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Course Module

Data Structures and Algorithms

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Prepared by:

Mr. Robert Simushi Junior- BSc. Computer Science, Master’s degree in Software



 Continuous Assessment 50%

 Final Exams 50%

Prescribed Textbooks

Recommended Textbooks

 Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, by Goodrich, Tamassia, and

Goldwasser. ISBN: 978-1-118-29027-9

 ADTs, Data Structures, & Prob Solving w/C++ 2nd Edition by Larry

Nyhoff, ISBN 0-13-140909-3, published by Pearson Prentice Hall.

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Course Overview

The Fundamentals of data structures and algorithm course is designed to equip

students with knowledge and skills required to implement a variety of advanced data

structures using hash tables, priority queues, balanced search trees, graphs and to

identify different solutions for a given problem.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course student’s will be expected to:

 use common data structures used in applications

 use common searching and sorting algorithms

 solve problems solving in connection with data structures and algorithms.

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Unit I: Overview of Data Structures

Introduction to data structures

Programming entails writing instructions that are meant for the computer to perform

specific operations. These processes often involve operations such as calculation,

analysis, searching, sorting data. This means that a program will be made up the

instructions plus the data that will be worked on or processed using the instructions.

Therefore, when one wishes to the learn how to program, it is important that they

learn the types of instructions they can use to write a program. They are equally

expected to learn about the means and mechanisms that facilitate efficient

manipulation of data in a program. Data structures provide different ways in which

data can be stored and organised in program to facilitate this desired efficiency.

Program = Algorithms + Data Structures

A Data structure is a representation of the logical relationship existing between

individual elements or a collection of data. Data Structures provide a way of

organizing a collection of data items with a deliberate consideration on the

relationship that each of these items may have to one another.

Formally, we can equally define a data structure as a mathematical or logical model

of an organization of data items. There different types of data structures as will be

presented shortly. These structures can be represented in different ways. The

representation of data structure in the main memory of a computer is called as

storage structure. It is defined as the way of storing and manipulating data in

organized form so that it can be used efficiently.

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A data structure is an implementation of a model or blueprint called an Abstract

data type. From our introduction to programming course we know that a data type is

a kind of data item or form in which data exists. Data types are defined by the values

they can take, the programming language and the operations that can be performed

on them. An abstract data type specifies the characteristics that a data type or data

structure is expected to have as well as the operations that can be performed on it.

Hence it is important to understand that as we talk about creating data structures

there are four things that will be of interest namely:

 Organization of data in the structure and the amount of memory required to

store the data

 The degree of associativity of the data and the representation of data in


 Methods of accessing the data

 Processing alternatives for data stored and the amount of time required to

perform these operations

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Data structures are normally classified into two broad categories:

Primitive Data Structure

Primitive data structures are basic structures that generally can only hold one data

item or value at any single point during program execution. Generally, primitive data

structure or types are directly operated upon by machine instructions. Primitive data

structures have different representations on different computers.

Examples of primitive data structures include:

 Integers: Used for storing whole numbers e.g. 45, 100,0, 6

 Floating-point numbers: Used for storing fractional/decimal numbers e.g.

2.5, 0.56,12.56

 characters: Used for storing character values e.g. ‘h’, ’p’,’@’,’#’.

 and Booleans: Can only hold two values, true or false

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These data types are available in most programming languages as built in data

types. This means that the programmer does not have to worry about how to create

them but rather how to use them.

Non primitive Data Type

Complex programs are generally written to manipulate data which is structured and

composed of several pieces of data such as records. To store such data items, non-

primitive/ composite data structures are called upon. These data structures are more

sophisticated with respect to the operations allowed on them and the fact that they

can hold several pieces of data at once. They emphasize on structuring of a group of

homogeneous or heterogeneous data items.

Non primitive data structures are derived from primitive data structures. Examples of

Non-primitive data types are:

 Array: A fixed-size sequenced collection of data items of the same data type

 List: An ordered set containing variable number of elements such as records

 File: A collection of logically related information.

Non-primitive data types are further divided into Linear and Non-Linear data

structures. This distinction is as a result of how the individual elements stored in the

structures are accessed.

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Linear data structures

A data structure is said to be Linear, if its elements are organized in linear manner by

means of logical or in sequential memory locations. This means that the individual

elements stored in these structures are accessed in a sequential manner and are

stored in such a way that to access the second element you may have to go through

the first element. Examples of linear data structures include:

a. Linked - List:

The linked list is a dynamic data structure that is used to a list of items. They

extend the array structure by allowing storage of entities that are composed of

several pieces of data.

b. Stack :

A data structure in which insertion and deletion operations are performed at

one end only. The insertion operation is referred to as ‘PUSH’ and deletion

operation is referred to as ‘POP’ operation. The Stack is often referred to as

being a structure that is based on the concept called Last in First out (LIFO).

c. Queue:

This data structure permits the insertion of elements at one end and Deletion

at another end. The end at which deletion is occurs is known as FRONT end

and another end at which insertion occurs is known as REAR end. The Queue

takes its name after the concept of a real-life queue, where access to a

service is granted to the person in front of the queue, while joining of the

queue is done at the back or end. The Queue is also called as First in First

out (FIFO) data structure.

The data items stored in the linear data structures are sometimes referred to as


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Nonlinear data structures

A data structure is said to be non-linear if the data items stored in the structure are

not arranged of accessed in a sequence. Examples of nonlinear data structures


a. Tree:

A tree is a finite set of data items in which data items (also called nodes/

vertices) are arranged in a hierarchical order. This means the data items are

arranged in branches and subbranches according to a specified requirement

such as the case of a binary search tree where all elements on the right side

of a node are supposed to be bigger that the node and those on the left side

are expected to be smaller than the node. Trees represent the hierarchical

relationship between various elements/ nodes connected by edges.

Graphically, the node is represented by circle and edges by lines connecting

the circles.

b. Graph:

The graph is a data structure which extends the concept of a tree. This means

that just like the tree it is a collection of nodes and connecting edges. The

nodes just like in the case of the tree is used to represent/store data whereas

the edges represent the logical relationships among nodes. It is for this

reason that the tree is viewed as a restricted graph. There are many types of

graphs namely;

 Un-directed Graph

 Directed Graph

 Mixed Graph

 Multi Graph

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 Simple Graph

Graphs are used to solve many real-life problems. Graphs are used to

represent networks of data or information in a program. These networks may

include paths in a city or telephone network or circuit network. Graphs are

also used in social networks like LinkedIn, each person is represented with a

vertex(or node). Each node is a structure and contains information like person

id, name, gender, locale etc.

Operation on Data Structures

Abstract data types describe the key characteristics that a data structure is expected

to have as well as the operations that are allowed on the data structure. Hence,

when we talk about creating a data structure, we should equally prepare to

implement the operations that are allowed on these structures as functions or

procedures. The designing of efficient data structure depends on the efficiency of

these operations. There are different types of operations that are allowed on different

data structures but generally they can be categorized into the following types:

 Create: The create operation results in reserving memory for program

elements. This can be done by declaration statement. Creation of data

structure may take place either during .compile-time or run-time. malloc()

function of C language is used for creation.

 Destroy: Destroy operation destroys memory space allocated for specified

data structure. free() function of C language is used to destroy data structure.

 Selection: Selection operation deals with accessing a particular data within a

data structure.

 Updating: It updates or modifies the data in the data structure.

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 Searching: It finds the presence of desired data item in the list of data items;

it may also find the locations of all elements that satisfy certain conditions.

 Sorting: Sorting is a process of arranging all data items in a data structure in

a order, say for example, either in ascending order or in descending order.

 Merging: Merging is a process of combining the data items of two different

sorted list into a single sorted list.

 Splitting: Splitting is a process of partitioning single list to multiple list.

 Traversal: Traversal is a process of visiting each node of a list in systematic


There are two ways of how memory required to store values of a data structures is


 Static memory allocation: This refers to the allocation of memory at

programming time. Once such memory is allocated, it can only be liberated

once a program has closed.

 Dynamic memory allocation: This refers to the allocation and liberation of

memory at run-time when need arises.

Unit II: Lists


A linked list is a collection of elements that represent generally records that are

called nodes. Every node is made up of at least one data field and a pointer field/link.

The data field is used to store the data that is intended to be stored whereas the

pointer field is used to store the address of the next element in the list (i.e. contains

the address of the next node).

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If we must create a linked list that is meant to store integers, graphically such a

structure can be represented as indicated in the image below:

Where the blue compartment represents the data field and the yellow compartment

of the node represents the pointer field. Since each node of a linked list has two

components, we need to declare each node as a struct. The data type of each node

depends on the specific application—that is, what kind of data is being processed.

However, the link component of each node is a pointer. The data type of this pointer

variable must correspond to the data type of the node itself. Therefore, the previous

linked list, the definition of the node is as follows:

struct node{

int info;

struct node * link;


Linked Lists manipulation

To understand how to manipulate data in a linked list, one needs to be familiar with

structure manipulation. In a structure the fields are accessed using the dot notation.

But since pointers are used to manipulate elements stored in the linked list, the

arrow notation is used instead.


Given the following linked list:

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Suppose that the first node is at location 2000, the second node is at location 2800,

the third node is at location 1500, and the fourth node is at location 3600. Therefore,

the value of head is 2000, the value of the component link of the first node is 2800,

the value of the component link of the second node is 1500, and so on. Also, the

value 0 in the component link of the last node means that this value is NULL. The

number at the top of each node is the address of that node.

info of the node at location 2800 is 92

Basic operations performed on a list include the following:

 Search the list for a given item.

 Sort the list.

 Insert an item in the list.

 Delete an item from the list.

 Print all the elements of the list.

Traversing a linked list

Traversing of a list involves accessing all the nodes of the list to conduct some form

of processing. It now follows that we must traverse the list using another pointer of

the same type, because the pointer head always points to the first node. Suppose

that current is a pointer of the same type as head. The following code traverses the


current = head;

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while (current != NULL) {

//Process the current node

current = current->link;

For example, suppose that head points to a linked list of numbers. The following

code outputs the data stored in each node:

current = head;

while (current != NULL){

cout << current->info << " ";

current = current->link;

Item insertion and deletion

Elements can be inserted at any position of the list i.e. at the beginning, in the middle

or the end of the list. These operations must be implemented using functions.

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Unit III: Stacks, Queues and Hashing


A stack is a container of objects that are inserted and removed based on the last-in

first-out (LIFO) principle. Objects can be inserted into a stack at any time, but only

the most recently inserted (that is, “last”) object can be removed at any time.

The name “stack” is derived from the metaphor of a stack of plates in a spring

loaded, cafeteria plate dispenser. In this case, the fundamental operations involve

the “pushing” and “popping” of plates on the stack. When we need a new plate from

the dispenser, we “pop” the top plate off the stack, and when we add a plate, we

“push” it down on the stack to become the new top plate.

Stacks are a fundamental data structure. They are used in many applications,

including the following:

 Internet Web browsers store the addresses of recently visited sites on a stack.

Each time a user visits a new site, that site’s address is “pushed” onto the

stack of addresses. The browser then allows the user to “pop” back to

previously visited sites using the “back” button.

 Text editors usually provide an “undo” mechanism that cancels recent editing

operations and reverts to former states of a document. This undo operation

can be accomplished by keeping text changes in a stack.

The Stack Abstract Data Type

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Stacks are the simplest of all data structures, yet they are also among the most

important, since they are used in a host of different applications that include many

more sophisticated data structures. Formally, a stack is an abstract data type (ADT)

that supports the following operations:

 push(e): Insert element e at the top of the stack.

 pop(): Remove the top element from the stack; an error occurs if the stack is


 top(): Return a reference to the top element on the stack, without removing it;

an error occurs if the stack is empty.

 size(): Return the number of elements in the stack.

 empty(): Return true if the stack is empty and false otherwise.

The example below indicates how content stored in a stack is organized based on

the invocation various operations indicated above.

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Another fundamental data structure is the queue, which is a close relative of the

stack. A queue is a container of elements that are inserted and removed according

to the first-in first-out (FIFO) principle. Elements can be inserted in a queue at any

time, but only the element that has been in the queue the longest can be removed at

any time. We usually say that elements enter the queue at the rear and are removed

from the front. The metaphor for this terminology is a line of people waiting to get on

an amusement park ride. People enter at the rear of the line and get on the ride from

the front of the line.

The Queue Abstract Data Type

Formally, the queue abstract data type defines a container that keeps elements in a

sequence, where element access and deletion are restricted to the first element in

the sequence, which is called the front of the queue, and element insertion is

restricted to the end of the sequence, which is called the rear of the queue. This

restriction enforces the rule that items are inserted and deleted in a queue according

to the first-in first-out (FIFO) principle.

The queue abstract data type (ADT) supports the following operations:

 enqueue(e): Insert element e at the rear of the queue.

 dequeue(): Remove element at the front of the queue; an error occurs if the

queue is empty.

 front(): Return, but do not remove, a reference to the front element in the

queue; an error occurs if the queue is empty.

 size(): Return the number of elements in the queue.

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 empty(): Return true if the queue is empty and false otherwise.

The example below indicates how content stored in a queue is organized based on

the invocation various operations indicated above.

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Hash table is a data structure which is designed to use a special function called the

Hash function which is used to map a given value with a key for faster access of

elements. The keys associated with values in a map are typically thought of as

“addresses” for those values. Examples of such applications include a compiler’s

symbol table and a registry of environment variables. Each of these structures

consist of a collection of symbolic names where each name serves as the “address”

for properties about a variable’s type and value. One of the most efficient ways to

implement a map in such circumstances is to use a hash table.

The efficiency of mapping depends of the efficiency of the hash function used. In

general, a hash table consists of two major components, a bucket array and a hash


Unit IV: Recursion

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Definition of Recursion

The process of solving a problem by reducing it to smaller versions of itself is

called recursion. Recursion is a very powerful way to solve certain problems for which

the solution would otherwise be very complicated. Let us consider a problem that is a

common operator in mathematics, the factorial.

In mathematics, the factorial of a nonnegative integer is defined as follows:

0!=1 (1)

n ! = n * ( n -1 ) ! if n > 0 (2)

Let us apply this definition to find 3!

Here, n = 3. Because n > 0, we use the equation (2) to obtain:

3! = 3 * 2!

Next, we find 2! Here, n = 2. Because n > 0, we use equation (2) to obtain:

2! =2 * 1!

Now, to find 1! we again use equation (2) because n = 1 > 0. Thus:

1! = 1 * 0!

Finally, we use Equation (1) to find 0! which is 1. Substituting 0! into 1! gives 1! = 1.

This gives 2! = 2 * 1! = 2 * 1 = 2, which, in turn, gives 3! = 3 * 2! = 3 * 2 = 6.

An algorithm that finds the solution to a given problem by reducing the problem to

smaller versions of itself is called a recursive algorithm. The recursive algorithm must

have one or more base cases as well as one or more recursive cases, and the general

solution must eventually be reduced to a base case.

From the previous example (factorial), it is clear that:

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1. Every recursive definition must have one (or more) base cases.

2. The general case must eventually be reduced to a base case.

3. The base case stops the recursion.

Recursion and methods

In programming the concept of recursion is implemented using functions that call

themselves called recursive functions. A function is said to be one that calls itself if its

body contains a statement that causes the same function to execute again before

completing the current call. Recursive algorithms are implemented using recursive



The factorial problem can be implemented using a recursive function as indicated


int fact(int num){

if (num == 0){

return 1;


return num * fact(num - 1);

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The implementation of recursion

Direct and Indirect Recursion

A function is called directly recursive if it calls itself. A function that calls another

function and eventually results in the original function call is said to be indirectly

recursive. For example, if a function A calls a function B and function B calls function

A, then function A is indirectly recursive.

Indirect recursion can be several layers deep. For example, suppose that function A

calls function B, function B calls function C, function C calls function D, and function

D calls function A. Function A is then indirectly recursive.

Unit V: Trees


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The tree data structure is considered one of the many important breakthroughs in

data organization. This is attributed by many experts to the fact that this data

structure enables us to organize data in a non-linear (hierarchical) manner. The tree

data structure allows us to implement a whole range of algorithms much faster when

compared to linear data structures such as lists, vectors or sequences. The tree data

structure provides a natural organization for data, and as such they are a data

structure of choice for file systems, graphical user interfaces, databases, websites

and other complex computer systems. The main terminology for the tree data

structures come from family trees as we know them where we find terms such as

“parents”, “child”, “ancestor” and “descendants”. When refereeing to data stored in

this structure, the terms have the same literal meaning as that of the family tree.

Image example of a family tree.

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A tree is an abstract data type that stores data elements hierarchically. All elements

excluding the element at the top (called the root) of the hierarchy has a parent and

zero or more child elements. Each of these items of the tree is connected to its

parent by a straight line (also called arcs). These data items are also referred to as

nodes. Hence a tree is made up of nodes which represent the data items and the

arcs which represents the relationships among nodes.

Formally, a tree P is said to be a set of nodes storing elements based on a parent-

child relationship where:

 If P is not empty, then it has a special node called the root of P that has no


 Each node r of P different from the root has a unique parent node s; where

each node with parent s is a child of s.

From these outlined properties of the tree we have to take note that a tree can be

empty and also that a tree is a structure that can been defined recursively.

Binary trees

An ordered in which every node (excluding the leaf node) has at most two children is

called a binary tree.

 Every node has at most two children.

 Each child node is labelled as being either a left child or a right child.

 A left child precedes a right child in the ordering of children of a node.

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The subtree rooted at a left or right child of an internal node is called the node’s left

subtree or right subtree, respectively. A binary tree is proper if each node has either

zero or two children. Some people also refer to such trees as being full binary trees.

Thus, in a proper binary tree, every internal node has exactly two children. A binary

tree that is not proper is improper.

Implementation of Binary tree

A binary search tree can be implemented using this linked-list data structure

concept. This means that each node will be made up of three pointer fields as

indicated in the figure below and at least one data field. The three pointers point to

the parent, left child and right child.

As mentioned previously, the tree data structure is a structure that is recursive,

hence the left point takes us to another node which can be represented similarly to

the node and provided that it is not a leaf node. The pointers left and right of leaf

nodes do not pointer anywhere hence their values will be null while the pointer

parent of the root node points nowhere hence null due to the fact that a root node

does not have a parent node. Below is an example of a binary tree data structure


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To implement this data structure, we begin by defining the basic constituents that

make up each node. This is achieved by defining a structure that specifies all the

pointers in the node namely; left, right and parent as well as well the data fields that

make up an element. An example is given below:

struct Node { // a node of the tree

Elem elt; // element value

Node* parent; // pointer to the parent

Node* left; // pointer to the left child

Node* right; //pointer to the right child


The binary tree that is of major interest in this course is the binary search tree. A

binary search tree is a binary tree where all the elements stored in the structure are

sorted in the manner that all nodes located to the left side of a node must be smaller

than the node while all elements stored to the right side of a node must be greater

than the node. Therefore, this means that whenever an element is being inserted

into the binary search tree care must be taken so as to ensure that the element is

inserted in the right place. Likewise, whenever an element is being deleted from the

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tree, the tree must be updated in such a way that the remaining elements are sorted

in the same order as mentioned previously.

Ways of traversing a tree

As with general trees, binary-tree computations often involve traversals. Traversing a

data structure entails visiting all the elements stored in a structure to perform some

process. There are three different ways in which a binary search tree can be

traversed namely;

a. In order traversal: In the in order traversal, you are required to visit all the left

children before visiting the root node. After visiting the root node the you can

visit all the right children as indicated in the algorithm below:

inorder (root) {

if root is an internal node then

inorder(leftchild) {recursively traverse left subtree}

perform the “visit” action for node root

if root is an internal node then

inorder(rightchild) {recursively traverse right subtree}

b. Pre order traversal: In this form of traversal you are required to visit the root

node followed by all the left child before concluding with all the right children.

Below is an algorithm that indicates how the traversal is done.

Preorder(root) {

perform the “visit” action for node root

if root is an internal node then

Preorder(leftchild) {recursively traverse left subtree}

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Preorder(rightchild) {recursively traverse right subtree}

c. Post order traversal: In the post order traversal, you are required to visit all

the left children, followed by all the right children before visiting the root node.

Postorder(root) {

if root is an internal node then

binaryPostorder(leftchild) {recursively traverse left subtree}

binaryPostorder(rightchild) {recursively traverse right subtree}

perform the “visit” action for the node root

Basic operations of trees

The basic operations on a binary search include insertion, update and deletion of an



A heap is a binary tree T that stores a collection of elements with their associated

keys at its nodes and that satisfies two additional properties:

a. a relational property, defined in terms of the way keys are stored in T,

b. and a structural property, defined in terms of the nodes of T itself.

We assume that a total order relation on the keys is given, for example, by a

comparator. The relational property of T, defined in terms of the way keys are stored,

is the following:

Heap-Order Property: In a heap T, for every node v other than the root, the

key associated with v is greater than or equal to the key associated with v’s


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Unit VI: Graphs

Definition of different Graphs

A graph is a way of representing relationships that exist between pairs of objects.

That is, a graph is a set of objects, called vertices, together with a collection of

pairwise connections between them. This notion of a “graph” should not be confused

with bar charts and function plots, as these kinds of “graphs” are unrelated to the

topic of this unit. Graphs have applications in different domains, including mapping,

transportation, electrical engineering, and computer networks.

A graph G is simply a set V of vertices and a collection E of pairs of vertices from V,

called edges. Thus, a graph is a way of representing connections or relationships

between pairs of objects from some set V. Some other literature uses different

terminology for graphs and refer to what we call vertices as nodes and what we call

edges as arcs. These terms mean one and the same thing.

Edges in a graph are either directed or undirected. An edge (u,v) is said to be

directed from u to v if the pair (u,v) is ordered, with u preceding v. An edge (u,v) is

said to be undirected if the pair (u,v) is not ordered. Undirected edges are sometimes

denoted with set notation, as {u,v}, but for simplicity we use the pair notation (u,v),

noting that in the undirected case (u,v) is the same as (v,u). Graphs are typically

visualized by drawing the vertices as ovals or rectangles and the edges as segments

or curves connecting pairs of ovals and rectangles.

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Below are examples of how the graph can be used:

a. We can visualize collaborations among the researchers of a certain discipline

by constructing a graph whose vertices are associated with the researchers

themselves, and whose edges connect pairs of vertices associated with

researchers who have co-authored a paper or book. Such edges are

undirected because coauthorship is a symmetric relation; that is, if A has co-

authored something with B, then B necessarily has co-authored something

with A.

b. A city map can be modelled by a graph whose vertices are intersections or

dead ends, and whose edges are stretches of streets without intersections.

This graph has both undirected edges, which correspond to stretches of two-

way streets, and directed edges, which correspond to stretches of one-way

streets. Thus, in this way, a graph modelling a city map is a mixed graph.

The definition of a graph refers to the group of edges as a collection, not a set, thus

allowing for two undirected edges to have the same end vertices, and for two

directed edges to have the same origin and the same destination. Such edges are

called parallel edges or multiple edges.

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Unit VII: Sorting and Searching Algorithms

Searching algorithms

One key operation many applications that process huge amounts of data uses is

searching. In programming searching of data can be achieved using two ways

namely the binary search algorithm and the linear search algorithm.

Linear search algorithm

A sequential search is therefore not very efficient for large lists. In fact, it can be

proved that, on average, the number of comparisons (key comparisons, not index

comparisons)made by the sequential search is equal to half the size of the list. So,

for a list size of 1000, on average, the sequential search makes about 500 key

comparisons. The sequential search algorithm does not assume that the list is


int seqSearch(const int list[], int listLength, int searchItem) {

int loc;

bool found = false;

loc = 0;

while (loc < listLength && !found){

if (list[loc] == searchItem){

found = true;


if (found){

return loc;

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return -1;

Binary Search

A sequential or linear search is not very efficient for large lists. Assuming we have a

list of 100 elements that are not repeated or organized in any order and we wish to

search for a given element which may coincidently be occupying the ninety-ninth, it

would require us to test 99 elements before we confirm that the item being searched

for exists in the list. However, if the list is sorted, you can use another search

algorithm called binary search. A binary search is much faster than a sequential

search. In order to apply a binary search, the list must be sorted. A binary search

uses the ‘‘divide and conquer’’ technique to search the list by partitioning the list into

two parts. First, the search item is compared with the middle element of the list. If the

search item is less than the middle element of the list, we restrict the search to the

upper half of the list; otherwise, we search the lower half of the list.

int binarySearch(const int list[], int listLength, int searchItem){

int first = 0, last = listLength – 1, mid;

bool found = false;

while (first <= last && !found){

mid = (first + last) / 2;

if (list[mid] == searchItem){

found = true;


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if (list[mid] > searchItem){

last = mid - 1;


first = mid + 1;

if (found){

return mid;


return -1;

Note that in the binary search algorithm, two key (item) comparisons are made each

time through the loop, except in the successful case—the last time through the

loop—when only one key comparison is made.

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Sorting Algorithms

Sorting is one of the most important operations that is done on a collection of data

items. There are several algorithms that maybe used to sort data items names

selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort and heap sort. You

might be wondering why there are so many different sorting algorithms. The answer

is that the performance of each sorting algorithm is different. Some algorithms make

more comparisons, whereas others make fewer item assignments. Also, there are

algorithms that make fewer comparisons, as well as fewer item assignments.

Three sorting algorithms are covered in this module, however complete

understanding and analysis of the number of key comparisons and item assignments

required by all algorithms is necessary to help the programmer in deciding which

algorithm to use in a situation.

Bubble sort

Suppose list[0]...list[n - 1] is a list of n elements, indexed 0 to n - 1. We want to

rearrange, that is, sort, the elements of list in increasing order. The bubble sort

algorithm works as follows:

In a series of n - 1 iterations, the successive elements list[index] and list[index

+ 1] of list are compared. If list[index] is greater than list[index + 1], then the

elements list[index] and list[index + 1] are swapped, that is, interchanged. It

follows that the smaller elements move toward the top (beginning), and the larger

elements move toward the bottom (end) of the list. This

void bubbleSort(int list[], int length){

int temp, iteration, index;

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for (iteration = 1; iteration < length; iteration++){

for (index = 0; index < length - iteration; index++){

if (list[index] > list[index + 1]){

temp = list[index];

list[index] = list[index + 1];

list[index + 1] = temp;

This function definition is then used in a function as indicated below:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void bubbleSort(int list[], int length);

int main(){

int list[] = {2, 56, 34, 25, 73, 46, 89, 10, 5, 16};

int i;

bubbleSort(list, 10);

cout << "After sorting, the list elements are:" << endl;

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

cout << list[i] << " ";

cout << endl;

return 0;

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Selection Sort

In the selection sort algorithm, we rearrange the list by selecting an element in the

list and moving it to its proper position in the list of items. This algorithm finds the

location of the smallest element in the unsorted portion of the list and moves it to the

top of the unsorted portion of the list. The first time, we locate the smallest item in the

entire list. The second time, we locate the smallest item in the list starting from the

second element in the list, and so on.

void selectionSort(int list[], int length){

int index, smallestIndex, location, temp;

for (index = 0; index < length - 1; index++){

smallestIndex = index;

for (location = index + 1; location < length; location++){

if (list[location] < list[smallestIndex]){

smallestIndex = location;

temp = list[smallestIndex];

list[smallestIndex] = list[index];

list[index] = temp;

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Insertion Sort

For a list of length 1000, both the bubble sort and selection sort make approximately

500,000 key comparisons, which is quite demanding in terms of resources such as

time and processing power. In this part of the document, we introduce the sorting

algorithm called insertion sort, which tries to improve—that is, reduce—the number

of key comparisons.

The insertion sort algorithm sorts the list by moving each element to its proper place.

void insertionSort(int list[], int listLength) {

int firstOutOfOrder, location;

int temp;

for (firstOutOfOrder = 1; firstOutOfOrder < listLength; firstOutOfOrder++){

if (list[firstOutOfOrder] < list[firstOutOfOrder - 1]){

temp = list[firstOutOfOrder];

location = firstOutOfOrder;


list[location] = list[location - 1];


}while (location > 0 && list[location - 1] > temp);

list[location] = temp;

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