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DIRECTION: Kindly write the information needed and describe the status of your interest in
TLE in terms of listed below based on the given guide by checking on the space provided.

A. Gender (Please check) ______ Male ______Female

B. Age (Years) ________________
C. Grade Level: ________________

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Statements Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

General interest in school

School TLE is fun
School TLE is boring if I had a choice,
wouldn’t go to TLE course anymore
I look forward to upcoming activities in TLE
We should spend more time doing TLE in
If I had a choice, wouldn’t go to TLE subject
Towards TLE teacher
My teachers use a variety of classroom
activities and resources.
We work in different groups depending upon
the activity in which we are involved.
My teachers encourage us to look at
problems in new ways and find new ways to
solve problems
My teachers ask questions to see if we
understand what has been taught.
My teachers give feedback about my
My teachers maintain discipline in our
Utility of school TLE for everyday life
The TLE learn at school is useful in my life
TLE learn in school helps me to better
preserve the environment
The TLE I learn in school helps me to find out
about healthier eating
The TLE I learn in school allows me to better
The TLE learn in school allows me to better
preserve the environment
Teaching methods’ engagement - Inquiry
In TLE, when we have to do experiments or
construct/manufacture technical objects, I
participate in choosing the steps to follow
In TLE, when we have to do experiments or
construct/manufacture technical objects, I
participate in choosing the materials to use
In TLE, when we have to do experiments or
construct/manufacture technical objects, I
participate in choosing the problem to solve
Teaching methods’ preferences:
In my TLE class, I would like to spend more
time listening to the teacher give
explanations at the front of the class
In my TLE class, I would like to spend more
time doing observations, manipulations and
In my TLE class, I would like to spend more
time consulting textbooks or websites
Social environment
I Cooperate with other students
I Offers help to other students when needed
I Understands problems and needs of other
I enter appropriately into ongoing activities
with peers
I give in or compromise with peers when
I Interact with a wide variety and responds
appropriately into ongoing activities with
I Notices and compliments accomplishments
with others.
Predisposition and intention to act
I intend to learn more about TLE careers
I intend to pursue studies in TLE later on
There is no question that I will pursue a
career in TLE later on
I intend to have an occupation in TLE later on
There is no question that I will pursue
studies in TLE
I intend to learn more about TLE careers
individual interest in TLE
learning attitude and habits
I consider Technology and Livelihood
Education notwithstanding when I am
incredibly drained
I examine Technology and Livelihood
Education first by choosing what region to
I ponder Technology and Livelihood
Education for around 50 minutes and
afterward take around ten minutes break
before beginning once more.
I practice Technology and Livelihood
Education always with a textbook.
I consider Technology and Livelihood
Education with a friend(s), test one another,
share any useful info and foresee test
In taking care of an issue, I give much
consideration to subtleties
I think about Technology and Livelihood
Education for a long stretch without respect
to my timetable.
I study Technology and Livelihood Education
with a high level of concentration.
Interest In TLE With Respect To Other
School Subjects
Perceived order of importance of TLE in
school with respect to other school
In school, English is more important than
In school, mathematics is more important
than TLE
In school, Sciences is more important than
TLE In Family Cultural Activities
Frequency of parents’ following up on
what students are doing in school
My parents talk to me about what I’m
learning in English
My parents talk to me about what I’m
learning in Mathematics
My parents talk to me about what I’m
learning in TLE.
My parents talk to me about what I’m
learning in sciences.
My parents talk to me about what I’m doing in
Frequency of family participation in TLE
cultural practices
In my family, we like TV programs that talk
about Technology and Livelihood Education
In my family, I’m encouraged to participate in
Technology and Livelihood Education
recreational activities
In my family, we visit museums or exhibits
related Technology and Livelihood Education
Self-efficacy in TLE
In terms of the ratings I get in Technology
and Livelihood Education, I Am Satisfied
Compared to all the other students, I
consider myself good at TLE
Compared to my friends, I consider myself
good at school
Compared to my friends, I understand TLE
I am discouraged by the ratings I get in TLE
Utility of TLE for society
Causes health problems / Promotes good
Causes environmental problems / Helps the
The government should spend more money
on Technology and Livelihood Education
For human beings, TLE leads to more
problems / more advantages
View of TLE in society
For human beings, Technology and
Livelihood Education leads to more
advantages than problems

Rest assured that any information given will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will
be used only as a basis of my research.

Thank you very much and God bless!



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