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Prepared by – Mr.Shyju padinhare veetil

HSE Engineer
Verified by – Mr.Babiker Elagmi
QHSE Manager
Approved by – Mr.Sibi


1. Purpose

2. Scope

3. Reference

4. What is COVID-19

5. Responsibility

6. Action plans

7. Record

8. Surveillance

9. Medical Emergencies

10. Risk Assessment

11. Sample Posters

12. Emergency Response plan

13. Emergency Contact number

14. Images


City Experts Construction LLC is committed to the Health safety and welfare of employees required to
conduct essential activities onsite and offsite during the evolving developments of COVID 19 across the
globe. This document covers the guidelines and action plan on precautionary measures to be followed
across the all areas of work to mitigate transmission of COVID 19.


The COVID-19 Prevention Plan applies to the implementation of procedures and controls under the
restrictions in TLBU by the ongoing COVID-19 health crises in the UAE.
This Plan illustrates how City Experts Construction LLC International shall ensure the welfare of their
workers. However, certain events may dictate further action is required to maintain workers health and


Federal Law No. (27) of 1981 concerning the prevention of communicable diseases Dubai Municipality
guidelines for COVID-19 outbreak.


MBRU Community Immunity Ambassador Program (https://learn.mbru.ac.ae/courses/covid19)

World Health Organization (https://www.who.int/)

4.What is COVID-19


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an acute infectious respiratory disease caused by a newly
discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

Coronavirus are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold
to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Coronavirus Health Information

Symptoms: COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild
to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization

Most Common Symptoms: fever, dry cough, tiredness

Less Common Symptoms: aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or
smell, a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes

Prevention: Protect yourself and others around you by knowing the facts and taking appropriate
precautions. Follow advice provided by your local public health agency.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:

 Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
 Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
 Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
 Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
 Stay home if you feel unwell.
 If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.
 Follow the directions of your local authority.

Avoiding unneeded visits to medical facilities allows healthcare systems to operate more effectively,
therefore protecting you and others.



If you feel sick you should rest, drink plenty of fluid, and eat nutritious food. Stay in a separate room
from other members and use a dedicated bathroom if possible. Clean and disinfect frequently touched

Everyone should keep a healthy lifestyle at home. Maintain a healthy diet, sleep, stay active, and make

social contact with loved ones through the phone or internet. Children need extra love and attention from
adults during difficult times. Keep to regular routines and schedules as much as possible.

It is normal to feel sad, stressed, or confused during a crisis. Talking to people you trust, such as friends
and family, can help. If you feel overwhelmed, talk to a health worker or counsellor.

Medical Treatments:

If you have mild symptoms and are otherwise healthy, self-isolate and contact your medical provider or a
COVID-19 information line for advice.

Seek medical care if you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing. Call in advance.


Crises Management Team:

A Crisis Management Team (CMT) is formed to protect an organization against the adverse effects of
crisis and overcome an emergency and primarily focusing on:
Detecting the early signs of crisis.
Identifying the problem areas
Prepare crises management plan after agreeing with the team which works best during emergency
Encourage the employees to face problems with courage, determination and smile.
Motivate them and deliver their level best.
Help the organization come out of tough times and prepare it for the future.

How does CMT function?

CMT will encourage the employees under their direct responsibility to work as a single unit. Any
message or calls received from the CMT Coordinator will be distributed to their respective teams (each
individual member in the team) and ensure everyone has understood the message and act accordingly.
CMT should receive feedback or issues faced by the rest of the employees on a common platform, discuss
prevailing issues, take each other’s suggestions and reach to plans acceptable to all.
CMT will stay in touch with external clients as well as similar business network.
The team must stay calm and handle critical situations well and make sure you have accurate information
collected from various team members.

The Project Engineer / CMT coordinator
Mr. Muhammad Shahid, is responsible for implementing these requirements to reduce, as far as
reasonably practicable, the risk of occupational illness and injury.
In addition, every person in the site shall ensure that:
 Keeping a safe distance between workers.
 Replacing the common water bucket with bottled water.
 Increasing the supply and availability of hand washing stations and sanitizer.
 Temperature checks when workers arrive on site and when they leave for home
 Implementing shift work.
 Limiting crossover of subcontractors.
 Limiting gatherings during breaks.
 Mandatory handwashing for at least 20 seconds before work begins, after workers remove gloves,
before and after the use of shared items such as tools, before and after any restroom break, and after
shift ends.
 Mandatory rest break of at least 15 minutes every 4 hours on site or one outdoor portable toilet for
every 10 workers on site.
 No adverse action against employee’s wo are quarantined or advised to self-quarantine.
 Designating a COVID-19 safety monitor on each site who has the authority to enforce COVID-19
safety related rules.

6.Action plans

 Information about disease signs and symptoms, including the symptoms that require immediate
medical attention.
 Formation of CMT and its function and reporting procedures mentioned in this procedure.
 Advice on self-monitoring of signs and symptoms, and importance of regular body temperature
 Advice on preventive measures particularly on personal Hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
 Information on wearing the Necessary PPE.

General Welfare Facilities:

 External areas of the Staff and Labor Camps are disinfected using NADES 2.0 Biocide.
 All Internal Rooms/ staircases/corridor, doorknobs, handles, working tables, desks, printers, dining
tables of all Staff and Labor Camps, offices are also disinfected in a frequency of 3 times/day using
Dettol and antibacterial disinfectant.
 Alcohol based Hand sanitizers are provided at entry points, those entering and exiting main gate and
 Pocket Hand sanitizers are given to all workers in 100 ml bottles, all staffs are provided with hand
sanitizers at their own work desks.
 Providing disposable cups for drinking water avoiding the collective use of steel cups.
 Rotation of work, reduced working hours and distanced seating arrangements are to be implemented
by the line managers of respective departments, project sites in order to maintain social distancing at
 Offsite workers are given with pet bottles for drinking water.
 Dining areas are disinfected and cleaned after every sitting, and the tables and chairs are distanced to
avoid close contact as reasonable as possible.
 All Employees and all visitors will be screened for temperature using thermal sensing devices or
infrared thermometers at the site entry gate.
 Providing surgical Masks and polypropylene Gloves wherever necessary.
 Strictly prohibit visitors and avoiding Meetings with clients / sub-contractors. In case if meetings are
unavoidable DMI promoting the use of video conferencing, Microsoft teams, email and other forms
of electronic communication that do not require face to face interaction.
 Displaying of coronavirus awareness posters at the key places and notice boards on site.
 Disposal of Gloves/ masks in proper bins provided and increased number of bins are provided at all
 Employees who have travelled/returned from Red listed countries in the past 2 weeks will not be
allowed to enter the site and will be on 14 days mandatory quarantine.
 Stoppage of Finger biometrics for all employees
 Organizing toolbox talk in very limited size of less 5 workers and stoppage of mass meetings.
 Ensure no handshaking and sanitize their hands in frequency of 1 hour.
 Ensure all employees to regularly wash their hands-on hourly basis and specifically before consuming
food and before and after usage of Toilet by using soap and water.
 Strictly maintain social distancing, including keeping distance of 1.5 meters between with other

 Even though complete isolation is physically impossible at sites, we have informed all employees to
avoid large public gatherings and work in shift where possible and with approval of the concerned
line managers and main contractors in case of site works.
 Employees are instructed to avoid any travel except for utmost necessity.

 Increased frequency of cleaning and sanitization process in workers accommodation.
 Provision of hand sanitizers in corridors and entrances.
 Hand wash facilities provided at all basins.
 Competent person appointed in the accommodations to deal with suspected cases of COVID-19 or
any symptoms.
 Enforce social distancing, closure of all areas where people are supposed to gather.


 Disinfection and deep cleaning of all transport vehicles (passenger and materials delivery vans)
further to each trip.
 Hand sanitizers are provided on the entry gate of all busses.
 Number of workers on the busses are limited to 50% occupancy with alternate spacing on the seats, to
avoid contact and maintain social distancing.
 Increased number of trips and number of busses considering the density of workers are followed.


 Members of CMT, line manager, team leaders, are encouraged to report of any cases or suspects of
COVID-19 in case they encounter or interfere nearby their vicinity.
 All list of employees at factory, sites and accommodation are maintained and updated on daily basis.
Records will be maintained for the employees whose temp levels above the specified level and those
who are absent.
 All employees are instructed to report any absence to work to the HR/ CMT coordinators/ Reception
and provide any medical reports in case of reportable medical cases/ sick leaves.


 Employees will be screened for temp using thermal-sensing devices or infrared thermometers at the
Site, Accommodation by CMT member camp boss
 Workers who record a body temperature of 37.5℃ or above will be required to visit clinic or health
care provider for further investigation. Medical reports must be submitted in such cases in order to
resume work further.

9.Medical Emergencies

 Suspected cases of COVID-19 must be reported to CMT (Crisis Management Team)/ volunteers and
followed to emergency services.

10.Risk Assessment

DMI will carry out specific risk assessment on COVID-19 on production facilities, specific project sites.
All accommodations and transportation to determine control measures to be implemented in addition to
the action plans mentioned in this document.
Risk Factors:
1. Number of employees in specific area, their age and preexisting health factors.
2. Density of employees in specific area.
3. Nature of activities and contact between other employees.
4. Duration of activity.
5. Location of activities.
6. Interfaces with other contractors.

11.Sample Posters

Typical types of Posters/leaflets that will be displayed and communicated on site.

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12.Emergency Response plan

Protocol in the event of a COVID‐19 infection in the camp

1. In general, if we encounter a person with any of symptoms like Fever, Cold, body pain,
respiratory issues, we send him to hospital for testing.
2. Isolate him in separate room allocated.
3. While waiting for results in the meantime identify who the close contacts both are in
accommodation and at workplace.
4. List close contacts and differentiate them into two 1. With symptoms and 2. Without symptoms
5. Group them in such a way that they are max 2 persons in a room, separate room will be given
for those with symptoms.
6. If the result comes positive, the person will be quarantined and further notification will be given to
7. Notification will be given to main contractor as well.
8. The close contacts will be isolated and quarantined for14 days.
9. For positive cases, Further procedures will be taken care by hospitals untill the person become
10. Close contacts will be booked for testing.
11. Close contacts with symptoms will be given priority for testing.
12. If close contacts with symptoms have negative results after 14 days he will be tested again to
ensure he have negative results.
The arrangements are made with CMT (crisis management team), member are selected in such
a way that all departments and sites have one member from CMT who reports with updates
time to time in daily meeting.

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PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED If you suspect of having COVID-19 and displaying any of the
below symptoms such as:-
a. Fever
b. Cough
c. Shortness of Breath
d. Difficulty in Breathing
or Having been in contact with someone suspected or infected.
Or You have been tested Positive for Covid-19

All staff and operatives are supposed to mandatorily follow the below guidelines including keeping a
traceability of all those staff/operatives whom you are in contact with during the past 14 days.This would
ensure that Medical staff act judiciously without wasting any further time.
Step 1} The staff/operative must inform the Line manager or HSE representative and must
without fail isolate himself immediately awaiting further instructions from HR department.

Step 2} Line Manager to inform the HR Manager the name of staff, project site details,
Department mobile no, staff ID number.

Step 3} Line Manager shall schedule an Appointment by calling UAE :Dubai’s DHA helpline

Step 4} HR Manager in the meantime to arrange the following documents:-

• Passport copy
• Visa copy
• Passport size photographs
• Original Emirates ID
• Medical Insurance card of the affected Staff/Operative.
Step 5} Ministry of Health along with co-ordination of our HR Manager would send
Ambulance and healthcare officers so that affected staff/operative and will examine and
provide their response viz:-to be admitted /quarantined etc.
Step 6} HR Manager should show the Insurance copy of the same as an Advance
notification or HR must arrange all fees if any related to member registration /initial
deposit etc if applicable and all other associated costs
Step 7} All Staff/Operatives who have been in touch with the affected employees to be
also tested on vital parameters such as blood pressure, temperature and Swab test will
be taken. Information will be asked by the hospital staff on travel history and mention
of places have visited in the last 14 days. If they do not show symptoms, they can return
home but will have to stay in isolation for 14 days.

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Step 8} They must be home quarantine for 14 days, wear mask and maintain personal
hygiene. If the person violating the procedures of the home quarantine, leaving his
place of residence and interfering with others is violating of the law and public order will
be imprison and company will have no responsibility towards action taken by the
authorities against individual or group.
Step 9} All Staff/Operatives who have been in touch with the affected employees
Sometimes you can test negative for the virus, but symptoms start to appear a few days
later. So, if the member does experience symptoms, they will be transferred to an
isolation facility where they will be quarantined up to three weeks.
Step10} HR Manager /HSE team to arrange sanitization of the affected place
(site/camp/ Bus/ corporate office) as the case may be at the earliest.

Covid-19 Emergency Response plan- for project sites

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13.Emergency Contact number

Ambulance 8833111

Police 999

Jabel Ali Medical Centre 8814000

TLBU Projects Manager +971504543483

TLBU HSE Coordinator +971501890353/ +971505573115


City Experts HSE Manager (Babiker) +971555581471

City Experts Project Engineer (Shahid) +971553818956

City Experts HR Manager (Prajyul) +971555581453

City Experts Transport Incharge (Anees) +971555581483

City Experts Campboss (Anu) +971553826160

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Disinfection on transport Thermometer reading at camp

Covid-19 Checklist at site Covid-19 Toolbox talk Briefing

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Thermometer reading record Camp Hygiene checklist

Thermometer protocol Sanitisation with dis infectant

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Site thermo meter reading Social distance in store

Dis infectant used based on DM regulation

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