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1. Pulmonology is the study of respiratory system and Physicians are called as pulmonologists.
2. Pulmo lung, and study is pulmonology.
3. Trachea is composed of 16-20 C-shaped cartilages .
4. URS includes upper respiratory tract, and LRS includes lower respiratory tract.
5. The mid region of both the lungs is called as mediastinum.
6. Lungs are present in pleural cavity, and they contain pleural fluids.
7. Layers of lungs visceral pleura and pariteal pleura.
8. Diaphragm seperates the thoraxic and abdominal cavity.
9. Two(oblique, horizontal) fissures in RT lung and one(only oblique) fissures in LT lung.
10. Three lobes are in RT lung and two lobes are in LT lung.
11. The branches in lungs are called as bronchioles.
12. Ventilation is of inspiration and expiration.
13. The breathing process occurs 14-20 times per minute.
14. The wind pipe is also called as trachea.
15. The air sacs are also called as alveoli.
16. The gaseous exchange takesplace in alveoli region in lungs.


17. Anoxia complete absense of oxygen supply to tissue or organ,

Asthma a condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swell, and
produce extra mucus.
18. Adult respiratory syndrome is a life-threatening lung condition that prevents enough oxygen
from getting to the lungs and into the blood mainly caused by trauma, septic shock and
inhaling of toxic gases.
infant respiratory syndrome is a problem often seen in premature babies. The condition
makes it hard for the baby to breathe. Normally seen in infants whose lungs are not fully
19. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a general term used for diseases lungs which
causes the permanent or temporary narrowing of bronchi.
Croup acute lung disease occurred in infants and children causing upper airway blockage,
inflammation leads to mucus, noisy breathing and hoarse cough.
20. Cyanosis is bluish or purplish of the skin and mucous membrane due to inadequate amount
of oxygen in the blood.
Dyspnea shortness of breething, uncomfortable breething and breethlessness.
21. Hyaline membrane disease occurred in premature newborns caused by deficient pulmonary
surfactant, which required for the lungs expantion leading to respiratory distress.
Hemoptysis the act of splitting blood.
22. Hyperpnea is increased depth of breathing when required to meet the metabolic demand,
like exercise or body lacks oxygen.
Orthopnea is situation where breathing is easy whle an upright position but difficult when
lying flat.
23. Emphysema abnormal and permanent enlargement of the alveoli which casues destruction
of alveolar walls.
Empyema pus in pleural cavity.
24. Pulmonary embolism is blockage an artery in the lungs by blood clot travelled from other
body parts.
Pulmonary abscess collection of pus in the lungs as an end product of the destrution of the
lung tissue.
25. Bradypnea breathing that is slower than normal breathing.
Tachypnea breathing is more rapid than the normal breathing.
26. Pyothorax pus in a pleaural cavity (also known as empyema).
Tuberculosis is a bacterail disease characterized by coughing, weight loss, chest pain and
splitting clood, casued by mycobacterium tuberclulosis.


27. Bronchoalveolar lavage is a medical procedure in which bronchoscpoe is inserted throuh

mouth or nose into the lungs and fliud is suqirted into the small part of the lung and
collected for the examination. This is mainly used to diagnose lung cancer and pneumonia.
Bronchoscopy an endoscope is inserted into the lungs through mouth/ lungs for examination
of the trachebronchial tree.
28. Chest radiography diagnosis of the chest using x-rays and film.
CT of chest computer generated reconstriction of the chest is created from a series of x-ray
images taken as cross-sections of the chest.
29. Mediostinoscopy endoscopic examination of the mediastinum.
Pulmonary function test is a procedure used measure the amount of air inahled, hold by
lungs and volume of air exhaled by the lungs.
30. Thoracocentasis pleura is punctured with a needle and fluid is aspirated for analysis.
Thoracoscopy endoscopic examination of the pleural space.
31. Bronchoscopy an endoscope is inserted into the lungs through mouth/ lungs for examination
of the trachebronchial tree.
Lobectomy excision of a lobe of a lung.
32. Thoracostomy surgical creation of an opening in the chest wall to allow for drainage.
Tracheostomy surgical creation of an airway into the tracheaso that air can enter the lungs.
33. Tube thoracostomy surgical creation of an opening in the chest wall to allow for drainage.
Cricothyrotomy establisment of a temporary airway by surgically creating an openin into the


34. A&P – ausculation and percussion

AP – anterior posterior
35. ARDS – adult respiratory distress syndrome
IRDS – infant respiratory distress syndrome
36. BAL – bronchoalveolar lavage
BOOP – bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia
37. COLD – chronic obstructive lung disease
COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
38. CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HMD – hyaline membarne disease
39. IPPB – intermittent positive-pressure breathing
PCP – pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
40. PE – pulmonary embolism
PFT – pulmonary function test
SOB – shortness of breath

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