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Even MID English Test For X Classes on MARET 2020

Name : Nur Intan Surya Septiana

Class : X MIIA 1

A. Choose a, b, c, d, or e for the best answer!


Let ME Run :

Attention first second grade boys.....

It’s time to (1) ..... for our ( fall or spring ) season! Let Me Run is running program for ( the first – the
second grade or the third grade ) designed to (2) .....boys throught the fower of running to be
themselves, to build healthy relationships and to live an (3) .....lifestyle. The season begin on ( enter
start date ) and will run7 weeks. Our team (4) .....will be on ( day / times ) and we will end with a 5 K
race on ( insert race date ).Interested ? Contact ( name, number, email ) for more
infomation.Registration information and more about Let Me Run can be (5) ..... on line at

The above text for 1-5

1. a.register b. Registrant c. registrar d. Registration e. Registry

Answer: D. Registration

2. a. inspiring b. inspired c. inspirer d. inspire e. inspires

Answer: C. Inspirer

3. a. activities b. Activitas c. activist d. Actively e. Active

Answer: A. Activities

4. a. practice b. Practices c. practiced d. Practicing e. practitioner

Answer: A. Practice

5. a. Found b. Foundation c. foundations d. Founder e. founding

Answer: A. Found

6. Artist must be innovative and creactive to make any ....., otherwise they just repeat what they see
or hear.

a. create b. Creation c. creactive d. Creatively e. Creativeness

Answer: D. Creatively
7. Have you make up your mind ? We need to know your .....as soon as possible.

a. decide b. Decidedly c. decider d. Deciding e. Decision

Answer: B. Decidedly

8. Music and Television are forms of .....

a. entertain b. Entertainer c. entertaining d. Entertainment e. Entertained

Answer: D Entertainment

Rafa Nadal was born in Manacor 1986. He has won four french open tittles and an Olympic gold
medal. In 2008, Nadal become the second Spanish man to win Wimbledon. Since 2004, Nadal has
been a strong competitor for Roger Federer.They have played against each other in seven Grand
Slam finals. Nadal ranked World No. 2 behind Federer for a record of 160 weeks.He was the first in
the rank for 46 weeks. He has played the David Cup with the Spanish team four times so far. They
won the Trophy in 2004 and 2008, although he didn’t play on the final due to a knee injury.

The above for 9-12.

9.What does the text about ?

a.The David Cup b.The Grand Slam c. Great Tennis Player d. Rafa Nadal e. Roger Federe

Answer: D. Rafa Nadal

10. How many Grand Slam finals has Rafa Nadal played against Roger Federer ?

a. one b. Two c. four d. Five e. Seven

Answer: B. Two

11. “ He was the first in the rank for 46 weeks.” What does the under lined word refer to..?

a. Rafa b. Slam c. David d. Roger e. Federer

Answer: A. Rafa

12. “ They have played against each other ....” What is the synonym of the underlined word ?

a. Pro b. For c. well d. Relate e. Versus


13. A : Where ..... that jacket ?

B : In that new clothes shop in Sinar Bahagia Pancor.

a. Have you bought b.have you buy c.did you buy d.did you bought e.do you buy

Answer: E. Do you buy

14. How long .... your best friend ?

a. do you know b.did you know c.does you know d.have you know e.have you known

Answer: E. Have you known

15. A : I live in Selong when I was younger.

B : Really ? How long ..... there ?

a. Do you live b.have you lived c.lived you d. Did you live e. Was you live

Answer: B. Have you lived

16.Soeharto ...the president of republic indonesian country for 35 years as we know soeharto era.

a. Is b. Are c. Was d. Were e. Been

Answer: C. Was

17. A :Would you like a cup of coffee ?

B : No thanks. .........one.

a.I just have b.I just had c.I’ve just have d. I’ve just had e. I was just having

Answer: B. I just had

18. Mr. Been “ magician of man “ books ......in many countries.

a.have published b.has published c.had published d.having publishing e. Has publishing

Answer: B. Has published

19. ( at 10.30 a.m.) ...............Saroja this morning?

a.does you see b.did you see c.do you see d. done you see e. You see

Answer: B. Did you see

20.Oh no ! ........my motorcycle key !

a.I have been lost b.I had lost c. I’ve lost d. I loose e. I lost

Answer: A. I have been lost

B. Answer the question bellow clearly and briefly!

21.Please write down your own announcement!


Please, announcement!
All grade IX students of the Nahdlatul Wahthon Pancor Islamic Boarding School beg to gather in
the school hall after the first break. Our headmaster will say something about the National
Examination (UN). thank you!

22. Make three sentences by using suffix adjective + -ness!

Answer: 1. Many badness have occurred in the city of Jakarta

2. There was strangeness in the exam question yesterday

3. Faithfulness in pairing is one of the main commitments

23.Make your own simple past tense then change into negative, introgative and answer it!

Answer: (+) : I bought bag in the mall

(-) : I didn't buy bag in the mall

(?): Did you buy bag in the mall?

Yes, I bought bag in the mall

No, I didn't buy bag in the mall

24.Make three sentences of present perfect tense then translate into indonesia!


(+) : You have received my letter (kamu sudah menerima suratku)

(-) : You haven't received my letter (kamu belum menerima suratku)

(?) : Have you received my letter? (Sudahkah kamu menerima suratku)

(+) : I have cooked some delicious foods for my friends (aku telah masak beberapa makanan lezat
untuk teman-teman ku)

(-) : I have not cooked some delicious foods for my friends

(aku tidak masak beberapa makanan lezat untuk teman-teman ku)

(?) : Have i cooked some delicious foods for my friends?

(Apakah aku telah masak beberapa makanan lezat untuk teman-teman ku?)

(+) : I have sung a beautiful song for him (aku telah menyanyikan sebuah lagu yag indah untuk nya)

(-) : I have not sung a beautiful song for him (aku tidak menyanyikan sebuah lagu yag indah untuk
(?) : Have i sung a beautiful song for him? (Apakah aku telah menyanyikan sebuah lagu yag indah
untuk nya?)

25.Translate the bellow indonesian sentences into english !

Bapakku pergi ke Bali kemarin. Dia mengunjungi pantai kuta. Dia bercerita pantai kuta itu indah.
Banyak orang datang di sana.Dia membeli tas dan sepatu untukku. Tas dan sepatuku bagus dan
mahal. Saya senang sekali.Bapakku sudah membeli tas dan sepatu untukku. Saya mengucapkan
terima kasih pada bapak.


My father went to Bali yesterday. He visited Kuta beach. He told me Kuta beach was beautiful.
Many people came there. He bought bags and shoes for me. My bags and shoes are nice and
expensive. I am very happy. My father has bought a bag and shoes for me. I thank you, dad.

.............................................................GOOD LUCK.......................................................................


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