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ISSN 00329452, Journal of Ichthyology, 2009, Vol. 49, No. 11, pp. 963–1020. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009.

Acoustic Signaling in Fish

A. O. Kasumyan
Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899 Russia;
email: alex.kasumyan@mail.ru
Received June 24, 2009

Abstract—The paper lists basic data on the role of sounds in fish behavior. The involvement of acoustic sig
naling in the control of reproductive, territorial, agonistic, aggressive, social, and feeding behavior in fish that
differ in the systematics and mode of life is considered. Species and population specifics and individual sound
variation in fish, diurnal and seasonal cyclicity of sound activity, and behavior that accompany acoustic sig
naling and the effects upon it of different environmental factors are considered. Evidence on the formation
of acoustic signaling in ontogenesis of fish is provided; the range of sound signaling and correspondence
between sound spectra and auditory sensitivity are discussed. Possible applied aspects of results of study of fish
bioacoustics are analyzed.
DOI: 10.1134/S0032945209110010
Key words: fish, sounds, acoustic signaling, bioacoustics, behavior, ontogenesis, species and population spe
cifics, diurnal and seasonal rhythms.

The sphere of zoology that studies the acoustic ori fish of well developed auditory abilities and diverse
entation of animals and their ability to perceive or methods of sound generation and the use by them of
exchange with sound signals is called bioacoustics. acoustic signals in interspecies interactions. A notice
Since the acoustic properties of the aquatic and air able progress during the last years in the elaboration of
environments considerably differ, acoustic signaling in new more advanced technical devices for recording
fish and other aquatic animals, invertebrates and ver and analyzing underwater sounds has considerably
tebrates, are often united by the term biohydroacous extended our knowledge of the acoustical repertoire of
tics. In modern ichthyology, fish bioacoustics has a fish and regulation, using sounds, of many most
comparatively short history, despite the fact that great important forms of behavior.
ancient philosophers, such as Aristotle (384–322 b.c.) The purpose of this paper is the analysis and sys
and Pliny the Elder (23–79 a.d), recorded the ability tematization of available data on the acoustical com
1 munication and orientation of fish, on methods of
of fish to generate sounds, and the great inventor and
painter Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) suggested to exchange between fish with biologically valuable
listen to fish by putting an ear to the oar descended information present in the sounds they generate, and
into water. However, for many centuries, not only on the diversity of forms of fish behavior regulated via
sounds. This paper, which continues the series of
sound generation, but even the presence of auditory
review publications of the author on mechanosensory
sensitivity in fish was generally negated. Views of this systems in fish (Kasumyan, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008),
problem changed fundamentally only at the beginning focuses on data obtained in the sphere of acoustic sig
of the 20th century when, as a result of special studies, naling in fish during the last years. Earlier data were
the presence in fish of a well developed auditory recep rather comprehensively considered by the Russian
tion was demonstrated. The basic role in this was researcher Protasov (1927–1991) in his book Fish Bio
played by the studies of the outstanding German acoustics that was published in 1965 and is the first
researcher Karl von Fripp (1886–1982). In subse monograph in the world dedicated to sounds emitted
quent years, especially beginning from the second half by fish.
of the 20th century, a large file of experimental data
and numerous results of nature observations were
obtained that convincingly supported the presence in THE ROLE OF SOUNDS IN FISH BEHAVIOR
Aristotle in his treatise Historia Animalium mentions several fish Fish emit sounds in diverse situations in connec
species that emit sounds, and provides a brief characteristic of tion with the manifestation of diverse forms of behav
these sounds. Later, based on the fish description listed by Aris ior—at agonistic interactions and at aggressive con
totle, the German researcher I. Müller suggested that Aristotle
in his treatise most likely mentions one of species of Sciaenidae, tacts, during courtship behavior and during spawning,
two representatives of Triglidae, Dactylopterus volitans and Zeus in the case of a threat of predator’s attack, in fright,
faber, and probably Misgurnus fossilis (Zograf, 1890). and during feeding. Sounds arise during swimming


also. In most cases, fish emit sounds deliberately, i.e., sound generation (Fine et al., 1977; Lobel, 1992; Myr
in connection with a certain behavior or in certain sit berg and Lugli, 2006). Many fish that emit sounds
uations. Such sounds namely that are called special vocalize namely during spawning, in other periods of
ized sounds are used by them for communication pur the life cycle, fish either do not generate sounds or do
poses, as a rule, for regulation of intraspecies relations. it extremely rarely. A close relationship is observed
The signal function of most fish sounds became evi between the acoustical activity of such fish and the
dent for researchers as early as at the very beginning of dates and sites of their spawning. Sound emission can
special studies in the sphere of underwater bioacous be related to different phases of the reproduction
tics. Subsequently, the correctness of this conclusion period—from early prespawning contacts between
was supported by numerous examples that indicate individuals of opposite sexes, when fish males form
that the acoustic activity either precedes the manifes aggregations or disperse over individual spawning
tation by fish of some behavioral responses or such sites, manifest aggressiveness towards competitors for
response is accompanied by specialized sounds or the territory or a female up to later phases that directly
sound generation is used for signaling, for instance, for precede spawning, such as attraction of a female by
warning about danger or food presence. In some fish, male and courtship display, stimulation for spawning,
2 and proper spawning. Spawning sounds of fish belong
emitting of specialized sounds can be an obligatory to the category of specialized sounds; according to the
element of their complex behavioral repertoires. An mechanism of generation, they most frequently can be
artificially evoked loss of ability in fish for sound gen 3
eration in such cases leads to blocking of a certain either drumming or stridulating.
behavior or makes it detrimental and does not allow
fish to realize to a full measure some life function, for The most complex reproductive behavior and the
instance, protection of their own sites, competition for related auditory communication are developed in ter
a female and attracting it to the nest, spawning, etc. ritorial fish or in fish that pass to a territorial mode of
life temporarily with the onset of the reproduction sea
As compared to other kinds of communication, the son. Such fish usually alternate sounds addressed to
transmission of information, using sound signals, has females and regulating spawning behavior with sounds
several doubtless advantages, such as a high velocity of that are intended for neighbors of the territory or to
distribution and a large distance of action. Thanks to a accidentally approaching fish of other species. The
directed (directional) auditory sensitivity, fish are able latter type of sounds are related to the regulation of
to determine the location of the signal source, which agonistic relationships or direct aggressive manifesta
makes acoustical communication efficient. Its consid tions and will be considered below. Spawning sounds
erable limitations include a complex acoustical back are also typical for fish in which the territorial behavior
ground and a repeated reflection of acoustic signals in is either manifested indistinctly or is not displayed
most biotopes, first of all, in coastal ones where most altogether.
of approximately 1000 fish species that, according to
available data, are capable of sound generation dwell. Spawning sounds in territorial fish that do not
Because of a small depth in coastal areas of seas and migrate to sites of fish reproduction. Resident fish that
oceans, as well as in many shallow water bodies, do not perform considerable movements and spend
sounds emitted by fish have a limited zone of distribu most time within their own sites and use sounds for
tion. Therefore, under such conditions, auditory signaling during reproduction include small fish of
reception that provides the possibility of fish commu coral reefs from the family Pomacentridae. Some of
nication using sounds can be considered as a sensory them live in small colonies. In such colonies, every
system for a small distance. Quite obvious conditions male has a site of its own that it protects from other fish
for acoustical communication are formed in the sea and where it tries to attract a female for spawning. To
pelagial and at large depths. However, evidence of how attract females that are ready for spawning to its terri
fish that dwell here realize these possibilities is tory, male fish of the genus Pomacentrus (=Stegastes),
extremely scarce and allows, so far, more likely only to Hawaiian dascyllus Dascyllus albisella, blackspot ser
assume rather than to state that deepwater fish or fish geant Abudefduf sordidus, and blue damselfish Chromis
of the open oceanic pelagial actually widely use sounds chromis perform rapid upward migrations to the water
for communication. column and equally rapid downward migrations—the
so called signal jumps and dips, whose demonstration
is accompanied by sound emission. The signal impor
Reproductive Isolation tance of jumps and dips is emphasized by the fact that
they are performed with an amazing frequency. Males
Sound generation during reproduction is a typical
specific feature of the biology of most fish capable of 3 Drumming
sounds are generated due to rapid contractions of
specialized tympanic muscles that are fixed in most fish by one
2 Specialized
sounds are generated by fish deliberately in connec or both ends to the walls of the swimming bladder. Stridulating
tion with a certain behavior or in certain situations. Such sounds sounds arise during rubbing of teeth or cranial bones, jaw and
are generated by organs or structures intended for it (Kasumyan, gill apparatuses, fin rays, and vertebrae against each other
2008). (Kasumyan, 2008).



of D. abdisella, for instance, perform up to 3000 signal

jumps during a day. It is assumed (Gronell, 1989;
Knapp and Kovach, 1991) that such jumps can serve
also as a specific indicator of the readiness of a male
for spawning and be used by females in choosing a (a)
partner for spawning. During jumps, the velocity of these
small fish (body length does not exceed 10–13 cm) aver
ages 80 cm/s (maximum, 120 cm/s), the time of the
jump of 0.425 s, and the average distance covered of
approximately 34 cm (Mann and Lobel, 1997). A male
from the colony, which first noticed a female that
approached, increases the frequency of signal jumps
and dips. Its actions stimulate a similar behavior also
in adjacent males that compete with it. Performing
jumps and dips, male Hawaiian dascyllus emits a typ
ical sound that resembles chirps. This sound repre (b)
sents a small series, on average, of 5–6 pulses, each of
which lasts approximately 13 ms; the interpulse inter
val is 38 ms; and the sound frequency is approximately
370 Hz. Sound generation takes place throughout
most part of time spent by a male on the jump and dip
(approximately 60%); sound parameters (sound fre
quency and its duration, number of pulses, and the
time of interpulse interval) do not depend either on the
fish velocity or the jump length. Acoustical character
istics of sounds of different Pomacentridae that often
inhabit the same sites of the coral reef differ (Myrberg,
1972; Myrberg et al., 1978; Spanier, 1979; Lobel and
Mann, 1995; Mann and Lobel, 1997, 1998; Lobel,
1999; Picciulin et al., 2002). Fig. 1. Spawning behavior of males of bicolor damselfish
Pomocentrus partitus: (a) tilts to the side and (b) dips (Myr
In Pomacentridae, the spawning behavior and the berg and Spires, 1972).
related sound generation have been comprehensively
studied in several species, in particular, in bicolor
damselfish Pomacentrus (=Eupomacentrus) partitus. In provide communication between a male and a female
colonies of P. partitus, which consist of several individ when they are near each other (Mann and Lobel,
uals of opposite sexes and age, sounds (chirps) are 1998). Males of green damselfish A. abdominalis gen
recorded, on average, up to 20–25 times a minute. erate typical sounds during nest preparation—clean
Males emit them during dips—a rapid downward ing of a small substrate site at their territory. These
migration vertically from an altitude of 0.5–1.0 m. sounds consist of successive acoustical pulses with a
After several dips and jumps, a male bicolor damself duration of 55 ms, each of which arises a when fish
ish, before again rapidly moving downwards, swims a bites off the ground surface. Interpulse intervals in
small distance along the horizontal, tilting to the side these sounds are rather long, more than 200 ms and a
by 20°–45° either to the right or to the left (Fig. 1). sound frequency of 280 Hz. The male drives out fish
Such tilts are the beginning of courtship behavior that entered the territory or approached the nest, irre
towards a female. After lateral tilts and the subsequent spective of their species status. During pursuit, it emits
dip, a male that has attracted a female to its territory, sounds of aggression. To attract a female or to signal
tilting head down and spreading pectoral fins, rapidly neighbors that the territory is occupied, A. abdominalis
swims up to a female and sometimes, slightly nudging do not perform signal jumps. To attract a female that
it and performing rapid sliding dips over the bottom, has approached, a male that usually stays in front of
leads a female to the nest (Myrberg and Spires, 1972). the nest, begins to actively swim along the loop
A female D. albisella that has responded to the male shaped or zigzagshaped trajectories, trying to trap a
courtship and the male that accompanies it swim to female (Fig. 2). If a female responds to courtships and
the nest and move several times above it. Spawning follows it the male begins to emit long sounds, with an
occurs only after several such movements are per average duration of approximately 2 s and representing
formed. Both during preliminary movements above a series of 3–26 pulses of two different types, with a
the nest and during spawning, a male generates sounds frequency of 120–130 Hz and harmonics up to
shorter than chirps that consist, on average, of 2– 1000 Hz. The male also continues to emit such sounds
3 pulses. If signal jumps and the corresponding sounds later when it stays in the nest together with a female.
provide distant signaling, shorter prespawning sounds The loudness of these sounds is such that they can be



In grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus, which

(a) dwells among thickets of marine algae in the offshore

of the Black and Mediterranean seas, males of the first
type are not only larger, but are also distinguished by
elongated rays in the second dorsal fin (Mazzoldi
et al., 2000; Torricelli et al., 2000). Males of the first
type in Z. ophiocephalus, with the onset of the repro
duction season, construct shelter nests usually as a
burrow in the ground and for attracting a female emit
(b) – sounds that resemble grunts. Males of the second type
are also capable of generating the same sounds, but do
not construct nests; females generate no sounds. At
the moment of emission, males draw aside operculi
and slightly quiver with the head. Sounds of males of
the first and second types have similar duration
(approximately 300 ms) and a close number of pulses
(c) that follow in series with equal frequency. However, in

males of the first type, sounds are lower in frequency
and higher in amplitude than in males of the second
type (Malavasi et al., 2003). This agrees well with the
dependence of the sound frequency and amplitude on
the body sizes of an individual common for fish (Myr
berg et al., 1993; Lobel and Mann, 1995; Loesser
Fig. 2. Spawning behavior of green damselfish Abudefduf
et al., 1997; Henglmüller and Ladich, 1999;
abdominalis (Pomacentridae) accompanied by vocaliza Kasumyan, 2008). In the experiment, in the absence
tion: (a) cleaning by a male of a small site at its territory, of male of the first type, males of the second type
(b) attack and pursuit of individuals of its own species or occupy its shelter, display courtship behavior, and emit
fish of other species (Labridae, Chaetodontidae, Scaridae, sounds for female attraction, i.e., manifest a behavior
Acanthuridae, etc.) that have approached the nest, and
(c) attraction of a female to the nest by energetic swim
allyacoustic stereotype to a full measure (Malavasi
ming of a male along loopshaped or zigzagshaped trajec et al., 2003). This differentiates grass goby from plain
tories and attempts to trap a female after it. A male emits fin midshipman Porichthys notatus (see below).
elongated sounds if a female responds to its courtship and
follows it. The male continues to emit the same sounds also Males of Padogobius martensii and P. nigricans
later when it is in the nest together with a female. The out begin to emit sounds when a female, having
line of the male made by a dotted line denotes the initial approached close to the nest, freezes for a while near
position of the fish and that made by solid line denotes the the entrance in the immediate vicinity of a male
terminating position. The figure shows oscillograms of
sounds, the horizontal line length corresponds to 100 ms present in the nest. Males of these gobies continue to
(Maruska et al., 2007). emit sounds outside the nest also when they leave it for
courtship of the approaching female. In male P. mar
tensii, the sound repertoire is more diverse and
perceived by a female at a distance of 1–2 body length includes three different sounds; however, only one of
(Maruska et al., 2007). them, tonal, is emitted outside the nest, with a rela
tively low frequency, 5–8 times a minute. After the
The representatives of another well studied fish male returns to the nest, sounds are emitted more fre
group—Gobiidae, also belong to territorial fish. Most quently (15–20 times a minute), and they are gener
of these smallsized fish that inhabit sea coastal waters ated with still greater frequency when a female that
or small rivers lead a solitary mode of life near shelters followed the male hesitantly stops before the entrance
at their own sites and do not perform distant move to the nest (30–40 sounds per minute). At such
ments. Unlike Pomacentridae, it is not typical of moment, males produce also additional noises that
Gobiidae to form colonies. Sounds in Gobiidae, as stimulate a female—rapid and frequent blows by the
well as the behavior, related to sound generation, have head and pectoral fins upon the substrate. With the
been well studied; however, the mechanism of sound female appearance in the nest, the tonal sound
generation has so far not been studied. In the spawning becomes increasingly more rare and gradually disap
pears, but almost immediately the male begins to gen
period in Gobiidae, for a rare exception, only males erate two new sounds: an integrated sound that con
vocalize; they are represented by two different forms or sists of several drums that pass into a long tonal com
morphoforms—large males of the first type and ponent and a sound that resembles long drums. The
smaller males of the second type. Usually males of all rate of sound generation increases and reaches maxi
morphotypes participate in spawning, but they differ mum towards the moment of spawning by the female
in behavior and the use of sounds for signaling. of the first eggs, and then rapidly decreases (Fig. 3).



Spawning usually continues for several tens of minutes Number of sounds per minute
or even for more than an hour. During spawning of
eggs, the female turns its abdomen up and adheres to 15
the nest vault egg after egg. Until the female stays in a
usual position, the rate of sound generation is retained
as high. However, as soon as the female turns abdomen
upward and begins to spawn eggs, sound generation is 10
gradually retarded. During insemination, when the
male turns abdomen upward, it can become silent for
several minutes. After the termination of the spawn
ing, the female for some time remains motionless, 5
then it assumes a normal position and leaves the nest
(Lugli et al., 1996).
In males of P. nigricans, sound repertoire consists
of only one sound and its duration averages 330 ms; 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
the frequency is 60–100 Hz and the average number of Time, min
pulses in the sound is 26. As in P. martensii, a female
approach to the nest causes a drastic increase in the Fig. 3. Sound activity (number of sounds per minute) of two
rate of sound production, from 40–80 to 90 times a males of Padogobius martensii during successive 5min inter
minute. If a female, for some cause, leaves the nest, vals from the moment of the start of spawning (deposition
vocalization continues for several minutes (Lugli et al., by a female of the first eggs) and up to its termination
1996). The painted grass goby Pomatoschistus pictus (departure of a female from the nest). The sound activity of
two different males is designated by solid and dotted lines
has two sounds in its spawning repertoire: short low (Lugli et al., 1997).
frequency thumplike sounds and more prolonged and
highfrequency drumming sounds. Thumplike
sounds with a duration of approximately 80 ms and a and Torricelli, 1999; Lindström and Lugli, 2000). It is
frequency lower than 100 Hz are emitted by the male assumed that a rapid assessment of the male potential
goby most frequently, when it is alone in the nest or is a typical feature of behavior of female gobies in
accompanies a female to the nest. Drumming sounds choosing a nuptial partner (Forsgren, 1997). For
with a duration of hundreds of milliseconds and a fre attracting females to the nest, male round goby Neogo
quency of approximately 300 Hz are recorded consid bius melanostomus emits sounds. These sounds that
erably less frequently when the male outside the nest, resemble croaking or squeaks attract females that
having spread out fins, stays immovably near the gather around the nest. The male selects one of them,
female (Amorim and Neves, 2007). Other goby species lashes its tail near it, and tries to lead it to the nest. It is
(Knipowitschia punctatissima, microgobius K. paniz of interest that a female ready for spawning not only
zae, P. minutus, tubenosed goby P. marmoratus, and assumes a certain posture (fins pressed to the body,
P. canestrini) never emit sounds outside the nest even raised head), but also emits weak sharp squeaks. A
if they notice a female and begin to display an interest strong attractive effect on females is also made by the
in it. Sound emission in them begins only after a playback of recordings of male sounds at sites of natu
female enters the nest, and, on the whole, has the same ral spawning of these fish (Protasov et al., 1965). For
dynamics as in other gobies. Gobies of the studied spe proper males, the sounds emitted by adjacent males
cies whose lifetime is approximately one year have are lowefficient stimuli and almost do not affect their
small sizes, and their body length rarely exceeds behavior. Stimuli that come from females, such as sex
10 cm. It is possible to record sounds only in the pheromones, are far stronger stimuli for them. The
immediate vicinity of fish, and already several centi odor of mature females activates males and increases
meters from it, the sound pressure level becomes very the demonstration by them of courtship behavior and
low, apparently, lower than the threshold. In this con sound generation. The visual image of a mature female
nection, there is a point of view according to which has no stimulating effect on the male behavior (Lugli
sounds emitted by males of these goby species within et al., 2004). The mechanism of sound generation by
the nest serve not for female stimulation but are used gobies, some of which have no swimming bladder, is
by the male to signal that it is prepared to begin spawn unknown (Kasumyan, 2008).
ing and of its reproductive potential. This suggestion is
evidenced not only by the small sizes of the acoustic Still another group of vocalizing fish with a drasti
field formed by males whose boundaries are unlikely to cally pronounced territoriality in the spawning period
extend beyond the nest limits, but also by a drastically are Cichlidae. Inviting sounds, apparently stridulating
increasing sound activity of males during female pres ones by their nature and resembling grunts are emitted
ence in the nest, as well as by frequently observed cases by territorial males of Cichlidae. In cichlid Tra
when a female leaves the nest before the beginning of mitichromis intermedius which inhabit the great Afri
spawning (Lindström, 1992; Lugli et al., 1997; Lugli can lakes, the vocalization of males takes place in the



reproduction period and is always observed in connec males of the genus Opsanus resemble (“buup”); such
tion with the spawning behavior that proceeds simi sounds are known in English literature as “boatwhis
larly in many fish of this family: a territorial male tle.” The boatwhistle sound is characterized by a high
bends its caudal peduncle to the side opposite from a stereotype and a low level of variability of the main
female, turns its side upon it, quivers with the body, acoustic characteristics. It is emitted using tympanic
spreads its unpaired fins, rapidly and interruptedly muscles that are well developed in fish. Males of the
flaps with pectoral fins, and slowly moves its caudal fin genus Opsanus use sounds for attracting females that
during ejaculation of the sperm portion. The duration ascend the offshore for spawning slightly later than
of sounds in male T. intermedius is approximately males. The same sound performs the function of an
120–170 ms with approximately 10 pulses in a series agonistic signal using which males show other males
and the dominant frequency of 320–510 Hz. It is that this territory is already occupied—to males that
important to emphasize that sounds are heard only have not yet found a free site for spawning or to males
when the male demonstrates precisely such behavior in the neighborhood. It is of interest that the playback
(in all 1370 recorded cases of sound emission by fish!); of recordings of such sounds or artificial acoustic imi
however, it does not always have an acoustical accom tations not only attract females to the sound source,
paniment, for instance, if it is produced by nonterrito but also stimulate in males a response vocalization
rial males (Ripley and Lobel, 2004). This interesting (Tavolga, 1958a; Gray and Winn, 1961; Winn, 1964,
observation can indicate an intended sound genera 1972; Fish, 1972). The study of this interesting phe
tion in Cichlidae of stridulating sounds generated due nomenon, an increase in the response vocalization,
to rubbing of pharyngeal teeth. Observations of terri demonstrated that the higher the rhythm of artificial
torial male Oreochromis mossambicus show that there stimulation of males by boatwhistle sounds, the higher
is a well pronounced positive relationship between the rhythm of their response vocalization. Of interest is
frequency of manifestation of reproductive behavior also the following: the response sounds of males arise
and sound generation. The presence or absence almost always (in 90% of cases) in intervals between
nearby of females ready for reproduction does not stimulations. The playback of recordings in which
affect sound production in these males; they emit boatwhistle sounds follow each other without an inter
sounds even if a female is absent in the aquarium val completely suppresses the acoustical activity in
(Amorim et al., 2003). As was found in case of species males (Fish, 1972). Thus, the use of acoustic signals in
of the genus Pseudotropheus, cichlid males emit low fish can be exercised so as to prevent or minimize the
and short tonal sounds that resemble moans when overlapping of sounds of individual fish that vocalize in
they, on accompanying a female that responded posi common. A similar strategy of acoustic communica
tively to courtships, swim beside it. Moans precede tion is typical also of other vertebrate animals (Zelick
grunts and a more decisive male behavior. The ampli et al., 1999).
tude of moans decreases by the end of this sound,
The inviting sounds of males of the genus Opsanus
which indicates that fish are capable of modulating
in their structure belong to complex sounds, i.e., to
loudness (Simöes et al., 2008).
sounds that consist of a sequence of several simple
Spawning sounds in territorial fish that migrate to sounds. In gulf toadfish O. beta, each boatwhistle
sites of reproduction. Unlike Pomacentridae that sound begins with one, less frequently, two to three
either lead a territorial mode of life or slightly move sounds that resemble grunt and represent short series
within a certain site, some fish form their own spawn of pulses. Grunts have a frequency from 90–110 to
ing sites in biotopes new for them where they get per 155 Hz and do not belong to tonal sounds, i.e., do not
forming migrations different in extent. An important form harmonics. This component precedes the main
attribute of the activity of territorial males of such fish component of a complex sound, a proper boatwhistle
can be vocalization, using which they signal that the sound that is tonal by nature. Short grunts are consid
site is occupied. The approach to the territory or ered as a warning signal that will be followed (with an
entering it by a female ready for spawning or of other interval, on average, of approximately 36 ms) by the
fish drastically increases the emission by the male of main sound component—a boatwhistle that forms
sound signals, as well as causes in it a certain behav several harmonics. These tonal components that fol
ioral stereotype that depends on a concrete situation. low each other can be, like grunts, several, as in O. beta
Among territorial fish that migrate to sites of or only one, as in another toadfish O. tau. The dura
spawning, Batrachoididae are most studied. Males of tion of tonal components that follow each other varies:
fish of the genus Opsanus, in spring before the onset of usually the first component is considerably longer than
the spawning period, migrate to the offshore and dis the subsequent. On the whole, tonal components are
perse over individual shelters under small fragments of characterized by a surprisingly high stability of the
rocks, stones, and other objects. Males spend several sound frequency that varies within 1 Hz (low modula
weeks here—attract females for spawning, guard eggs, tion); in different individuals, the frequency of tonal
and then early juveniles. Having occupied such a shel components differs more considerably, but, on the
ter, males begin to intensively vocalize, especially with whole, remains in the range of 270 to 290 Hz (Table 1)
the onset of evening twilight. Strong typical sounds of (Fine, 1978; Thorson and Fine, 2002a).



Table 1. Main acoustic characteristics (M ± m) of sounds emitted by males of oyster toadfish Opsanus tau (Barimo and Fine, 1998)
Sound Sound pressure level, dB Basic frequency, Hz Duration, ms
Boatwhistles 126 ± 1.2 249 ± 5.2 286 ± 15.3
Grunts 123 ± 2.3 155 ± 5.9 71 ± 2.5
Note: Sound pressure level was measured at a distance of 1 m from the fish; dB are indicated relative to 1 µPa. M ± m is the average value of
the index and its error.

Grunts can arise not only as signals that precede males (males of the second type) have no own nests;
the inviting sound of a male, but also in isolation; they their numbers are small, approximately 10% of all
can be generated by males and females. Such isolated males per a spawning ground (Brantley and Bass,
grunts are considered as a second type of sounds from 1994). These males of P. notatus are sometimes called
the repertoire of fish of the genus Opsanus. Isolated petty thieves or sneakers, because they try to penetrate
grunts are observed mainly during stress caused, for unnoticed to the nest of a large male when a female
instance, by fright. These sounds are also distinguished enters it and to participate in spawning. Such behavior
by a high stereotype and a low level of variability of the is frequently successful.
main acoustic characteristics (Table 1) (Barimo and The spawning activity of males of P. notatus begins
Fine, 1998). Isolated grunts can be produced by males with the sunset. Males approach the entrance of their
of Opsanus also in response to an increase in the rate of nest and, looking out from it, begin to emit a sound
vocalization of one of the males that competes for a that resembles monotonous hum (frequency of
female and is nearby. In this case, the male as if fixes a approximately 100 Hz) (Fig. 4). A typical specific fea
certain acoustic tag or mark to the inviting sound of ture of male hums is their extremely long duration.
the neighbor male, locating it according to the time of Some hums continue without an interval for more
generation within the first tonal component of its than 10 min, and with small intervals, up to 1 h! The
sound. Such behavior was called acoustic tagging and frequency and amplitude of respiratory movements
occurs in almost one third of all sounds recorded at the with operculi in males at these moments considerably
spawning grounds in the period of maximum vocaliza increase. Using these sounds, males attract females to
tion of males of Opsanus (evening twilight). Since each the nest, which is well supported by observations of
male at some limited site of the spawning ground has responses of females to the playback of recordings of
its own individual acoustic specific features, it is male hums: females rapidly gather near the source of
always possible to determine who of them tagged the such sound, turn round it, and bite (Ibara et al., 1983;
sounds of the competitor (Thorson and Fine, 2002b). McKibben and Bass, 1998). A female that approached
Reproduction in another well studied representa the nest either enters it or it occurs after insistent
tive of Batrachoididae—plainfin midshipman Porich nudgings of a male during intervals between hums. As
thys notatus proceeds in a similar manner. P. notatus is soon as a female enters the nest or during the first
found in the Pacific Ocean off the coasts of North minute after its coming, a male ceases humming and
America. The ability of these fish to generate sounds is blocks the way out of the nest. Pressing a female to the
well known, which was even reflected in its local nest wall, a male performs rhythmic, once per 1–3 s
names—Californian singing fish, canary fish, and stereotype blows or slaps with head against the body or
talkative fish. Mature individuals of P. notatus with the caudal peduncle of a female inducing it for spawning.
onset of the reproduction season (the end of spring Several minutes after, a female assumes a typical pos
and all summer), similar to Opsanus, ascend from the ture—it turns abdomen to the wall or vault of the nest
depth to the littoral where larger males (length of and begins to gradually spawn eggs (Fig. 5). The
approximately 15 cm), that are commonly called spawning process is prolonged and can continue up to
males of the first type, dig small shelter nests under 20 h. The female immediately adheres eggs, pressing
stones. To these nests they attract females (length of them to the substrate; the male every several minutes,
approximately 12 cm) that adhere large eggs (diameter pushing the female to the side, turns up down, and
of approximately 5 mm) to the vault or lateral walls of quivering, emits sperm portion. Having thus emitted
the shelter. A female in small portions spawns all eggs all eggs, the female, on turning abdomen up, freezes
immediately (approximately 200 items), while a male immovably, which is a signal for the male that spawn
successively spawns with several females, and the total ing has ended. The male removes the female from the
number of eggs in one nest can exceed 1000. Smaller nest and remains to guard the spawned eggs. Females
males of P. notatus are present in the littoral during produce no sounds before entering the nest and
reproduction. Their length is almost two times smaller throughout spawning.
(approximately 9 cm) than in large males, but they The spawning that takes place attracts males of the
have more developed gonads and a considerably second type to the nest. They try to penetrate unno
higher (almost tenfold) gonadosomatic index. Small ticed into the nest and, if one of them is successful, it




500 ms

20 ms


500 ms 20 ms


500 ms

20 ms

Fig. 4. Oscillograms of sounds of plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus: (a) hum, (b) grunt, and (c) growl. Oscillograms are rep
resented in two time scales (Bass et al., 1999).

either imitates the spawning behavior of a female and, ior coincides in time with spawning of eggs by a
turning up down, presses itself to the nest walls with its 4
abdomen, or buries itself into the ground in a difficult female. Having noticed a competitor, the male of the
to access corner. When nests of males of the first type first type immediately attacks the pushy individual. If
are examined after a female enters them and spawning it does not occur, the male of the second type remains
begins, these small males are frequently found, in 20– near the entrance to the nest throughout the spawning
40% of cases. Males of the second type not only in (hours). At any tactic of participation in spawning,
behavior, but also in sizes, and body coloration and males of the second type do not court a female and do
shape (increased abdomen) resemble females. Such not produce inviting sounds, even when a male of the
mimicry hinders their recognition. However, if a male first type is forcibly driven out of the nest. Although
of the first type still notices the undesired competitor, successful spawning can proceed under such artificial
it drives it out. If a male of the second type fails to pen conditions. Males of the second type are never
etrate into the nest or it was driven out, it selects engaged in protection of the eggs and the newborn
another tactic: slowly backing its tail forward, it tries to juveniles. Even if they enter a free nest, they remain
invisibly approach as much as possible the entrance to
4 Apparently, sex pheromones that get into the water in many fish
the nest or even penetrate into it partially with a tail,
together with genital products serve as signals about the begin
and then direct to the nest a water flow formed by the ning of spawning that attract males of the second type to the nest
movements of fins, and together with it the sperm that (Kasumyan, 2004). Unfortunately, there are no published data
is periodically ejaculated at this moment. Such behav on sex pheromones in plainfin midshipman.



(a) (e)

(b) (f)

(c) (g)

(d) (h)

Fig. 5. Spawning behavior of plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus: (a) male of the first type in the nest; with the onset of night,
it emits strong inviting dull lowfrequency sounds resembling hums or purrs; (b) a female deposits eggs on the surface of the vault
of the nest, and the male of the first type becomes silent immediately after the female enters the nest; (c) circling and quivering
and the male of the first type inseminates the eggs; (d) a male of the second type that penetrated the nest unnoticed inseminates
the eggs; (e) the male of the second type that stayed before the entrance to the nest directs a water flow into the nest and releases
sperm portions; (f) the male of the first type drives away the male of the second type from the nest; (g) the male of the first type
guards egg batch; with the onset of the next night, it again begins to produce inviting sounds, and the spawning process can be
repeated; (h) the male of the first type widely opens its mouth and emits threatening grunt when another male of the first type
approaches the nest (Brantley and Bass, 1994; Bass, 1996).

there for a short time and prefer to spend most time, of the second type has penetrated into the nest or if
similar to females, burying themselves into the ground. another male of the first type approaches or enters the
nest, that is usually rather soon driven out by the nest
If males of the first type emit prolonged hums owner (Fig. 4). Emitting grunts, the male of the first
exceptionally for attracting females to the nest, grunts, type demonstrates a threat—a widely opened mouth
considerably shorter (59 to 200 ms), are produced by directed towards the enemy (Fig. 5) (Brantley and
them during agonistic manifestations—when a male Bass, 1994; Bass, 1996).



SPAWNING SOUNDS IN FISH THAT 1961b). In the daytime, these sounds are heard rarely,
TEMPORARILY PASS TO A TERRITORIAL but with the onset of twilight, they are recorded far
MODE OF LIFE IN THE PERIOD OF more frequently, especially, if spawning takes place in
REPRODUCTION the basin. Switching of artificial illumination
Transition to territoriality is also typical of fish that, decreases the frequency of vocalization; after switch
beyond the reproduction period, are inhabitants of the ing off, it increases again. The spawning behavior of
pelagial and open areas of large water bodies, can lead males is initiated by a female ready for spawning of
a typically gregarious mode of life, freely move to large eggs when it slowly and fearlessly swims to the territory
distances, and have no sites of their own. To these fish guarded by a male from other males and immature
we may relate representatives of Gadidae, for instance, females. On noticing a mature female, a male
Atlantic cod Gadus morhua whose males in the approaches it with highly raised unpaired fins and
prespawning period and during spawning (February– leads it within its territory, swimming aside or around
March) emit muffled grunts. Females, despite the it by a twisting trajectory, and making numerous
presence in them of tympanic muscles, keep silent at detours and sharp turns. At this time, one can hear
all phases of reproductive behavior; however, they also male muffled grunts, to each of which a female
can emit sounds sporadically beyond the spawning responds immediately by an increase in the rate of
season (Engen and Folstad, 1999). swimming, turns towards the male, and spreads dorsal
The grunt sound in the cod has a duration of fins. For a short time, the male can freeze before the
approximately 200 ms and the basic frequency of female, located on its side perpendicular to the direc
approximately 50 Hz (Brawn, 1961b; Hawkins and tion of its movement (lateral display). The effect of
Rasmussen, 1978). Under artificial conditions, to such demonstrations increases when it is accompanied
which adult individuals of the cod easily get accus by lowering of the first and second dorsal fins and the
tomed and where they can spawn, males with a length first anal fin and then their abrupt spreading. If a
of 50–70 cm emit sounds that humans can here at a female freezes near the bottom, a male swims under it
distance of several meters from the basin (Brawn, and slightly pushes its abdomen by the head, accom

7 6 5

2 4

Fig. 6. The spawning behavior of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua: (1) a female enters the male’s territory; (2) the male rapidly
approaches the female with highly spread out unpaired fins and swims in front of it along a complex trajectory (demonstration
behavior); (3) the male leads the female deep into its territory and the female follows the male; (4) a prolonged period during
which the males leads the female upwards, then again descends with it to the bottom, continues demonstration behavior, emits
grunts, and slightly hits the female on the side and on the abdomen; (5) the female following the male, moves upwards and freezes
near water surface, the male presses the female from the top; (6) the male lies above the female, fish slowly move near the water
surface; (7) the male swims up under the female and presses its abdomen to it, spawning. The male’s outline is shaded; a dotted
line designates a boundary separating the male’s territory from the remaining part of the basin where there are several mature
males and females of the cod (according to Brawn, 1961a).



Table 2. Main acoustic characteristics of sounds of males of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Hawkins and Amorim, 2000)
Sound Number of double Duration of the Interval between Interval between Dominant
duration, s pulses in a sound double pulse, ms double pulses, ms pulses, ms frequency, Hz
Short slow 0.8 3.8 25.5 397 13.5 253.5
Short rapid 1.3 12.6 25.2 105.5 12.6 203.7
Long slow 3.1 14.5 26.3 217.7 13.6 220.6
Long rapid 9.0 58.5 24.9 87.7 12.0 197.2
Humming 8.3 – 24.3 30.3 11.1 184.7

panying pushes with a loud grunt. In response to such low with a very high frequency (each 30 ms) resemble
actions, the female accompanied by the male performs humming. The spawning behavior of haddock in some
an upward migration to the water surface where elements resembles cod behavior; however, the acous
spawning soon takes place. At the moment of synchro tic accompaniment of this behavior differs substan
nous spawning of genital products, the male is under tially more strongly. Haddock males ready for repro
the female, turning back down and pressing itself to duction when kept under artificial conditions periodi
the female abdomen (Fig. 6). At the terminal phases of cally descend to the basin bottom and begin to swim
the spawning behavior when fish ascend to the water along circular or Sshaped trajectories with a small
surface, sounds are not generated (Brawn, 1961b). radius. At this moment, they can change pigmenta
The number of successful spawnings in male Atlantic tion—at the lateral surface two additional pigmental
cod closely correlates with the sizes (weight) of tym spots can appear, usually behind the usual one typical
panic muscles and is not related to their body length, for this species (Fig. 7). Such swimming is interpreted
fatness, or fin sizes (Rowe and Hutchings, 2008). It 5
was noted that sound emission by male cod ceases the as the manifestation by a male of a territorial behavior
spawning behavior of another male directed at it. If a and is called solitary display. Solitary display is accom
territorial male erroneously exhibits a courtship panied by emission of sounds—prolonged rapid and
behavior with respect to an immature female or a slow series of knocks that, as is assumed, serve as a sig
female with spawned eggs, it is interrupted immedi nal of male preparedness for spawning, according to
ately after the beginning of emission of sounds by the which females select a male at the spawning ground.
male that cause, in a female, a rapid departure The existence of nonrandom, selective choice of sex
(Brawn, 1961b). At the spawning grounds of the ual partners in Gadidae is supported by genetic studies
Atlantic cod (the Lofoten Islands), during spawning, (Hutchings et al., 1999).
the sounds of many fish fuse in a single rumble that is If a haddock female is absent nearby, the male can
well heard using a hydrophone; beyond the spawning return to more or less quiet swimming in the water col
season, no sounds are heard at sites of the cod aggre umn and slower swimming over the bottom, touching
gation (Nordeide and Kjellsby, 1999). The acoustical it with rostrum and ends of pectoral fins (a tripod pos
repertoire of the cod used by it in nature, can, as is ture). If a female responds to the male’s invitation and
assumed, not be limited to only one grunt sound, but approaches it, the male moves to it and, following it at
be more diverse (Midling et al., 2002; Finstad and a small distance (approximately one half of body
Nordeide, 2004). length), performs several so called lateral demonstra
tions with highly raised unpaired fins, accompanying
Acoustic signaling during spawning is typical not
demonstrations by emission of almost the whole set of
only of G. morhua, but also of other representatives of
sounds. If the female does not go away and continues
this family—walleye pollack Theragra chalcogramma
to stay with the male, this initiates in it the subsequent
and lythe Pollachius pollachius (Hawkins and Rasmus
development of courtship behavior: the male stands
sen, 1978). However, the most complex acoustic sig
perpendicular in the way of the female and begins
naling among studied Gadidae is apparently in had
flicking fins. At this time, additional pigmental spots,
dock Melanogrammus aeglefinus. The repertoire of
the same as in solitary display can appear on the male’s
male haddocks includes five different sounds that sub
body. The frequency of knocks in sounds emitted by
stantially differ in the number of double pulses in the
the male at this time increases all the more and can
sound, frequency of sequence of double pulses, and
sound duration. The duration of each double pulse 5 In haddock males, however, no behavior directly associated with
and the interval between pulses, as well as the values of the protection of the territory from other fish was found (Hawk
the peak (dominant) frequency of these sounds differ ins and Amorim, 2000; Bremner et al., 2002). This can be sup
weakly (Table 2). Humans perceive these sounds as ported also by results of acoustic surveys at the spawning
grounds of haddock, according to which, during the light hours
knocks that, in the haddock, depending on the situa of the day, these fish form aggregations that stay above the bot
tion, change from relatively short and slow knocks to tom. With the onset of night, fish descend to the bottom, and
rapid and prolonged. The sound in which knocks fol aggregations break down (Boudreau, 1992).



(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7. Elements of spawning behavior of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus: (a) solitary display, (b) sharp openings and lower
ings of unpaired fins by a male that stood perpendicular in the way of a female (flicking), (c) lateral display, and (d) mating
embrace. The male’s outline is shaded (Hawkins and Amorim, 2000).

reach maximum level. Then the male again follows the when area deficiency and a prolonged joint keeping of
female, being near it, pushing it by the rostrum, and experimental fish could distort their behavior. In gen
whirling around it. As a result of such actions the male eral, the role of acoustic signaling in the spawning
and female, having ascended upwards, position hori behavior of haddock and other representatives of
zontally and closely press to each other by abdomens Gadidae stresses the fact that the reproduction of
with entangled ventral fins. This posture was named many of these fish takes place in winter time at night at
mating embrace (Fig. 7). At precisely this moment, a relatively large depth (more than 100 m) at northern
spawning occurs—simultaneous spawning of eggs and latitudes, i.e., under conditions where possibilities for
sperm. After sperm release, sound emission ceases visual reception are limited. The sizes of tympanic
immediately. Thus, as the spawning behavior devel muscles in these fish towards the reproduction season
ops, the male emits sounds more frequently, and max increase by more than twofold (Templeman and Hod
imum of sound generation is reached towards the der, 1958).
moment of liberation of genital products. Sounds with Most Cyprinidae belong to fish that, outside the
maximum frequency of knocks in haddock has also reproduction season, lead a migratory mode of life.
maximum average duration, up to 10 min (!) (Hawkins Many of them do not exhibit a territorial behavior in
et al., 1967; Hawkins and Amorim, 2000). Haddock the reproduction period either. However, there are
males generate sounds in the daytime and at night, but Cyprinidae whose males at this time pass to a typically
only in the case if a mature female is present together territorial behavior, for instance, North American
with them in the basin. When males are kept in isola Cyprinella galctura, Codoma ornate, and Pimephales
tion, they do not generate sounds, which may indicate notatus. Males of precisely such Cyprinidae emit
the absence in them of competition for the territory. At sounds in the spawning period (C. Johnston and
the same time, when still another male is placed to the D. Johnston, 2000b); Johnston and Vives, 2003; Phil
spawning pair, sound generation increases (sound lips and Johnston, 2008a). In the aquarium, male
duration increases by 2–4 times), which does not C. ornate emit sounds that resemble bursts. The males
allow to exclude the presence of competition between emit them during courtship when they try by their
haddock males for a female (Bremner et al., 2002). swimming before the entrance to the shelter crevice to
Apparently, in haddock, as in the closely related attract a female to it. The same sounds are audible dur
Atlantic cod, the leading role of the dominant male in ing spawning. The mechanism of generation of such
the struggle for a female is pronounced more strongly sounds is unknown. Females produce no sounds
in fish groups large in numbers (Hutchings et al., (Johnston and Vives, 2003).
1999), while, in small groups, several competing males The territorial males of North American fish that
can simultaneously participate in spawning (Rakitin et al., belong to the family Percidae—Etheostoma nigripinne
2001). It is necessary to stress that in all these studies, and E. crossopterum emit sounds that resemble
observations of reproduction were made in captivity knocks, purrs, and drums. These sounds arise only in



Table 3. Acoustic parameters of sounds emitted by territorial males of Etheostoma nigripinne and E. crossopterum at aggressive
contacts, during courting a female, and spawning (C. Johnston and D. Johnston, 2000a)
Sound parameters Parameters of sound pulses
Sound type
and behavioral form dominant pulse
occurrence, % duration, ms number duration, ms
frequency, Hz frequency, s
E. nigrippine
courtship 77 129 ± 35 740 ± 420 – – –
aggression 87 146 ± 28 580 ± 260 – – –
total 83 139 ± 32 640 ± 340 – – –
Knocks, total 10 104 ± 32 380 ± 310 1.9 ± 1.3 5.6 ± 1.0 230 ± 100
Purring, total 7 89 ± 62 350 ± 220 6.4 ± 3.1 19.1 ± 5.1 60 ± 20
E. crossopterum
courtship 72 77 ± 9 960 ± 310 – – –
aggression 83 90 ± 9 600 ± 310 – – –
spawning 74 93 ± 16 740 ± 340 – – –
total 78 89 ± 13 730 ± 330 – – –
courtship 28 100 ± 20 600 ± 510 – – –
aggression 17 95 ± 20 460 ± 160 – – –
spawning 26 99 ± 15 570 ± 400 – – –
total 22 98 ± 18 530 ± 350 1.9 ± 0.9 4.4 ± 1.8 270 ± 110
Hybrid of E. nigrippine and E. crossopterum
Drumming, total 92 102 ± 19 690 ± 470 – – –
Knocks, total 8 105 ± 22 480 ± 250 1.3 ± 0.5 2.3 ± 0.9 390 ± 100

connection with reproduction and are audible during to territoriality for this period, but also by fish that do
aggressive encounters of males with competitors, dur not stay only in certain sites even if their movements
ing attraction of a female to the nest, and during are not so considerable. Among such fish is cuskeel
spawning. Drumming sounds are most common Ophidion marginatum—a small marine fish that
(Table 3). Sounds arise irrespective of the fact whether inhabits waters off the coasts and spends the light
fish are in the nest or outside it. During spawning, hours of the day burrowing itself into the ground.
sounds arise immediately before spawning of eggs by a Acoustic communication in the cuskeel is rather
female or at the moment of spawning. Males are silent peculiar. Males begin to emit sounds (series of 1–
in intervals between fights and in the absence of a 27 sound pulses with a frequency of 500 to 1800 Hz)
female nearby that stimulates courtship behavior. even when they are in the ground, before the onset of
Sound generation by females was not established. As twilight. When a cuskeel leaves the ground, vocaliza
in the case of C. ornate, uniform sounds in Etheostoma tion increases and rapidly reaches maximum. Females
during manifestation of different forms of behavior in response to male sounds also begin to quit the
differ in frequency and duration, which indicates the ground and swim more actively, and, moving by cir
presence in fish of a capability to modulate acoustic cles, try to determine the sound source. The period
parameters of the sound depending on the concrete during which males emit sounds is relatively short; it
context of behavior (Table 3) (C. Johnston and begins approximately 40 min before spawning,
D. Johnston, 2000a). This specific feature seems to us includes the moment of spawning genital products,
extremely important for acoustic communication and and terminates 15–20 min after it. In males, sound
exchange by acoustic signals that have precise address
generation is accompanied by head quivering and, in
and situation destination.
females, by vibration of pectoral fins (Mann et al.,
Spawning sounds in nonterritorial resident fish. 1997; Rountree and BowersAltman, 2002). Record
Sounds related to the spawning season are generated ing sounds, it is possible to find habitats of these little
not only by territorial fish or fish that temporarily pass noticeable fish, perform monitoring of the state of



Amplitude, mV
+ (a) Pollimyrus isidori

Frequency, Hz 1

1 3 5
Amplitude, mV

(b) Pollimyrus adspersus



Frequency, Hz

0 1 3 5 7 9 11
Time, s

Fig. 8. Oscillogram (above) and sonogram (below) of complex sounds emitted in the spawning period for attracting females by
males of (a) Pollimyrus isidori and (b) P. adspersus (according to Crawford and Huang, 1999; Lamml and Kramer, 2005).

their populations, and elaborate measures for the pro tic activity of male Pollimyrus directed at attracting
tection and recovery of their stock (Rountree et al., females to the nest successively increases and reaches
2006). maximum during the spawning night, and then, dur
Another example of fish that, similar to the cusk ing protection of the batch and hatching of larvae,
eel, use acoustic signaling under conditions when pos decreases and ceases after juveniles leave the nest and
sibilities of visual reception are limited can be weakly begin to swim and feed independently. During a sea
electric African fish Mormyridae. These fish possess son, several successive spawning cycles pass in
socalled auditory or tympanic vesicle that is closely Polimytrus; therefore, males after some time begin to
adjoined to the saccular sac and belong to a group of vocalize again. The sounds of males of Pollimytrus
auditory specialists (Kasumyan, 2005). Mormyridae, belong to a category of complex sounds, they consist of
in particular, fish of the genus Pollimyrus (P. marianne, several simple sounds that follow in different order in
P. adspersus, and P. isidori) spawn in the dark hours of different species and have different acoustic character
the day; their reproduction season is in the season of istics (Fig. 8) (Table 4). In the absence in close vicinity
rains when water turbidity becomes high. This limits of a female or other fish, males of P. isidori emit moans
the function not only of vision, but of other systems sporadically. When a female approaches the nest, the
also. For spawning, male Pollimyrus construct nests of male responds to its electric discharges by prolonged
plant material, usually near the bottom in shelters. moans and grunts overlapping them (Crawford et al.,
With the onset of the reproduction season, the acous 1997a, 1997b; Lamml and Kramer, 2005). In the

Table 4. Some acoustic characteristics of simple sounds of the moan and grunt types in males of the genus Pollimyrus (according
to Crawford et al., 1997)
Moan Grunt
Species peak fre peak fre frequency of pulse
duration, ms duration, ms
quency, Hz quency, Hz sequence, Hz
P. marianne 1897 175 561 1076 34 Lamml and Kramer, 2005
P. adspersus 812 240 229 – 56 Crawford et al., 1997a
P. isidori 121 332 268 – 44 ″



experiment, in order to cause in a male inviting quite probable that a female selects males according to
sounds, it is sufficient, imitating a female presence, to their sounds and prefers males that produce sounds
reproduce its electric signals. Such stimulation not higher in amplitude and lower in frequency (Con
only leads to a response vocalization, but is also naughton et al., 1997, 2000). Sounds can help other
accompanied by typical behavior (Crawford, 1991). fish also to form spawning aggregations (Templeman
Beyond the reproduction season, when other fish and Hodder, 1958; Connaughton et al., 2002a).
approach, males emit moans and, rarely, grunts that The spawning sounds of Sciaenidae are produced
differ in acoustic characteristics from sounds gener using tympanic muscles and embrace a frequency
ated by them in the spawning period during courtship interval of 100 to 1000 Hz with maximum amplitude in
of a female (Lamml and Kramer, 2005). the range of 250–600 Hz. Harmonics in them, oppo
Stridulation clicks are emitted by lined seahorses site to drumming sounds of many other fish, are absent
Hippocampus at courtship display and during copula (Ramcharitar et al., 2006). Sounds in Sciaenidae are
tion; basic frequency of these sounds embraces a range rather prolonged—in gray weakfish their duration
of 400–800 Hz (Fish and Mowbray, 1970). reaches 500 ms (Connaughton et al., 2002b). In
Spawning sounds in nonterritorial migratory fish. A. regius, spawning grunt sounds are still more pro
Sciaenidae belong to the most known vocalizing fish longed—from 0.6 to 2.5 s; they represent long series of
that do not exhibit territoriality and retain a migratory 30–110 pulses, their frequency range is 340–445 Hz.
mode of life throughout ontogenesis. Their acoustic Males of A. regius emit such sounds, on average, 12–
activity is also related to the reproduction period. For 13 times per minute; their peculiar singing stops
instance, gray weakfish Cynoscion regalis at this time immediately after a short grunt with a duration of less
(May–July) forms dense spawning aggregations off than 100 ms that is recorded at a female approach. It is
the coasts of the Atlantic coasts of North America. At unclear who emits this short acoustic signal, a male or
the same time precisely in the offshore rather than in a female. It is assumed that it may be produced by a
the open sea, drumming sounds emitted by males of male when it rushes to a female that approached it or
these fish are registered. Maximum sounding occurs at a female signaling in this way that it is ready for spawn
the peak of the spawning when the proportion of indi ing and inviting the male (Lagaedère and Mariani,
viduals with ripe genital products is highest in catches. 2006).
The diurnal cyclicity of acoustic activity and spawning The territorial behavior not only in connection
also coincide. Beyond the spawning season, males of with reproduction, but also in other periods of life is
the gray whitefish do not generate drumming sounds also not exhibited by vocalizing fish such as peppered
(Connaughton and Taylor, 1995). corydoras Corydoras paleatus. Several males of C. pale
With the onset of the spawning season, the behavior atus can simultaneously participate in the courtship of
of males of Sciaenidae changes; however, no transition a female; antagonistic or obviously aggressive manifes
to actual territoriality and selection and protection of tations between males are lacking. The courtship
individual territories occurs. Audio and video observa behavior of males manifests itself in following a
tions in basins show that males of gray whitefish ready mature female and in periodic emission by them of
for spawning with the onset of evening twilight when stridulation sounds. Courtship terminates by fixation
spawning takes place stay immovably above the bottom by one of the males of a female in so called Tposi
and, almost not stopping, emit drumming sounds. Any tion—for this, it presses the barbels of the female by its
competitive relations between males are absent. As pectoral fin and holds it in such position for several
soon as a female appears nearby, the male becomes seconds (13 ± 0.3 s), during which spawning of genital
silent, swims to it, nudges, and follows it up to the sur products takes place (Fig. 9). In C. paleatus, the
face where paired spawning that lasts only for several moment of emission of stridulation sounds is clearly
seconds occurs. During spawning of genital products, identified according to rapid movements in succession
fish do not emit sounds. After spawning, the male by right and left fins. Each movement of the fin for
again descends to the bottom at an accidentally ward (abduction) leads to the generation of one simple
selected place, and a new cycle begins. The total time sound; simple sounds that follow each other form a
of vocalization and spawning varies from 2 to 3 h series. On average, the duration of one simple sound in
(Connaughton and Taylor, 1996). In a natural envi a series is approximately 17 ms, the interval between
ronment, closely spaced males of gray whitefish emit sounds is 33.5 s, the number of sounds in a series is
sounds apparently alternately (Connaughton and Tay approximately 30, and the duration of the whole series
lor, 1995). Males of other species of Sciaenidae (Sci is approximately 1.25 s (Fig. 10). Females do not pro
aenops ocellatus, Argytosomus regius, and Micropogo duce sounds during courtship behavior and spawning
nias undulatus) behave similarly (Guest and Lasswell, (Pruzsinszky and Ladich, 1998).
1978; Connaughton and Taylor, 1995; Lagardère and Among fish that do not exhibit obvious territorial
Mariani, 2006). Males of Sciaenidae emit sounds, as is ity, there are also some fish of coral reefs that spawn
assumed, to form spawning aggregations and attract eggs not on the substrate, but disperse them in the
females. Since the acoustic specific features of sounds water column. Their spawning behavior can be also
depend on the body size of the vocalizing male, it is accompanied by emission of sounds that regulate



behavior and synchronize spawning. This signaling is

complex and interesting in synchronous hermaphro
dyte Hypoplectrus unicolor (Serranidae) that belongs to
monogamous fish: individuals that form a pair, succes
sively with a small interval, participate in spawning
acting as a female when spawning a portion of eggs, or
as a male when inseminating the spawned eggs.
Sounds are generated by both fish, i.e., a “male” and a
“female,” but they emit sounds of different type and at
different moments of spawning. A fish that acts as a
male generates a sound with a frequency of approxi
mately 500 Hz and duration of 0.2–1.5 s at the termi
nal phase of courtship behavior several seconds before
own spawning—at the moment when the “male”
closely twines itself round the partner that performs
(b) the role of a female in this cycle. At the moment of
proper spawning, i.e., at the liberation of eggs, the
sound is emitted by a “female” quivering by its pecto
ral fins. Fish, at this time, are directed to opposite
sides, which, as is assumed, decreases the probability
of seizing of them by predators, in which in the
evening hours when spawning occurs, maximum feed
ing activity is observed. The sound of a “female” lasts
approximately 1.5 s and has a peculiar structure. The
first part of the sound is short, it lasts approximately
0.15 s. During this time, the sound frequency
decreases from 600 to 200 Hz, and then after a small
Fig. 9. Successive phases of spawning behavior in Corydo interval, a substantially prolonged and wide in frequency
ras paleatus: (a) two males ( ) pursue a female larger in its
second part of the sound follows (350–1650 Hz). The
first part of the sound is considered as a signal sent by
sizes ( ), a male staying above a female vocalizes; (b) a a “female” to a “male” of the beginning of spawning
male keeps a female having pressed its maxillary barbels by
its pectoral fin, the spawned portion of eggs is in the folded eggs and intended for synchronization of spawning.
down female fins (Pruzcinszky and Ladich, 1998). The second part of the sound, apparently, has no signal

Frequency, kHz

50 100 150


50 100 150
Time, ms
Fig. 10. (a) Sonogram and (b) oscillogram of sounds emitted by males of Corydoras paleatus during courtship of the female
(Pruzsinszky and Ladich, 1998).



Table 5. Sounds of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus and shovelnose sturgeon S. platorynchus emitted in the reproduction
period (average values) (according to Johnston and Phillips, 2003)
Pallid sturgeon Shovelnose sturgeon

Sound proportion proportion

dominant fre duration, number dominant fre duration, number
from all from all
quency, kHz ms of harmonics quency, kHz ms of harmonics
sounds, % sounds, %
Squeak 0.92 211.1 3.2 51 1.3 112.3 3.9 54
Chirp 2.0 71.2 2.0 17 2.1 57.6 2.3 37
Knock 0.16 196.6 none 24.5 0.09 230.9 none 8
Moan 0.37 210.8 none 7.5 0.26 100.0 none 1

function and arises in connection with the locomotor these, as is considered, asocial fish arise in the case if
activity of the female during spawning—with flicker several experimental fish are placed simultaneously in
ing flaps of pectoral fins and frequent contractions of the basin for observations. Sounds in solitary fish are
abdominal musculature. Immediately after spawning recorded extremely rarely. A total of four basic types of
of genital products, fish abruptly move to opposite sounds that are equally typical of individuals of both
sides and move downwards to the reef. Such spawning sexes were distinguished. In more than a half of cases,
cycles can repeat multifold with a periodicity of several a squeak sound occurs; in two species of Scarphirhyn
minutes (Lobel, 1992). chus, this sound differs in the dominant frequency,
duration, and the number of harmonics (Table 5). It is
Spawning in another nonterritorial fish of coral suggested that squeak and another highfrequency
reefs—gregarious parrot fish Scarus iserti (Scaridae)—is sound, chirp, can be used by fish at short distances
group, and up to several tens of individuals can partici when selecting a sexual partner or for individual
pate in it simultaneously. Directly before spawning, fish, recognizing individuals at the spawning grounds.
having assembled in a dense group, almost simulta Lowfrequency sounds like knock or moan that are
neously make a rapid dart several meters upwards and, on better distributed in water can be used for distant
reaching the upper point of the dart, spawn genital prod communication, for instance, for attracting mature
ucts and then instantaneously return back. The frame individuals of own species to the spawning sites.
analysis of spawning recordings shows that a dart is usu The mode of sound generation by sturgeons
ally performed by these small fish (maximum body length remains unknown. The presence of harmonics in
of 30–35 cm) with a rate of approximately 12 m/s! The the squeak sound can indicate the participation of
route upwards to the spawning point occupies 200 to the tympanic mechanism in its generation
400 ms; the same time is required by fish also for return (Johnston and Phillips, 2003), although, there is no
downwards to the reef; the whole cycle takes approxi evidence on the presence of tympanic muscles in
mately 1 s (Colin, 1978). The route of fish upwards and Acipenseridae.
downwards is accompanied by a broadband sound (350–
1650 Hz), that has apparently a hydrodynamic nature Sounds are emitted during spawning by still
(Lobel, 1992). The signal function of this sound seems another North American sturgeon Acipenser fulve
questionable. It is also unclear how such high coordina scens, whose spawning behavior in nature has been
tion of rapidly occurring spawning behavior in S. iserti is comprehensively described. Spawning of this fish
reached. takes place in the offshore of small rapid rivers. At the
moment of spawning, one of the males (there may be
Spawning sounds in nonterritorial migratory fish. several) stays slightly in front of a female so that its
Nonterritorial fish that perform extended spawning caudal fin touched the abdomen of the female from
migrations include Acipenseridae that are representa below or was very near it. By rapid flaps of the caudal
tives of Chondrostei—an ancient group of Osteich fin (4–5 times per second), the male stimulates the
thyes. These fish begin to emit sounds before the start female for spawning eggs. In time with tail knocks,
of spawning when they, having overcome considerable typical muffled sounds that resemble distant thun
distances during their spawning migration, aggregate der growls or flapping of big birds, such as geese or
at the spawning grounds. In the remaining time, Aci partridge, are audible above water. By sounding,
penseridae emit no sounds. In pallid sturgeon Scaphi these sounds resemble “wumps.” A human that
rhynchus albus and shovelnose sturgeon S. platoryn stands on the shore near spawning fish, together
chus, sounds in the spawning period are emitted not with sounds, distinctly feels vibration passing
only by mature males, but also by females. The ampli through the ground. Spawning sounds immediately
tude of these sounds is sufficient to be audible in air attract other males that are downstream that rapidly
above basins with fish. It is of interest that sounds in swim to the spawning site from a distance of 3–


5 m. The same sounds are emitted by males when sented in isolation, in the male absence, in most spe
they stay separately from spawning fish, at some dis cies, females turn out completely indifferent to such
tance from them, and as if imitate spawning by typical sounds, as, for instance, in bicolor damselfish (Myr
movements of caudal fin and release of a portion of berg, 1980). One of few exceptions is Bathygobius
sperm (Bruch and Binkowski, 2002). The acoustic soporator, for whose females only sound stimulation is
characteristics of males of A. fulvescens remain sufficient to cause in them responses exhibited during
unstudied. male courtship (Tavolga, 1956).
It is reported in literature that mature individuals Male sounds are intended mainly for attracting
also of other Acipenseridae—A. gueldenstaedtii, females and for their stimulation for spawning during
A. sturio, Huso huso, and several other are capable of courtship. Directly before spawning or at the moment
emitting sounds (Protasov and Romanenko, 1962; of spawning genital products when synchronization of
Kirschbaum et al., 2001; Tolstoganova, 2001). It is also actions of partners in spawning is required, sound gen
reported that they generate sounds of the “whistle” eration was revealed only in a relatively small number
type, whose frequency, according to available data, is of species, for instance, in cuskeel O. marginatum,
extremely high, up to 18–20 kHz (Kirschbaum et al., H. unicolor, and some other fish (Lobel, 1992; Lobel
2001; Tolstoganova, 2001), which is considerably and Mann, 1995; Lugli et al., 1995; Mann et al., 1997;
higher than in sounds of almost all other studied fish. Hawkins and Amorim, 2000). In haddock, during
Maximum generation of “whistles” in Acipenseridae reproductive behavior, a successive increase of sound
remains unclear. generation with maximum at the spawning point
occurs (Hawkins and Amorim, 2000), which indicates
Thus, vocalization attributed to the reproduction a special importance of sounds in the behavior of fish
period is typical of fish different in systematics, mode of this species. It is important to note that it is not a
of life, and behavior. Among fish that generate spawn rule common for all closely related species, since in
ing sounds, most number of species belongs to either Atlantic cod, the dynamics of sound generation differs
actually territorial fish or to fish that exhibit territori from that in haddock (Brawn, 1961b; Hawkins and
ality only in the reproduction period. The number of Amorim, 2000). In Acipenseridae that have a poorly
nonterritorial fish that emit sounds in relation to developed visual reception, sound generation is
spawning is small. A close correlation between territo observed apparently only at the moment of spawning
riality and a capability to produce spawning sounds or reaches by this time a noticeable level (Bruch and
undoubtedly stresses the importance of acoustic sig Binkowski, 2002). In fish, in which no sound genera
naling for preserving by fish of their own sites, refuges tion occurs directly before spawning or at the moment
or shelters, and here located nests and substrate sites of spawning genital products, synchronization of
prepared for spawning eggs. Distant signaling using actions of nuptial partners is reached, apparently, at
sounds enables territorial fish that permanently stay at the expense of signals of another nature—visual, tac
their own sites and are engaged in standing up for their tile, or perceived by the sensory organs of lateral line or
rights for them not only to inform competitor conspe by the electroreceptor organs (Moller, 1995;
cifics about their presence and occupation of the terri Kasumyan, 2003, 2004).
tory, but also to report individuals of the opposite sex
that they are ready for reproduction. Only in presence Complex forms of behavior, such as reproductive
of an efficient distant signaling, territorial fish can be one, cannot be based on information coming via only
successful in reproduction and transfer of their own one sensory canal. Signals regulating complex forms of
genetic material to the subsequent generation. behavior have a different nature, and their reception is
related to the functioning of different sense organs.
Spawning sounds are typical in most cases only of The role and importance of individual sensory systems
males. In most species, females in the reproduction in the regulation of reproduction differs in different
period, as in the remaining seasons of the year, keep fish and depends on specific features of their mode of
silent. There is a small number of exceptions to this life and behavior. The regulating role of sensory sys
rule, for instance, Neogobius melanostomus, in which a tems depends also on a particular phase of the repro
female responds by weak sounds to male courtship or ductive behavior and is determined by their range. For
a synchronous hermaphrodyte Hypoplectrus unicolor, instance, spawning sounds in many cases exercise dis
in which acoustic signals are produced by both nuptial tant signaling, while at short distances, the dominant
partners—one that acts as a male, and another that importance in the regulation of fish behavior can pass
acts as a female (Protasov et al., 1965; Lobel, 1992). to signals perceived, for instance, by vision and/or lat
The inviting sounds or sounds emitted by males during eral line (lateral demonstrations, swimming of the
courtship usually rarely cause in females strong or spe male around a female along a complex twisting trajec
cific behavioral responses. If acoustic signals are pre tory, folding and unfolding of fins). In the males of
6 One Atlantic cod, in which the use of such signals is clearly
cannot exclude the fact that the attraction of males to the
spawning site is stimulated by sex pheromones released by pronounced, a positive correlation between the sizes of
females into water together with ovarian liquid and eggs, rather unpaired fins and the size of spermatocrite is observed
than by the sounds of males Kasumyan, 1993) (Brawn, 1961b; Engen and Folstad, 1999).









1000 200 300 400 500 600 700

Time, ms

Fig. 11. Oscillograms of sounds emitted by males of Hawaiian dascyluus Dascyllus albisella at display of aggressive and reproduc
tive behavior: (a) signal jumps, (b) cleaning of the nest substrate, (c) at entering of a female of the territory, (d) during spawning,
(e) during display of aggression with respect to fish of other species and emitting pops, and (f) at aggression with respect to indi
viduals of the own species and producing chirps (Mann and Lobel, 1998).

Territorial Behavior ish show the importance of acoustic signaling in the

territorial behavior of these small coral fish. It turned
Territorial behavior regulates spatial relations out that if the host of the territory is removed, it will be
between animals, their distribution over the territory. occupied by neighbors upon several minutes. How
This form of behavior is usually accompanied by the ever, if over the unprotected territory, sounds of its
choice or occupation by animals of their own sites and former host are reproduced, in this case the penetra
their protection from competitors. In most cases, such tion of other males occurs considerably later than in
activity is accompanied by the demonstration or emis the absence of sounds. According to laboratory exper
sion by the host of the site of different warning signals iments, the territory devoid of the host is much more
informing that the territory is occupied (agonistic sig rapidly occupied if sounds of other males of the colony
nals) or by direct conflicts between the host and the rather than of its former host are transmitted, which
pretender to the site (aggression). Agonistic and indicates an individual acoustic signature in fish and
aggressive manifestations serve as typical features of their capability to remember such specific features of
behavior of territorial animals. In many fish, territori acoustic signals. The most difficult thing for intruding
ality and, correspondingly, agonistic and aggressive neighbors during penetration to an alien territory is to
behavior are drastically aggravated in the reproductive make a decision to cross the boundary: on passing this
period. The capability to form own sites and defend boundary, the new male spends nearly the same time
them from competitors enables such fish not only to to reach the shelter of the former male both at sound
survive, but also to be successful in reproduction. In translation and without it. The host of the site returned
connection with this, in this section of the paper, the to the former site completely restores its rights during
role of sounds in the territorial behavior of fish is con 2 min. If the host is left at its site in a glass vessel that
sidered mainly with reference to fish in the period of prevents sound distribution, the occupation of the ter
their reproduction. ritory by aliens occurs rarely. Thus, the visual presence
The role of sounds in the territorial behavior of fish of the host is much more important than an acoustic
in the period of reproduction. In territorial fish living in one. However, a prolonged maintenance of the own
colonies in the tropics and where the spawning season site is impossible without simultaneous visual and
embraces most or greater part of the year, interactions acoustic signaling (Myrberg and Riggio, 1985; Myr
between individuals represent a constant change of berg, 1997). Still another evidence of the importance
behavioral types, when agonistic or aggressive mani of sounds in competition of fish for the territory are
festations are rapidly replaced by the demonstration of experiments performed on Botia horae (Cobitidae).
courtship behavior, and on the reverse. Such fish that Botias artificially devoid of the ability to produce
exhibit a complex territorial and spawning behavior sounds cannot protect their shelter from the interven
and use acoustic signaling include Pomacentridae tion of other fish, despite the manifestation of agonis
(Myrberg, 1972; Kenyon, 1994). Observations and tic behavior, while intact or fallaciously operated fish
experiments performed in colonies of bicolor damself easily draw out the invader (Valinski and Rigley, 1981).




20 40 60 80
Time, ms

Fig. 12. Oscillogram of double pulses in sounds of males of damselfish Abudefduf luridus (Santiago and Castro, 1997).

In Pomacentrid fish Hawaiian dascyllus Dascyllus such relationships. For instance, when Q. meleagris
albisella, sounds are emitted by males and females. If penetrates to the territory protected by male D. albi
females in Hawaiian dascyllus perform it only at man sella, not only short and abrupt pops sounds emitted
ifestation of aggression (pursuit of immature individu by the owner of the territory are heard, but also
als), males vocalize in more diverse situations—at response sounds similar to a buzz emitted by an
manifestation of aggression, at cleaning substrate for intruder (Mann and Lobel, 1998).
spawning, at attracting and courting a female, and
High aggressiveness is typical also of still another
during spawning. In general, the repertoire of Hawai
Pomacentridae—A. luridus. They furiously attack any
ian dascyllus is extremely wide for fish, it includes up
fish that approach the boundaries of their territory—
to six sounds differing in the number of pulses, their other males of their species and fish of other species
duration, and amplitude (Fig. 11) (Mann and Lobel, (wrasse Thalassoma pavo, salpo Sarpa salpo, small
1998). The sounds of aggression in the males of mouthed wrasse Centrolabrus trutta, sharpnosed puff
Hawaiian dascyllus are of two types—short sounds erfish Canthigaster rostrata, and gray mullets Mugil
consisting of one to two pulses and resembling an spp.). In most cases, males of A. luridus emit sounds of
abrupt crack, pops, and more prolonged chirps con aggression at the moment of darting at an intruder.
sisting on average of five to six pulses. Males emit When male A. luridus beats, bites, or pursues the
abrupt crack and pops more frequently when fish of escaping enemy, it does not emit sounds. Sound emis
other species (Cheilinus unifasciatus, Epibulus insidia sion is accompanied by a typical zigzagshaped swim
tor, Chaetodon lunulatus, Forcipiger flavissimus, Ostra ming of the male. Sounds arise also in the absence of
cion meleagris, Ctenochaetus atrigosus) penetrate to an actual enemy when male A. luridus patrols the ter
their territory; many of them can represent a direct ritory protected by it whose sizes are usually small
danger or for proper males or for the batch of eggs (radius approximately 1 m). In females and immature
guarded by them. It is of interest that the same sounds males of A. luridus, no sound generation was revealed.
are emitted by males at the approach of a scuba diver Male sounds represent small series consisting of two to
observing fish. More prolonged chirps sounds are usu five double (paired) pulses where the second pulse is
ally heard when a male of the same species—a direct always stronger than the first pulse (Fig. 12). The basic
competitor for the territory appears nearby (Mann and sound frequency averages 400 Hz with harmonics up
Lobel, 1998). It should be stressed that a successful to 2500 Hz; sound duration is approximately 2–3 s.
protection by a male of its territory is reached not so The presence of harmonics indicates the drumming
much owing to the generation of warning sounds as mechanism of sound generation, although no tym
due to visual signaling. Specific elements of behavior panic muscles in Pomacentridae fish were found.
of males of Pomacentridae such as signal jumps and Sounds emitted by male A. luridus in nature or under
dips serve, as is assumed, as elements not only of artificial conditions at an intraspecies aggression or at
reproductive, but of agonistic behavior also since they attacks of fish of other species that swim up to the ter
are observed when males try to attract a female that ritory have similar acoustic parameters (Santiago and
appeared or when females are out of sight of the male. Castro, 1997). Males of another species of Pomacen
Males perform signal jumps and dips also beyond the tridae, green damselfish A. abdominalis, emit sounds
spawning season (Kenyon, 1994; Mann and Lobel, of aggression constantly—when they patrol their site,
1995, 1998; Picciulin et al., 2002). It is recorded that clean substrate for the nest, and even when try to
at territorial contacts or conflicts, peculiar acoustic attract a female to the nest. Sounds are often heard
dialogues can take place between the participants of during a dart on the enemy (individuals of the own



species, different species of Labridae, Chaetodon such as atherine Atherina mohon pontica or zander, and
tidae, Scaridae, Acanthuridae, etc.) and during its even the observing scuba diver. Simultaneously, the
pursuit (Fig. 2). Sounds of aggression in male emits husky abrupt sounds that resemble growl
A. abdominalis represent either one to two short pulses with duration approximately 1.5 s and a frequency of
or series with a duration of approximately 1000 ms approximately 200 Hz (Protasov et al., 1965). Warning
consisting, on average, of five pulses. The dominant sounds are emitted by Padogobius martensii when they
frequency of such sounds is in the range of 120– attack or pursue intruders (Torricelli and Romani,
250 Hz. Producing these sounds, males widely spread 1986).
all their fins (Maruska et al., 2007). For a male of Atlantic cod when it is kept under
Males of another Pomacentridae, blue damselfish artificial conditions, it is sufficient to emit typical
L. chromis, that protect their sites emit abrupt and very grunts to frighten an undesirable intruder that
short single clicks or pops with a frequency of 250–320 Hz appeared at the protected territory. Usually the resi
(Picciulin et al., 2002). Another closely related spe dent emits such a sound when the distance between it
cies, C. viridis, during agonistic manifestations (pur and the fish that penetrated to its territory decreases to
suit of the enemy) emits a series, on average, of 10–15 cm and even more. For fish located at a dis
12 pops with a dominant frequency of approximately tance of 60–80 cm and over, resident’s sounds are
700 Hz (Amorim, 1996). Sounds of the type of pops indifferent (Brawn, 1961b). Grunts at agonistic inter
are emitted by Plectoglyphididon lacrymatus at the actions with other males or with females of the same
manifestation of territorial aggression with respect species that are not ready for spawning, or with fish of
even to a man approaching the aquarium. A fish that other species are also emitted by males of other
protects its territory orients at an intruder, widely Gadidae—haddock, walleye pollack, and lythe
spreads pectoral fins, and emits pops that represent (Hawkins and Rasmussen, 1978). Placing of an addi
series of two to five individual acoustic pulses with a tional male to a spawning pair of haddock in the basin
duration of 50–60 ms followed by intervals of 180 ms. leads to a significant increase of sound duration, which
Sound frequency embraces a range of 100 to 1000 Hz can be caused by competition between the males
with maximum amplitude at 330 Hz. The duration of (Bremner et al., 2002).
such pops varies from 200 to 700 ms. During manifes In Cichlasoma centrarchus (Cichlidae), in the
tation of agonistic behavior, pops are emitted by Das spawning period, sounds of males suppress the aggres
cyllus aruanus living together with P. lacrymatus; how sivenes of other males and decrease in them the desire
ever, its sounds have other acoustic parameters (Par to penetrate to the occupied sites and come into con
mentier et al., 2006). Pops, chirps, or clicks are flict relations with the hosts of the territory. In C. cen
emitted by many species of Amphiprion also belonging trarchus, the sounds of aggression are emitted by males
to the family Pomacentridae (Schneider, 1964b; Chen and females; the intensity of sound generation in them
and Mok, 1988). is directly related to aggressiveness: prior to deposition
The emission of warning acoustic signals for pro of eggs, males that at this time actively protect their
tection of its own site is typical of fish of many taxo own territory and establish dominance over the female
nomic groups. Such sounds are emitted, for instance, vocalize most intensively. Females intensify sound
by Gobius cruentatus from Gobiidae (Rocca et al., generation after spawning when their increasing
2001), Halichoeres bivittatus from Labridae (Steinberg aggressiveness is related to protection of the offspring
et al., 1965), and Sebasticus marmoratus from Scor (Schwartz, 1974). In another Cichlidae, Mozambique
paenidae (Miyagawa and Takemura, 1986). Sounds of tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, in the beginning of
males of Cyprinodon variegates (Cyprinodontidae), in the period of formation of intraspecies hierarchy when
most cases, are heard during patrolling of the territory; the number of symmetrical aggressive contacts
less frequently, when a male stays in the center of its (encounters in which an attacked male responds to an
site, when it pursues the enemy, courts a female, or enemy by active actions) decreases and the number of
during spawning (Nicoletto and Linscomb, 2008). asymmetrical contacts increases, sounds are absent. At
The territorial males of Cyprinodon bifasciatus emit this time, all aggressive contacts and interactions
short (50–60 ms) monopulse sounds during pursuit of related to the assessment by enemies of each other and
males of their own species or of other fish (Cichlasoma the choice of the territory are produced by silent
minckleyi) that approached them (Johnson, 2000). males. The first sounds are recorded only after a dom
Zander Stizostedion lucioperca (Percidae) vehe inant territorial male that changed its coloration from
mently protects its nest: at the approach of an enemy, usual to black and is actively engaged in nest construc
it assumes a threatening posture (spreads dorsal fin, tion and then its protection appears among fish.
widely opens operculi), emits strong percussive Sounds are more frequently associated with elements
sounds, and attacks the enemy (Protasov and of behavior of the dominant male such as staying still
Nikol’skii, 1969). Males of round goby N. melanosto on the bottom of the nest with pressed unpaired fins
mus (Gobiidae) are no less aggressive. Protecting their (usually after actions for deepening of the nest and cir
nest, they, spreading unpaired fins and widely opening cling above it), slight tail wagging, and taking of an
operculi, fearlessly attack the approaching crabs, fish, inclined posture. The sounds have two maxima at 38



Fig. 13. Acoustic signaling in bullhead Cottus gobio at aggressive interactions: the left male attacking an invader emits growls, it is
more intensively pigmented, its operculi are widely set apart; the oscillogram shows a series of five pulses, the length of the hori
zontal fragment corresponds to 50 ms (Ladich and Myrberg, 2006).

and 350 Hz; sound duration varies from 0.1 to almost produced only by spawning males, mainly during ago
3.0 s, on average, approximately 0.7 s (Amorim et al., nistic contacts with other males. In the repertoire of
2003). Sound parameters in males of Mozambique males, there are four nonharmonic sounds differing in
tilapia change after interaction with other males. duration, periodicity of generation, and frequency
Immediately after a fight, a winning male not only that in these small fish (approximately 10 cm) is
more rapidly starts to court a female and more inten extremely low, on average, 60 to 80 Hz (C. Johnston
sively and for a longer period courts it, but also emits and D. Johnston, 2000b).
more frequently sounds in which pulses are more pro
longed, and the dominant frequency is lower than in The role of sounds in the territorial behavior of fish
males that not long before have suffered defeat in the beyond the reproduction period. Sounds related to the
fight. It is assumed that these changes are caused by territorial behavior are emitted by many fish protect
shifts in the concentration of monoamines and corti ing their sites also beyond the reproduction period.
sol in the fish body after stress induced by an unsuc Throughout the year, agonistic acoustic signals are
cessful fight (Amorim and Almada, 2005). The mech generated by river bullhead Cottus gobio (Cottidae),
anism of sound generation in Mozambique tilapia both males and females. The acoustic repertoire of
changes after interactions with other males. It is sug these fish consists of two types of sounds—knocks,
gested that sounds in these fish arise at rubbing of the single or produced in series, and growls. More fre
pharyngeal teeth (Lobel, 2001). quently, the bullhead emits single knocks (in more
than 90% of cases) with a duration of 48 ms and a wide
Sounds in the reproduction period are emitted by band of the dominant frequency (50 to 500 Hz).
males of some Cyprinidae that pass at this time to the Sounds are generated when one of bullheads notices
territorial mode of life. For instance, males of Codoma the approach of another, when it exhibits threat, or
ornate in the aquarium occupy suitable shelters pursues the enemy, but not at the moment of a direct
between large objects and drive away other males that encounter and struggle. In the case of threat, bullhead
approach them. The most aggressive contacts between draws aside its operculi and the gill membrane, opens
males are expressed in lateral demonstrations, close and protrudes mouth, lowers its head to the ground,
circlings around each other, and mutual pursuits. makes nods, intensifies pigmentation, and emits
When an aggressively tuned male approaches the sounds. In its enemy, these sounds can cause a
occupied site, the owner emits a warning acoustic sig response demonstration of a threat and approaching
nal—a relatively lowfrequency nonharmonic sound their source (Fig. 13) (Ladich, 1989). Similar behav
that resembles a burst. During aggressive interactions, ior, in particular touchings and thrusts or blows with
male coloration changes from monotonously gray to head or body against the ground are typical also of
black with silvery marks at operculi. Males assume the other Cottidae at antagonistic contacts and attracting
same coloration during courtship of the female a female by the male for Cottus bairdi, Myoxocephalus
expressed in swimming before the entrance to the octodecimspinosus, Paracottus kneiri, and Cottocome
crevice shelter and during its own spawning when phorus grewinki (Barber and Mowbray, 1956; Dmit
sounds of the burst type are heard. The mechanism of rieva and Ostroumov, 1992; Whang and Jansen, 1994).
generation of these sounds is unknown. Females pro Blows with the head and slaps with the body against
duce no sounds (Johnston and Vives, 2003). A similar the ground in C. bairdi are rather intensive and raise a
mode of behavior is observed in males of another cloud of suspension to water. Sounds arising in this
North American Cyprinidae, Pimephales notatus, way resemble single knocks and less frequently a series
which, in the reproduction period, also protect their of two or more knocks. Sound frequency is low (32–
own sites and display care of the offspring. Sounds are 105 Hz) (Whang and Janssen, 1994). As a result of



such actions, acoustic oscillations arise that in the sub

strate damp far more slowly than in water. Sounds gen 4
erated by fish lying on the bottom using special organs
also can penetrate and distribute in the bottom sub 3 1
strate. Such mode of acoustic signaling via ground can
be very efficient and important for communication of
bottom fish, especially with a twilight or nocturnal
type of activity. (a) (b)
Acoustic signaling beyond the reproduction period
is likely typical of the territorial behavior of many fish,
especially those that are components of multispecies
communities in bottom or physically complexstruc
tured biotopes, such as, for instance, coral reefs. Such
wellstudied fish include, for instance, butterfly fish of
the genus Chaetodon (Chaetodontidae) that have
developed accessory auditory structures, which per
mits assigning these fish to acoustic specialists (Webb,
1998; Webb and Smith, 2000; Webb et al., 2006). But (c) (d)
terfly fish are characterized by a complex social behav
ior related to their monogamy and defense of relatively
large own sites where the pair protecting them feeds Fig. 14. The behavior of butterfly fish Chaetodon multicinc
and reproduces and where it can constantly stay dur tus: (a) a slow approach of the host of the territory to an
unknown invader fish, an abrupt turn round, and a sharp
ing many years (Roberts and Ormond, 1992). It was strokeslap with a caudal fin; (b) (1) a slow approach of the
long considered that the capability for sound genera host of the territory and examination of an unknown fish,
tion is lacking in these fish. However, observations and (2) a rapid turn round by 180°, (3) moving upwards along
interesting experiments performed directly in nature the inclined line and (4) lateral displays; (c) reciprocal
demonstrated that the territorial behavior of Chaet exchange of the host of the territory and the unknown fish
with typical visual demonstrations—rapid upward move
odon is accompanied by the generation of diverse ments and slow downward movements of ventral fins;
sounds addressed for conspecific intruders and for a (d) generation by one of unknown invaders of a warning
partner over the territory. A transparent plastic bottle sound that the hosts of the territory have appeared (Tricas
with another fish of this species placed into the center et al., 2006).
of the site (50–100 m2) protected by the pair of C. mul
ticinctus as soon as after 10 s is detected by the hosts of
the territory and is attacked. Sounds are heard most such sound is generated by one of the fish; it arises
frequently when after several lateral demonstrations when the hosts appear at a distance of 3 m and is inter
the butterfly fish slowly moves to the intruder, and then preted as a warning signal for a partner about the dan
turns around and makes a sharp blow with a caudal fin ger that arose (Tricas et al., 2006).
(Fig. 14). Such blow lasts less than 200 ms and causes Sounds—clicks and knocks are emitted by imma
a prolonged and lowfrequency hydrodynamic pulse ture Botia modesta (Cobitididae). Prolonged warning
(150 ms, 50–110 Hz) and a short highfrequency click clicks are heard when the physical contact between the
(10 ms, 3400 Hz). The host of the territory can swim interacting fish is absent—during the approach of a
up to the intruder, and they can exchange typical competitor, at lateral demonstrations, and circlings.
movements of ventral fins—their rapid upward move More rapid and loud knock sounds arise during cir
ments and slow downward movements. Both fish at cling when one of the fish pushes by its head the tail of
this time emit short (17 ms) sounds with a frequency of another. Both sounds are so strong, that are easily
approximately 230 Hz. Considerably less frequently heard by a man who is several meters away from the
one can observe typical jumps of the host when it aquarium. During pursuit, fish generate no sounds
directly approaches the bottle with the intruder in it, (Raffinger and Ladich, 2000). Acoustic generation
then abruptly turns round by 180°, moves away along accompanies aggression in Trichopsis (Osphronemi
the inclined line upwards by 0.5 m, and begins inten dae). Croaking gourami T. vittata begins to emit
sive lateral demonstrations—swimming with partially sounds immediately after the removal of a partition
spread fins by its side to the intruder, turning away isolating one male from another, and the enemies
from it to the side. At this moment, a series of several begin to demonstrate reciprocal threats (lateral and
short sounds is heard. When there is a pair of intruder frontal demonstrations), circle round each other, per
fish in the bottle, typical grunt sound representing a form short fights or prolonged combats, and pursue
series of individual pulses following each other with a the running away fish (Fig. 15). Sounds of croaking
periodicity of 3 pulses per second are often recorded. gourami can be heard even at a distance from the
This sound has a basic frequency of 163 Hz and several aquarium with fish. Sounds are emitted by both males
harmonics. The duration of such grunts averages 6 s; and females, their sounds are similar. The mechanism






Fig. 15. Aggressive behavior of croaking gourami Trichopsis vittatus accompanied by sound emission: (a) frontal demonstration,
(b) combat (both enemies produce sounds), and (c) pursuit. During frontal demonstrations and combat, in both enemies, hori
zontal black stripes are well seen on the body and head; during pursuit, the coloration of the winning male is light and black stripes
disappear (a and c) according to Henglmüller and Ladich, 1999; (b), according to Ladich, 2004).

of sound generation in croaking gourami is stringed, Macropodus opercularis and Colisa lalia (Osphronemi
proper sounds represent series of double pulses arising dae) (Bischof, 1996).
in time with movements of pectoral fins. Individuals In Gaidropsarus mediterraneus, sounds resembling
that were artificially devoid of a capability to produce dull knocks arise in a situation when a fish smaller in
sounds become winners in combats less frequently size that accidentally approached or penetrated into
than intact fish of similar sizes (Ladich et al.,1992a, the occupied shelter is attacked by a larger host that
1992b; Wysocki and Ladich, 2001). This example vehemently attacks the intruder, seizes it, and keeps it
stresses the importance of threat sounds in the aggres with its jaws within several seconds, pursues, and
sive behavior of fish and formation in them of intra drives it out. Sounds have an average duration of
group hierarchy. It is of interest that the aggressive approximately 80 ms and a frequency of 50 to 750 Hz
behavior and vocalization in different representatives with maximum amplitude at 150 Hz. Tympanic mus
of this genus differ. For instance, frontal demonstra cles in G. mediterraneus, unlike other vocalizing
tions are typical only of croaking gourami; a strong Gadidae were not found; therefore, the mechanism of
beating with a caudal fin simultaneously with vocaliza sound generation remains unclear. It is also unclear
tion, the greatest distance between the circling ene which of the two fish, resident or the invader, emits
mies, and a small number of attacks are typical for sounds, i.e., whether they are threat sounds or imita
T. pumila; the greatest duration of fights, number of tion sounds (Almada et al., 1996).
circlings, and emitted sounds are typical for T. schal Sound generation accompanies aggression in
leri (Bischof, 1996). Weak and rare sounds during Micropterus coosae (Centrarchidae) caused by placing
fights are emitted by closely related to Trichopsis into the aquarium to a single individual of another fish



Table 6. Frequency of production and acoustic characteristics of sounds emitted by males of Codoma ornate at different mani
festations of aggressive and reproductive behavior (Johnston and Vives, 2003)
Frequency of sound Dominant Subdominant
Behavior Sound duration, s
production, % frequency, Hz frequency, Hz
Pursuit of an enemy 11 0.55 60 191
Lateral demonstrations 57 2.79 84 173
Circling 99 7.77 54 157
Courting a female 78 6.60 62 251
Spawning 100 4.93 82 209

of the same species. Sounds are recorded during pur (Maruska and Mensinger, 2009). Sounds for attraction
suit of the enemy by the resident, pushes and knocks, of females in oyster toadfish and plainfin midshipman
lateral demonstrations and circlings, as well as after a are emitted only by males and only in the reproduction
fight, as is assumed, by the winner when enemies period when warning sounds are heard during all sea
depart and freeze. Sounds are emitted by both males sons; they can be generated by males and females and
and females of M. coosae. The dominant frequency of not only in connection with agonistic contacts, but
the sound is approximately 170 Hz, average sound also during fright and stress, for instance, at handling.
duration is 1.25 s, and it can include 1 to 41 pulses These sounds are characterized by a low variability of
(Johnston et al., 2008). During aggressive interac the basic acoustic characteristics (Table 1) (Fine,
tions, sounds are emitted by Silurus glanis (Silu 1978; Bass, 1990, 1996; Barimo and Fine, 1998). Cyp
ridae)—short signals with an average frequency of rinid fish Codoma ornate at aggression, during courting
300 Hz, duration of 35 ms, intervals of 2–6 s, and an a female, and during spawning emits burst sounds dif
instant increase in the amplitude (Sorokin and Sima fering in their acoustic characteristics (Table 6)
kov, 2004). The territorial males of Chasmodes bosqui (Johnston and Vives, 2003).
anus emit sounds (Tavolga, 1958a). Thus, the spawning and territorial behavior can be
Comparison of spawning sounds and sounds of the regulated in some fish using different sounds, and in
territorial behavior. In the reproduction period, other fish, the same sound can be used in different
sounds related to the manifestation of aggression or behavioral situations. It is likely that this is determined
competition for the territory are generated almost by the fact of how well developed is the soundgener
simultaneously with spawning sounds. These sounds ating apparatus, how specialized is acoustic signaling,
in some species can differ and in other species can be and how well developed are forms of communication
similar. For instance, males of bicolor damselfish in fish of a particular species. For instance, in male
capable of emitting diverse sounds generate the same Atlantic cod, sounds intended for a mature female are
sound resembling chirps both in the early morning similar to sounds of aggression generated by it during
hours when they court a female and spawning occurs penetration to its territory of another male. In had
and throughout the remaining part of the day when dock having a far more diverse spectrum of sounds,
males are engaged in exclusively the protection of their agonistic sounds and sounds that arise in interactions
own nest (Myrberg and Riggio, 1985; Myrberg, 1997). with females differ: the former represent series of slow
In other fish, males protecting their nest sites use some knocks and the latter represent a series of substantially
sounds to attract a female and other sounds, as warn rapid knocks (Brawn, 1961b; Hawkins and Amorim,
ing signals. In plainfin midshipman, large territorial 2000).
males for attracting a female emit prolonged monoto During agonistic or aggressive manifestations, not
nous hums, and during agonistic contacts, short grunts all fish emit sounds. Pseudorasbora parva (Cyprin
or more prolonged grunts and growls (Fig. 4) (Brant idae), when two individuals are placed together, usu
ley and Bass, 1994; Bass et al., 1999). Warning grunts ally demonstrates pursuits, circlings, and beats with a
are emitted also by oyster toadfish O. tau. Unlike loud tail; however, no sounds at this time were recorded
inviting boatwhistle sounds generated by males, grunts (Scholz and Ladich, 2006). Sounds initially indiffer
are produced by both males and females of oyster ent for fish can assume a signal importance owing to
toadfish. training when their presentation is combined with the
Shorter grunts have a wider frequency band and are action of the unconditioned stimulus. In Pimephales
intended, as is considered, for regulation of agonistic promelas (Cyprinidae) and Hemigrammus erythrozonus
contacts between individuals of both sexes (Gray and (Characidae), such reflex is formed immediately after
Winn, 1961; Fish and Mowbray, 1970; Fine et al., a single presentation to fish of an inert acoustic stimu
1977a). Grunts in oyster toadfish are of several types; lus together with a threat pheromone—a natural
they arise throughout the year; however, grunts are chemical signal of danger present in the fish skin
most frequently heard during the reproduction period (Wiseden et al., 2008).



Time, ms
250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750

Frequency, Hz

25 50 75 100
Time, ms
Time, ms
250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Frequency, Hz

50 100 150
Time, ms

Fig. 16. Oscillogram, its separate fragment, and a sonogram of sounds of the type of (a) “bark” and (b) “growl,” corresponding
to this site emitted by John dory Zeus faber at a strong stress (Omiki and Somiya, 2004).

Available published data allow to conclude that Cichlasoma centrarchus (Cichlidae), Cottus gobio
sound generation is a typical feature of biology of (Cottidae), Trichopsis vittata (Osphronemidae), and
many typical territorial fish that spend most part of Micropterus coosae (Centrarchidae). The generation
their life at their own sites and defend them from com of sounds of aggression in female fish occurs mainly
petitors. The owner of the territory generates sounds beyond the reproduction period.
for signaling that the site is occupied, emits warning
sounds when it notices other approaching fish, or
threatens them, and can emit sounds during attack, Defensive Behavior
fight, or pursuit of aliens. The emission of such sounds Many fish are characterized by sound production
helps fish to maintain rights for the own site, which is during manifestation of protective (defensive) behav
especially important in the reproduction period since ior in response to stimuli causing in fish fright or
many fish not only deposit eggs here but also guard stress—mechanical impacts, shocks with an electric
them and the juveniles that emerged. The use of current, handling, the appearance of a predator or sig
acoustic signaling for defense of own sites is typical nals imitating its presence, etc. The study of sounds
first of all of males, but in several fish different in tax arising namely in stress situations dominated in early
onomy, females also possess this capability, for papers on fish bioacoustics (Dufossè, 1874; Fish et al.,
instance, Dascyllus abdisella (Pomacentridae), 1952; Fish, 1954; Tavolga, 1971; Myrberg, 1981).



At fright, when fish for a short time are taken out of spreading large and brightly colored pectoral fins. All
water, males and females of swanky sweeper Pempheris this, as is assumed, is directed to frighten off the pred
schwenkii emit sounds—a series of 2–7 pulses, with a ator, as well as to induce anxiety and a similar response
duration of 56 ms, dominant frequency of 100 Hz, and in other fish also. Northern searobin Prionotus caroli
two harmonics (Takayama et al., 2003). In the same nus emits sounds and exhibits anxiety in a similar way.
situation, sounds are emitted by John dory Zeus faber, It is assumed that such behavior in these fish can be
more frequently a sound of the type of barks and much related also to intragroup relations (Fish, 1954; Fish
more seldom a second sound resembling growls. These and Mowbray, 1970; Connaughton, 2004). At an
sounds differ in amplitude, duration, and frequency: encounter with a predator such as conger Conger con
barks are a sequence of 4–14 pulses; grunts consist of ger, Atlantic cod emits grunt sounds. The same sounds
one pulse of the same duration (Fig. 16). Distinct ideas arise in the cod at a fright caused by the attack of a ter
of the importance of these sounds in the behavior of ritorial male (Brawn, 1961b). In response to a strong
John dory are absent up to now (Onuki and Somiya, stress from an encounter with predatory marine mam
2004). Typical hum is emitted by Myoxocephalus scor mals, cod can emit clicks, louder and higherfre
pius caught by line fishing and raised above water (per quency (4–8 kHz) sounds than grunts (Vester et al.,
sonal obsevations) that, as Russian naturalist 2004). Short and abrupt sounds (staccato) and grunts
N. Zograf writes in his remarkable survey Music of are emitted by Holocentrus rufus at the sight of a pred
Aquatic Inhabitants (1890), in Russia the White Sea ator or its approach (Winn et al., 1964). Polypterus ret
fishermen called “revets” or “ryavtcha” (grunter, ropinnis emits a sound of the type of moans when it is
croaker), and in Germany, the residents of the Baltic frightened or rapidly swims away after an unexpected
coast called it a “grunting cock” (Knurrhahn). Zograf encounter with another representative of its species
cites also own observations of Cottus gobio, closely (Ladich and Tadler, 1988).
related to M. scorpius, that at stress (in air) also pro Single grunts at stress are produced by plainfin
duces a sound resembling blows of a hammer upon a midshipman (Brantley and Bass, 1994; Bass, 1996).
wooden plate and corresponding to the C flat note of Sounds resembling a squeak or croak are emitted by
the piano. Gobio gobio at excitation and at fright, as well as in
The emission of a grunt sound at fright caused by response to touchings or pushes of an individual swim
retaining fish in a landing net in the air is typical of ming close by or at a rapid approach to another gud
males and females of oyster toadfish O. tau. Grunts at geon resting on the bottom. No obvious responses in
fright are more prolonged and have higher frequency partners of a gudgeon school were observed except a
than grunts emitted by oyster toadfish at agonistic shorttime one, for several seconds, cessation by the
contacts (Barino and Fine, 1998; Maruska and Mens remaining fish of foraging in the ground (Ladich,
inger, 2009). At fright when taken out from water, pep 1988).
pered corydoras Corydoras paleatus emits sounds; Sounds that arise at fright or at appearance of an
these sounds generated owing to the functioning of actual danger are usually short and abrupt, which sug
pectoral fins differ from those emitted by males of gests that they are used as warning or frightening off
C. paleatus during courting a female in the reproduc signals. However, there are no direct experimental
tion period. Fright sounds consist of a simple sound proofs of such suggestion. In fish with a limited acous
that arises at the flap with one of the pectoral fins and tic repertoire, the same sounds can be used apparently
differs from spawning sounds representing a series of in different situations, as, for instance, in males of gray
several simple sounds. The greater relative sizes of the weakfish C. regalis that at stress when they are taken
first ray of the pectoral fin, the more prolonged sound out of water emit short drumming sounds of anxiety
that in males lasts on average for approximately 20 ms, resembling sounds generated by males in the repro
in females lasts approximately 16 ms, and in immature duction period (Connaughton et al., 2000). However,
fish lasts approximately 13.5 ms. Sounds at fright are in peppered corydoras C. paleatus, spawning sounds
generated by males, females, and immature individu and stress sounds differ (Pruzsinszky and Ladich,
als, while during spawning only males vocalize 1998).
(Pruzsinszky and Ladich, 1998). The emission of The defensive behavior can be not only accompa
stridulation sounds at fright is typical also of other rep nied by sound emission, but also caused by sounds
resentatives of Siluriformes (Ladich, 1997), for whose source can be not only proper fish, but also
instance, for Pseudobogrus fulvidraco. other aquatic inhabitants. For instance, Clupeidae of
Stress induced by transfer to another aquarium is the genus Alosa are characterized by a defensive
accompanied in Sygnathidae by the generation of typ response to ultrasounds (80–150 kHz) that are pro
ical for them clicks (Fish and Mowbray, 1970). duced by predatory Cetacea at determining the loca
A serious stress factor for fish is an unexpected tion of prey (Dunning et al., 1992; Nestler et al.,
appearance of a large predator. In such a situation, 1992). Acoustic oscillations with a frequency to 10 Hz
sharp sounds resembling grunts are emitted by Trigla arising during swimming of large predatory fish can
lucerna (Triglidae). The sound generation is accompa also serve as repellent signals for potential prey (Enger
nied by visual signaling—raising of dorsal fin and et al., 1989).



Group and Aggregative Behavior rapid maneuvers, are unlikely to help fish to retain the
school or synchronize movements of particular indi
There are extremely few data indicating the use by viduals. However, it is possible that typical lowfre
fish of sounds for the regulation of intragroup relations quency nonharmonic sounds of a swimming school
or intragroup contacts. It is known that in Carapus can serve as landmarks for fish that became separated
possessing a welldeveloped sound generating drum from the school and facilitate their return to the
ming apparatus, sound emission is observed only dur school.
ing penetration of fish into the host holothurian, in
which several individuals of the same species are
already present. At approach to the holothurian in Feeding Behavior
which there are no fish, or immediately before pene
tration into it, Carapus do not emit sounds. Nor do Feeding process when fish seize the discovered prey
they emit sounds when they are located within a and subject it to intraoral processing is inevitably
holothurian (Parmentier et al., 2003). Undoubtedly, accompanied by sounds that are often called feeding
sounds produced by Carapus in the case when they sounds. These sounds are common during acoustic
approach a holothurian in which there are other Car monitoring of natural water bodies (Anderson et al.,
apus may be related to social behavior. However, how 2008). An increase of the acoustic background
Carapus manage to determine the presence in a observed in water bodies with the onset of evening twi
holothurian of other Carapus not emitting sounds light is related namely to such fish sounds (Protasov,
remains unclear. The importance of acoustic signals 1965). These sounds in the majority of cases are
emitted by Carapus before entering a holothurian with unspecialized; they arise involuntarily and accompany
fish that are already in it is also not quite clear. Possibly, food seizing and processing.
such signals in some way affect the behavior of fish sit In large ichthyophage fish (pike Esox lucius, zander
ting in the holothurian and prepare them for the S. lucioperca, snakehead Ophiocephalus argus, etc.),
appearance of a new neighbor. grasping of fish is accompanied by a typical pop or
knock; during feeding of different small fish, smacks,
Sounds, as is assumed, can serve as signals of obe clatter, and knocks are heard. Sounds of bursts or rub
dience of small fish with a low hierarchical rank and be bing arise during chewing of food (Protasov and
addressed to larger and stronger partners in the group. Romanenko, 1962). Two sound categories, bursts and
Such signaling exists apparently in Ictalurus nebulosus pops, are recorded during feeding of coastal marine
(Rigley and Muir, 1979, cited from Fine et al., 1996). tropical fish Haemulon album (HaemulidaePoma
Sound generation is typical of Polypterus (Polyp dasydae). A sound resembling bursts is heard during
teridae) distinguished by high aggressiveness, but feeding of these fish from the bottom when together
manifesting no obvious signs of territoriality. When with food, substrate is also seized, then it is subse
two different species of these fish, P. retropinnis and quently ground and removed through gill openings.
P. senegalus are kept in common in one aquarium, Sounds similar to pops arise during seizing plankton
thumps are heard only at an encounter with conspe prey (Cummings et al., 1964). Clicks with the domi
cific fish; the rate of sound emission reaches maxi nant frequency of 400–800 Hz are emitted by feeding
mum (up to three sounds per second) at the closest lined seahorses Hyppocampus (Fish and Mowbray,
contact of individuals and drastically decreases after 1970; James and Heck, 1994; Bergert and Wainwright,
they move from each other (Ladich and Tadler, 1988). 1997; Colson et al., 1998). Sounds accompanying
Some aggregative fish, such as gudgeon, emit spe feeding are described for Halichoeres bivittatus and
cialized sounds whose main purpose, as is assumed, is Labrus viridis (Shishkova, 1958; Steinberg et al.,
related to maintaining a certain distance between indi 1965), in carp Cyprinus carpio, and minnow Phoxinus
viduals, which is especially important in feeding of phoxinus (Stepanek, 1968), in rainbow trout Onco
these fish. Gudgeon emits sounds only when several rhynchus mykiss (Phillips, 1989; Lagardère et al.,
individuals are kept together, when they move over the 2004), and in Tramitichromis intermedius (Lobel,
aquarium in a school, mainly for foraging (digging or 2001). In carp, minnow, T. intermedius, and Scoph
burrowing in the bottom ground). No sounds are reg thalmus maximus, these sounds are relatively short,
istered in fish placed separately (Ladich, 1988). It is approximately 75, 25, 9, and 5 ms, respectively, while
assumed that social contacts in herrings, Atlantic cod in rainbow trout, they reach a duration of 1000 ms
Clupea harengus and Pacific cod C. palassi, can be (Stepanek, 1968; Phillips, 1989; Lagardère and
maintained using pneumatic sounds. Herrings pro Mallekh, 2000; Lobel, 2001; Lagardère et al., 2004).
duce these sounds mainly during dark hours of the day In the experiment, responses to isolated presentation
when there is no possibility of visual signaling. Sound to fish of recordings of such sounds is observed rarely,
generation increases at a denser fish stock (Wahlberg which, as is assumed, is related to the absence of an
and Westerberg, 2003; Wilson et al., 2004). Unspecial additional stimulation along other sensory canals
ized hydrodynamic sounds produced by swimming (Scholz and Ladich, 2006). It is noted that rainbow
fish schools, especially at the moment of a drastic trout responds to feeding sounds only in the presence
increase in the swimming rate or at unexpected and of a visual contact with other feeding fish (Phillips,



AmplitudeFrequency, kHz
1989). In many fish, a conditioned reflex to unspecial
ized feeding sounds is easily formed. These sounds (a)
cause an orientation response or attraction of fish to 1
their source. The intensity of response to a sound dras
tically increases at the combination of feeding sounds
with the visual or odor stimulation (Protasov and
Romanenko, 1962).
Sounds emitted by fish during feeding differ. When
stone moroko Pseudorasbora parva is fed on oligocha
etes Tubifex sp. or larval mites Chironomidae, rather 50 100 150
prolonged chewing sounds are heard; they are absent Time, ms
when fish are fed on flakes of artificial feed. When

Amplitude Frequency, kHz

stone moroko is fed on any of these feeds, feeding
strike sounds are well heard; these sounds are three (b)
times shorter when fish consume natural food. In all 1
cases, feeding sounds have a wide frequency range
with maximum amplitudes in the zone of 100 to
800 Hz; the most audible sounds are sounds of grasp
ing by fish of flukes of artificial feed (even with a naked
ear) (Scholz and Ladich, 2006). There is a hypothesis
that high auditory sensitivity inherent to socalled
auditory specialists, in particular, to Cyprinidae and
other Ostariophysi, is an adaptation allowing these 50 100 150
fish, in many of which no acoustic communication Time, ms
was found, to perceive sounds produced by other fish (c)
and aquatic animals, including feeding sounds (Scholz
and Ladich, 2006).
Frequency, kHz

There are few known specialized sounds produced

by fish purposefully for regulation of feeding behavior;
they are studied comprehensively only with respect to
gurnards, streakedgurnard Trigloporus lastoviza, and
gray gurnard Eutrigla gurnandus—bottom coastal fish
inhabiting depths of 20 to 160 m in the Mediterranean
Sea and in the Eastern Atlantic. These fish lead a non

territorial group mode of life and feed in common at

the same site. As in other representatives of the family
Triglidae, in streaked gurnard and gray gurnard there is
a large swimming bladder and well developed tym 50 100 150
Time, ms
panic muscles. Acoustic signaling in Triglidae is
directed at a decrease in the food competition between
Fig. 17. Sonograms (on the top) and oscillograms (below)
individuals feeding in common when they are forced of sounds emitted by Eutrigla gurnardus at concurrent
to compete between themselves for a limited amount feeding: (a) knocks, (b) grunts, and (c) growls (Amorim
of food (concurrent feeding). In the experiment when et al., 2004b).
fish are kept in the same basin, T. lastoviza produce
clearly heard sounds that resemble growls, grunt, or
rumble. The frequency of these sounds does not consist of 1–2 groups of pulses. Sounds of the type of
exceed 2000 Hz; maximum amplitude of oscillations grunts are prolonged (approximately 70 ms) and rep
is, on average, in the range of 600–700 Hz. Each sep resent series, on average, of six groups of pulses.
arate sound continues, on average, for approximately Sounds of the type of growls in E. gurnardus are the
3 s and consists of a series of groups of 1–3 pulses fol most prolonged; their average duration is 264 ms
lowing with a certain interval (on average, 37 groups of (40 groups of pulses), which, however, is ten times less
pulses in a sound). The acoustic repertoire of E. gur than the duration of similar sounds in T. lastoviza.
nardus is far richer; it consists not only of sounds of the Maximum amplitude of oscillations of all three types
type of growls, but also of sounds resembling grunts of sounds is observed at a frequency of approximately
and knocks. All these sounds represent series of groups 500 Hz. During feeding of E. gurnardus, sounds of the
of short and lowfrequency acoustic pulses differing type of knocks are heard most frequently (10 sounds
between themselves in the number of groups in a series per minute); sounds of the type of grunts are heard
and, correspondingly, in sound duration (Fig. 17). more seldom (4.5 sounds per minute). Sounds of the
Knocks are the least prolonged (12 ms) and usually type of growls (0.3 sounds per minute) are the rarest



Fig. 18. Acoustic signaling in Eutrigla gurnardus at concurrent feeding: fish from the left emits knocks during seizing a prey and
subsequent flight, and fish from the right emits whistle or grunts at frontal display. Oscillograms show sounds emitted by interact
ing individuals; the length of a horizontal fragment corresponds to 10 ms (Amorim, 1996; Ladich and Myrberg, 2006).

and are recorded mainly at the end of the grunts observed when feed is placed near two to three fish. In
sounds (Amorim and Hawkins, 2000; Amorim et al., such a situation, the feed that appeared initiates in fish
2004b). located not far from it concurrent behavior, in which
eight to nine different elements are distinguished. At
Beyond the feeding period when there is no food in first, fish make a dart to the feed trying to be ahead of
the basin, Triglidae of both species seldom emit sounds competitors, however, seizing of the feed immediately
and stay most of the time either immovable on the after it is descended to the bottom of the basin occurs
ground or slowly move over it, using the free rays of the seldom. Fish can circle near feed making no attempts
pectoral fins. The situation changes drastically when a to seize it, exhibit an undirected food search, orienta
small portion of feed is placed into the basin. If a frag tion for a competitor, approach a competitor over the
ment of the feed descends to the bottom near a single bottom or during swimming, spread pectoral and dor
standing fish, it quietly seizes it and moves with it to a sal fins, and position on the ground so that the head
more isolated place. Quite a different picture is was directed at the head of a competitor (frontal dem
onstration). Such behavior can be repeated several
times and usually for some time retains competitors
Frequency, % from attempts to grasp feed. In gray gurnard, frontal
60 demonstration precedes feed seizing in 40% of cases
50 (Fig. 18) (Amorim and Hawkins, 2000; Amorim et al.,
Sound emission in Triglidae is considerably related
30 to precisely the manifestation of competitive behavior;
20 however, there is no direct relationship between the
10 frequency with which the interacting individuals
exhibit this behavior and sound generation. There is
0 no relationship between the frequency of sound gener
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Elements of feeding concurrent behavior ations and the number of competing individuals either.
In T. lastoviza, sound emission is most frequently
Fig. 19. Frequency of manifestation (in %) of elements of observed when fish seizes feed, even in those cases
concurrent feeding behavior (light columns) and sound when seizings from the ground surface occur in the
generation (dark columns) in Triglaporus lastoviza. absence of actual feed (Fig. 19). Sounds frequently
(1) Free swimming and an undirected food seach, (2) cir arise during circling of fish near feed or near competi
cling near food and competitors, (3) seizing of food, tors, if a fish emits a sound at this time, it is more prob
(4) retaining and swallowing of the serized food, (5) orien
tation in direction to a competitor, (6) approach to a com able that it will be followed by a rapid feed seizing. Cir
petitor on the bottom or during swimming, (7) frontal cling of a silent fish usually does not lead to feed seiz
demonstration (spread of pectoral and dorsal fins and ing. In E. gurnardus that emits three different types of
positioning on the ground so that the head was directed at the sounds, knocks are most typical of cases when a
the competitor’s head), (8) touching of the competitor by
free rays of pectoral fins, rostrum, or body, and (9) rapid fish seizes feed, when it rapidly approaches the feed,
moving away from a competitor (according to data of but does not seize it, and when it circles near the feed.
Amorim and Hawkins, 2000). Sounds of the type of grunts are observed most fre



quently during agonistic manifestations, such as fron SPECIFICITY OF FISH SOUNDS

tal demonstrations. It is assumed that the knocks
Species Specificity of Sounds
sound can reflect the feeding excitation of fish caused
by the appearance of the food, as well as serve as a Sounds emitted by fish of different species usually
warning or repellent signal for competitors. Sound of clearly differ. Species specificity of sounds of fish
the type of grunts accompanying frontal demonstra belonging to the same family or genus, occupying sim
tions signals about aggressive intentions of an individ ilar ecological niches, and having overlapping ranges
ual emitting this sound (Amorim and Hawkins, 2000; has been demonstrated up to now by many examples.
Amorim et al., 2004b). With age, the aggressiveness in It was shown that closely related species have different
E. gurnardus decreases; therefore, larger individuals acoustic repertoires, in which uniform sounds differ in
acoustic parameters. For instance, among Scianidae,
less frequently produce grunts and more frequently there are species characterized by a wide diversity of
emit knocks (Amorim and Hawkins, 2005). Vocaliza produced sounds (Cynoscion nebulosus) and species
tion related to feeding is typical also of other species of that in different situations are capable of generating a
Triglidae—Prionotus carolinus and P. evolans (Fish, sound of only one type (Connaughton et al., 2000);
1954). Gilmore, 2003; Ramcharitar et al., 2006). Sounds of
Sounds associated mainly with feeding behavior Gadidae are clearly distinguishable in duration and
frequency of sequence of pulses (Hawkins and Ras
are rather comprehensively studied—in gudgeon mussen, 1978). The territorial males of two freshwater
G. gobio, a freshwater gregarious cyprinid fish that, as North American Etheostoma nigripinne and E. cros
Triglidae, most part of the time is engaged in foraging sopterum (Percidae) in the reproduction period pro
on the bottom or in the bottom ground. Sounds of duce sounds of three types: “knock,” “purr,” and
gudgeon resemble creak or croak and represent, in a “drum.” The “drum” sound has a harmonic structure,
majority of cases (60%), a single series of 1–11 acous “knock” and “purr” sounds (the latter is produced
tic pulses (on average 5 pulses); the duration of each of only by males of E. nigripinne) belong to pulse sounds
them is 2 ms. The dominant frequency of sounds varies of nonharmonic nature. Uniform sounds of males of
from 1 to 2 kHz. In general, the duration of a single E. nigripinne and E. crossopterum differ in the number
series is approximately 20 ms. Two to five such series of pulses and the frequency of sequence of pulses in
follow each other less frequently (in 30% of cases) and series, as well as in sound duration. Sounds of natural
more than six series more frequently (10% of cases). hybrids between these species have with respect to
Gudgeon emits sounds in different situations, but only some parameters intermediate values as compared to
sounds of parental species (Table 3) (C. Johnston and
when it is in a school. In a half of cases, sound gener
D. Johnston, 2000a).
ation is a response of an individual that noticed near it
another partner of the school digging in the ground. Males of sympatric species of the genus Pomacen
The appearance of such fish causes not only sending of trus (P. partitus, P. fuscus, P. leucostictus, P. plantifrons,
an acoustic signal, but also a behavioral response—the P. variabilis) inhabiting coral reefs emit during court
ship behavior and during protection of own sites
orientation at a fish occupied in search for food, within small colonies short sounds resembling chirps.
approach to it or swimming round it, or initiates own The acoustic characteristics and structure of these
search for food in the ground (imitation). It is consid sounds in all studied species of Pomacentrus are close
ered that, using sounds in gregarious fish, such as gud (series of 3 pulses, duration of pulses and series, 7–15
geon, a certain distance can be maintained between and 40–60 ms, respectively; maximum amplitude in
individuals in a school, especially at the moment of the range of frequencies, 250 to 1000 Hz). Sounds
their feeding (Ladich, 1988). It is known that feeding have an interspecies effect; however, the highest effi
competition within a school of fish is clearly pro ciency in stimulation in males of courtship behavior is
nounced (Krause and Ruxton, 2002). In another gre observed, nevertheless, in response to their own
garious fish, Atlantic cod, under conditions of concur sounds. This clearly indicates the capability of these
rent feeding, no intensification of sound generation closely related sympatric fish to distinguish each other
occurs; however, fish sounding can increase some time according to acoustic signals (Myrberg and Spires,
after feeding, as is assumed, in connection with an 1972). Sounds of Chromis chromis resemble signals
increase in the general level of excitation and aggres produced by a closely related species, C. viridis, but
have a more narrow frequency range and a smaller
siveness of fish caused by the proper process of feeding dominant frequency (Amorim, 1996). Comparison of
(Brawn, 1961b). Knock sounds during feeding excita sounds of aggression in 14 species of the genus
tion are emitted by hungry large river perch Perca flu Amphiprion and other fish of the family Pomacentridae
viatilis when it notices that another more successful indicates that their acoustic signals differ in dominant
perch seizes food. When emitting a sound, the perch frequency, number of clicks or creaks in series, and
raises its dorsal fin, and then can begin to pursue the number and duration of single acoustic pulses forming
competitor (Protasov and Romanenko, 1962). clicks and creaks (Amorim, 1996).







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 200 400 600 800

Time, s Time, ms
Fig. 20. Oscillograms of sounds of three species of Carapidae in two different time scales (Parmentier et al., 2003): (a) Carapus
boraborensis, (b) C. homei, and (c, d) Encheiliophis gracilis.

Sounds of Carapidae—Carapus boraborensis, one of the sites of the lake. It is noteworthy that pre
C. homei, and Encheiliophis gracilis are easily distin cisely fish of these two species are close in color and
guishable in their structure. They differ in the number specific features of drawing on the body. It is assumed
of knocks (acoustic pulses) in a series and in duration that acoustic signaling together with visual signaling
of intervals between knocks, as well as in frequency and, possibly, with olfactory one can provide recogni
(Fig. 20) (Parmentier et al., 2003). Similar conclu tion of each other by these fish dwelling in common
sions follow from comparison of sounds of some other (Amorim et al., 2004a, 2008).
closely related species, including sympatric species Sounds differ in two wellstudied species of toad
(Gerald, 1971; Myrberg et al., 1978; Spanier, 1979; fish, O. tau and O. beta, whose ranges overlap. The
Myrberg and Spines, 1980; Lobel, 1998), as well as of inviting sounds of males of O. tau are relatively simple;
fish not only of those found in common, but also of they consist of only one tonal element and last, on
those whose divergence into independent species is average, for approximately 300 ms. The sounds of
possibly not terminated. This can be exemplified by males of O. beta are considerably more complex; they
Cichlidae from Lake Malawi where, according to dif include a preceding element (grunt), followed by sev
ferent estimates, 450 to 650 species that formed as a eral tonal elements, and the total duration of a sound
result of a progressing adaptive radiation dwell usually considerably exceeds 1000 ms. The dominant
(Turner, 1999). It was elucidated that males of differ frequency of the sound of these species also differs—
ent species of the genus Pseudotropheus from Lake approximately 200 Hz in O. tau and almost 300 Hz in
Malawi during courting a female generate lowfre O. beta (Fine, 1978; Thorson and Fine, 2002a).
quency sounds that, despite a considerable interspe Among Batrachoididae, the widest set of sounds emit
cies similarity, nevertheless significantly differ in ted in the spawning period is typical of Lusitanian
parameters such as dominant frequency and number toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus. Its acoustic reper
and duration of pulses in a sound. Among the studied toire, besides sounds of the type of “boatwhistle” and
species of this genus, the most pronounced differences “grunt” includes diverse short sounds of the type of
in acoustic parameters of sounds were found in croak and double croak and mixed sounds consisting
P. emmiltos and P. fazilberi that inhabit in common of squeaks and croaks ((Fig. 21) (Dos Santos et al.,



2000). A sound of the “boatwhistle” type begins and

terminates by grunts, has a prolonged tonal element, (a)
with a duration, on average, of approximately 800 ms,
dominant frequency of approximately 60 Hz, and
numerous harmonics, among which the second or
fourth dominate. Grunts follow in series, on average,
of eight elements, each of which has a duration less
than 100 ms with a dominant frequency of approxi
mately 300 Hz. The dominant frequency of single and 500 ms
double croaks is approximately 650 and 500 Hz,
respectively. Short sounds, croak, and double croak
are emitted also beyond the reproduction period and,
as is assumed, can be related to regulation of agonistic (b)
relations in Lusitanian toadfish (Amorim, 2006;
Amorim et al., 2006). Sounds differ in two species of 100 ms
Polypterus—P. senegalus and P. retropininnis, both in
their characteristics and diversity: P. retropinnis emits
sounds of two types—relatively prolonged moans,
with duration of approximately 290 ms and the domi
nant frequency of 50–150 Hz and short thumps with (c)
duration of 67.4 ms and the dominant frequency of
100–200 Hz. P. senegalus produces only thumps that
are more prolonged (81.5 ms) than in P. retropinnis 100 ms
(Ladich and Tadler, 1988).
Noteworthy in this respect is an example of species
of the genus Pollimyrus (Mormyridae) that frequently
occur in the same water bodies in West Africa. Males Fig. 21. Oscillograms of sounds of Lusitanian toadfish
Halobatrachus didactylus: (a) boatwhistle, (b) grunt, and
of Pollimyrus, in the spawning period, emit inviting (c) double croak (Amorim et al., 2006).
sounds to attract females to their nest territories. Male
sounds are complex in structure and represent alterna
tion of three simple sounds—moans, grunts, and during comparison of two sympatric species of Pol
growls. The order of sequence of simple sounds, their limyrus, P. marianne, and P. castelnaui, whose ranges
number and duration, frequency and interpulse inter do not overlap but are close to each other. It is of inter
vals are specific for each studied species of Pollim est that the sounds (moans) of fish caught in the zone
myrus. In sounds of P. adspersus, moans and grunts of a limited contact of ranges of these two species in
alternate, sometimes they are followed by prolonged duration and some other temporal parameters are sim
growls; in sounds of P. isidori, a single grunt is followed ilar to sounds of P. marianne, while in other parame
by several moans. In sounds of P. marianne, either only
ters (frequency) resemble sounds of P. castelnaui
moans are present and there are no grunts (average
duration of 1.9 s) or moan and grunt are emitted (Lamml and Kramer, 2006).
simultaneously, or a prolonged moan with several Comparison of sounds of Pollimyrus indicates that
grunts that coincide with it in time and follow each species specificity of complex sounds in fish is reached
other (average duration of 14.9 s). The latter indicates due to differences in temporal characteristics—fre
the possibility of using by fish of two different mecha quency of sequence of pulses and the interval between
nisms of sound generation simultaneously. The fre them in simple sounds, different sequence and dura
quency of sequence of pulses in sounds of the same tion of simple sounds, as well as due to frequency
type differs considerably (almost twofold). For amplitude characteristics. Pollimyrus, as Mormyridae
instance, in grunts of P. marianne, pulses follow with a
frequency of 34 Hz, in P. isidori they follow with a fre in general, belong to so called auditory specialists
quency of 44 Hz, and in grunts of P. adspersus they fol characterized by high hearing capabilities. The range
low with a frequency of 56 Hz. Growls or buzz occur of frequencies in which the best hearing parameters
ring in sounds of P. adspersus are lacking in P. isidori are observed in Pollimyrus coincide with the frequency
and P. marianne. The acoustic characteristics of dominant in sounds they generate (Crawford, 1993).
moans and grunts of all three species of Pollimyrus also Specific features of produced sounds, their correspon
differ (Fig. 8, Table 4). All this allows to correctly dence to auditory capabilities of fish, and the mode of
identify species belonging of Pollimyrus from the oscil life and spawning of these fish indicate undoubtedly an
logram of their sounds (Crawford, 1997a, 1997b; important role of acoustic signaling not only in the
Crawford and Huang, 1999). Differences in acoustic regulation of spawning behavior in Pollimyrus, but also
characteristics of moans and grunts were revealed also in provision of reproductive isolation of these fish that



are often found in common in the same water bodies from the northwestern Atlantic and the North Sea
and inhabit similar biotopes in them. allows to conclude that noticeable population differ
The capability of fish to differentiate sounds that ences in fish in diversity of their acoustic repertoire
often differ slightly in their acoustic characteristics and the acoustic characteristics of sounds are evidently
agree with data on the functional abilities of the audi either absent or these differences are insignificant
tory system in fish, in particular, the ability to differen (Hawkins and Amorim, 2000; Bremner et al., 2002).
tially respond to a sound with maximum short inter Similar results were obtained during comparison of
pulse intervals (with duration up to 1.5 ms) (McKibben sounds emitted by males of Hawaiian dascyllus
and Bass, 2001; Wysocki and Ladich, 2003). In the D. albisella during signal jumps. No considerable dif
secondary auditory centers located in torus semicircu ferences were found between sounds recorded in colo
laris, audirtory neurons exhibiting an extremely high nies of these fish off the Hawaiian Islands and near
specificity to acoustic signals with strictly definite Johnston Atoll situated 1000 km away from them
interpulse intervals were found (Crawford, 1997b). It (Mann and Lobel, 1998). Differences in the dominant
is considered that precisely temporal characteristics of frequency found while comparing sounds of males of
sounds—the duration of interpulse intervals and oyster toadfish O. tau from northern and southern
duration of proper pulses, as well as the number of populations (coast of the states Delaware, Virginia,
pulses in a sound and the duration of proper sound and South Carolina, United States) are insignificant
serve as principal characters, according to which fish and can be caused by different temperature conditions
can recognize near remote auditory signals (Spanier, and different hormonal status of fish in the observation
1979; Crawford et al., 1997a). period (Fine, 1978). However, in Amphiprion akallopisos,
Undoubtedly, species specific features of sounds the geographic variability of sound parameters was
facilitate the interaction between conspecifics, which, found, which can indicate the specialization of sound
in turn, decreases the probability of interspecies generation in fish to particular conditions of their
hybridization between closely related species, espe existence (Parmentier et al., 2005). Similar results
cially in those cases when they inhabit the same water were obtained in comparison of sounds of aggression
bodies, occupy in them similar biotopes, and are close and courting a female in males of Cyprinella galactura
in demonstration of reproductive behavior. However, (Phillips and Jonston, 2008b).
it should be noted that differences between sounds of
closely related species can be poorly pronounced or
even absent if their ranges do not overlap. For Individual Specific Features of Sounds
instance, sounds emitted during signal jumps by males
of two allopatric species of the genus Dascyllus: The available observations show that fish possess an
D. albisella and D. trimaculatus do not differ either in individual acoustic signature. For instance, in differ
the number of pulses or in interpulse interval (Spanier, ent males of two species of Pollimyrus, P. adspersus and
1979; Mann and Lobel, 1998). During invasions when P. isidori, the frequency of sequence of pulses and the
zones of distribution of two previously isolated closely dominant frequency in inviting sounds do not coin
related species overlap, crossing is observed between cide, and these individual acoustic specific features are
them, as, for instance, in the case of an endemic of the stable in time (Crawford, 1997a). The performed elec
Hawaiian Islands–green damselfish A. abdominalis trophysiological studies show that even small differ
and IndoPacific A. vaigiensis that penetrated here ences in sounds are perceived by the auditory system.
(Maruska et al., 2007). The sounds of closely related In P. adspersus, the frequency differential sensitivity in
species can have also common features. For instance, the range of highest sensitivity to tonal sounds (100–
comparison of sounds of four North American species 500 Hz) is approximately 9 Hz. The capability to dif
of the genus Cyprinella revealed that sounds emitted by ferentiate the slightest changes in the interpulse inter
males during aggression and courting a female are val is also well developed. In sounds with an interpulse
most similar in C. gibbsi and C. trichroistia—sister spe interval of approximately 10 ms, fish recognize its
cies occurring in closely situated water bodies. Sounds increase or decrease as slight as by 0.3 ms, at interpulse
of males of C. galactura and C. callisema differ more intervals of approximately 40 ms, changes by 3 ms are
strongly, not only in acoustic characteristics, but also significant (Marvit and Crawford, 2000), Considering
in behavioral situations in which they are generated by high auditory capabilities of Pollimyrus, it is suggested
males (Phillips and Johnston, 2009). These results that females can differentiate and assess males from
indicate a definite relationship between the sound their individual acoustic signature and use this capac
similarity and the phylogenetic closeness of fish. ity for orientation and during choice of a spawning
partner (Crawford, 1997a). According to field obser
vations, male density distribution at spawning sites is
Population Differences in Sounds rather high, and a female can hear simultaneously sig
There are few data on sounds emitted by individu nals of four to five males (Crawford, 1997b). Under
als that belong to different geographically distant or artificial conditions at keeping mature P. adspersus in
isolated populations. Evidence obtained for huddock common, a multiple spawning of a female with the



same selected by it partner was recorded (Crawford, emitting sounds, European perch P. fluviatilis raises its
1997a). dorsal fin (Protasov and Romanenko, 1962). In silver
The possibility for recognition of individuals sweeper P. schwenkii, at the moment of generation,
according to sounds was revealed in other fish also. In fins are not spread, but vibration of walls of the
colonies of bicolor damselfish, the territory that abdominal cavity in the region of the swimming blad
became free after removal of the male host is occupied der becomes clearly noticeable (Takayama et al.,
by neighbors of the colony much more rapidly if 2003). During sound generation in cuskeel O. mar
recordings of sounds belonging to other males rather ginatum, slight head vibration is noticeable (Mann
than to the former host of the territory are retransmit et al., 1997). Such movements serve as an external
ted (Myrberg and Riggio, 1985; Myrberg, 1997). Indi manifestation of the work of tympanic muscles in
vidual differences in sound duration were found in these fish. In Cichlidae, in which tympanic muscles
Argyrosomus regius, frequency of generation of acous were not found, vocalization usually (not always) is
tic series is maintained constant by each individual accompanied by quivering of the abdominal wall
during tens of minutes (Lagardère and Mariani, 2006). (Lobel, 1998, 2001; Amorim et al., 2003). Males of
The individual variability of sound generation is Padagobius nigricans during sound generation lower
clearly seen against the background of a high stability their gill membrane, move aside operculi, and quiver
of acoustic characteristics of sounds of an individual. with pectoral fins (Lugli et al., 1996). Gudgeon
For instance, in males of Zosterisessor ophiocephalus, G. gobio during sound emission raises its dorsal fin and
the frequency of sequence of pulses in sounds varies turns its head and the anterior part of the body to the
from 21.8 to 68.3 per second; they follow with strict right and to the left. Such turns follow in time with a
regularity in sounds of each male (Malavasi et al., series of acoustic pulses, at the moment of turn, the
2003). In the inviting sounds of oyster toadfish O. beta, swimming fish changes the direction of movement,
the sound frequency and amplitude are least variable, and a fish resting on the bottom, displaces (Ladich,
and the sound duration is less stable (Bazimo and 1988). Gudgeon G. gobio at the moment of generation
Fine, 1998). Males of Lusitanian toadfish H. didacty of an agonistic sound—a single knock—produces a
lus are clearly distinguishable according to sound typical nod with its head and, owing to special and well
duration and some frequency characteristics. The developed musculature, rapidly draws to itself gill
variability of sounds produced by different males was membrane and operculi, and, together with them,
always higher than differences between sounds emitted large ventral fins. Such movements follow each other if
by the same males (Amorim and Vasconselos, 2008). a fish emits a series of knocks (Ladich, 1989). Botia
The individual acoustic signature is evidently retained modesta, during emission of warning clicks, slightly
by fish throughout their life. At least, males of O. beta moves forward and rapidly opens and shuts its mouth
with the same sound parameters were found at the (Raffinger and Ladich, 2009).
spawning grounds not only in different periods of the Visually, the moment of sound generation in fish
spawning season, but also in different years (Thorson can be not pronounced; however, fish at this time can
and Fine, 2002a). assume certain postures. John dory Z. faber at the
moment of sound emission spreads dorsal and anal
fins; it occurs not only in water, but also when fish is
SPAWNING THAT ACCOMPANIES SOUND removed from water and held in hands. Sound genera
GENERATION tion in John dory is not a consequence of fins move
At the moment of sound generation, many fish per ments, but is related to the work of the tympanic
form certain movements or assume typical postures soundgenerating apparatus (Onuki and Somiya,
that in several cases are related to the work of the cor 2004). Males of oyster toadfish O. tau for production
responding soundgenerating mechanism. Lined sea of inviting sounds slightly move forward in the direc
horse Hippocampus erectus, when emitting a clicking tion of the exit from the nest shelter. The posture and
sound, raises its head. Such movement is necessary for location of a male in a shelter are rather typical: a male
adjoning bones of the occipital part of the cranium to remains in the nest, but positions in it so that its head
displace with respect to each other and cause the up to the line of the eyes protrudes beyond the shelter
appearance of a stridulation sound (Colson et al., boundaries. At the moment of sound generation, the
1998). In Polypterus retropinnis and P. senegalus at the male is immobile (Barimo and Fine, 1998). Males of
moment of sound emission, one can observe a spread Etheostoma nigripinne and E. crossopterum (Percidae)
of dorsal fins and vibration of body walls that cover a also retain immobility during sound production
long swimming bladder used by these fish for aerial (C. Johnston and D. Johnston, 2000a).
breathing—abdominal wall between pectoral and ven
tral fins and the lateral wall from ventral fins to a cau
dal fin. Wall vibration occurs in time with thump
sounds that can be generated singly or in series with The fact that the acoustic activity of fish does not
maximum rate to three sounds per second during a remain constant but emerges, disappears, or changes
minute and more (Ladich and Tadler, 1988). When throughout 24 h or during an annual cycle was noticed



Day Night Day

Frequency of sounds during 10 min

30 “Growls”

11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 3 5 7 9 11

Fig. 22. Diurnal dynamics of emission of sounds of the type of moan and grunt in males of Pollimyrus marianne (Lamml and
Kramer, 2005).

as early as at the beginning of study of fish bioacous Cummings, 1972; Takemura et al., 1978; Saucier and
tics. With the development of these studies and data Baltz, 1993).
accumulation, the existence of clearly pronounced Males of cuskeel O. marginatum that spend day
diurnal and seasonal rhythmicity of sound generation hours in the ground begin to vocalize before sunset,
in fish became more obvious. prior to coming out of the ground. A slow leaving of
the ground in these fish occupies approximately
20 min. During this time and in the subsequent min
Diurnal Rhythmicity utes, vocalization increases, reaches maximum an
In many studied fish, maximum of acoustic activity hour after sunset, and then rapidly decreases (Mann
is observed at twilight or dark time of the day, and con et al., 1997; Rountree and BowersAltman, 2002).
siderably less frequently sound generation occurs in Regularly every day after sunset, Anisotremus davidsoni
the day hours. Such diurnal rhythm is typical of repre (Haemulidae) begins its “chorus singing” (Fish,
sentatives of the numerous family Sciaenidae. For 1969). A distinct attribution of vocalization to a dark
instance, Roncador stearnsi, Umbrina roncador, and time of the day is exhibited by Pollimyrus marianne.
Sciaena saturna dwelling off the coasts of California Emission of any sounds in these fish begins immedi
begin their “chorus singing” regularly each day after ately after sunset and ceases completely with the sun
sunset. These fish emit sounds during a limited time rise (Fig. 22) (Lamml and Kramer, 2005). The fre
interval—only for approximately 2.5 h (Fish, 1969). quency of sound generation drastically increases with
In gray weakfish C. regalis, during the reproduction the onset of evening twilight in Opsanus. If before sun
period, acoustic activity is maintained at a high level set, males of these fish emit inviting sounds seldom, on
throughout most part of the day, but decreases to min average, one sound per each 7.5 min, immediately
imum in the middle of the day. With the onset of after sunset, sounds are heard every 2 min, and upon
evening twilight, the generation of drumming sounds half an hour, there are already two sounds per minute.
by males rapidly reaches maximum and remains such Together with an increase of the emission frequency of
up to late night. The maximum of generation of drum sounds, their duration and the number of repeated
ming sounds is slightly ahead of time of proper spawn tonal elements (simple sound loops) forming complex
ing of gray weakfish, which indicates that sounds likely sounds of males of Opsanus decrease (Fig. 23)
promote the formation of spawning aggregations. (Thorson and Fine, 2002a).
According to slight shifts in time of the onset of maxi An increase of vocalization in the evening or morn
mum acoustic activity of fish in the offshore and at a ing hours of twilight illumination is typical of marine
distance from it, it is possible to trace movements of and freshwater fish of different taxonomy—for Sebas
spawning aggregations during 24 h (Connaughton and ticus marmoratus (Scorpaenidae) (Miyagawa and
Taylor, 1995). Acoustic activity changes in the same Takemura, 1986), Galeichthys felis (Ariidae) (Breder,
manner also in other representatives of the numerous 1968), Holocentrus rufus (Holocentridae) (Winn,
family Scianidae—Cynoscion xanthulus, C. nebulosus, 1964), Botia berdmorei (Cobitidae) (Rigley and Mar
Pogonias cronis, Nibea albiflora, Argyrosomus argenta shall, 1971), and Puntazzo puntazzo (Sparidae) (Shish
tus, etc. (Shishkova, 1963; Protasov, 1965; Fish and kova, 1963; Protasov, 1965). The same diurnal rhyth



(a) 1 Number of sounds during one hour

Number of sounds

Sound duration, ms

1000 3

50 500 2

1 2 3 4 5 1
30min intervals
elements in a sound

0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Number of tonal

Fig. 24. Diurnal dynamics of acoustic activity in males of
1 Abudefduf luridus protecting their territories from other
fish (total for four males). Arrows show the time of sunrise
and sunset (Santiago and Castro, 1997).
1 2 3 4 5
30min intervals

Number of swimming fish, M ± m

Fig. 23. Inviting sounds of males of oyster toadfish Opsanus
beta during 30min intervals prior and after the onset of
evening twilight: (a) (1) frequency of emission and 4
(2) duration of sounds and (b) number of tonal elements in
sounds. The arrow shows the time of sunset (Thorson and 3
Fine, 2002a).

micity of sound generation is exhibited also by highly
aggressive males of damselfish A. luridus and other 1
Pomacentridae fish, in whose behavior visual recep
tion is dominant (Fig. 24) (Myrberg, 1972; Mann and
Lobel, 1995; Santiago and Castro, 1997). 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
There are less examples when maximum of acous
tic activity in fish is in the light hours of the day. Such
rhythm of vocalization was recorded in Notropis
analostanus (Winn, 1964), as well as in Atlantic cod, in Fig. 25. Diurnal dynamics of locomotor activity of Eutrigla
which acoustic activity is considerably higher in the gurnardus. The vertical is the average number of moving
day hours than at night (Midling et al., 2002; Finstad individuals of five fish simultaneously present in the basin.
and Nordeide, 2004). During the light hours of the day Dark, gray, and light fragments at the horizontal diagram
reflect the dark, twilight, and light time of the day
and in the morning and evening twilight, males of had (Amorim, 2005).
dock mainly vocalize; these fish seldom emit sounds at
night, although the repertoire in general retains its their diurnal rhythmicity of behavior. The absence of
diversity (Hawkins and Amorim, 2000). A strict pronounced diurnal fluctuations in sound production
occurrence of sound production in the day hours is was recorded only in a small number of species
observed in Labrus viridis, Crenilabrus greseus, and (Ladich, 1988, 1989).
Trachurus trachurus (Protasov, 1965), and in Eutrigla
gurnardus that is a typical daytime fish (Fig. 25)
(Amorim, 2005). At the dark time of the day, in these Seasonal Rhythmicity
fish, not only sound production attenuates, but also
locomotor activity and manifestation of different Seasonal cyclicity of acoustic activity in most
social (intragroup) and other contacts decrease. How vocalizing fish is distinctly pronounced. Throughout a
ever, in other closelyrelated species from the family year, maximum vocalization occurs usually in the
Triglidae, maximum acoustic activity is recorded after reproduction period when, in many fish, profound
sunset at twilight illumination (Protasov and Aronov, changes in physiology and behavior take place. Some
1960; Protasov and Romanenko, 1962). Thus, the fish produce sounds only at this time and are silent for
diurnal rhythm of sound generation differs even in the remaining part of the year. Their acoustic activity
closely related fish and is intimately associated with rather strictly coincides with the dates of spawning and



1 3
2 (a) 1

Number of sounds per minute

Sound activity, arb. units 4 2 3


0 20 (b)
Apr. 20 May 20 June 19 July 19 Aug. 18
Dates 10







Fig. 26. Acoustic activity of males of gray weakfish Cynos
cion regalis in the offshore of Delaware Bay in the spawning
period: (1) drumming sounds and (2) chirps. Conventional
units: (0) absence of sounds, (1) less than 30 sounds per
minute, (2) 30–50 sounds per minute, (3) continuous
emission of several individuals, and (4) continuous emis
sion of several fish (Connaughton and Taylor, 1995). Fig. 27. Seasonal dynamics of sound generation in Lusita
nian toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus: (a) (1) growls,
(2) croaks, and (3) double croaks, (b) boatwhistle
(Amorim et al., 2006).
can serve as a peculiar indicator of the beginning of the
reproduction season. For instance, cuskeel O. mar
ginatum (Ophidiidae) emits sounds only in the repro tions demonstrated that a sound of the boatwhistle
duction period, which is used not only for the determi type is emitted by Lusitanian toadfish exclusively in
nation of the dates and duration of spawning, but also the reproduction period, from May to midJune. The
of sites of distribution of these secretive and difficult to other three types of sounds are produced by fish during
discover fish (Rountree and BowersAltman, 2002; the entire year; however, the frequency of generation
Rountree et al., 2006). A strict seasonality in sound of grunts and double croaks in the reproduction season
generation is demonstrated by many Sciaenidae fish, drastically increases, and this peak coincides with the
for instance, well studied gray weakfish C. regalis time of emitting sounds of the boatwhistle type. The
dwelling off the Atlantic coast of North America. At production by Lusitanian toadfish of single croaks
sites of spawning, gray weakfish begins to emit typical does not undergo any pronounced seasonal fluctua
drumming sounds in spring, their intensity rapidly tions and is maintained at an equally low level
reaches maximum by midMay, and towards the end throughout the year (Fig. 27) (Amorim et al., 2006).
of July almost completely ceases (Fig. 26). The Inviting sounds of the boatwhistle type are produced
dynamics of acoustic activity well coincides with the by males of O. tau also in spring immediately after
gonad condition in fish in catches and with the sizes of coming to shallow waters and distribution over shel
tympanic muscles, which in males by this time ters. An intensive vocalization of males calling up
increase almost threefold (Connaughton and Taylor, females is limited to only five to six weeks; these typical
1994, 1995). Maximum generation of another sound sounds are heard very seldom beyond the spawning
that is attributed to gray weakfish, chirps or chattering
season. Females of O. tau possessing tympanic mus
is shifted to later dates and occurs by the moment of
cles, similar to males, do not produce such sounds,
spawning termination. The precise purpose of this
although there is a potential capability for their gener
sound arising during rubbing of pharyngeal teeth
remains unclear (Connaughton and Taylor, 1995). It is ation since such sounds are caused in females experi
likely that chattering is related to the beginning of the mentally at an electric stimulation of neurons of the
postspawning feeding of fish. It should not be excluded motor acoustic nucleus (Winn, 1964, 1972; Fine,
either that the chattering sound is produced by some 1978). Only in the spawning period, sounds are emit
other fish rather than by gray weakfish (Sprague and ted by plainfin midshipman (Acipenseridae), North
Luczkovich, 2001). American Cyprinidae, and many others. The begin
ning and intensity of vocalization in fish in the spawn
Interesting data on the seasonal variation of sound ing season are related to serious displacements in the
production were obtained for Lusitanian toadfish state of sonic muscles induced by a hormonal splash,
H. didactylus whose acoustic repertoire is distin which directly affects the ability of fish to maintain a
guished by a wide range and includes sounds of four high acoustic activity in the reproduction period. The
types: boatwhistle, grunt, single croak, and double acoustic parameters of sounds generated by fish,
croak (Fig. 21). The performed yearround observa except the level of sound pressure, remain as before,



78 4.0

Level of sound
76 (b)

pressure, dB

Duration of

pulses, ms
72 3.6
Frequency of sequence of
pulses in a sound, Hz

frrequency, Hz
25 (c) 600 (d)

15 450

12 14 16 18 20 22 24 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Water temperature, °C

Fig. 28. Water temperature effect on the (a) level of sound pressure, (b) duration of acoustic pulses, (c) frequency of sequence of
pulses, and (d) the dominant frequency of the anxiety sound in gray weakfish Cynoscion regalis. The level of sound pressure is
expressed in dB relative to 1 µPa (Connaughton et al., 2000).

which indicates the localization of rearrangements which, in turn, is reflected in most parameters of
taking place at the level of periphery of the sonic sounds produced by fish. In Polimyrus marianne and
mechanism, rather than of the centers than control it 7
(Fine, 1978). P. adspersus, Q10 coefficient is close to 2.0 for the
The intensity of sound production within a season amplitude of the sound of the moan type and for the
can vary, for instance, in relation to cyclic changes in duration and frequency of sequence of pulses in grunt
the physiological state of fish with multiple spawning. sounds (Crawford et al., 1997a, 1997b; Lamml and
In Hawaiian dascyllus D. albisella, whose reproduc Kramer, 2005). In gray weakfish, in the temperature
tion period continues during several months, maxi interval of 12–23°C, the frequency of sequence of
mum vocalization in males occurs a day before spawn pulses in an anxiety sound arising when fish are
ing and on the day of eggs deposition. Then during the removed from water for a short time also increases
subsequent several days when a male is occupied with almost twofold—from 13.4 to 24.3 pulses per second.
displaying care of the batch, the intensity of sound A distinctly pronounced positive linear dependence on
generation decreases; however, it again begins to dras temperature is also exhibited by the level of acoustic
tically increase immediately after hatching of juveniles pressure of anxiety sounds and their dominant fre
when a male is ready again for reproduction (Mann quency while the duration of pulses with an increase in
and Lobel, 1995). Similar intraseasonal fluctuations in temperature successively decreases (Fig. 28) (Con
acoustic activity were found in other fish also (Craw naughton et al., 2000). The dominant (basic) fre
ford et al., 1986; Crawford, 1997a). In O. beta, the quency of sounds of males of plainfin midshipman
generation of agonistic sounds (grunts) is related to P. notatus, oyster toadfish O. tau, and Lusitanian
moon cyclicity: the acoustic activity of these fish toadfish H. didactylus depends on water temperature
increases every 14–15 days with the onset of a new similarly (Fig. 29) (Fine, 1978; Brantley and Bass,
moon and a full moon (Maruska and Mensenger, 1994; Amorim et al., 2006). In Prionotus carolinus,
2009). Moon cyclicity in sound generation is traced in basic frequency increases by 43 Hz with an increase in
other fish also (Breder, 1968). temperature by 2.5°C (Fig. 30) (Connaughton, 2004).
In Eutrigla gurnardus, the duration of pulses in sounds
of the grunt type noticeably decreases with a seasonal
THE EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL increase in water temperature (Amorim, 2005).
A decrease in the duration of acoustic pulses, an
As most other processes and functions of fish, increase in the rate of their generation, and an increase
sound generation depends on a powerful abiotic factor in the frequency of the sound and the level of acoustic
such as water temperature. With an increase in water pressure that accompany water temperature increase
temperature, the rate of exchange of calcium ions in were found in many fish (Schneider, 1967; Fine, 1978;
tympanic muscles responsible for sound generation
increases (Feber et al., 1998), and, as a consequence, 7Q
10 coefficient means a change of the physiological or other
the schedule of their work changes substantially, parameter at a change in water temperature by 10°C



Basic frequency, Hz sponding to its auditory perception (Nowacek, 2005).

The sounds of the feeding bottlenose dolphin exert the
150 same effect on the vocalization of some other fish also
(Luczkovich et al., 2000).
The noise background that is always present in an
110 aquatic medium well conducting acoustic oscillations
is also one of environmental factors affecting the abil
ity of fish to perceive valuable acoustic signals and
70 maintain acoustic communication. The strongest low
frequency noise background occurs in turbulence
14 16 18 20 22 24 26 zones, for instance, in the sea offshore or in rivers,
Water temperature, °C especially near rapids and bars. Some fish, in particu
lar, Cyprinidae, are rather sensitive to this factor and
Fig. 29. Dependence of the basic frequency of the inviting
sounds of males of plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus
can fully exhibit their high auditory abilities only at a
on water temperature (Brantley and Bass, 1994). low environmental noise, for instance, in water bodies
with stagnant water. Against the noise background
present in running waters, the ability of Cyprinidae to
Basic frequency, Hz identify a valuable signal reduces drastically (Amoser
230 and Ladich, 2005). It was shown that fish, including
Cyprinidae such as roach Rutilus rutilus and rudd
Scardinius erythrophthalmus try to leave sites in the
220 water body where an increased level of acoustic pollu
tion is observed (Boussard, 1981, cited from Scholz
210 and Ladich, 2006). Mottled sculpin C. bairdi, as well
as, most likely, many other representatives of the fam
200 ily Cottidae, for acoustic signaling use sounds that dis
tribute in the bottom substrate rather than in water.
Such mode of signaling has certain advantages not
190 only because of a slower damping of acoustic oscilla
tions in the ground, but also thanks to an insignificant
penetration of various external noises to the bottom
15 16 17 18
Water temperature, °C substrate. This advantage is especially important for
fish living in a current, especially in zones of high tur
Fig. 30. Dependence of the basic frequency of anxiety bulence, for instance, near river rapids, and bars
sounds on water temperature in northern searobin Priono (Whang and Janssen, 1994). Fish inhabiting biotopes
tus carolinus (according to Connaughton, 2004). where a large noise background is formed because of
high current turbulence can also use another strategy
to increase the efficiency of communication using
Bass and Baker, 1991; Connaughton et al., 2000). The sounds. As was found, in smallsized Padogobius mar
nature of these changes is related to temperature tensii and P. nigricans inhabiting small rapid rock rivers
effects on the work of the center regulating acoustic of Italy, the frequency range of the highest auditory
activity and is common for all fish (Domski et al., sensitivity and maximum amplitudes of emitted
1973; Bass and Baker, 1991). The intensification of sounds corresponds to the region where the level of
sound generation with water temperature increase acoustic noises in the river is the lowest. Noise mea
takes place parallel to an increase in the behavioral surements in different sites of habitation of these fish
activity of fish (Ladich, 1988). (near small waterfalls, at rapids, and in more quiet
An important factor affecting the acoustic activity places of the river) demonstrated that the so called
of fish can be a predator’s presence nearby. As was elu “acoustic window”—the range of frequencies in
cidated comparatively recently, sounds emitted during which the noise level is low is located near 100 Hz, i.e.,
hunt by bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus drasti between lowfrequency noises related to water turbu
cally suppress vocalization in O. beta. The inviting lence and the zone of higherfrequency noises caused
sounds produced by males of O. beta unmask fish and by bursts of air bubbles. The level of acoustic pressure
attract a predator (Gannon et al., 2005). Fish capable of acoustic noise in the river, even near rapids and
of sound production in the feeding of bottlenose dol waterfalls, is, on average, 30 dB lower than the level of
phin comprise up to 80%; of them O. beta make up the threshold of acoustic sensitivity of fish (Fig. 31)
more than 10% (RemageHealey et al., 2006). During (Lugli et al., 2003), which protects the auditory system
a hunt, bottlenose dolphin generates not only ultrasound from functional overloads and damage of receptor
clicks that are inaccessible for reception O. beta, but also cells (Enger, 1981; Hastings et al., 1996; Scholik and
lowfrequency pops in the range of 400–4500 Hz corre Yan, 2001). The fact that conditions even in the noisi



est sites of the river are quite suitable for spawning of Sound pressure level, dB
gobies is evidenced by a great number of their nests 130 1
near waterfalls and at a distance from them (Lugli
et al., 1992). The proximity of spectral zones of max
ima of auditory sensitivity and the amplitude of emit 120
ted sounds to the zone of external noises minimal in
intensity considerably increases the valuable sig 110
nal/noise ratio. The strategy directed at an increase of
the valuable signal/noise ratio by the generation of sig
nals getting into an “acoustic window” is typical also 100
for the acoustic communication of land animals, for
instance, birds and mammals (P. Waser and M. Waser, 90
1977; Ryan and Brenowitz, 1985). 2
Noises can be also of an artificial origin. The
sources of the anthropogenic pollution of water bodies 80
are mainly navigation, as well as seismic prospecting,
use of different underwater sonars, underwater works, 70
in particular, drilling of wells for oil and gas recovery, 70 100 150 200 300 400 500
and, finally, military operations. The issue how noises Frequency, Hz
can affect the life of fish and other underwater inhab
itants remains unclear in most cases, and distinct ideas
Fig. 31. (1) Audiogram of goby Padogobius martensii and
of the consequences of noise pollution for fish are (2) spectrum of acoustic noise near small waterfalls and
lacking. It is known that precisely at high levels and rapids, and (3) in more quiet places of the small Stirone
long duration of noises, fish can lose hearing for a River (average depth of 0.5 m, rocky bottom, northeast of
short time, hence, capacities for acoustic communica Italy) (Lugli et al., 2003).
tion (Amoser and Ladich, 2003; Smith et al., 2004;
Kasumyan, 2005). Lowerintensity noise impacts can
induce different behavioral responses in fish. North For instance, large juveniles of Botia horae produce
ern bluefinned tuna Thunnus thynnus in response to clicks during protection of their territory (Valinski and
the sound of a moving vessel changes its direction, Rigley, 1981). Clicks are produced by juveniles of
horizon and rate of swimming, the school becomes Gnahtonemus petersi (Schneider, 1964a; Rigley and
more loose; the coordination of movements in fish Marshall, 1971), and juveniles of Terapon jarbua pro
decreases, and rare agonistic manifestations between duce drumming sounds. Juveniles of Hawaiian dascyl
the individuals of a school (demonstration of an lus D. albisella are capable of sound generation (Lobel
attack) can be observed (Sarà et al., 2007). Fish feel and Mann, 1995). How frequency and other parame
the noise of highspeed motor boats at a distance of ters of sounds of fish juveniles correspond to their
300 m; such noises are for them potential stressors auditory capabilities has been unclear for a long time.
causing an increase in cortisol level (Amoser et al., Such estimates were made only in recent years with
2004; Wysocki et al., 2006). The most dangerous reference to two species of Trichopsis—croaking
increased noise background that arises during move gourami T. vittata belonging to auditory specialists and
ment of vessels can be for fish producing their own Lusitanian toadfish H. didactylus having no accessory
sounds. As studies show, the frequency range of such auditory structures.
noises coincides with the zone of maximum auditory Data obtained for the croaking gourami suggest
sensitivity in fish, which leads to a considerable that acoustic communication in agonistic behavior
increase in the threshold of sound perception, espe arises in juveniles much later than auditory sensitivity
cially in a lowfrequency region and, as a result, a and capacity to produce sounds (Wysocki and Ladich,
decrease in the distance at which the acoustic commu 2001). In early juveniles, sounds have a low amplitude
nication of fish is possible (Vasconcelos et al., 2007). and cannot be perceived by a still weakly developed
An increase in grunts as a response stress reaction to auditory system. During the first ten days of life, juve
distant underwater explosions is observed in oyster niles do not exhibit any social relations. Beginning
toadfish O. tau (Gray and Winn, 1961). from the 11th day, interrelations of the kind of
approach and flight are observed, by the 18th day, the
first lateral demonstrations with occupation of the so
called Tposture are recorded, and, by the 27th day,
pursuit is observed. Towards the age of 52 days, rapid
The age when juveniles begin to actually use acous beatings with pectoral fins—movements that in adult
tic signals for regulation of behavioral relations can so fish are associated with sound production—were
far only be suggested. It is known that immature indi recorded. The first sounds were recorded on the 57th
viduals of some fish are capable of sound generation. day when they arise during lateral demonstrations of



Table 7. The time of manifestation of the first elements of agonistic behavior in ontogenesis of croaking gourami Trichopsis vit
tatus (according to Henglmüller and Ladich, 1999)
Age of juveniles,
days after hatching
Approach (fish swims with spread out and slightly raised unpaired fins in direction of another individual) 11
Flight (moving to a side opposite an enemy) 11
Lateral demonstrations (fish, having widely spread out unpaired fins, stays near an enemy or with its head 18
perpendicular to its body⎯the so called Tposture or fish are located parallel to each other in the same
or opposite directions
Pursuits (following a moving away enemy) 27
Beatings with pectoral fins (rapid beatings with pectoral fins, often during lateral demonstrations 52
Sound emission 57
Frontal demonstrations and bitings of an enemy (enemies are located opposite each other, having 72
opened their mouths and usually tilting to a side and slightly bending their body, one of the fish
sporadically performs an abrupt jump and tries to bite the lips of the enemy)
Retreat (fish leaves the enemy, slightly tilting downwards and having pressed all fins to the body) 72

two conflicting individuals and beatings with pectoral as is assumed, to migrate from the open ocean to the
fins; other elements of agonistic behavior (frontal reef and find there suitable sites for settling where they
demonstrations, bitings of lips of an enemy) arise later will stay for the remaining part of their life (Tolimieri
(Table 7). During the subsequent 30 days, sounds are et al., 2000a, 2000b, 2004; Higgs, 2005; Simpson
recorded only in one of similar situations; however, et al., 2005). It is not ultimately established whether
beginning from a threemonth age, each such contact this capacity is achieved owing to reception by larvae
of fish is accompanied by sound emission. The fre of precisely acoustic signals or this behavior is regu
quency of manifestation of agonistic behavior and its lated also by stimuli of another nature, for instance,
total duration rapidly increases in gourami with age, olfactory ones (Wright et al., 2005; Mann et al., 2007).
the gap between the functional parameters of the In Atlantic cod, the capacity for sound production
soundgenerating apparatus and auditory reception appears late, by the age of sexual maturation, on
disappears, and a possibility for acoustic communica reaching a body length of 25–37 cm (Brawn, 1961b).
tion gradually is formed (Henglmüller and Ladich, In Tramitichromis intermedius, sound generation
1999). begins only in mature individuals. Tracing of acoustic
Results close in the meaning were obtained during activity with a periodicity of 4–5 days approximately
study of formation of auditory sensitivity and acoustic from onemonth age, when juveniles begin to swim
characteristics of sounds in Lusitanian toadfish. Com independently, showed that males begin to generate
parative analysis shows that the auditory sensitivity of sounds approximately 2–3 days before the first spawn
juveniles with a length of less than 10 cm does not ing at the age of 7 months, and with each next day,
allow them to perceive their own sounds that are insuf their acoustic activity increases almost twofold
ficiently high in amplitude. Such amplitude appears in (Fig. 34). The first sounds arise at the same time as the
larger juveniles (12.4–15.3 cm) and in fish maturing first manifestations by maturing males of a specific
first (20.2–31.8 cm) whose sounds become still louder behavior observed in many Cychlidae fish at the
and already exceed the threshold level of hearing moment of generation—assuming by a male of a def
(Fig. 32). With an increase in age, the frequency of inite posture, spread of unpaired fins, interrupted
sound in fish regularly decreases, but its amplitude and rapid flaps with pectoral fins, intensive undulating
duration of acoustic pulses increase; however, the movements with caudal peduncle, and flaps with the
number of pulses in a sound decreases (Fig. 33). The caudal fin. Females in these fish produce no sounds.
territorial juveniles of Lusitanian toadfish begin to Comparison of sounds emitted by wild individuals
exhibit an agonistic behavior (mouth opening, spread caught in nature and by artificially reared fish showed
of pectoral fins at encounters of individuals with close no significant differences (Ripley and Lobel, 2004).
sizes) on reaching a body length of approximately This allows to make an important conclusion that the
8 cm, which corresponds to an age of 1–2 years. How capacity of fish to produce sounds with definite (spe
ever, it is unlikely that the acoustic communication in cific) characteristics for a particular fish species has an
this age, despite the capacity of juveniles for producing innate nature.
and perceiving sounds is actually exercised (Vasconce The species acoustical pattern has also an innate
los and Ladich, 2008). The orientation and attraction nature and is formed irrespectively of conditions the
to the sound source allows pelagic larvae of coral reefs, fish are kept in during the embryonic and subsequent



120 1


Level of sound pressure, dB

120 (b) (d)




120 (e)












Frequency, Hz
Fig. 32. The (1) ratio of audiogram and the (2) spectrum of grunt sounds in different size groups of Lusitanian toadfish Halobatra
chus didactylus: (a) 2.8–3.8 cm, (b) 5.4–6.6 cm, (c) 8.0–10.2 cm, (d) 12.4–15.3 cm, and (e) 20.2–31.8 cm. The level of sound
pressure level is expressed in dB relative to 1 µPa (Vasconcelos and Ladich, 2008).

periods of development. The sounds of the carp fish Rogers and Cox, 1988; Forrest et al., 1993;
Codoma ornata reared in a complete isolation from the Kasumyan, 2005). Undoubtedly, maximum distance
eggs to an adult stage were in their acoustic parameters at which reception or exchange with acoustic signals is
the same as in individuals caught in nature and possible depends on the sound strength (acoustic pres
emerged in the same behavioral situations (aggression, sure level) and the sensitivity of the auditory system of
courtship) (Johnston and Buchanan, 2007). a recipient.
There are few data on the distribution of fish
sounds in nature. It is found that the level of acoustic
RANGE OF ACOUSTIC COMMUNICATION pressure of sounds of Myripristis violaceus and
Because of specific features of environment, M. pralinus (frequency of 225 Hz) at the water body
sounds in water can potentially distribute to large dis depth of 5 m decreases by 10 dB already at 40 cm
tances. However, in shallow water bodies or in the off (Horch and Salmon, 1973). Observations of fish
shore where many vocalizing fish live, lowfrequency responses to sounds transmitted to water show that the
acoustic signals damp far more rapidly and have a lim orientation to the sound source (underwater loud
ited zone of distribution. The range of acoustic signals speaker) does not occur at its removal for more than
of fish depends not only on the depth, but also on the 3 m (Popper et al., 1973). Calculations performed for
pattern of the bottom ground and the physical struc Centrarchidae demonstrate that at a depth up to 1 m,
turization of the biotope, the presence in it of large the sounds of these fish distribute for no more than 3–
stones and rocks, stumps with root, vegetation, etc. 4 m (Gerald, 1971).
that not only hinder the distribution of acoustic waves, The loudest sounds of the “boatwhistle” type
but also, reflecting them, drastically complicate the among fish are generated by males of Opsanus.
8 According to some early estimates, these strong
recognition of a valuable signal (Romanenko, 1974;
sounds completely damp at a distance of 10 m
8 Reflection
of an acoustic wave in shallow waters occurs also (Tavolga, 1964). At an average depth of 1 m, the level
from the water and bottom surface. of acoustic pressure of inviting sounds of males of




11 (a)

Pulse duration, cm

5 10 15 20 25 30
Body length, cm
log of the number of pulses





0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

log of body length
Sound pressure level, dB


0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

log of body length

Fig. 33. Dependence on body length of fish of (a) duration, the (b) number of acoustic pulses, and the (c) level of sound pressure
in an agonistic sound of the grunt type in Lusitanian toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus. The level of sound pressure level is
expressed in dB relative to 1 µPa (Vasconcelos and Ladich, 2008).

O. tau decreases by 18 dB already at a distance of 5 m tion varies from 3 to 9 dB/m, which is greater by six
9 orders of magnitude than in the ocean column), which
from the sound source. (The coefficient of consump limits acoustic communication to only several meters
9 Themost considerable decrease in the level of acoustic pressure
and explains a low development in these fish of audi
occurs at a distance of the first 1–2 m from the sound source tory sensitivity (Fine and Lenhardt, 1983). Boatwhis
(Fine and Lenhardt, 1983). tle sounds emitted by males of the Lusitanian toadfish



become slightly distinguishable at a distance of Number of behavioral

approximately 4 m (Fig. 35) (Amorim and Vasconce Number of sounds demonstrations
los, 2008). Sounds of males of these fish not only 30 30
attract females to the nest, but also signal other males 1
that the site is occupied. Since the nests of neighboring 25 2 25
males can be located close to each other (0.5 m and
less), it is obvious that such strong sounds are required, 20 20
firstly, for attracting females. It is likely that related to
it is a specific chorus singing of males when the invit 15 15
ing sounds of various males located not far from each
other follow each other up to 30 times per minute
10 10
(Amorim et al., 2006). Chorus singing considerably
increases the general acoustic background at the
5 5
spawning grounds of toadfish.
The sounds of males of Hawaiian dascyllus D. albi
sella lose their signal importance for females and other 5 4 3 2 1 0
individuals of the same species at a distance of more Number of days before spawning
than 11–12 m (Mann and Lobel, 1997). Considering
the seasonal and diurnal dynamics of sound genera Fig. 34. Change in (1) acoustic activity and (2) intensity of
tion and appearance of additional external noises of courtship behavior during 20 min in males of Tramitichro
various kinds related to sea disturbance state, wind, or mis intermedius in the prespawning period (Ripley and
Lobel, 2004).
rain, the listed estimates of distance of acoustic com
munication can change. In general, acoustic commu
nication in fish has a small range. The acoustic field (a)
formed around vocalizing fish in the offshore or in
shallow water bodies is limited to a radius of several
meters. In several cases, for instance, in males of
Pseudotropheus during courting a female, this distance
likely does not exceed several centimeters or 10–

20 cm (Simöes et al., 2008). Undoubtedly, far spread

ing sounds can unmask fish, attract predators, and,
thus, be contradaptive. Possibly this is why most fish
that are capable of producing specialized sounds and
using them for communication are found mainly at
sites where the distribution of sounds is limited. In the
pelagial where conditions for sound distribution are (c)
optimal, such fish are extremely few (Marshall, 1967).


The relationship between the capacity for sound Fig. 35. Oscillogram of a recording of the inviting sound of
production and the development of auditory sensitiv the boatwhistle type emitted by males of Lusitanian toad
fish Halobatrachus didactylus recorded at different dis
ity in fish is pronounced to different degrees. In some tances from the underwater sound source: (a) 0.5, (b) 1.5,
species, for instance, in many Otophysi, these two and (c) 4.0 m (Amorim and Vasconcelos, 2008).
functions weakly correlate, which gives grounds to
suggest their independent evolutionary development
(Ladich, 1999, 2000). In other fish, primarily in those quately good coincidence of characteristics of audi
that have no accessory auditory structures and that tory sensitivity and own sounds is observed also in
cannot be related to auditory specialists, the corre Pomacentridae, Mormyridae, and Osphronemidae
spondence between acoustic spectra and spectra of that use sounds during complex reproductive and ter
auditory sensitivity is well pronounced. These fish ritorial interactions (Myrberg and Spires, 1980; Craw
include Batrachoididae, Gobiidae, Pomacentridae, ford, 1993; Ladlich and Yan, 1998). For instance, in
Cichlidae, etc. For instance, in green damselfish Tra green damselfish A. abdominalis, maximum amplitude
mitichromis intermedius, sounds of males during court of sounds of aggression and sounds related to court
ing a female are limited to a frequency range from 179 ship behavior is located in the zone of 100 to 400 Hz,
to 478 Hz that strictly corresponds to the range of fre and the zone of the highest sensitivity to sounds is
quencies of maximum auditory sensitivity of these located in the range of 95 to 240 Hz (Maruska et al.,
fish—200–500 Hz (Ripley et al., 2002). The ade 2007). These data indicate the coadaptation of sound



generation and sound reception, as a result of which tory is possible only when its host generates in warning
fish are capable of efficiently interacting with each visual and acoustic signals. Blocking of one of these
other using acoustic signals. In general, because of the communication canals inevitably leads to the loss of
absence in several fish of an obvious correspondence the site (Myrberg and Riggio, 1985; Myrberg, 1997).
between the frequency characteristics of acoustic sig Together with auditory, electric or visual stimuli,
nals and the zones of maximum auditory sensitivity, the lateral line, tactile sense, and, undoubtedly, olfac
the issue of correlation between the development of tory stimuli participate in the regulation of complex
hearing and the capacity for sound production and the behavioral forms. In the reproductive behavior, for
width of the acoustic repertoire undoubtedly requires instance, using sex odors forming a complex of pre
study. and postovulatory pheromones of primer and release
types, a fine regulation of subsequent links of repro
ductive behavior is provided in all fish studied in this
SOUNDS AND POLYMODAL respect without exception (Kasumyan, 2004). Inter
COMMUNICATION esting results were obtained due to comparative analy
Intraspecies communications in fish are exercised sis of aggressive behavior and related to it sound gen
owing to signals of different nature. The regulation of eration in Macropodus and Trichopsis. With reference
complex behavioral forms in fish, as a rule, is provided to these closely related fish it was established that the
not by one stimulus, but by several stimuli perceived by more noticeable, diverse, and energetic demonstra
different sensory systems. For instance, in Mormy tion of visual signals of threat during fights, the less
ridae, in interrelations between the individuals of actively and more seldom fish use acoustic stimuli. In
opposite sexes in the spawning period, the electrore fish in which acoustic signaling is an obligatory and
ceptor and auditory systems well developed in these well developed element of intraspecies fights, visual
fish play an important role. Electric signals generated demonstrations of threat are less pronounced (Bis
by these fish during spawning differ not only in differ chof, 1996). Thus, the relative importance of stimuli of
ent species, but also in mature females and males. The different modalities in the regulation of complex forms
communicative function of electric signals in fish is of behavior differs, even in fish similar in systematics
obvious (Moller et al., 1979; Hopkins, 1981; Crawford and behavior.
and Hopkins, 1989; Kramer, 1990). In response to
electric discharges of a female, males of Mormyridae
also exhibit courtship behavior and emit acoustic sig APPLIED ASPECTS
nals distinguished by species and sexual specificts of The ability to produce sounds was found in almost
their structural and frequencyamplitude characteris 1000 fish species, among them in many commercially
tics (Crawford, 1992; Crawford et al., 1997a). The valuable fish—Gadidae, Clupeidae, Scianidae, etc.
energy expenditures of fish related to generation of Sounds emitted by some of them in the period of
acoustic signals are many times higher than in case of acoustic activity are so strong that can be heard by the
electric signals (Crawford et al., 1997b). What is the naked ear of humans. This specific feature has been
reason of the necessity or the biological importance of long used by fishermen to discover aggregations of fish
sound generation in addition to specific and, hence, such as, for instance, Argyrosomus regius—a large fish
highly informative electric signals? It was suggested distributed along the eastern coast of the Atlantic. In
that electric signals, because of a small duration, less order to discover sites of the drum concentration, fish
than 100 µs, are difficult to recognize by fish (Hopkins ermen, putting ear to the boat body, tried to perceive
and Bass, 1981). However, it is difficult to agree with sounds of these fish and, according to their strength,
such a hypothesis. The suggestion that acoustic signals choose a promising site for fishing (Lagardère and
carry accessory information on the physical state and Mariani, 2006). The same practice was used during
sizes of males since sound generation is based on prin fishing of Sciaenidae by fishermen of Japan and China
ciples of mechanics looks more substantiated and true. (Takemura et al., 1978). Under modern conditions,
Owing to acoustic signals, females can choose larger when the corresponding sound recording devices are
and stronger males among many pretenders (Craw present, this mode of discovering fish, called passive
ford and Huang, 1999). hydroacoustics, is very promising for use in the prac
Playback to fish of recordings of their own sounds tice of commercial fishery.
is often terminated in the absence of any response to Owing to many doubtless advantages, the method
these stimuli until an acoustic signal is accompanied of passive acoustics attracts great attention for solving
by simultaneous presentation of an accessory stimulus different tasks, applied and scientific. This interest is
of another nature, for instance, a visual stimulus caused by the fact that potentially sounding fish due to
(Hawkins and Myrberg, 1983; Ladich, 1997). Another species specificity of sounds produced by them can be
example that well illustrates the importance of a poly discovered and observed. The identification of species
sensory provision of communications are results of belonging, as well as the recognition of separate indi
experiments performed at colonial bicolor damselfish viduals, are also possible. Undoubtedly such method
P. partitus. A successful defense of the personal terri of tracing fish or separate individuals is less destructive



from the point of impact on fish and their environ New types of hydrophones, sound recorders, and
ment. Its use is not limited, for instance, by conditions software for analysis of recordings of fish sounds dras
of water illumination or transparency, as is inherent to tically increased the possibilities of passive hydroa
methods of visual or video registration. Sound distri coustics during the last years (Luczkovich et al., 2008).
bution to long distances makes it possible to perform a Due to modern devices, it is possible to record in
distant tracing of fish, which reduces to minimum the nature sounds of separate individuals of Bairdella
undesirable impact on them. Underwater sound chrysoura at a distance to several hundreds of meters
recording devices are relatively simple and not expen (Sprague and Luczkovich, 2004). The aggregations of
sive, which is also an advantage of passive hydroacous vocalizing fish, such as B. chryosora, gray weakfish,
tics. The use of this method is not related to great time and some others were recorded at a distance to 1–2 km
expenditures, makes it possible to obtain necessary (Luczkovich et al., 1999; D’Spain and Batchelor,
evidence rather rapidly, and perform monitoring over 2006), and sounds of aggregations of Terapon theraps
large water areas, including an autonomous regime. were recorded at a distance of 5–8 km (McCauley and
Cato, 2000). In Norway, for monitoring of acoustic
During the last two decades, passive hydroacoustics
activity in fish, autonomous stationary videoacoustic
has undergone considerable development (Luczkovich
platforms were elaborated that, in particular, are used
et al., 2008). The use of this method, for instance, for
to study the spawning behavior of Atlantic cod and of
discovering or specifying sites of fish distribution,
several other fish species (Rountree et al., 2003).
whose presence is difficult to reveal using other meth
These possibilities open up new perspectives for
ods, especially in large water bodies is very promising.
diverse studies of fish biology—behavior, distribution,
In this respect, an example of cuskeel O. marginatus is
migrations, numbers, reproduction sites, monitoring
interesting. It has been long considered that this small
of the state of populations, etc.
coastal marine fish leading a nocturnal mode of life
and spending light hours of the day in the ground is One of the main problems hindering the develop
numerous in waters of the Atlantic to the south of New ment of passive hydroacoustics is an insufficient
York latitude. However, as was found, this is not so, amount of accumulated and significant data on fish
and this species is common also in northern waters. sounds, absence of systematized and accessible for a
This conclusion was made on the basis of underwater wide circle of users of catalogues of digital records of
listenings and discovery of typical spawning sounds of underwater sounds (Rountree et al., 2002). Available
cuskeel males in areas where previously this species for researchers are, as before, only two possible
was not recorded (Rountree and BowersAltman, approaches to obtaining data on species acoustic rep
2002). The registration of acoustic activity in fish ertoires: recordings of sounds generated by fish under
whose dynamics coincides in many species with the artificial conditions or the recording of such sounds in
reproduction period is used to determine the time of a natural habitat, in situ. Both approaches have many
the onset and termination of the spawning season obvious limitations, and their use does not guarantee
(Connaughton et al., 2002a) or to discover spawning obtaining inadequate results, for instance, because of
aggregations and to find spawning sites (Luczkovich sound distortion and a complex acoustic background
et al., 1999; Hawkins et al., 2002). For instance, the in aquariums and basins or because of difficulties in
use of passive hydroacoustics made it possible to estab correlating a recorded sound in nature to its concrete
lish that haddock can form large spawning aggrega source or the conditions of its emergence. The use of
tions not only in the open sea where, as was consid both approaches simultaneously permits receiving
ered, its spawning takes place, but also in the coastal more reliable results. It is also important to standard
zone (Hawkins et al., 2002). Mapping of areas of ize the nomenclature (classification) of sounds and
spawning of Sciaenidae in the estuary of the Savan their names, although it is difficult to achieve it
nach River performed on the basis of results of under because of a complex range of sense associations and
water listenings of sounds made it possible not only to their shades arising in researchers during listening of
lay off at this place a navigational route with minimum sounds (Kasumyan, 2008).
damage for fish, but also to assess the effect of bottom The knowledge of fish sounds and those behavioral
deepening works on the reproduction of Sciaenidae in situations in which they are generated or fish responses
this area (Ramcharitar et al., 2006). Using underwater to sounds permits the solution of practical tasks related
listening, the distribution of Sciaena umbra in the Gulf to aquculture. At fish farms, the visual observation of
of Trieste in the Adriatic Sea was elucidated, and it was the feeding activity of reared fish is often complicated
established that these relatively rare fish escaping, as by a high stock density and water depth or turbidity. As
was considered previously, coastal sites where they can was found, there is a well pronounced relationship
be annoyed by humans, are most frequently found in between feeding and the intensity of sounds produced
rocky piles near coastprotecting constructions, near by fish; therefore, it is possible to assess and control the
piers, berths, and in ports. Despite intensive naviga feeding activity of fish, analyzing the acoustic picture
tion, fish prefer to settle in such places because of a in basins with cultivated fish. Special acoustic devices
large number of shelters suitable for them (Bonacito are developed and suggested for these purposes
et al., 2002). (Lagardère and Mallekh, 2000; Mallekh et al., 2003).



A curious fact is reported that a significant stimulation jumps, for instance, silver carp Hypophthalmichthys
of growth of fish (carp Cyprinus carpio) can take place molitrix or haarder Mugil cephalus. Such specific fea
when music is transmitted to basins with reared fish ture of behavior of haarder was used by the Black Sea
(Vasantha et al., 2003). fishermen for its discovery and fishing. Fishermen for
Sounds can be efficient attractants and repellents the fishery of freshwater fish used “botala”—wooden
for fish, which is already long used by humans. In Rus rods with an empty metallic bank fixed at its end and
sia, fishermen for more than one century have used a directed downwards. Sharp sounds arising during ver
method of fishery of sheatfish Silurus glanis by “quok” tical blows with “botala” on water frightened fish,
(Sabaneev, 1911); rhythmic blows on water with this which made net fishing more efficient (Protasov,
simple wooden device produce sounds that attract 1965). Attempts are made to develop artificial acoustic
sheatfish to the fishery site. This method until now repellents imitating infrasounds arising during swim
remains popular among amateur fishermen. Accord ming of large predators and causing in fish an avoiding
ing to a long existing point of view, the attractive effect response. The perspectivity of using generators of such
of the “quok” sounds is explained by the fact that they lowfrequency sounds for control of fish behavior
resemble sounds of frogs—one of favorite food items (Atlantic cod, Salmo salar, king salmon Oncorhynchus
of the sheatfish (Sabaneev, 1911). The “quok” sounds, tshawytscha, rainbow trout O. mykiss, and eel Anguilla
as their analysis demonstrated, represent pulses with anguilla) was demonstrated not only during tests in
duration of approximately 130 ms and maximum fre aquariums and basins, but also in natural water bodies
quency in the region of 270 Hz, and by the frequency, (Knudsen et al., 1992, 1997; Sand et al., 2000).
the rhythm of pulses, and the general pattern resemble
sounds emitted by sheatfish during aggressivedefen
sive interactions (Sorokin and Simakov, 2004). The CONCLUSIONS
results of other studies indicate the similarity of Acoustic signaling is important in behavior of
“quok” sounds to sounds arising during feeding of the many fish. Using it, fish can find sites free for repro
sheatfish. Sounds emitted by “quok” so strongly excite duction and uniformly distribute over spawning
the sheatfish that it can jump onto the water surface grounds, determine the presence of partners ready for
near a boat (Protasov, 1965). The justification of the spawning, and choose among them those having the
conclusion that the attracting action of the “quok” highest reproductive potential. Owing to emitted
sounds is based on the imitation of feeding sounds is sounds, fish males not only attract females to them
supported by data on maximum efficiency of such selves, but also more efficiently protect their territory.
fishing sheatfish in summer, while spawning in these Species specificity of acoustic signals and differences
fish when concurrent and aggressive interactions can of fish in behavioral situations in which sounds are
aggravate occurs in spring. generated promote the reproductive isolation of dwell
There are diverse folk methods of attracting fish by ing in common closely related fish. Acoustic signaling
sounds, for instance, burbot Lota lota, river perch permits synchronization spawning of genital products,
P. fluviatilis, and others. Some of these methods used which is especially important for fish that spend not
presently and used before by fishermen of different more than several seconds on the spawning act. In
countries are listed in the monograph by Protasov colonial fish, the generation of individually recog
(1965). In recent years, modern acoustic attractants nized sounds makes it possible not only to maintain
have been developed, including for amateur fishery, own site, but also to maintain the colony integrity.
that represent devices transmitting to water sounds In recent years, an obvious and rapid development
that attract fish. For the purposes of pasture cultiva of studies of sounds and acoustic communication in
tion, methods based on conditioned food reflexes to fish has been observed. Doubtless evidence of such
sounds that formed in fish before their release for feed progress is not only a considerable number of special
ing into natural water bodies were developed. and generalizing publications published during recent
Acoustic repellents are also promising for use for years, but also the appearance of review papers con
different purposes. It is known that sharp sounds cerning already not fish as a whole, but individual
whose intensity several times exceeds the background orders or families of this most numerous group of ver
level cause fright and flight in many sharks. Large tebrate animals (see, for instance, Lobel, 2001; Fine
sharks are less perceptive to such sounds. The response and Ladich, 2003; Ramcharitar et al., 2006). In books
of some shark species Charcharinus falciformis to a devoted to sensory systems, behavior, and communi
sharp sound is rather stable and can be repeated at cation in fish, sections dealing with hearing, sounds
multiple repeated stimulations, while in sharks of and bioacoustics occupy a noticeable place (Ladich
other species (C. longimanus), only the first one–two et al., 2006). However, other animals—insects, birds,
presentations cause fright. Hammerhead shark and mammals are, as before, more comprehensively
Sphyrna lewini usually flee sounds of even air bubbles studied in this respect (Zelick et al., 1999). Such lag
exhaled by scuba divers (Myrberg and Nelson, 1990). ging behind is accounted for by several reasons, the
Some fish are extremely sensitive to unexpected and main of which are technical difficulties in the registra
strong sounds and respond to them by sharp darts or tion and analysis of sounds in an aquatic medium,



especially in small aquariums and basins. A complex recorded; of them, the origin of only four sounds
acoustic background and sound distortion observed caused no doubts; their sources were cuskeel O. mar
under such conditions were for a long time a serious ginatum, O. tau, channel cat Ictalurus nebulosus, and
obstacle in the study of bioacoustics of fish and their I. nebulosus. Among all sounds, 21 types were consid
auditory characteristics. These specific features of ered biological by origin, and still 32 sounds could also
sounds also continue to hinder the development of have such origin (Anderson et al., 2008). Because of
such studies also at the present time. Sound generation the poor study of visual acoustic repertoires of fish,
by fish, as was shown on numerous examples above, errors can arise during sound identification. For
takes place only in definite situations related to repro instance, sounds of the “staccato” type that have been
duction or complex intragroup relations. The genera long attributed to Prionotus carolinus and P. evolans
tion of conditions allowing fish to exhibit the corre (Fish et al., 1952; Fish, 1954; Moulton,1958), actu
sponding behavior in an artificial situation, as well as ally, as was established comparatively recently, are
the observation of fish and recording of their activity in emitted by cuskeel O. marginatum (Mann et al., 1997;
natural water bodies are conjugated in most cases with Sprague and Luczkovich, 2001). A certain confusion is
considerably greater efforts than those required in the made by differences in terminology used by different
study of sounds of land animals. researchers in description of fish sounds.
As before, a quite noticeable imbalance between The present concepts of evolution of sound gener
the study of the soundgenerating apparatus and data ation and acoustic communication, moving reasons of
on the pattern of sounds emitted by fish and their pur their origin, and the relationship between sound gen
pose is observed. For instance, for Sciaenidae, Trigl eration and presence in fish of accessory structures
idae, and Batrachoididae—the most known groups of increasing auditory sensitivity remain undoubtedly
sounding fish whose soundgenerating apparatus has weakly developed. Are the emergence in fish of sound
been well studied—there are few, as before, data on generation and an increase in auditory abilities always
the role of sounds and behavior, despite a secular his two independent or weakly interrelated evolutionary
tory of studies of sound generation in these fish processes? New studies and analysis of available data
(Tower, 1908; Ramchritar et al., 2006). There are few are needed to find an answer to this interesting and
studies in which the signal importance of sounds gen important question.
erated by fish is distinctly shown, especially in cases The issue of what role, principal or auxiliary, is per
when the acoustic repertoire is not limited to only one formed by sounds in fish behavior at reproduction,
type of sound. For many fish in which tympanic mus protection of the territory, feeding, etc. is no less
cles were found, data on sounds emitted by them are important. Undoubtedly, such complex forms of
completely lacking. At the same time, for large groups behavior should have a multisensory support, in which
of fish, for instance, for Gobiidae, there are suffi the importance and biological sense of information
ciently much data on parameters of sounds generated coming via different sensory canals will be different,
by them and the reasons of sound production; how but mutually supplementing. It will be different in fish
ever, the mechanism of sound generation remains differing in the mode of life and systematics and in
unclear. In fish emitting sounds, but having no tym individuals of different ages or having different moti
panic muscles, the presence of the stridulation method vation states. There are extremely few such studies as
of sound production is assumed, as a rule. However, yet, but they demonstrate the importance, for
strict proofs of the justification of such suggestion or instance, of odor and visual stimuli when they affect
description of a concrete stridulation mechanism are fish together with acoustic signals (Lugli et al., 2004;
absent in most cases. Special studies are required to Tricas et al., 2006).
obtain such proofs. The issue of the range of acoustic signals and the
The sounds produced by fish form the basis of the sizes of an acoustic biological field created around
natural acoustic background in water bodies. Accord their source remains insufficiently studied. It becomes
ing to studies performed in the area of the Great Bar increasingly more obvious that, in most sounding fish,
rier Reef, fish can cause a considerable increase in the the information present in acoustic signals is trans
acoustic background in the sea (by 35 dB) (McCauley ferred over a relatively small distance. Are the small
and Cato, 2000). Drumming sounds produced by sizes of an acoustic biological field related to those
Cynoscion xanthulus increase the noise level by 50 dB limitations to distribution of acoustic oscillations that
(Fish and Cummings, 1972). It is noteworthy that it is exist in the offshore or at small depths where fish emit
possible to identify underwater sounds with assurance ting sounds mainly dwell? It is known that sounds
in exceptional cases. For instance, among a great unmask fish and attract predators to them, which
number of underwater sounds recorded in the area of makes such fish more vulnerable. It was shown, for
the Great Barrier Reef, the “species” belonging of the instance, that bottlense dolphin feeding on fish, in
sound source was determined for only one of them— particular, Opsanus, finds according to sounds the sites
it was Therapon theraps (McCauley and Cato, 2000). of their spawning aggregations, and then easily finds
During underwater listening of sounds in different an individual vocalizing prey from a distance of several
sites of the Hudson River, 62 sound types were tens of meters (Gannon et al., 2005). In this respect,



the unknown specific features of acoustic signaling in 8. M. C. P. Amorim and A. S. M. Neves, “Acoustic Sig
fish inhabiting the ocean pelagial, especially meso naling During Courtship in the Painted Goby, Poma
and bathypelagial where sound distribution is by many toscistus pictus,” J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK 87, 1017–1023
orders of magnitude higher than in shallow waters are (2007).
extremely intriguing up to now. 9. M. C. P. Amorim and R. O. Vasconcelos, “Variability
in the Mating Calls of the Lusitanian Toadfish Halo
Further progress in the study of sounds and acous batrachus didactylus: Cues for Potential Individual
tic signaling will not only permit obtaining new knowl Recognition,” J. Fish. Biol. 73, 1267–1283 (2008).
edge on fish biology, their behavior, and communica 10. M. C. P. Amorim, P. J. Fonseca, and V. C. Almada,
tion, but also will enable to develop new methods and “Sound Production During and Spawning of Oreo
approaches in the study of fish and solve applied tasks chromis mossambicus: MaleFemale and MaleMale
concerning fishery and cultivation and protection and Interactions,” J. Fish. Biol. 62, 658–672 (2003).
monitoring of the state of natural populations. 11. M. C. P. Amorim, M. E. Knight, Y. Stratoudakis, and
G. F. Turner, “Differences in Sounds Made by Court
ing Males of Three Closely Related Lake Malawi
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Cichlid Species,” J. Fish. Biol. 65, 1358–1371
I am grateful to workers of Moscow State Univer (2004a).
sity—D.S. Pavlov and E.A. Marusov—who made 12. M. C. P. Amorim, Y. Stratoudakis, and A. D. Hawkins,
valuable remarks on the manuscript and to “Sound Production during Competitive Feeding in the
Grey Gurnard,” J. Fish. Biol. 65, 182–194 (2004b).
T.V. Golovkina and L.S. Alekseeva for help in the manu
script layout. I am also grateful to foreign colleagues who 13. M. C. P. Amorim, R. O. Vasconcelos, J. F. Marques,
and F. Almada, “Seasonal Variation of Sound Produc
responded to the request to send copies of their publica tion in the Lusitanian Toadfish Halobatrachus didacty
tions—W.N. Tavolga, A.D. Hawkins, M.C.P. Amorim, lus,” J. Fish. Biol. 69, 1892–1899 (2006).
A.H. Bass, J.D. Crawford, M.A. Connaughton, 14. M. C. P. Amorim, J. M. Simóes, P. J. Fonseca, and
M.L. Fine, F. Ladich, T.C. Tricas, E. Parmentier, G. F. Turner, “Species Differences in Courtship
M. Lugli, S. Malavasi, D.A. Mann, and R. Rountree. Acoustic Signals Among Five Lake Malawi Cichlid
The study was supported in part by the Leading Species (Pseudotropheus spp.),” J. Fish. Biol. 72,
Scientific Schools and Universities of Russia programs 1355–1368 (2008).
of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 15. S. Amoser and F. Ladich, “Diversity in NoiseInduced
Temporary Hearing Loss in Otophysine Fishes,” J.
Acoust. Soc. Am. 113, 2170–2179 (2003).
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