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Evidence 6: Segmentation “Describing Potential Clients”

File n° 1565318

Presented by:

international business tegnologo



San Sebastián de Buena Vista - Magdalena


National Learning Service (SENA)

1. Solve the following questions in English:

 Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?

Usually I usually buy it in a barn, although sometimes in the olympic there are
promotions and I take advantage of the low prices.

 Do you consider yourself as a neat person? Why?

I think that each person has their qualities, whether they are good or bad. And
with respect to my personality, I offer what is within my reach and to those who
need it.

 Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why?
Of course, since I almost always buy products that meet my expectations and that
for me are of good quality.

 What kind of cleaning product would you like it to be improved? Why?

Those that are for the cleaning of the clothes, because for which we are housewife
we want products that are effective to clean the clothes but that at the same time
take care of our hands.

 Mention 5 cleaning product brands you consider as the best ones

Ariel, las llaves, axion, Johnson, pinolina

 Which are the most important aspects to be taken into account to choose a
cleaning product brand?
In my concept I always look at the description of what the product offers me, and I
buy recognized brands.

 Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in ten lines the
reasons to convince your potential clients to buy your product.
We have launched a new product on the market;
Thinking about the needs of the homes we offer the cleaner "WITH ALL" is a
product that will help remove the most difficult scale that accumulate in the
bathrooms, the kitchen and on those wet surfaces, this product prevents the
spread of fungi and bad smells, contains a powerful biodegradable active with just
a few drops is spread on the surface and in less than 2 minutes will disappear and
prevent its appearance, also has a pleasant aroma that takes care of your health
and your family. LET US DO IT FOR YOU!
2. Describe in English the type of population to which you intend to project the
product or service, according to the country already selected.

This type of product was created thinking about those people who do not have
time to clean the house, whether they work or study, as well as housewives to
make it easier to get rid of the dirt at home and share with them. your loved ones.

3. Based on the population described above, prepare a survey in English for

Be applied to this population.

1. Do you use a product that is effective in cleaning and taking care of your family?

2. How often do you buy toiletries?


1. What do you take into account when buying cleaning products?

• Its effectiveness
• The value
• Others which¨? ____________________________

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