to

A ~ ~ ~ ~ C . % " W O ~ w,
, ~ , ~ "

Overseas Basino Chanqea Mean Lass Trooo Stress. DoC TriteSenate

President Urges Ameriwnsto Thank Troops WASHINGTON. June 29-The p h to rekxale troopsfromovereets
.inthis time of teshng, our troops know ~h~ A ~ ~ baxs* back~lo the United
~ States ¥ pmtof lhe Mense [rpartinenfs
people are you, week, our nation has an GloM Defense p¡sIu Roalgnmentwill mean less stress on mllllanf
people and their families, DoD oficjals lorn a %nab Appropr~ebons
opwnw,o make surethat supptis felt by evev
suhmiue here June
Soldier, sailor, airman. Coast Guardsman, and Manneat
every outpost across the world. This Fourth of July, I ask
you to find a way to thank the men and women defending oçfineesTTninteHumand" acTaskForceSupBort.TerrorWi[
WASHINGTON, June 29 - Probabbno example m d m hi*v
- by the fiq, Sending a le,,erto our m8"'"'¥=xM'of effortP"Q ""0 en'""n 1"" fa'red '"' "¡
troops in or helping the family down tie humane treatment possible for eremy combatants baing detained at
street. Department of Defensehas set UP a website - Guantanmo Bay, Cuba, the Bsktee commander there assertedduring
Ameri~~Su~poflsYou.mil. You can 00 there to learn about queiiionrngby itn HOUSB~ i n n S~-S
d ~ o r r i ~ tm
eyi B ~ I ern,
, Jay
pnvate efforts in your own community.At this time when Hood, commander o'loint Task Force Guantanamo,sari the task 'or=
we celebrateour freedom, lel US stand with themen and members are ever mindfulof the strict standards guiding their baharior.
women who defend us all," &!yj
President Bush, Fort B q g , N.C., June28,2005
Statement by Secretary of Defense Rurnsfeld Standing Together
on London Bombings

This morning, the civilizedwo'ld watched with

Too often the global struqqle aquinsl violent extremists

is discussed in acontext that candistract from the harsh
reality that itsvictims are Innocent mothersand fathers,
husbandsand wives, and neighborswesee and work with
every day.

calm passengers compassionate strangers, and c&g&us

rescuers And thattoo is famihx -the grace and humanity
thatmntrastsvmdly with the hatred and vioknceofterrorists

The London attacks have a special resonancefor the

American people -for America has no stronger of closer ally
1thewortd than Great Britain We ere bound together by a In the News
common heritage, acommon language, and a deeply shared
commitment to freedom. As President Bush indicatedearlier Death Banefttt, Insurance IncreaM for Servlcememwn
thismommg, theUnited States wli stand with the British WASHINGTON, July 7 -Compensation for the survivoreof
people with unflinchingresolve.

Insurance maximum coverage will ircrease to $400,0Wstarting Sept 1,

that they can frighten and intimidatefree people to chance sad &I Urynia Penrod, di&r 01 m$ltarymmpmdion k W
ourway oflife And they won't stop until their sideorour side
has prevailed

Bu-ritiese teTonsts tho~gnflhey~ > , nbrnmstsb tie

peopteofa greatram fey ode0 tne wrong prope anaihe
nroia naton Fwaerefaii-ins wars Iasoss ana rencr sta QDR is a congressionallymandatedstudyused toanalyzethefIJllrangeof
h a v e h h t t o cam/ out their violent desions u r n the British DoD activities DoD will presentthereview to Congress with the Fiscal
peopkoiy to founder upon its unrelenlingshores 2W7 Defense Bueqet Rquest on Feb 6 Mqy)
Am; Proqranw Combat Rising Divorce R a f
V.ASn hGTCh. .J â - A i -crease of 0 .or:es among acbw-out\
sic ers nas Ann, (nap a -s m e m a -9 a n.vow of programs locomoat
re M g l m o an0 ne 3 w oer! XE mry
The British have learnedfrom history thatthis kind of
en1 must bemnfronted,Itcannot be appeased Ourtwo ProqressContinues in Ira: Officials Note June Milestones
counties understand well that once a people aive in to BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 4,2005-Daily accomplishments, both large and
terronsts'demands,whatever they are, their demandswfl

The British peopleare delefmined and resolute And I

knew (tie peopleof the Unted States are proud to stand at
thw ade Iretease\ [shy) Thank thelroops For Your Freedom. www.ametica3u~wrtsyou.mll
m .
W ffiWV IRIM JnOHSM9NaqL ,S8d UY PIES 'ueiS10$am
nnof aq140 ueWl!w aql S ' MkW fl peqay uan ' q d anei 01 ssa~ixud
ieqil q Aniiqeis pue 4unm aqi aplmd 01papw 8q WMsdw~i

wz '11 Av
i r'er, ' w u ~ n o
qSna 'M ~ ~ ~ C J ~ ~ U ~ D I S Ã ˆ I
llt'luisueJ1). uaJpjiicpiie~6~no NI weed $0uoiiepuno~
pus ua~piiip~no 941Buffe! aie aw '~eejpue pafleq10 w w )yep ,sisuoiÈia
01sftnewai!eue 6uuauo Ag . ~ e appiw
g ~apecuqw smoe w0peq)o edoq am Bu!peaidsale ah! puv awou IE aiaq wein sae! 01
a ~ e qpu op am os ppom a41SSOJS~pue ueis!u~qQvpue be~lU! Awaua a n 6uwfiy aJ,aM-a~!suauo a 4 w Buiteis a i , puv
~ -piqun
Aam aiojaq qqd 1suuqJaAoounueo a~ 0s aaua611isiuiJno SAiudui!01 BUYOM 81,afl~Â¥puejawoaq1palo~d01BUYOMaim&&
Awapeav 1gj aq1p J O J J ~ ~ UJEM
O leqo15 sassn3sjg qsng iuappa~d
- - -- - --
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Says Iraqis Determined t o Defeat the Insurgents
...despite their headline-grabbingmass murders, the extremists are fai:ing. Indeed, the murders of Iraqi citizens and children appear
to be hardening the majority ofthe Iraqi people's commitment to defeatal Qaedaand to build a bettercountry. And with the supportof
thecutstanding men and women in uniform from our country and from the other Coalitioncountries, i believe they willdojust that"
fimrscnpt) @toM
Secretary Donald H. RumsfeM
Pentagon Press Briefing, July 20,2005

Gen. Pace Savs Servicemembers Understand Importance of Mission

"I was just in Afghanistan last week, and out- pretty far out into the mountains talking tosome of ourgreat Army solders who have
been out there for almost afull tour. You look them in Ihe eye and you ask them if you say tottrem, would they like togo home, the
answer IS of course they would. If you say to them: Do you understand the value of your service over here? They swell up with pride
ard mey say yes, they do. And !hey do not want to come h m e unul the job is done. They undeniaM." ltmnscnpt) WON)
USMC Gen. Peter Pace, Vice Chairmanofthe Joint ChiefsofStaff
Pentagon Press Briefing, July 20,ZMS

Take Off In the News

DoD Reoort Indicators Show Proorasa Toward Stable irao

~ .
. . . . . ..
is.rgents'reman -8paDe aaamse 310 mrt o i wffyiiig Oirt
anacus ' "ne r e m to Coiaress or pieas-mi S'SD in and
securitym Iraq says the ina&ilityofinsurgentsk deraiipoliw
progressis a "noteworthystrategicindicatorof progresstoward a
stable s w m y e n w a m e ~ t " ~ ~ f lo1PDF ~ nremi)

Panel Adds Bases For Closure, Raalianment Consideration

WASHINGTON,July 20-The 2005 BaseReatignrnentand
Closure Commasfon voted to add several military installationstoa
A-BA .a;i wfrrc? G 131-1rr-~es akesor lnm/ili Base 1-21 J n j I5 20r5 list for closure considerationduring July 19 hearings at Ute Dirksen
( U S A r F 3 m photo hySl3fSg- S.zanre M Jab] (Peieasrti senate Bul1dl"g h e m . m

Myers Promises TransformationAid to S onak Miltmy
Chinese Military Power Report Addresses U.S. Concerns BRAT SAJA S-ov3n.a 19-Tne -nBO Stales * neipthe
WASHINGTON, July 2C The Defense Department'sannual report on S
- - -m m 1 !am
- ,-a5. . .....m
$! .tmn5.m~ ... ..m
an m .mwr
... .. lor*
... ,.
Chinese militarypower, released late July 19, is 'deliberately mn- Force Gen. RichardB Mwrs said here Mvers me chairman of the
alarmist,' a senior official said However, some findings are 'workam,' Joint Cliefs of Staff also thanked Slovakiafor military helcr Iran
the ofTcial added The &page report required by Congress each year,
"is a very factual presentation of what's taken place in the People's
Republic of China,' Defense SecretaryDonald H Rumdeldsaid, stiortty
before the report was released. An executive summary of the report
contends "the United States welcomes the rise ofa peacehd and
~ o ~ x ~ oC-i tnas ' n0t.e.W Igoes or D 93, 3 m 'w,a 'smlegic
m i m a s ' m e p u Io'mco.Try's~"://~g P t-y\ casacJlies an0
s t w w : ?F-e%e .S!Q . % I 9 3 -sm2% !c PJF e c m Dersonnel and readiness tashfiedtn the military & m e 1
subcommittee olthe House Armed Services iommittee The
quality objective for recruits is critical, Chu said and is measured
"hank me T m - www Anef caS.OmfWw mi byaptih~deand educ8tlm8I 8chtevmmt Wyl
From the Podium

Anm RestaHonina Plan W l l Reduce Stress on Forc8, Helv Famlllea

"I think that vou vd see- albeit a cmoiex set of chess mows ~na W Y-.v w Q,~I saelhel mese reslationitu dedsions ~IIIV ensure
that our so :ers 2nd tne r lam es remar at me cemrp ete 0' a I we do, especa y fmm me w nt o'v ew of ream r q r e t s m s s
on tnc lo- a w r a h nc mc p a cmo e both l o m m d o n m o s m e n t cnaqges of staton for 01r lam e!' IWIsCnLm lsfcwl
(Amy modular force web owe)
Ray W b k , S p c l d h i s t a n t t o m e k r e t a w o f w my
Pentagon P r w Bri&ng, July 27, mo5

P m d e of AfnhanlMan Reicciing Taliban's Rh64odc

.My >Oserva:oi 11x6 ng tr s 02! mand ca, 0-! s hat nnm . y e w v t r n e h e Ta Oancome upagamst 0-r m g d m f o m s a t h e o f
me A V a n \atora Amf mefie x r g prety >ad? AM *at ne w s p d o w thrre 6 matt% re gong to be omen totne m n d M
tadim that w see beiw employed In lraq k c m e they can't sustain those kinds of losses - our view -.a-d wntinue to r m i n
vlabb We're heanng repots now fiat they'ce attempl~ngto recwt 14. through 16-year-olds to their cause k a u s e older and wiser
Afghank a~ slmply not buying into their heioric "[mnsmm) lSw\
Marine Lf. h. JamesT, Conway
Pmtagon P m s Btiefirq, July%, 2005

New Citizens in the News

%wiceWIl Bsndit Generationst0 Cme. RumsfeldTnlls T m w
BALAD, Iraq July 27- Detew Sm&ry Donald H. RumsfeM salmd soMlers,
sa!lm, Mmnee a d armen sermg ~nlraq and amund !he w d d dunng a l o w
hall m e m o hare. Rumsfddarr~vedin Baghdd thls w i n g for an opmwnal
upd6te hum senior U.S. cornmandersasw l l as lop Iraq1p m m e n t m d
miltm leaders "lhanksm YW,me Wronst3 are f a f h eCAeWn0 thw
in itq'& Alghamtan, mekwelaryldd abwt 509 US. s e ~ c e i m t e r i
galhered fwme town hall meet~ngW

T w m W h d m a l s Could Beoln Next Yea, Cwev W s

BAGWAD, Iraq, Juiy 27-A "faidysubslanbar wmdrawal of U.S. b m l m m
~rao take oiace "mim m or mrmer~fme ~murnemvd m n ? o m an6
0 " e h n e d lofly ! - r e U S m ' q 8nemlw~k a m e J S
c,1,zms a, 8 "?!"'a1 a ' o v eemon, a ;mp v,cloy ,qor July t h ~ m u n w swhbX ~rocess&ntmues as scheduled &e &mma& of
25 %tc t y Sc Arc, Me83mr USA ISIW CoalMn k c k sad here. US. Amy Gen. GmpW C m y , the headof
MuI~-Natlonal F o e I r a q swke dwhg a supise visit to Iraq by Defem
*relay Dma'd H. R u m s f e l d . ~
U S Mu* MalmalnWll In T e m r War
nAS- hGT% .. ,25 - - ? e *a aqanst ,cev NwUS. Ambassador lo A f g h a n l s ! A n ~10
exbern~smis a bame dMIls, and f i l h e h e w m px@e WAWINGTDN, July 27 -Saying he ha3 the'abilitf to wwk Mnd in hmff
g e .c '."q e70 UP P; na &O~,J..MO,
lea ln?c?ama~cf In? .mt t e'%cl St2f!20 reDonem
t k u s m m a ~ ,tnh m m t w ,henew u s a m b ~ & r m ~ b h a n k m tmk

a l ! l e b l m a w s C x n e ! e 'I.e0-0 r N . t Nwmann, whose f e h r once &wed as ambmador io Afghislan, sad fie

p w k d e a d e h s f g h l ~ m t w ~ h ~ l i.t~hel nnk w w l l l ~ e sm@e agmst vlolenl exlremlst3 13 not a clash of w?izAons, hl'a d d
heday and we wlll not I h t h e w o ~ dbatwll b l e f l b r w~binIslam !hat seeks to remove o w ~nnuene,sthat 11can i w m by fom a
Alr = o r e Gen Richard B Myers told the group 'It wll be a "arrm m w that would restmt hummfmadomend pmgresfirwghd the
m i d mefe what h a p n d an London and what happaned idmic w d d 'M
From the Podium
Presidml Bush Vows A w l c d W l l Com~leteMlsslon In Ira
-Thevdence in recentdavs in lmo IS a o m reminder o t l h w ' k e . Thesa t ~ m n s l and
s insumentsn4tuse brutalW S

United State of Amrlca They do not understad our dffi~reto pmtect ourselves to proleA ourfnends, pmled our aillffi. and to
soread freedom around the.di& Our men a d women who have lmt men lives in I m and Ahhanktan and in this war on tenor
haw Ce-2 a none came n a s e k s case :nor famfl cs can kww *natATercan ct,zers pa) b' Irem A M me fam e s xn
krm hat w vd c ronw metr o v a c w s sxrfice or compel ng h e m ss on t, lay nq Te louncal ons for wace for qew'atom to

Presdmt Gmw W.B w h

Grapevine, Tern, Aug. 3 , 2 M 5

Seemaw Rurnsfeld Sdw Coaliilm Must W n the Tost of Wlts

% s o .e, w t retreat s ma1 s n w e c n tns war - t ~ s k s t o ' ~ iCourqe
k m t m n m 6 cded br Ard M m m t
tyranny m s be I-e pall we'oqeqemer the fmre e I S S W a ~ tne d egacy Amenca em3 her 2 es relp OthernaW hld
Our halition must win th~stestofMIIS, vowing that weMll m l surrender h q and Afghanistan to temisls, w d o m t a w l w k e fc#
ourwuntMs maninn and symbol in the w d d andweMll not b e b y the orinaples of freAom mat define cur frak. Am3 we
remgnize.&at these inemiei wuld not be pI&d by a sutrender,.an aplcgy or a betap4 of our v a l m and of our free way oi
lfe,' lmmaksl lstowl
W B b I y h ! d H. RUmSfeld
Remafis lo D a l k Chamkr of C o m m , Aug. 2,2M5

Sound Barr~er In the News

Rmsfeld L a d s N r Force Pmred~In Aaam m lo F h M T m m ~
DALAS A @ 3 - A r F w e ~ m m > e O* OP haw D%" flhrq

on terror Atmw, haw been manmg gun hcks, gwdmg suwly cnnvw,
andworkmg00 h y whjcle, m a g ober bmgs, he3ald W

NmiVlce C M m m ef JqiM Chiis Turns Over Reins in Nohlk

WASHINGTON, Aug, 2 -The mxivicechatman of be J m t Chsfs of S M

CmsiGuard Celabmlea 215 Y e m of Sacutiwa kmdand

W FRANCISCO, A w 4 -me homelandd e h s e m 1 ~ 8 niannoWw new
From the Podium

Timetable for I r e d Constitution Important, Secretary Rumsfeld Say!

"In tess than a week. Imais reoresentina all ofthe various ethnic factions in the country areexpected to have comuleteddrafting the
new c o - s i t ~ o n 's irnpxant tnat t w . stay ~ t tne
q tmetaoe T i 6 e1.1 De acn'ca Step n pemadnq me ma onty oftne r a w tnai
the new r q s w i n f p r g \v tn:'trey nave a stane 1 1 rdefrj mennew coist tdbon a peceof paper GO- d MG^ t ~ out m to Qa
one oftre most pcerli, weapons 10 be aepoyea agsnst ine lerro'ys Tne enemy -noorstanoab v scnsesffis ana s determmefl to
stop h e mnstitutional pmces through ternor and intimidatim.'{transcn~t)(stoc()
Secretary Donald H. R m f e l d
Pentagon PressConference, Aug. 9,2005

Coal'lion Forces Have Will Power to F oht Enemy In Iraq, Gen. Mven Says
"Defeat ng fie !is.rQenc, lanes w ipower Coa ircn forces conenmeto r a r e Ire w 1 powef to take me fgm to theenemy, as ne h a w
for twom ears now. And the only way the insurgents can win is to convince the Iraqis, to convince the American people, 0urC~alItion
partners and the restof the world that t k Fght in Iraq Is not worthit. What Ican tell you is that soldiers, sailors, airmen. Marines in
I- overwhelrniqly see the benefits of thts fight, and they klieve as 1believe, it n worth the fight "&mG!&
Gen Richard B. Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Pentagon Press Conference, Aug 9,2006

In the News
Recnimna. Rnmiion Flaurn Reflect Continued SUCCM
Arneica upp ports You creedom Walk The walk wBI WASHINGTON, Aug 10 - A fresh supply of recent high schoolgraduates, more
begin at the Pentagon and end at the NabonalMall It recruitersand more enticino enlistmentincentivesare being credited with t h e h / s
will include many ofthe major monuments in second straight successfulmonth of meeting its revuting goals, according to the
Wash~nglon,D.C, reminding parlicipantsofthe s devutywdersacretaryfor m11Wpersonnel P D IWM
~ D 'acmg ~
sacrificesof this generation and of each previous
generation that has so successfullydefended our
Secretary Rumsfeld Auo 9.2005

heroism-just the s o l of thing that would make an exathg mow The 1945raid by
the U S Aimy s 6th Ranger Battalionto rescue Americans held at the Japanese
POW can'$ near Cabanatuan in the Phiiippnes is the sutqect of The Great Raid 'a
mowecpninQnaUo~a4lyAugI2 W y l

ot- l m d A m In Djy&
BAQUBAH,Iraq, Aug. 6-Cheers rang outdunng the closing moments of a

freedom with the America Supports You Freedom 1 OoeralinaBase Scunion to lraai control. Divala ProvincialGovernor Ra'ed Hameed
Walk organizedby the Department of Defens Juwad believes the citizens of Iraq are gaining a sense of security. 7he Iraqi Army
fat a e t m gives mnsdence lo the p o p e of Iraq," Ra'ad sa8d &a)
From the Podium

Pros denfs Statement on raal Draft Constitution

'Ira; .eaoere nave apnancec mat t y navo rraae substanbalpfogress toward a draft mnsbMon They nave mdicated lnaltieu
dc ixrat m s w connn.e b e p d tcaa, to refine me text a m bu id an eraunnn mnsensds aPYlaud me h e m efforts of lraai
neootlatorsand appreciatetheir wort to resolve remelnino issuesthroiiah continued neaotiati& and dialooue. Their efforts are a
~ n o ~toi eaemocracy anc an eLanpe tnatd f"'ic.11problemscan oe so& peazeft,ly &OLQ~eoae l e g i t ation and wrnwonse
Wewsh .ne tm eaoes an0 tne Iraq. w o p e E as me n ~ o b m E c o m p e t er e cons0t.t ona o M n g p r m [re e m i IWI
Presdent George W. Bush
August 15,2005

Secretary Rumsfeid Savs U.S. Military an the Offensive In Iraa

'Well, first of all, the U S military ison theoffensive They have beenoutgoing aflerthe terroristeand the insurgentswherethey are
and capturing and killing large numbers of them every single month. The numbers of peopte that are being detained and killed have
been growing month by month Thesituation in the wuntry is thatan insurgencycan- it doesn'itakea genius to strap an asucide
vest and go out and kill some Iraqis and some American and Coalition forces. That can be done Whal ...it would take overtime is for
me Iraqi securityfarces, a t h e y finish developing their capabil~es,to repress l b t iburgencyovera peridoftime.'-
Secretary Donald H Riimsfeld
Radn Infaview, WFLA Tampa, Aug 15,2005

In the News
Rmsfelrf Pimauwan PrMl&nt Di*i-uss Mutual Canwns
A% hC O\ Pai9q.e A,?, ' 7 - D?teiseSccre-lanDone a n Rumsfeid

11 Joht Chiefs Chalman S i n Exwetltlons N o t L o w d h Inn

WASHINGTON. Aua 17 -The chairman of the Jnhl Chiefsof Stiff WaÃ

II c sm ssel mew- trai l i e -n [ec ?arcs has owweo Is expeflaoons n Iraq

Speaniq A F ManLauer 0 Bagnod 'aq or t,3Cs'Tma>"program Air

The White House on Tuesday announced me President's

intentto nominate Donald C Winter, ofVirginia, to be !&ova Mlsiion SasCTMfiil, ImDortant. U.S. F o r m Sat
Secretary of the Navy, and Michael W Wynne, of Florida, to WASHINGTON, AUQ,15 -While U S. forces have been defending freedom in
Afghanistanand Iraq, another mission to protect local populationsfrom
brutalityand oppression has been winding down in the Balkans. That mission
hods Importantlessons for operations currenty under way in Iraq, U.S.
StipoorttheTroops -wwwAnrncaSuowrtsYou.mIl form m Komvo say &?y)
From the Podium
President Bush Tells Idaho National Guard Soldiers. Families That a Free Iraa Will Be 3 Cnjshina Biowto theTerrorists
"The stakes in Iraq could rot be h'qher. The brutal violence in Iraq today is a clear sign of the terrorists' determination to stop
democracy from taking root in the Middle East. They know that the suc&ss of a freelraq, who can be a key aliy in the waron tenor
and a symbol of success for others, will be a crushing blow to their strategy to dominate the region, and threaten America and the free
world. They know that when their hateful ideology is defeated in Iraq, the Middle East will have a clear example of freedom and
prosperity and hope And the teronsts will begin to lose their sponsors and lose their recruits and lose the sanctuaries they need to
plan new attacks. And sa theyre fghting these efforts in Iraq with all the brutalitythey car muster."(tran~nct)(b~sh&~ IStN
'resident George \V. Bush
Namca. Idaho. AIM. 24.2005
Secretary R~msfeidSays Anger Growing Against Terrorists h Iraq
*Ucome some 3re aqJng that we effon n a o TS doomed Recenaj we'maqan been tola that Iraq may prove -Plan
Vietnam and -s oeen a eqe6 trat à § e ^ not w i n i q 10s wm no- no mat tne enemy ooes not appear to snare thai i/iew On fte
contrary, terrorists like Zarqavr are indicating concern about the lack of support from (he Iraqi people, and the reasons are clear. The
terrorists, the insurgents, are not a nationalist movementwith a strong popular support. They have lost their safe havens in Iraq. Their
most orominent leadersare not Iraois. they're not HoChi Minhs with a nationalist base. but. in the case of Zamawi. a Jordanian
murderer And their massacres of innocents have outraged most Iraqis rather than attracting broad support Indeed polls indicate that
the anger agalnstthe termnsts and the mugents IS growing " l t r a n ~ n ~ t ~ i s ~ ~
Secretary Donald H Rumsfeki
Pentagon Press Conference,Aug 23,2005

In the Mews
p m m
HONOLULU. Aug 24 -Americans rust hold on to tfieir resolve to win (hawar against
tenor. Chainnan of the Joint Chiefs of StaffU S Ar Force Gen. Kchard 6. M w s tom

Two Mom Battalionsto Boost Security Durina Iraa Election^

WASHINGTON,A n g 24 -Two infan@ battalionsfrom the 82nd Alrtome Divisionnil
dmiovfrom Fort Braoa N C to Iran to siinnnrt security efforts diirinn the mmmiw

he &ration'&posa was todisrupt&my forces in Ihe areaand lo dear the way Thank the Troops for Your Freedom
s ~ t Cornbind Forces GnmmandAfghanistan oficials sald. 0
for s ~ ~ e seled~ms, www.AmericaSupportsYou.mil
From the Podium
Sec'etaw Rumsfeld Saw Do0 Can Prosectte War on Terror and Respond to Katrlna
Re hart ire forces me cacao ies and me vention tc f.1, omecdte i r e q >bat #ar on terorvm k res~ondtnqO m s
unprecedented humanitananciisis here at home. We can and wit do both !t is imoonant toremember that meri are more than
301 070 Nd'ona G-arc sobers :no a mien. whoare Potdepb/eC overseas id mey are ava aolefor relief an3 secvny e m in
me Jn t m Sm!es. sroda n e y oe necessary Tiese men and mcmen n , n m n at none ana o~erseasa r e o e n w m m t q WLlI
depm 01 i w ccmpassoi c* i r e American peope They re r s K y t v i r ves as tney wont a m m t n e c c a Anc cerian v 1 p n r
expresstngappreciaf!on and great ED& for theirhreless efotts. ltranscnol~lstowl
SecretaryDonald H Rumsfeld
The Pentagon. Sept 6,2005

Lt.. Gen. Inqe Says Progress Continues on Kamna Relief; Milltaw Saving Lives, Reduclw Suffering
"In the coming 24 to 72 hours, we will continue to explore isolated areas and conduct rescue We will provide for immediate needs of
residents awaiting evacuation, We will expand the house-to-house searches. We will expand medical facilities as needed for sick and
injured. And we will deriov additional shios and aviation assets, sliould thev become needed. The Comfort Mil arrive wrtnin the next
72-bur nenod. And we will continue to r k n d to FEMA rpnuests for assistance In summaw. we continue to save lives and reduce
h-ma? S~flenng Aeie f g i t r g fre? fesloin g &gee, recovering estadsnng mmmJricatois and tmsponng + la1 s ~ p p l e sYou
MI c m n n d to s6e ?rcqress An2 et me cow >y s a p g w a r e m-eparm to respnd I? aiy tnreat m u hcmemna

Ii GelI Joseph q e . D e p q Commander U S Nofinem Command

Conference w m Pentaom Press Corns ma Salem?. Sem. 7.2005

In the News

LA National Guard Bfluada Rmdv to Join Recovery Efforts

WASHINGTON,Sept 9 -After a year in Iraq, the 256th Brigade
Combat Team of ttie Louisiana National Guard iscoming back to
theunited States topm another fight - the fightagainstthedeam
and destwction caused by Hurricane Kabina In a news bnefing
today from Baghdad, Iraq,Army Bug Gen, John P Basilica, 256th
BCTcommander,said his soldiers alreadv have started the
redeploymentprocessand are prepared to join in recovery efforts
along k Gulf bast. Mg)

mandatory evacuahon d e r U S trmm are also hel~inaKatrma

surnvore as they move tonew areas News reports i%atn that
many of the peoplewho rode out Katrina in New Orleans a
Orleans, La, &i Sepl 7,2005 U S Navy photo by Petty Officer "s< C ass heeding the latest evacuation order DoD officials speakingon
Robert McRiB (released) backgroundsad ttia numberoftrwps in the 'Â¥egfowill exceed
70,OW in the mi t md e p M

NORTHCOM Ad 1' U S Military Wailant AminilTemTu~

instdelhe buildingwill be p p w to Command Is orecared to feswnd to threats of terrorism, e w with
tire public forthe flrstlimesince'ttie *
.eventsorseOt I t 2001 -On thousands of military personnel mobilized to the GuffCoast
Saturday Sent10 from m a rri t o 2 assisting m Hurricane Katnna relief and recoveryoperations
pm € amordmgbUSNCRTHC3Moflclals 0
In the News War on Terror
Unit Responsiblefor Training Iraqi Forces Changes Command
WASHINGTON.Sept 8 -The multlnahonal command responsible for
training and equippiw Iraqi secunty forces changed hands today In
Baghdad Iraq, U.S Atmy LI. Gen David H.Pttraeus pasad
command of the Multinational Sacurtty Transition Command Iraq to
US. Army Lt Gen. Martin E. Dempsey h a cfia-f-command
ceremony today Petraws aiso passed responsiblity and controlof
MNSTCI m d the NATO Tranlng Mtsslan Iraq to Denpey

DemocraticProcess ContinuesIn Iraq

WASHINGTON,Sept 8 -The voter registrationperiodfor Iraqi
dozens officially ended Sept. 7 And white final results havenot been
compiled,estimates so far indicate a willingness by the Iraq peopleto
participate in the political process,a militaryspokesinanin Whdad,

General SharesThouahbas 9/11 AnniversaryAooroachw

BOULDER. Colo,, Sept. 7- The approaching anniversaryd the Sept.
11.2001. terrorist attackson theunited States 0ivesAmencans
cause to think about things that happened before, dunng arid after
In the News - DoD lhat day. the h v ' s chief of pubic affairs told an audiencehere Seat.
6 Bng Gei l r ' w Erocus'oc '.neb-oer .a eyRctaryC~.Dirs
BRAC Pan4 Sends Final Rfloort to President impinail ro 'ref% on me c f ~ r - m i m e s'na' eo .p r 9 ' h a : r t ~

WASHINGTON,Sept 9-The Base Realignment and Closure lace0 on 9 1' aic wnat *e contn..? tc lace w a y 'Tne qenera sad
Commission deliveredits final report, outliiing its recommendationsfor he'%re-nrm 0, Smd I 1 ever! 2 8 , wen ne w s rn r . 3 0% & M
reshaping the Pentagon's infrastructureand farce siructure plan, to isabout 20steDs from wherethe left eraireofthe airliner that
President Bush late Sect 8 The ~rssidentnow has several oot8ms.. if he. crashed into the Pentagon hit While that servesas a reminderofthe
? ~ .

c u r s , he can approve the report and send it to congress by Sept 23. kaqedy, he said, it also symbolizes the Amencan character The
He alsocan react it or return it to me commission forrevisions. if Bush Pertaqon has'been remrstruaed,' he said, "showingour resilience
and our resolve, and our mbnued wok that engaged nghtaway,
undaunted, end how muct moreresolve has been shown snce that
p n t ~ an m e ' u

SctiwarkTakes Reins of U,S.Transponation Command I m l Forces to Provide Bulk of Eleaion Sfcurfty

SCOTTAIR FORCE BASE, Ill., Sept. 8 -Transportahon ofçarmatMial WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 -Iraqi security forces will provideHie primary
security far the Oct. 15 consbtutional referendum and the December
has beenvitalto militaryservices throughout U S history, afact proved
every day the United States fights the war on terror an0 recoversfrow a à emom 8 - S commaniet n S a p m rao, sad In a news
briprng h,_i Gm ^ow G nes xnmanoof of Mi m a m a Corps
natural disaster,Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld sad here Sept. 7
r?c Tad ma'Dpna.se rms e w mqnw m o n s t n e tni S-nh
dunng a change-of-commandceremony for U S, Transportation
Command Air Force Gen Norton A Schwa* acceptedcommand of the .
U S forces in the area will be increased onlv,biabout 2 000 &
br the referendumand elections Vines said he expectsinsurgentsto
pnt-serviceforte that provides land, sea and air transportationforthe
Defense Dmartment and manaoes millory Inoisiicsfrom facinrvtn ncrease attacks as the referendum approaches, but coalition an6
foxhole schwa* succeeds A ~ ~ F OGw ~ W~ i h w n Handy who is rearing Iraqi forces w'il be prepared to defend the Iraqis'democraticprocess.
a k r 39 years of sewce rn 'Unfortunately,there are those who want to deprive them of the

,, .
j&isions ' Iraqi security forces continueto make progress 11 their
rairing, Vines said, and trey are closely partnered withcoalition units
n ali aswcts of thefroperobms
- ~~~- ~-~
and milttary leaiterefrom every bra& of service as well as other countries
attended, along with diplomatic representatives horn more than 50 @qlnfiqwJpQman Arm" oemininq o p n h
sountnes. In hisspeech, Rumsfeldthanked the veteransfortheirservice, <AB-. A'ormstan-Tr'eA'qnan ha-ona Amy recently pi.tmer

mm;!ment achievea mma-freeAf~hamslanfor future

From the Podium
Secretaw R u m f e l d S a w Caveats Llmlt Commanders' Flexiba'i
'Alahan~stanb)where NATO is Iakino on a b'imer and b'ker rde and one offhe i s s w w ' l l ha* to msfb with Is tlm r e a l i t v ~
*n-e 2 nmber of hAT0 m o m n a t g x e n re;> q9 me r%r ct 07s maI tlmy m p s e on t n w forces an6 me m e a s tna! the;
reo. re sorn? nat 017s nave XI yet :one mat Ccm, Ip-x a W T O commandor n an ama o f o ~ b and m themam diifewt
n. m Of e ~ g q c m c n t0 ?em1 resmcbcmon n a m a f o r m , t m x e s ~ e m m w s y d f ' c ~ ~ t f re ~ r commaraer to n a w the flcx b l l v
to function. They vary all x m s thespectwm, the b p s of reshicfions and caveats that they give. Pm v e v pkased that a large
number have been reiuced: itranscri~t)( s w
k r a t a i y h a l d H. Rmsla!d, Sept 12, ZCOS
~ i a a v a i l a b i l i t fen rwta to Bedin for infwmal NATO defense minisleria meeting

Col -IR McMaster Brle.bmS~.a.esses of O ~ m U o nReatore-mgm l q Tell Afar, lm

'Tnese rac s o i m are brave -%#re c01raaeo.s -revre ~ J I C I ~ Oz a m L ~ W s e v e w o a #Ana w d m s t e m Irant e n
examde. I mean, these are men &. l~keou~sold~en.a& commmei to'this mission h e & doino %ator& d i k t o m e m s d w .,,

m a w a m Ire p e c w .h n 6 me w>ple are scc a?d tuet of 131s, o e n x o f t i senemy ant may ara vev gralehl IOJ
m r e b
a m n e (rag a m f s enom n pan CL m 10 nc 1 n m of m s enemy -re m p e r a l o i w m me p o p e agar anc n w m w n a n l demem
of o.,smcss ncre, me actess 12 u c mtd w n c c + n 8v a t re a l m n 2 we\e de,cLpm # In me people %s g e n -s And 1 i m
the American soldiir the Amerkan people bave got to be m proud of wr soldien. Icant tell you h w proud I am of the trcapers of
thisqiment " itranmiD0 (stow)
Amy &I. H.R. MMaster. commander. 3 M A m r e d Cavalw R6uimer4 Sack 13,2W5

In the News

is lor NATO lo pamer w t Ihe Afghan Nahm~lAmy lo man-

security in what dl1 amom1 to somethmg 11kelhree q ~ a f l e r s olhal
wne:he sad he s=.&s~ S = I ~u s. b- W O U COMM
~ b
play a s m g mie. 0

Some JTF Kalrlna U n b lo Rohm Home

WASHINGTON, SepL 14- Some miriary m l I s t b t ~ W y d t a
suppwl HuMcane Kahnaopeml~onsare prephg reurn toIhek

xaI= ax0 'es are n p m n w e o w w m m o m d o ~ e mA1

FF4IAq re~-e$lo i f m s sac ?are m Iaq r e s o ~ m are tew
ow-yes 175 re -1 am r e m m y o p ~ r v o m-sw
d8ve %ra,ons from a rechmzzd I m h g man (LCM) ln l~ewell
Cm Ihd87gshlp LSS T x q a (LS245) on k p l 11 2035 The d w $ we TemorWurs DurinaTimes of lraolPrwress.Ge I*
sanllzd doe lc the cmd~t~on
d the waer rn ne aftermath 91H m w e Kamw WASHINGTON, SepL I 5 - Becausa'Cmmuacy means fai'ure iu
Ihe ~nsu@ew'm Iraq, tenonsle ere employing wlenca aaos
Iraq 10an efforIb derai lk d m m t i c prmss, a s a w nxlitarf
Mulb.N~tiona~F o r W r w swkesman bld repoms durmg a
Bwhdad newsmnlerenw MQYI
From the Podium
Secretaw Rumsfeld Pmlses Afahanistan Elbctlons
"Cn Sunday the people ofAfghan*tan votec in lhelrsmnd swessfU d m o u ~ c e l e t i o in
n b s than o m y w k w a r e t M r
omvitcial and Darlhamentaweleclons Termrisk have dcme evehino in Lh&r m r to trv lo inlimMale the milrbns of Afahanvden

demaracv mat E~htstemnsts Insteadof haaonna them The Afahan ceoole's wuraue should be a stunnlnu remlnderto all dthm
seeminglyself~o~fidenlpmgnostiwlors who fore& an Afghan iuagm~re.They we; notjust wmng,they $re harmful by making
the cause seem hopeless.'[lranscn~t~fstow) @tow)
k r e t w Cbnaid H. RumsfaU
Pentagm Press Cmferam, Sept .?J,ZW

Gem. Mvera Praises Guard, Resewes

W e ha'e a Nat~onalGuard f m - a n d I wuld hlk ataui t k R e m s in b e same linht. wa have a G w d fam lhai has Wver teem
more ready lo suooorl~ateverm i s l m t h i s w u n l w ~ l man'
k mvaf been more r e a & ~ n d m can talk to an" Guard I a ~ A e ~ a r d

some equipment Issuesthat have to be dealt wlth, e5 there are forthe actlve wmponent as well M a u s e of the way w'mtfyng to
husband resources m ~ d elac and notmovea lotofequipmnt back and bnh. So there a E those w e s . Absohtely. 013a l o t o f ~ a l
stem fmm pnor 6ecls1onsa long h e ago, and m t cumentdecisions. I can tell you that." ftranscnot) MON)
Gen R ~ h a r d0. Mven. chalnnan of hhint C h k k 0fStafI

gorn of A W u F o p Seah to M n F n m s . P w ~ T e n o ~ m
N A S ~ ~ Gsew T 21 .
~ -~ s r mry wces ~ e m m o'~hcaarewa%m
w r Whearts am m ~ 0 d s w p p e a90 are w m m we ~ s p r m of lefmsm
r n n q m ' ne 'eqm Manne M? tien 1 mcv Gmm,ey mnmmdmd
G n k ma ., 3 % Force
01 ?>-I 01A m s a n~ 8 Vmagor r m n'mfcq
From the Podium
secretaw R-msfeld P r a i s u s e w k e o f Retir'na C m a n of B e Joint Ch efs of S M Gem R'cnard B Mwq
- M e n lne r s'cv 21 tn.5 m e m mnen an era o8tra@, aw lurm?l m .mpp 2e eve I w ce sam o'D K: Myerslnat ne was

o w oflne mtcnnsw.entai c i a man of tne .o r t Cn >km our t dory h2 c i a m a n i a s ceer m w oee?) i m ved in r m m c m a
d e c w n s w o . nc obr w.it9 an0 0 - r s e w t y and c?mny ivcinng ' hncn a i d m n e n I-%cim f i a IPS of nsoric
challenge and op?oduniLks, our country needed k best, and A m m a fowd it in Dick Myers, h o s e courage h e seen, w h m
caunsel i wll mlss, and whose friend&iD I value'
Sxrmy Emam H. Rumsf&
Pentagon Fms Conference %pt 2 7 , 2 0 9 5 ~

Gen Mvera S w U n I M S t a h M~8tRemain Stea&fast in War Against Terrorism

'Tne vo en1 e f l m SR are actem rea to c o i m t O?SI cable a m 0' v oenm ,n an e+ofl m shabr wli of 0% Un t m Staes a m
our Codition p a m e n They want tosee us leave Iraq wi%oui wmpletiw h m ~ s s i o nT k m m y k m w c k a d y bey canrat
defeal us militanlv,. so. .
h v reiv on ects of terronm b bv to chi0 m a at our moi@. our resolve lo win
a pan, OL! 17sn31 me rn y ;an w , s e her? m K ng ierz dnt t w ong war aga n~ t e m s m % mnseqmnry,we m x l mmam
And mars -.of which hIs ~

Seadasl n o ~ r ~ aga g V nsI l~ s bey oetem nm enem, As a camn c ~ Lmst r wcapm5 arc m m e a n o ma@, or none word,
OLr m4 h e s mp ) cannx aflcm !o B e tre a ,o '0 sn the p o a. nand Nc nave tne pmoto, ve nave lk F ars am2 we nave p a
k d e n h i p to see Uus to &e end and to see v~clory."&&
AlrFomG0n. Richard B. wms
Ventaoon P m Canfarem, %DL 27,2005 ltranscrbt)

In the N e w
ANzaId Detalh a1 Qaeda'a L m T e m n Qoals
WASHINGTON, Sept B A1 Qaeda terrorists bpto d d e A m e m hflwncefrcm
the Middk Easland install a global Mmlim i e d e r h Sad1Aratla, Army Gen. John
Abiiaid said *.%king d'dringSenate testimony, Amaid, M f o f U.S b n t d
Cornmad, sad a1 Qaeda's objecbves are clear. 'They Mieve in ajihsd, a i i M to
o v e r l h m b k g t ~ m ~mimes
te m the legmn,' hesaid. "In oderto&Ihal, ttey8W
must d r m America from b e regbn." &o

DoD Wantsto Sit& L w m n e from Katrina Before h D m i n n Chaw-

WASHINGTON, SepL 21 - The Defense Departmentwants to wart fcfafler&lm
revem of operations following Hurricane Katma t e f m maklrg r m m e M a h o n s m
changmg lawsor poiiiles, biense kaders 9 1 3 President Bush has sad the dea of
DoD tak~wa lead m!e in dmnestc disasters IS a declson Gmgmss must make.
SecretaryCunald H. Rumsfeld said 11IS t m early to say Pow EoD would respoid.
RamsfebiarK Gen Rjchad B. Myers spoke dunng a pre$sconferenceTwsday.
'The presdent h s ma& srre statementsthat he is Interested in d'scuss~ngI e m m
k a m d m the e x w t i w branch, and theq thinkg about how ourcnuntrycan besi k
arranged to best s e w t k Ameican people,' Rumsfeidsald. @Q)
From the Podium
Presldmt Bush DISCJSSRSWar on Terror al Nattonal Endowmenifor h m m r a c y
'Some o k e ' v e ~a so c a m P a l Ape?= v.3, o be bmcr oq of c n n? CJ mses a i d leavrq 1~ n w Tn 5 5 a dangemm l b m n ,
r e f ~ l mwtr a smpe c.eston n0.a l?e - n f e t Slates an0 o+er ,re? nmors te m x e s?fe o r l m safe wtnZarcew and b n a e n
in w n W o f l r a ~ts , 11sresources? Havina removed a dictator who hated free MDIeS. w dl1 notstand b v a s a new s t
, ~ e n u k and
of kllkr? dedmted to the destmeion of cur own c w i r y , seues a n t m i of l r q by vloknci: w h i i e ~ o u s ' f asheet)
~StOWl1StWI (stow)
Pmident G m g n W. Bush
Washir!gton, D.C., &I. 6,2035

L t G?n.Petraeus Reverts Ira01 Securltv Forces Readiness ConUnues t o G m w

"The h b m line up front fhal I'd Ihke to leave wifh you today is W there has been m o w pwgres with lk l w i sewrty !me
overthe course of the past 16 months in the fa= of a brutal msurgency, and there IS cons-be work st111to Lw done laqi security
lame readiness hns mntlnued to grow ~ t ehs h passing w k . You mn lake a pxentage off every me& th#s wtthsre, h t e w r
you want-. training, equlppltg infrashcture reconstmction, units in the fight, sdxds, academies reestabllsM you name lt--ard
what has teen accmpl8shed since the transifon to sove~ignlyI& k s t June would still be remakable.'(lranscri~t) lstory!

In the News
Cdltlon, Af~hansMa* Four Yeas of O~erallonEnduring F-rn
WASHINGTON, 021 6- Four wars ma,America lmnched11scount era^
agansl terrorism, hammering tinorl~tiarqeb10Afghmlslan and whew In

AmvEnalnem Focus on HelDlna SouihRwwfrm H u d c a ~

WASHINGTON, 021.6- Th@'dewaarlng" of New Orkansshwld be
Cmpkte today, keAmIf8 lcp engineeriad dun- 8 m wnferenm hem

lrmis Will Have W e Environmentfar Rsfwedum, GeneralS%m

-- - WASHINGTON, CXl6-Cmlibn and lmqi ~ c u n l y b ~ s a r b e ~ m ~
Gm. Peter Pwe, c h i m a n ofthe h l M C h M ol Smf pmding 8 SCUE envirmmntfor lbqls lo pmddpele n~ the 03 15
rnnsbluliobd referendum,and they haws the eblllk to& m,A m y Md.
Gm R,ck Lynhmd. &&

Penonnel Who Bought Gear Can Clab&imbursemenl

WASHiNGTON, 021 6 -%me mcememben wi~obought b r o w
prdectweg a r MI1 get rambursedfor be purchase unds a new p l w
awraved 03 4 D a d S C. Chu, fie undersecretary of defens fu
p m m d and readma@, appoved me dlrwhve fiat 811~6rmltay
wnsull wU! l i e other JCS m m k and &&&t pmonna lo be rerrbumd "for priwtely purchass polechve, safebw
mmmders. b a d me1Writ Chiefswb paqel hemHh ~ l p m m t@ " JJ
From the Podium
SecWaw Rumsfold doids T o m Hall wRh Trmm at MacDll AFE
.%me m y a% ne w a r s tno go3 o ' n s Gooa !4arm lcrmr? An&s l i e qoa.ofthe eflortn m or Afghan~s~an? NeM, le man
#s UCtorY U n m d ~ t i o n dunawlmetic and unyieldim And vou can tell them i n e mare fiino. That we know a m ve 6 u o m i a k the 1
cost of war, and it is msllv IWs cosilv in t~meakav b ifamiiies t s mdv when OM vists 6 e murded in lk b s o i t a k in 1
w a s n q t m a ee-a ;XI N E ~e RW a w a i e m e r e aroma t w m - ' w y r s m l y n B p a r aqc t w -I mtwatnwm
and ?<err a s o f fear? e e ? I.-y we Sns on oJr h e a m a m on t M k m o l Arnenca' ?ran%nmI I s m 1
Secretav ha!d H Rumsf&
MacDill Alr Farce @as?, Fbnda
C d 13,2005
h a d Mai Gen. Avoub Savs Morae Hlah Amonn HIS Trmm
7 ca? g w yo- an exampe v,nat e san ymemay m sorry h a a y cefore wstemw was~msqmfl& me m w w m m g o w
s w m ttew e l m o r PO s nc Pad me 'm 7 ss o m for In2 1 9 k h Eana m, 2M Big& TI- s was m nr fm m s m o m m e Tap
fof t k new kcation. I wsh we had the chance lo p b t o h e m to give you the idea b w glid they were, how anxiom to h k e w n l r d
outsde IheTajl terrhry espechllyin these checkpoinls You can? imagine the momleLbey have, how h'ghlhal it was, b w exckd
i k ware to have thelr first rnlsslonwtslde Tail: i ! ~ n s c ~ o l l

, In the News

who aye stmd(ngs i m g the f m of thsa h m g n f ~ h ard

m raaids Gat
are m ~ n to
g sIOp lhe march of fceedm '

In Iraq @e w m d quarIer1y"repdmf on the secunly, p l l h l and -mc

envlrnment ~nIraq address s p M c baseine metics, measuremen& md
mdlmtm of Iraq's ~ w n l y
pdltlcel mnomic envmmmt. &y)

mpwqm:alms is ~ c m i n cw r Resew 2no h m n a

G a a em3oym ale rme tc T ~ P Im c e ~3.m
, am
Defer3 S?ceta') Ccnau ? . n s ' e ~ 3 r tc r e 2 ,erne
Rumddd Central Amenwn M l n l s l ~ ~ ~ Re u sbnal
K E Y B I X ~ N E , la., Oct. 13- Centalhencan d e k e a%ecvrlly 1
j1 -
Thank me T r a m W Your Freerbm w A m r i i ~ Y o u . m I 1 1
From the Podium

President Congratulates Iraals on Successful Election?

"This is a very posi:ive day for the lrqis and, as well, for ATOM peace. Democracies are peaceful countries. The vote today in Iraq
stands in stark contrast to the attitudes and philosophy and strategy of al Qaeda and its temretfnerds and killers.We believe, and
the Iraqis believe, the best way forward is through the demouak process.Al Qaeda wants to use their violent ways to stop the
march of democracy because democracy is the exactpposiieof vhat they believe i3 right' Manwriot~Mow)
President Geoge W. Bush
The White House, 0ct 16,2005
SeCletaN Rumsfeld Discusses Relationship with China
'The EP-3 incident in 2001 clearly set back the military-to-military relationship w k n our plane was brought down and the crew of that
olane was made hoslaaes for a ~eriodWe've been incrementellvtakina some steos s h . If I were to characterize the overall

Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld

Mediaaveilabilitywith traveling pressen mute to Chlna, 00.17,2005
From the Podium
President Bush Savs Terroristo' Vision Defined Bv Warned ImagoofhçP
"And Islamic radicalism, like the ideoiogyofcommunism,contains inherent contradictionsthat doom it tofailure. By fearingfreedom by -
distrustinghuman creativity and punishing change, and limning thecontributions of half the population -this ideologyunderminesthe very
qualities that make human prcgress possible, and human societiessuccessU Theoniything modern about the militants'vision Isthe
weapons they want to use against us The rest of their grim vision is defined by a warped image of the past a declaration ofwar on the
idea of progress itself And whatever liesahead in the war aaainstlhs ideoloqy, the outcome is not in doubt: Those who deswsefreedom
1 and wgress have condemned :hemselves to Isolation, d e c k and milapse~ecausefreeoeoplesbelieve in the future,free oewles will
1 o m the future 'f~ran%riD!\fstowl fslowl (stml President Georue W Bush
Boiling fir Fora Base, Maiyland, & 25,2005
Ambassador Khalilzad Discusses Irao's Now Constitution
'Success in iraq, both !or Iraqisand for Americans, depends on whether the I r q i leaders can agree on a nationalcompact, avision for the
new iraq that has the support of Iraq's communities. The ratificationofthe constitutionsignals major progress towards that goal. In
negotiating the constitution, Iraqis on ail sides of all major issues worked towards compromise.Sometimes the talks were difficult andsome
of the compromises did not come easily. We can take heart that the process of overcoming differences through negotiations, not conflict.
has begmtotake root'- Ambassador to Iraq ZaI Khalilzad
The White House. O n 2S. 2005

In the News
Inql VMem Sty TWt) NÃ Confiilutlon
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -A mapritf of Iraq'scitizens have approved
their country's new constitution, an event the top U.S. diplomatcalled
'a remakablestory" Iraq8 "achieved yet another stepon hermarch
toward democracv.' Seo-etaw of State Condoieezza Rice saidto
reporters during a trip ~ttawa,Canada Iraqis voted on the new
constitutionduring an Oct 15referendum The Iraqigovemment
announced that 78 percent of wters apvowd UE hument W

Information Important a> Bullets Against Terror. Chairman Savs,

WASHINGTON,Get 25 Inbrmation is as important in the qioba:
war on terrorismas bullets ard bombs the charman of the Jont

Trooc Visits Give Doctor New Rescett for t h m

SHANNON Ireland On. 24- Dr Neil Frumandldn t realizehnw
m m o ' a " m i x i a ' , 2 to T. 'q'sic at,?. a':-?? t w mra nao ~loridain the wakeof ~u&ane ~ l m Aircrews
a have &ed
madeoi r n .T 0.fnS a" arpcn?::)r?.er " ~ a r x tneway n hospital patients in the Flonda Keys and communications teamsare
him? Cd 22 nesah acrz-pof soceis neaoe" '1 ¥a becare '  providing satellite video and radio communication capabilities to
asslst emergewworker? in mer operahons, o@aatssa~d

menand women ofdiffientcountriesoforloin nationalities, heichts Pakistan Relief EfforttoTw 1.000 U.S. Trooos
weighs, sexes - all with smiles on their faces, eager, anxious and WASHINGTON, Get. 24 -More than 1,000US. serdmmmberswll
respectful, standing proudly for me, my family andmy country .I soon ba asastino earttiauakereiiefeffortsin Pakistan Naw Rear
rea'ized I didn't have that fesling of respect for them before, I had a Adm Michael~ " L e ~ e commander
ir of Iha U S rehef effort in
hmp 17 mybroatthembre b m e : m Fekmten, tok Pentagon repaem here &yl
From the Podium
Gen. Pace Discusses Insurgent Attacks in Iraq
"I think what we have is an insurgencythat is more and more awareof the fed that each time the Iraqi peoplego tovote, eachtime
they stale their own free will in the way they have at the ballot box, that the insurgency is mere and more in trouble of doing what they
* . .
wantto do. which is to dominate those ~eooleSo hum the standmint oftte insuments. thevarevewconcerned, asthev should be.
tnaf me raw w p e hart to na.e a % ' & y e tnat'wy pcu fofthemse /es Ani inerefore ! n q are us ng aracnson a v , ans
pnnar m o e r c ' w ans as a v.s\ 10 tr, 10 get ne ~raq*ope to b m down from tneiro?non,r tyto iveme way mey m w t o
h e So see the ns~fqemsa m as an .no caten hatme'raq. people are in fact moiiln? - mak i g nrqress ipodnq forwad, and
thelr government is as M i . " [tranmiot) k.torv1
Gen. Peter Pace, Chairman,Joint Chiefsof Staff
Press Conference with Pentagon Press Corps, Nov. 1,2005

a l . Gen. Talulo Discusses the Imoortance of Building the Iraols' Sustalnment Caoabllltlas
Â¥Alright, sustainment - in the functional areas we have personnel, we have logistics and we have training. In our logistics arena -
everything about maintaining and sustaining your equipment lev& So if you take a truck out, and it gets hitwith an IEDand itgets
destroyed, how do I get my truck replaced? If my truck breaks, and I don? have parts to fix it, how do Iget the parts the necessary
Darts to out it backon the mad? ... if I need leaden and wrsonnel. and I have to have .-rotate leaders. there hasaot to beasystem
ir. F ace to an-J amoqni1.l system on no* mey seectconmanden and 0-' n eaders a m nare assqnmeiis b e c a s e m a
suss-rs n e p e w i n e soe n Ira n i g 1 can con'Lct - II've col my sod e n ana mer mamsnarsnp is g w o lne r - - they <no*
hon loconduct a n fre trafmer r d m a tranrg sk is aregooo i'ldorlusefnosesn~lls mey M e r n e So neea to
understandthat I have to schedule time to go back to training at certain periodic times. I need to be able to conduct that kind of
training over again to sustain their skills. So in these functional areas, there are sustainment reouirements,and you have to have

Army Maj. Gen. Joseph Taluto, Commander, Multinational Division NortbCentral of Task Force Liberty
Press Briefinn from Baghdad, Oct. 28,2005

In the News
Marine Corps to Join U.S. SMCM Ooeratloni Command
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 -ma Marine Corps will soon officiallyjoin the a p d operations
community with anew Marina Special OperationsCommand to Oecome a component of
US. SpecialOperalions GomrnaM, Defense Smetav Rumsfeld annwnd. k W

Bush Praises haiv as 'Partner for Peace'

WASHINGTON.Oct, 31 -President Bush praisedItaly as a strong partner for peace
following a meetingwith Prime Minister Silm Beduscorn here. Itsiy is a dose ally in tie
Coalition against lerrof.The itaiians have been on the ground m Afghanistan anm 2002
Some 79.00 Italiansoldiersand 'Carabmen'. members of en Italian militaryand polce
corns serve 11Iran wth IheBrmsti-led Multi-NanonalDivision Southeast. m e Italiansalso
mritr~butefn the NATO mtsswn fraiilng Iraq1ofkeE @gyl

Including the ~apkesedefense minister, ~ & h i n o n ~ h cUa S Secretary of state

Condoleem Rm, ar4 Japmese lore~gnrnlnster blohfmta Mach~mum
From the Podium

Secretary Rumsfeld: Enemv We're FlqhHnq i n Iraq has Global Designs

'Tbt t a r s of oar two denoc'axs na.e teaen ire meas-re c'an e-en< vAfi gio!>al designs an enemy wnoseexplicit 'hre3B in
mn'irgs - n Presdent EGSI hcrds an cpci nam ng to tne freeuofio f !ney are nol defeated n Iraq. t k e enemies m il become
more powerful, more ambition and launch more attacks on free people everywhere. We are firm in the convictionthat leaving before
the job is dona in either Afghanistan or l'aq, as the terrorists hwe, w u m iaad to even greater danger later." ltrenscn~t)(stwf)
Secretaly Donald H. Rumsfeld
Joint News Briefing viith British Secretary of State for DefenseJoin Red
The Pentagon, Nov. 7, 21N5

Gen. Pace: Each Votein Iran Is astrike Against the Insurgency

'The numbers of attacks that have faken olace dunno the Octoberelections and as we oet ready for the December elections am
indicativeofthe fact that the insuraencv kderstands"that even/ time an Iran1ooes to
7 "
Doll and votes that is a strike anainst the
InsLqency Tbe rsJ'geits iedt lie fact tre a c s f. be abk to pen m r own h'ure So wnen say t v t no 10 yo.iiq.estonabOd
ho* n ef i s ~ q e n t sare genng s i n g e r oe eve "icy are w t oecmse o'fteeieclcns cecaJse 64 percent oithe Iraq pop.ious
went and voted (in the Oct 15 constitutionalreferendum): because 210.000 Iraqis now serve in their armed forces and their police.
Everything that is good and measurable about toe stability of the countw now and Its potential for future stability is working in the new
oovemment's favor. That then works aoainst insurgents and therefore, k i d e that environment I do not see the insurgencygrowiiw.'

Cha man of the È nt Cn e k of Staff Gen Peter Pace

InlenwjvwHh J m Lehrer 01 The Mewsr-iwrwitn Lenrer. NOU7 2005

In the News
Bush Precnf Medalof W o r n to Former Joint ChiofiCnnriin
AASh hG*Oh NC. 5 - Presoe~ 0.m oreseriea reirm Aif Firm Gen R ctim B
e m a n mePvs,denla Weoa, d Peeaon 0 "no a rftfhrte hhse m m o n t on
~ednesdavMvers wtio stenned down as charmanof the ~ointchiefs of staff %at-30
was one of14 Americans honoredwitti the naboi's highest civilian award Bush &ad
Mprs W his effo6 mat helped free SO m!it~onpeople In Afghmistanand Iraq.@gl

Annv Has No Plansto Drop Recmitina Standards

Antwerc who heads lha Armv Accessions cornnand dismissed allmabonsthata recent
spike in recruitswho score &tin minary entrance tests and an increase in those
w~thouth ~ s&od
h d~plmasrepresents a walerog down of ma Mgl

Panmon Chmnef Adds Podcaxtlna to ProductUnÃ

WASHINGTON, NOT 4-On NDV 7, ttie Pentacpn Channelwilladd podcasting as a
means of dktrbuhngthe channel's military news and informationtargeted to fha men and
women in uniform.The Pentagon Channel broaecasls military newsand infomlKinfor
and about the 2 6 millionmembersof me U S Armed Forces, (rehasel
-- - - --
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld: Prewar Intetllqence Not Unique t o President
"We've got men and women serving in Iraa, nskna their lives, and --on theone hand, and on the other hand. we have oeoole
suaaestina that the reason we're there was because this oresldentdecided to a0 in based on Informationthat was u n h k to him. And
it i& t &.e to n n "he in'orma on n:at ne based h i o e c sim on was me same ,nformation t i a President C n t m and me
pre. ?LSc d n nmation nad IS t i e same rformat on members 01 !re rioJse and Senate nao i s n e same m h r m a m that tne otner
m e g e x e sem ces rave Ano Iseems 10 n e natpeope wtio are M ng to risn ffier . /es neeoto mow tne m Tney neea b
understand that they are there based on decisnns that were made in rood faith by responsible Beode, and that this worlds m a to - -
b e a lot better offwith Saddam Husseingoneand Gth that muntw m-a Pam tov& d e m r a q : ltrarrscriot) k t o r d
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfdd
Pentagon Press Briefing, Nov. 15,2005

Brig. Gen. Alstan: Iraqi Security Forces S e c u r i n ~Ground Won Durinq O~eratlons
"The most current operations that we have been doing in the Euphrates River Valley over the last couple of months, in Hadiiaand
now out fartherwest in Husavba, a1 Qaim, Karabilah. in these areas we areestablishno Dermanent lraal security force Dresem
Fortsand outoostsare beinabuilt to sustain the Irani securlWfnrcpfi in thnw areas In ih'e nast. rf therehas been an o&ration and ft
would be unable would have been unable to leave behind; Dermanent security oresemi there have been times thatthe
msLqems o terrorst5 w o ~ come d cacn nto mose areas But now w a y t i e lacurat ne Iraq sec-1 y brcasn-mber m m man
21t CCO haseraom a c Heren' v.aq to sc w m s ¥yee n ard'na'new ^va/ is to lea* oen r d competent raq. sewiry forces to
secure the ground that is won And that is the fundamental difference in theoperations that we are able to perform today and matthe
Iraqi security forces are able to perform today. So I mink thatthat lador more than any other willenable us to continue to. with that
sstaned wsence, pmvide s l a b ~ i to ~ vhose areas.'-
Air Force Brig, Gen. DonaldAlston
Press Conference In Baghdad, Nov. 13,201)5

In the News
Atahanwarnil Increastnc Rote In A m
KABUL,Afghanistan, Nov 17 -Only four years after the Taiiban was ousted from
fAfahan women are Diavina an mcreasino rria in Iheircountry'ssecurity
through accessions pmgrak allowing them to become membersof the ~ f & a n
Natlmd Army a
Judn Mç M i l b w Trial at Guantanamo Bay Halted
//A$+ WOh No; ' 5 - Aleoer? . i ~om'm * a ratNo~r14 t o n e m i i t q
1 8 ifar A w r s a? detanee capt.fen n Afgnm stan and new al G~airanamo
38, C m 7; 8 % x e w C c n r.1"~ n t realm m e Aq,yl

~ o a t K t mForces Caoture Hloh4evel Baath P a w Leadm

white tic Manr-eaof ndia Company, 3rd Ed-ulico,6th Marines. WASHINGTON, Nm.15-Coa'ltlon forces captured Hie leader of the New3aaLh
clear touses during OperationSteel Cunain in Husaybah, Iraq Party in Oiyala province,Iraq, dunng a Nov 9 patrol, officialsannounced.Hamid
on Nov 10.2005 The nteiil of Steel Curtain is!o restwe Iraqi Shark, M i d is aformefmemberof ihe3aath Party In Diyala provinceand is
e r g mliol along me Iraq-Syria border anddestroyIfw al
QaedS network operating Ihm~ghoutmeQaimregim. Do0 suspected of being responsiblefor all insurgent Baath Party activities in that area
ptotobycpl NaliA s e w r ~ , s ~ a n f i e ~ o r p(~eleased)
s w
Secretary Rumfeld Cornmentaw: US-Australia Relatbmhiv
For sixdecadestbeclose friendship and military alliancebetweenour twogreat
democracies has been a force for peace and prosperityin the Asia-Pacificregion '
fink to full article!
From the Podium

Secretary R ~ m s f e i dS a w Iraals W II Not Tolerate Insuraencv

'L I' naie y r e a: pm?e /i ce a5 e to corn; elel/ recxe ttet irsuqency and they Èn/ do it k c a m they mow the m u g e n i s
are mi against me Coa t m forces me ns-'gens are aqa i s 1 me rw ceopk they are aQamstme eec'-m Iraqi government tney
are aqalnsltk cmst~tutlonofthe lhaqls, and the IWI people are not gotng totolerate thatoverfime " [ l r a m n ~ t isIw1
Secretary Donald H Rumsfeld
Media Stakeout after CBS appearance, Nov. 20,2005
L t Gen.VinesThanksTrooos ForThelr Sacrifices
"I am struck, In this holiday season, by theenormoussacrificeoftie young menand women over hem ... I believe, inavery direct
way, they're helping to provide for the secunly and safety ofour fellow citizens back in the United States. And I betievethere's a direct
linkage between the security of ourcitizens back in the United States and what goes on hem in Iraq, because those jihadists, those
terrorists that seek to impose their will on Iraq ..the U S. is an archenemy, and they would like to use Iraq as a base from which to
strike us And those young men and women in harm's way here recognize that, and Ithink they arecommitted to thefigM. And we
owe them adebt ofgrafitude, and it IS my high homr m s e m vith them: {tranxri~llistory~(stofvl
Army Lt Gen. John R. Vines, Baghdad, Nw. 22,2005

In the News
Persistent Prasenca Creates SecumEnvironment, Spokesman Says
WASHINGTON, Nov 23 -Operations mat have teen ongoing h me Iraq'$AptÈa province
since September have had a significant impact nationwide and have limledthe ability of
le~~onslsto cmductsuc~deatlacks a U S m~l~kryspkesmn mid Baghdd 0
TODEnlistedAdvisor Im~ressedWrth Girtmo Troop Qualftv. Dedication
NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba, Nov 23-Atthe tail endofhii firstvisit hem.
h e recent / appo rieo senw en itr'i 30, sor to r e craman of he .ii'n Chefs of Stafsad
hes \ax, a n'neq.3 t. o'pe3pe flu see neie'Armi a m a n d Sq Ma .Wan. '.ceS
G a y sao f e 82 rpresseo din me C T caton r e miesw d ~ n o +I!a lbov 22 (stoa.

MmeMilltafv Funds Committedfor PakistanQuake Relief

WASHINGTON. NDV21 -The Defense Departnentis nean~doublingitehmdlna for
ezrni-are re #operatons r 2s stan - 10 $'tC m or - I7 o~ ng 3ie cc.n:~s'de/asiaing
Ofl 8 ear.ioi-ane :rat eft an est m2iec 73 001 peope OCOT Slate Deparmentoffoas
anr0,rcel hi, 15 T^e Mae0 r tar\ comrrtnen spar o'a arqer >era J S am

Commentary: GlveThanks ForThose Who AnswerCall '+',, ,.' .> . M?",i-. IT",'" ,--È F,c~ A
FORT MONROE,Va., Nov 23 -manksgivinQ is a special timeforour nation We reh an* gift; ,.m:, ,.ta',va,-CNr,nesaxi
our iorefaltiew'journey to a new land - seeking freedom from persecution,Bldnq a country 'h.rf.'rli *',!+'I' *(ip",.-(/,.*Â¥ItWC
Ihatpresentedthe opportunity for peace and a fruitful future - for wtifch we givethanksthis . n m ,. d r - r - i i r ,#,' e ~ - i l ' ~ w a f e n e t ]
time of year. Wealso celebrateour military families this timeof year during National M'litary
Family Week. Many - more than a quarterof a million people- face this holidaywimoutmenr~
loved ones. (link to commentary)Thankthe troops W H AmericaSup~msYoumil
From the Podium
President RLsH- As Iraqi Sec~.tryForces Stand Up. Coalition Forces Can Stand Down
'As mc rzql Sec-JTy Fcrces Stan0 -c me r cor2er:e s a r o m o anc Tev are tan nu on rimer arKi moremooriantmissions on
their own. As the lr&i Securitv or& stand UD. the confidence of the lraai oeoole icarowirc--and Iraais are orovidirc the vital
mte gence needed to trac, O ~ Aire ? terror st; Ard as ne raq Securft' F&C& stand up Coa t o n for& can stand down and -
w e n O J m#ss#m c i de'eatng I r e wnonss n mq s m n o e t e OJI !rocp w ,.. e l m nome t o a m u a na!on'luancnKl lstcwl
President George W. Bush
Annapolis, Md.,Nov. 30,2005

SecretarvRumsfeld: Victory. Not Oulltlno, Is the Exit Strategy

f a co-ntrynefioes to c-i! ne,'.egot a o m c ~ c a t nfor t r w - a m And o l m ~ r s eQJU ng s noexit strategy Vciory stneexrt
strategy yo1 *ant and we -2 A n i n] in s In ng anc weregoiig to win t a m -'re gong to oe abe totransfer respond bury tottm
Iraqi peqle, and most Important ofall, th~nkof what the ~ $ wm 4 ld be like lfwepuiled o u t p r e a p l ~ s l y . " ~
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Interview, The Neal Boortz Radio Show, Nov. 29,2005

In the News
Irml Security Forces Steadily Imirovlnn. But Sill Need Sucoort
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29- US. andcoalitioninitiativestocreate well-trained
and -equippedIraqi security forces are paying off, with Iraqis taking on more
of thefght, a U.S. Central Command general said Nov. 28 at the Hertage
Foundation here "Iraqi Security Forces are fighting hard. They're fighing
well Thev are notcraddno under ormure. as vou see in some armies, and
they are iakmga tremendous contribution," Q B; Gen Mart Kmmit
CENTCOWSdepuv dlreaorof plans and strategy, tow the aud~encek@yl

- - - ~ - - - - - ~ - ,,-- -~ -- -~
civilians Manna Gen. Peter Pace chairman of t h ~ ~ n lChefs
n t of staff, @Id
Pentagon reporters Nov 29. Pace defended use of the substance, which
U S forces use primarilyas smokescreen, to mark targels or toftus?
enemy combatants outof protec!edpositions.'It is well within thelawof war
to use those weapons as they are betng used for markingand screenng: he
sad US forces haw never used wtiite phosphorous to target innocent
Web Links cl~llms,offmls sad, and have taken great pans to amd do~ng$0
WWe Hwae
Natwnal Strakgyfa Vbciv In Iraq gfficialsDeer/ Use of Outdated Imagesto Portrav Gitme
Tratnhg Iraqi Secwity F M W ~ U S NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY. Cuba, Nov 29 -Leaders at the
U S detention facility for enemy combatants here wonder why mediaoutlets
mUnue to use outdated Images of defunct facilities to accompany news
mwds aboutthe base &yJ

Amv's Ongoing TransformationWas Decades in the Making

I 1 aq corn -Multi-Na'imal Force-Iraq WASHINGTON. Nov. 30 -Although the Army only began its transfmalion
Muli-Naliwal Security Transi!im Command-Iraq 1 in 2002 the orocess has been onmm and decades m the makim, U Gen.
www irnstci raa centcom mil Joseph L. ~ikovac,the military deputy lo the assistant secretaryof h
Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan braqulsitlm, logdc3znd Iecimolwy, said here Nov 29 W
w "fc 3 centcorn mil
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Savs Defeatina Extremists' Asoirations in Iraa Essential to Protecting Americana
"But simply put. defeating extremists' aspirations in Iraq is essential to proteciing the lives of the Amencan people. Imagine the work)
our children would face i f w allowed Zawahiri a d Zarnawi and hm Laden and others oftheir iik to seizenowr and nn&wih
irrp^r.Ty Odof raq ' v a d Lrn raq anlo A r a t ~ f p a ';.a1n &as ? e h SepIc'nDer 1t'Â a raven for 1e;orst fec^~.&enl, k 8 n ^)g
and a ai.icr.ns Lao 'or arisen; ega ns' Â mercers aro mr ic OA c !tens w ~ J Isene
; I ss n e sasc of a new 1 s . m ~ca phate
to ezerd 1nro-gnoal lne V d a e East a-d m c n AOL d lrreatei 1% !mate o a ~ e m w n i sin Em:e Afrca a i o Asa Tns s ther @an
lhey have said so. We make a tenibk mi*ke f w fail to listen a i d barn? (tmnscriotl lstow)
Secretaiy Donab H. RumsfeM
Remarks to the Jolm Hopkins, Paul H. N i i e School of Advanced Intemalional S t u t i k
Washington, D C, ,Dec 5,2005

Lt Gen. Karl Eikenbew Briefs on Proaress, Challenges in Afghanistan

'Consider where Afghanistan is today. The country now has a constitution Political orocesses have been formalized. The country has
. .
a democraticallv elected oresident A reoresentatik National Assemblv and orovincial councils have been elected, and oarliament will
stviann Ins n e w reel's for 1% frsi time n ^peace$ Tne Afghan h a o n a Amy no# n.nbersaDo~t3C Or0 smq'and s a
natrona y recoy zed insln-~rnv. ih a naton-me p s e n c e TT /^@an Sa'ora Po ce t o m is !ak ng srapc as we11 Roads,
wets schms 2nd c i c s a'e De fig OJ 1aio.no tnc co~rtry.Mil 01s 3f chihrcn are no* ancndng scioos many tor Ihe fi'sl tm
And just as important,there i s a strong international consensus in place to continue this productive partnership with the Afghan

U.S.Army L t Sen. Kafl Elkenbeny

Briefingwith Pentagon presscorps. Dec.8,2005

In the News
Rumiftid; Ternrids Can Win Onh in U.S.. Modla
WASHINGTON,Dec. 9 -Enemies of afree Iraq recognize they cant win
aoansl the United States and the malltionon the battlefield.and the mlv
way they can hope lo win is in Washington, D C .and fir& ~mericai
publ~copmhm Defense Secretav Dmaid H Rumsfel6 said Dec. 8.

IED Center,Task Force Bridge Gw Between Tralntno Centers. Theater

WASHINGTON,Dec. 7 - A new improvised-exptosive-device centerof
exceltenceat Fort I m , Calif, and fie existing Joint IED Task Force willuse
lessons learned in Iraq to develop strategies to defeat the significant inreat
lEDs pose to sewicemembers araurd the worid, a senior mi:itavoffioalsaid
h m Deo. 8.

[ link toMult NaterialForcelrao wwwinf i r i corn 1 BJShCites Ira0 Rebuiltitno Proartsa. Accom~llshmanta
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 -President Bush today highlightedreconstruction
Support the Troops achievements made in Iraq over the past two years as positrievidence lhai
that country is making progresstoward becoming a self-sufficient,productive
www.AmericaSu~~ortsYou.mil S I ~
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld: Elections In Iraa Defeat for Enemies of the Iraai People
'So thiselection, ofcourse, is not only imponant to those Iraqis, ifs important to the people in the region. It would be thefiist real

democracv In the Arab world. And I think the bach-side of if is also imooitant. This election constitutes a defeat for the enemies of the
Iraqi peop'e n e mem K cf me eg vale raqt govenment IccnsM.tes a oefeat to i r e p e o w w o have been dog the
bet'ea'i 13s 810 m n c 2 n g In8 s. 1 de r m s a m ti'eaer 10 p o p e anc assassinating p o p e *no *ere bold enough 10goouland
run for public office, or to go out and vote, or to serve Yet if you ttiink about rt, the moderate Misiim nations in the region have been
undmhreat And so I ~ Savictorybthem aswell:~transcrlpi~ k t o w l ~ s t o ~ l
SeCretary Donald H. RumsfeM
Pentaoon Town Hall Dec 15 2005
Gen Casev. Accom~llshmentsIn Iraa Unprecedented
what the Iraqi people and the Coal ton have accomplished here in less than three years is unprecedented And if you thmk about
it, three yearsago Saddam Husseinwas still tyrannizing the Iraqi people. And in the year periodor less than three yearssincethen,
the Iraqis have taken sovereignty to their country, they've had elections far a transitional government, the peaceful transition of
governmentsfrom the intenm government to the transitional government They've written a constitution. They've approved the
constitution. Thev've built UD Irani secuitv forces of over 200 000 And tcdav thev elected an assemblv that will select a aovemmeni
basm un lnat constt~ti-nA 2f WII less fan three ana a na I tbree years ana &ne 8 j a nst a r-Inless are r e ^ k n t nsdiqency
Its reriamabe and as saa n's dnsreceoenled The t h d p t me st11 n a m e or of morn tc dc nerein raq ln 2C06 T i e i e w
g o m m e r t s got.0 c e l e l ~ t e dm a e tne t r a n s m ax come ~ n ' l m w n ~lsmw
Gen George W. Casey Jr
CommandingGeneral MuKhNahonal Force-Iraq
Update from Iraq to the PentagonTown Hal, Dec 15,2M5

In the News
w b c k t o m l l s Amld Tight Wa&
WASHINGTON,Dec 15 Reportsfmm Iraq's nationalparfamentaryelections
Dec.15 indicatevoter turnout was higher lhan the numbers seen for t h e m . 15
constitutionalreferendum,military offioals here said. The outcome of the
electronwill determine the first full-term government since the fall of Saddam

Senior Leaders Focuson Urban Fluht

WASHINGTON,Dec. 15 -Senior defense and government leadersgathered at
Fort McNair to consider challengesthe U S militaryfacesoperahfig in urban
envlronrnents and to discussstrategies to makethem as effective in cities as in
open terrain The Urban OperationsSenior LeaderReview, sponsored by U.S.
Joint Forces Command,focused on belter ways to fight an enemy that's
Inmea~lnglymmgmto urban areasto plm and bun& ~tsallacks.W

DoDOrdem ReylewofArrtl.Threatlntel.GatharinnSvtem
WASHINGTON,Dec. 15 -The Defense Departinenthas ordered ereviewof m
Intelligencesystem that mmolles Informationon possible worldwide threateto
US, miltary p m n m l and ~nstallatiom,
a senm h D omcm SM h a r n . M

V M he DoD elections web sue on www DefertdArnerica.mIl

From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Holidav Messaae to the Troons
' n t i s oig war' - m a n?'reemr snc'cpm.-'i', mat our fore'atrers soJgmareme vwymngs tne enemy attacks and napes to
taw ahay Tie) are wrst sime ra.e cs ieo ne A m e r w i ^ream arc m a t eo one wnterto sa, Amanca s a w ' ngness of tne
heart.' That dream, that willhgnessof the heart, is what each of you have sacrificedforand helped todefend. And 1want you to know
that your country is grateful toeach of you, and the cause of human freedom is stronger today because of you. And so to every
American in uniform, I thank you for your service. I congratutate you on a year ofenormous acmplishment. And i wish you and your
families a happy holiday season, and asafe and successful new year." (link to full text1

Gen. Pace Holidav Message to the Troops

'Throughout our history, the men and women oflhe Armed Forces have spent many holidays far from loved ones, serving to defend
the ideals of freedom and libedv that Americans hold so dear. Todav. vou continue to disolav that same unwm~ranisinadevotion to
duty, F r m full combat operations tocritical relief missions, your efforts across the globe bring peace to troubled landsand hope to
those in need "(link to full text)

In the News
RumsfeldCltes 2005 Successm Challmais for Nnw Year
WASHINGTON,Dec, 22- Defense Secreta-y Donald H Runsfeidheralded 2005 a
a year of extraordinarycontributionsby me U S m'htary andlooked toward the new
year as an opoortunityto continue buJding on those efforts and b'ansformmg 639
m ~ l l winto a 21st.mtury forw. @@@

RumsfeldVisits TFOODSat Baaram,Kandahar

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Dec 22 - Defcnw Sicrclary Donald H.
Rumsfeld spent me rnommg today with troops from Combined Jdnt Task Force 76 in
Afghanistan, awarding medals to aviatorsfor valor in combat and answering

Security, Sunnl Participation Deterred ElectionViolence, G i n m I San

WASHINGTON, Dec. 22- Increasednumbers of capable Iraqi security forces and
m r e Sum1involvementin the electoral processware among be factors that
detered terrorist violence before and duringthe Dec. 15 vobng, a senior U S. n d h y

.. L w e h In Ahhanlstm Slated to Orno W Y e a r

WASHINGTON,Dec 20-Thenumber ofhencan troopsserving In Afghanistan,
currenliyabout19,000, is slated to decline by about 2,500 next year, asenlor U.S.
mitilaryoti~rs% here D s 19 @my)
Work on QuadrennialDefense Review, 2007 Do0 Budaet Continues
WASHINGTON Dec 19- Pentagon ovlllar and militaryleaders continue work on
developing the 2005 QuadrennialDefense Revew and the 2007 Do0 budget
officials said ODRs are perfomea every four years to help defense planners
ascertain what the militarywill need in manpower and matenelto address anticipated
n~ss,ons20 yeam in the future @my)
From the Podium
Secrelaw Rumsfeld Soeaks to US. TFOODSIn Mosul
'When vou read thinas or hear thinas that exores a doubt about the future here In Iraa or in Afahanfetan. know that there have
always been doubts&pressed. here have always been those who suggested that the cause could not be successful: that the cause
would be lost; and in fact it was the people that persevered that proved them wrong. The great sweep of human history 1s for freedom,
and you're m the SKI^ offreedom, and you acd our county will premll. God b k s ynu all; thank you. ~transcriotlfW1
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Mosul, Iraq, Dec. 24,2005

Gen Casw' Still Work Ahead In raq

'As have sa 0 many :nes oefore Irere s no qu ck so d o n to me SSJCS facing Iraq There is m m nwe to do In orderm succeed
the p p e cf 'aq must .n te ben r o meif seci.rty 'orces a d me I govemrncnt and u r n aga nstterror ana 40 ence n 2006 This 15
part of a conditions-based assessment process In coordination with the Iraqi Security Forces a i d Iraqi government leadership. Our
next assessment for continued transition will take placetnissmina. but remember, this will be a gradual Dmcess thatwill take dace
over2006 and beyond "(link to MNF-1 newslettercommentary)
Gen. G e q e W. Casey Jr.
Dec. 28,2005

I In the News
Ira~l.Afghan E K S c m S i t n i l M o t Sigcilicint PIOQ~SSIn 2035
, A A ShGTOh
~ Dec. a-Fiee aio '3 f ee:ucns n z q ma A@an stan representtm J S
m -3s nod sgr fca-t . w a r p sn~entn 2105 me top S en SM I sefvicememtmsa d
Arm Cn'ftrarn sn'. Ma tf- Barn. 'Sane. vnnrm.isi'n wmor mtnrmaman rime
1 ~ointchiefs of staff b i n 2005 in Ire0 asthe senior enlisted advsor for MultinationalCorns
Iraq He witnessed the Jan. 30 elecbons there and sad the event and subsequent elecim in
lkaq md Afghmstm are signfimntm mmy lewls. 0

Pace Explalns High Re-up RateAniona DevloyedScrvlcemember*

WASHINGTON,Dec. 25- Servicemembers who have served 19 Iraq and Afghanistan are re-
enlisting in high numbers, and the chairmanof the Joint Chiefsof Staff said he Ihinks he knows
why Marine Gen Peter Pace spoke with Chris Wallace on Bie Fox News Channel's "Fox
News Sunday.'"(The high re-enlistment rate) showstheir pride in what they're doing and their
naerslandmgof how importartit is,' the general said "It isabsolutelytrue that for those units
that hare served ove-seas in Ira0 and Afahanistan that their reenlistmentrates are the

Matthew Bash (released) ..

I From the Podium

President Bush H'ahllahts Rooress, Challenaes In Globa War on Terror

'So n 2?06 i r e msson s'o contr.e to r a n i cw r o r e a10 mo'e tefmryaw more and more r e s m i b rty to mi forces A year
ago !>ere #as 01) a naiot. cf raq am, anr! co ce sate m s reaof for ccnoat ready totate me lead toCay, tnereare moretnan
1 125 Iraqi combat battalionsfiahtina the enemv, and 5001 those are in the lead. That's Drwress. And its imimrtant ~foaress.and ifs
1 an imwrtant Dart of our strateov t i win in lfli. And as these forces become more battle-hardened and take the lead. we're aoina to
see continued confidence in the Iraqi people ofthe Iraqis being able to defend themselves, and that's important. And as weseekore
of these Iraqi forces in the lead, we'll be able to continue witti our desire, our stated strategy thatsays as Iraqis stand up, we'll stand
down' itrflnsr'rint) fstorvl fstorv~
President George W, Bush
The Pentagon, Jan. 4,2006
a i . Ben. Webster Saw Trooos' Ability to Adapt Helpinn Win Global War on Terror
"There are some out there who question our missionor our capabiity to perform the mission. And all I can say is thatthe war is being
conducted in a very complex combat environinent, and we are moving the ball forward. Andourgreatest quality isourpeople and
their ability to adapt to the situation so we can be successful. Conditions are being set to allow the Iraqis to inn and secure their own
m n y . " h m w l l (stow
Ma]. Gen. William Webster, commander of MultiiNatianal Division-Baghdad
Briefing with Pentagon Press hips from Iraq

I In the News
Bush Announces AppointmentstoTwo TOO Do0 Posts
WASHINGTON, Jan 5 PresKkml Bind announced recessappointmenisB
[wo key Pentagon positions. Gordon England as deputy defense secretafy and
J Dorance Sm~thas aSBtmt swrelav ot&lense fm public affdrs,

Chiefs Continualiv Examine Dlfferinn Combat Tour Lengths

WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 -The service chiefs continue to examirte hew long
servcemembersshould serve in Iraq, but for nowthey are satisfiedthe tour
lengths are about right. Marine Gen. Peter Pace said Jan. 3. Iraq tour lenctfis
are diferent among the services. Airmen generaliy are ctepbyedfor four
months Marines and sailors serve about seven months Soldiers generaly
spend= parwih'bmts on thegrwnd'&q)

Sg- David ~ o t i ofn 'he Air Farm S u r p n General's office after

the president met wth senior defense officialsn e e Pentap
eglobal waron terror arefighting hard, but not with weapons. "e're waging Jan 4,2006,lo discuss me war in Iraq DefenseSecfaary Dona
peace as hard as we can," the commanderof Combined Jo'nt Task Force Horn Runsfeld (tarngM} aid other defense sadere alsostoppedto
of Africa told American Forces Press Service Jan, 2 here Marine Ma). Gen. hake hands with enisled members t o m all !he servises Defense
Timothy Ghmley said Marines, airmen, sailors and soldiersin the command Dept choto by HelensC S~kkel?lir'k to~holoessaysl
are strengtheningandstabilizingtile nations of the region Weare satting the
conditions for victory' the oeneral said 'We're avoidina another Iraa or

Afghanistan' Yaar In Revieq

KABUL, Afghanistan, Jan 3-One yearcanchangethefaceofanation operationss m v< I1 have thecapabilitiesof superheroes,
Afghanistan made significantadvancements m 2005 toward autonomy and bema able lo sense through 12 inches of concreteto
sec~flwThe changes starled 10 the Rrstfew daysofthenew year delemne dsomeone ~sms~dea bu~ldmg.M M
From the Podium
President Bush: Tnree Area of Focus In Iraq This Year
l he p . n q s m s o &elhe democralic
'Our ~ c f k,n raq .n 2'306 % i ca k s e o on r r e e c n a areas. On the politics she, *e ç
gains they made last year, and help them build democratic inslilulions, a unified government, and a lasting free society On the
security side, we will stay on the offense aaamst the terrorists and Saddamists. We will continue tostrenathen the Iraal securitY forces
- A.UI &I empi ass on npm! nc me cap; nes cf 'J-e .'Â¥acpo! ce so malover t i e nefl.2 montns l'ac" forces can lane mrkd of
mwe te.TT'o4 Ilom 0.r Coa Ion an: :a<e me eao n the fqir And on me econom c side, *e 8. con1 l u e rem'>stn,ctron eforts and
help raq's ne-v ao4ernmept i-p emen1 d PC-1reforms'nai are nece5sa-j 10 b- lo a mooeneconomy ard a ceder .fe'
President George W. Bush
Address toveteransof Foreign Wan, Washington, Jan. 10,2006

Secretary Rumsfeld: Defense Department Mast Be Prepared For Unforeseen Evenha Itles
'An e rte cant KnoA for c e w n m t u r-cs of Aars Âv. Pa\ be f@l ng in It'â cecaaes 3 c m e w a o know whatodr pmfifreshave
to ce ana cena n / lney inc -c^epre9aong fo'iinfo'eseen eventi^ll es from fu scale corrba'operabons tomi-nier-nsurgenq
missions; stability operations and homeland defense, creating the best structured, trained and equipped forcesfor these missions;
continuingjointness and connectivity within and between theservices to provide commanden wth the greatest possible numberof
ODtim: arranalna the department to conduct a war aoainst aoile and unconventional enemies ftat are tied to no nation state, am
u'nencumbered by bureaucracies, and use terror, ~ropa~andaand indiscriminate violence to try to exhaust our will and advance their
ra+a aims: [tanscriot) Mow) Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
News Briefing, The Pentagon, Jan. 12,20(16

Heavy Cargo In the News
Al Q i e h In Im'In Dliarnv: U.S. Ginml S i n
WASHINGTON, Jan 13 A1 Qaeda'sinfluencein Iraq Is unraveling, a senior
U S oeneral based In Baghdadtold reoorters at the Pentagon. "Al Qawais

Imomed Armored Vasts Reflect Chanalm EnmnvTactics

WASHINGTON,Jan 12- US military members serving in Iraq,Afghanistan
and other dangerouslocaleswill soon receive revamped armored vestsmat
pmmde m m sde pmkbm, o f i d s s m

Mirth Luther Kina Jr. Honored at Pentawn Breakfast

WASHINGTON,Jan 12- DefenseDepartmentleaden andguestsgathered
hereto honor a champion of civil rights atthe Pentagon's 21st Annual Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr Breakfast "Dr King he'ped America come to terms with the
shame of its oast to find a wav to move bevond it" DefenseSecretaryDonald
H Rumsfekl said at the breakfast "He understood lhafour nabon could never
be a moral force in t k worid as long as it denied the promise of its founding to
Itsom people'(starvl

Clunolna Fact of War Means Momhlnn Guard, R-Ã

SANDIEGO. Jan. 11 -Thedays of the weekend warriorareover.a top
defemseoffcialsaid here Jan. 10. Thomas F Hall, assistant secretary of
Adak,A.'aska,inthe Aemn ,sGds D ~ D - D ~ ~y O ~ f f .i ~ defense for reserve affairs, said the aunlrv hasentered the eraof an
~ Apetty
2nd CIassRvan C McGirlev.U.S. Navv (Released) ocerabonal reserve force vs a strateoc one lstowl
Secretary Hawev Briefs on 2005 Armv Accom~ilshments,Challenges
"Two thousand and five was a vear of solid accom~lishmentfor the A m v but in the onaoira discussbn and debate about Irau. some
h a m sad the Amy is severey s r e t c w l A fe* iade even descrwc* t as b e e n beiie<emesecommemsare ncorred To be
s ~ r ett-e Army is fac ng grea' cha enges but t s more amrate 10 oesu oe me Army as a fu spectrum mrce W h a portfolio of
wpab l e s t'iat are ree.an.totn~ ?Kt cent,ry Tnp Amy s A W O J c;~ ~ s i o n tnepreem
. nen'lano x w e f in me wont Today3
Army is the most capable, best-trained, best-equipped and most experienced force our nation has fielded in well over a decade.
llranscnotl istow) lsbw) k t w )
Secretary of the Army Francis if. Harvey
Pentagon Press Briefing,Jan. 18,2006

Lt. Gen. Vines: Sunnls RecoanlzeThelr Future Is Through Democratic Process,Not V l o l e n ~

"Sunnis need to feel like they have a place in this government. They need to feel like that they have an opportunityto be a part ofthe
ureat ~rau- economic opoortumtv and to ~artaoatein the oolitkai Dmcess. ~ n 11dthere wasa ~ a r c e ~ l i othat n they had no olace in
ttie various uovernance and ecoiomic devfilociient of the countrv.thev certainlv would feel at nsk. & of course we're haow to see
Smn indo ^emem Tney .otec panicu any r a! Anmr are sectors. nhx-ionerta y greater n.froers n a n Wy dri n the naiional
demon n.angary W e n n< tnals 2 very gooo sqn They fecognee thattneir 1fl.r~ is 'nroJcn "iedenmaç process, nottrmugn
v o i e m . And *e, of course,a r neanene'J by tnat'flranscnpl) stofy)
Army U.Gen. John Vmes
Commander, Mufti-National Corps-Iraq and CommandingGeneral of the VXIII Airborne Corps
Briefing to ~ e n t a g o n ~ r e aCorps
s fmm Iraq, Jan 13,2006

In the News
Americans Mint Undentand U S If itWar. Geneml Sws
WASHINGTON Jan 18 -The American people must remindthemselves every
davltiatthe United States isat war a trnAnnvnenera1said ArmvLt G3n Rav
0diemo. soeakina at the Amencan ~nter~nsei&htute here, said that 2tstcentuv
warfare is more abA'wiil and perceptiok than takingterntory orenemieskilted."
The will of me American people and people around the world to confront the
terrorists and defeat them is thecenter ofgravity in m e t Pentagon officialsare
czmg 'me low wr,' OAerno sad

.%tgr.lgl~w N d e d Behwm Mlltaw and D l p t m s . Rice-

WASHINGTON Jan 18 Secretaryof State Condoleezza Rice In a speech a)
Georgetown Universityhighlightedthe importance of pmmohng a more
cooperativeworking relationship between American diplomats and the U S
mB(taryn ofler to acineve global obkcwes My)

America Suoporta You; Fox News SpolllaMaTun's Letter-writin4CamMlgQ

WASHINGTON,Jan 17-The 16-yeawn f0underof.A Million Thanks; a
nationwide oroorm mwuraama stuaents to write thank-vou leflers to
serviceme&& appeared on +ox and Friends' to speak about her new
New Navy Secretary Sworn In mpmp to send 2.6 milim cards and Iellen to be troops in 2006 W
Donald C Winter was sworn in this month as secretaryof
ttie Navy As leaderof America's Navy and MarineCorps Ca-w In A I Sumk ~ Channets
team. he s responsible for an annual budget of more -
F3RT CETS.Ci\ Md.. -an ' 7 Tre Arm reccingfinishw IWVQ'Stayaert'
than $125 billion and almost 900,000people care 0 e . p ~8s a w ~ n i e'neasi-re for faT(;.e anc r e pe-r proam rt now
trneswe lo the Fletl LNav web site) am m e nrc-gr m tar> s-pp-J cranres ploru
0 Pentagon Briefing
A Weakly Report From the Departmentof Defense
www.etBfwdam9rla.mIl www~~wtaoonchaniwI.mllwwwAmeiicaSumartsYou.mll

From the Podium

President Bush: U.S. Military Transformha
sfler fie years of war Lnere is a neeo M wake sere that OJFmops are balanced pmpeny tnm threats are met witn capMry
And mars Jrtiy we're transform ng o.r m iary The tf nos cak for are me fo'bmng morale reientm am fecruiimem And reknbon
1s ~VJI EN m n t s meebng goa s and aeopa are fee ng wong aoc.ttrm mssmn B t t also fecoon ze m m v e tt make s ~ m
thatour military is transformed.~nd thafs what's takina piice riqk now - we're transforming the United States Army so that

President George W. Bush

White House press conference, Jan. 26,2006

Rumsfeld: U.S. Forces Enormously CaÈaMà Battle Hardened

"The force is not broken The implication in what you said is also, Ithink, almost backwards in this sense: the world saw the United
States military ca halfwav around the world and in a matter of weeks throw the el Qaeda and TaEban out of Afohanistan. in a

horn that is not tmt th s armed force is h i t e n out that inisarmed force is e n o m o ~ ~capable
ly ~ e c & l wou dsay that n is ml"anly
capable of function ng n a very effective we) and therefore oi-ght to increase tne aeierrent ratner man Aaaken it; .n eddibon it's battle
hardened and it is not a peacetime force that has been in barracksor garrisons. It is a force that has been deployed, functioned

Secretary Donald H. Riimsfakl

Pentaaon cress conference, Jan. 25.2006

Rollover Training Device In the News

Iraqi lnçumentNow Battlina bl Qaadl Tarrortete
WASHINGTON, Jan 26 - m a a1 Oaeda in Iraq rwtwcrt has bst scores ofkey
leadersas the resultof anbtarronstoperations and now ifs being attackedby Iraqi
Insurgents a senior U S military officer told reporters at a Baghdad news
conference Al Qaeda in Iraq has had 111 of Itsleaderskilled orcapturedIn the
past year Army Ma) Gan Rick Lynch a spokesmanfor MultinationalForm Iraq,
w2 Jwdanlantmor8tAh Mu& a k z s q m rum al Qwdaln Iraq L&W

Marinacons Steclal Oii Will Add to Mliiiaw Caca6i!!iÈCommandf S w s

WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 -The Maine Corps Special Operations Command, the

Most Reserve. Guard Members Earn Wore. Not Less. in Uniform

WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 -Despite general perceptions that NationalGuard and
Reserve troops lose incomewhen calledto active duty, most actually earn more in
unlformmm sNlians, a new Rand Gorp. study reveak

I ...pentagon-mJ
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 -The Quadrennial Defense Review, to bedeliveredto
Congress Feb. 6, wUI be dominatedby tw words, uncertaintyand unpredctability,
senkx defense officials said. 'We WnnotDretia wilh anvcertainty whatsoever
how our forces may be used in the future." one official said 'Wa can say vhh a
very hi* probabilitythat in the next 10 yearn U S forces will be employed
m m e r e ~nme W f d W I m they m mt l c d a y ' -~
I Department of Defense - Office of Public Affairs - 1400 Defense Pentagon Room 2E556 - Washington. DC 20301-1400
I intomalionderivedfromOm?Bou- Noendorfamen, imoiied
From the Podium
RmcfeI& Quadrennial Defense Rwww Assesses How Do0 S b u l d Operate, Oram ze to Conf~vrdThreats
'As:= yesnert sac! as1 nqrt o.,*oA~generatio? s r a c f q A X agany a 3ete1 n?a erem, ne c;aa tney seet to mposea
heaness system cf mta tala? contnl r'rci~~-io.tt?c M do c East Tn: 3 m istoseze po.w n raq an0 JSe it as a safe navm to
IamnaT1aclts aq2nst America an0 fTee people ac'oss7neqloSe Socn n e Depa^men'ol Defense w reeasc a OoC~fnentc a w the
Quadrennial ~efenseReview. or QDR. It's an assessment of howthe Department of Defense wi'l need to operate and be omanized
to confront these and otherthreats to our nation's security. The review builds on the QDR we implemented in 2001. It has paid
particular attention to finding ways to provide greater flexibility to military commanders so that they can employ a full rangeof
capabtlibasin thts new era of SurpriWltranscript) (stowl (story)
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfdd
Press Conference with Vice Chairmanof the Joint Chiefe of Staff Adm. Edmund P.Giambastiani Jr.
The Pentagon, Feb 1,2006

Schoomaker: Amv to Ensure Reserve Components Fullv Manned. Trained, Eauimed

"To be clear, we have no intention of cutting the number of Guard or Reserve brigades, reducing the numberof Guard or Reserve
soldiers, or cuttingthe level of Guard or Reserve funding. We have every intention of building active, Guard and Reserve unitsthat
are fully manned, trained, equipped and led to perform the most likely missions that we will facein the21st century operating
environment.The Armv ~eserveand National Giiatd are no lonopr astratenic reserve with monthsto prepare its ~fi0pIeand
equipment for deployment Today they are the na~ion'so~eratioial force and reserve They must be ready on relatively short notice
for wartime deployments orto react immediatelyto domeshc stuabns and missions " ItranSCIIDI) isbry)
Amv Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schwrnaker
Press Conferencewith L t Sen James Helmty, Chief. U S Amy Reserve and 11Ben clyde'Vaughn,Director, Army Natbnal G u d
The Pentagon, Feb 2,2006

In the News

QDR Will Hull) MilitaryMeel Challenaes, EnalandSin

WASHINGTON Feb 2- The Quadrennial Defense Review will shtfl ftie'stratwc
direction" of me U S armed forces to help be United States win the lono war against

MIlUaw Workint to Ensure Best Body Armor Piaalbkl

WASHINGTON Feb. 2-The A r m and Mama WDS are wllino wtall the stoosto

PresidentPraise Military Efforts In Terror War. Umes Resolve

WASHINGTON Jan 31 -President Bush erased the sacrifices U S
m b e r s are makino to orotm fte country and uroed the American oeoole to

1 Read !he QDR Report - COD QDR web cam

1 stay the w m e tn the war o i tenor durlnQbls state of th-~nbon&dress W 1
From the Podium
Surelaw R ~ m f e l HlanI
d ah& Fiscal Year 2007 Defense But&
TTO p'osacnts c.a;et recdejt t x w Depa~n-cr.to8Cctcisc rcc~csentsanincrease Over astyear It mflectswhat we . Delieve
should be the country's national security priorities - namely to help defend the United States of America and the American people
and heirinterests, ti give fexibilityto &mandere, to prepare for both conventional and unconventionalor irregular warfare, and
importantly. to work closely with partner nations to help them develop the capabilities needed to defeat terrorists within their
borders, and to cooprate wth us and other countries with respect to this global threat'itra~SCrbt1~StoWlWilW
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Pentagon Press Briefing, Feb. 6,2006

Gen. Pace Discusses the Lono War

W e are n a ong wai d r e n e m y rtendsto destroy our ~ a ofy fe P a y seek m expelhencan nfl~encefrom the M d d e Em.
ouenrron me ens'ng sec-ar governments of 1% rqion, a m esaolisna fundanenla st rel$os emp reon *Ti.ch 10 Dase
eventual globaldomination. To accomplish this they intend todefeatthe United States and our Allies - not militarily, but by
targeting our unity and curv.4is (link t o m m prepmd)
Chairman of the Joint Chlefs of Staff Marine Gen.Peter Pace
Testimony to the Senate Armed Seivicts Committee, Capitol Hill, Feb. 7,2006

In the News
NATO Defsnin Minister MeBtInn Benin in Italy
TAORMINA. Italy, Fob 9 -NATO defense ministers.Including
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, are meeting hers to
discuss the alliance's continuingtransformation, its missionin
Afghm18tmm d other swn%&gl

Irenis Flohtlno Tenorfsts. CooneratinoWith Coalition

WASHINGTON,Fob 9 - k q otmns aretral ~finmr@nnt! and
Itieirviolenttactics and are turning agmslthem, providmaipsto
coalition and Iraqi securityforces and, in some cases, taking
adion them~lves,a US milrtary spkenmm smd W

LeadersAssess Kawina Successes, Lessons Learned

WASHINGTON,Feb, 9 -The DeferseDepartment K applying
lessons teamed from Hurbne Katnna to Build its capabilitiesto
respondtosimiiaror even biwrcatastrophes within the United
On the Hill States, defense and military leaders who oversaw the militay
mspnse tdd Cowrm. kQj
A m Far From a Broken Force. Officials Tell Congress
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8- The Army is going through a remarkable U.S. A r m Reserve Streamlining Force. Hnimiv Save
transfornation and is far from a "broken"force. OoD officialstoldthe WASHINGTON.Feb, 7 -The U S Army Reserve must
modernizehow it'manaqes manwwer"to prepare for future

Gan Jones D m i a NATO Mkstons, Trandomd on

lAASrilhGTC^ ^eo 8 -Far 'rcn oe ?q a sac1 Ira1 nas had isow me
^A10 a aim ma, nave p t 13 r a n t s nzo'coiir 3 . m ~ sac me
S m m e e.~a C m r a n m EJOW MIOT mz & W E ?ordm convention "We need to move the reserve tothe future as
Reiatms Comm~tle~ on Feb 7
From the Podium

Gen. Pace: lraai Security Forces Steppinu Forward, Prwresslnfl

- there were iust a
. " in Iraa this vear has been incredible: one examole. lust their armed forces. About a vear aao.
'The orooress
handft c' raq bana ors cperat nq n :ne fie 0 no* !here are over 133 A year ~o mere wrezero operatona Iraq brigades
now mere are over 30 A ,ear ago mere merezero 1-c o nscns apeiacng no* tiere areeghi g r m r g to 10 The woac wof
twse ,n:s nas ncreasea dramt ca ly Tn-s past December as the freiome tnato'a R o?mtons tr'o,grout tne co.ntry,
more were conducted independenfly by the Iraqis than were conducted independently by the Coalition. The Iraqis are stepping
forward. They are progressing. They are becoming much more capable, and with our sustained support, they will continue to grow.'
Chairman ofthe Joint Ch'efs of Staff Marine Gen. Peter Pace
Testimony to the House Appropriations Committee Defense Subcommittee, Feb. 16.2006

Hartev, Schoomaker! ArmvTransformlng, Preparing Soldiers for the Future

"Wehave the confidence of the Nation as we continue to engage in a long struggle against global terrorism and the conditions that
give it life and sustain it. Over a half-million active and reserve soldiers have served overseas in the war on terrorism. More than
600,000 soldiers are on active duty today. Almost half of them are deployed, serving in 120 countries &wide in defense of U.S.
interests. While flghlcg, we are preparing soldiere and leaders forthe challenges that they Gll face. We Continue to tiansfom, to
d e m k e , and to realign our global force wsiure."ll~nkto document) &y)
Foreword to the Amy Posture Statement, Feb. 10.2006
Secretary ofthe A m y Francis J. Harvey and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker

In the News
'Able [tenner'Ylelded Counterterrorlim Tools. OfBclal Sayl
WASHINGTON,Feb, 15-The DefenseDepartmentdid nothamper the transfer
of inlelliaencenleanedfrom the Able Daioer nrooram mother aoendes. and
the w&am did in fact vteld useful toolsfor me&unterlerrons~ effort,a

certeinlywtferfrom t?ieopportunityttiaiwasofferedm them togodown there

and witness firsthand the operationsat Guantanano,' 000 spokesman Bryan
Wh~hnmbid rep it^ at the Penbgon

U.S. Ambassidor Welcomes Iraqi AsmnblvVote Certification

Tonno, Italy The Vermont National Guard infantryman WASHINGTON, Feb 14 -The new Iraqi national assembly must bring all Iraqis
placed 62ndin the competition that saw90 athtetes from together to ensure a stable and prosperous future, Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S.
throughout the world compete (photo by Jack L Glliund) Ambassador to iraa said. 'The entiond unitv o~ve-nmentwill need to imDlament
(l~nkb U S Amy Olppians -1 3 program that brings all Iraqis kcether, builds a happy future for the people of
Iraq. airi gets Iraq to stand on its own feet; Uh~hahlzacsaid in a Feb 10
staiemeqt as he welcomed the announcementof tne final certified resulbof
Wtb Paue Links Iraq's Dm. f5 teg~siat~m e i ~ d m sM

Africa-American History Month III* Terrorist Foothold in N. Africa 'Extrmalv Low Possibility,' Rumsfeld Sav;
America Supports Youm IFRANE, Morocco.Feb 13-Thanks totheway Tunisia, Algeneand Morocco
Depment of DefenseL r ~ n ~ ~ a t m- ~ manam their internal affairs,it's "an extmdviow DoasibiliW tnat el Gaedaor
Global War on Terror fw[fefendamenca.mfl a siwi~arterrororgmizahoncan establish a foothold in those NorthAfrica?
Quadrennial Defense Review link nations. Defense Secretary Donald H RJmsfeid said here (storvl
From the Podium

Great Sweeo of Human Histow Is for Freedom, Secretary Rumsfeld Savs

"The news we read about are the acts of violence (in Iraq) by the terrorists forthe most part. Wedontread about the acts of
compassion that are being undertakenby the menand women in uniform. Theyareon the right side. Weasa country are on the
nght side because we're on the side of freedom. The great sweep of human history is for freedom. There have always been
diclators, there have always been terrorists, there have always been people who have attemptedto impose their will on others, but
overtime they've failed. Despite the fact thatthey succeeded at variousstages, overtime they'vefailed. Our future will be written
by your generation." ~transcn~tl islow)
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Speech to National Guard Youth Challenge Participants
The Penfagm, Feb. 28,2006
Iraal A m Prwresslna. US. Commander Savs
"It's a slow and its a deliberate process, but each day the (Iraqi) army grows in capability, thecloserthey are to meeting the needs
of the people. They understand the great expectations heaped upon them, asdo we. They knowthe streets; they are Iraqis, and
they have the trust ofthe people they protect. Their determinationtosucceed isrnatched by thedaily sacrifice they endure to
ensure the luture of their country. It will be a struggle, and itwill take lonqerthan people want but in this most complex militarytask
- a mntennsurgercy the standardsexpected of thearmy are different, and the Iraqis have the required tools to succeed. To
m e n ttma and the peofla areon their side."[tranwivt) fstorf)
Army Col. Jeffrey Snow
Commander, 1s Brigade, 10" Mountain Division
Press Conference with Pentagon Press Corps from Baghdad, Feb, 24,2006

In the News

DoD OffldaHPreoarefor Possible Pandemic

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas. March 1 -Defense Depatmentofficialsareworkingto

DoD to Join Re-review of Ports Issue. Offlclal Says

WASHINGTON, Feh 28 -The Defense Departmentwill participateIn a re-reviewofa
slated acquisition ofshl~phgterminal merations at six rnaior U S portsby a United Arab
Em~mes-xmdfim, a senlor Pentawn oficial sad here

Advliory CommltteB Recommends Big Changes to Military Pay System

l*.AS-ii\STCh ^en 23 -A c o i nnee ' r z s w x n e past ,ear SJC, m itremllary

America Suowrts You: Advocates Discuss Issues at Summit

- . -
ftA5-i\STCh ^en 25 Si-iocrirq s scncenemiers /no awoelendirg Ainerica
a$a%I~erronsm,sa CBJS* watt ciirerscan cer-fy rtm, eflvocatwo'3oDs
.~-wca :.wm Y c L ' P ~ qmea~ ~ at a s u m t rcb n t e a %*Cty rn
From the Podium
Secretary Rumsfeld Time of Testinafor n q l People
n raq the termrsts r e OO..CJS, tr\ nq to ante a c n w a r n a noe"latco~ntftand lo demore ze ffie Coa M)n mats helpiw
themalong the path towards self-government Thedesire to foment civil strife was behind last month's bombing of the goldendome
shrina. It has been and remains a rime oftestino forthe Imai mote.butthe Iraois are meehna bat test thus far successfuilv. I
would say, and defying the seeming rush to - by some hereand i b k d - . to proclaim exactly"what the terrorists seek, n a m i y a
civ? war" ~transcriot~[stow)
Secretary of Defense Donald H Rumsfeld
Pentagon Press Briefing, March 7,2006
Gen. Jones: Afghanistan Proqresslnq, But Still Faces Challenaea
"Mvlake on the situation in Afahanistan is that the Taliban and a! Daedaate not in aoosition towfiere t k v c a n restart an
insLfency of any sze an0 msor sape From "i; slaiopo n'- a?o ';e been going to Afgnan stan aw.1 onceevery s x weea
now ¥oa m s t iw-ard-a-narf yean - 'mm ny slanopo r l ¥bw q tu .rderstand Pie kve of noence nAfqn8n Stan s to not mil
It tome ratner s nse d scusson i f ihe Ta ben anc a Qaeoa KS morecompex ftan Ira1 Afgncnistan ison me way toremve-y,
bul isaiso fighting someinternal demons, and that is -oneis certainly the narcohcscuiture and the dependence of the economy
on narcotics, which, from my standpoint, is pmbablythe most serious problem facing the restructuring and the new path that
AfghanislanwU like to go on" Itranscrlot~Istow)
Marine Gen. James L. Jones
Pentagon Press Briefing, March 6.2006

In the News
US. Has No ImmediatePlans to Close Abu Ghraib Prism
WASHINGTON,March@-The United Stalesalways has planned to
transfer authorityfor alldetentionfacilitiesinIraq to Ine Iraqis, but
announcements regardingthe imminent closure at the Abu Ghraib prison
are prmmture, dafenseonic~atssac Wu)

Dm Cites Fairness I n T m Court's Rullno on Camws RecNMnn

WASHINGTON, March 7 -The Supreme Court's March 6 oiling that
miilaryrecruitersmust have as equal access as other organizationsto
meet with students on college and university campuses is a matter ot
fairness,a militaryofficial said here The court's decision upholds a law
thaieliminates federal funding for collegesand universitiesthat ban
miitary recruitersfrom cnnducbng Weir businesson campus (stofri

War on T e r m VIctow Tons PACOWSPriortta

a . ~<.~fif-,~-'.se
, i/- * i n " 3 3 6 -l-'r^!~-Â¥-^ WASHINGTON, March 7 - Wmrnnq the war on terrorism Is U S Pa*
SPf:i"., 5nn;' m,:, ir-^f.- I-B'in:s^rnrnr,et,A# Command's hiahest ~rioritv.the command's ieader told the Senate Armed
Fc'crl-c'i 9-Pit PC-tl.'t":r-.. i . ? w , i i...-c- ServicesCorn~ittee,'Toachieve that goal, the command is stnvin~to
eliminateme violence that now threatens the people and stabilityof the
Asia-Pacifc region and, more impotantty, to transform a!-nsk
ennrnnmnta Naw Mm, Wlillm J Failon w d MQD)

New OrleansWall Rebulldlna on Track, Ennlneera'General Savl

WASHINGTON, March 7 Restorafon of tte flood protection systemin
New Orleanstson trackand by June 1 will beequai to or better than it was
- ..- before HurricaneKatnna, Lt Gen. Carl Strock commander and chiefof
Watch DoD bnefinos live on oentaqonctiannelmil enmeeffi, Annv Cormof En~lnem,said. W
From the Podium
Gem Abizaid: US., Iraq Share Goals for lraa's Future
. .
"This ,~astvear.US. and Coal~tionforces in Ira0 focused cm
trawnq 3," c cg and c0nd.c 19c ~ c % o i swtn capzb e
Iraq, w q fcrces, pm. c i g :ne sr e o ben -16wncn
po t r a anf ewnon c p12grew w n : 2 i t n ~ ea i d PO !male
government institulions can form and take root and ki!ling
and capturing termrisk and neutralizing 6 e insurgemy. In
2006 the tralnim and tram tions with Ira0. Securh Forces
w LO:[ n w mi a IXJS
m r n ~ ~ t e r ~ n s . r a-x
~ n cStaD
effommshe raq p'ce 0-1gla., *XI
~ .
o r :?e *at am, a s s m :ie l e a
a c .es m o an =ma.&
share mth me
p o p k o f Iraq is acountry at p e m wi6 its neighbmami an
ally mthe broader war against extremsm, with a
reoresentattveoovemrnent and secuntv f o r m sttikkni to

masnran o o m m c orcer an0 deny Iaq as a s?fe haven for

Ieflonsts .Sz:te&y-Se) c e s ~ o ~ n ~ â ‚ ¬ ~ l a t
C?n .onn P A t zza :a> lo n Marri 15 2006

Gem Pam: h a i s Relecting Civll War Path

... hfhsdes of the oath have owred to the l m i m~la From the Podium
i o h l mw. Were is the'mth towed civdwar, and &&of
FTOOESSContlnueah Iraq1Freedom N e a n T h m Y w Mark
WAWINGTON March I S - mtee years aner a mulhnahnnalform
llberatea Iraq from Saddam Husen s regme, st'ady pwress
m t n m to te mnde f m me natm us m111txv ard embassv a m *
kads to civil war and decided they do not want to go in thal
d ~ w b nand , they're very mcch lookingtowad how can t h q
have a unlfted a o v e r n m t and m v e down thal mth. And
her? are m a y many mire .aces lor ~ n d c a w a10 n
I ' A o r n a m r g s t Ve IedCemp t u n e e m 4 a d ,e g o m
vat c o u w man m e are k 9 CB of oppos non '
k u r h W o l ~ n ~ D i m l n l ~Inh llm
~ uq Genanl S m
WASHINGTON,~ m 17h-% wt8nm ~ 0 l m mat e surdd t ~
Mannehn. Peter Pace, The P e n ~ c mMarch
, 14,2006 the Feb. 22 bombing of a Shlitemoqw Samma, lw,has t W
&, and tkqs are opl~dstkaboutW e future, a lop U S mmam3EI
m lrw said loday 0

WB tesQiw tn his o m trial, a tnal by Iraqi people ~nan lmi

w r t a m n s t Saddam Husse~nfor h ' crimeswatnstb
~ lmi
~ m ~ k ~ ~ r e eSaddarn's
f r o m tmnnv the iraoi k k have

Northm Cnmmnd Inteamtho Lessom LearnedFrom KaWM

WASHINGTW, March I 4 - The Defense LWarirnenlerd U S
demccracy,"(Muli-Nat~onaiForce-lrw transcnpt1 Normem hmmand learnedva8uabklessons f m me govammfs
Amy Ma[. Gen. Rlck Lynch, Baghdad, MaKh 18,2006 r e s m s e to H u m m e Kamna, md those kssons ere beha wDkd b
&re foi hture wil wooom nMat~ons,the commamie~of~wlkern
From the Podium
Presldenl Bush: America's Ssudiv Dlrecilv Unked to Llbeflyof Iraq1Peode
"The SeaIrIwofour counw is d~recflv , llnked to the llbertvolth8 Ira1w?ooIe -- and !w will seMe for nothino k s t h a n vktow.
VcDrf bw &IX m e n t w :errcnsl%ano Sacoam sts ca; cn lonsw t n k e n czqs d e m o m y w e n Ire r& se€~ny can
p~ovrk'ortne safety c l t i e .c'zens on me r o m arc hhen ,ac s nct a safe n a e n lor 1eTonSts to p31 new amcks q a m t our
nafim There WIII be more d a p of sacrifice and tough fightiw MME the VICIOW isachieved. Yet by helping the Iraqkckleatthe
terrorisis in their land, we bring greatersecuniy toour own: iiranscri~tl[stoM
PresidentGeorge W. B w h
Cleveland W m , March '20.2W

U Gen Chiarelli: lrads Want National U n W G w e r n m n i In F l a w

'I ln n%tne:\nq Inat i see m~ a c w and Iz 6 to IWSSlodav tna, thetre m c o m m a b u t 8s me h h n o f a
government, a i d yesterday m a i u stepioward forthem, ~ i seating e oflhe Q u m i i of Representabve3 mbig, It marks ti^
beginnmgofth~sprocess, and I know all Iraq6
l l i # ' be happy b s e e a national unfiygovemmentin place, a govmmntthatcan
statl tackling someof the problems that ail lhqis want fixed '[transcript\ (story)
Lt. Gen Peier Chiirelli, C m m a M w o f M u R i . N a h 4 C o p I r a q
Fras Brie44 to Pentagon Reptlersfrom Baghdad, March i7,2C€

In the News
ThmeYems into OIF. Tm&mlln lma ' % t l m W A b u t S u m
WASHING TON^ March 19 -The t0pU.S general ln Iraq sad UIatde~lte
medm repals of an ~mminmlor impend,y Iraqi tin1 war, the va4 ma[mQ
of ikaq is stable,aim and peaceful. 'In i5 of h e 18 pm'dnm, here re
s x m less incidentsof w&nw a day (and) thars rrxjustsma"an
lviuencel. Ihars all Wds of violence" sad Ann" Gen. G€ W. C a m

&mrians Mbsl MaInMInR m d w t 0 M n Len@War &nomi Sam

bAs+.GrO\ tkm 20 - t m r n %s:arn~ we to mam m ~ n m a

sa~dh e w a m are an impa~enlpple, m d hat ~mpabencewll wwk

against final v,mry m what many pe~pleam mwcaHrg 'the Long War,'
Army Bng. M R o M L Casien Jr, h e J m : Staffs d~remrafslralqy
brlhegl&ai warm termsm, sad n an mlermew l&y)

DoD Mw issue N w tnslmctions b Mlllbw C o m m ~

WASHINGTON, Mach 22-The b b s e Departrent is m s ~ ~ g
issumg new lnshuct~ons to mii~brymmm~sionsthalspec~fiallyphibit
Ute a a m ~ s s mof ev~dencetheb been obtaned by l m r e , a Sehim mD
o h 8 1 bld repdem here.

Ltnkto DoDk spec~alweb page mout C h a m w of lhe J m t

Chiek of Stan G m Peter Pace's ml b Pakfstm h(kJ

L'mk to 000's s w i a i web p q e ebouttheIhld ennivwwyM Alghen~stanMach 16 A~rdrovmlsnns ~nvolvedd~venwcargo wthcut

Qarzbn l r q Freedm land~ngthe airplane WYI
1 From the Podium
PresMent Bush Discusses Democracv In Ima with Freedom Pause
'Iraq leaders are cum@ to grlps with an imprlant The only prackal way to o v m m thediv~mnsof three d d e s of
tyranny ~sthmughdemccracy Democracy is the only form ofgovmrnenl whereemrype~onhas a say t n ~ g o V e m m o af
wunhy lfsibe oniy fonn of government that will yldd to a peawfU Middie East, So l r a q ~ a r a~ o t ~ n gwt oe m m p t d ' m b m
ard M d a frte m i e l y that pmtacts the righk of e!i i k c%izens.Thefra undertaking this p r ~ e wimjud
S a y m t s e x w n m in
dernmtic pii!ksS (transai~t)btwd
Presdent Geame W Bush

1 Secrets Rumsfeld S aks at Ar War Colle e

"Todav ?=re are some% vvmt AZrm ~ hestmleavthatfaW M o l e %DifJnhIV
t o m bc:k on I h e d e f e r 6 1 to
lhal a rereat k m raq A O - 0pm,de a? Amem!+ s u w h r n tne uolence hmeuer wa anow that m y repnew nwd be s m
Iwm l o me [ e r m t s b e V esl w. d rena Im.?great S a m The war t n a tne terror sB teaan wvJa wntonde Arc free Fewe
w l d cmtlnue to be tkirtarget ' [transcriot~[sIoM
smtay of MMh n a w H. R u m W
U.S. Army War C o l i e p Cadisle B a m k s , Pa., Mach 27,2W6

In the News
WASHINGTON, March 28 -The apreme Coun heard oral arguments
om a w e thatcould make or break the wvemrwnrs mil~hw
mmm~ss~ons proms for terror war detbnees held at G u a n t a m W ,

Coocention Esmntial to DoD M'msbn, Dwm Secmtaw Sm8

WASHiNGTCNMar* 27- Partnerships and mopabon Wh aliles
and h d i y nahons am ssenfjai far the Urted Stales to address
mreak fn the globd waron lemnm,the depuly defense secwtarysz+d
here The U S faces a wder army of l h ~ &and 8 more uncerm

ORkbl Raw* IraqR ~ m s l m d l o nEconomy

, Pmamssl~ Secretary RttmsfeW Caaper W e l n ~ g wL d l LasHng L q q
WASHINGTON, March 27 - O w the past lhree years Iraq has T o d q the men and women *wing In this kpabnentof
vmessedatremendws boom (n remstrucmn andmnmlc Defensemom the de& ~f former ?acrehIyof Delense CWml
development, h e u s director ofme Iraq RemnsmchonManagement Wmbeqer CBPWelnbeqmwas afriend His extenstve mrw
Omw sad. Ibq now ha5 air- prss, more than 2,mlnlernelcafes, in pubic sewce, his suworl fm the men md wmen in Unibm,
and more man 5 m~llimc d phone uses - up from v!maly zem in and h~sm t a l mle 8" hdptng to WIV the Cold War leave a lhsbw
2003, Ambassa40r Danlel Spemard =id.

uwflthe T w s - w . A m ~ a S u m x t s ~
From the Podium
Iraqis Have Made Great Ptwtess In Three Yeara Slnce Llbemlon dEanhdad
7 h e s'uancn n '4 s"'jpsts vat treres a g m oea ct mr% 1era11q om msy,but on me mqer twrx %eCOUflQ has ma
onq uay s n@ tne 5ent 01 cf B a ~ n c &ree
d p a r s agotnn h e w ,.$eke -n?ameo tna mass g r a m 01 Sadam d ~ m n a d
nes kipaced m m a -ne raq w0p.e n x oefec terror st:nrea% and s ~ x e s t by Mtwo e f f i l o m and a t e l e m d ~ mm a
rev rnnst t ~ o neacn
, :me d m st xger m o ~ t I!we s r u n 751 910 (a: k u n y Forces nave K N oeen tra rue a m e a u i w d
an0 we cn :w 04 p'o, d n~ h r !% .rat p e o w T%es a w coo" a! nn t a t mymned me ear ef e ~ctnraa m h has SIC?
stoppad the b & t o f pl~ics and emerged 8s a voice In the p I ! k a l process " ltranxri~t)fstorf)
Secretary of M n s e b a d H, Rumsfski
PentagonN e m Brlefir~with Un%edKingdom Sectelav of State f w k f e n s John Reid, A w l 6. a06

War on Tenoflsm Maklno W Harder for Tenoflst Netwodxs

"On the broader quesbon of the war agalnst terrorism, we're having exmlbnt success tn i kSenWhaI we have a IMOI P M W R
fmm 80 or 85 w n t n e s on the tetronst neiworks around the vnrld. Ins' h a k e r f w f k m to mmmun'mte; la cmss borders; b n l S
m ~ ym ,m w e w e a w s - and trs not to say that they're not mpabk of cmducbg an attxk %omMem In the w d d as w i v e
seen fnnn lime to bme .bul Ilk k more difficult farmem and thars ImprtanV hm!k&
k t e t a r y of M m e h & d H. Rumskki
Rad'm Interdew with Lars Larson S b o n U%L R d i o Pofiland, Ore.,A@I 4,ZOCfi

In the Newa

000 m d a l : R ~ i m n l a wMissile M n s e Went in PI=*

WASHNGTON, Aprl6 -The Unlled Statâ‚ now has a rud~menlavW b
defmsesystem h dam, a semm defenx omc~dtold h e SenaWs s k
hm suhmmuee hue Aon14 'The United Slate5 today has all the p l m

CommandersSham Idem on Pmwlncb R ~ c o m t ~ d l Twm

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Af~hanlslanAprd 5 Pro~malm n s l ~ u c t m
mmmmdersfromm u $ the COunQ mverged here last w e k to share
From the Pod~urn
h s l d e n t B u s k lkaais Determined to Llve In Freedom
"In the Dastthre veaB sine Itberaton, the Ihot oeoole h a w beoun f i x d i i ~ u k o r of~ ms o m i n 0 f m Saddam'smression.
T w j x c q ?n " G o 5. 0 a demouacy cm me & e cl h s:y~&y. Tney sult taie bmal an0 dem:nea enen es m m k 01 f i e
ceposm reg me nno glean 01 E L n n g lo Domr c:w ~rs'qe* a~d'oreqnterrOn%sNno ofean o f l ~ m f n g1- nlowi~al
Afcner mr nas unou me Ta&n .-a sak nave" h m wnicn :o pot arm r ac ne# a m s s zga ns? A w r c a a d 9". alles The
enemls ofa free l r q aredetermind to ignitea civil war ,., to pti t k Iraqi people agalnstone another acd to stop the wuntry's
democlatlc pmgress Yet b e Iraqi peyle are determ~nadto live In freedom and h e k a is detwmhed to defaalthelemnsts, and
w'ra determined to help the lreqi people sumed." bnsci%t) MOM
P m d e n i Geoge W. k h
The Paul H. NiQe School of Advamd lniemational % d i e s The Jmns Hopkina Unkmrsity Washington, D.C., Am1 1 0 . 2 ~

in I r a me to I a n iism~sstnaitas ' o b a a n d a ' - nothno could h e f m h e r f m m ~ etruth ..As we k v a ah&stakd.~ile~h!l

h y Gen, R i d Lywh, MuUI-Natmal Forcelmq spakesman

Staterent Released In Whdad, Apnl 10, XC6

On Patrol 1 In the News

ofidalssad, Acbvedutf slal!sl~mfor M m h r e k l m b n u d amse-me-

Inad w m s f o r t k 10th m s m l i w mmlh, hr Force Lt Col Elien
Krenke, a Penlagonwkeman, 2ad Mwl

&@@in ImNote Pmress Counsel Pdewe on lraa Freedm D q

1 Links 1 WASHINGTm,Apnl8- U S eddiersM o sewed in l r q Une?years ago
h C I n 4 F'dm Day SPX a Men it was l~hraledtan Saddam Hwan's learn and ate back aaaln
h 0 Wa on Terra & 3 q e e $ k M A m m mil dwng W recmstucbon sald bday b e county (sd made ard m&s lo
s,pp,* Tmp, m : m r c 4 s . , , , . m m makegteatprogress. @W
From the Podium
President ConarahJates Iraqi Leadership on hatlonal Unitv Government Aqreement
"Tooav i r e '"a p e w e 'exnea an T o r a m m lestme r n e r ourne, omemocracy .raq leadere annoumo agreement on the
too leadershit ~ o s t fora
s national uniG aovemment. Tixaare&ent&resents compromise and consensus among many different
l&i gmups,and it came after m~nths'of~atient negotiations. The agreement reflectsthe will ofthe Iraqi people, wtiodefied the
terronsis by voting to choose the men and women who will lead their nation forward. And this historic achievement, by determined
lkaqis, i l l make AmerKa m m secure," lhanscriotl ktoiy)
President George W. Bush
Sacramento, Calf,, April 22, 2006

mmlng weeks arid monUx " pIanscnm) fstorq)

Secretary Donald H Rumsfeld
Interview with The Pentagon Channel, Aqlii25.2006

In the News
Rica, RumofaldFind Now Irmi Leaden'Focuaod:
BAGHDAD. April 26 -After meeting with Iraq'snewly selectedtop leaders,
Scei3ryoI S'ate Cmon eezza ?re a-: De-eise Secrewq Dona d h
Rmsfea tdo r e o m s nere'oo3) ,rat me, .ec *?£lheyneart Fonf
oays after me 'Â¥apar arw pane0 a pfn? r "isle,-oesqnale a
o m c e n t m fm me- e m r s 'w m m . ? ~ v s c c , c ~ r r e nPm
t mo
Rumsfeucame to Baghdadto show sumrt for 6 e new ~ o v k e nand t

ElqhtThousand US. Marines to Move From Oklnawato Guam

WASHINGTON,April 26 -The United States will move 8,000 Marines from
Okinawa, Japan, to Guam by 2012, Wense Department officials sari here
Apnl25, The move is part of a broaderAISance Transformation
Realignment agreement between the U S, and Japan, An agreement in
onmole for me move was made in October with the SecunN Consultative

21 as part ofhe kick-ofifor the Kenlucky Derby Festival, Thunder

Over Lcuisvllieis[tieworld'sa ~ a s annual
t fireworksdisplay 11~-
officials said [storyl

CENTCOM Leader Umes Clvillan G r o w Omewe, Lea-

MAWILL AIR FORCEBASE, Fh 25-Alop admiral at U S CmiW
Command challenged a group of dvifian leaders visiting here April 24 to
use me expenerce to team 3\\ mey can aboul ongoing militaryoperations New Civilian Ptrsonnl Svslem Sat to Kick OW Awl1 M
so they can act on that knowledge when they return home as better WASHINGTONAnn1 26 -The first nhase of me new National
informadcitizens Navy Vice Adm. David C NicholsJr., deputy Security Personnel System is ready to launch April 30. 'Spiral
1.1" includes 11,000 DefenseDepartmentcivilian employees
thmughwtthe U m d Stales p&!yj

sewicsmembers c i r y i g them'out (story)fXOC website'

From the Podium
S c c r W Rumsfetd' Iraq &uW Forces Assuming More Resp-
-7ne s.ccess ^ere i a d i g n Ira 1 na an0 ecJ pa13 .ne ma. Secrtv Fctcts s nomOle There arerow o m 2 5 0 000 raq Sec&
Forces. Thev're headed ~towards&ethino like325.000iater thisveer And those folks are out Ihere doinn the iob. ~ h e t r e

assumrq m'ow and more respons o it; ecross ,iwcc-infy for ,he sec~ri-ycf "ie Irao people. as tney sno-'d" ~ n as d they takeover
resoorsc lty obi-c.5 y tne need for S 'orces #. I1cec ne m a weo~gntto beabe 10 ma6e some redJCbcns in 0-1 force k sas
wenare- DW) coing We n t a h cn tnfw of 160 00; We re nonc'mr ¥132 000 an(i I nave e/eyconf.oence tlatlhe Iraq
government and the I r q i Security Forces will be able to assume additional resoonsibilitv . and next. and that we'll be ableto
. this year
continue that p m s of reducini our brce levels '"m
Secretary of Defense Donald H,Rumsfeld, Radio I n t h e w i à § MMike Gallagkr, April 28,2006

Gen. Casev. Iraq's New Unity Government Helping Country Become Peacefu ,Free, Democratre Nation
'rnq recenn) markedanctrwm esiore Anei ne C o x I d Rep'ese'nat e s appoiflteo toe P m (fcncy Co.nc.1 . The
preponderanceof Iraqis remain steadfast in opposing those who would divide Iran and derail liberty The Council of Representative's
dedicated efforts to forge a national unrty are as important in this fight against terrorism as the endeavors of the Iraqi
Security Forces who shield the Iraqi people from insurgent threats. Togetherthe Iraqi government and its security forces, supported
by Coalition partners, will make steady progress to realize the vision of Iraq's constitution - a peaceful, free and democratic nation that
respects and represents the will of all Iraqis' (link to Gen. Casev's weeklvmlumnl
Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr., Baghdad, May 1,2006

In the News
RumsfeldJice Brief Congress on IraVisit
WASHINGTON,May 3 -Defense Secretary Donald H Rumsfeld%aidIts high^
unlikely hssenior officersat U S Central CommandandMultinationalForce Iraq will
recommend my U S troop reductions until the Iraqi government is fully up and
runn'ng But oncethatbegins those discussions arelikely to begin. R u W totd
reportersafter he and Secretary of State CondAeezza Rice met with House and
M a t e members to report on thelr recent tr(pto lraq

US. Jawnw De#em Lea& Fwus on Reallanment Plans

WASHINGTON, May 3 -Defense SecretaryDDnald Rumsfekland Fukustilm
Nuhaw, Japan's m'nisterofstale fordefense,met at the Pentagon tocontinue
discussionsabout realigning U S, forces in Japan, includingmoving8,000 Marines
from Ok(nawa

Walter Reedto Continue Leoacv at New Location. General Sw

WASHINGTON,May 2- When the premier medicalcenters from tie Army m d Navy
meroe intome li-iinl<adlitvin Bethcsda Md.. in 2011. the rich hentaoe and work!-
class teatmen~repu!atio~ofalter Reed A & Medical Center will continueunder
the Sam nam at a d~lferentlocation,the hmpilal'smmmwder said. l&y.)

America SuooornYou: Steak N t ~ hTraats t Vets' Touohwt Iniurlm

WASHINGTON, May 1-For the past two anda halfyears,veterans of ware past
have bee? helping heal the latest generation d wounded troops every Friday in a
1 his actions'fttier his reconnaissancesquad was attacked hasernent steakhnini~hare. Frm O'Bnm'a has hacmaa wiwd haalino formanv'
bops as theyconvalesce in nearby military hospitals heres tau rant closed this
weekend, bul its owners, Hal Kosterand Marty OBrien,havevowedto keep putting
on their free steak dinners at other locations (story)www ArnericaSuo~orlsYouJnil

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