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- Allergic rhinitis
o Cause by: allergens
- Seasonal allergic rhinitis
o Called: Hay Fever
o Tp ga perlu selalu demam/exposed
tp hay (jerami)
o Allergic reaction to pollen from
trees, grasses, weeds
o Mainly: spring/fall
- Perennial allergic rhinitis
o Caused by allergen yg present all
year long
o Allergens: dust mites, mold, animal
dender, cockroach debris
- Non-allergic rhinitis
o Smoke, chemicals, hormonal
changes, physical defects of the
nose, overuse of nose spray
o Common in patient with non llergic
- Infectious rhinitis
o Most common type
o Common cold/URI
o Cold occur when viruses ke mucus
membrane od the nose and sinus 


DEFINISI: inflammation of the nose SYMPTOMS:

Normalnya: nose produce fluid: mucus (thin & clear) trs - Gatal di hidung dan mata (kadang mata bs
drains out from the back of the throat. merah)
- Bersin2
Patologi: ketika ada iritasi pada hidung kt, maka mucus - Kongesti (hidung mampet)
nya itu jadi thick & pale yellow, drains out from the front - Runny nose
and back. Mucus may irritate the back and cause - Mucus in throat (post nasal drip)
coughing. – post nasal drip: more mucus drains at the

- Tapi biasanya self-limiting - A: occur the same time every year and last (2-
- Kalo chronic: weeks to months (recurs jg bs) 3 weeks per allergen), gatal di hidung dan
mata along w/ other nasal symptoms
CAUSES: - C: last 1 week and less itching of nose & eye
- Irritants/allergens
ALLERGIC RHINITIS - Nasal corticosteroid – nasal dpray; reduce
inflammation & block allergic reaction
- Is a: Type 1 Hypersensitivity reaction - Leukotriene receptor antagonist – block the
KLASIFIKASI ARIA 2001 action of important chemical messenger oher
than histamine that are involve in allergic
- Cromolyn sodium – nasal spray that blocks the
release of chemicals that cause allergy
symptoms (e.g histamine and leukotrienes);
taken 4x/day.


- ↑eosinofil, kadar IgE total serum

- Sitologi: mukosa shows ↑eosinofil
- Uji kulit alergen: determine status atopi dan
causative allergen – kurang bermakna pada
anak usia <3thn
- Kalo ada keluhan mata  pemeriksaan
eosinofil pada sekret mata
- Usia ≥4 tahun  CT-scan sinus paranasalis
(bila dicurigai komplikasi sinusitis/ada deviasi
septum nasi)



- Riwayat atopi dalam keluarga (faktor

predisposisi rinitis alergi pd anak) CHRONIC OTITIS MEDIA
- Allergen most common: debu rumah, bulu
binatang, tungau, dll OME (Otitis Media Efusi)/Glue Ear

PF: DEFINISI: peradangan dan akumulasi cairan di telinga

tengah (tdk ada perforasi MT)
- PF: rinoskopi  utk singkirin dd:
polip/tumor/infeksi - Insidens tertinggi (60%): anak – 1 episode by
- Tanda klasik**: mukosa edema & pucat the age of 6
kebiruan dgn ingus encer – tanda ini hanya - Most common cause tuli pada anak
found pada penderita yg sdg serangan - Biasanya muncul stlh upper respi tract
- Tanda lain: otitis media serosa/hipertrofi infection
adenoid - Self-limiting – 3 months
- Kl disertai: konjungtivitis = rinokonjungtivitis
- Malfunction of tuba eustachian


- Avoid contacts with allergens Older ones:

- Antihistamine – taken by mouth/nasal spray;
relieve bersin & gatal pada nose and eyes - Sakit telinga
- Decongestants – taken by mouth/nasal spray - Hearing loss
or drops; shrink lining of nasal passages which - Rasa penuh di telinga
relieves nasal stuffiness.
Younger ones:
- Rewel - Jaga telinga tetap kering
- Susah tidur - 1st line: obat tetes telinga yg mengandung
- Suka narik2 telinga mrk antiseptik (asam asetat 2%/larutan povidon yg
diencerkan 1:2) atau antibiotik: fluor kuinolon
SIGN: (ofloksasin, siprofloksasin) krn tdk ototoksik –
Membran timpani (MT): obat topikal ini dikasi 1x sehari selama 2 weeks

- Tdk tdp tanda infeksi akut & tdk ada perforasi TINDAK LANJUT/FOLLOW UP
- Warna: keabuan/kemerahan Pasien diperiksa lagi dalam 5 hari:
- Kadang ada tampak gelembung udara/cairan
di kavum timpani - Jika masih bernanah: masih dibersihin ga? trs
- MT retraksi/terdorong keluar/pada posisi bs kasih antibiotik oral (choosing antibiotiknya
normal depend on causative agent)
- MT menipis/menebal, vaskularisasi bertambah o Sekret kuning keemasan:
Staphylococcus aureus 
TREAT: betalaktam
Medikamentosa: o Sekret hijau kebiruan  anti
- Antibiotik o Sekret berbau busuk  anti anaerob
- Dekongestan - Kalo 3 bln ga sembuh: terapi bedah
- Mukolitik - Bila fase aktif > 3 bln lngsung rujuk spesialis
- Perasat Valsava THT  mastoidektomi & timpanoplasti/op
- Antihistamin  given saat ada tanda rinitis eradikasi kolesteatom & timpanoplasti

Surgical: miringotomi
Alat bantu: pemasangan grommet

- Rinne
OMSK (Otitis Media Supuratif Kronik) - Weber
- Schwabach
DEFINISI: radang kronik telinga tengah dengan perforasi
membran timpani & riwayat keluarnya sekret dari RINNE
telinga (otorea) > 2 bulan, terus menerus/hilang timbul.
TUJUAN: membandingkan hantaran udara dan hantaran
- Sekret: encer/kental, bening/nanah tulang pada telinga yg diperiksa


Types: - Bunyikan garpu tala frekuensi 512 Hz di tulang

mastoid (dibelakang ear), trs pas dia udh ga
1. Tipe aman
denger (bone)  pindahin ke ear nya (air
- Peradangannya terbatas pada mukosa telinga
- Kalo di air dia masih denger: Rinne (+)
2. Tipe bahaya
- Kalo dia udh gak denger: Rinne (-)
- Terbentuk kolesteatoma (tumor jinak di
telinga tengah biasanya krn infeksi telinga INTERPRETASI
berulang) yg akan tumbuh terus dan destruksi
jaringan sekitarnya  cause komplikasi (e.g - Normal: Rinne (+)
fasial, labirinitis, meningitis, abses otak) - Tuli konduksi: Rinne (-)
- Ditandai dengan: ditemukan kolesteatoma yg - Tuli sensori neural: Rinne (+)
keluar dari kavum timpani/adanya perforasi yg
letaknya postero-superior
TUJUAN: membandingkan hantaran tulang antara kedua
telinga penderita
1. Fase tenang (bila kering)
2. Fase aktif (bila ada otorea)
- Bunyikan garpu tala frekuensi 512 Hz  taro
tegak lurus di tulang median (biasanya: dahi)
- Tanya pasien: ada kedengeran bunyi ga? kalo - High pitch tone ≥10.000 Hz
ada, lebih keras di telinga kiri/kanan? - Normal human range 20-20.000 Hz
- Kalo denger lebih keras pada 1 telinga tsb, - Human speech tone 500-3000 Hz
maka ada laterisasi ke sisi tsb.
- Kalo 22nya ga denger maka gaada lateralisasi TEST:

INTERPRETASI 1. AUDIOGRAM (pure tone testing): pake

earphone yg attached to audiometer. Pure
- Normal: Tdk ada lateralisasi tones delivered to 1 ear at a time, kt disuru
- Tuli konduksi: denger lbh keras ke ear yg sakit signal everytime kt denger ada bunyi.
- Tulis sensori neural: denger lbh keras ear yg Minimum volume required to hear each tone
sehat is graphed. Bone oscillator is placed di mastoid
bone utk test bone conduction nya.
SCHWABACH 2. SPEECH AUDIOMETRY: test ability to detect
TUJUAN: bandingin hantaran lewat tulang antara and repreat spoken words at different
penderita dengan pemeriksa yg pendengarannya normal volumes heard lewat headset
CARA PEMERIKSAAN: function of eardrum and flow of sounds
through middle ear. Nanti bakal dimasukin
- Bunyikan garpu tala frekuensi 512 Hz  suatu alat yg bs change pressure within ear as
tempel ke tulang mastoid pemeriksa, kalo udh tones are produced. Microphone moitors how
ga denger  pindahin ke tulang mastoid well sound is conducted within ear under diff
penderita pressure.
o Kalo penderita masih denger:
schwabah memanjang INTERPRETATION
o Kalo penderita udh ga denger:
schwabah memendek/normal  utk
membedakan ini test tinggal dibalik, - Kalo bs denger whisper, normal speech, ticking
dari penderita baru ke pemeriksa watch
- Ability to hear tunning fork through air and
- Normal: schwabach sama dgn pemeriksa - Hearing normal if: bs hear tones from 250-
- Tuli konduksi: schwabach memanjang 8000 Hz at 25 dB/lower
- Tuli sensorineural: schwabach memendek

- Hearing loss: inability to hear pure tones <25

AUDIOMETRY TEST  exam test utk liat ability to hear - Conditions that may affect result:
sounds o Acoustic neuroma
o Trauma from loud noises
SOUND WAVE o Age-related hearing loss
- Travel to inner ear through ear cannal, o Alport syndrome
eardrum, bones of the middle ear (air o Chronic ear infection
conduction) o Labyrinthitis
- Pass through the bones around behing of the o Meniare’s dz
ear (bone conduction) o Ongoing exposure of loud noises
INTENSITY OF SOUND o Ruptured/perforated eardrum
o Otosclerosis
- Measured in decibels (dB)
- Whisper – 20 dB
- Loud music – 80-120 dB
- Jet engine – 140-180 dB
- Sounds > 85 dB  hearing loss after few hours
& immidiate pain


- Measured in cycles per seconds/Hertz

- Low bass tone – 50-60 Hz

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