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Education Level : Junior High School

Subject : Mathematics
Grade/Semester : VIII/II
Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

1. Standart Competency (Standar Kompetensi)

Understanding the properties of cube, cuboid, prism, pyramid and their elements as well
as determining the measurements.
Memahami sifat-sifat kubus, balok, prisma, limas, dan bagian-bagiannya, serta
menentukan ukurannya.
2. Basic Competence (Kompetensi Dasar)
Finding and calculating the surface area and the volume of prism and pyramid then
appliying them to solve related problems.
Menemukan dan menghitung luas permukaan dan volume prisma dan limas kemudian
menggunakannya dalam pemecahan masalah.
3. Indicator (Indikator)
a. The students are able to write the definition of the surface area of prism
Siswa dapat menulis definisi luas permukaan prisma
b. The students are able to find the formula the surface area of prism
Siswa dapat menemukan rumus luas permukaan prisma
c. The students are able to solve the problems involving the surface area of prism
Siswa dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan luas permukaan
d. The students are able to write the definition of the surface area of pyramid
Siswa dapat menulis definisi luas permukaan limas
e. The students are able to find the formula the surface area of pyramid
Siswa dapat menemukan rumus luas permukaan limas
f. The students are able to solve the problems involving the surface area of pyramid
Siswa dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan luas permukaan

Lesson Plan Prism and Pyramid

4. Main Topic (Materi Pokok)
a. The Definition of Prism’s Surface Area (Definisi Luas Permukaan Prisma)
The surface area of prism is the sum of areas of all its faces.
Luas permukaan prisma adalah jumlah luas seluruh permukaan (bidang) dari prisma

b. The surface area of Prism (Luas Permukaan Prisma)

Figure 5

Surface area of prism ABC.DBF

Luas Permukaan Prisma ABC.DBF
= (2 × L ∆ABC ) + (AB × BE) + (AC × AD) + (CB × CF)
= (2 × L ∆ABC ) + (AB + AC + CB) × AD
= (2 × L ∆ABC ) + (perimeter of ABC) × AD
= (2 × base area ) + (base perimeter × prism height)
(2 × luas alas ) + (keliling alas × tinggi prisma)
Therefore, the formula for the area of right prism faces is as follows.
Dengan demikian, rumus luas sisi prisma tegak adalah sebagai berikut.
Prism surface area = (2 × base area) + (base perimeter × prism height)
Luas permukaan prisma = (2 × luas alas ) + (keliling alas × tinggi prisma)

c. The Definition of Pyramid’s Area (Definisi Luas Permukaan Limas)

The surface area of pyramid is the sum of areas of all its faces.
Luas permukaan limas adalah jumlah luas seluruh permukaan (bidang) dari prisma

d. The surface area of pyramid (Luas Permukaan Limas)

Lesson Plan Prism and Pyramid

Figure 6

Prism surface area T.ABCD

= area of rectangle ABCD + area of ∆TAB + area of ∆TBC + area of ∆TCD + area of ∆
= base area + total areas of all vertical faces
Luas permukaan limas T.ABCD
= luas persegi panjang ABCD + luas ∆TAB + luas ∆TBC + luas ∆TCD + luas ∆TAD
= luas alas + jumlah luas seluruh sisi tegak
Pyramid surface area = base area + total areas of all lateral faces
Luas permukaan limas = luas alas + jumlah luas seluruh sisi tegak

5. Learning Method (Metode Pembelajaran)

a. Teaching Approach : Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)
b. Learning Method
1) Work in group
2) Task
3) Sharing opinion and answer question
4) Discussion

6. Media (Alat)
a. Students Handbook (Buku Siswa)
b. Worksheet (LKS)
c. Media that form of prism and pyramid (alat peraga berbentuk prisma dan limas)
d. Scissors (gunting)

7. Learning Activity (Kegiatan Pembelajaran)

Lesson Plan Prism and Pyramid

Teacher Activity Students Activity Time Note
A. Opening
1. Aperseption 5’ Alloting student
Greeting the students The students greet handbook and worksheet
Discussing the homework the teacher to the students before
in which the students have The students study
problem. discuss the
2. Explaining the steps of
learning activity and The students
explain the purpose of listen to the 3’
material to the students . teacher’s

3. Recalling the surface area

of cube and cuboid. The students Constructivism
listen to the 3’
B. Main Activity
1. Asking the students to
recite the meaning of the
surface area of prism and The students
pyramid then asking them recite the 4’
to share their opinions. meaning of
surface area of Modelling
prism and Inquiry
2. Asking the students to make pyramid then
a group consist of 5-6 share opinion
Learning Community
The students 2’
3. Giving the media and make a group
scissors to the group. Authentic assessment
Asking the students to
observe the elements of
that thing. Learning Community
The students 4’
4. Asking the students to do observe the thing.
the activity 5 & 6 at the
students handbook then do Questioning
the worksheet 03 in a
group. Guiding each group
and executing assessment of
performance the students in The students do 20’
each group. the activity 5 & 6 Reflection
then doing the
5. Asking the delegation in worksheet 03 in a
each group to share their group. Authentic assessment
result and discuss together

Lesson Plan Prism and Pyramid

Teacher Activity Students Activity Time Note
with another group.

Authentic assessment
(Teacher is a moderator and The students 14’
fasilitator in the discussion share their result
then and discuss
giving motivation to the together.
students for asking or
giving an argument)

6. Instructing the students to

make a conclusion based of
the discussion.

7. Asking the students to

doing the competence test
03 number 1& 2 in students
handbook. The students
make a 3’
8. Asking some students to conclusion
write the answer in white
The students do
the competence 7’
test 3

The students
write the answer 3’
in white board.

C. Closing

1. Giving a chance to the 3’ Questioning

students for questioning the The students ask
material which is not if they have
understanding. question
2’ Reflection
2. Instructing the students to
make a summary from the The students
conclusion about the make a summary.
surface area of prism and 1’ Authentic

Lesson Plan Prism and Pyramid

Teacher Activity Students Activity Time Note
pyramid assessment

3. Giving homework to the The students do

students, there is the homework. 1’
competence test 3 number
3-6 in handbook of
The students
4. Giving information about listen to the
the next material learning in teacher’s
the next meeting. explanation

g. Learning Source
a. Sujatmiko, Ponco. 2010. The Essentials of Mathematics for Grade VIII of Junior
High school and Islamic Junior High school. Solo: PT Tiga Serangkai Pustaka
b. Marsigit. 2009. Mathematics for Junior High School Year VIII. Jakarta: Yudhistira.
c. -------. 2008. Math Module For Junior High School – Years 8. Jakarta:

h. Assessment
a. Assessment Process : Observe, discussion, performance of the students
b. Assessment Result : Assessment sheet (essay test)

Jember, .........................
Head Master Teacher

_______________________ _______________________

Lesson Plan Prism and Pyramid

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