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Comparative 1D optoelectrical simulation of

the perovskite solar cell

Cite as: AIP Advances 9, 085028 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5110495
Submitted: 17 May 2019 . Accepted: 19 August 2019 . Published Online: 28 August 2019

Gholamhosain Haidari

AIP Advances 9, 085028 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5110495 9, 085028

© 2019 Author(s).
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

Comparative 1D optoelectrical simulation

of the perovskite solar cell
Cite as: AIP Advances 9, 085028 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5110495
Submitted: 17 May 2019 • Accepted: 19 August 2019 •
Published Online: 28 August 2019

Gholamhosain Haidaria)

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord 64165478, Iran

Corresponding author, E-mail: moh1135@gmail.com

The metal-halide perovskite solar cell has risen to the vanguard of photovoltaic research and offers the potential to merge low-cost fabrication
with high-power conversion efficiency. Certainly, simulation along with experimental studies will contribute to a better understanding of the
operation mechanism of PSC and the need to further improve device performance. In this study, the combinations of the optical transfer
matrix method and electrical method based on the solar cell capacitance simulator (SCAPS) were used for 1D optoelectrical modeling of
the planar PSC. In order to investigate the capability of this simple model, most of the related options such as absorption coefficient, optical
reflection, defects, and interface trap were set. The comparison of the optoelectrical simulated EQE and JV curve of the CH3 NH3 PbI3 planar
solar cell with the experimental ones showed that compared to the most only-electrical 1D modeling, the results are more similar to the
experimental ones. However, this 1D model is not fully capable of much matching between the simulation and experimental results. By
comparing the experimental and simulated results, the comparable VOC and JSC , as well as a difference in FF and PCE, are observed. In addition
to the dark saturation current and ideality factor, the resistance losses and ionic emigration, which are not presented in this optoelectrical
model, were introduced as the main factors for describing the differences in the values of the compared parameters.
© 2019 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5110495., s

I. INTRODUCTION chemical stability, and appropriate valence band position. So, simu-
lation can also play a significant role in choosing an inorganic HTM
As a promising third-generation solar cell (SC), the perovskite alternative.10,11
solar cell (PSC) has caused a motivation in scientific research with For optical modeling of the thin-film solar cell, the most valu-
the major enhancement of the power conversion efficiency (PCE) able and common methods are transfer matrix method (TMM) and
from 3.8% in 20091 to further than 22% in 2017.2–4 The simpler finite difference time domain (FDTD).12 The TMM is one of the
planar configuration has been often chosen as the PSC structure most generally used numerical techniques because it is an impres-
compared to a porous scaffold pattern.5,6 The planar PSC com- sive frequency-domain based on simple matrix operations, which
monly contains a heterojunction architecture with three main lay- are computationally light. Moreover, the TMM has been proven to
ers, i.e., electron transport material (ETM), perovskite absorber, and be a very effective adaptable tool for simulating the performance
hole transport material (HTM). The commonly used ETM, per- of thin-film solar cell structure, geometrical optimization, and con-
ovskite, and HTM are TiO2 , CH3 NH3 PbI3 , and Spiro-OMeTAD, tact configuration.2–4 This method, by considering the coherent-
respectively. Generally, to fabricate efficient planar PSCs, morphol- incoherent optical effect, can calculate the reflection and the trans-
ogy control of perovskite films, using new materials, optimizing mission spectra at each interface as well as the attenuation in each
device structure, alternative HTM layer and development of effec- layer.
tive fabrication methods are key factors.2–4 For example about the In relation to the electrical simulation, the software like the
new HTM layer, inorganic materials are considered as promising Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator (SCAPS-1D)17 was used. It is
materials for the HTM layer because of their favorable character- designed based on three basic semiconductor equations under
istics, such as high mobility of hole, low cost of fabrication, better steady-state condition (i.e.: the Poisson, the hole continuity, and the

AIP Advances 9, 085028 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5110495 9, 085028-1

© Author(s) 2019
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

electron continuity equation). The SCAPS can describe a solar cell 2∗2 matrices.30 Consider a plane wave incident from the left at
as a series of layers with different optoelectrical properties as well a common multilayer structure having m layers between a semi-
as defect states of each layer and interface. It is well adapted for the infinite transparent ambient and a semi-infinite substrate. Each layer
analyses of homo and heterojunctions, multi-junctions and Schottky (j=1 . . . m) has a thickness dj and its optical properties are rep-
barrier photovoltaic devices, such as PSC.2–4 The other similar one resented by its complex refractive index nj = ηj + ikj or complex
dimension simulation tools like PC1D, ASA and Amps-1D can be dielectric function (εj = εj ′ + iεj ′′ = n2j ) which is a function of
used for thin-film solar cell and were compared with the SCAPS by wavelength (energy) of the incident light. The TMM code which
Burgelman et al.22 was developed by D. McGehee was used for the optical simulation13
Beside experimental study, the simulation provides a power- (whenever necessary, the new commands added to the code). There-
ful tool that will lead to a better understanding of physics of the fore, the model of the planar PSC (Fig. 1) was used to calculate the
SC and certainly has a major contribution to remove unclear points total front reflection versus the wavelength by TMM. The results of
of the SC.2–4 Despite the significant progress toward high PCE, a these calculations for the total reflection of each sample as well as the
more practical simulation study is desirable to achieve an improved absorption coefficient (α = 4πk/ λ) in the form of two-column ASCII
understanding of the optical and electrical factors.2–4 There are files were transferred into the SCAPS code. The refractive indexes
some 1D simulation studies about planar heterojunction PSC.2–4 of the material that used in this study have been adapted from this
According to options of these 1D codes such as SCAPS, most of Ref. 31.
these studies focus more on various factors such as layer thickness,
working temperature, illumination intensity, different solid-state B. Electrical method
parameters of layers (mobility, band gap, doping type/concentration
and. . .). Therefore, they investigated the influence of these fac- For the electrical simulation, the previously calculated param-
tors on the basic parameters of the SC (FF, VOC , JSC , and PCE). eters (include the absorption coefficient files of all layers and total
This reference provides a comprehensive study in this regard.29 In reflection file from the front surface), along with other required
this respect, proper modeling of the absorption layer is of great parameters, were set into the SCAPS (version 3.3.05 under 1 sun).
importance, especially for the simulation of the EQE spectrum. Baseline input parameters used in the SCAPS are presented in
But, an analytical model is often used for this purpose. There- Table S1 (supplementary material). Most data were taken from
fore, the main purpose of this study is to determine to what extent Refs. 32, 33.
the output of the 1D modeling can close to the experimental ones The total trap density 109 cm-2 in both interfaces and band tail
when complementary optical calculations are considered for optical defect 1014 eV-1 cm-3 for each layer was introduced to the SCAPS
absorption. as well as shallow level donor and acceptor density ND =10% of NA
On the other hand, this study showed that how the combination and NA =10% of ND in HTM and ETM, respectively. Fig. 1 shows
of optical and electrical simulations by using simple methods can the PSC structure. The multilayer stack glass (FTO-coated soda-lime
be considered as a practical tool for investigating the SCs, regard- glass substrate) was used as the substrate.31
less of another involved effect such as the resistance losses and ionic In the SCAPS, the optical absorption coefficient can be set from
emigration. The validity of optoelectrical device modeling was inves- either a model or a two-column file format, when it is set from a
tigated by comparing the simulation results with the experimental model, α(λ) is given by the following equation:
ones, especially the EQE spectrum and JV curve. Then the difference B √
between the simulated parameters of the PSC and experimental ones α(λ) = (A + ) hν − Eg (1)

were comprehensively investigated.
If using this SCAPS’ model for the perovskite layer, the absorption
parameters A and B is usually set to 105 and 0, respectively. But in
this study, the absorption coefficient file method (α = 4πk/ λ) was
used for simulation.
A. Optical method
By considering the coherent-incoherent optical effects, the
TMM method was used for calculating the wavelength-dependent
total reflection of the front surface of the SC. Moreover, the absorp-
tion coefficient, α, which is related to the extinction coefficient,
α = 4πk/ λ, were calculated for all layers of the PSC. The outputs
from this model were saved as input ASCII files so that they could be
used in the SCAPS.
The planar PSC is assumed to be composed of different homo-
geneous and isotropic layers. When considering the structure like
this, in terms of the electromagnetic theory of light, several differ-
ent approaches are possible in order to calculate the transmission-
reflection coefficient and parasitic absorption of each layer. One
of the more practical approaches for multilayer structures is to
use the TMM. The stratified structures with isotropic and homo-
FIG. 1. The model of the PSC for optoelectrical simulation.
geneous media and parallel-plane interfaces can be expressed by

AIP Advances 9, 085028 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5110495 9, 085028-2

© Author(s) 2019
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

In relation to modeling defects in the SCAPS, they can be set in other hand, the weak exponential tail states were used for the EC
both bulk and interface. There are five defect types and distributions and EV of PSC layers (Table S2). Moreover, two Gaussian distri-
available in the software. It considers the defect in bulk and inter- bution defects were also used to simulate deep defect (Table S2).
faces and provides a variety in types of selection of defect charge. In addition, the interface traps were also introduced for the con-
The energy distribution caused by defects can be a single level, uni- tact surfaces between the active layer and adjacent buffer layers
form distribution, Gauss distribution, and Band tail. The presence of (Table S3).
defects and traps in perovskite and details of their impact are so far
under theoretical and experimental discussion and investigation.34
However, bulk defects in each solar cell layer, as well as interface III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
defect between active and buffer layers, have been used in this mod- The parasitic absorptions of different layers of the PSC and
eling (detailed in supplementary material Table S2 and S3). On the the total reflectance from the front electrode are shown in Fig. 2(a).

FIG. 2. The optical results of TMM simulation of the PSC which its structure introduced in Fig. 1 (the thickness of the active layer is 800 nm). (a) The parasitic absorption
of each layer as well as the total reflection, (b) Normalized electric field intensity along the PSC in three distinct wavelengths. The inset shows the overall distribution of the
electric field intensity at the different points of the perovskite layer at varying wavelengths.

AIP Advances 9, 085028 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5110495 9, 085028-3

© Author(s) 2019
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

FIG. 3. (a) Simulated EQE spectrum and

(b) JV curves of different samples (S0 ,
S1, and S2 ). The thickness of the active
layer is 800 nm.

Moreover, Fig. 2(b) shows the electric field intensity at the different EQE spectra. Fig. 3(b) shows the simulated JV characteristics curves,
position of the PSC and varying wavelengths. which by comparison with the experimental one, the results of the S1
Fig. 2(b) shows that the high field intensity occurs for and S2 samples also seem to be more practical than S0 . Therefore, it
wavelengths near the infrared region, where the conventional can be noted that the S0 sample (without total reflection and by using
CH3 NH3 PbI3 has poor absorption.31 In this regard, the band gap the absorption coefficient in the form of formula 1) is simulated
engineering of the active layer can play an important role in more electrically, and its results are similar to other simulations,18,19
increasing the solar cell’s efficiency. For example, the band gap which only used the electrical simulator like SCAPS.
of formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3 ) perovskite permits wider On the other hand, the results of S0 sample do not seem to be
absorption of the solar spectrum which results in an efficient very practical, but, with the step-by-step entrance the optical effects
SC compared with conventional methylammonium lead iodide along with the electrical effects, the results in S1 sample and espe-
(MAPbI3 ).2 Hence, FAPbI3 -based PSCs achieved greater PCE cially in the S2 sample will be more similar to the experimental
(∼20%) relative to MAPbI3 -based PCSs(∼15%).2 results. Although the simulated curves seem to be practical, there
Fig. 3(a) and 3(b) show the simulated EQE and JV of 1D models is still no complete match between experiment and simulation. For
of the planar PSC that its structure was shown in Fig. 1 (The exper- example, at near UV, there is still no good agreement between the
imental EQE and JV were taken from Ref. 35). For all samples, the experimental EQE and the simulated curve.
same set of parameters and defects-traps are used which they are In the following, Fig. 4 (a and b) shows the variation of the PSC
introduced in Table S1-S3. In the S0 sample, without using ASCII file device performance versus thickness of perovskite. The absorption
format of the absorption coefficient (equation (1) was used and the coefficient file method (α = 4πk/ λ) and the total reflection from the
absorption parameters A and B is set to 105 and 0, respectively) and front surface were considered for this simulation (Fig. S1 of supple-
without total reflection, the EQE curve is more similar to the ideal mentary material shows the same results when the total reflection is
solar cell’s behavior (the square shape). By considering the absorp- not considered, but the absorption coefficient file is used).
tion coefficient file for S1 sample as well as front reflection file in the The simulated solar cell parameters, especially PCE and VOC ,
S2 sample, the EQE curves become more similar to the experimen- are increasing more or less steeply up to 700 nm and very gradu-
tal one (the experimental EQE–JV curve belongs to the laboratory ally beyond 800 nm. The results show that ∼800 nm thickness is
certified CH3 NH3 PbI3 perovskite SC35 ). also satisfactory for proper photovoltaic action. Beyond this thick-
The zero-edge of the S0 ’s EQE corresponds to set band gap ness photovoltaic performance is growing very slowly due to an
(1.5 eV or ∼826 nm) in SCAPS. For S1 and S2 samples, the absorp- increase in series resistance. While, without optical effects, the thick-
tion coefficient has zero value after ∼800 nm, which, conforms to the ness of about 400 nm seemed to be sufficient.32 Based on relevant

FIG. 4. (a and b). The optoelectrical

simulated parameters vs. thickness of
absorber (optical parameters, absorption
coefficient file and front reflection file,
were used for this electrical simulation by

AIP Advances 9, 085028 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5110495 9, 085028-4

© Author(s) 2019
AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv

reference, the notable laboratory certified values for the con- of recombination effects. The difference between the ideal curve
ventional CH3 NH3 PbI3 PSC is PCE=15.0±0.6%, VOC =1.090 V, and the experimental one in the three areas of UV, IR, and visi-
JSC =20.61 mA/cm2 , FF=66.8%.35 ble take place because of different reasons. Front surface passiva-
At 800 nm thickness of the absorber, the performance of the S2 tion affects carriers generated near the surface. Since blue light is
sample (Fig. 2) is simulated as PCE=19.68%, VOC =1.118, Jsc =21.68, absorbed very near to the surface high front surface recombination
and FF=81.18. The VOC and JSC are very close to experimental ones will disturb the "blue" section of the quantum efficiency. Moreover,
but the simulated PCE and FF are higher than experimental ones. the red response usually reduced due to rear surface recombina-
In order to explain the reasons behind the difference between tion, decreased absorption at long wavelengths, and short diffusion
the experimental and the simulated SC parameters, the empirical length. But, the visible region is absorbed into the bulk of SC and low
relation between the VOC and the FF is:36 diffusion length and reflectance decrease the quantum efficiency in
the visible portion of the spectrum. As can be seen in Fig. 3(a), unlike
νOC − Ln(νOC + 0.72)
FF = (2) the electrical simulation (S0 ), the results of this optoelectrical simula-
νOC + 1 tion are different from ideal and are closer to the experimental one.
Where νOC = q/ nkTVOC is defined as normalized VOC . According In the case of the PSC, maybe a little reflection and enough diffu-
to this equation, the smaller VOC (and VOC around 1) will result in sion length (exceeding one micrometer1 ) have led to the ideal value
lesser FF. (∼100%) in both experimental and simulated EQE. However, there is
Moreover, the VOC can be expressed as: a discrepancy between the results in the range of 350 to 550 nm. This
discrepancy may be due to the disregard of factors like the resistance
kT Jsc losses and ionic emigration.
VOC = (n )ln( + 1) (3)
q J0

Where n is an ideality factor, KT/q is thermal voltage, JSC is light IV. CONCLUSION
generated current density, and J0 is dark saturation current density. In summary, an optoelectrical model of the planar heterojunc-
While JSC normally has a slight variation, the key effect on the tion PSC has developed. By considering the coherent and incoher-
study of VOC variations is J0 , since this may change by orders of mag- ent optical effects, the TMM has used for optical analysis. Along
nitude. J0 is directly related to recombination, and thus, inversely with the optical parameters such as total reflection and wavelength-
related to the quality of the SC.37 Therefore, since the experimental dependent absorption coefficient, all the capacities of SCAPS elec-
SC is influenced by the manufacturing steps, the lower quality of the trical simulator, such as absorption coefficient, optical reflection,
experimental cell (parasitic resistive losses) is expected to lead to an defects, and interface trap have been used in this optoelectrical sim-
increase in J0 , and thus a decline in VOC and therefore a decrease ulation. It has been observed that the solar cell parameters such as
in FF. JV and EQE curves, which have been obtained by this optoelectri-
Equation (3) also reveals the importance of the ideality fac- cal model, are very practical and similar to the experimental results.
tor. The ideality factor is a quantity on the junction quality and the This simulation revealed that due to high field intensity at larger
kind of recombination in an SC. For the ordinary recombination wavelengths, broader absorption could lead to a significant improve-
mechanisms (direct recombination); the n-factor has a value unity. ment to the SC efficiency. It has been observed, by considering the
However, some recombination mechanisms (trap-assisted recombi- optoelectrical effects, the suitable thickness of the active layer should
nation) particularly if they are large, may introduce high n-value in be extended to ∼ 800 nm. The comparative values of VOC , JSC , FF,
the experimental cell that not only reduces the FF but also offers low and PCE of the optoelectrical model with laboratory certified exper-
open-circuit voltages.36,38 imental one, reveal that achieving proper values of SC parameter,
Graphically, the FF is a degree of the "squareness" and is also especially FF and PCE, requires more precision in SC engineering. It
the area of the largest rectangle which will fit in the JV curve. As can has been found that unsuitable values of shunt and series resistances
be seen from Fig. 3(b), the experimental JV curve with smaller VOC of the SC, can absolutely degrade the FF and PCE values. Lastly, this
and JSC as well as a more rounded portion will result in lower FF. 1D model cannot provide a very close similarity between the simu-
In fact; some properties such as resistance (shunt and series) and lation and experimental results due to the lack of parameters such as
ionic migration are not introduced in this simulation. The shunt the resistance losses and ionic emigration.
resistance is typically due to processing defects, rather than weak
solar cell design and the series resistance is mainly due to contact
resistance due to the different layer of the SC. The main impact of SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
resistances, especially series resistance, is to decrease the fill factor.
The supplementary material is available. It mainly contains data
Therefore, the simulated SC parameters, in particular, FF, are larger
used in electrical stimulation by SCAPS.
than laboratory values. So, according to the relation between FF and
PCE (η = Voc Isc FF/ Pin ), decrease in FF, result in lower efficiency.
Finally, looking at Fig. 3(a) again, the quantum efficiency can REFERENCES
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AIP Advances 9, 085028 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5110495 9, 085028-6

© Author(s) 2019

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