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Wellness is a complete state of well being.

Life cannot be summarized only in one aspect

of a person’s life and that is directly related to the aspect of wellness. As we talk about wellness,
all aspects are being affected; physical, mental, social, spiritual, universal, intellectual, emotional
and vocational aspects and attaining the highest level of wellness is the top priority. We should
take into consideration every perception that can affect our case and this does not only cover the
world of medicine and the art of science. The case will be a 62 year old male that is admitted to
the coronary unit with the presumptive diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. This case
analysis will further explore every aspect of well being and will definitely reveal the explicit
reality besides the medical world of medicine. The following laws will be help him attain the
high level of wellness:

The law of espirit. This law is about living life with real satisfaction and not with
hesitancy to do things. In our life, we tend to stress ourselves too much whenever we work, study
and even eat due to further thinking of the complicated circumstances that life gives to us. There
are lots of times where in we focus too much on our work and we forget the vitality of just
enjoying things and trying to balance by doing it step by step. This law will help him realize that
life’s joy is the most abundant aspect in living the gift of life. This will certainly help him find
joy in anything that he is currently doing and everything that is above his mind. A positive
understanding plus a mindful thinking of joy will totally lead him in attaining complete recovery
and mature acceptance in every purpose in life’s situations. It is also said that “if you have
problems, don’t sulk it like a child, laugh at your troubles” (Francisco M. Zulueta- Insights to
proper health care-page 198. Always look for happiness for it will be your way to a like that is
less stressful and with a more positive outcome of life. I remember what Mr. Nicolas Nobile said
in his book Nine Powers to Transform Life page 120; he said that “You are more powerful than
you think. You can find a way to enjoy everything that you do. This alone will be a healing
experience to your mind. This is just the beginning. There is so more you can do.” In those 4
powerful sentences, it does makes us realize how life can be a living paradise with the
complexity of work and thousands of battles but we just have to believe in ourselves and learn to
have enjoy the life that we have. If Mr. W.R stick those 4 statements into his room there is a 90%
chance that his perception will changed positively. We all know that even though we can’t help
ourselves and think too much about the problems we have but we still should have the
perseverance to survive and do our best with a joyous heart and mind. Being well starts with our
own mindful thinking and as the spirit of spirit par through and dwell within him, it will not be
that hard for him to recover and attain the highest level of wellness.

The second law that can help him is the Law of Unity wherein, it states that the affected
part can never be well unless every part is healed. All aspects are important, if he learns to accept
then he will be able to have the willingness to get healed immediately plus there will be
elimination of depression in every perception. No human body exist without a mind, no mind
exist without a body. What goes in our minds affects physiological functions of our bodies,
which totally relates to the powerful communication of body, mind and spirit. (Health and
Wellness- Gordon Edlin, Eric Golarity, Kelli Mccormack Brown page 22). We can understand
the feeling of Mr. W.R, he is a chief of military police and lying in bed, resting for 24/7 is not his
personality at all. He is undergoing a condition in his heart that accompanies with pain and a sad
feeling of not having the healthy body that he has before. With the help of the law of unity, it
will make him realize the wholeness of life, that his thoughts affect his physiological aspects. If
he learns to relax his mind and body then his life will move to stress free life. Many people think
that stress cannot aggravate a person’s condition, but little did they know that many diseases and
disorders are caused by stress just like headaches, poor immune function, heart disease and high
blood pressure. Stress will do no good but will complicate your health and total wellness.
We can never heal things like magic but instead surviving gradually with step by step will make
us feel much better not only emotionally but in every aspect of wellness.

The third law is the law of personal accountability. We are responsible for our own body
and we know the things that makes us feel good and the things that could make us go into the
reality of wellness. We are not like robots in which we can control our movements, our own
body and mind and we are the one responsible if we get sick or have a wound but it does not end
there, our responsibility gets deeper as we take care of ourselves and learn to prevent those
things from happening. If we decide to choose the path of health then it shall be the positive way
that can make you feel well. By this law, it can make him realize the fact that his wellness starts
with his decision to get well, that his life depends on himself, his decisions will majorly affect
his wellness. If he decides to choose the path of wellness, it can start by choosing to participate
and have the perseverance to take care of his own body. We are responsible. Although we are not
able to prevent the worst from happening, We are responsible for our attitudes toward the
inevitable misfortunes that darken life. Bad things do happen; how we respond to them defines
our character and the quality of our life. We can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized
by the gravity of my loss, or we can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious
gift we have – life itself." -Walter Anderson. A person should not blame himself on the things
that happened to him, nonetheless it was intentional. Our bodies does get tired, it cannot function
properly if we don’t take care of it and with relation to Mr. W.R, his body may have fail him
because of having that certain heart disease but it’s not yet the end of the world he can still be the
tough man that he is and he can have much development as he decide to go to path of being
much healthy than he can be.

The Law of physical Activity. When we hear the word exercise most of us think of the
word suffering, sweat, burning and endless pain. Most of the people in this world enjoys the
satisfaction of food instead of exercising. They always choose to relax and have the attitude of
couch potato and have DVD marathons or even sit all day just exercising their fingers with
laptops, a thousand clicks all day with different social networks like facebook and multiply. But
why can’t people realize the life behind those hardships while exercising? Life is about balancing
and it should not be just plain satisfaction. Exercise helps people adapt to stress, improve
confidence and self esteem and it can totally help improve our cardiovascular,endurance, muscle
strength and flexibility. According to Mr. Francisco Zulueta in his book Insights to proper health
care the following are the advantages derived from exercise:

1.) Maintenance of good posture

2.) Development of self-discipline

3.) Effective loss of weight

4.) Help lose fat, not muscle

5.) Chances of getting sick are considered reduced

6.) Feeling a lot younger than your age

7.) Helps reduce hear t disease, stroke and diabetes

8.) Improves psychological health Burns calories, keep your metabolism regular and
functioning well and lower the cholesterol level in your heart. (Mr. Francisco Zulueta-
Insights to proper health care page 9)
Exercise makes us feel alive! Even at the end of the day that we felt the exhausted and tired, the
feeling of running and letting millions of sweat come through makes us have the true satisfaction
of worthiness and that you believe in your self that even though its hard you still managed to
exercise. It is true that exercise takes a lot of time just to see an improvement but at the end of
all the hardship you will see that it is really worth it. As part of daily activities, Mr. W.R must
learn how to manage his time for at least 1 hour per day to exercise and feel the heat. We all
know that his job capacitates him to be fit and healthy and we don’t question him about that but
the thing is, does he do the appropriate exercises at the right time and amount of time? Doing a
physical activity needs to be done 3-4 times a week and its is better to do it not in the morning
but in the evening when the sun starts to fall down. Evening is the perfect time to exercise
because it is the time where in you don’t have anything else to do but to sit at your couch and eat
lots of food while watching your favorite telenovela with your family. The weather in the
evening affects your mood to just relax and just eat, eat and eat ‘till you drop which eventually
will make you feel sleepy because of the increase of flow of blood in your mesenteric area.
Exercise won’t deprive his time with his family bonding time because it will only take an hour or
two then he can go resume and have the usual bonding time. This law of physical activity will
totally help him in balancing his time; it will make him more alert and relax his mind at the same
time. Exercise is not really just pain and hardship but it can also help develop a person’s
psychological health and feel better about himself. Another factual thing;

Lack of exercise is the single worst risk factor for heart disease for both men and women, yet
seven out of ten adults don't do enough.

Being physically active halves your risk of heart disease. This is because exercise:

• Lowers blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease
• Increases good HDL cholesterol that transports fat away from the arteries and back to the
liver for processing
• May reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol that can form fatty deposits in the arteries and
contribute to heart disease
• Improves circulation by preventing blood clots that can lead to heart attack and stroke
• Increases fat loss
• Helps weight-loss
• Builds muscle mass.

Exercise also reduces stress by releasing feel-good hormones called endorphins.

-by Dr Roger Henderson

The fifth law that can help him is the Law of Nutritional Frugality. Diet? Food?
Enjoyment and satisfaction? Food is said to be the most wonderful thing that can help you relax
your mind and just enjoy the food that you are eating. It makes us have the satisfaction from the
moment of mastication up to the moment of filling our stomach with different kinds of food. It
makes us feel alive and provides our energy in meeting our daily activities but eating food has
limits. We all know that everything that is “too much” is so bad for us. There are bad food yet so
tempting and there are also nutritious foods that could help us have the real degree of wellness.
Switching to a healthier lifestyle isn’t about radical changes. Eating a well balanced diet and
eating more fruits and vegetable can spell major benefits to your well being. Choosing the right
foods is the one that we should consider.

The following foods are helpful for the case of Mr. W.R:

The Red/Purple foods:

¤ Blackberries ¤ Red apples

¤ Blueberries ¤ Red pear

¤ Eggplant ¤ Strawberries

¤ Plum ¤ Red wine

¤ Prunes ¤ Red pepper

These foods contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that may cut your risk of
heart disease and stroke by inhibiting clot formation.( Foods that prolong life- Francisco Zulueta
page 5)

We should take into consideration the diet of Mr. W.R and teaching him the right foods and the
foods that he should avoid to make him more healthier and prevent further complications. In
myocardial infarction, the heart starves for more oxygen because a blockage stops the blood
from flowing to the heart that supplies it with oxygen. One blockage is attributed to
atherosclerosis where in there is plaque build-up due to high LDL. High LDL us due to a diet
filled with oily, fatty and processed foods. We cannot deny the fact that eating oily and fatty
foods like fried chicken, chicharon and sisig are very delicious to eat but their effects to our body
is really not good.

In the case of heart diseases, research shows that alcohol opens up arteries and increases blood
flow. That is important, since heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot robs heart muscles of
oxygen. Moderate thinking also increases HDL cholesterol-so-called good cholesterol- which
helps get rid of LDL cholesterol of the artery- clogging form. The antioxidants abundant in some
forms of alcohol especially red wine can prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing; this damages
artery wall, setting the stage for heart disease. (Mr. Francisco Zulueta-Insights to proper health
care page 6)

After much discussion about the real benefits of having the appropriate diet for Mr. W.R,
it can truly help him and prolong his life more. His disease just wants to remind him that he
should be more careful with regards to the food that he eat, his lifestyle and his physical activity
to improve his level of wellness.

Another aspect that relates to the wholeness of wellness is stress. We all know that stress
is such a hard thing to avoid because we tend to be pressured up by work, family and by other
crisis in our lives. It has different consequences in our lives and especially in our health but even
though it is hard, living a life with less stress is the one that we should attain. This does connect
to our next law which is the Law of Stress- Hardiness. Stress is a universal phenomenon and all
people experience it. The concept of stress is important because it provides a way of
understanding the person as a unified being who responds in totality- mind, body and spirit to a
variety of changes that takes place in daily life.

Stress can have physical, emotional, social and spiritual consequences. Usually, the
effects are mized, because stress affects the whole person. Physically, stress can threaten a
person’s physiologic homeostasis; emotionally, stress can produce negative or nonconstructive
feelings about self; mentally, stress can influence a person’s perceptual and problem solving
abilities, spiritually, stress can change one’s beliefs and values. (Mr. Francisco Zulueta-Insights
to proper health care page 15)

Our life is full of stimulators and stressors, things happen from worse to worst and there
are many times that things happen beyond the way we want it to happen but we should keep it in
our mind that everything is going to be okay. Mr. W.R needs to apply the law of stress-hardiness
so that he can relax his mind and accept that he can still be the tough man that he can be. He
should not be anxious because of his hospital stay for few days because he will soon be well and
feel his inner strength. He must learn to manage his thoughts and health teaching about his
disease should be done for him to lessen his anxiety. The following are tips to minimize the
stress of Mr. W.R:

1. Don’t take on the perceived stress to much at once.

2. Get enough rest

3. Relax with some melodic music occasionally

4. Accept your problems and face them squarely

5. Reduce coffee to reduce anxiety.

(Mr. Francisco Zulueta-Insights to proper health care page 16)

Stress does only add up to our workload. Remember that it is just makes things worst. Let
the law be our guidance: In every circumstance and hard trials in life, it is only ourselves who
can manage our thoughts and think of ways on how we can handle it. In his case, at first it is
really difficult for him to accept such disease that he has knowing that he does not have past
medical problem before but it is normal for a person to have a myocardial infarction if he does
not avoid alcohol, smoking, unhealthy diet and stress. This law can make him realize that it is
part of living to experience such disease like it. His cooperation is much needed to be able for
him to go back and live a healthy lifestyle. We just need him to take the time to accept and build
up his self-esteem again for him to have the perception of acceptance rather than denial and

The next law that would help him is the Law of Emotional Choice. We are different
people, uniquely created by God and as we strive to survive our emotions mix up as we associate
with different circumstances in life. Emotion is one aspect that we should truly consider.
According to the law of emotional choice, we should face our fears and choose an appropriate
response. Next to acceptance will be the appropriate response that reflects his perception to his
current condition.

The following are the four basic components of all emotions:

1.) The logical component

2.) The behavioral component (it includes the facial expressions and bodily gestures)

3.) Subjective component

4.) Cognitive component

(Mr. Francisco Zulueta-Insights to proper health care page 24)

We can see that the highlighted one is the behavioral component where in the anxiety of
Mr. W.R is high as evidenced by clinched fists and jaw, obvious muscle tension and startle
reactions to minor noise. It totally shows his present state of irritability because of being present
at the hospital. He should not let his emotions control him. As he understand his current
condition and the solutions for his health, this law can reflect on his mood and learn to relax.
Everybody needs an inspiration; everybody is motivated if proper ways are done for him
to have the positive thinking in life. When we wake up each day, our minds seems to be focus on
work, current condition, in families or maybe to future occasions but instead of thinking the
hardship that we will endure why can’t we just be motivated by the first blessing that God gave
us every morning we wake up- it is life. Why can we just be motivated because God gave us the
chance to wok things form Hi, We just have to be motivated and it comes from our family,
friends, ourselves and especially from our God above. With this aspect the Law of
Developmental Motivation can help us fulfill the essence of true motivation. Through it, the life
of Mr. W.R can be less stressful and be more at ease. He just have to believe in his abilities that
he can fight the disease courageously and avoid the things that could aggravate it. It may sound
simple and superficial but the role of self motivation is a big deal especially when he thinks of
the people he love and his future. It can help him have the courage to stand once again and
believe that everything is going to be okay; God will always be by his side no matter what

Having a heart disease is not something that we can disregard and just wait for our time
of death. Having a disease should not be a destroyer of self worth and courage. It can be viewed
as a challenge in life that should be regarded as a big step as survival comes and as life prolongs.
We are all created and was given a chance to enjoy and survive a life but as trials comes it should
not stop us from striving harder and not let others destroy our dignity. Having a disease may lead
to sympathy and may cause lowering of a person’s self-esteem but with the help of the Law of
Human Dignity it stops the stereotype behavior of people. This law will build up his self-esteem
and realize that his disease does not fit him to the pathetic line of people. This will help him
believe in himself and encourage himself that his recovery will be soon enough and feel much
better. No one should disregard him just because of having that certain disease but it should his
motivation to believe that he is a great person because he is able to survive and recover.

The only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of
others. – By Day Hammarskjold.

We all want to have the spirit of victory, who wants to lose especially when it affect a
major part in us anyway. But winning always takes some risk and sacrifices that we should
endure but considering to lose should never be an option for us. When we talk about life’s
competition there can be major and minor ones that we disregard for sometime but little did we
know how victorious we have been just by surviving a life in this world. The Law of Win/win
shall guide us in this aspect because there should be a perfect understanding and mutual benefits.
If Mr. W.R starts to endure everything just to recover it will be a declared win/win because he
will win as a survivor and his relatives also win because they are able to motivate him and still
be together with him.

Many people does say that life is hard and full of difficulties, yes it is true but if we learn
to focus on the positive things then it shall be more great than to endure the negative things. We
need to manage our negative emotions or else it will take over us. Remember that being a
pessimist doesn’t do anything good to us. The following is a guide to manage our negative
emotions that could help us in talking about the Law of Mindfulness.

• How am I feeling?

• Us it a healthy feeling?

• How do I want to feel?

• What would help me feel better (that I can control?)

(Mr. Francisco Zulueta-Insights to proper health care page 33)

We are responsible for what we think because we are the one who can control our mind.
If Mr. W.R ask the four questions above to himself it would definitely let him understand how it
can be so helpful for his condition to be a positive thinker. Even though he had felt pain a few
days ago, he should not think of it anymore; he should believe in God and believe that his
disease has a purpose for him. The purpose is not to put him down but to let him probe to himself
that he is a chief of military and he can be a survivor of his disease. Just by the thought of
overcoming his fears is such a win/win situation for him and a total positive aspect for him.
Letting him manage his thoughts is a big deal because our mind tends to think of different things
and switch immediately. He can also think that his days in the hospital is not full off suffering
but can be considered as rest fays or leave from work, for him to relax and not mind the
problems at work.

When we experience things there are times that we tend to be traumatized because of the
negative effects that it brings but can we not consider the word change? Yes it is true that we just
need time to accept and disregard all the negative effects that it brought. A life with growth id is
a life with change. It is never too late to change just like in the Law of Lifetime growth. Our
perception in each situation maybe different from the way others see it but if it is positive then it
is totally a victorious decision. We should always aspire for the greater goal just like Anderson
said. One of the greatest goal that Mr. W.R can achieve is by not giving up, continue fighting his
negative thoughts and build up his mind with positive guidance in life and from God. Our minds
mature as we grow and it is a great fulfillment for him as he view his situation as a positive thing
that he could fight with his family. This law will surely let him stop and realize the level of
cognitive understanding that could contribute to his total wellness.

Our life has a mission and we are all created with love and uniqueness but our purpose in
this world is unified by the holy presence of our Dear Creator Jesus Christ. We live not to fulfill
our satisfaction but for us to be able to serve God and follow His commandments. With the Law
or Life Mission, it supports the idea of having a mission in this life. With it, Life can be
wonderful because it reminds us the real purpose in this life of ours. It can remind Mr. W.R that
in his situation his mission is to succeed and to hold on as long as he can. He should be advice to
believe in God, have faith that He will help him and He will always be there with full support
and love.

The Law of purpose through service. When we talk about service, it should be voluntarily
done and should be done with an open heart. We might be wondering of what will be the perfect
service for a person that is sick. When we are sick, we feel weak and we don’t have the energy to
socialize well but the other part of being sick are the souls who worry so much because of his
condition. With this aspect, Mr. W.R can fulfill a life with service even through sickness by
being well. And by trying his best to recover. Through it, the nurses and doctors who took care
of him shall have a peaceful mind and stop him from worrying in his condition. At the same
time, it will be a relief for his family and co-soldiers to know that he is now well and strong
enough to kick some ass. Life has different parts and every person need to do his part and the
others as well. By this equilibrium, there will be no fights, no strangled relationships nor
conflicts but instead it will be filled with love , gratitude and peace.
The Law of Gratitude. Our life may have given us much reason for us to cry and suffer
but if we deeply think of it, there is always a reason for us to be thankful. Even though some
people don’t abide in our propositions we should still be thankful because they are offering a
different prospective that opens our mind to another view. Having a disease is totally not a
negative thing that we should not be thankful because during the time of sickness you still find
grace and love from the people around you. The presence of disease reminds you that you are
alive and it shall give you wonderful lessons in life. Just by having the realizations and perfect
understanding through this law, it can teach Mr. W.R that it is not the end of the world and he
should still be thankful for every chance that God let Him to breath, to see, to hear, to feel, to
smell and to live His wonderful gift of LIFE.

(Part 2 – number 2)

The Law that should be prioritized is the law of Personal Accountability because he is
responsible for himself. His health totally depends on the way of his lifestyle, on the food that
hw choose to eat and the things that he decides to do in every single day of his life. If he decides
to cooperate well and take his chance to succeed with progression then it shall be. The next law
is the Law of Physical Activity. It is true that there is no enough reason to say no to the task of
exercising and we cannot easily disregard the real benefits of exercising to every human being. It
does not only offer a life of fitness with a good body but it can also affect your mind through
relaxation and a feeling of inner peace. The next law shall The Law of Nutritional Frugality.
With this law, it can truly help him balance his diet surely and securely. Diet is much important
just like exercise and controlling our emotions. Choosing the right amount of food for Mr. W.R
will be a task from him that will be quite difficult to adjust but it can surely help him with no
doubt at all. The fourth law will be the Law of Stress-Hardiness. Mr. W.R does not need to stress
his mind but rather relax and lessen his anxieties. Disregarding stressors will help him manage
his time, emotions and overcome his fears but correctly stating facts that would disregard every
fear that he has. The fifth law will be the Law of Life Mission because it can help him focus on
the real purpose of Life, his real motivations and the way he should deal on things. Through this
law, he can accept every trials that he is facing because of the courage that he has in taking the
chance that God gives to him. In additional to that, his life will have the sense of direction and he
can be able to build up his self-esteem once more and do everything just to survive life and
continue to serve the Lord and his fellowmen.

Prepared by: Marina Vanessa H. Salandanan

3CCN_Group 10
Clinical Instructor: Mr. Rodeo Aguilar
Prepared by: Marina Vanessa H. Salandanan
3CCN_Group 10
Clinical Instructor: Mr. Rodeo Aguilar

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