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Doing Right: A privilege.

Monalisa fought so many battles in that clustered mind of hers she couldn't even number. Last week at
Scripture study, Mike had told them how Mercy and Grace should be their daily bread. It seemed so
wonderful to hear that even ones future wrong was paid for. Layla shared the same bewilderment and
delight as they shared lunch break table and a chat. Monalisa sitting with a tray full of greens and a large
to-go bottle of Fruit juice smiled at Layla's remark on how she loved animals more than plants even
when both were living things God Created. "It's just... Oh I don't know, I grew up taught to hate meat,
Layla." Monalisa gave away how she truly felt about being a vegetarian with those words more than the
silly defenses she threw here and there, Layla thought. "I grew up taught to love both." Monalisa sensed
the shrug before she caught a vision of it. Layla had always been one to simply put out an insult, poorly
sugar-coated, and expected you to be dumb enough to not realize it. Or worse, to shrug it off, like she
always did. "You know what, I think Mike is cute." Monalisa couldn't argue with that, at all. But she did
argue with the thoughts of how cute he was and how cute he'd be holding hands with her and some
more, that would flood her mind unexpectedly. "Yeah." Was all she could manage. The secret, that
sometimes she welcomed those thoughts, annoyed her. Even visibly. "Tone down the rage Nali, I only
stated a clear fact. Didn't place a mark or anything." If anything her annoyance grew. How could she
have let out that she was affected by this conversation. Now, strangely, she wished she could be half
what Layla is. "I don't know what you're talking about. I do know we have class in five." Layla knew a
plead to end something when she heard it, she wasn't that insensitive anyway.

"Why, oh why, do I have to face this." Monalisa heard the whisper quite clearly but decided to ignore.
Trying to pretend she was focused on what Mrs. Miriam was differentiating on the white board. She
hated being weak, Everytime. Now Layla had sniffed something off her, what if she told on her. "Hey!"
Monalisa's jerk didn't go unnoticed by Layla anymore than her obvious lack of focus did. "Put me
through this, tomorrow night?" Layla smirked. She saw the glint of confusion and strangely fear in her
friends eyes. She hid her interest and like an expert, chewed her gum away. Maybe when her friend
grew balls she'd spill later, Layla thought. With a shrug she ended it in her head, painfully easy. But on
her chair in front Monalisa thought that maybe she should just confess now, Scriptures taught that
confessing was a way towards repentance. The religious thing to do was to confess, maybe not to Layla
though. Monalisa's mind clustered even more. She's been on this tormoil for a good three weeks now,
since she had that conversation and reation at the lunch room with Layla. Her mind's been drifted apart,
nothing was in control anymore. She'd lost a lot of bearing, she had even nursed a stinking thought to
look at some Porn. How could she pray now, her head was roarig with voices of how it would be to be in
a porn with Mike, backed up by voices of how she couldn't control her thought life anymore. She kept
on and on about HER control.
Mikes eyes roamed the class as he shared his inspired messages in scripture class. His thoughts on why
Nali had put so much effort to ignoring his face than paying attention to him almost couldn't be hidden
from his gaze. Yes, he admitted he liked her a lot as a person but he could never allow himself to see her
as a woman. Young beautiful and innocently curious Monalisa. No way. Shrugging off whatever feelings
he didn't want to abhor, he threw a question to the class and brought himself to ignore nila while
engaging the discussions of the students. "Yo Mike, so you're saying we can recognize a disciple of Jesus
Christ by Love?" " Yes, Layla. Jesus Christ greatest, and quiet frankly, most repeated example on his
earthly life was to Love. As his disciple, one can be recognized by reflecting this Love." then facing the
the whole class, Mike continued "Let's not forget The greatest commandment Jesus Christ gave to his
disciples..." he circled his hands around the class "..Is to Love." from the middle of the class Nila finally
realized she had focal abilities "So we have to Love People, anyone who loves people is a disciple?"
impressed by her humbled cleverness Mike focused on her "First God Loves Us, then we Love him and
reflect this love to everyone around us. Mind you, Corinthians chapter three verses thirteen down tells
us more about this Love we speak of." Layla smirked as she noticed Mike googling. If his clasping fingers
were anything to go by, one could put two and two together. He was interested. "Like I'll always say,
feast secondly on The Lord's Mercy and Grace. For me, I'm lead to believe that it is a privilege to be a
disciple of Jesus Christ. The best thing that ever happened to me was the realization of this truth." His
smiled. The female populace applauded louder than the male as he walked to his seat. Nali knew at that
point that she was hooked.

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