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Bangalore Chapter

Fast Analytical Modeling of PM Assisted Synchronous

Reluctance Machines for Automotive Applications

Dr. Gaurang Vakil Ramkumar Ramanathan

Assistant Professor Research Associate
PEMC Research Group PEMC Research Group
University of Nottingham University of Nottingham

Monday, July 6th, 7 PM – 8 PM IST

Presentation Abstract

- Electric vehicles are equipped with interior permanent magnet (IPM) or permanent magnet
assisted synchronous reluctance (PM-SynRel) machines because of their superior performance
in field weakening region.

- The effect of saturation is more pronounced in these machines.

- This prohibits the use of simple analytical tools utilizing constant machine parameters for d
and q axis inductance (Ld and Lq ) from accurately predicting control variables like current
advance angle, terminal voltage, torque, etc.

- As a result, design and optimization of IPM and PM-SynRel machines are constrained to time
consuming transient finite element analysis performed at rated operating point.
Presentation Abstract

- In this presentation

- A hybrid method is introduced to estimate the complete torque speed characteristics of IPM
and PM-SynRel machines.

- The hybrid method works by employing simple analytical formulation alongside static FEA,
thereby, reducing the computational time by more than 10 times.

- This enables optimization of electric machines considering complete torque speed

characteristics with reduced computational burden.

- In addition, the accuracy of hybrid method utilizing static FEA is found to be on par with
complete transient FEA analysis.
Speaker 1: Dr. Gaurang Vakil


• At University of Nottingham since February 2014

• M. Tech. 2008 (Nirma University), PhD 2015 (IIT-Delhi)

• Academic since July 2016 – Advance Power Transfer

• Expertise – Electrical Machines, Aerospace/Automotive/Industrial Drives and Magnetic Materials

• Keen to expand relationships and collaboration across the globe

Contact Details

• A61 Coates Building

• Email – Gaurang.Vakil@nottingham.ac.uk

• Contact – +44 115 95 13774 (extension 13774)

Speaker 2: Ram Kumar


- Research Associate, University of Nottingham (2018-Present)

- M. Tech. + Ph.D, IIT-Bombay (2014-Present)

- Expertise – Electrical Machines and Automotive Drives

Contact Details

• PEMC, Mezz Building

• Email – Ramkumar.Ramanathan@nottingham.ac.uk

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