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Climate change is directly associated with rising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.
Therefore, greenhouse gases are viral when we talk about climate change. Recent data show that the
operations in the mine area are affected by climate change (The State of Queensland, 2015). It means
that consideration of climate change impacts is very important during the life span of the mine project.

According to the data from Climate Change in Australia report and Climate Change in Queensland
technical report, we can summarise the predicted climate change impacts of this project in terms of
temperature change, rainfall change, relative humidity, sea surface temperature, wind speed, and
potential evapotranspiration (The State of Queensland, 2015).

The expected climate change data shows that the local conditions will become hotter, drier and winder
during the operation of the mine project (The State of Queensland, 2015). And also, it can be expected
that changes in rainfall and wind speed are more pronounced in the spring (The State of Queensland,
2015). On the other hand, climate change in Queensland report says that Queensland’s agricultural,
industrial and mining activities are highly dependent on water resources (The State of Queensland,
2015). That is the climate change risk in the vicinity of this project.


Risk assessment is an important method that is used to identify, analyse, evaluate and mitigate the risks
for any particular case. Considering levels of consequence and likelihood, we can categorise the risk of
climate change impacts into three major risk scenarios such as high, medium and low risk (The State of
Queensland, 2015). In this report, we briefly go through with high and medium risk impacts and how
they mitigate those risks.

According to the risk assessment results, process water availability, dust formation, and flood risks are
high risks scenarios (The State of Queensland, 2015). They developed water supply strategies to mitigate
the risk of minimised process water availability (The State of Queensland, 2015). And also, they utilised
dust control measures like watering roads and enclosing conveyors to manage dust formation (The State
of Queensland, 2015). As well as, they proposed some construction limitations and stormwater
management systems to mitigate flood risk (The State of Queensland, 2015).

Moreover, the risk assessment results show that health impacts, soil erosion, unsuccessful rehabilitation
planting, maintenance cost, slop failure and failure of tailings dams are the medium-risk factors (The
State of Queensland, 2015). To mitigate health impacts, they used a health and safety management
system (The State of Queensland, 2015). They made so many soil erosion controls to manage soil
erosion (The State of Queensland, 2015). And also, they planned and established suitable species of
vegetation to eliminate unsuccessful planting (The State of Queensland, 2015). As well as, they
implemented an emergency response plan to reduce maintenance costs for infrastructure when storm
events happen (The State of Queensland, 2015). Furthermore, the slope gradient is maintained as it
should not exceed 17% to reduce slope failure and, a well-planned flood protection bund and levees
system is introduced to mitigate failure or overtopping of tailings dams (The State of Queensland, 2015).

In our point of view, BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) took action to achieve its goal of zero harm
and secure its future. They have a better understanding of behavioural change, innovation and
technological progress to achieve necessary emission stabilisation. They work with governments,
industry, and stakeholders to face climate change challenges. In the discussion, we will address BMA’s
best practices and our recommendations for better engineering projects.

BMA collaboratively worked with external and internal parties like government, industry, communities,
and employees to minimise emissions. For example, they have taken a leadership role when they work
with external parties regarding industry research, development, demonstration and deployment of low
emissions technologies (The State of Queensland, 2015). And also, they provided capital funding for
internal projects to reduce energy consumptions and greenhouse gas emissions through BMA’s Energy
Excellence Program (The State of Queensland, 2015). As well as, BMA encourages ideas from employees
and local communities to reduce their emissions (The State of Queensland, 2015). On the other hand,
BMA improved the management of energy and greenhouse gas emissions from production by actions
such as energy excellence activities, achieving targets, planning projects, and site-based planning (The
State of Queensland, 2015). Moreover, BMA increased understanding of life cycle emissions of their
products. For instance, they have been continuing transparent public reporting of emissions and, BMA
has been using expert inputs to improve products and strategies for effectively reducing greenhouse gas
emissions (The State of Queensland, 2015).

A major part of greenhouse gas emissions produced from fossil fuels is covered by coal mining and
combustions in the world (The Guardian, 2019). Therefore coal mining companies in Australia have to
act a significant role to protect the environment. Therefore, we would like to recommend that, BMA
have to implement more sustainable strategies to develop their coal mining projects. As a modern world
engineering company, BMA should look more renewable energy sources than promoting depleted
energy sources like coal.


The environmental management plan is an important document for mine industries in Australia because
it is required under Section 201 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (The State of Queensland,
2015). BMA’s Environmental management plan is one of the best examples for a better understanding
of their objectives and outline control strategies to achieve those objectives regarding the greenhouse
gas emissions control which is a vital part of environmental management and protection.

Finally, we would like to mention that, the EIS studies can give many more benefits for any particular
project by optimising environmental, social and economic impacts. For example, the Caval Ridge Mine
Project gave key benefits like employment opportunities, export income, and revenue into the regional
economy as well. As an overall comment, the EIS is a vital task when any project is implemented,
preceded or maintained in the correct direction by minimising adverse impacts.

The State of Queensland. (2015). Caval Ridge Mine environmental impact statement documents.
Retrieved from https://www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/coordinator-general/assessments-and-

The Guardian. (2019). Queensland coalmine increase greenhouse gas emissions without penalty, FOI
reveals. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/aug/13/coal-mine-increases-

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