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Uses of enzyme in our daily lives

Enzyme in Detergent
There are some enzymes contain in washing powder. The reasons that enzymes are
used in biological washing powder because enzymes can help in stain-removing even
without the need for hot water. The ability to wash in low temperature allows people to
wash the wool and silk which could become damaged under high temperature. There
are some enzymes present in washing powder such as protease, lipase, amylase and
cellulase. Proteases are effective in removing the stains such as blood, saliva, egg and
human sweat. Lipases are effective in removing oil and grease. Amylases catalyse the
breakdown of starch-based stains to smaller segments that make up the larger starch
molecule. Oligosaccharides and dextrins that released from the enzyme’s hydrolytic
action are soluble. Therefore, the stain is physically cut off from the surface of the fabric
piece by piece with the enzyme acting as scissors. Besides that, cellulase is present in a
few type of washing powder which function as brighten colours and soften fabrics.
Protease and amylase are also act as dishwasher detergents which effective in
removing food particles. Enzymes in laundry detergents are mostly bacterial in origin,
not plant-based, and plant-based protein-digesting enzymes are mostly extracted from
pineapple, papaya and fig. There are a lot of benefits of using enzymes in washing
powders such as enzymes are environmentally friendly with bleaching agents and
phosphates, and have beneficial effects on public and environmental health.

Enzyme in beverage industry

Enzymes are widely used in the juice industry. Fruit juice which is crystal clear is the
result of using enzyme in fruit juice industry. Cellulases and pectinases enzyme are used
to clarify fruit juice. In processing apple juice, the enzymes are added to break down
apple fibres, making the fruit more soluble and easier to press. This process not only
give a much higher yield, but also a higher quality apple juice. This is because enzymes
are able to make fruit juices completely clear. The juice contains all the nutrients from
the apple due to the enzymatic breakdown of the fibres.
Besides that, enzymes are also used to convert corn starch into sugar syrup. Sugar is
the most expensive element of sweet product like candy and cola. In the starch industry,
amylases, amyloglucosidase, and glucoamylases are added to convert starch into
glucose and sugar syrups. Glucose isomerase converts glucose into fructose in
production of high-fructose syrups from starchy materials. The enzymes work by
rearranging and cutting up the starch molecules, turning them into liquid sugar. The
syrup and modified starches are used in a wide variety of foodstuffs such as soft drink,
ice cream, and sauces. By using this enzyme technology, the production of these
sweeteners can be less expensive than using sugarcane sugar. 

Boundless. (2016). Enzymes Used in Industry. Retrieved from


Enzyme in biological detergent-the facts about laundry detergents and how they work.
Retrieved from https://www.persil.co.uk/laundry-tips/enzymes-in-biological-

How enzymes work for you. Retrieved from


Philips, T. (2016).Enzyme Biotechnology in Everyday Life. Retrieved from


The Use of Enzymes in Industrial Processes. Retrieved from


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