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. b .

w al. o m iye s p
ww c a log
w w .ka
iy edu

TNPSC - Degree Standard

l o g sp
o t .

c om
ww w .k

i y e du
g al.b

g sp
.c om
w.k a i y e

ug a l.b
s p

o m
.c Test wNo. :
w w .k a iy

d ug07
g s

o t. c o m

ug . ka ed o No. of Questions e : 171 sp

w ot . b lo s p i y
i y e d
g s p
w w a l .
 . c o m
k a i y
l o g Duration :
. k a 1 hr 10 minutes
b log m
a l o w u g o t w . l . b o m “
w a l. o
k b w t. c
w .| 
a l. |
c o m | 
i y ed : Fundamental
g sp Rights /  w w
u ga o t .c  w d u g
” o
ug of the Indianoconstitution p
ww1. Whichdpart p
t. deals with.kthe
a a) Right
l . b loto freedom
m y ed g
23. sRight to equality includes i ye o gs
e o i a l
a iy
Fundamental rights? s
l o g
w ww u gb)c)a Right t .c education
to constitutional remedies
.k a
l . b lo 1. Equality before law .k
m w a l.b of Race, om
k 
.  l.b d Right to o
p of religion w w a 2. Right against
c o discrimination
Religion etc.,w
on grounds
g t .c
w o m y e d) Right to s freedom g Caste,
t . w u o
ww2. a)Fundamental IV
u gab) V t .c)c constitution
III d) II ai
k l o g
 w
e du p o pay for equal work ed
3. Equal
of untouchablility iy sp
d rights of our o indian is .
derived . b y s
4. Abolition g
m ai
from? i y e
g sp w w
a) a co
. . k b l og5. Abolition of all titles. .ka . b lo
a)a England b) lo
k USA c) Russia d)w Japan ub) o t w l .  m w a l o
. l.b  o d a o w g t. c
w w  a m  e c) 
i y g sp w w
u g
o t .c
  w d u o
w a)  ug b) ot.c)c  d) .ka 14. Prohibition
lo of discrimination on grounds ofyereligion,
 d  
p  ye p
e d p w l . b m i g s a i
lo gs
iy part is knowngass the Magna carta ofwourwIndian ugrace, a caste, sex or.cplace o of birth is a fundamental
.k a right lo   .k l.b
3. Which
k a
l o classifiable under? t w l . b   w
m w a om
. b d o w a o g c
w w c) Citizenshipal.
a) Fundamental rights b) Fundamental
i ye c) Right gagainst
a) Right to
sp exploitation wd) None of these
freedom of religion b) Right to g
a) 1,2
c) 1,2,4,5.c
& 4 b) 1,2,3,4
w d) All of them d u /  ot.
w u g d) Union
o  .k a l o e d 24. Who p o among the following can iimpose y e reasonablesre- p
  . b
   y s g
i y p ot w w a l.
 m . k ai l o gstrictions on the fundamental . karights of the Indian b lo citi-
g .
gs w .co l.b a) The supreme w b) The parliament al
. ka)c)a 
 l o
b) 
d)  e d ua)c) 
 o t
b) 
d) w w
 a m Courtw
w g om
w b y p w g o u . c
al. m in the constitution?ai 15. Which ofgthe s following is correct with respectetoduRight t.c
c) The president d) None of these
ww 
4. How many fundamental
rights are there
c o . k o
  
i y ed   p ot
a) 6 du b) 7 o tc). 8 d) w9
b lo of traffic in human beings andaforced
iy labour p
s  a 
k g s
p w l .
a) Prohibition
m k g . o
iye 31 was deleted o of taxeswfor. promotion of lo a)  bl
b)aFreedom as to payment 
5. Article
g sby ___ Amendment w Act of ___
g . c b w w b)  l . m
. a
ka) 42,1976 .blo
d u any particular
o t religion w l . o m w a c o
w c) 86,2002 al b)m 44,1978 e c) Protectionspof interests of minorities w a c) 
g 25. Whicht.ofc the following statements are d) g
uincorrect? ot.
w o i y g u o d
w 6. Which Article d ugdeals with theoright t.cto constitutional remedies?
d) 81,2000
. ka
d) Equality
 b
before law
lo    y ed 1. pThe fundamental rights of the
s i eIndian citizens can-
ycircumstances g sp
e p w al . om a i not be suspended under a
og2. The fundamental rights of.kthe Indian citizens
any locan be
a)a32 i y g s
 w
wd) 33
g . c . k b l w l . b m
k b) 30
l o c) 31
d o t
ua)  w l . m w a majority co
7. .Article 29 and.30 a o
suspended by the parliament by a two-gthird
w a) Right toafreedom l b of religionom
are included in ___
ye b) 
sp w w g .c fundamentalwrights of the Indian u citizens canot.
w g exploitationt.c a i g d u 3. The
o t
be suspended by the presidente
d p
w b) Rightuagainst . k b l o
c)  y e s p i y during the National
g s
c) Right
iy ed to constitutional s poremedies w w .
d)al o m
. k ai l o g 4. Fundamental rights can be.ksuspended
emergency a
by the b o
d) Cultural and g
o rights w 16. g
u deleted by 44thoAmendment
Which fundamental t . cright of Indian constitution
w has been
l. b m w a l . m
. kl d w a 
o w g c o
l.b w    t.
w w a)  a o m
a i ye a) Right against g sp exploitation wb) Right to property d ug  
o t .c  d u o
w u g
b)  t .c . k c) Right l oto protest d) Right to e speak p 
i y e s p
e d
c)  p o w l .b
  m  a iy  g s  
k a   l o g
w a o k o .
d) i gs g .c . bl    w l.b
8. .k lo w u 
t w l . m w 
a o m
Right to freedom of religion lies in which of the follow- d a)  o w
b)  a o g c
w w ing articles? al.b o m i ye c)  sp wd)  ug 
t .c  w
d u o t.
t. c a g d  
o 
ye sp
d ug
w  o w . k 17. The statement
. b lo ‘Equal protection of law’ is adopted
m i y e from s p
a i g
sp b) Art 23-24 w which
ogWhich d) lo1,2,4
a) iArt y e29-30 g w g t . c o
 . ka b l
a) 2,3,4 b) 1,3,4
w .c)k 1,2,3
of the following statements are correct? l. b m
c)a Art 25-28
k l o d) Art 32-34 d u o
 w l. o m w a con- .co
. b p w a 1. The fundamental rights granted by g
the Indian
9.w Which of the following
al. article are
o mavailable only to the iye a) British g/  s b) w U.S.A / g
u t.c are absolute
d u
p ot
citizen? g c d
w  d u o t.   . ka 18. Right.toblfreedom
c) Russia o /  d) Canada /
y e g
2. pThe fundamental rights of the
s i yeIndian citizensgsare
y e 
p w a l guarantees
o m how many rights?
a l
non-justiciable a
o 3. The fundamental rights.ofk the Indian citizens lo are
 s w g c
. k b . b
. ka15,16,18,19,20
a) l og w
b) 15,16,19,29,30
m d ua) 5 b)ot.7 c) 6 w d) 8
a l. m
o w w
g al c om
b e p the untouchability w g fundamentalw .
w w c) 15,16,20,29,30
10. Which of g a
l.following articles
t . cd)ocannot
be suspended a iy19. Inimplemented?
Which s
w (offences) actduwas 4. The
o t.c them rights of the Indian
u citizens pro-ot
dthe majority. p
w even during
d u national emergency? p o . k b lo m i y e s
tect against
p 1,2,3 b) 2,3,4 c) 1 aonly the tyranncy
i y of
g s
s w l .
o g
1935 .ka d) 1965 lo 
d) 3 only
a iye
lo g 
w w
u g a) a 1955 b) t1945
.c c)
w . b o m w l . b l
o m
.k a) 19,20 ab)l. 20,21 c) 21,22 b 20. In which year, untouchability Act was changed into pro-l 1. w
 a t. c
w c om d) 22,23
y e d tection of Civil
g spRights Act? w w g a t .c
o w u g o
ugofallthe . aofi lo u ed p
ww 11. which guarantees
d the following p otrightsoftoIndian
following right constitution
every resident k
l . b m y e d
3. i y o gs
e s w  o i
1976 a d) 1986 blo 4.   
ka l
a iy
l o g w u ga1956 b) ot1966
a) .c c)
. k l . m w . a l.b
o m
k b w d o c
w. b) Right to equality t.
sp in the chapter onwwFundamental right? ga
a) Right against exploitation 21. Cultutal and educational rights have been in corporated
l. m e with the objective, t .c w u g o
w a o i y g u 
o w d p
w c)d) Right d utotogconstitutional
o t.c . ka a) To preserve
b lo Indian Culture w e d a)p1,2,3
s b) 2,3,4 c) 1 
i y e d) 3  gs
Right p remedies w b) l
To . evolve a single m
Culture i y 27. g From which case the Supreme aCourt passed thelo special
iy g s
a w gaTo eradicate illiteracry
c) . co . ka b lo judgement that the basic tenets .k of our constitution l.b can- om
k l o w d u o t w l . m w a
w. a)  ga w Case
not be changed by the parliament by any amendment?
co Saraswathi g .c
 d) To help minorities to conserve their culture
w a l.b o m i y e 
s p w w  u .
a) Balananda
t w d u o t
w b)  u g o t.c . k a l og
y e d
b) oGolaknath Case
p i y e s p
ed . b om ai ka g
sp w c) Keshavananda Bharathi Case
c) 
d) iy w
a) l
a c k l o g d) Minerva Mills Ltd. & Others . lo
a l o g w gb) .
t . . b m w l. b  co
12. kWhich b d u o w l   o w
  a
one of the following is true with respect to fun- c)
w . damental rights
a l. of a Indian constitution?
e d)  w w ga t
 .c  w  u g ot.
. c i y g u o d p
ww a)b) Sovereignity u g of the people o t
. k a 22. In what b l oway the fundamental rights can be suspended?
m e d s p
i y e g s
ed of opportinity
c) iyLimited Government g sp w A. l.They can never be
a . c o suspended a iy l o g c)  kad) 
a)  b) 
b lo
k a b l o m w w
d u g B. If the president
o t orders it in the
w . k
time of National
l . b 28. Which Article o m w .
of the Constitution a l .
abolishes untouchability?
. c om
w.  p ga t.c w
al.   ug
d) Democracy emergency
co iye s wtwo- thirds majority w
 o t
w g t . a
C. If the parliamentg
losupreme Court
passes a law by
w d u o
a)p Art/ 42 d
b) e Art/ 15 s p
w u
d p o .k D. If the
. b m orders it e s i y g
gs l o ai y g c) Art/ 14 d) Art/ 17 o
a) 
lo w w g a .c
t . k b lo The Doctrine
29. m .ka
that the fundamental rights .can
l bl not be om
.kc)  w o
A 
duB  l . o under Art 368 wwas propounded a by the su-t.c
l.b m e s p w w g a amended
t . cCourt w g
w w d) 
u g a
t. c o
a l o g
iy C  w d u p
oGopalan Vs. Statewof Madras ed
preme in? u
s po
w 13. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar dthe Indian termed o an article as ‘The heart.and k l b
. m y e g sb) Keshavananda Bharati Vs. State iy of kerala log
e p w a o i o a
iy s a bl c) Golaknath .k l.b
soul of constitution which one of following D 
a right it contains?og w u ga) A only / t .c b) A & .Bk l. m
Vs. State of punjab
w a m
. k l w d o w a d) Manekao Vs. Union wof india g c o
ww a l.b c om i ye c) B & gDsp d) w
B only / g
u t .c w d u o t.
ug . a d o ye sp
w ot Thoothukudi 99445w11344 .k Tirunelveli.bl98942 o 41422 Ramanathapuram 75503 e 52916 Madurai p 98431 10566 1
d p m i y s a i g
e s al co ka og .k lo
w w .k a i y
g a l. b l o g
t . c om
w w

a iy ed
u g
lo g sp
o t .
w w w .
d u ga
l . b l

p o t .c o m
w w w
e d u g a l . b

s p o t. c o m
. b .
w al. o m iye s p
ww c a log
. a iy edu

k .bl
w  a
o gsp
l  
o t .

w w w .k
g a l . b
   du 
om  iye a) gsp
o t . c o m
w w
b)w 
. ka
i y e

u g a l . b lo g s

t .c
  w w w .k
a iy
d ug
l. bl o g s

o t. c o m

ug . ka 37. c)The ed o c) 2 & 3 yed) All /  sp

w 
d p ot . . b lo objective ofmfundamental d) 
i y
a)p 1&2 b) 1&3
s i g
a) (Vs)
b) iy
e g s
(Vs) w w
l main
a)a Ensure independence t . co of judiciary .ka
rights is to
l og 1. Begar means compeling a.person
48. Which of the following is/are
ka to work against
. b lohis will m
kc)a (Vs)o w b m
o 24 deals withww l
a beings. t.co
. l. bl m e d u b) promote pa socialistic
w w
pattern of Society a l. 2. Article
.c w
trafficking in human
w w d) (Vs)
g a
t . co constitution can be a iy c)d) Ensure l o gindividual liberty w
d ug p ot Minorities
3. Cultural
e du s po
w 30. Under u
the provisions of the Indian Ensure all these 
y e d a minority community
s po on the basis ofw? .k l.b
a o m
a iye
l o gs    k a iy  l o g

a) iReligion only
a l o g
w w u ga) 
o t.c .k l . b 
m w .
a l.b om
. b) Either religion b or Language d b) p
 w a  o w
 g . c
w w c) Either language
g al. or caste .com iye c) g s w w u g t.c
 
o w d u
p ot
a d e
w d) Eitherdureligion or Raceot
e  p .k
 w 38. The lNationalist . blo
d) 
m i ye as the ga)c)sp11 &Only / b) 2 Only /
a iy1,2 /  o g s
who was affectionately a called 2 d) Neither
a o g s
w w
u ga of Fundamental
Father t . co rights of india is.k___ . b lo Which of the following articles
m w .k extends the competance l . m
. k  l d o w a l o w g a c o
l .b
a) a) Gandhiji b) jawaharlal Nehru of parliment to make matters may fall within the sphere
w b) 
a o m i y e c) Dr.K.M. sMunshi p w
d)w Dr.B.R. Ambedkar u g of state t .clist? w d u o t.
w g d o p
d ug
w c)  o t.c . ka 
. b lo    
i y e s p
  
a i ye 
d)  p w l
 m a g 
lo a) 34 .c)k 31 lo
31. Which
a iy of the following
o g spairs is not correctlywmatched? w
u ga)a t . co b)  w .k l . b m
b) 35 w a l.bd) 33 o m
. ka) Equality before
b l Law - Guaranteed to both citizens d c)  o d) 
w a 50. Right to o
property was w
Originally delete g
in c
w w and non-acitizens l. m i ye39. Correctly gmatched? sp w u g t.c w
 d u o t.
ugthea new a d o ye21 p
w b)c) Altering .coof parliament w.k loto 1.pArticle/ 33
e gs
name of a state- power of a state legislature a) Right freedom of religion Act 14-18 2. Article/ 31
d t l . b i y g s a i
e state- power
o b) Right to equality Act 14-18
a 3. Article/
lo a) 2 Only/
31 4. Article/
. b) 2&3 l.b l o
a y of opportunity
d) iEquality
g s p in public employment w w - Guar-
u gaRight
c o
against eploitation m Act -19-22.k
w l . b w a
. k anteed only to
o citizens
e d 
d) Cultural and
o t.
educational rights
wAct 32-35
g a c) 1,2 &
m w w d) All / g
is/are true? u c om
w  b y p w 51. Which of
c the following .
ww a)  al.
 o m
k ai g s
a) 
e du 1. Ast.per Art 15, discrimination on
o y
efrounds other thanot

d u g
o t. c
w . lo
b) 
b a iy s i
preligion, race, caste, sex orkaplace of birth is allowed. g sp
w l . om og2. Group ‘B”/class II officers. of the All India central loof OBC.
b) 
c) iy e 
g sp 
c) 
d) a
. c w .k
b l state services do notw w under creamy layer
come l . b
. kd)a 
l o d uWhich one of the o t following is thewguardian of funda-l. 
a o m w g a c o
w  m y e mental rights? sp w g t .c      u    ot.
w a o i g u  
o d
w 32. Which ofdthe uginfollowing t.c of India?
are envisaged
by the right against
. ka lo
b y ed s p i ye g sp
al parties/ om i og  a
sp in human beings wandwwforced lo
exploitatione the constitution a) Legislature/ b) Executive/  
i y c)gpolitical c . k a l .k . b
1. Prohibition
kalabour blo g
of traffic
41.duThe fundamental
t rights can be suspended d) Judiciacy/
w by ? b
l. a) Onlyo1/ m w
b) Only 2/a
l o m
. o w a w g c
w 2. Protection a l.of the interests ofominorities m i sp
ye  w u g c) 1tand .c 2/w d) None of dthese/ u o t.
w a g d o p
w 3. Prohibition ug of employment
anddmines o t.c of children in factories
w .k . b lo
a) President/
c) lP.M/
b) Governor/e
i y
52. Which
g s p of the one of the following is not covered
a iye under Article gs
e p m d) Law minister/
a 20 Constitution of India?
k l o
4. iyAbolition of untouch
a g s ability w w 42. gWhich
a of the following
t . c o has been dropped
w .k from the listl.blo a)c) Ex post facto laws
w b). Preventive ldetention .b m
. k Choose the correct l oanswer: d of fundamental o right?
w a Double
o m
jeopardy w d) a
g c o
w w   a l.b o
 ye
m i a) Right to sequality
p b) wRight to Freedom
ug .c w
t d u o t.
a d o e sp
ug t.c
 c) Right to property d) None of these a) 
d o .k b lo i y e s
b) p a iy g
 
w l .
ogc) 
i e
g s p w a) a
g c om b)  . ka b l w .k . b lo

k  lo w uc)  ot . w
d)  l . d)  m w a l o m
. d w a o g c
w w 
a l.b   o m  e
i y 43. Which
emergencygunder sp Actright
fundamental cannot be suspended during
352 of the constitution? du
g 53. Which t c of the
.article w the right to remedies
d u for the en-ot.
t. c a o
forcement fundemental rights?
ye sp
w  
d ug o w . k a) Right
. b loto constitutional remedies
m i y e s
p    
a i  g
a) 1,2e
i y b) 1,3
g spc) 1,4 d) 2,3,4
waway or l to speech o
b) aRight
. c . ka l og .c)k 36 b lo
33. The
. ka the fundamental
State shall not
lo rights which one of the fol- dud) Right to lifepand
make any law which takes g
c) Right to equality
o t
w w a
l. 54. Which of the
a) 32
o mfollowing are
b) 31
w w a l. d) 35
. c om
t.c rights? w g
al.be construedcoasmlaw for this purpose?aiye  ot
abridges liberty considered exceptions to fun-
w lowing shall not g s    w    u g d u
w g lo d damentalo p
w a) Ordinance d u b) By-t.law
o . k b
l. i y e g s p
  
a i ye  g s
m o
c) Rule
iy e d) pConstitutional Amendments
g s ww a) a
g  t.co . ka b lo  .k 3. 31l.Cb
. k a
m   ed c) 
u b)
o w a l . 1. 31 A 2. 31w
a) 1&3omb) 1&2 c)w 2 & 3 d) All
g a/  com
w b
o i y s p w w u g 55. Which . cof the followingw is/are true? du t.
w a . c d) 
g t o
w a)  u g
p ot b)  . ka 44. Rightbtoloeducation has m been guaranteed as a fundamen-
i y ed s poDeclaration of Martial law results
1. i ye in the suspension g sp
c)  d
e part of the constitution s d) ww . by which constitutional
co Amendment Amendment a of India? log of the unit of 5th unit of.habeas a
k Corpusblo
34. Which i y o g is rightly w
described as g a
a) 42nd t .
constitutional . k b 2. Article m
33 empower w
the parliament tol.restrict the o m
a b l u o w l . o w a c
.kthe Magna carta l. of India? com e d b) 76th constitutional sp Amendmentw a .c
t rights of the membersgof armed forces. t.
w w
u g a
t. a i y c) 86th
l g
o Amendment w
d u g o
p e d u
s po
w 
a) IIIye
d b) IV spo c) V .k d)
65th constitutional
o mAmendment
i y e g s
a lo g
d)wVI a c
 o
bl   om 
35. which
k a i of the following l ogstatements. regardingwthe g
w Article u o t. . ka l . w .k a l.b com
b d
w w.22 of the constitution
a l. of India oaremcorrrect? i y g sp
e a)b) 
w w w
u ga o t .c
w w 
d u g ot.
1. The fundamental
u gagainst arrests andt.cdetention in certain caseska
right conferred by this Article protects
l o
e d p 
y e s
. b s i g
edfundamental sright po is guaranteed to both l.
persons c)  a) Only 1/ b) Only 2/
2. This y w citi- d) a o m a iy l o gc) 1 & 2 d) .k a of these/
None b lo
i g w g . c . k b l . m
. kazens and non- o
b l citizens w 45. uWhich of the following
d o t are legal rights?
w a l. 56 Which ofothe m following are
w wcorrectly Matched?
g a c o
w w plicable toal.those
3. The rights guaranteed under
c om laws providing foraiye 2. No taxgshall
this provision are ap- 1. Right to
sp be levied or collected
w w u g 1.
- to forbid
- we command ed
u o t.
w ug detentionpot
arrested . under
except by Author- d 2. oMandanus p
d w .k ity
. b mcommerce and interacourse. iye g
p Quo - Warranto - by what authority
s3. a iy gs
e s 3.alFreedom of Trade, o . k l o
4. The
rights guaranteed
iyplicable to enemy o g aliens under this Article arewnot ap-
w t.c
g .k b lo  
m w l.b o m
k b l d u o w l. o w a c
w . Choose the correct
a l. statement:
. c om  iye   g sp w w
u ga o t .c w
 
d u g o t.
ww  ug ot
      
d p . ka b lo
 m e d sa)p 2 & 3 b) 1&3 c) 1 &a2iyed) All/ gs
e s w l . o i y g lo
 y
 g  
i 
l o
  
w w  
u ga)a 1 & 2 b) 1o&t.c3 c) 2 & 3 d) All
 
. ka/  l.blo 1. Religious 57. The Scope
o m
of Art 29 includes
Minorities w 2. Linguistic a .b
lMinorities om
k b m d p w . c
w w.   g
a 
  e46. Equality before
iy g s law is part of Rulewof law. Rule uofglaw
o t.c
3. Majority
w w
d ug p ot
d u    p o .k a was
b lo
propounded by
m e d s p
i y e g s
    l .
o y g   
i ye
lo gs w w g a t .c
. k ai b lo  m .ka l . bl o m
.k w u o l . o w a c
l.b g OBC is? ot.
  a) Napolean/ b) Voltaire/ a) 1&2 b) 1&3 c) 2 & 3 d) All /
w a o m y ed c) A.V.Dicey/ g sp w w
d) Ivor Jennings/ 
u g a 58. Whot.was
c to identify creamy
w w layer amongst u
g b) 2,4 t.cc) 1,2,4 d) 1,3 a 47. Articlelo30 grants rights to w i d p
ww36. a)Can1,2,3 d u k b e d s p
a) Kaka Kalelkar committee
y e g s
efundamental Rights
s poto be b)amended? w . a .
1. lReligious Minorities
o m iy
2. Linguistic Minorities
a lo g b) National commission for Backward
k a i class lo

k a l o g No
w w u g 3. Cultural
. k l. b d) Mandal c) Ram
Nandan committee
w . a l.b o m
. c) one time only d) Twice a Year d o
 w a o Commission
w g c
ww a l.b c om 99445 11344 Tirunelveli i ye 98942 g41422 sp Ramanathapuram w w u g t .c w d u o t.
ug .
Thoothukudi a 75503 52916 d Madurai 98431o 10566
ye s2p
d p ot w .k . b lo m i y e s p
a i g
e s al co ka og .k lo
w w .k a iy
g a l. b l o g
t . c om
w w

a iy ed
u g
lo g sp
o t .
w w w .
d u ga
l . b l

p o t .c o m
w w w
e d u g a l . b

s p o t. c o m
. b .
w al. o m iye s p
ww c a log
. a iy edu

k  

w  a
l o
o t.

l.b c om
w w w .k
 du   o
g a l . b
t .
a) 1, 3 b)sp1, 2 c) 2, 3 d) All
c o m
w . ka
i y

wwof these / 


u g a l . b lo g s

c) Dec
24,m 1945
.c16, 1966 w
w w .k a iy
d) April
l. bl
ug25, 1995 ot.
o g s

c o m
 g . ka 67. To ed the o e   sp
w d u p ot . enforce
. b lo body the fundamental rights, which among
m i y s p   
i y g
a) 
b) iy
 g s w w
a)a High court oft.India
co b) Supreme.kcourt
authority to issue units?
a of India log a)  .kab) 
. b lo m
k a l o w u o w l . b o m w d)  a l c o
c) 
. d)  l. b m ed gs
c) Borth a & pb d) District Court
w  g a 77. Fundamental c) w
.c rightswcan only be amended
g by t.
w a c o i y w
u o t d u p o
ww59. Freedom d utoofgstrike
speech and empression
. includes
. ka lo
. b m y ed sc)a)p State
i y Governor ogs
b) eParliament
1. Right e p
s advertisements ww a)
a l o b) 
a i l g legislatue
o  k a d) l
2. iy g gc)  t.c . . b
Freedom of commercial
k3.a Freedom of silence. b lo w d u Which among the o
d) 
w . k
a l. b
o m
w w b)  g a l
. c om
w  l.  om  iye
68. p following provision
sbeen taken from theww
of Indian consti-
g a)
w u ot
w g a . c a
tution have g weimer constitution
d u c) 
o d) 
e d p
w  u
d o t .k of Germany?
b lo y e 78. Which sp is not a fundamental rights iy in the Indian oconsti- g s
p w l . m i g a
ye l
  a) Emergency & it’s effects on Fundamental rights.
o ka lo a) Right to equality w.k b) Rightslto.bfreedom
 i
a o g s
w w
u gaThe concurrent
b) t . clist. . l . b m a o m
. k 
 l d o w a o w g c
l .b
c) Constitutional Amendaments
w w a) Only 2 , 3/ a b) mOnly 1, 2/ iye d) Preamble
o g sp w w
u g c) Right
 t
to culture
.c and education
w   d)
d u ot.
Right to work

w 60. c)TestOnly 1, g
u 3/ t .cd) All/ .ka  l o    e d p o y e s p
b y s  i g
i y
of dreasonableness is very
ethe s po important consequence w w a l.
o m
k a i
l o g a)  .ka
b lo
a following articles?
g w g
a) . c
t . l. b b)  w l. m
. k 
b lo     edu b)  o w w a o m
c)  w g a c o
w  al. iy c)d)  sp w u g t.c w d u o t.
b)omArt/ 14
w d) 
a) Art/g
w c) Art/u 15 13 a g
lofo the following provisions of the constitution d 79. A p o e p
.cd) Art/ 16 w.k 69. Which e court enforces enjoyment of iayfundamental rightsby
d t l . b i y g s a o g
y e p o w a m k a l o issuing
. k l
61. Which of the
i of the Articles21? following cases are related to the inter-
a g w u g
did not come into
. c o to citizenship w.
force on Nov 26, 1949?
l . b c)a) aa decree w d)b) An A notification
w om
. 1. Gopalan case (1950) lo e d a) Provisions relating
o t w g a unit
o m w g
u c
w b y b) Provisionsprelating to electionsw .
al.case (1967) .com ai du t.c ed ot
ww 2.3. Golakhnath Menakagcase (1978) . k c) Fundamendal g s rights
loof these e o
i y p
d u o t (1973) w d) None
. b a iy sa)p  k ab)  gs
4. Kesavananda
e Bharathipcase
s   w l m
a o . k g
o Political
c)  w . d)  lo
iy  
a g w g
t . c w b l w l . b m
. k l o d ua)  o w a l . 80.
o m
right does not
include which of the
a following
c o
w   l.b m e b)  sp w g a) Right
.cto vote
to life
u g t.
w a o i y g u o
b) Right t d o
w  
d ug o t.c . ka c) 
b lo y ed c)spRight to contest in election iye g sp
w .
al among the.cfollowing om best supported i
a the idea of logd) Right to lodge complaint.k a lo
e d) 
i y
 
g w g
70. Which . k b w l . b m
a) a1, 3 b) lo1, 2 c) 2, 3, 4 d) w1, 3, 4 uinclussion of fundamental t w Constitution? al.
m w a o
. b d o rights in our
w o g t. c
a)  b) 
62.w Which of the l.following
is/are true
o m regarding right to iye a) Simongcommission 1927 w u g t .c
c) 
w d u
d)  o
w 1. Articleu 21 deals with rightt.cto education a lo Committee d o ye p
.k sa)p Political gs
b) Nehru Report 1928 e
d o w . b
c) lSwaraj i y 81. Right
to public office is a
a i
e p Bill 1895 m
a right b) kMoral right l o
2. y86th
i article 45 g w w
Act, 2002 changed
u gd)a Sapre committee
t . c oReport on constitutional
w .k propos-l.blo c) Economic right w .
d) Civil right l.b m
. k  l o d als 1945 o w a o m
 w g a c o
w w  al.b  
o m 
i ye  sp    w ug
t .c
a) 
w b) 
d u o t.
a g d o e sp
ug t.c
w  
d o .k b
a) lo i y e c) p
s a iy
d) 
w l . og
om ka lo
82. Right to education become a fundamental right on
 
i y e sp w   b) a
g c . l w .k . b
g b
kaOnly 1/blo b) Only 2/
 w uc)  t . w l . a) March/ m w b) April/a1, 2010
l o m
. a)
mof these/ iye71. d)Which d o w a o 15, 2010
w g
u 10, 2010 ot. c
w w c) 1 & 2 al. d) None
c o a among g spthe following fundamental
w rights has d u g
been 83. Which
c) July/
o t .c 17, 2010 d) Oct/
following is a politicaleright?
w 63. Which of the
d ugfollowing areocriticisms t. of the fundamen-
. k b lo
Most controversial?
i y e s pRightof tothework
a i yEducation gsp
tal rights?
sp w .
l to freedom o m ogc) Right to vote d) Right
a) b) Right to
i y e are against Authority g w a) aRight
. c . ka l .k to freedom of Expression b
g . om
1. They w
kaParliament can o or Abolish them
lcurtail w uc) Right to freedom
b) Right to property
o t w b
l.  m w a l
.2. b d p w a o g . c
l. t.c w b)  ot
e d) Right togeducational of religion
w 3. Feature ofapreventive detention
o m i y s w rights u g a) 
d u
w g c & cultural
d o p
w  Complex
d u language
o t. . ka b lo
. iy e 84. gWhich
s p of the following is not aiyfundamental
 d) e
g sas
   l m a o
iy e
g sp ww a) a
g  t.c
o . ka b lo per the Indian constitution? .k l . bl
. a
k 
b lo m
e d ub)
c)  o w w a l. a) Right to
mfreedom w b) Right to Information g a
. c om
w a l.
w  
. co a g sp
iy d)  w d ug t.c to speech w d) Rightedtoulife
c) Right
o ot
w   u g o t .k 72. The lo court ofmIndia has held that ‘Where
supreme e Ar- 
p iy s p
d s p w l . b o i y g s  a o g
i 1,e2 &4 b) 2 &lo3 gc) 2, 3 & 4 d) All/
 y
w w g
a .......... comes
t .c
in Article
40 out.
. ka b lo a)c)  m w b).k 
l . b l
o m
k a
b u o w l .  o w d)  a c
64.. Which of the following
w a l. fundamental omrights are not avail-yed  sp w w g a 85. Righttto.cfree education w within certainulimits g is o t.
. c g u o p
ai ed
a) Art/ 30 b) Art/ 31 A
able to enemy
d ug allience. pot
ww  . k c) Art/
. b lo 31 B m d) Art/ 32ed
a)pGuaranted as a fundamental right
s i y gs
e s l o i y g b) Ignored by the Constitution
a y 20 og
a) iArt/
b) Art/ 21 w
u gafree and compulsory
Which of the
t .c Education Act prohibits
following sections of the
. a the con- .blo c) Outlinedmin the preamble
of children
. kaof the Constitution l.b policy com
c) Art/ 21 A b d) Art/ w22 d
to o l o w a
w.Which of the afollowing sp w ga t.
d) Enshrined in the Directive principles gof state
65. l. is/are true o mregarding fundamen- iye ducting of admission
test in schools?
w u t .c
 w w
d u o
w rights?ug .c lo
 w d  o p
w tal d o tregarding . ka b
 .
l m  
i y e g
s iy e
o gs
1. First e written document p rights was issued
w b)  a l
a iiny 1215.
o g s
w w u gasection/t11
. co . ka 13 l.blo c)  m w .k
a l.b m
. k
2. Right to property l is part
b and personal of Article 21 that deals with d a)
o b) section/
w a d) o
 w g c o
w w propertyaofl.life c omliberty. i ye74. Which among
c) section/
sp the following articles
15 d)
w w
section/ 17
u g 86. In thet.constitution c ofwIndia, the fundamental d u rights wherot.
w ug  t .
  k a l g
o all citizens? throws alldpublic
e p o
added under which amendament? y e s p
o . places b to y s i g
 iy ed   g sp   w w a l. om
. c k ai l o g a) were added under the 42nd . ka amendment
in 1952 l.b
lo m
 l o w u g t w . . b b) were added
m by the w
k b d o l o w a c
.   om p b) w
ga t.
c) were added by 4th amendment g
w a l. c i y e a)c) Art/ g s15(2) w Art/ 16(2)
u t
d) formed .c a part of w the original constitutionu o
. o d p
ww a)  g t Art/ 17 d) Art/ 18
d u1/ b)oOnly 2/
p . ka 75. Right b loproperty wasmrenamed from the list eofdfunda-
to p  
s iye   gs
e s w l . o i y g  a lo
c) iy1 & 2
a o g d) None of these/ wequality uga)a Indira Gandhi
mental rights during c the
t.governement rule of
. ka b lo a)  m .k l.b om
66. kWhich of the follwing b l is exception m to rulewof d p o w l . o w a . c
w. before lawgenshrined l. in Article o14? ga t.c w ug ot
b) 
a . c i y e b) MorajigDesai s government w u c) o w d
w t a c)
lo government
Narasimha Rao government w d  p
w 1. CM’s actions
d u in a newspaper p o of a substantially.ktrue b m e sd)p  i y e g s
d) Vajpayee
l o y g o
ye of anylproceedings gs ai ka Natural
2. Publication
a ireport o of parliament. w
w g a
o t .c
. k . b lo Which
87. is the status of the right
m . to property now?
l . bl o m
.k w u l a) Legal o right w b) right
a c
l.b g right ot.
3. Article 31
o m y ed a)  g sp w w
b) 
u g a t
c) Human
.c right ww d) Fundamental u
g .c i w d p
ww  a l o d p s
u t k c) 
b d) 
e s y e g
 
i y s po w . 76. Onl.which of the following
a o m day, United Nation a iyonGeneral lo g 
k a i
b lo
g w g Assembly .
ratifiedc its Universal declarationk human b a)  .
ka  . l.
  u rights? ot
. l o w d w a c) 
o m w wd)  g a c o
ww a l.b c om i ye g sp w w u g t .c w d u o t.
ug . a d o ye sp
w ot Thoothukudi 99445w11344 .k Tirunelveli.bl98942 o 41422 Ramanathapuram 75503 e 52916 Madurai p 98431 10566 3
d p m i y s a i g
e s al co ka og .k lo
w w . k a iy
g a l. b l o g
t . c om
w w

a iy ed
u g
lo g sp
o t .
w w w .
d u ga
l . b l

p o t .c o m
w w w
e d u g a l . b

s p o t. c o m
. b .
w al. o m iye s p
ww c a log
a iy edu

88..kFundamental rights
w a) cannot bealsuspended .b
l o
o t .

granted to the Indian citizens

c om
w w w .k

i y e d
g a l . b

and carry
t .
u b) Freedom ofoconscience - Include c o
spkirpans by Sikhs ww
w .
i y
l . b lo g s p

o m w w .k a
t .c w

d ug
a l. bl o g s

o t. c o m

w b) can be g .
u suspended pot under any circumstance ka c) Right lototradepersonal liberty - Include the right edto carry p o
 (R)    y e  sp
c) candnever be suspended . . b m i y s i g
d) iy
None of the above g sincorrect w w
lon any
d)a Right equality t
. ctoo- Include the principle
. k a of natural log a) AR
. ka . b lo m
k a l o w u o w l . b o m w a l c o
. a)  b
ed 
sp w
g ot.
w a l.
c o m
i y g w w
u ga b) 
o t .c A w R 
d u p
ww b)c)  u g t. a l o
a)    d p RA e s
o . k b e s y g
ed sp
y w a .
c o m
a iy l o g  k ai b lo
d) i g w g . . .
89. .kWhich Article of the b loconstitution envisages free b)
w and com- du 
o t
  
w . k
 
a l. b c) AR
o m
w w g a l
. c om
p d) AR
g 96. Whicht.cof the following
w w pulsory education al. for children.cupto omthe age of 14 years? iye c)  g s  w w   u o w are envisaged d u by the Rightot
w 
u t k a lo
 e d p Exploitation in the Constitution
Against y e of India? sp
d p o w 
. l . b m i y s
g1. Prohibition of traffic in human i
a beings and forcedlolabour g
i y e   s w
d) 
a c o k a lo . k b
 g g  t. . .b 2.3. Abolition w of minoritiesal.
of untouchability m
. kaArticle/ 19
l o b) Article/
w 31 d
95. uAssertion(A) : o
The principle of w
equality law means thata l o
Protection m of the w
interests g c o
w w c) Article/al32 d)omArticle/ 45 i y e there shouldspbe equality of treatment
g w w under equal gcir-
u t .c
4. Prohibition w
of employment d u in factoriesot.
of children
w 90. Considerdutheg following statements: t .c k a cumstances. l o e d p oand mines. y e s p
20 of thepConstitution w . b
l. (R) : All persons m are not equal byanature/ i y s
g select the correct answer using i
athe codes givenlobelow: g
In view
i y eofofArticle s
of India, no person
a o k
l o . k b
a an offence can
o gthumb impression for identification.
be compelled to:
w u g
tainment or c
. individually truewand
t . l . b 
 
m w
 l. m
. k 1. Give his signature
b l or d a) Both A and oR are
w R is the a
cor- o w g a c o
w w 2. Give oral atestimony l. either in or out of the court. iye
m sp of A
rect explanation w u g t.c w
  d u o t.
a g d o p
w Which
d ug statements given
of the
t .co
above is/are correct?
.k b) BothloA and R are individually true but R isenot the
. b i y
s a i ye gs
e o w l
correct explanation of A
a g  
k l o
a iy s p     w w
 gaAA isis true
c) but R is o m
false .k b lo    w .  
g u . c w l . a
.  
b lo
 
e d d) false but
o t
R is true
w w g a 
a) 1 & 2o b) 1 w
m w
u g4 d) 1 &4 com
l. m ai y p u .c
&3 c) 2, 3 &
d t.
ww   a
   o .k g s d t
po of public duties kaiy
e o
ug t.c lo Corpus iye 1. Non - performance sp
97. Match the following with the correct answer using the codes given below:
d o w .
A) Habeas b a s g
i y e
  
g sp   w w
. c om w .k 2. Unlawful l ogdetention w .
. b lo
a 
k l o uC) Quo - Warranto o t w l . b
3. Correctional directions m w courts al
to subordinate o
. d a o w g c
w w a) Only 1/ a l.b b) Onlyom 2/ i y e D) Certiorarisp
w 4.gUnlawful occupation
u t .c of public office d u o t.
w c) 1 & 2dug d) tNone .c of these/ ka
lo ed  p o ye sp
o . b
A) 
. i y s a i g
91. Consider
1. The i y
the following
ewrit of mandamus
g sp is available not only
w w
against g
B) a
. c om . k a  
b l og .k . b lo
kajudicial authorities lo w u C)  t w  l .
 m w w a l o
. but also against administrative d o w a o g c
w w authorities. a l.b o m iye a) 3, 4, 1,gs2 p
D) 
w3 
u g 3, 1, 4, 2 t.c d) 2, 4,w1, 3
d u o t.
ug of prohibition a b) 2, 1, 4, c)
d o e p
w 2. The
o t.c only against judicial
is issued
.k 98. As far . b lo Armed Forces are concerned, the Fundamen- i y e s p
a i yimposed gs
or quasi-judicial
e authorities.
p w w l the
a Rights granted under m a g
o Articles 14 and.19k of Constitu- blo effciency and precent w
4. Reasonable restrictions may
. k be o
to promote
a iy of the statements
g s given above is/are w correct?
u gtal
t . c w . maladministration l.b below: om
k l o d l m w a
po at all
w .    .b m  iye a) Not available
tion are: w ga
the correct answer
w using the g
t .c
a l s w u t . d o
  
u g  t.co  . ka b) Available
b l og to the Armed Forces but not to other
i y e d forces p o
s i y e
g sp
 o w . a
 
i y e  
g s p   w c)
aArmy only at
c om
the discretion of
. ka
the Chief of the
b l og w .k . b lo

k l o w staff .
ud) Available onlyotaccording to lawwmade w by Parliamental.  
m w 
a l o m
. d o g c
w w a) Only 1/ a l.b b) Only o2/ m i ye   g sp w   ug 
t .c  w
d u ot.
w c) 1 & 2 ug c
t. of these/ k a lo e d  o
ye sp
d d) o None
w . 
. b   
m i y s a i g
92. Consider
iye is no provision sp
the following statements:
g w l
. c o . ka log  .k b lo
1. aThere
k reservation in.bthe Constitution w
lo matters of promotion in the ser- dub) 
in the of India for g
o t
w wal. b
o m w w
 a l.
. c om
p t.&c 3 w g
w w vices underal the state in favour
g c o m of the scheduled iye g s w
d u g 
o d u
p ot
ka lo
w castes u
d and the scheduled
o t. tribes. . l . b
c) 
iy e g
s p 1, 2 b)
a i ye1 & 3
2 & 4
g s
m c) 2, 3 & 4 d) o
2. As e
iy per provisions g sofpforthetheConstitution wwposts
of India, for d) a
g  t.co . ka b lo When emergency under Article
102. .k 352 of the Constitution l . bl
. a getting
k under the state,reservation appointmentsw
loa class must bembackward and should ed
and u o w a l . is proclaimed,o m the President w w of India has g ano power to com
w not be adequately l. b o in the services un- iy99. In IndiangConstitution, s p w
the powerwto issue a writ of Ha-
u g . c the Fundamental w Rights contained u in which ofot.
w a represented
. c suspendt d
w der the u gstate.
p ot . ka beas Corpus
b losupreme is vested only in:
m i y ed s pofollowing Articles?
the i ye g sp
Which d
e of the statements s given above is/are correct? w a) l.The High Courts.co
The Court
a g   . k a   lo
i y o g w w g a
b) t . k b l o m w . b o m
a b l u o w l . 
o 
w  
a l 
w .k   a l.c om  yed d) The Supreme c) The
sp Court and the High
Subordinate courts
w w g a  t .c  w   u g ot.
t . i o g courts u o d p
ww   l p s
u  o  ka b e d s e g
ed 
sp w .  
a l. om
 
o ga) 20 & 21 a iy 19 & 20 lo
o g w 
g . c
t b)  k a b l c) 21 & 22 .
mfollowing statementsk d) 19 & 21 l.b m
k a b l
w d u a)  o . l . o w a c o
w.  l. sp w ga c g t.
103. Which of the is/are correct of the
 
o m   iye c)  w
d)  t .prohibition? w w u o
w g
lothe following rights is w u writ o of d p
ug t.c
w ka 100. Which b of not explicitly mentioned
e d s pIt is an order issued by a higher y ecourt commanding gs
e d
p o w . in thel . Fundamental m
Rights but has been i
upheld y to be g 1.
a i l o
a) Only
iy 1/ gsb)d) Only
c)a1 & 2 o
w w u gaby serval pronouncements
t . co . ka Court? l.blo amatters
of the Supreme
lower court to cease .from
m w
k proceeding l . bin some m
ga as a matter t.co
None of these/
.Consider bl statements: m e d a) Equity before p o law w w a not within its jurisdiction.
obe claimedwbywan aggrieced party
93. .
the following
l o y s g 2. It can . c u
ww 1. Ain Constitutional ga amendment
theuNinth Schedule can t .bec challenged
inserting a regulation
k ai b) Right g
l o
to non-discrimination in wpublic employment
e du p ooft right y e d
s p o
d o
pstructure on the .
c) Right to
.b to freedomom
form associations or unions
iy g i
sselect the correct answer usingathe codes givenobelow: g
ofeviolation of basic s d)alRight of Press a o . k l
2.ai Any legislationlo g by Parliament cannot w
of the Constitution.
w be suc- ug  c
t.   . k  .b
l  m   w  l.b  com
k b
d o w l o w a
. cessfully challenged om the basic structureiye  sp w ga t.
w a l. for affecting
w t .c w u g o
. c g u  o d p
ww Whichdofuthe g statements given ot above is/are correct?
of the constitution.
p . ka
b m e d sp  iye gs
e s w .
b) l
o i y g a l o
a   o g w  ugc)a  t.c . ka b lo a) Only 1/
 
m .kOnly 2/l.b om
k b l m   w d p o w l . o w b) a . c
w.  al.  ga c) 1 t&.c2 w d) None ofuthese/
d) 
g ot
.co s following statementsware true with regard
  e
w g t i y 101. Which of the g w u o w d p
d u p o .k a lo
to thebFundamental mRights of the minoritieseindeduca- 104. s p the Indian constitution which
i y e one of the follow- g s
     l . o y g o
i ye gs
lo w w g a matters?t.c
. k ai b
ing is
lo restrictions
not a
specific ground
on which
on freedom of .religion?
the State
l. bl
can place
o m
.kc) 1 & 2 al.b w u 1. The minorityo has only the right to administer the l . o w a c
a) Only 1/ b)
d) None
mof these/ yed educational sp institutions. ww g a .c w w
t u g o t.
i g u o p
ww94. Which d
g of the following
uone o t.c pairs is not correctly . k a 2. The
. b lominority has the right towestablish andeadminis- d s p
   
i y ed   
matched? e p
s and expression - Includewthewfree- a l ter educational instritutions. m i y g 
o and not subjectktoa any restric- blo a) Public order/.k b) Morality/ a lo
a)iyFreedom of speech g g . c l.b m
. k a l o w d u 3. The right is absolute
o t w . l. m w a o
dom of Press
l.b a c) Socialo Justice/
w d) g
t. c
om 99445 11344 Tirunelveli
ww a c a i ye 98942 g41422 sp Ramanathapuram w w
d u g
o t .c w d u o
ug .
Thoothukudi 75503 52916 Madurai 98431 10566
ye s4p
d p ot w .k . b lo m i y e s p
a i g
e s al co ka og .k lo
w w .k a iy
g a l. b l o g
t . c om
w w

a iy ed
u g
lo g sp
o t .
w w w .
d u ga
l . b l

p o t .c o m
w w w
e d u g a l . b

s p o t. c o m
. b .
w al. o m iye s p
ww c a log
w .ka
iy edu

105. Match the followings:

l. b l o g sp
o t .

ww w .k

g al.b
e1. Right to freedom sp
.c om
w.k a i y e

g a l.b
s p

.t co
m w
a)   
w .k a iy

g a l. blo
g s

t .co
u po
A. Liberty of thought and expression i 
w ga t . c a o g d o e
w B. Cultural and educational rights
du po
C. Making special provision for women and children w .k 3. Preamble 2. Freedom
l . bl
of speech and
o m
i y e
g sp
b) 
c)  a iy o g s
iy e g s w a .c liberty ka lo .k bl m
D. Protection of interest of Minorities
a l o w u g
4. Protection of life and
o t w . l . b d) 
o m w a l . o
k b w t. c
.  l. ed sp
5. Right to equality 112. Assertion (A) : One of the fundamental principles of
w a c o m
i y g w w
u ga t .c w
the Indian Constitution is the Rule of Law.
o d u g
p o
ww AB 
d ot
. ka   . b lo
m y ed sp
Reason (R) : The Constitution of India has guaranteed
i ye gs
e p l o i g a
to every citizen the equality before law and has recog- l o
C iy
a gs
l o ga
 
u t .c . k a
l . b lo .k
nized the judiciary as the unfailing guardian of the rights
m w l.b om
. k D b
 w d
 p o w a of people. o w g a . c
w w
g al. c om iye  g s w w u g t.c w
a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the cor-
o d u
p ot
. a lod) 2, 4, 5, 1 d e
w a) 3, 1, u
5, 2 b) t2, 5, 4, 1
p o c) k3, 5, 4, 2
w . l . b m i y e
g sp
rect explanation of A
a iy o g s
106. Theiy e of Life andspersonal liberty adenvisaged
scope w in a) aHabeas Corpusco ka
b) Prohibition
b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
lo .k bl
a o g w u g Quo - Warranto t . . l . b correct explanation of A
m w a l . o m
.ksiderably over the
Article 21 of the l
b years. Which one
of India, has expanded con-
d c) o d) w
a o
c) A is true but R is false w g c
w al. of this protection? o mof the following can iye  sp w w
u g t .c
d) A is false but R is true w d u o t.
w g o p
still not be g
w a) ThedRight subject
u to good health o t.c . ka . b lo
a)  i y ed p
 (A)      
s i ye gs
e p w l m a g
.k a lo
b) iThe
a y Right of a bonded g s abour to rehabilitation w w after gb)c)a . co .k b lo
(R) w l.b m
. k allowance l o d u 
o t w a l . o m w a o
b w        g t. c
w w c) The a . a settlement, to claim bonus oriye d) 
Right, lunder
m g sp w is not guaranteed d u g t.c
   
w d u o
w d) The Right dearness
ug to livelihood byt.cmeans
allowance o which are not.ille- k a 111. Which one
of the following freedom
p ye p
e gs
d w by thebConstitution
l . of India?
i y g s a i
e o a a)      
k l o
a iy
gal, immoral or opposed
s p to public policy
w w
u gaFreedom to move
Freedom to own,
c o m
acquire and dispose
freely throughout w .kthe country l.blo
of property 
w . l.b
k g
. 
lo d t . wand without arms a w
b)      
m g a om
w b y e c) Freedom tooassemble peaceably
p w g o
 w u . c
ww b)  g al. 
a) 
c o m
k ai d) Freedoms to practice any trade or profession u
g e d t.c
c) 
o y ed p ot
u t.  
w .
 lo
iy 
d)  a i s
d o  .b a k g
c) 
p w l m k g . o
a ye
d) i
g s w 113. g a the followings:
t . c o w .
b lo w w l . bl m
107. k
. Assertion (A): Preventive l o Detention is included in the d u A. Indra Sawhney o Case 1. w Power of Parliament a l . to amend Part III o m w
of the Constitution a c o
w chapter on Fundamental l.b Rightsm in the Constitution of ye B. Minerva s p Case
Mills 2.w Procedure Established g by Law t.c u g t.
w a o i g u o d o
w India. Reason d u:gThe Constitution o t.chas cested the legislative . ka C. Gopalan
b lo Case 3. Reservation d
y efor Backward p
s i ye g sp
ewith regard tospreventive p w D.
al .
Shankari Prasad
Case 4. Revival
a ofi Judicial Review
og a lo
power i y g detention inw the Par-
. c . k b l w .k l . b m
kityain thisonly
liament and lthe o State Legislatures havew no author- uA  o t w l . m w a o
. b d 
a o g t. c
w w al.R are individually
o m i ye BC  g sp w 
u g
o t.c w d u o
w a) Both Agand
.c true and R is the cor- a lo
  d
p ye p
rectdexplanation of A ot
p w .k . b
D 
l m  
a i y e
g s
k a i
l o gs
b) yBoth A and R are individually s true but R isw a)a 3, 1, 5, 2 o b) 2, 5, 4, 1 .k c) 3, 5,lo4, 2 d) 2, 4, 5, 1 .
not the
a i correct explanation g w u g t . c w . b w m
. k l o of A
d o w a l o m w g a c o
but.Rbis false 114. Which one of the following is the correct statements? a) Ordinance b) Bye-law
wd) Constitutional u amendment ot.
w w c)d) AA isis true l
false Rais true o m
a i ye Right to privacy g sp as a FundamentalwRight is implicit d ugin: c) Rule
o t .c d
w ug  t.c   .k a) The lRight o to Freedom e p
 y
i e
  sp
  
d o w . b i y s a g
i y g s p w b) The
g aThel Right to Personal
c omLiberty .ka b l og
 
w .k 
. b lo

  
lo   w
  c) Right
ud) The Right Against to .
t Exploitationww l.  m w a l o m
. b d
e  o a o w b)  u g t. c
m sp 
w a)   a l. o   iy w u g
 t
a) .c d o
w  c a g d o
w ug
d o t. . k b lo
i y e c) p
s a i ye
d) 
g sp
sp   w l . m 118.
ogable restrictions be imposed
On which one of the
.kon the ground of.bthelosecu-
following freedoms, can reason-
e   a) 
b) 
i y g w a . c o . l
. ka lo
uc)  o t
w w a
l. rity of theostate? m w w a l
. c om
p t.c and expression g
c) w
w w d)  o m i y e d)  g s w u g a) Speech
o b) Peaceful
d u assembly ot
w 108. Which ofduthe following isonot c
t. included in Article 19.kofa 115. Assertion b lo(A): An accused person cannot be compelled y e d c) pAssociation or union
s d) e
i y Movement
g sp
the Consitution of India,ppertaining to the Right tow Free- to give .
al his(R)thumb m
aicompelled log kab)  lo
i y s w g c o . k b . . b
. kaRight to resied
loand g w d
uto be a witnessotagainst : An accused
. himself. w person cannot be a) 
l. c)  m w w d) al om
a) b settle in any m part of the territory
e w
p R are individuallywtrue and R is theucor- a
g 119. Which o w are mentioned g . c
w w of India al.
g t . co a iy a) BothgAsand d o t.cofinthe following
e dofuIndia
under separate t
w b) Rightuof minorities to establish o and administer edu- . k rect l o explanation of
y e p
Articles Part III of the Constitution
i y pertaining
y e d institutionssp
g w w a
b A and R areoindividually
b) l.Both
. c true butaRi is not the
k l o gsto Fundamental Rights?
. k a l og m
c) i Right to form associations
a lo or unions w gc) A is true butoRt is false
correct explanation of A
w . . b 1. Abolition mof titles ww
of untouchability
l . b o
.kd) Right to assemble b m without arms ed u p l 2. Abolitiono a
g promotion ofot. c
w a l. peaceably c oand y g sbut w w g a 3. Freedomt .c as to payment w of taxesufor
 g .
t  i d) A is false R is true
blo    
u o d p
ww 
u o . k a
l. om e d s p any particular religion
iy e g s
a) 
iy 
g sp   w g a
. c a iy l o g4. Protection of interests of aminorities
k . b lo m
a  l o w u   t
o  . k  
l . b Select the m
correct answer
w .using the codes
a l
given below o
k b w d o c
w w.b)  a l.   o m  e 
i y g sp  
w w w
u ga o t .c w w
d u g
p o t.
ug t.c
a)  
w c) 
d o . ka b lo e d sp iy e gs
e p w l .
m i y g a l o
iy the following
d) 
a g s w b)a 
g  . co  . ka b lo   
 
.k  l.b  om
109. k Consider
l o statements: w d u o t w l . m w a
w w.The ‘State’ under
includes: a
l.b Article 12 cofothe m Indian Constitution iye c)  s p w w u ga t . co
w w
d ug o t.c
t. ka 116. RightbtologEducation isma fundamental right iemanating d o   e   p
d)   
w 1. The Government u g ando . e p i y s
Parliament of India. y s g
2. y
i TheedGovernmentgand sp legislature of the states. w w a
from l. right to: co
. . k a l o g  .ka
b lo m
3.a Local authorities l o or other authorities w
within the ter- u ga) Freedom o
of t
speech and expression w
under Article 19 l. b a) 1 & 2 m b) 2, 3 & 4 w c) 3 & 4 d)
a l.
1, 2, 3&4 o
. ritories of India b
l. or under the m of Government e b) Culturesand d p education underwArticle w 29 and 30 ga 120. Fundamental o
.c be suspended w w g Constitu-ot. c
w a . c ocontrol i y g u o t rights guaranteed in the Indian
d u
ww Whichdofuthe
of g
statementspgiven ot above are correct: .ka
c) Life
d) .Equality
lo before lawmand equal protection ofethe
and personal liberty under Article 21 d laws s
can only
p A proclamation of national emergency by:
i y e g sp
y e gs     ‘’ w a lunder Article 14co a iy l o g b) An Act passed by the Parliament ka b lo
a i l o w u g t . . k
   l. b m w . l . om
k 
b m w d  
p o w c) An amendmento of the Constitution a
. c
w w.  
g a l.
t .c o
i y g s
e  w w u ga d) The
o t.cjudical decisionsw w of the Supreme
d u g Court
p o t
w d u po  
.k a lo
a) 
b m e d s p
 
i y e g
 s
l . o y g o
gs ai
  b) 
ye ka
a i
lo w w g a t.c
o . k . b lo  m . l . bl o m
.ka) 1, 2 & 3al.bb) 1 & 2 c)m 2 & 3 d) 1 & 3 ed d)  s w u p w l o w a t. c
o y
c) 
g w  u g a a)
t .c
w w
b)o u g o
ug Court of India t.cdeclared by issuing a .writ i    
w 
p  yed p
ww110. The Supreme
d o k a
l. b lo
m y e d
g s c)
i o gs
thate“that respondentpwas not entitled to an office
iy holding or a privilege s he was exercising”. Which w writ he 117. a
The state shall not o make any law which takes
a i away or
lo121. The Right to Property was .converted
d) 
k a l
was g w u g abridges the fundamental t . c rights. Which.kone of the fol- . b intol.ablegal right m
. k l o w d o w a l o m w w g a c o
is that?
ww a c om i ye
shall not be construced as
w for this purpose?
u g from
t .c
a Fundamental
Right, because
u o t.
. a g d o ye sp
w ug ot Thoothukudi 99445w11344 .k Tirunelveli.bl98942 o 41422 Ramanathapuram 75503 e 52916 Madurai p 98431 10566 5
d p m i y s a i g
e s al co ka og .k lo
w w .k a iy
g a l.b l o g
t . c om
w w

a iy ed
u g
lo g sp
o t .
w w w .
d u ga
l . b l

p o t .c o m
w w w
e d u g a l . b

s p o t. c o m
. b .
w al. o m iye s p
ww c a log
. a iy edu

ka) Tied the hands

w ruption al.b
l o gsp
o t .
w w w .k
g a l . b
of the governement to prevent cor- du 
c om i y e 
g sp
o t . c o m

w . ka
i y e

u g a l . b lo g s
t .c
c) Protections
otom personal
w w
a iy
w to an accuseduperson
l .
g - Includes t.
o g s
c o m

w b) Gave rise
u g to litigations that t . made judiciary overburden k a l o
a)  e d p o y e s p
o .Par- .b
protection against
sd) Protections against arrestaand ex-post facto laws in civil
i detention - Includes matters
c) Ledd
i y e to severe conflictpbetween judiciary and the
g s w w b) l
a .
c o m  
k a iy
l o g . k b logprac- m
ugc)  ot   . l.b l.
liament 
kd)a Increased public b lo resentment w w
tom consult and
w w
to be defended by
a legal
. l . m e d s p w a c
. of one’s
wchoice g t .
w w   g a 
t . co   a iy d) 
l o g w d ug ot
p e du s po
w u .k 
y e d
s po w a l.b o m
a i ye
l o gs 
a) 
k a iy l o g
122. Match
i the following:
A.a Writ of mandamus l o g
1. Prohibition
w of an action u g
o t.c .k l . b b) m w .
a l.b
  om
. b d p w a o w g . c
w w B. Writ of injunction
g al. c om2.3. Direction iytoe a titlefororthe
to the official s
of a duty w
w u g 
o t.c w d u
p ot
C. Writ of certiorari . Trial of the righta lo to a court of higher jurisdiction ye
elective office d c)  e
w D. Writdofuquo-warranto o
t 4. Transferring
w .kof a case lowerl.court b m i g sp a iy o g s
a ye
g s w ga t . co . ka b lo d)     w .k   l . bl 
. kB .bl
A o  w
d u o w a l . 
o m  w   a 
c o
w l e
m  sp w g .c w u g t.
w a o i y g w u o t
d p o
w D  d ug
C 
o t.c  
. ka
. b lo
i y ed 133.
p of the following Fundamental
i ye Rights cannot
e p w l m a g suspended during emergency? a lo
a) y2,1,4,3
a i g s b) 1,2,3,4 ww c) 3,4,2,1 ga d) o4,3,1,2
. c .k b lo a) Freedoms under Articlew.19k b
l.Articles m
. k l o d u o t w a l . b) Right
otom constitutionalw remedies undera 32 o
b w g t. c
w w person detained
123. According to
a l. under any law for
article 22 the maximum
period for which
i ye a) Both A
g sp of R
and R are individually
wtrue and R is the
d u g
cor- and
o t .c226 w d u o
w tion is? ug preventive deten- a rect explanation
pRights under Articles 20 andiy21e p
.co loA and R are individually true but Riyisenot the c) Rights under Articles 21 and 22
d t w .k b) Both
l . b g s
d) a gs
e o a lo   w k
.   l o
a iy 
 g s p   w
w u gaA is true but R cisofalse
correct explanation m of A
w .k l . b a l.b
. a) 2 months/ lo d c)
t . w a 
m w w g om
w b b) 3 months/
y e d) A is false but
p o R is true
w g a) o u . c
l. du t.c
ww124. Which one gofathe
c) 4 months/
d) 6 months/
o . k ai g s
e b) o 
i y ed p ot
anteed donly to the citizens o t.fo India and not w
folowing Fundamental Rights is guar- 
b lo a iy sc)d)p k a g s
p w to the l . m k g . o
iye living in India?
 l
foreginers g s w g a c o w . lo Assertion (A) : Speakingwwon Article 32 in thel.bConstitu-
ka) Equality before l o u 
t . w l . b 134. m a o m
. law and equal protection of laws
.b and expression d a) o
w a o w g t. c
w w b) Freedom ofalspeech o m i y e sp
g u g ent
veryosoul t .c of the Constitution.
Assembly, Dr.Ambedkar described
u Article as the
w c)d) Right to g
u life liberty oftreligion
Rightdto the freedom o
.c . ka lo
b) 
b y ed s p (R) : Article 32 provides
Reason i yeeffective remedies g sp
w l . om i ogagainst violation of fundamental a lo
 i y e  
g sp   w w g
a . c . k a
b l w .k rights. l . b m
. ka l
 o d ud)  o t
w w a l . a) Both
Am and R are individually
w true and
g a R is the cor-
c o
w a l.b
w a)  o m i e Under the sterm
y129. g
p “Double Jeopardy” w implied in Article u g rect
b) oBotht .c A and R arewindividually truedubut R is not theot.
explanation of A

w b)c) 
u g t . c k a l o Constitution of India, a person: ye d p y e s p
. 20 of the
b s correct explanation of A i g
d) iy s po w w a .
a) lConvicted by a court
o . ai
mof law cannot bekprosecuted in
l o g c) A is true R is false .ka b lo
g w
a Supreme Courtlohas increased the ambit of the Right du b) Punished departmentally g a court of law
t .
forc the same offence.
wprosecuted inaal. b d) A is false
m but R is true w a l . m
. kThe o w o w g c o
l.bto include which
cannot be
w to Life (Articlea21) mof the following? iye court of s
p w ug
t .c w
u 
w o a g law for the same offence.
d o
e d o
w 1. Right
2. Rightdto uglife includes theotRight
to life includes the .c to liverlihood .k
Right to live with dignity c) Shalllonot be prosecuted and punished forethe same
b i y s p
a iy g sp
w .
3. Righti y e to life includes thespRight to receive minimum
g w wages g
aCannot more than
c omto proceedings
. kain civil courts blog w .k . b lo

kaRight to life includes
4. lo w
the Right to guaranteed em-
u for disobedience be .
t of an injunction walong with crimi-al. a) o 
m w a l o m
. d o w g c
w w ployment aforl.b100 days in a year. o m i ye sp
nal proceedings. w u g t .c w
  
u 
o t.
t. c a g d 
o ye   sp
ug   lo
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
w  o . k 
b y e b)s p    i g
d  
w . m i a
i ye
g sp w l
a)gat. c o . ka blogc)  .k b lo
. ka
b lo w
d u 
o w
w a l. d)  o m
w w a l.
. c om
p g 135. Whicht.ofc the following g
w w  al. o m i y e b)  
g s w u  o
w statements about
d u the right to ot
d u g
 
w   t. c
. ka b lo
y e d s p of religion is not correct?
freedom i y e g sp
e o
p w w l . m
c) a ai oga) The State can regulate the.kaeconomic, financial, lo po-
iy s g c o . k b l . b
. ka
 l og m
w d ud)  
o t.  wal. litical or other secular w
activities which may
mwith religiouswpractices. g al be asso- com
w a) Only 4 /a l. b b)o 1 & 2
i y e s p w w u g c
. wimposed on theduright to freedomot.
w . c g t
ka 130. Reservation poof religion on grounds of maintenance ye of public
b) Restrictions can be
1, 2 & g
w 126. c)In accordance
u with the text p otofd)the allConstitution,
/ 
. b lo of seats in m educational institutionsyin
i s a i g spor-
y e restriction ingthe s interest of ‘sovereighty w wand
a rea-
a l.
Scheduled Castescand
. o Scheduled Tribes iskgoverned
a by: og
l der, morality or health. .k lo m
a i lo w g a) Article 15 of o t
the Constitution w . . b m w l . b o
intergrity’ of India b
.ka) Freedom aofl.speech and expression
can be imposed on the right to: u
d b) Article 16spof the Constitution w l c) Every religious
o denomination has the right
w a
g and chari-ot.
to estab-
w . c om y e g w u g a lish
o t .cand maintain institutions
w for religious
u p
g throughoutotthe territory of India ai o d
ww b)c) Move
c) Article l 29 of the Constitution p
k b e d s
table purposes.
e g s
Reside settle insany p part of the territoryw. d)
a l.
Article 14 of the
iy o gd) Funds appropriated by a religious a iy denomination lo are for
d) iCarryy g
o w
any occupation, trade or business w
of India. g t . c
k a b l promoting and maintaining
m . k a particular . b
l m
k a b l d u o . l . o w a c o
w. g ot.
w taxable.
 
a l. o m 
i y e a)  g sp w u ga .c
 t
o w w  
d u p
w  u g t .c a l o
b)  w d p e s
. k b e 
s iy g
a) 
i y s po w w a l.
c) 
o m a iy l o ga)   
. k a 
b lo 
o g
b)a w g
d) 
uWhat is the correct c
t. sequence of the following?. k l.b 
m 
w 
a l . m
. k 
l d o w a o w g c o
l.b co
131. 
w d)  a
 iy
e 1. ScheduledspCastes Order ww u g b)  t .c   w  d u ot.
w g t . k a l o g e d p o y e s p
 o . 2. Untouchability
b Offences Act
m Act y s  i g
127. Which
i y edone of the following g sp is the best justification w w for a l.
3. Protection of CiviloRights
. c . k ai l o g  . ka b lo m
the affirmative l o
action policies in India? w u g4. Scheduled
o t
Castes and Scheduled Tribes
w (Prevention
l. b c) m w
a l. o
k b d o w c
w . a) The principle
a l. ofof non-discrimination
. c om i y
e Select thegcorrect sp answer using the
Atrocities) Act
w w
u ga o t .c
w 
d u g o t.
d) p
ww c) Thedprinciple
codes given below:  
ug of grouppodisadvantage t
b) The principle equal opportunity
. ka b lo
 m e d sp  iythee Constitution gs
e s w l . o i y g a l o
d) yThe principle fo radical
a i o g redistribution
w ga 
t . c
. k a b lo dia explicitly
136. Through which
. kdiscriminationl.inb India?
does of In-
k  
b l  
m w d u  
p o w l . o prohibits w
a . c
w w. 
g al. t .co i y g s
e   w w u ga 
t. w w 
d ug   p ot
w a) 
d u p o .k a 
b lo
e d 
s p
i y eArticle/ 17g&s23
b) 
e s w l .
a  o
c   y g a) Article/ 14 &17
i  lo c) Article/ 15 & 16 kad) Article/b17 b)
c) i
lo g w g
 t . . k a b m . l . o m
.kAssertion (A)al.: bThe Indian Constitution w u o l . o w a c
d) 
o m recongnizes the yed a) 3, 4, g1,s2pb) 4, 1, 2, 3 c) 1,w2,w3, 4 d) 2, 3, 4,g1a
 137. Which
from t
one of the following
c 21 of thewConstitution? ug
.Article w
rights cannot be inferred
o t.
ug of judiciary ot.c i loone of the following wpairs is not correctly u o ed p
ww supremacy d . k a 132. Which
l. b m y e d
g s p Right against inhuman treatment
i y o gs
Reason e (R) : The question
iy restrictiongon p as to what constitutesw
s fundamental rights is tow be de- a rea- a
matched: o i
a of natural.blo c) Right against solitary confinement
b) Right against delayed a
execution l
o u g a) Right to t . c
Equality - Includes the . k
principle l m w .k a l.b m
. k l w d o w a o w g c o
ww termined by the
a l.b courts of law.
c om 99445 11344 Tirunelveli i ye 98942 g41422 justice
sp Ramanathapuram w w u g d)
.c to form association
w d u o t.
ug .
Thoothukudi a 75503 52916 d Madurai 98431 o 10566
ye s6p
d p ot w .k . b lo m i y e s p
a i g
e s al co ka og .k lo
w w .k a iy
g al. b l o g
t . c om
w w

a iy ed
u g
lo g sp
o t .
w w w .
d u ga
l . b l

p o t .c o m
w w w
e d u g a l . b

s p o t. c o m
. b .
w al. o m iye s p
ww c a log
. a iy

w  a l.b
l o

c om
w w

i y
g a l . b
u a) 
e b) 
g sp
o t . c o m

w . ka
i y e

u g a l . b lo g s

o m
t .c w w w .k a iy
l. bl o g s

o t. c o m

w ug t . ka lo ed o
D.p  y e sp
a) 
d p o . c) 
. b m i y s i g
b) 
g s w w
d) l
a t . o
cMinerva . k aof India, Art log . ka  . b lo m
 l o w 143.
u Assertion (A) :
o In Mills V. Union
w l . b o m w l
a c o
. d)  b ed 31-C spAct, 1976 w t.
w a l.
c o m
i y Amendment)
as amended
by the Constitution
was heldw w (Forty - second
invalid. u ga o t .c B C Dw
u p o
ww a) WritdofugHabeas Corpuspo- Available t.
138. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched: A A B C D
. a
kin- Reason b lo(R) : The amendment of Art 31-C destroyed ed the gsa)p 1 3 2 4 b) 2iye 4 1 3 ogs
dividuals as well s
against private
w l .
a structure of .the o m i y o c) 1 4 2 3 d).ka2 3 1 .b4l
i y g w g basic c Constitution. a l
. kb)a Writ of Quo .-bWarranto lo - Available against t
w subordi- du a) Both A andpoR are individually truewand R is the cor- . k
l. 148. Right to life o memanates from
w w : g a l
. c om
w w nate courtsalonly
c) Writ of g c omagainst autonomous iye b) BothoAgand
rect explanations R areofindividually
w w
true but R is d ugthe a) Article
o t.c 21 w right to die
and includes
d u
p ot
w Certiorari - Available
uonly t . .k a l explanation of A e not
spArticle 19 and 20 and doesainclude
b) Article 19 and does not include e right
iy right to die
to die s
bodies d p o w . b
l m i y g c) o g
d) iWrit
a ye of Prohibitiong- Available s w only
against public servants c) aA is true but R is
g t . c ofalse . ka b lo d) Article 21 and does not w
k right to die
.include l . bl m
. k lo w d u d) A is false but o R is true w a l . o m w a c o
w a)  l.bo m   iye sp w g
u g
w a g w d u t
o d p o
w 
d ug o t.c . ka 
. b lo   
i y e sa)p  ye
a i gs
b) p w l
 m a g b) 
.k lo
a y
i g s w w a  
g t . co   . k  .blo c)  w l.b m
. k l o d u  o w a l o m w g a c o
w  l. b
c) 
ye a)  g sp   w
w   
d) 
g 149. Whicht.cof the following w Articles of the u Constitution ofot.
w a
g    m
o   a i d u o e d p
w d)  u . c . k b l o
y e p
s is/ are exceptions to the Fundamental i y Rights enu-
g s
i y ed
p ot w w b) 
a l.  m . k ai
l o gmerated in Article 14 or Article . ka 19? b lo
139. Assertion (A) : Education s is the fundamental w rights of g  o b
l. b) Article m w l .
a) Article 31 A Only
. kevery child between l o gthe age of 6 and 14 years.
e duc)  o w w
g a o 31 C Onlyww
u ga c om
w b y p w .
l. 84th Constitutional dudis- t.c 31
d) 
m Amendment Actai 144. Which of gthes following are the grounds on which ed ot
ww provided forgaright
Reason (R ) : The c) Article A and Article 31 C both
c o . k e o i y p
a) BothdA
to education
uand R are individually o t. true and R is the w cor- criminationb lo of citizend for admission intoaeducational iy d) Article 31
p   
A nor Article 31
a   gs
e explanation of sA p w a l .
institutions o m
is constitutionallly .
prohibited? k g
o  . lo
i y
rect g w g . c w b l w w l . b m
. kb)a Both A and R.bare lo individually true but R is not the du1.3. Religion and Race
o t
e Nationalityspand Colour 4.wAge and Nativityug
2. Sex and Place of birth l.
w a a) o m w g a c o
w correct explanation a l of A
o m i y t .c
b) 
d u o t.
w g o sp
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
w c) A is true gbut R is false .c ka lo c) p ye
du but R is truepot . b
.   
i y s a i g
d) A isefalse
i y g s w w al
g . c om a
. k b l ogAssertion (A): Article 14 of the
d) 
.k Indian Constitution . b lo does
ka l o w uo t   w  l.
m w w a l o
.  d w a not lay o down that all laws must be g of universal c
w a l.b
w  o m iye  g sp w u g t .c
application. w d u o t.
ug a     d o e p
w 
d o t.c    .k b lo
 
.   i y e s p (R): State has power toiyclassify
personss for
a)  e   p
w w a l o m a o g legitimate purpose and on k
. grounds. l o
iy gs .k bl a) Both A m w true andalR.bis the cor- om
    
a o w u g t .c w l . and R are individually
k l
. b)  .b     e a) 1, 2, 3 & 4pob) 1 & 2 c) 1, 2 w d &a
w a l m i y s w & 3 d) 1, 2 g
t . cAo and R areofwindividually
rect explanation A
d u g
o t .c
ww c)  .co
 onegof the following is the correct association? b) Both true but R is not the
g ka 145. Which l oSawhney Case - Basic structure of the yConstitution e d p o
corrrect explanation of A iye sp
d u o t w . a) Indra
. b i s a g
i y e
d) 
g s p w is avail- g
b) aMinerva Mills Case
c om k
- Invocation of Article
. a 356
b l ogc)d) AA isis true but R is false k
w . . b lo

ka to both the citizen
140. Which one of the following
lo Fundamental w
uc) Menaka Gandhi .
t case - Just, Fairwand w reasonable pro-al.  (A)om  false but R is true
w a l o m
. able
.b of opportunity
and aliens? d o w  g   
t. c
w w a) The right toalequality
c o m
a i ye d) cedure g
of law
scase w
d u g t .c
o d u
 o
ye sp
Gopalan - Financial Emergency
w b) The right ugto freedoms ounder t. Article 19 public em- . k b lo
 i y e p
s i g
d sp rights w . m a
iye and educational
g w l o
a) a
. c . k a l og(R) .k
b lo
c) aCultural
k The right to equality b lo before law w
ub) 
o t
w w a l b
. a) A  m
o w w a l.
. c om
p t.c g
al. m  iye c)  w ot
d) R    R A
w   o g s w u g d u
w g 
c d o
 p
ka lo ye R A
w  d u t. . b e s pA  R   i g s
o l .
d) 
m iy g b)
a o
iy e
a) 
g sp ww a (A): An accused
146. Assertion
g . c o person has been.guaranteed k a the
b lo  w.k l . bl
. b) a
k  b lo
e d u right to be informed
o t of the nature and cause
w w of accusational . c) A m
w g a
. c om
w w c)
a l.
d)  t . co a iy Reason s The accused personwcan get his conviction
quashedgupon vague and obscure charges. d ug 151. Forotwhich d)
.c of the following
AR w 
e du provisionspbeot
w 141. Which ofu the follwing areonot included in the right.kto lo A and R are individually y ethe cor- p under Article 15 of the Constitution can special
iy s
d s p w a) .Both
l b o m true and Riis
g s made a of India?
o g
freedom e of religion ingthe Constitution of India?w
iyFreedom o w g a rect explanation t .cof A . ka b lo 1. Womenmand Children w.k l . b l
o m
1. of b l
conscience and the right to practice and u o w l . o w a c
w .k propagateareligion l. om e d b) Both A and
p R are
w but R is not
a 2. Scheduled
t .c
w classes ug o t.
. c y corrrect g of A
u 3. Economically
o backward
ww 2. Levying d ugof taxes or usepooft funds of the Government . k ai c) A is ltrue
. b o but R is false
m e d 4.pSocially backward classes
s i y ed gsbe-
forethe promotion or s d) Al is false but R iso i y g lo
maintenance of any religion true Select the corrrect answer using the codes given
3.aiEstablishment o g maintenance of religious w w and ga   t .c k a b lo low: m . l.b o m
k b l and
w d u (A)
o  
. l . o w a c
w w.4. charitable a l.religious instruction
o m in any Government iye  g sp
w w w
(R) u ga o t .c w w
d u g
p o t.
ug institutionot.c
Imparting of  
w d . ka b lo
 e d sp iy
e gs
e p w l . m i y g a l o
a iy the correct answer
o g s using the codes givenwbelow:
w u
a) aA  R 
g  t . co  .R ka A l.blo   m w .k
a l.b m
. k
  l   
d o w a 
o w g c o
w w  a l.b c
o i ye b) A
 p
g sR   w w R A u g .c
 
t w d u o t.
ug . a d o e p
ot lo
     
w .k c) AbR ye sa)p 1,2 & 4 b) 1 & 3 c) a2,3iy& 4 d) 1,2,3 gs& 4
e d
s p w l . o m 
a i g k l o
 iy w a AR
gd)Match t.c
.k o Consider the following statements:
l152. .
k a
 
l o g   w u
147. o
the following w l. b 1. o m
Quo-Warranto is aw w
very a
powerful instrument l.b for com
.  
l. b  
 
e A. Habeas p
sCorpus w of a University ga .c w the usurpationugof public offices.ot.
w a . c i y g 1. Appoinment
w u o t
safeguarding against
d to compel pa
ww   u
g   o t  
. k a b l o
e d s 2.p A high Court can issue a mandamus
i y e g s
y ed
g sp w  B. l.Mandamus
a . c o 2. Custody of a child
a iyby l o g court or judicial tribunalktoa exercise its jurisdiction
b lo
k a
 i  
b l o 
w w
d u g o t parents
w . k l . b when
o m
it has refused to
w .
exercise it.
a l .
. c om
w. a) 1 & 2 gb)al.1, 2 & 3 tc).co1, 3 & 4 d) 2 & 4 iye D. Certiorari
 C. Quo-Warranto
s p 3. Violation
4. Refundw
of Natural
justice Which
t.c of the statements w given above
ugis/are correct?
w g w of money illegally u o
 w d p
w 142. Which one d u of the underpmentioned o .k a b lo m collected as cess by e dtaxing s p i y e  g s
rights is guaranteed
l . o y g      
i ye as rightlotogsfreedom under Article 19?
to citizens
w w g a t .c authority
. k ai b lo 
m . ka l . bl o m
.kb) The rightatol.bcitizenship m
a) The right to vote w u  o l . o w a c
w o ed A.  sp w
 
w g a  
t .c  w w  u g o t.
i y g u o  
ww c)d) The d
g to contest ant.election
uright o
. k a . b lo w
e d s p 
i y ed gs
The right to assemble p peaccably and withoutwarms B.
a l 
o m  
i y g
lo a) Only 1/
 a lo
a iy 
 g s     w u g t . c 
. k a . b k 2/l.b
b) .Only m
. k l o w d o w
a l o m w w g a c o
ww a l.b
c om i ye g sp w w u g c)
& 2
d) None of
d uthese/
o t.
ug . a d o ye sp
w ot Thoothukudi 99445w11344 .k Tirunelveli.bl98942 o 41422 Ramanathapuram 75503 e 52916 Madurai p 98431 10566 7
d p m i y s a i g
e s al co ka og .k lo
w w .k a iy
g a l.b l o g
t . c om
w w

a iy ed
u g
lo g sp
o t .
w w w .
d u ga
l . b l

p o t .c o m
w w w
e d u g a l . b

s p o t. c o m
. b .
w al. o m iye s p
ww c a log
153.. a iy edu

kThe right to freedom

w 25 of the Constitution a l.b
l o g sp
o t

of India

c om
w w w

is subject to which ofiye

of religion guaranteed in Article du c)  
g a l . b

g sp
o t . c o m
w . ka
i y e
u g a l . b lo
g s p

The writt
one m of the
.c of Mandamus
w w .k a iy

w can be issued:ug
following is the correct
a l. bl
o g s

o t. c o m

w ugorder, morality t . ka lo ed  o

a)p Against the legislature for making y e law sp
the following?
d p oand . d) 
. b  
m i y s i g
a) Public
i y e g s to the other
w w
g al
t . co in India is: .ka l og b)c) For performance of a public
. ka duty . b lo m
k a of Part III of theoConstitution
l of India
w 154.
u Freedom of the
o press
w l . b For m
o of w
discretionary powers
a l c o
. b ed a)b) Available stopthe w t.
b) Public
c) Reasonable a l.restrictions in theom
order, Morality and
interests of the secu- i y g
people under thewlaw of the parliament
w u ga d) For.cdeciding legality of an arrest g
o t w d u p o
ww g . lo in the right to freedom of expression
Specifically provided in the Constitution 
ritydofuthe State
p ot . ka . b
c) Implied
l m i y ed g
s i ye o gs
e w o a l
d) y
Public order, morality
i provisions of Part
l o gIIIsof the constitution ofwindia.
and health and to the other
d)aAvailable to the.people
g t c of India under.kexecutive a order lo a) 
l . b m w .k l.b om
. k b w d p o w a b) o
w g a . c
w g al.
w 
c om 
iye a)b) 
g s w w u g t.c
c) 
o w d u
p ot
. a lo d e
w d u
a) 
p o t
w .k 
l . b m i y e
g sp
d) 
a iyIndia, which oneoofgsthe
166. According to the Constitution of
c) 
a i o g s
w w
u d) t . co
ga . ka . b lo following rights cannot
m w .kbe taken away l . m
. k
b) l
d o w a l o w g a c o
l .b
w w a o m i y e
g sp w w
u g a) Rightt .c to speak wb) Right to freedom d u of movementot.
155. Match the following
w A. Mandamus u g t .c1. Direction to an officaial k a l o e d o
c)p Right to life d) Right to organizey e s p
. b y s i g
B. iHabeas
ed Corpus spo 2. Release of anwillegally w for the
a l.
performance of duty
o m
k a i
l o g  . k a
b lo
g w detained g person . c . b w l. m
kC.a Certiorari blo u interior court otot a court of higher jurisdiction l. 
. d w w a o m w g a c o
w w D. Quo-Warranto a l. 3. Transferring of a case from
4. m i
ye by what authority sp does he hold orwclaim a franchise u gor a) 
b) 
w d)  d u o t.
Calling upon one toashow g d c) 
o p
d ug t .co office. .k . b lo i y e 167. The s p right to property was removed
a i ye from the list gs of
e o w l a g k l o
a iy
s p w w ga o m .k b lo which one of the followingw.Amendments? l.b
Fundamental Rights enlisted in the Constitution through
g u t. c w l . a
w .k 
b l o  
y e d o w w g a a) 73rd Amendment
o m w w b) 23rdgAmendment
u . c om
p t.cAmendment
ww   al. m ai s du ed Amendment ot
    c) 44th d) 76th
g c o . k g e o i y p
d u o t.  lo
w b a iy p
s k
a  g  s
p w l . m k g   . o
iyAe B Cogs D . bl
   
a wA B C ga D
u t . co w . b lo 
m w w l . m
. ka) 1 2 .bl3 4 d o w w a l o
a)  w b) 
g a c o
w a l o m b) 3 4 iye 1 2 gsp u g t .c
c)  d u
d)  o t.
w o
w c) 1 dug4 3 o2t.c d) 3
. ka2 1 4.blo i y ed 168. Match
s p the following:
a i ye or authoritygsp
i y eone of the following sp Writs examineswtheww g al c om . k a  logB. Mandamus A. Habeas Corpus 1. What warrant
.k or to be made . b o
156. Which
ka of inferiorbCourts g
lo or Tribunals?
proce- 
u .
t  
w b
l. C. Certiorari m w
2. Certified
a public .com
. dures d o w a o 3.wCommand to perform g
w w a) Quo -Warranto a l. b) mMandamus
o iye a)  g sp ug
b) w
o t .c w duty d u o t
w c) Prohibition ug ot. cd) Certiorari a lo d p Quo - Warranto 4. Produceiythee body of a person p
 e d p  w .k 161. c)Untouchability
l . b has been m
d) 
abolished by the a i y e
Constitution g s D.
 k a l o gs
a g s w w g a
of India under: .c
o .k b lo A w .   l.b m
. k l o d u o t w a l . m w a o
a) 
b)  w o w g t. c
ye 
    
w w c)  a m
d) 
o a i g w
d ug t .c
o d u
 
e o
w 157. The 86th uConstitutional
o t.c deals withwwhich
Amendment .k a) Article/
b lo 14 b) Article/
i y e15 s p a iy g sp
l 16 om
ka 17 have blogC .k   lo
of thee following? p
i y g s w seats 162. c)Which g aArticle/ c
d) Article/
. w . b
a) Allocation of more
kafor recently created lo
number of parliamentary w u of the t
following . Constitutional wAmendments
l. m w 
a l o m
. states d o w a o g c
w w b) Reservational.ofb30% posts forowomen m in Panchayati iye for reservation added Article
spin educational institutions
15(5) in the Constitution
w of India
u g
t .c w 
d u o t.
t. c a g d
in the private D
o  
e sp
d ugof Article 21Aorelated
Raj Institutions
w . k sectorbalso?
m i y e s p
a i y g
i ye educationgforspall childern between th
c) Insertion with free and com-
w age of a) a81stl Amendmento
c k
b) 86th Amendment
. a l ogc)a) 4,4, 3,3, 1,2, 21 .kb) 3, 4, 2, 1 .blo
pulsory w g t . b w 3, 4, 1, 2 l om
. ka6 and 14 years.blo d uc) 91st Amendment
p o d) 93rd
w w Amendment al. 169. Under theomprovisions wof thed) Indian g a . c
w w d) Continuation al of reservation o m backward classes in iye  g
for s   
w u g
o t.c can be declared w
d ucommunity on ot
Constitution, a

w d
u employment
government t. c
. ka 
b lo  
   d
y e
s pbasis of: a minority
i y e g sp
e p
o w al .
m ai
oga) Religion only ka lo
i y s w g
 c o . k b l . . b
ka m
w d ua)  o t. w
b)  a l. b) Eitheromreligion or language w w
g al c om
a) b e sp w ug .
w w 
g a l.
t . co a iy163. c)Theg d) w
t.c religion or w
d) oEither
language or caste
race e du p ot
w b) 
d u    p o   .k a) l.Anb loinferior Court tomstop further proceedings
writ of certiorari is issued by a superior
i e
y to:
s p a y  
i g s
 s w a particular caset.c o ka
in a g  
.k l o
a lo g
iy w w g . b lo 
m w l . b o m
.k   b m u
    d b) An inferior
o w
pCourt to transfer thewrecord of proceed- l . a)  o w b) a
t. c
w a l.   c o y e g scase w g a t .c
c)  w u
d) g o
g t . ai
ings in a
lo to show his for review u o ed deals with the: p
ww d) 
d u o  k b m e d office 170. Article s p 30 of the Indian Constitution y gs
e s p  . c) An
l . officer
right to hold a particular
i y g i lo
a y
i l og w w
d)aA public authority
g it before theocourt t .c towithin produce a person
. k a detained by .blo b) Right tompropagate religion
a) Freedom of conscience
. ka l.b o m
158. k The Article of thebConstitution w
which Automatically be- d 24 hours. l o w a c
w.comes suspended a l. on proclamation o m of emergency is: iye  g sp  w w 
u ga c) Right
t .c of minorities w w to establishugand manageot.
w  u g   t .c 
. k a 
b l o w e d s p o
educational institutions
iy ed of the majority g s p
ed 14 spo b) Article/ w l. y d) Cultural and educational rights
y w a) 
a m  i
o a l o g community ka lo
a) iArticle/ g 19 g . c . k b . l . b m
kaArticle/ 21blo l. 
. w 32 d ub)  o t w a o m w w a o
c) d) Article/ g t. c
omconferred by the Con-aiye
 
w w Which one ofathe
159. l. following rights c g
sp w w
d u g
o t .c
a)  w d u o
w stitutionuofgIndia is also available . e p
ot and lo
to non citizens? .k b) 
a) Freedom d of Speech, s p
Assembly form w
c) 
. b
d)al  o m    a iye g sc)p   
k a iy 
l o gs
b) iy wpart of t.c .k lo  .
k a Freedom to move,
l o g reside and settle in any w u g  o w l. b o m w w a l.b c o m
. the
territory b of india
om trade or businessiye164. Which one d pthe following statements
soflivelihood w is not correct? a 171. The 93rd
d) 
.c amendmentwto the Constitution g of India dealsot.
w c) Freedomato carry on any occupation, . c g w u o t d u p
ww d) Equality g before law andotequal protection of lawska o d
a) Right to is an integral face of the Right to
u . b l m e s p
i y e g s
y ed
g sp w
b) l.Natural
c)a The Right to life
c oimplicit in Article 21
a iy l o g a) Right to education ka
b lo
k a i l
b o m w w
d u g o t includes the Right
w . k
to health
l . b b) Rights
o m
in respect of .
w handicapped
a l . persons
. c om
w. a)b) 
d) Right to p
go abroad is not a Fundamental Right
tc wthe services under
al. .co ug the ot
e s 21 for.appointments in state
iy der Article g w w u o w d p
w w g
u p o t a lo d c)
p Reservation for admission in educational institutions
eof promotion ingsthe
d .k l . b
o m y e g sd) Reservation in the matters i y
c) 
i y e g s  
w a)a
t . c a i lo services under the State
. k ain favour of the b loother m
o w g . k l.b m al . co
. l. bl
kd)a  m w d u 
s p o w a backward
. c o classes ww g t .
w w Which onegofa the followingcWrits
. o is issued by an appro-iye c) 
b) 
o g ww ug t
o w
du po
w u t a l d p
sb) 
a) e s
djudicial authority/
beeneillegally detained? p obody to free a person who
w .khas
a l b
. m i y e
o g a iy lo g
a)i Quo -Warrantog
s b) Mandamusw
gd) 
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. k a l o w d u o t w . l. m w a o
 a o w g t. c
om 99445 11344 Tirunelveli ye 98942 g41422 sp Ramanathapuram
d) 
w c) Prohibition
d) Certiorari
i w u g t .c w d u o
w . c a w d o
d ug
ot .k b lo m
y e Madurai
p 10566
a iye g s8p
p w al . og lo
e s co ka .k
w w .k a iy
g al. b l o g
t . c om
w w

a iy ed
u g
lo g sp
o t .
w w w .
d u ga
l . b l

p o t .c o m
w w w
e d u g a l . b

s p o t. c o m

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