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Daftar Pustaka

1. Staf Laboratorium Parasitologi. DIKTAT BIOLOGI MIKROBA SUB MODUL

PARASITOLOGI. Malang: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya, 2010.
2. RAC Hughes. Neurological Emergencies. Fourth Edition: BMJ Publishing Group;
3. Management of severe malaria: a practical handbook – Third edition © World Health
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4. Dondorp AM. Pathophysiology, Clinical Presentation and Treatment of Cerebral
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5. Combes, Valery; N. Coltel; D. Faille; S. C. Wassmer; G. E. Grau. 2006. Cerebral
malaria: role of microparticles and platelets in alterations of the blood-brain barrier.
International Journal for Parasitology, 36, pp541-46.
6. Hempel et al. Erythropoietin treatment alleviates ultrastructural myelin changes
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