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1. How can you remove borders applied in cells?

a) Choose none on border tab of format cells

b) Open the list on border tool in format cell toolbar then choose first tool
c) Both of above
d) None of above
2. A feature that displays only the data in column according to specified criteria
a) Formula
b) Shorting
c) Filtering
d) Pivot table
3. Which is not a function in Ms Excel
a) Sum
b) Max
c) Avg
d) Min
4. The basic unit of worksheet into which you enter data is called a
a) Cell
b) Table
c) Box
d) Column
Ans:- a
5. In excel 3-D reference in a formula
a) Can not be modified
b) Only appears on summary worksheets
c) Both a & b option
d) Spans worksheets
Ans:- d
6. In excel value used in a formula that does not changes is called a
a) Cell Address
b) Constant
c) Function
d) None of these
7. With which of the following all formulas in excel starts?
a) /
b) *
c) $
d) =
8. Excel- related file extensions format is
a) Doc.
b) Xlsx
c) Word
d) Excel.
9. If you press……………….the cell accepts your typing as its contents?
a) Tab
b) Ctrl+ Enter
c) Enter
d) Alt+ Enter
10. Which of the followings keyboard shotcut can be used for creating a chart from the selected
a) F11
b) F10
c) F4
d) F2
11. Which among following is not associated with spelling dialogue box?
a) Edit
b) Ignore
c) Ignore all
d) Change
Ans:- a
12. Which among following associated with excel
a) Graphic program
b) Word processor
c) Presentation
d) Spreadsheet
Ans:- d
13. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?
a) Index
b) Rows
c) Hyperlinks
d) Transpose
Ans:- d
14. Which of the following is not a valid zoom percentage in excel?
a) 25
b) 100
c) Custom
d) 500
15. Which function calculates your monthly mortgage payment?
a) Pv
b) Nper
c) PMT
d) All of above
Ans:- c
16. How is data organized in a spreadsheet?
a) Row and columns
b) Layers and planes
c) Lines and spaces
d) Height and widh
Ans:- a
17. The accounting style shows negative numbers in?
a) Bold
b) Italics
c) Parentheses
d) Quotes
Ans:- c
18. Which among following is divide symbol in excel?
a. /
b. D
c. Div
d. \
19. Which function in excel counts the numbers of characters in cell?
a) Lenght
b) Light
c) Lt
d) Len
20. Shortcut to delete the selected column?
a) Ctrl + -
b) Alt + -
c) Shift + -
d) Insert + -
Ans:- a
21. Which function will you use to enter current time in a worksheet cell?
a) = time ()
b) = now ()
c) = Nowtime ()
d) Current time ()
Ans:- b
22. How many recent files you can display on file menu at maximum?
a) 3
b) 7
c) 9
d) 15
23. Which dialogue box we can use to name a constant?
a) Create name
b) Define name
c) Get name
d) Create name
Ans:- b
24. In excel worksheet how can you show or hide the gridlines?
a) Click Gridline from data
b) Go to view options> Show> click on gridlines check box.
c) Both of above
d) None of above
Ans:- b
25. In paste special dialog box, which of the following option is not available?
a) Divided
b) Add
c) Subtract
d) Square root


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