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// Triangular Formation Exploration

// Use in Automatic Analysis -> Explore

// you can modify PercentThreshold below
PercentThreshold = 20;
function RSquared( array, periods )
return Correlation( Cum(1), array, periods ) ^ 2;
// 20% zig-zag
zz = Zig(C, PercentThreshold );
x = Min( BarsSince( zz > Ref(zz,-1) AND Ref( zz, -1 ) < Ref( zz, -2 ) ),
BarsSince( zz < Ref(zz,-1) AND Ref( zz, -1 ) > Ref( zz, -2 ) ) );
I = LastValue( x )+1;
xM = LastValue( I / 2 );
A = LastValue( LinRegSlope( C ,I ) );
// Regression line
reg = A*x + LastValue( LinearReg( C, I ) ) - A*(I-1);
// Up AND Down Indicators
day1 = LastValue( ValueWhen( x == 0, Day() ) );
Month1 = LastValue( ValueWhen( x == 0, Month() ) );
year1 = LastValue( ValueWhen( x == 0, Year() ) );
OK = BarsSince( day1 == Day() AND month1 == Month() AND year1 == Year() ) >= 0;
downm = Min( C-reg, 0 );
down = IIf( NOT OK, 0, ValueWhen( downm != 0, downm ) );
upm = Max( C-reg, 0 );
up = IIf( NOT OK, 0, ValueWhen( upm !=0, upm ) );
// Slope of up AND down indicators
Id = LastValue( Cum( Hold( OK AND C<reg, I ) ) );
Iu = LastValue( Cum( Hold( OK AND C>reg, I ) ) );
downSlope = Sum( ( x - xM ) *
( down - LastValue( Sum( down, Id )/ Id ) ) ,Id) /
Sum( ( x - xM ) * ( x - xM ), Id );
upSlope = Sum( ( x - xM ) * ( up - LastValue( Sum( up, Iu )/Iu ) ), Iu ) /
Sum(( x- xM )^2, Iu );
// Short Term Swings
SS = Sum( Cross( MA( C, 5 ), reg) + Cross( reg, MA( C, 5 ) ), I - 1);
// Max Retracement
retr = Max( abs( C-HHV(C,I+1)), abs(C-LLV(C,I+1)) ) /
abs( ValueWhen( x==0, C, 2 )- ValueWhen( x==0, C, 1 ) ) *100;
// Volume slope
VolSlope =Sum( ( x - xM )*( V - LastValue( Sum( V, I )/I ) ), I )/
Sum( ( x - xM )^2, I);
//TPR Formula
TPR = IIf( I >= 10 AND I <= 60 AND downSlope > 0 AND upSlope < 0 AND retr < 50 AND
SS >= 3,
// Time
IIf(I >= 15 AND I < 30, 2, 0 ) +
IIf(I >= 30 AND I <= 55, 1, 0 ) +
IIf( RSquared( C, I) < 0.2, 2, 0) +
IIf( RSquared( C, I) >= 0.2 AND RSquared(C,I) < 0.5, 1, 0 ) +
//Max retracement
IIf( retr < 20, 4, 0 ) +
IIf( retr >= 20 AND retr < 38, 3, 0 ) +
IIf( VolSlope < 0, 4, 0 ) + 1,
/*otherwise*/ 0);
Filter = TPR > 0;
AddColumn( TPR, "TPR" );

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