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AUBF1 LEC Analysis of Urine and Body Fluids

NAME: ____________________________________________________ SECTION: __________________

• Write your answers legibly on the space provided.
• Use black ink only.
• Erasures, alterations, superimpositions are not allowed.

I. Multiple choice
_____1. It is the major functional unit of the kidney:
a. Glomerulus c. Collecting tubules
b. Nephron d. Ureter
_____2. It is a non-selective filter of plasma substances of less than 70,000 molecular weight.
a. Glomerulus c. Collecting tubules
b. Nephron d. Ureter
_____3. The most common collection of specimen for urinalysis:
a. Random collection c. Suprapubic aspiration
b. First morning collection d. 24-hour collection
_____4. The following are blood tests that measure kidney function, except:
i. BUN iii. GFR
ii. Creatinine iv. BUA
a. Only i and ii c. Only ii and iii
b. Only i, ii, and iii d. All mentioned
_____5. Which of the following best describes creatinine clearance test?
a. Urine test that measures kidney function that compares creatinine in a 24-hour sample
of urine to the creatinine level in the blood to show how much blood the kidneys are
filtering out each minute.
b. Kidney function test that includes physical, chemical (dipstick) and miscroscopic
examinations of the urine sample.
c. Image test that uses sound waves to get a picture of the kidney to look for abnormalities
in size or position of the kidneys or for obstructions such as stones or tumors.
d. Laboratory test assesses kidney function by calculating from creatinine level using age,
weight, gender, body size.

II. Matching type

a. Random e. 24 hour
b. First morning f. Tolerance/clearance
c. Catheterized g. Midstream clean catch
d. Suprapubic aspiration h. Post prandial
_____ 6. Collected through a tube that is inserted through the urethra into the bladder.
_____ 7. Collected by needle aspiration.
_____ 8. Usually collected two hours after full meal or glucose load.
_____ 9. Best specimen for culture.
_____ 10. Most concentrated urine sample.
_____ 11. Used for quantitative and qualitative analysis of substances such as creatinine and
_____ 12. Collected at any time of the day.
_____ 13. Best sample for pregnancy test.
_____ 14. Often collected alongside blood test for measuring glucose clearance.
_____ 15. Done to obtain sterile urine straight from the bladder.
a. Oliguria c. Nocturia e. Anuria
b. Pyuria d. Polyuria f. Normal
_____ 16. Urinary output of 1,200-2,000 mL/day due to average liquid intake.
_____ 17. Complete cessation of urine due to kidney damage and decreased blood flow to the
_____ 18. Urinary output of >2,500 mL/day that may be due to Diabetes, diuretics, caffeine, and
alcohol intake.
_____ 19. Increase urinary output at night.
_____ 20. Urinary output of <500 mL/day due to dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, burns, or
AUBF1 LEC Analysis of Urine and Body Fluids
III. Matching type 2. Match the urine chemistry analysis with the corresponding reaction
principle/method used for the dipstick test.
_____ 21. Specific gravity a. Peroxidase-like activity of blood
_____ 22. pH b. Glucose oxidase reaction
_____ 23. Glucose c. pka change of polyelectrolyte to approximate urine density
_____ 24. Protein d. Reaction with diazonium salt produces bluish/purple color
_____ 25. Ketone e. Erlich’s reaction
_____ 26. Nitrite f. Reaction with amine reagent creates diazo compound and produces pink color
_____ 27. Leukocyte g. Uses 2 indicators to provide wide spectrum of color change
h. Splits ester to form Pyrrole compound, which produces purple color when mixed
_____ 28. Blood
with Diazo reagent
_____ 29. Bilirubin i. Protein error of indicators
_____ 30. Urobilinogen j. ReactionSodium Nitroprusside produces purple color

IV. True or False

_____ 31. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) controls the regulation of the flow of
blood to and within the glomerulus, influencing glomerular filtration.
_____ 32. First morning urine sample is the preferred specimen for pregnancy test because it is the
most sterile sample collection.
_____ 33. The glomerulus is encapsulated in the Bowman’s tubule.
_____ 34. Stool is composed of 75% solid materials.
_____ 35. The preservation of choice for urine sample is refrigeration of not more than 4 hours.

V. Identification
_____ 36. Hormone responsible for retention of sodium during urine formation.
_____ 37. Urine chemistry parameter that usually indicates Urinary Tract Infection when
accompanied by positive leukocyte esterase.
_____ 38. Urinary crystal usually associated with sulfonamide administration.
_____ 39. Primary mucoprotein component of urinary casts.
_____ 40. Excretion of abnormal quantity of fat with feces, often due to malabsorption.

VI. Enumeration
What are the four processes involved in urine formation?
41. ____ _________
42. ____ _________
43. ____ _________
44. ____ _________
Give examples of tests done to determine kidney function.
45. ____ _________
46. ____ _________
47. ____ _________
48. ____ _________
49. ____ _________
50. ____ _________

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