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“Maristas, constructores de puentes y humanidad”


NAME:…………………………..GRADE: 3º,4º,5º A,B, .DATE:…………..

TEACHER: Juan M Ortiz Coloma E-MAILADDRESS:Jortizcoloma38@gmail.com

Competences Aim
Produce textos en inglés Profundiza temas gramaticales para formar oraciones

1 Reading. Read the text. Write true (T) or false (F). (5 points)

Last week Phillippa visited a farm because she didn't know anything about farm
animals and wanted to learn more. She spoke to Horace, the farmer. Suddenly,
Horace's sheep, Dolores, appeared and started to eat Phillippa's skirt. “Oh, that's
OK,” he said, “sheep aren't carnivorous. She only wants to be your friend.” But
Phillippa started to run away. “Stop!” said Horace. “Come back! Don't you want to
see my enormous pigs? They're very friendly, too.”

Horace explained to her about his animals. ____
1 Phillippa is an expert on farm animals. ____
2 Sheep enjoy eating meat. ____
3 Phillippa wanted to escape from Dolores. ____
4 Horace has some very big pigs. ____
5 Horace's pigs are not friendly. ____

2 Grammar. Write the past simple of these irregular verbs. (5 points)

have ______
1 cut ______ 5 come ______ 8 run ______
2 send ______ 6 begin ______ 9 think ______
3 feel ______ 7 keep ______ 10 lose ______
4 find ______

3 Spelling. Write the past simple of the following regular verbs in the correct
columns according to their spelling.
(4 points)

arrive dance die escape hurry invent

marry mention play refer rob stay stop
study transmit want

1 + -d 2 + -ed
arrived wanted

3 –ied 4 consonant x 2 + -ed

hurried stopped
4 Vocabulary. Put the letters in the correct order. (3 points)
dog (ogd)
1 (ttleru) tu ________ 4 (ginunep) pe ______
2 (plindoh) do _______ 5 (shroe) ho ________
3 (krash) sh ________ 6 (pelenath) el ______

5 Writing. Write sentences. Use the past simple. Begin each sentence with
one of the following: Next - Finally - First - After that (4 points)
Ted / expert / reptiles / .
Ted was an expert on reptiles.
1 he go / to the Bronx Zoo / and talk / to some tourists / about reptiles / .
2 he explain / about cobras / and the food that / there be / in the jungle / .
3 he say that / some animals / escape / from cobras / .
4 he return / from the Bronx Zoo / and eat cheese sandwiches / .

6 Listening. Listen. Complete the words.

(4 points)
p __
Ken is an ex __ e __
r __
t on wild animals. He had
an interesting afternoon yesterday. First he
t __ __ v __ __ ed to the San Diego Zoo and
t __ lk __ __ to some schoolchildren about reptiles. (3) __ f t __ __ that he explained
about (4) s __ __ k __ s and the (5) __ o o __ that they find
in the jungle. He said that some animals can
escape them by (6) __ __ __ n i n g. At six o’clock he
came back (7) from the San Diego Zoo
and watched a film about (8) c r __ c __ d i __ es.

Total Score ___ / 25

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