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BenewahCounty RepublicanCentralCommittee

St. Maries,Idaho 83861

To: Speakerofthe House November16.2010


The BenewahRepublicanCentralCommitteewould like to commenton theselatest

ethicschargesb'roughtagainagainstRepresentativePhil Hart by RepresentativeEric
AndersonDST l. We ask you to take underconsiderationthe fact that Representative
Hart hasalreadybeenexoneratedfrom the frst ethicschargesfiled againsthim this
sunrmerand he hasalsoof his own choosingsteppeddown from his position on the
Revenueand Tax Committee which he has servedon.

Representative Andersonhas also broughtforth the timber issueas well. The timber issue
happenedback in 1996 far before RepresentativeHart even thought about running for
political office. We believethat the Rule 76 would apply sincethis issueis not a current
issue,it was investigatedat the local level and a determinationwas madethat there was
no basisfor criminal chargesmany yearsprior to Rep.Phil Hart seekingoffice. This is an
issueRepresentative Hart had aheadyhad dealt with, Regardless.only a current
violationof ethicsissuescould be considered.Representative Andersonhas statedthat
his motive is aboutthe upholdingof the U.S. Constitution he is attemptingto violate
the 5"' Amendmentof the U.S Constitutionby'putting forth a doublejeopardy of these
chargesby having the sameethicschargesrevisited. This shouldnot be allowed as it is a
blatantviolation ofthe 5'nAmendmentto the U.S Constitution and afterall, the timber
issueis pastthe statuteof limitationsand shouldnot be an issuefor the ethicscommittee

We know that RepresentativeHart's actionshave not set well with many, but we also
know that he has beenpaying his taxes,he haswent throughthe ethic's committeewho
judged him and foundhim not guilty. We do know he dealt with this timber issuein the
systemand again after it hasbeen dredgedup to be aired once again in the papersand
now with Representative Andersonosaccusations. We also know that Representative Hart
received75.2% of his Districts vote and this was afler the peoplealreadyknew about his
problemswith the IRS and Tax Commissionas well as the Timber issue,yet 75.2Yoof the
voterschoseRepresentativeHart to serveIdaho for anotherterm,

We supportthe 'voters' and the 'will' of the people.We do not supportRepresentative

Andersonor thosewho chooseto continueto be deaf to the will of the people.Theseare
the samegroup of peoplewho will usethe mediato prosecutea fellow legislatorand who
showa willingnessto disregardthosepartsof the Constitutionthat doesnot suit their
purposes.We encouragethe ethic's committeeto take a good look at this latestcharge
and the timing asking themselves,do they really want to over look the facts ofthe issues,
the Constitution-andthe will of the voters?
'frivolous'politicalchargeagainstRepresentative Hart
Anderson whohasbroughtfortha
whichhasalreadybeenthroughthe ethics process that him.
exonerated To retry these
chargesis a wasteof timeandpreciousresources duringthis verycriticaltime dealing
with-seriousissues.TheStateof Idaho hasbefore it now manypressingandchallenging
to betendedto thisLegislativesession.
issues Idaho'slegislatorsshouldbe focusingon
theeconomic recoveryandjobs not Representative Anderson's FrivolousPolitical
Charges Representative
of a fellowcolleague. Andersonshouldhaveto answerfor his
ownactionsandhis potentialethic violation'

Letscallthiswhatit reallyis. Yesit is aboutRepresentative Hart'sactionsand

consequences for thoseactions,but the real issuebeganwhenRepresentative Hart
supported 3 candidates for theprimaryelection.Theresultendedwith the incumbent
Senator of DIST 3 losinghiselectionandthealsothecandidate whothoughthe wasa
certainto win Representative Clarksvacatedseatin the Housedid not win either.These2
menhaveworkedtirelesslyfor revengeon Representative Hartto destroyhim personally;
theyhaverecruitedthe StateCommitteeman from KootenaiCountyRepublicans andnow
Representative Andersonto do theirdirty work. This is nothingmore thatdisgruntled
candidates and a caseof revengein the worstkind.Representatives Anderson'sself-
seeking politicalactionsareshamefulandshouldnot begivenanymeritwhatsoever.

It is timeto stopthis in it's tracksanddo not allowthesefew divisivepeopleto control

whatwill bedonein thisup comingsession. It is a disgraceandSpeaker Dennywe look
to yourleadership to puta stopto anyfurtherunnecessary andgeton with the
peoples business.

Our RepublicanCentralCommitteeis askingthat you SpeakerDennyput a stopto any

furtherdistractionsto whatis truly importantfor the citizensof ldaho.


andPartymembers onNovember 2010.

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