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Unid 2 – step 4 - Practical assignment 1

Performed by:
Kelly Maribeth Avendaño Gelviz
ID: 1’049.637.985

Research Project

Group 551028_5


CEAD Tunja

Chapter 1. Introduction...................................................................................................................3
1.1 General Background........................................................................................................4
1.2 Statement Of Problems....................................................................................................5
1.3 Research Objective...........................................................................................................6
General Objective.....................................................................................................................6
Specific Objectives....................................................................................................................6
1.4 Limitations Of The Research.................................................................................................7
1.5 Significance Of The Study...............................................................................................7
1.6 Definition Of Terms...............................................................................................................8
Chapter 2. Literature review...........................................................................................................9
2.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Previous studies....................................................................................................................11
Chapter 3: Research framework...................................................................................................17
3.1 Theoretical framework........................................................................................................17
3.2 Research hypothesis.............................................................................................................31
Chapter 1. Introduction

Throughout history, human beings have always been concerned with obtaining

knowledge to evolve, making the most of their intellect and seeking to improve the quality

of life. Education is one of the areas that pursue the progress of man and play an important

role in the growth of society, the theoretical bases, and experiences that serve for work and

social performance. Among the main knowledge that education must facilitate today is

learning the English language, because it is becoming a world language and is required to

access some jobs or professional careers, so it is necessary to have with a good preparation

from the first years of life starting from elementary school. Another important element is

the use and exploitation of technologies since it not only facilitates academic development

but also makes it possible to save time and carry out tasks efficiently. This document

proposes the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a support tool

that enables autonomous learning of the English language, facilitating learning for people

with reading and writing comprehension difficulties, mild cognitive disabilities, personality

problems like depression and dyscalculia. Besides, the phases and methodology used to

carry out the activities that are reflected in the pedagogical proposal are described. This

proposal to use ICT for the Nuestra Señora de Fátima School, located in Tunja, makes it

possible for teachers to educate in a new and creative way, and also allows each student to

go at their own pace and develop their learning process according to their abilities and

motivating the student so that they not only learn the language but also interact with the

technological tools that are currently present in many parameters of everyday life and that

are not used correctly.

1.1 General Background

The areas of cognitive development are the evolutionary process of transformation that

allows the child to develop skills and abilities, through the acquisition of experiences and

learning, for his adaptation to the environment, involving processes of discrimination,

attention, memory, imitation, context, and resolution of problems. We understand as an

area of cognitive development that includes physical knowledge in terms of knowledge of

the physical properties of objects and how to act on them, actively exploring with all the

senses; and the space-time knowledge defined in terms of the child's notions of her space

and time. Social knowledge, defined as the understanding of the keys of the community and

the ability to understand and express feelings and desires of self and others.

The essential characteristic observed in these minors is rapid fatigue with a marked

decrease in work capacity and little concentration of attention. For this reason, they cannot

sustain for a long time and intellectual work of a certain intensity. They often have

headaches and memory impairment, which has a significant impact on the learning process.

Characteristic features are observed in their behavior: Some are excitable, restless, irritable,

crying, and tense. Others are languid, slow, inhibited. They are highly sensitive to strong

stimuli; that is why in a classroom with many children, where the teacher speaks in a not

very loud tone of voice, they tend to become disorganized easily. Her mood is usually

unstable. Learning difficulties occur because they quickly forget the procedures to solve

certain school tasks, they simplify them. Many difficulties are observed in writing such as

repetition of letters and syllables, omissions, due to the rapid fatigue that leads them to
work carelessly and without concentrating their attention. They generally react much better

in individual work and small groups of students. In the corrective pedagogical care of these

children, it is necessary to guarantee a very calm, soft, and balanced family and school

environment. Avoid excessive schoolwork for a long time, promoting the change of activity

necessary for rest according to the child's fatigue curve.

1.2 Statement Of Problems

The process of teaching and learning the English language has been carried out through

masterclasses and little dynamic. The levels that Colombian students reach with this

methodology are very low, according to the report delivered by ICFES 11, 55 percent

(55%) of students across the country did not pass the minimum level required, 32 percent

(32%) reached the last category (A1), which is characterized by the use of simple everyday

expressions, and only 7 percent (7%) reached the next level (A2), where the student is also

able to understand sentences and expressions. From these results, it can be determined that

there is a flaw in the methodology that teachers are using, given that the vast majority of

students are not even achieving a minimum level of English language learning and are

being affected to a greater extent. Those children who have some cognitive deficit so it is

necessary to make an even greater effort to improve the situation. This environment causes

demotivation, academic disadvantage, and loss of opportunities.

Although some teachers have tried to innovate in their classes using the computer and

multimedia software, the objective of the student mastering the language has not yet been

met. Another factor to keep in mind is that the pace of work is not the same for all people

and some capture knowledge more easily than others. To solve the aforementioned

drawbacks, the use of Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs are proposed
as tools that enable the teacher to make a methodological change in teaching English and

provide the student with a greater degree of responsibility in their training, making it the

protagonist of its educational process and allowing meaningful, collaborative and life-long

learning. In this way, it contributes to a proposal that fosters autonomous learning, uses

technologies as a didactic resource, and generates better learning results, emphasizing

children with cognitive problems.

1.3 Research Objective

General Objective

Develop a guide to activity guide that involves the use of ICTs in the teaching of the

English language focused on the first and second-grade students of the Nuestra Señora de

Fátima School, paying greater attention to children with cognitive difficulties.

Specific Objectives

 Know the advantages of an ICT methodology compared to a traditional teaching


 Identify some ICT tools and applications that are available for teaching and learning

the English language.

 Consult technological and educational alternatives for teaching the English

language in students with cognitive deficits.

 Prepare an activity guide implementing the ICT tools for students in first and

second grades.
1.4 Limitations Of The Research

This is a basic investigation whose main scope is to develop a guide focused on

carrying out activities involving ICT in the teaching of the English language, taking

material from different internet sources and compiling them to facilitate the learning of

children from First and second grade.

Within the limitations of the project, it should be noted that the prepared guide will not

be distributed to the teachers of the Nuestra Señora de Fátima School, nor will it be applied

to students due to the situation that is currently taking place due to the global pandemic

COVID-19. Likewise, the purpose of this research is merely academic.

1.5 Significance Of The Study

Taking into account that currently the English language is prevailing and is becoming

indispensable to be able to access the working world in Colombia and in general in the

world, people must prepare themselves better every day and learn to master English as their

second language. Simultaneously, technological advances are entering daily life, at school,

work, home, among others, making it necessary to acquire knowledge to facilitate the

performance and development of children with cognitive deficits, thus improving the motor

and sensory development of children in general. To learn the English language in a

pleasant, innovative and autonomous way, you can make use of ICTs ("Repositorio.ual.es",

2020) as tools that allow the user individually or in groups to acquire knowledge and, most

importantly, put them into practice at any time in your life. The use of ICTs in Education

(2020) has been gradually strengthening because, despite the economic difficulties and the

apathy of some teachers to use technological resources in their professorship, some have

managed to adapt and take advantage of it effectively in the teaching process learning the
tools currently available. ICTs favor Autonomous Learning of the English language and

contribute to the construction of knowledge collaboratively, due to the flexibility in time

management as in the case of discussion forums, the possibility of sharing and debating

opinions as in the teleconferences, the interaction between the user and the machine when

using multimedia software, and I consider the use of Chat to be particularly useful in the

process of learning to write the English language, as well as video calls to become more

fluent when speaking said language.

1.6 Definition Of Terms

Information and Communication Technology (ICT): ICT in education is the

mode of education that use information and communications technology to support,

enhance the delivery of information.

Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to an improved student learning

and better teaching methods ("ICT enabled education:” 2020).

Teaching-learning process: Is the procedure through which special or general

knowledge about a subject is transmitted, its dimensions in the phenomenon of academic

performance based on the factors that determine its behavior.

The school teaching-learning process is very complex and a series of components

affect its development that must be interrelated so that the results are optimal. Process

optimization cannot be achieved if these components are not optimally developed

("Teaching-learning process - EcuRed", 2020).

Cognitive deficit: Is an inclusive term used to describe impairment in an

individual’s mental processes that lead to the acquisition of information and knowledge,

and drive how an individual understands and acts in the world. 

Cognitive deficits in children range from profound intellectual impairments with

minimal functioning to mild impairment in specific operations. To understand the concept

of cognitive deficit, some primary issues in the measurement of cognitive function must be

understood ("Cognitive Deficits: Overview, Diagnosis, Risk Factors and Etiology", 2020).

Chapter 2. Literature review

2.1 Overview

Granizo Montalvo, E., & Haro Vaca, S. (2016) they carried out an analysis of the

current state of the digital content industry and the regulatory and legal environment of

Ecuador, mainly referring to issues of internet security and intellectual property rights; and

through research, identify the needs of users and take advantage of the opportunities and

challenges that online education presents; a digital content model for online education is

recommended, based on a collaborative public scheme to promote digital culture.

García Guillén, S., Garrote Rojas, D., & Jiménez Fernández, S. (2016) comment

that the development of the network, such as the Internet, throughout the planet is an

undoubted question. Regarding education, the methodology, teaching innovation

experiences, applied research that asks questions or issues that imply the presence of the

network from a moment. It is undeniable that the Internet is leaving teachers at all

educational levels, hence the need to share the work that is taking place around the network
in this world that is planet earth is a priority and necessary. The vision that from Latin

America is offered from a collaborative perspective, enriches all individuals as it gathers

different ideas to apply to a group and improve the teaching and learning process in any

field, sphere or educational level.

A reflection on the importance of the use of Information and Communication

Technologies (ICTs) to enhance reading comprehension in autistic subjects, specifically,

should be investigated in the area of cognitive, linguistic, affective social and psychomotor

development. In the same way, technological means were thought of as a strategy to use

and support the teaching-learning process of autistic subjects in the area of reading and

writing. (Badillo-Jiménez, V. T., & Iguarán-Jiménez, A. M. 2020).

Sánchez del Cerro, T. (2019), designed a program in the face of the detected need

on the proper use of information and communication technologies for the population with

autistic disorder, it is proposed to generate a program that allows adolescents and parents to

have knowledge and strategies for the responsible and safe use of the technologies of these

tools. To carry out the design of this program, a search of the specialized bibliography was

carried out, from which the educational needs of these people have been established,

focusing on the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders, 5th Edition). The result of this research is a program with thirty activities

aimed at both the child and their families. All of them oriented to enhance the least

developed capacities, and social within the school. This program is updated, functional,

concrete and focused on the needs of children, adolescents and their parents. It is estimated

that this program can be taken to other educational sectors or contexts.

In the same way, there is an interest in educational quality in educational

establishments. The teaching exercise requests teachers to transmit content efficiently and
this is achieved with the application of Information and Communication Technologies

(ICT) in the teaching and learning process that strengthen student performance.

Methodological strategies are proposed that can be used in the learning process of the

subject for this case Social Studies. Difficulties in the Social subject have been identified in

the students, so the implementation of ICT is necessary, so that learning is meaningful and

the work of the teacher is much easier. The interactive teaching guide, through the

application of ICT, must be used by the student to enhance their cognitive skills and their

relevance in the educational field.

2.2 Previous studies

The study shows that hearing impairment has limits than children and people in

general who have it, since they have the same cognitive abilities as any other, the only

difference lies in the ability to communicate. That is why they propose in this research to

look for tools that support training and provide an opportunity for both children and

teachers and parents who have this condition, in the same way sensitize the educational

society of the need to adapt the curriculum in accordance to the needs of the student to

facilitate inclusion, carrying out new pedagogical practices, training and studying the

language and communication of these people.

Gómez Domínguez, C. C., Ramírez Romero, J., Martínez-González, O., & Chuc

Piña, I. (2019), The article presents the results of a study carried out by English teachers in

a municipality in southeastern Mexico on the use of Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT). The study methodology is of a quantitative, experimental nature. The

study covers elements of an institutional type that groups teachers and students, which
shows that the technologies that teachers use are little varied, the most used are the laptop

and applications without promoting innovation. Likewise, it was found that teachers use

ICTs mainly for administrative tasks associated with lack of training or refuse to

experiment with new teaching and learning methods.

Piñón, N. D. L. A. G., & Nares, Y. D. C. P. (2017), This work discloses the

situation of the Mexican educational system with respect to other countries such as South

Korea, the Netherlands, the United States of America, Finland, Canada and Russia, and the

Influence of ICT Information and Communication Technologies on the teaching of English,

its use and the benefits acquired by teachers and students of the basic level. The type of

study allowed an analysis of the use and management ICT as a teaching strategy that helps

improve academic performance in the written production of the English language. The

work is focused on teaching children between 7 and 8 years old in schools. It is shown that

the English subject is compatible for the use of technologies since it makes the classes

dynamic and attractive for the students, motivating their interest in learning another


Morales-Garrido, A. B. (2018), This work presented as a product of the degree

option method focuses especially on teaching vocabulary about a foreign language,

English, to work with the use of technologies in the early childhood classroom that It

ranges from 3 to 6 years old. One of the general objectives of any educational action is to

develop the maximum potential of the students, since beyond learning new languages it

involves relating to their peers, learning to play, sing, value, discover, express. Regarding

the use of audiovisual language and technologies, it is intended to give an educational

treatment so that students have mastery in understanding audiovisual content and develop

good use in the classroom. It is very important for the teacher to know how to teach through
Information Technology and ICT Communications so that it does not become a

monotonous educational resource for students and ends up being a demotivating element.

Therefore, an educational strategy that is easy to use on a daily basis is proposed to

motivate students to learn a new language through Information Technology and ICT


Martínez Muñoz, H. G. (2018), The present investigation tries to design interactive

didactic material, for the teaching and learning of the theme of fruits in the English

language, for boys and girls from 8 to 10 years of fifth grade of basic general education of

the General Manuel Serrano school. Since according to statistics carried out to know the

level, it shows results that affirm a deficit in the quantity and human quality of teachers for

teaching the English language, which is generating in students a loss of interest in learning

a second language. The following problems arise: lack of budget in the school to manage

this kind of expenses, teachers do not have the necessary training in design programs to

create it, and students have few hours of English language class. For these reasons, this

research seeks to design digital teaching material to reinforce knowledge of the English

language through digital teaching games. It is specified as specific objectives: to know the

teaching and learning methodology for the English area, define the design criteria

appropriate to the target audience and design teaching materials, using the tools of the

Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash CS6 programs. For the collection of information,

documentary research is used to investigate projects carried out in the English language,

and descriptive research was also used through the qualitative method in which interviews

are conducted with design professionals and teachers. Another method that was used is

non-participant observation where fifth grade boys and girls participate in the classroom,

learn about their learning methods, and learn about the material they use. Taking into
account the information obtained, we proceed to make the illustrations, animations and

programming of the game. After completing this process, it was concluded that by

reinforcing the learning of the English language and increasing their interest in learning it,

good results can be obtained from the process

Pinzón Moyano, N. D. (2018), Presents a report of the development of the

internship, which consisted of accompaniment, reinforcement and support, for the teachers

of an Educational Institution in the city of Bogotá, for the primary students of the subject of

English, covering an always large population, from preschool to fifth grade of primary

school. The intervention consisted of supporting teachers in the educational processes of

learning and teaching English as a second language, since, during the course of each

academic period, the lack of knowledge of this subject has been noted. The content of the

document shows a large number of concepts in the theoretical framework, where the set of

ideas, procedures and theories is determined, then the concept of the curriculum and

fundamental components is established, a description of the use of ICTs is established , in

order to strengthen teaching competence on the Moodle platform.

In most Latin American countries, the teaching of the English language has had

little reception in schools and colleges, despite being a language that has been taught since

very young ages for years, this is due to the few or ineffective learning strategies. used in

the classroom, which in turn has not given the expected result or worse, that the student

does not like or have interest in learning this important language. This has also caused

difficulties in educational advancement and concern for society because students obtain

their baccalaureate learning very little vocabulary and with serious confusion with English

grammar. For many years, the government has allocated very little or even no recourse to

the teaching of the English language and as a consequence, it is something that affects all
teachers and therefore students. Although the infrastructure of some public educational

establishments in the country has been improved, however, it has not reached remote places

such as neighboring towns where there is still a need for laboratories even in rural schools

where only one teacher teaches all subjects, more of having few students. In schools in

Ecuador, there are also problems, such as a lack of interest in learning or simply

differentiating verbs from adjectives, due to the lack of knowledge of effective teaching

methods used and the few hours that the language is taught in the week. This research work

takes as a model the Private School "Educar 2000" with a population of 350 students,

where 58 cases of children with special educational needs have been disclosed, with

medical evidence, it was considered the sixth grade of General Education Basic with 30

students of which 8 have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

"ADHD", where the management of learning strategies has better results than those

investigated in other educational institutions within it, because there are more hours

dedicated to teaching and practicing the English language.

Rivadeneira Cevallos, D. J. (2017). Presents an interesting document with many

questions and reflections that teachers in training have when facing a class. As why in the

same class, some students learn more than others. What distinguishes students who learn

well from slow learners? There are many individual differences between students that cause

these variations that fall within their special educational needs. One of them is the teacher's

ability to use learning strategies with students. Therefore, teaching through learning

strategies in class is to guarantee learning. Due to the importance that the English language

has acquired today in the entire world, it had to be taught from basic education in an active,

creative and recreational way to divest itself of the traditional and monotonous way, these
were tools that motivated and aroused the The student's interest in learning, due to the

various options that were offered in the process and were necessary to change the

traditional methodology in teaching the English language, allowed the students to have

been creators of their own significant knowledge. Teachers must understand, analyze and

put into practice the teaching techniques through the motivation used in this process. It was

important to study this problem in the Social Development in the Institution because the

objective was to get the children to integrate even more by learning this language and to

demonstrate what they were capable of giving the best of themselves; taking into account

the above and in order to promote the learning process, more teamwork is proposed in a

practical way that stimulates the abilities of the students. The treatment had to be given

continuously in order to achieve a true educational quality and in a more comprehensive

way. The research is intended as a guide for all those who enter the wonderful world of

Chapter 3: Research framework

3.1 Theoretical framework

The technologies of the information and communication.

ICTs are part of the technological culture that surrounds us and with which we must

live. Expand our physical and mental abilities. From this perspective, the use of ICT in

education becomes a methodology and didactic tool since it offers a variety of possibilities

for the teacher to put into operation their creativity mechanisms and can vary the stimuli,

activities and learning situations with the frequency that each student or group needs. ICTs

have made it possible to bring globality to the world of communication, facilitating the

interconnection between people and institutions worldwide, and eliminating spatial and

temporal barriers.

The information previously treated, is related to the theory that Martínez, X. (2019)

exposes, regarding virtual learning environments, which can be digital and immaterial that

provide necessary conditions for carrying out learning activities. They are favorable spaces

to share, analyze, reflect, investigate and discover knowledge that can be energized by the

teacher according to the interests and needs of the students. Furthermore, this space

becomes an interactive process where everyone learns from everyone.

The pedagogical use of ICT

In Colombia, for the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies

(MINTIC) the term ICT according to article 6 of Law 1341 is “the set of resources, tools,

equipment, computer programs, applications, networks and media, which they allow the

compilation, processing, storage, transmission of information such as: voice, data, text,

video and images ”. ICTs have a number of uses, among them, to create, modify, store and

retrieve information, contributing to the generation of knowledge Hernández, C., Gamboa,

A., & Ayala, E. (2014).

Another important topic For the population of Colombia, it is regulated by Law

1341, which defines the concepts and principles on the information society and the

organization of ICTs, which creates the National Spectrum Agency and dictates other

provisions, such as massification and endowment. in ICT in the educational context,

defining the guiding principles that are stipulated in article 2 and assigning to the

Colombian state the responsibility for the promotion and efficient access in equal

opportunities for all the inhabitants. Likewise, through the National ICT Plan 2008-2019,

social inclusion and competitiveness in the country are sought through the appropriation

and proper use of ICT in daily life as productive of citizens, companies, academia and the

Government. This requires providing basic skills to citizens for the use of digital

technologies so that they integrate into their lives with the use of digital tools such as a

accelerator for social inclusion.

In this task of training in ICT, the role of the school is essential. Educators have the

responsibility of developing in the students the necessary competences to face the

challenges that the information society presents to them. From these approaches, according
to Hernández, C., Gamboa, A., & Ayala, E. (2014), the pedagogical use of ICT as a vital

tool can be defined, which improves learning and teaching processes, allowing to guide and

provide teachers the possibility of improving their classroom practices, creating more

dynamic and interactive learning environments, for the acquisition of meaningful learning,

stimulating mental processes, facilitating teamwork and interpersonal relationships. The

pedagogical use of ICT is given to reinforce, support or be able to put into practice pre-

existing pedagogical approaches, models or methodologies that can help transform school

environments for learning. "The pedagogical use of a technological resource can only be

identified and described strictly in the framework of a practice or activity in whose

realization that resource intervenes." With these considerations in mind, the pedagogical

use of ICT in education becomes a didactic, pedagogical tool and a great challenge for

teachers, because they are truly responsible for the learning and teaching process being

successful for students. and show them new possibilities to develop their basic and

communicative skills, according to their needs and context. In addition, through them the

different environments and pedagogical moments in the classroom are dynamized,

strengthened, reconstructed, recreated and innovated. Consequently, with the above, the use

of ICTs as a pedagogical tool is booming in the learning and teaching processes.

Accordingly, ICT in education are those electronic and computer technologies that allow

communication to be extended and developed in different settings. Their importance in

today's world is enormous because they are producing a significant change in

communications, social relations, commercial structures, in short, they are changing the


Technologies are a powerful didactic tool that teachers can use to achieve

autonomous, creative, responsible, disciplined, meaningful and quality learning for

students. And in teachers, it develops technological, pedagogical, investigative,

communicative and management competences, facilitating innovative practices. The

authors agree when stating that the use of ICT in education refers to the use of various

technological or computer means, techniques, advanced devices that allow visual, digital or

other information to be stored, processed and disseminated, having a purpose specific. They

foster collaboration in students, help to focus on learning, improve motivation and interest,

promote the spirit of search, promote integration and stimulate the development of certain

intellectual skills such as: reasoning, problem solving, creativity and ability from learning

to learning. With the use of ICT, Hernández, C., Gamboa, A., & Ayala, E. (2014), it is

necessary for the teacher to assume a new role in the virtual platform and become a

facilitator of learning, learning from your students and promote the production of

knowledge through collaborative work through new learning environments that are the

result of new teaching strategies full of creativity and the effective use of new technological

tools. In addition, it is possible to awaken the interest of teachers in scientific research and

enable the improvement of creative skills, imagination, communication and collaborative

skills, being able to access more information and providing the means for a better

comprehensive development of individuals. . There are many impacts that the proper use of

ICTs can cause in learning according to the requirements and the class of students involved

in said process. The results will then depend on how they are used in different areas of


Learning and teaching process

The study of a considerable number of recent investigations related to the topic

addressed here allows us to recognize a wide movement of the ideas of different authors

towards the search for a deeper understanding of the teaching-learning pairing.

There could be many factors that are currently influencing the subject, but without a

doubt, at the bottom of it we cannot ignore the body of knowledge that current Psychology

provides in relation to learning. Nor can we ignore what this theoretical body has

contributed to make a deeper analysis of our educational practice, as an essential way to

achieve a greater conceptualization or reconceptualization of the teaching-learning process.

By way of illustration of the foregoing, when addressing the issue of the "construction of

knowledge and the mechanisms of educational influence", he states that due to a series of

circumstances linked to the historical development of psychology, the constructivist

conception of learning has paid attention to individual processes, not the fact that these

processes take place in an interpersonal context, and that therefore we will not be able to

offer a detailed, informed and useful explanation of how students learn at school if we do

not analyze the learning processes closely linked to the teaching processes with which they

are interconnected.

This process has historically been characterized in different ways, ranging from

identification as a teaching process with a strong emphasis on the central role of the teacher

as a transmitter of knowledge, to the most current conceptions in which the teaching-

learning process is conceived. as an integrated whole in which the leading role of the

student is highlighted.

The teaching-learning process is a dialectical unit between instruction and

education; the same characteristic exists between teaching and learning. The entire
teaching-learning process has a systemic structure and operation, that is, it is made up of

closely interrelated elements or components.

This approach leads to an analysis of the different types of relationships that operate

to a greater or lesser extent in the components of the teaching-learning process.

Components of the teaching-learning process

The components are:

 Objectives
 Content
 Forms of organization
 Methods
 Evaluation

School success

According to the perception of Redondo R., J. (1997), this requires a high degree of

adherence to the aims, means, and values of the educational institution, which probably not

all students present Although there is no shortage of those who unconditionally accept the

life project offered by the institution, it is possible that one sector rejects it, and another,

perhaps the most substantial, only identifies with it in a circumstantial way. For example,

they accept the promise of Social mobility and use the school to achieve it, but they do not

identify with school culture and values, so they maintain an attitude of accommodation

towards the institution, which consists of traveling through it with only the effort required.

Either, they meet her in their natural cultural environment but they do not believe or

need not believe in her promises, because they have decided to renounce what is offered to
them, or they have it assured in any case due to their social condition and so they try to

disassociate themselves from their requirements.

It would be excellent if all students entered school with a lot of motivation to learn,

but the reality is far from this perspective, since some students still find school activity

boring or irrelevant.

Three dimensions: education, teaching and learning

To delve into the educational phenomenon, it is necessary to start from the

conceptualization of the magnitude of what is education, teaching and learning. The

concept of education is broader than that of teaching and learning, and has fundamentally a

spiritual and moral sense, its object being the integral formation of the individual.

When this preparation translates into high training on the intellectual, moral and

spiritual levels, it is an authentic education, which will achieve greater perfection as the

subject dominates, self-controls and self-directs its potentialities: desires, tendencies,

judgments, reasoning and will.

The education

Education is the set of knowledge, orders and methods by means of which the

individual is helped in the development and improvement of the intellectual, moral and

physical faculties.

Education does not create faculties in the student, but cooperates in its development

and precision. It is the process by which man is formed and defined as a person. The word

educate comes from Educere, which means to take out. Apart from its universal concept,

education has special characteristics depending on the peculiar characteristics of the

individual and society.

In the current situation, from a greater freedom and solitude of man and from an

accumulation of possibilities and risks in society, it follows that education must be

demanding, from the point of view that the subject must put more than his part to learn and

develop its full potential.


It is the process by which special or general knowledge about a subject is

communicated or transmitted. This concept is more restricted than that of education, since

it aims at the integral formation of the human person, while teaching is limited to

transmitting, through different means, certain knowledge.

In this sense, education includes teaching itself. Teaching methods rest on the

theories of the learning process and one of the great tasks of modern pedagogy has been to

study experimentally the effectiveness of these methods, while trying their theoretical


The learning

This concept is part of the structure of education; therefore, education comprises the

learning system. It is the action of learning and the time that such action takes. Also, it is

the process by which a person is trained to give a solution to situations; Such a mechanism

ranges from data acquisition to the most complex way of collecting and organizing


Learning is of fundamental importance to man, since, when he is born, he is devoid

of intellectual and motor means of adaptation. Consequently, during the first years of life,

learning is an automatic process with little participation of the will, then the voluntary
component becomes more important (learning to read, learning concepts, etc.), giving a

conditioned reflex, that is, an associative relationship between response and stimulus.

Sometimes learning is the consequence of trial and error, until a valid solution is achieved.

According to Pérez G, A., (1992), learning also occurs through intuition, that is, through

the sudden discovery of how to solve problems.

Pedagogical strategies and methodology

Pedagogical strategies are a set of actions systematically planned over time that are

carried out to achieve a certain purpose or mission; they refer to a set of activities, in the

educational environment, designed to effectively and efficiently achieve the expected

educational objectives. From the constructivist approach this will consist of the

development of competences by the students; In other words, they are the procedures,

actions, thoughts and tools that students use to learn. This design can be done by both the

teacher and the student, who can feed each other.

They are the set of techniques, activities and means that are planned taking into

account the needs of the population to which they are directed, the objectives that are set

and the nature of the areas and courses, all with the purpose of making it more pleasant. the

learning and teaching process. The strategies are also a guide to actions to follow and are

aimed at an objective related to learning. They can also be defined as the process by which

the student chooses, coordinates and applies the procedures to achieve an end related to

learning. Furthermore, the role of the teacher as the role of the student must change,

becoming actively responsible for their own learning. The teacher will be a facilitator for

learning in new learning environments where the student has spaces to grow not only

personally but integrally. These environments must promote collaboration and the

relationship of students in different dimensions of being.

The pedagogical strategies, the methodology used and applied in the different

learning and teaching processes allow favorable performances in the students. Because the

methodology is a concrete way of teaching, a method or path, a concrete tool that is used to

transmit the contents, procedures so that the learning objectives proposed by the teacher are

met. The experience of the teacher, their own conceptions, the relationship they make in the

methodology and the teaching objectives, the students and the contents depend on the

choice of methodology.

However, it is important to highlight that when incorporating technologies into the

different learning and teaching processes, it is necessary to implement pedagogical

strategies such as hypermedia (hypertext, multimedia) for the development of basic skills;

defines hypermedia as the set of methods or procedures used to write, design, or compose

content that has text, video, maps, or other means and that also has the possibility of

interacting with users, that is, a generalization of hypertext .

Hypertext is defined by Bianchini (1999), as the approach to manage and organize

information through a network of nodes that are connected with links. It is a structured

database that allows the user to go from one place to another. In the same way, it defines

multimedia as a hypertextual network in which not only text but also images, audio and

video are included. However, these instruments that stimulate learning environments make

sense if they are implemented for the benefit of students. This is how Patricia Jaramillo

highlights that the use given to ICT tools in the learning process, are aimed at supporting

the transmission of messages to students, supporting active learning through

experimentation with different objects of study, facilitating the interaction to learn through

the different ICT tools and pedagogical strategies designed for this purpose.
Similarly, for Batista (2004), the digital and immaterial environments; they provide

the necessary conditions for learning activities. In education these environments can be

used in face-to-face, non-face-to-face or mixed modalities. In which two types of elements

are distinguished: the constitutive ones that refer to the means of interaction, resources,

environmental and psychological factors; The conceptual ones refer to aspects that define

the educational concept of the virtual and which are: instructional design and interface


Digital Literacy according to Piscitelli (2009), defines it "as the ability to recognize

(equals reading) and produce (equals writing) meanings in a domain." This determines that

digital literacy not only involves being consumers of information through the media, but

also involves producing it. Taking into account digital and media competences, these

involve a large number of reading and writing techniques through spaces where individuals

can consume and produce digital texts. They must also have the ability to critically evaluate

information and master how to use that information to solve the problems they face. Being

digitally literate involves knowing when and why digital technologies are appropriate and

may or may not be helpful in accomplishing a task. Digital literacy requires the

development of a wide variety of digital skills that must be integrated into the curriculum

according to the needs of the population.

The educational results are measured through the competences not only in the

students but in the preparation that the teacher acquires as mediator and guide of the

learning and teaching processes mediated by ICT, among which the following stand out:

Technological competence is "the teacher's capacity to select and use in a

pertinent, responsible and efficient manner a great variety of technological tools,

understanding the principles that govern them, the way of combining them and their use in

the educational context".

The communicative competence of teachers is "the ability to express, establish

contact and relate in virtual and audiovisual spaces through various media and with the

management of multiple languages, synchronously and asynchronously."

Pedagogical competence is "the ability to use ICT to strengthen learning and

teaching processes, recognizing the scope and limitations of the incorporation of these

technologies in the comprehensive training of students and in their own professional


Educational inclusion through ICT

Initially, the term inclusion was closely related to the special educational needs of

some male and female students, later moving to encompass education in general, promoting

the idea that school should be for all girls, regardless of their characteristics and

deficiencies “inclusion has to be seen as a constant search for better ways to respond to the

diversity of the students, it is about learning to live with the difference and at the same time

studying how we can take advantage of the difference ”

When we speak of inclusive education, therefore, we refer to that education that it

responds to a philosophical, social, economic, cultural, political, and pedagogical approach

and that pursues the acceptance and appreciation of differences in school for each of the

students. It is important to highlight:

The integration of people with special educational needs in the whole of the society

and therefore also in school, to be as successful as possible you need be gradual,

consensual, that no one considers herself their owner and that all the actors of the

educational community are involved in it.

Within this framework, the need arises to rethink, among other things, the practice

of the teacher, proposing alternative pedagogical strategies for the construction of:

〉 An educational culture in which everyone feels involved.

〉 Responses to the educational needs for people with barriers to

learning and participation in different contexts.

〉 The promotion of multiple literacies.

〉 Constructive learning.

〉 Assessment of the abilities of all students.

〉 The sense of community, solidarity and plural belonging.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ICT for students

Among the benefits indicated by Zappala, D., Koppel, A., Sushodolsky, M. (2011),

that ICTs would provide for children with special educational needs would be the


〉 Versatility and flexibility allow for a variety of targeted applications diverse, as

well as adaptation to each particular case, being possible to adapt a same device or program

according to the needs of each child at the time of to work.

〉 They facilitate the individualization of teaching, adapting the tasks to the level of

student competencies and according to their own learning rhythm.

〉 They make it possible to repeat the exercise and self-correct by being able to

check the results immediately.

〉 They increase the degree of autonomy and personal independence, as the student

alone and need less help from others. This allows teachers have more time dedicated to

other students or activities.

〉 Greater speed and quality in the result of the work, which allows saving students

a considerable effort helping to eliminate the sense of failure.

〉 In recreational activities or training in social skills, among others, increases

communication and socialization of the group when designing activities that involve

collaborative work.

〉 Possibility of storing data on the achievements of each student. The use of

standardized programs in various treatments allows establishing more control objective on

the progress of the students and the validity of the program, to make the most appropriate


There are many advantages that we can attribute to ICT for students with special

educational needs, among them we can highlight the following:

〉 They help to overcome the limitations derived from cognitive disabilities,

sensory and motor skills of students.

〉 They favor the autonomy of the students, since the tools can be adapting to the

needs of each student in a personalized way.

〉 They favor synchronous and asynchronous communication of these students with

the rest from colleagues and teachers.

〉 They save time for the acquisition of skills and abilities in students.
〉 They favor the diagnosis of students.

〉 They support a multisensory communication and training model.

〉 They promote individualized training.

〉 They facilitate the social and labor insertion of students with specific difficulties.

〉 They provide moments of leisure.

〉 They save time for acquiring skills and abilities.

〉 They promote the approach of the students to the scientific and cultural world.

〉 They favor a decrease in the sense of academic and personal failure.

As for some disadvantages or disadvantages that Zappala, D., Koppel, A.,

Sushodolsky, M. (2011), grant to the use of ICT in education with children with special

educational needs, we have the following:

〉 The high economic cost involved, so it is not possible to provide means to all the

people who need them. In addition, the rapid progress of research often turns some products

out of date in a short period of time.

〉 The lack of preparation of education professionals, in some cases even rejecting

the use of these “technophobia” tools.

The inadequate use of technological means as a consequence of their introduction in

the educational field, obeying fashion and lacking previous approaches that consider the

study of the students' real needs. "The abuse or misuse of these means can provoke

passivity in the students, promote a mechanistic reasoning, lack of imagination, intolerance

to frustration, individualism, etc."

3.2 Research hypothesis

To give a solution to the problem, it is necessary to propose alternatives that allow us to

determine if the study has an adequate approach. The following hypotheses are proposed:

o The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is not an

adequate learning strategy to improve the academic performance of the First

and Second grade students of the Nuestra Señora de Fátima School.

o The elaboration of a guide for the first and second grade students of the

Nuestra Señora de Fátima School using Information and Communication

Technologies (ICTs) as a learning strategy, allows to improve the academic

performance of the students and in turn serve as a help to propose classroom

activities to teachers.


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