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I’m faiza and I continue with another type of harassment which is landlord

harassment. A landlord may attempt to harass or intimidate a tenant as a form of

retaliation or to get the tenant to move out. Harassment is when a landlord uses
persistent aggressive methods, fraud, coercion, or intimidation to get a tenant to do
what the landlord wants. Harassment is meant to disrupt the tenant’s legal right to
quiet enjoyment of their unit in order to force the tenant to move or to force the
tenant to refrain from pursuing any potential legal rights they may have against the
landlord. Various methods may be employed in cases of landlord harassment, such as, but not
limited to the following:

 Withholding maintenance on the property, such as garbage collection, landscaping, or

repair of broken fixtures
 Verbal and written complaints, imagined or exaggerated, of tenant's supposed improper
 Deliberate defacing of the rented facilities or the property of the tenant
 Creating a nuisance for the tenant (for example, by generating loud noise)
 Intimidation and threats of physical or financial injury directed at the tenant
 Physical assault or other direct criminal activity directed against the tenant
Workplace harassment is the belittling or threatening behavior directed at an individual worker or a
group of workers from a boss, coworker, vendor, or customer whose actions, communication, or
behavior mocks, demeans, puts down, or ridicules an employee There are so many types of
workplace harassment and so many interpretations

A victim may experience racial harassment because of their race, skin color, ancestry, origin country
or citizenship

 next
 Physical Harassment
Physical harassment in the workplace takes many forms. Sexual assault is one form of widely
known physical harassment. Another form of physical harassment at work is workplace
violence. Workplace violence is defined as physical threats and assaults targeted at employees.,
and the rate of homicides in the workplace has risen significantly over the past 20 years.

 Emotional Harassment
Unlike physical harassment, emotional harassment is unnoticeable and also viewed as being
more socially acceptable. Naturally, emotional harassment in the workplace gets less attention
than physical harassment in the workplace, which perpetuates the issue of emotional harassment
in the workplace
One common form of emotional abuse in workplace is bullying. Also known as mobbing,
workplace bullying "is a long lasting, escalated conflict with frequent harassing actions
systematically aimed at a target person." Specific actions of workplace bullying include the
following: false accusations of mistakes and errors, hostile glares and other intimidating non-
verbal behaviors, yelling, shouting, and screaming



 The topic of harassment is so imp so we must know about the causes of harassment
 Violence and Male Self-Perception
The relationship between the sexes in many countries around the world includes a considerable
amount of violence against women.

 The Economics of Women Work

Focusing on the economics of men's work and women's work exposes sexual harassment as a
way for the men who harass women to express their resentment and try to reassert control when
they. view women as their economic competitors.

Men, in group often behave differently from how they would as individuals. This can explain
some of the gang harassment that occur when a woman enters a plant.

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