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A SARS-like virus outbreak originating in Wuhan, China, is spreading into neighbouring Asian

countries where it is called as the COVID19 and spreads fast throughout the Philippines,
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte together with the military,police,civilian sectors of the
government addresses and made its first press conference about the containment measures
about it. COVID19 is a are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common
cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
Duterte: Acknowledging the China because they want to help us but didn’t acknowledge Filipino
health workers and frontliners. They’re the one’s whose working hard everyday and risking
themselves to the virus but he doesn’t even gave them some acknowledgment. Some of them
doesn’t even have mask to cover their face because our country doesn’t have anymore because
according to some news last January we donated three thousands of face mask to China. Our
health workers and frontliners continue to man the war zones in this pandemic despite the
challenges they face everyday, including the lack of manpower and protective gear. He also
thanked a foreign dictator instead of the thousands of Filipino doctors, nurses, and health
workers who have put their lives on the line every single day combatting this crisis.His fellow
Filipinos, especially our health workers, are risking their lives to protect this country that he
blatantly vilified with contempt. His allegiance was never with us.

Duterte: Metro Manila locks down and is under a community quarantine. Due to its lockdown
and quarantine there are no public transportations so the employee’s working and the non-
working people are forced to walk through the checkpoint to there destinations. This quarantine
is failing. This would be the perfect time for the armed forces to use their vehicles to transport
workers, especially essential ones like in utilities and supermarkets. Instead, they've been tasked
to sit around borders holding rifles. Also due to lockdown some people panicked and those
people who are privileged hoards groceries for their one month supplies. As if the government
will actually help in sending out goods for those without the privilege we have. Not all people
that are locked down in Metro Manila have works and can work. Those aged people who can’t
even walk for a long period of time should have supplies in their homes. In this kind of crisis
government should help and give some supplies to its citizen and more supplies for those who
can’t afford to buy, we have our funds and that should be use.

The conclusion of my reaction paper is President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and the military and
police sectors on checkpoints shouldn’t forced people to walk and to

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