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Power Quality Solutions and their Costs

G. T. Heydt
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
voltage restorer, static var compensator, transient vol t-
Abstract This p resentation relates to ele ctric power age regulator, sub -cycle transfer switch, an d transient
quality, with emphasis on contemp orary issues, cost / surge suppressor . Recurring costs may be attributed
benefit, and the p resent technol ogy of the field. Cov- to many power quality prob lems including: condu ctor
ered are: losses, eq uipment loss of life; increased peak demand;
•Classes of power quality problems and their sol u- and disrup tion of customer processes (especially com-
tions puter co ntrolled loads).
•Costs of events and solutions .
The paper shall include some recent r esults on the
Keywords Power quality; power distribution eng i- control of electronic power qu ality enhancement d e-
neering; dynamic voltage restorer; voltage sags , cost vices. In this area, the advantages of phasor control
to benefit ratio, CBEMA curve . versus math ematical techniques in b oth the time and
transformed domains shall be contrasted. Included in
I. INTRODUCTION considerations of p ower qu ality enhancement are d e-
sign conside rations of static capacitor p lacement. A

P OWER quality engineering has always been an

integral p art of power engineering in general.
listing of power quality controllers an d equipm ent
appears in Table I. Some generalized conclusions,
However, in recent years, the impact of ele ctronic particularly remarks addressed to distribution eng i-
loads has motivated attention to the i mpact of these neers, shall be dr awn from the foregoing.
loads on the p ower system (and other loads), a nd the
impact of the system on local ele ctronic loads. In this TABLE I POWER QUALITY ENHANCE MENT EQUIPMENT
paper, two issues are discussed in some d etail: Typical Typical
voltage power
•Classes of power quality problems and their sol utions (kV) (energy)
In this area, the classific ation of power q uality CVT Constant vol tage 0.11 – 1 0.25 – 300
prob lems is considered, with em phasis on intern a- transformer kVA
tional standar ds and method s of classifying primary DVR Dynamic vol tage 13.8 – 35 10 – 40
and secondary distribution prob lems by duration, type, restorer MVA
and severity. The IEEE classes shall b e discussed in MOV Metal oxide All volt- All power
detail. Harmonics in powe r systems shall be di s- varistor ages levels
cussed. Momentary events have received conside r- Passiv e filter All volt- All power
able attention in contemporary power eng ineering, and ages levels
the details of m omentary outages and sags shall be Power Cond i- 0.11 –13.8 0.001 –
described. Momentary events such as distribution tioner 1.0 MVA
voltage sags have been the highest profile power q ual- SCTS Subcycle transfer 13.8 – 35 10 – 40
ity problems in recent years. Sol utions for resi dential, switch MVA
commercial, and industrial applications are consi d- SMES Superconduc ting 13.8 – 35 10 – 40
ered. magnetic ener gy MVA
storage (to 20 MJ)
•Costs of events and solutions SVC Static var co m- 13.8 – 35 1 – 40
Cost is a d riving influence in most branches of pensator MVA
engineering, but the sub ject has dominated power en- TVR Transient vol tage 0.22 – 35 10 – 40
gineering in recent years. Cost is especially important
regulator MVA
in distribution engineering because of the geograph i-
TVSS Transient vol tage All volt- All power
cal extent of power d istribution systems and the i n-
surge suppressor ages levels
vestment in equipment in this s ector. The cost / bene-
UPS Uninterruptible 0.11 –13.8 0.001 –
fit of power qu ality solutions shall be discussed, and
power supply 1.0 MVA
this shall include technologies such as the d ynamic

Power quality problems are g enerally classed into r e-

curring p henomena such as ha rmonics and non -recurring
events such as mome ntary sags. In this pap er, the non -
recurring phenomena are the f ocus of interest. The IEEE
Standard 11 59 [1] gives the categories and typical charac-
teristics of non -recurring po wer system events. Table II
shows the terminology of IEEE 11 59 and the classific a-
tion of events by duration of event. The a ctual standard
represents some of these duration times in ‘cyc les’.


Category of short duration variation

Type of varia- Instantane- Momentary Temporary Fig. 1 Categories of voltage disturbance events a c-
tion ous cording to event dur ation using the termino logy of
Interruption 8.33 – 3000 3000- IEEE 1159
(ms) 60000
Sag (ms) 8.33 – 500 500 - 3000 3000- It is possib le to integrate the usual CBEMA curve
60000 (or alternative CBEMA -like curves, for sp ecific load
Swell (ms) 8.33 – 500 500 - 3000 3000- types) with IEEE 1159 definitions of voltage sag. The
same procedure can be app lied for a non-differentiate
representation of load se nsitivity to voltage sags, as in
Table III shows the typical severity of events repr e- [3], but, when discrimin ation among disturbances are
sented as voltage magnitudes. European norms require
available only in terms of IEEE 1159, the method pr o-
voltage sags (dips) [2 ] to be entered in a spreadsheet posed here becomes easier to handle. This is illu s-
organized as depth of sag versus duration. The Eur o- trated using the conve ntional CBEMA curve in Fig. 2 .
pean norm uses sag depths [10, 30 ), [30, 60) and
Long duration undervoltages are dep icted at the far
[60,1 00) percent; and durations [10, 100 ms), [100 , right in Fig. 2 as sustained events ( e.g., steady state).
500 ms), [500, 1000 ms), [1, 3 s), [3, 20 s), and [20, Instantaneous, momentary, and tem porary sags are
60 s). Fig. 1 shows the time scale of various vo ltage
shown below the CBEMA curve in the a ppropriate
disturb ance events using the term inology of IEEE time interval. Three IEEE S tandards, namely IEEE
1159. 1159, IEEE 125 0, and IEEE 85 9 are indicated in Fig.
5 with their approx imate range of scope in duration of
disturbances [1,2,4,5 ].
There are a range of electronic solutions to power
quality problems, and mo st share the following attri b-
Category of short duration variation
• Electronic contro ls are fast – that is, in the subc y-
Type of Instantan e- Momen- Tempo- cle range, they are able to correct pr oblems as
variation ous tary rary they occur. It is generally accepted that sensing
Interrup- < 0.1 < 0.1 and correction can be a ccomplished in the half
tion (pu) cycle time range.
Sag (pu) 0.1 to 0.9 0.1 to 0.9 0.1 to 0.9
Swell 1.1 to 1.8 1.1 to 1.4 1.1 to 1.2 • Electronic controls often are expensive – and this
(pu) requires designs such that sensitive loads are a f-
forded the specialized equipment, and unnece s-
sary loading of the equi pment is avoided.
The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) employs se-
• Controls must b e designed with speed in mind f or ries voltage b oost technology using solid state
certain loads, and with accuracy of response in switches to correct the load vo ltage amplitude as
mind in some cases. needed. The basic concept is that during sag, a vol t-
age is electron ically develop ed in the DVR u sing
• Usually a pulse width modulation tec hnology is pulse width mod ulation (PWM) techn ology that has
utilized in these devices for controllers that r e- controlled phase and amplitude. This developed co n-
quire a controlled AC wav eform synthesis. trollable voltage is added to the supp ly voltage
through the u se of a series transformer (see Fig. 3 ).
The resultant of this addition is the required load vol t-
age (see Fig. 4). Reference [6 ] describes DVR oper a-
tion and design, and [7], [8 ] give some operational
experience. It is estimated that there are about 30
DVRs in the 10 - 40 MVA class are in operation
worldwide. S maller units down to the secondary di s-
tribution vol tages are also commercially available.
The main a pplication is in distribution bus voltage
regulation for very sens itive loads.

Series voltage
Series transformer SER

Source voltage

DC Load

Load voltage
source PWM
Fig. 2 IEEE 115 9 sag durations integrated with the
CBEMA curve

Fig. 3 Con ceptual diagram of a DV R

Table IV shows some of the electronic power qua l-
ity enhancement dev ices and a co ncise description of
certain properties Vseries

Dynamic Sub cycle Dynamic

voltage transfer voltage Fig. 4 Basic DVR p hasor diagram, power fact or an-
restorer switch regulator gles at the source and load side of the DV R shown
Requ ires AC X
wave synthesis
Employs e nergy X
As an examp le of the effectiveness of a DVR, Fi g-
ures 5 and 6 are offered. These traces are supp ly side
Requ ires multiple X
feeds voltage and lo ad side voltage of a functioning DVR
Effective mainly X X [16]. F or the depicted applicati on, 69 kV subtran s-
for isolated infr e- mission voltage is stepped down at a substation at
quent events which a DV R is sited. The primary distribution vol t-
Cost Highest Lowest Lower age is 12 .47 kV. The figures depict a volta ge sag in
Response to sags X the supp ly. This is a 6 0 Hz application at a s ensitive
is smooth load.





























0 1



Fig. 5 Supply side voltage waveform obtained from the DVR installation (vertical scale in instantaneous volts line to neu tral, horizontal scale in recorded data





Fig. 6 Corrected load side voltage waveform obtained from the D VR installation (vertical scale in instantaneous volts line t o neutral, horizon tal scale in re-
corded data points )
A transient voltage regulator (TV R) is essentially cycle for calculatio n. The main motivation o f elec-
an electronically switched tappe d transformer. The tronic controls is the high speed (e.g., sub -cycle). One
TVR usually utilizes a tapped autotra nsformer. This alternative control procedure that seems to be pop ular
device requ ires multiple bilateral AC switches to a l- in several app lications is the use of the dq0 transfor-
low tap changing. The tap changing is discrete, and mation to avoid th e direct processing of three phase
therefore the load voltage during corr ections may not variables (i.e., va(t), vb(t), vc(t)). Control using the dq0
be smoo th. The T VR gen erally requires many full transformation also avoids the p rocessing delay inher-
rating AC electronic switches. Control of a TVR is ent in working with root mean square phasor va lues.
usually relatively simple, and based on voltage regul a- The dq0 transformation is
tion of the load bus. Fig. 7 is a depiction of the TVR.
 2π 
v   cos( θ ) cos( θ −
) 1
v 
The subcycle transfer switch is depicted in Fig. 8 .  d  2π  a 
 vq  =  − sin( θ ) − sin( θ − ) 1  v  (1)
The concep t is that two independently derived f eeders
   3  b 
are switched to a fford the ‘b est’ sup ply to the load.  v0   1 1 1  vc 
There is no energy storage in this device, and there is  2 2 2 
a clear disadvantage of needing two independ ently where the phase and transformed voltages are shown,
derived feeders.
and • is selected on the b asis of a reference phasor
(usually the a-phase (red -phase) sup ply line-neutral
voltage and the power flow in the DVR). Note that
θ = ωrt +θo
where •r refers to the po wer frequency, and •o can be
nominally chosen as zero in this application. Since (1)
Su pp ly

vo ltage is a p urely real transformation, there is no assumption

of sinusoidal steady state (as needed in phasor co n-
trols). The use of the dq0 transformation is very simi-
lar to Clarke’s •, •, 0 transformation, and bo th trans-
Fig. 7 T ransient voltage regulat or formatio ns yield a low band width sign al that effec-
tively decouples the m odes of the electrical su pply.
The latter is evident by inspection of (1) and noting
Two independently derived that the frequency spectrum of the transformed var i-
feeders needed ables contains ‘sum an d difference’ frequencies of the
transformation matrix itself and the untransformed,
phase variables. The adv antage of working with a
smaller bandw idth signal as a control signal is that
respo nse time can be faster.

Reference [17] discusses the dq0 transformation,

LOAD and [18 ] describes the properties of another real tran s-
Fig. 8 Sub cycle transfer switch formation, Clarke’s transformation . It app ears, from
conversations with power conditioning equipment
manufacturers, that there is no ‘standa rd’ way to ac-
IV. C OMMENTS ON CONTROL STRATEGIES complish power conditioning. Controls of many con-
figurations workin g in several transform domains are
The con trol of power quality enhanceme nt possible.
equipm ent can be s omewhat tricky since the controls
must resp ond to tr ansients in such a way as to render
the load vol tage nearly fixed in amplitude, and yet V. C OSTS OF POWER QUALITY EVENTS
noise and feedback effects should not d isrupt the co n-
trols. In particular, it is common to reduce the ban d- The subject of cost of power quality degradation
width of system disturbanc es and eliminate the power is fraught with many pitfalls and controversy. Among
these difficulties are:
frequency variation by some means. One concept is to
work with root -mean-square values – but the disad-
vantage here is that rms values require at least one
• Should cost of power quality degradation be ca lcu-
lated on the basis of the cost of interrupted indu strial STARFI%V = (Summation of the number of cu s-
process es? And if so, is the final product cost used as tomers experiencing rms < % V for
the cost of the interruption – or is the cost of the raw temporary, i.e. 3 to 60 seconds,
material used as the cost? variation k (rms > %V for % V
>100)) / (Total number of custom-
• Should the cost of power quality enhancement ers).
equipment be us ed as the cost of power q uality?
Event-count indices have the advantage of ease in
• In many cases, engineering and training might be instrumentation and convenient comparison. Some
attributed to power q uality awareness. Should these electric utility companies set p ower q uality targets on
elements be calculated in the cost of power q uality? the basis of event-count indices. However, event -
count p ower q uality indices can not be translated ea s-
• Should lapses in p ower quality include such recu r- ily (or accurat ely) into los s of load data. The most
ring phenom ena as the cost of harmonic currents in elusive of que stions, namely the cost of power q uality,
transformers (i.e., the kilowatt hour cost of core losses
is po orly depicted by event -count indices. It seems
at harmonic frequencies)?
that tailored CBEMA -like curves, generated for sp e-
cific load types and sp ecific load dynamics, have a
• Some estimates of interruptions are based on
potential of capturing load res ponse and load survival.
‘event count indices’. These indices include the Sy s-
tem Average Inte rruption Frequenc y Index (SAIFI), Cost of events, also, can b e estimated albeit the est i-
System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), mates of cost are only as accurate as the data used for
and the System Average RMS (Variation) Fr equency the cost of a typical p ower q uality disturbance.
Index Voltage Threshold (SARFI).
Given these p otentials for inaccuracy , there are
• The cited event count indices are defined as: some estimates of pow er qu ality costs available in the
(Total number of interruptions) / (Total open literatur e. Unfortuna tely, many of these esti-
SAIFI = number of point s of delivery mon i- mates come from one p art of the world, and it may be
necessary to extrapo late to attain worldwide costs.
These estimates include:
SAIDI = (Total duration of all interruptions) /
(Total numb er of points of delivery
• Clemmensen’ s estimate of 33 *10 6 Australian $ per
year ($AU/y) for interruptions in the United States for
SARFI%V = (Summation of the numb er of cus- the manufacturing sector [ 9].
tomers experiencing rms < % V for • Swaminathan and S en’s estimate of 192*10 6
variation k (rms > % V for %V $AU/y of interrup tions of all types in indus trial power
>100 )) / (Total numb er of custom- systems in the United States [9].
ers). • Primen’s estimate of 152*10 6 $AU/y for co mmer-
For the ab ove indices, only temporary interruptions cial and industrial inte rruptions in the United States
are to be counted. [9]. The Primen study categorizes costs into 133*10 6
to 210*10 6 $AU/y for po wer outages, and 1 9*10 6 to
• In order to quantify voltage sags, sub sets of 31*10 6 $AU/y for ‘po wer q uality’ lapses.
SARFI%V a re used, defining indices accor ding to • Heydt’s estimate of 4*10 6 $AU/y attributable to
IEEE 1159: harmonic losses in distribution tran sformers in the
SIARFI%V = (Summation of the numb er of cus- United States [10].
tomers experiencing rms < % V for • McEachern’s e stimate of 64*10 6 $AU/y for all
instantaneous variation k (rms > power q uality prob lems in the United States – anecd o-
%V for %V >10 0)) / (Total nu m- tally in 19 96.
ber of customers). • A Canadian estimate of cost of power q uality deg-
SMARFI%V = (Summation of the numb er of cus- radation on a per kilowatt basis (see Table V) [11].
tomers experiencing rms < % V for • Variou s ‘fuzzy’ estimates of costs of interrup tions,
momentary, i.e. 30 cycles to 3 se c- mainly in North America [12, 13]. And a newspaper
onds, variation k (rms > %V for article mentioning 101 *10 6 $AU/y for loses du e to
%V >100)) / (Total number of cu s- interruptions of industrial process es in the US [14 ].
TABLE V • The numb er of low voltage events per year
• Residence of the r espons ibility for the hig h-
IEEE 1159 class Average cost est po ssible qu ality of power delivery.
($AU / kW)
Instantaneous 0.100 At lower po wer levels (e.g., in secondary distrib u-
Momentary 0.225 tion systems, in the 10 kW range and less), the cost to
Temporary 1.56 benefit ratio is far more favorab le to solving power
Sustained 4.65 quality problems by electronic means: the ele ctronic
device costs are abou t one order of magnitude lower at
World figures could well be ten times the quoted the 110 – 220 V range (e.g., about 32 $AU/kW).
U. S. costs, and the author estimates that Australi an
figures are in the range of 5.5 % of US costs. The lat- Cost / benefit favors
electronic solution
ter conjecture is b ased simply on the ratio of the gen- Widely quoted cost
of electronic
erated MWh in Australia to that in the US (20 03 data). solutions
No matter how the estimates are calculated, the fi g- Cost / benefit
ures are stagg ering, an d they suggest that amelior ation analysis does NOT
favor power
measures are just ified well into the range of over 128 electronic solution
$AU per kilowatt of served load. Obv iously, the more Cost of outage in Australian 1000
sensitive the load (e.g., computer contr olled loads of sensitivity
dollars per kilowatt

uninterruptible processes), the higher this figure is 100

justified. A presently often quo ted figure of 320 $AU Sensitive
per kilowatt is given for power electronic devices of processes
the type that may offer solutions to p ower q uality
problems. Canadian
1.0 survey
0.1 1.0 10 100 1000
The cost figures cited abov e represent a wide
Cost of electroni c conditioning devi ce in Austral ian
range of dollar figures. The data i n Tab le V might be dollars per kVA connected load
used to assess the effectiveness of power q uality en-
hancement equipment. Fo r example, if the sustained Fig. 9 A depiction of the cost to benefit ratio of power
events entail a cost of 4.65 $AU per kW of load inter- electronic solutions to electr ic power q uality prob-
rupted, and costs of 100 $AU are expended per kW to lems, based on data from a nationwide Canadian su r-
solve those pr oblems, the ratio of these nu mbers, vey, and conjectures of power ele ctronic costs.
about 2 1.5, is an index of how m uch the customer is
willing to solve sustained interruptions. The data
shown in Tab le V are national averages across Canada Of course, p assive devices (filters, transient vol t-
for all loads. In some indust ries, there are very sens i- age surge sup pressors, metal oxide varist ors) give a
tive computer contro lled loads that are involved in the very favorab le cost to benefit ratio, and these devices
manufacture of high cost items – such as in the sem i- are in common use worldwide. Passive filt ers also
conducto r fabrication indu stry. A widely quoted fig- have the favorable qu ality of providing re active power
ure in the United S tates is for a loss of over 128*10 6 supp ort at the power frequency – but useful harmonic
$AU for a momentary interruption. The m omentary filtering at harmonic frequencies. This issue is di s-
interruption can result in the loss of product for a l arge cussed in detail in [15].
volume of high value components (e.g., microproce s-
sors). Also, restarting may be pr oblematic. Figure 9
is an attempt to q uantify and dep ict the cost / benefit VII. C ONCLUSIONS
ratio of electronic power quality enhancements. It
appears that the confounding factors include: The main conclusion of the paper is that power
quality is an expensive feature of p ower delivery.
There is an array of passive and active (electronic)
• A difference of opinion among the manufac-
power quality enhancement devices. The main high
turers and the utilities as to the loss in dollars
power electronic devices ar e the dynamic voltage r e-
due to a mome ntary voltage sag
storer, the transient v oltage regulator, and the subcycle
transfer switch. These devices op erate in the subcycle medium voltage level,” IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, Vol.
time range, and the y are effective for solving many 19, No. 3, pp. 806-813.
power quality prob lems. In particular, the DVR is [9] K. LaCommare, J. Eto, “Understanding the cost of
effective for s olving voltage sags. The contr ol of a power interruptions to US electricity consumers,” Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, LBNL-55718, September,
DVR has b een discussed in terms of the dq0 transfor-
mation. The dq0 transformation offers the possib ility [10] G. T. Heydt, “The costs of impaired electric power
of real time control because this transformation r e- quality,” 1996 IEEE Transmission and Distribution Meeting,
duces the bandwidth of the bus voltages to be co n- September 1996, Los Angeles, CA.
trolled. [11] G. Tollefson, R. Billinton, G. Wacker, E. Chan, J.
Aweya, “A Canadian customer survey to assess power sys-
The costs for active power quality conditioning tem reliability worth,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol.
devices are d ifficult to identify firmly. However , the 9, pp. 443-450, February 1994.
100 $AU/kW range is q uoted near the low end of the [12] M. J. Sullivan, T. Vardell, “Interruption cost, customer
satisfaction and expectations for service reliability,” IEEE
cost spectrum. T he costs of power quality prob lems in
Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 11, pp. 989-995, May 1996 .
the USA and Australia are spec ulated to be about [13] K. Koellner, “SRP Voltage Index Methods and Find-
150*10 6 $AU/y and 8.3 *10 6 $AU/y respectiv ely. At ings,” Proc. 2002 North American Power Symposium, pp.
least for the time being, it is concluded that electronic 239-246.
power conditioning is mainly relegated to t he most [14] A. Chen “Power interruptions cost US $79 billion an-
sensitive, high prod uction cost manufacturing pro c- nually,” Berkeley Lab View, Berkeley CA, January 21,
esses. 2005.
[15] G. Heydt, Electric Power Quality, Stars in a Circle
Publications, Scottsdale, AZ, 1997.
[16] Siddharth Suryanarayanan, Gerald T. Heydt, Rajapan-
dian Ayyanar, Rao S. Thallam, A. Barry Cummings, John
D. Blevins, Scott W. Anderson, “Feed forward control of a
The author ackno wledges Dr. S. Sur yanarayanan dynamic voltage restorer,” submitted for publication, IEEE
for his work on DVR modeling and control. The a u- Trans. on Power Delivery, 2005.
thor also thanks Dr. R. Thallam, and Messrs. S. [17] P, Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, EPRI,
Anderson, A. B. Cummings and J. Blevins for thei r Palo Alto CA, 199 4.
input. [18] G. Heydt. Computer Analysis Methods for Power Sys-
tems, Stars in a Circle Publications, Scottsdale AZ, USA,
[1] IEEE Standard 1159-1995, “IEEE Recommended Prac-
tice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality,” Piscataway, NJ, Gerald Thomas Heydt (S’62 , M ‘64, SM ’80, F ’ 91)
November 1995. is from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. He holds the Ph.D.
[2] A. Robert, “Power quality monitoring at the interface in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. Hi s
between transmission system and users,” Proc. 2000 Har-
industrial experience is with the Commonwealth Ed i-
monics and Quality of Power Conf., vol. 2, pp. 425-430.
[3] IEEE Standard 493-1997, “IEEE recommended practice
son Co mpany, Chicago, and E. G. & G., Mercury,
for the design of reliable industrial and commercial power NV. He is a member of th e Nationa l Academy of En-
systems,” Piscataway NJ, 16 December 1997. gineering. D r. Heydt is presently the director of a
[4] IEEE guide for service to equipment sensitive to power engineering center pr ogram at Arizona State
momentary voltage disturbances, IEEE Standard 1250-1995, University in Tempe, AZ where he is a Regents’ Pr o-
June 1995. fessor.
[5] IEEE Standard 859-1987, “IEEE standard terms for re-
porting and analyzing outage occurrences and outage states
of electrical transmission facilities,” Piscataway, NJ, Febru-
ary 198 8.
[6] D. M. Vilathgamuwa, A. A. D. R. Perera, S. S. Choi,
“Voltage sag compensation with energy optimized dynamic
voltage restorer,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 18, No.
3 pp. 928-936, Jul 2003.
[7] J. G. Nielsen, F. Blaabjerg, “Comparison of system to-
pologies for dynamic voltage restorers,” Proc. 200 1 IEEE
Industry Applications Conf., Vol. 1, pp. 2397-2403.
[8] J. G. Nielsen, M. Newman, H. Nielsen, and F. Blaabjerg,
“Control and testing of a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) at

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