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UNESCO » Natural Sciences » Disaster Risk Reduction » Hydro-meteorological hazards


Hydro-meteorological Hazards
UNESCO has several PAGE
Geohazard Risk Reduction programmes and activities Floods
in place that deal with the
Tropical cyclones
study of natural hazards
Water-related Hazards of hydro-meteorological Drought and desertification
origin and the mitigation SUMAMAD
Tsunami Programme of their effects. Among G-WADI
these hazards – the
results of natural FRIEND
School Safety
processes or phenomena IFI
of atmospheric, ICHARM
Disaster Risk Reduction in hydrological or
UNESCO designated sites Climate Change
oceanographic nature - are
floods, tropical cyclones,
Crisis and Transition drought and
Floods in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina,
desertification. Due to PUBLICATIONS
Responses September 2005
global climate change
these natural hazards are expected to rise.
Floods affect every country, and cause more fatalities and more
property damage than any other type of sudden-onset hazard. In
addition to causing injuries and deaths, floods can disrupt water
Disaster Preparedness and
purification and sewage disposal system, and cause toxic waste sites
Mitigation: UNESCO's role
to overflow. Floods affect some hundred millions of people and their
livelihoods and claim thousands of lives annually worldwide. More
Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are severe storms that form over
tropical water. Windstorm-related events worldwide cause an average
of 30,000 deaths and US$ 2.3 billion in damage each year. More
Droughts are slow-onset events that can cause large agro-ecological
damage and seriously disrupt socio-economic life. Droughts are
episodic, striking parts of all countries every few years. Africa is most
often hit by drought. During the last two decades, millions of Africans
died due to the consequences of drought, and millions more were
forced to abandon their land.
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