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To Make the World a Better Place

Write about what you can do to make the world a

better place.
  I am a teenager. I am still a student. I do not make government
policies. I do not have any influence in the world. Yet, I am
convinced that I can make a difference in this world. I am
convinced that I can do many things to make this world a better

  To start with, I must begin with myself. I can do simple things
such as picking up litter when I see it and not littering the
environment myself. This may not seem like a big thing, but
imagine if all of the students in my school started picking up litter
and keeping the environment clean. Others would follow their
example. People would feel ashamed of littering especially if they
saw students picking up that litter and putting it away in the litter
bins. How clean our environment would be!

  Another thing I can do is to watch what I say and how I say it. I
must never lie or be rude to people, whoever they are. If I keep
being absolutely truthful and polite, people will start respecting
me. They will consider me as honest person. I am sure others
including children and fellow teenagers will follow suit once they
see the amount of respect I get. It is no use telling people to be
honest or polite. One must show by example. This is one of the
ways how I can make the world a better place.

  Of course everything begins in the home. It is no use wanting to

make the world a better place and then being horrid and awful at
home. I have to start with my home. I have to be responsible,
respectful and loving. This is one way in which I can earn my
parents’ trust. It is also one way of living by example so that my
younger siblings follow my behavior. When I do chores willingly at
home, so will my brothers and sisters. When I help them
cheerfully with their homework, so will they do their work willingly.
When I am loving and caring to them, so will they be loving and
caring to others. This attitude will help us become decent and
caring adults.

  However, it is no use caring only for our families and neglecting

others. My concern must spread to my neighbours, and friends as
well as strangers. I believe that if I am polite and respectful to
others, they will in turn be respectful to me. In this way, the seed
of caring behaviour will spread.

  Caring and respect can be done in many ways. It means being a

courteous customer or driver. It means waiting in line and not
jumping queue. It means saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and
meaning it.

  Just imagine, if every single person in the world did all these,
how much better the world would be. We would develop into a
caring and respectful society and it would all have begun with me!

Word Power
litter : small pieces of rubbish that people have left lying in a     
            public place
decent : of a good enough standard or quality, honest and fair
A Second Chance

  Lee Shan was an only child. Her parents were hawkers

who worked long hours to give their daughter everything
she wanted. If she wanted a bicycle, they got it for her. If
she wanted an expensive dress, she got it as well. In
return, there was only one condition that her parents laid
before her. They wanted her to study as hard as possible
and do well in her examinations.

  Unfortunately, Lee Shan did not appreciate her parents.

In her heart, she felt a little ashamed that they were poor
and very ordinary. She told all her friends that her parents
were wealthy business people. Her friends thought that
Lee Shan lived in a big bungalow.

  When the end-of-term results were announced, Lee

Shan topped the class. Then, the teacher announced that
parents had to come personally to collect the report cards.
Lee Shan was in a fix. She did not want her friends to
meet her parents. What was she to do? Finally, she talked
to her mother and told her exactly what to do.

  The next day, Lee Shan’s mother went to the school to

collect the report card. She told the teacher, “Lee Shan’s
parents are overseas, so they cannot come. I am Lee
Shan’s maid. Please give me the report card.”

  Mrs Rama knew that something was wrong because the

woman was weeping as she spoke. Soon, she found out
the truth. She made the old woman sit in the staffroom and
went to look for the daughter.

  She took Lee Shan to the library and had a heart-to-heart

talk with her. Mrs Rama scolded the girl for her disloyalty
and unnecessary lies. She pointed out the many sacrifices
the parents had made for Lee Shan.

  “You should be proud of them,” Mrs Rama said sternly.

“They work day and night for you. Instead, you have been
totally ungrateful, stupid and blind. You don’t deserve
parents like that. You have hurt your mother very deeply.”

  Lee Shan began to cry with shame. She bitterly regretted

her foolish behaviour. Together with Mrs Rama, she went
to the staffroom. When she saw her mother, she ran to
her, crying, “Forgive me, Ma, forgive me. Please give me a
second chance so that I can truly show you how sorry I

  Later that day, Lee Shan introduced her mother to all her
friends. She told them the truth of what had happened.
Then, she hugged her mother and said, “She has given
me a second chance to prove my love and appreciation. I
will never let her down again.”

Word Power
Appreciation : pleasure that you have when you
recognise and  
                         enjoy the good qualities of somebody
Directed Writing
Informal Letters
A Letter of Advice
Your brother is studying in a residential school. He used to
be a good student but lately, he has been doing very badly
in his exams. You think it is because he is too involved in
sports and extra-curricular activities and therefore, does
not have enough time to study. Give him some
Write him a letter urging him to manage his time better.
91, Jalan Manggis,
39000 Sitiawan.
18 February 2020
Dear Johan,
  We received your letter yesterday. We are very pleased
that you are in the school football team. Congratulations!
We know how much you love football.
  However, we also received your first term report card
from your school. We were dismayed that you did badly in
your Additional Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry tests.
In fact, you barely managed to pass those subjects. You
got only a B in your Mathematics and History tests. It was
only in your English paper that you scored 85 marks and
obtained an A. These results are not good enough, Johan,
especially since you will be sitting for your exam at the end
of the year. You are a very intelligent boy so you should
be scoring high marks.
  I think the reason for your poor performance is that you
are too involved in sports and extra-curricular activities.
Let me explain. You are in the school football team. You
are also a member of the school badminton team. You are
the Chairman of the English Language Society and the
treasurer of the scouts movement. This means that you
have practice or meetings every single day after school.
You probably have little time to do your hpmework, let
alone revise your lessons or study.
  Johan, this is not a good situation at all. We are deeply
worried about you. At this rate, you are bound to fail in
your exams. Think of your future. What will you do with
poor or average results? Our parents are too poor to send
you overseas to further your studies. I know you want to
become a doctor. Well, we can’t afford the fees anyway.
Your only hope is to get a scholarship. To do that, you
must get excellent results in your exams.
  Please manage your time carefully. I think you need to
give up some of your sports and club activities. They are
taking up too much of your time and energy. Concentrate
on your studies for now. Your future is at stake. Keep
well. We love you.
Your loving sister,
Word Power
Dismay: worry and sad
At stake: at risk
Continuous Writing
An Accident
Write a story about an accident.
  Last Friday afternoon, children were pouring out into the
streets after school. The street was crowded with cars,
vans, motorcycles and buses waiting to pick up children.
They parked haphazardly along the street making it very
difficult for people to cross the street. In addition, other
vehicles were speeding along, utterly disregarding the
speed limit sign.
  I waited by the street for my mother to pick me up. I knew
she would be late. Just then, I saw a Form One boy
waiting for the right time to dash across the street. My
heart was in my mouth as I watched him. Cars honked
mercilessly. Motorcyclists weaved in and out of the traffic.
I yelled at him to stop but he didn’t hear me. He made a
quick dash. Unfortunately a motorcycle was coming too
fast. The rider braked when he saw the boy. It was too
  The boy was flung up in the air. Vehicles screeched to a
halt. The boy hit the windscreen of a van and came
crashing down. All of a sudden there was blood and
broken glass everywhere. The boy’s school bag fell
heavily on the street, scattering books everywhere. The
boy lay on the street, blood splattered all over his body.
He did not move or make any sound.
  People rushed to the spot. The motorcyclist sped away.
People crowded around the boy. Someone called the
ambulance on their mobile telephone. Someone else
called the police. One man began to direct traffic away
from the accident scene. This was helpful as it got traffic
moving. Otherwise there would have been a massive
traffic jam.
  A woman carrying a black bag ran to the boy. She had to
fight her way through the shocked crowd. I followed her.
“Move away! I am a doctor! Give us some space and air!”
the woman cried.
  The crowd moved away. A traffic policeman came upon
the scene. He took charge. He ordered the crowds to
  Meanwhile, the woman checked the boy’s pulse. She did
not move him at all. Perhaps she was afraid as she did not
want to make his injuries worse. She did not know whether
any of his bones were broken. She took out a stethoscope
from her bag and then she examined the boy. She cut
away his shirt and gave him first aid.
  At that moment, I heard the siren wail of the ambulance. I
was never so relieved in all my life. The ambulance men
talked to the woman doctor. Then they placed the boy
gently onto a stretcher and carried him into the waiting
vehicle. The woman climbed in as well. Sirens screaming
loudly, the ambulance pulled away.
  I sat down on the pavement. My legs were shaking and I
found tears rolling down my face. My mother had not
arrived as yet. I waited for her and prayed for the boy.
Word Power
Haphazardly: with no particular order or plan, not
organised well

A Lesson to Remember
二月 13, 2020

Continuous Writing
A Lesson to Remember
Write a story with the theme: a lesson to remember.

  My neighbour Gita was a very pretty and intelligent girl.

She was also extremely caring. She spent much of her
free time doing voluntary work at Sinar Old Folk’s Home.
This home was set up by a rich man, J.D. Dason, who
wanted homeless old people to live their lives with dignity
and comfort.

  Gita loved the home and its residents. She thought the
world of J.D. Dason, though she had never met him. He
was her ideal man – rich yet kind and generous.

  Gita’s only fault was that at times, she was very narrow-
minded. She had fixed views on mang things. For
example, she disapproved of rich people who seemed
only to enjoy life. She thought they should spend their time
and money on the poor. In her mind, rich people were
selfish and concerned only with making more money.

  One evening, Gita went to a fund-raising dinner to raise

money for an orphanage. There, she met James. They
were both attracted to each other. Gita found James
courteous and considerate. James found Gita intelligent
and very interesting. Gita talked to him about Sinar Old
Folk’s Home and the work she did there. She planned to
get a degree in social work and do lots of charity work.
James was very impressed with her.

  Everything was fine until Gita saw James talking to many

well-dressed people. They all looked very wealthy and
they greeted James warmly. She told James, “Rich people
are good only because we can get money from them for
charity. Otherwise they are useless.”

  James was shocked. “Don’t say that, Gita. It sounds very


  “James, I really dislike rich people. I think they are selfish

and greedy. All they can think of are their sports cars and
designer clothes,” Gita said firmly.

  James replied, “People are individuals, Gita. Rich people

can be selfish and greedy. So can poor people.”

  Gita shook her head. “Nothing can change my mind,” she

answered proudly. “In my experience, I know of only one
decent rich man, and that is J.D. Dason.”
  “I am rich myself, Gita. I drive a sports car.” James’s
voice was low. “I don’t think I am selfish and greedy.”

  “All rich people are useless, greedy and selfish except

J.D. Dason.”

  James looked fed up. He told Gita she was very silly and
immature. He told her to learn to be tolerant and open-
minded. Then, he left.

  Gita felt very depressed. She had really liked James. The
next day, she had to go to the Old Folk’s Home. As she
walked through the gates, she saw a sports car driving
away from the home. It was James’ car. She asked the
manager about it. He was surprised. “Oh, that is Mr J.D.’s
car. He was here to pass us a cheque to pay the bills. You
have never met him, have you? Mr J.D.’s wonderful. The
only things he hates are narrow-mindedness
and stubbornness.”

  That day, Gita learned her lesson. She never ever forgot

Word Power
Stubbornness: the act of not changing your mind or
Directed Writing
Newspaper Reports
A Fire
A fire broke out in Kampung Indah, destroying a row of
wooden shophouses and several other buildings. You
were at the scene as a reporter for the Daily Sun. You
noted down several pieces of information:
 When and how the fire started

 How it was put on


 How many buildings were burned down


 How many people lost belongings etc in the fire


 One girl almost lost her life and was saved by a neighbour

 Where are the fire victims are staying now


Write out the article. Give your article a suitable title.

Fire Destroys Pre-war Shophouses
Losses Estimated at RM3 Million
KAMPUNG INDAH: An early morning fire destroyed an
entire row of buildings at Jalan Besar in Kampung Indah,
near Ipoh, yesterday. The buildings comprised eight pre-
war wooden shophouses, several houses and an
abandoned community hall. The fire started at about 6.30
a.m. in one of the houses. It spread rapidly across the row
of buildings. Fire fighters and passers-by doused the
surrounding area with water to prevent the fire from
spreading to the other buildings in the vicinity. The fire
was finally put out an hour later.
  According to a fireman, the fire broke out in the kitchen of
a house. A woman who was trying to light her kerosene
stove to boil water reported that the stove exploded and
the fire spread. As all the buildings were made of wood,
the fire caught on rapidly and it was almost impossible to
put it out. Residents barely escaped with their lives,
leaving all their belongings behind in their homes. Luckily,
no one lost their lives.
  Lau Boon Bee, one of the shop owners said, “I woke up
to shouts of ‘Fire! Fire!’. All I could think of was my
children. I grabbed them and got them out of the house
seconds before the roof collapsed. We are lucky to be
alive, but everything we own is gone. We have nothing
  When the fire broke out, passers-by helped to call the fire
brigade as well as alert the residents. Although all the
residents managed to escape to safety, seven-year-old
Saadiah Omar almost lost her life. She was trapped in one
of the back rooms and no one knew she was there since
her parents had left early to tend to their bicycle shop
nearby. Her grandmother who was rushed out by
rescuers, fainted and was unable to let anyone know of
the little girl. Luckily for Saadiah, a plucky teenage
neighbour, Rama Balan, realized she was missing and got
her out before fire engulfed the entire house.
  About 100 people lost their homes and belongings in the
fire. Total loss including buildings, is estimated at RM3
million. At present, most of the victims have been put up at
the SMK Sam Heng school hall. Town authorities propose
to demolish the existing pre-war buildings in that area and
build modern shophouses in their place.

Word Power
Douse : to stop a fire from burning by pouring water over it
Vicinity : the area around a particular place
Plucky : having a lot of courage and determination
Engulf : to surround or cover something completely


1. Sympathy towards the main character or any character and give your reasons.

2. Event that shows the main character is trying to realise his/her dreams or ambition and how.

3. Based on one of the themes, describe the events and the outcome was positive or negative
/favourable or not/did you like or not + reasons

4. A struggling character or an ironic event + how the character showed strength despite the weakness.

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