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Chap: 8
1. what is data?
Ans) Data can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or
instructions in a formalized manner, which should be suitable for
communication, interpretation, or processing by human or electronic
Data is represented with the help of characters such as alphabets (A - Z,
a-z), digits (0-9) or special characters(+,-,/,*,<,>,=,etc.)
2. what is information?
Ans) Information is organized or classified data, which has some
meaningful values for the receiver. Information is processed data on
which decisions and actions are based.
For the decision to be meaningful, the processed data must qualify for
the following characteristics -

 Timely - Information should be available when required.

 Accuracy - Information should be accurate.
 Completeness - Information should be complete.
3. what is database?
Ans) A database is a organized collection of information or data.
Collection of related data in an efficient and compact manner in a
database. Putting info into a computer database gives us far more
flexibility in organizing, display and printing that information.
School Database
Hospital Database
Library Database

4. what are the parts of database?

Ans) They are: files, records, fields, tables
Files: A file is organized collection of related records. In
computing a file is usually kept on backing store.

Records: Record is a set of related information about a thing or

individual. Records are subdivided into fields.

Fields: A field is part of record and contains a single piece of data

for the subject of the record.
A Field is a data structure for a single piece of data. Fields are
organized into records, which contain all the information within
the table relevant to a specific entity.

Tables: A database table is composed of records and fields that

hold data. Tables are also called datasheets. Each table in database
holds data about a different, but related, subject.
4. what is Key Field?
Ans) A Key Field is a field that may be used to search a file. it is always
useful to have one field which is unique to a particular record. For
Admission form no. of each student.
With the library system, the key field would be the number given
to the book.
5. what are the types of files?
Ans) There are 8 types of files:
Serial file: it is a sequence of varying length records. the records
are numbered starting with aero. when a serial file is created it
contains no records. as data is written to the file. records are added
at the end of the file.

Sequential file: it contains records organized by the order in which

they were entered. the order of the records is fixed. Records in
sequential files can be read or written only sequentially. After we
place a record into a sequential file, we can't shorten, lengthen, or
delete the record.

Random file: A file organized via an index. Also called a "direct

file" or a "direct access file," it enables quick access to specific
records or other elements within the file rather than having to read
the file sequentially.

Master File: is a file used as a reference for a particular computer

application. it may be updated when necessary. it is the most
complete and up -- to date version of a file. if the master file is lost
or damaged and it is only copy, the whole system will break down.

Transaction file: It is a file of temporary data which has been

prepared in order to carry out a processing operation with the data
on a master file. it is used to update master file. A transaction is
piece of a business. Transaction can occur in any order, so it is
necessary to sort a transaction file into the same order as the master

Transaction log files: are bits of business such as placing an order,

updating the stock, making a payment is known as transaction file.
A record of the transactions is kept which shows all the
transactions made over a certain period.

Backup or Security files: Backup copies of files are in kept in case

the original file is damaged or lost or cannot be used. the
importance of master file, backup copies of it should be taken at
regular intervals in case it is stolen, lost or corrupted. Looking after
your disks is not enough we should keep backup copies of all
important data.

Manual file: it is processed manually without using any machine or

 Accessing the same info in same of two people can't be
 If a file is placed in wrong place then finding it agin can be a


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