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n the mid- 1980’s zinc-alloy-plating

technologies debuted in the U.S., but

only recently have they become more
widely accepted and used in this coun-
try and Canada. Severa1 factors may
have delayed industry’s adopting these
technologies, despite their documented
success in Japan and Germany.
l U.S. regulatory agencies only re-
cently restricted cadmium as a protec-
tive coating.
l Improved quality and product reli-
ability, surpassing that traditionally
offered by zinc plating, has become
necessary in the last few years.
l The simultaneous introduction of
severa1 zinc alloys and processes re-
quired more time to evaluate them
before new specifications could be
The technologies offered today in-
clude zinc-iron, alkaline or acid zinc-
nickel, and zinc-cobalt. A multitude of
papers and symposia are offered regu-
larly to educate the industry on these
Al1 data from the initial wave of
cadmium-replacementproducts was re-
Zinc-nickel alloy plating has viewed. Three years of pilot lab and
field tests showed the alkaline zinc-
hit the U.S. scene. Who is nickel process as a front runner. Sub-
doing it, and why? . . . sequently, various industries adopted
zinc-nickel as part of their finishing
specifications. This prompted severa1
By NABIL ZAKI plating facilities, captive and contract
and shops, to insta11 alkaline-zinc-nickel
EDWARD BUDMAN processes. These plating installations
Frederick Gumm Chemical Company vary in size from 200 to 5,000 gallons,
Keamy, New Jersey for rack and barre1 plating.
Electrical components on passengercars and light
l Transmission trucks.
Most of these parts are tubular, and
plating bath alkalinity provides corro-
sion resistance to the unplated ID. This
is a critical consideration in applica-
tions where no foreign residue or con-
taminants are allowed, in power trans-
missions or brake lines, for instance.
New extendedSalt-sprayrequirements
on some Ford components now stand at
768 hrs to red rust, for eight microns of
1. INDUSTRIES using alkaline zinc-nickel zinc-nickel with iridescent chromate.
Other automotive requirements for zinc-
Automotive Industry nickel with bronze chromates are cur-
This industry is the prime beneficiary rently being produced and achieve 1,OOO-
of fhis technology (Fig. 1). Performance 1,200 hrs to red rust in neutral Salt-spray
warranty upgrades and the need to re- testing (ASTM B-l 17).
place cadmium plating prompted the
move to zinc-nickel coatings. Electrical-Transmission Industry
Honda, Toyota and Mazda have zinc- Severa1zinc-alloy processes for plat-
nickel specification requirements al- ing heavy-electrical-transmission com-
ready in place. And U.S. plating shops ponents were thoroughly evaluated.
will supply their needs for alkaline Alkaline zinc-nickel replaced alkaline
zinc-nickel in conformance with‘ their zinc for components such as anchors,
specs, mostly for under-the-hood com- cleats and bolts exposed to harsh envi-
ponents. Chrysler Corporation released ronments such as those along high-
its new specification for zinc-nickel ways and near seashores.
and zinc-cobalt in 1989. Zinc-nickel coatings with iridescent
After considerable lab and proving- chromates increased the corrosion re-
ground testing, Ford Motor Company sistance of these components from 250
issued its Engineering Change Code in hrs to more than 1,000 hrs in salt-spray
1990, replacing cadmium with alkaline testing. The new coating may be ap-
zinc-nickel. This change has also al- plied directly over steel or pregalvanized
lowed its main suppliers to remove steel for the required additional protec-
their cadmium baths and remain in tion.
compliance with new regulatory laws. Another growing application is plat-
The end products go into power steer- ing coaxial television cable connec-
ing, air conditioning and hydraulic brake tors. These. connectors are tradition-
ally cadmium plated for maximum cor- corrosion resistance following heat
rosion protection both indoors and out- treatment (Fig. 2). Since it is an alloy- are
doors. After extensive testing, alkaline rich chromate, the thermal degradation oP
zinc-nickel replaced cadmium as an is not as critica1 as with conventional
environmentally safer substitute. chromated zinc or cadmium. Ni
Other tests conducted by Boeing, and ati
later by other industries, confirmed that haI
zinc-nickel-coated fasteners did not set as
up a detrimental galvanic corrosion ce11 str
when in contact with aluminum. mí
This is the closest simulation tocad- te5
mium performance in such applica- ler
tions to date. It opens the door for co
industries using aluminum bodies. The wi
performance of zinc-nickel plated fas-
teners is expected to exceed that of al1
cadmium-plated in this field. OI
Defense Industry
A wide range of activities are taking
place in this area, propelled primarily
by the desire to replace cadmium. Since
cadmium coatings have been at the
core of many military plating specs for Ca
zinc-nickel coatings on anchors, cleats and years, its replacement in such a critica1 Zil
bolts connecting lines and components., industry must proceed carefully. Stud- Nil
ies have been commissioned to research Te
Fastener Industry labs such as Battelle and Otean City Ar
This is another industry that depended Research. Thorough evaluations, at vari-
heavily on cadmium plating because of ous levels of completion, are underway C¿
its corrosion resistance. Alkaline zinc- at severa1 plating shops. Al
nickel has outperformed plain zinc and The Army. FMC is a primary sup-
cadmium in corrosion resistance tests plier of tanks and armored personnel
before and after crimping and baking carriers to the Army. In 1989, during
for hydrogen embrittlement. the earthquake in Loma Prieta, Califor-
Like cadmium, zinc-nickel-plated nia, a minor amount of cyanide-cad-
parts can be easily chromated after mium plating solution splashed out of
baking or heat treating with minimum plating tanks. Although the solution
activation. Another advantage of was safely captured in containment
chromated zinc-nickel over cadmium tanks, the incident raised concerns about
and zinc is its ability to maintain a high potential accidental cross-contamina-
tion with acids, or other releases of
cadmium solution.
Management directives accelerated
the evaluation of cadmium substitutes.
As a result, in 1990 FMC obtained
approval to apply alkaline zinc-nickel
to most of its components that had been
cadmium plated. The changeover was
publicized in the community as an ex-
emplary step in adopting environmen-
tally safe technologies. More than 2,000
gal of barre] and rack alkaline zinc-
nickel solution are used in production,
and finishes regularly exceed specifi-
cation requirements.
Other Army branches, such as main-
tenance depots, are actively evaluating
the same process for their in-house
plating shops. Under government con-
ALKALINE ZINC-NICKEL-PLATED fasteners. tract, Otean City Research Center un-
Right is as plated; left after 136 hrs salt dertook a comprehensive study of
spray and one hr heat treatment at 250F. available, environmentally acceptable
plating technologies. Its initial find-
iron-plated fastener salt spray tested 136 ings showed alkaline zinc-nickel one
hrs. Left is as plated; right after one hr heat of the leading cadmium replacements.
treatment at 250F. Additional work is being done in this



area to develop a complete range of Japan and a growing list of countries

options. worldwide have banned cadmium coat-
The Navy. After a moratorium, ings. U.S. manufacturers and suppliers
NADEP was asked to resume its evalu- are expected to conform with these
ation of alkaline zinc-nickel, which requirements, so they can maintain
had previously shown excellent results their export and trade positions. The
as a cadmium substitute. It demon- last few years have seen large-scale
strated low to no hydrogen embrittle- testing and evaluations of zinc-alloy
ment and favorable torque and tension coatings, and the installation of many
tests compared to zinc-cobalt. Excel- plating lines.
lent corrosion resistance after baking Alkaline zinc-nickel exceeds the
compared to zinc-cobalt and zinc-iron corrosion resistance of al1 other alloys.
was also demonstrated. Forming and heat treating after plating
Alkaline Zinc-Nickel System. An do not diminish its performance, mak-
alkaline zinc-nickel bath is simple to
operate, and is similar to the alkaline Hrs. to Neutral Salt Spray Test
non-cyanide zinc bath (Table 1). The RedRust
8 um plate
1400 n iridescentchromated

0 Zinc
Caustic 15-19oz/gal
Zinc 0.8-t .6otigal Alkaline
Nickel 0.18-0.24oz/sal Zinc Nickel
Temperature 74-86F ’ 800
Anodic current density 5-9Amp/dm2 OI
Causticcurrentdensity l-5 Amp/dm2 600
Alloy Composition: 5-8 pct Nickel
92-95 pct Zinc 400
j ‘4>y*qq’”

alloying nickel metal is added in a liq- 200

uid form or on an amp-hr basis along
with grain refiner brightening agents. 0
Conventional zinc anodes are used to After Heat 360 F,
supply zinc metal. The main electro- Treatment 2 hrs.
lyte, caustic soda, contains the dissolved
zinc. 2. EFFECT of heat treatment; zinc VS. alkaline
NATO, Scandinavian countries, zinc-nickel -
and fasteners
plated in alkaline
zinc-nickel with
iridescent or
bronze chromates.

ing this process the likely candidate for

cadmium replacement.
Zinc-nickel plating began in Japan To obtain more informationon products
and Europe ten years before debuting or processesmentioned in this article,
in the U.S. But it is now accepted in the circle corresponding numbers on the
U.S. as a viable, environmentally ac- ReaderServiceCard.
ceptable alternative to cadmium plat- Zinc-nickelplating .... ........... Circle299
ing, and its use is growing. More indus-
To request an additional copy of this
tries are finding that zinc-nickel has al1 article, write on company letterheadto
the attributes of cadmium plating plus “Reprints,”c/o PRODUCTSFINISHING,
the added benefit of environmental 6600 CloughPike,Cincinnati,OH45244.
safety. PF


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