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Resident Educator Lesson Plan

Brice Christian Academy

Teacher Name _Danielle Kidwell___________ Date of Lesson _3/30/2010_____

Grade_Kindergarten Subject __Phonics__________

1. Lesson Goal / Learning Objective -- please label the goal(s) with one of the
following: academic, social, affective, cognitive, aesthetic, psychomotor,
Goal: Teacher will draw student’s attention to word parts so they will begin to
look for and recognize patterns-Academic and cognitive.
Objective: Brice Christian Academy Academic Content Standards based upon
the Ohio Department of Education Academic Content Standards-Language Arts-
1. Phonemic Awareness, Word Recognition and Fluency-2. Identify and
complete rhyming words and patterns. 5. Recognize, say and write the common
sounds of letters. 7. Hear and say the separate phonemes in words, such as
identifying the initial consonant sound in a word, and blend phonemes to say

2. How does the content of the lesson relate to previous and future learning?
The content of this lesson relates to previous learning because we have
introduced the word families –an, -at, -ay, -and. Second, we have used
magnetic letters to make words. Third, we have made new words by
changing the first letter of a known word. Fourth, we know the sounds letters
make and that words are made up of sounds. Finally, we know that vowels
have a long and a short sound.
The content of the lesson relates to future learning because we will continue
to make new words and study word patterns and word families. The student
will be able to decode better if they know to look for patterns in words.

3. Teaching Methods:
I will use lecture to introduce the lesson. I will use class discussion as we
brainstorm –ake words together. I will use small group discussion as students
will return to their seats to work on their own paper. I will use peer teaching
as students share the words they have come up with.
4. Learning Activities (indicate approximate amt. of time for each activity):
9:00-9:30 Phonics lesson
2 minutes phonics dance which is a review of the sounds letters make.
2 minutes bible integration-we use letters to write words. Words are found in
many places. Where do we find words about God? How do we spell God?
3 minutes of review of making –an words and how we did that.
10 minutes for lesson. 1. “Here is a new ending that you see a lot.” Teacher
will write –ake on the chart. “Notice that the a says it’s name and that we do
not hear the e on the end. This e is silent. Many times when you see a
consonant, then a vowel, another consonant and then an e, the e will be silent
and the vowel will say its name.” 2. “A word that has –ake for the last part of
the word is make.” Teacher will write make on the chart. 3. The teacher will
ask the children to give another example of a word with the –ake phonogram.
She will accept the words they offer, add them to the chart, and leave room to
add more later. 4. “Let’s make –ake words with magnetic letters.” The
teacher will demonstrate with magnetic letters on a cookie sheet. “What word
did I make?” (Children respond).
1 minute to transition to tables.
10 minutes for children to use magnetic letter to make words with consonants
and –ake. The students will then write the words they make on a list sheet.
They can read the list to a partner.
2 minutes to share at circle. Teacher will add any new –ake words children
have discovered to –ake chart.

5. Materials:
Chart paper
Magnetic letters a, b, c, e, f, h, k, l, m, r, s, t, and w.
List sheets

6. If using groups, how did you determine the groupings?

I determined groups because I need whole group to introduce the lesson and
small groups at their seats for them to complete the lesson to be assessed.
7. Assessment (make sure each goal has a plan of assessment, either today or in
the near future):
The assessment will be each students list sheet to see if they could in fact
come up with –ake words. I will also circulate the room as they are working
to be sure that students understand the concept.

8. What differentiation and/or accommodations will occur during this lesson?

For differentiation, I will give students that are more advanced more letters to
see if they can combine letters to make words like shake, stake, brake, etc.
The lower level students will be asked to make fewer words. There are no
accommodations needed during this lesson.

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