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Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.

40, 112–120 (2001) A R C H I V E S O F

DOI: 10.1007/s002440010153
a n d Toxicology
© 2001 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Cyclodiene Insecticide, DDE, DDT, Arsenic, and Mercury Contamination of

Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) Foraging at a Colorado Superfund Site
T. J. O’Shea, A. L. Everette, L. E. Ellison
U.S. Geological Survey, Midcontinent Ecological Science Center, 4512 McMurry Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525-3400, USA

Received: 23 February 2000/Accepted: 27 June 2000

Abstract. Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) National Wildlife species from elsewhere in the United States some 25 years ago,
Area, near Denver, Colorado, is a Superfund site contaminated prior to or just following restrictions on use of this compound.
by past military and industrial uses, including pesticide man-
ufacturing. From an ecosystem standpoint, the most critical
contaminants at RMA are certain cyclodiene insecticides and
metabolites, p,p⬘-DDE, p,p⬘-DDT, arsenic, and mercury. Bats
Impacts of ecosystem contamination on wildlife from persis-
are important ecosystem components that can be impacted by
tent chemicals can be difficult to evaluate without experimental
persistent contaminants because of their position in the food
or comparative information for interpretation of chemical res-
chain and their potential longevity and thus duration of expo-
idue data. Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Area
sure. Big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) were captured (n ⫽
(RMA) near Denver, Colorado, is a Superfund site where some
51) while foraging at RMA in the summers of 1997 and 1998
for determination of concentrations of contaminants of concern of the major contaminants of concern are cyclodiene insecti-
in carcasses, brains, and stomach contents. Adult females (n ⫽ cides, p,p⬘-DDT (2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroeth-
15) were also tracked by radiotelemetry to determine locations ane), p,p⬘-DDE (2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1,-dichloroethyl-
of nearest maternity roosts for sampling of guano for contam- ene), mercury (Hg), and arsenic (As). Dieldrin (1,2,3,4,10,10-
inant analysis and inspection for potential contaminant-induced hexachloro-6,7-epoxy-1,4,4␣, 5,6,7,8,8␣-octahydro-endo-1,4-
mortality. Bats captured while foraging at RMA had measur- exo-5,8-dimethanonaphthalene) is a major concern at RMA
able quantities of dieldrin and DDE in masticated insect sam- because it has been found in elevated and sometimes lethal
ples from stomach contents and significantly higher concentra- concentrations in the local fauna (Allen and Otis 1998; Cohn
tions of dieldrin, DDE, DDT, and mercury (juveniles) in 1999), and in general “is one of the most persistent chemicals
carcasses than big brown bats (n ⫽ 26) sampled at a reference ever known” (Matsumara 1985, p. 58). However, because
area 80 km to the north. Concentrations of dieldrin and DDE in dieldrin and other contaminants at RMA have long been rec-
brains of bats captured while foraging at RMA were also ognized globally as pervasive environmental pollutants, there
greater than in bats from the reference area, but not high are past experimental studies and field investigations that can
enough to suggest mortality. Maximum concentrations of facilitate interpretation of data on the occurrence of these
DDE, DDT, and cyclodienes in brains of big brown bats were contaminants in the biota.
found in adult males from RMA. Guano from the two closest The degree of contamination by dieldrin and other chemicals
known roosts had significantly higher concentrations of diel- has been determined in a variety of mammals at RMA (e.g.,
drin, DDE, and mercury than guano from two roosts at the Close 1996; Allen and Otis 1998; Hoff 1998; Cohn 1999;
reference area. Dieldrin concentrations in carcasses of bats Creekmore et al. 1999), but no information has been available
from RMA were highest in juveniles, followed by adult males to evaluate exposure and potential impact of these contami-
and adult females. DDE concentrations in carcasses were low- nants on bats. Bats are important functional components of
est in adult females at both sites and highest in adult males at many ecosystems and provide a valuable comparative perspec-
RMA. No contaminant-related mortality was obvious at the tive on contamination patterns in mammals. They are highly
small maternity colonies near RMA. Big brown bats show mobile in comparison with most mammals of their size, feed at
higher contamination than most other mammals previously relatively high positions in food webs, and are long-lived. All
sampled at this site. Concentrations and proportions of samples of these factors can influence degree of exposure to persistent
with detectable residues of dieldrin in carcasses of big brown contaminants. The objectives of our study, therefore, were to
bats from RMA were similar to or exceeded reports for this evaluate contamination of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus)
that forage at RMA, assess the geographic distances over
which this single terrestrial source might contaminate colonies
of this species, and to compare contamination of big brown
Correspondence to: T. J. O’Shea bats with results of studies of other mammals at RMA and
Contamination in E. fuscus at a Superfund Site 113

studies of bats elsewhere. Big brown bats were the focus of this attic roosts (Fitzsimons Buildings 110 and 404). No fallen young were
study because they are the most abundant bat known to forage discovered, but three juveniles were sampled from a maternity colony
on the refuge (Everette et al. unpublished data), and there have at Building 110. We conducted limited searches for signals from
been previous studies of contaminants in this species that tagged bats at night to verify that they repeated their foraging at RMA
subsequent to capture.
provide a basis for comparison of results. These include labo-
We collected bats while they foraged at RMA to determine contam-
ratory studies (Clark and Prouty 1977; Clark and Lamont inant concentrations in carcasses, brains, and stomach contents. We
1976a) and field surveys of contaminant residues (Clark and did not emphasize sampling bats from roosts because the distances
Lamont 1976b; Clark and Prouty 1976; Reidinger 1976). Ex- between roost locations and RMA precluded assumptions on where
perimental and field studies of dieldrin, other cyclodienes, bats collected at roosts might forage. We also collected big brown bats
DDT, and DDE in other species of bats also provide additional at Fort Collins, Colorado, 80 km north of RMA, as a reference area for
critical comparative information (e.g., Clark et al. 1975, 1978a, comparison. Fort Collins encompasses an urban and suburban high-
1978b; Geluso et al. 1976; Clark and Stafford 1981; Clark and elevation prairie area of about 120,000 people, with no known history
Prouty 1984). Previous field studies have been based on col- of excessive contamination by cyclodienes, DDT, As, or Hg. At Fort
lecting bats at daytime roosts near contaminant sources without Collins, we collected bats in flight over water and bats and guano at
two maternity roosts. One roost was in an old barn, and the second was
direct knowledge of foraging areas. In our study we examined bats
in the attic of a circa-100-year-old home in the city center.
captured while foraging at night at the Superfund location, where
there was no prior knowledge about the proximity of roosting
colonies. To our knowledge, only one other study has attempted to
assess contamination of bats resulting from major industrial pol- Specimen Collection and Preparation
lution by organochlorine (OC) insecticides (Clark et al. 1988).
Big brown bats were collected in flight with mist nets. On RMA, nets
were placed over drainage canals in areas confined by vegetation, over
a small pond, adjacent to vegetation, and at the edges of small
Materials and Methods reservoirs. Collecting at RMA took place on 53 nights during the
summers of 1997 and 1998 using 6 –18-m-long mist nets, for a total of
397 6-m net-nights. Captured bats were categorized as adult or juve-
Study Area, Radiotelemetry, and Sample Collection niles born the summer of capture based on ossification of the phalan-
geal epiphyses (Anthony 1988; Burnett and Kunz 1982). Sex was
RMA National Wildlife Area, 16 km northeast of Denver, Colorado, is a determined based on external genitalia. To minimize seasonal effects
6,900-ha urban, prairie refuge with scattered cottonwood (Populus sar- on OC concentrations in bats (Clark and Prouty 1976), we avoided
gentii) groves, wetlands and impoundments. It was used as a chemical sampling in late summer and autumn when fat deposition increases
production site by the U.S. Army from 1942 to 1969, and from 1947 to prior to hibernation, or in spring when fat reserves are depleted. At
1982 pesticides and other chemicals were commercially produced at RMA we collected 46 bats between 10 June and 7 August 1998 (30 in
RMA (Allen and Otis 1998; Wiley and Rhodes 1998). It was designated July) and 5 bats from 5 June to 14 July in 1997 (3 in July). We
a Superfund site in 1982. The most persistent and potentially harmful collected 26 bats in Fort Collins from 12 June to 9 August 1998 (22 in
contaminants with respect to wildlife and food-chain effects include July). Most of the bats from Fort Collins had empty stomachs because
dieldrin, aldrin (1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-6,7-epoxy-1,4,4␣, 5,8,8␣-hexa- they were taken as they emerged from roosts, preventing comparisons
hydro-1,4-endo, exo-5,8-dimethanonaphthalene), endrin (3,4,5,6,9,9- with stomach contents of bats collected at RMA. We also determined
hexachloro-1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-endo-dimethanonaphthalene), OC concentrations in three carcasses, two brains, and a pooled milk
isodrin (1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4␣, 5,8,8␣-hexahydro-1,4:5,8-endo, sample from stomachs of two of three juvenile big brown bats col-
endo-dimethanonaphthalene), chlordane compounds, p,p⬘-DDT, p,p⬘- lected on 9 July 1998 at Fitzsimons Building 110, and a near-term
DDE, Hg, and As. The severest contamination is at the center of the fetus of a female collected at RMA on 6 July 1998. Hg was also
refuge (Cohn 1999). The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife determined in carcasses of these additional bats, and As was deter-
Refuge Act of 1992 designated RMA as the largest urban refuge in the mined in carcasses of the three juveniles.
United States, contingent on remediation of contamination (Wiley and Bats were assigned identification numbers, euthanized by cervical
Rhodes 1998; Cohn 1999). dislocation, wrapped in aluminum foil, and placed in a chest freezer on
Exposure of bats to persistent food-chain contaminants can be the night of capture. They were later thawed and weighed at room
estimated by sampling guano from roosts (Clark et al. 1982, 1995). temperature and prepared by dissection following other studies of OCs
Analyzing brains of bats found dead at roosts can help determine if in bats (e.g., Clark and Lamont 1976a, 1976b; Clark and Prouty 1976;
exposure to lethal levels of OC insecticides has occurred, particularly Clark et al. 1975, 1988). Wings and feet were removed, the carcass
in young exposed to these lipophilic substances while suckling lipid- was skinned, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (esophagus, stomach, and
rich milk (Clark et al. 1978b, 1980; Geluso et al. 1976). However, intestines) removed and discarded, and the head severed at the base of
there was no prior knowledge of bat roosts on or near RMA. To the skull. Stomach contents (masticated insects and milk) were re-
discover locations of maternity roosts, we captured 15 lactating female moved for analysis. Brains were removed from the cranium. Major
big brown bats as they foraged on RMA and affixed miniature (0.5– portions of the head musculature were placed with the carcass. Stain-
0.7 g) radio transmitters (Holohil Systems, Ltd., Carp, Ontario, Can- less steel dissection tools were rinsed in acetone and hexane between
ada) to the interscapular area with Skin-Bond colostomy adhesive use with each sample. Contact with plastics was avoided. All person-
(Smith & Nephew United, Inc., Largo, FL). Transmitters and attach- nel involved with capture and dissection of bats received pre-exposure
ments had a projected longevity of 2 weeks. We searched for signals rabies immunizations. Protocols for carcass preparation were similar to
while driving a 1.6 ⫻ 1.6-km grid of roads on RMA and thoroughfares most other studies of mammals at RMA (Foster Wheeler Environmen-
in the area. We found buildings with 12 roosts using this technique, but tal Corporation 1996).
none were found on RMA. Locations were 5.8 –13.5 km from the We sampled guano at roosts because it provides a measure of
boundary of RMA (up to 18.8 km from point of capture) in urban areas contaminant exposure of an entire colony, with a single sample in-
to the south. The two closest roosts were 5.8 and 6.2 km away at cluding feces from multiple bats deposited over days or weeks (Clark
Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. Guano was collected at these two et al. 1982). Guano was placed in chemically clean jars as it was
114 T. J. O’Shea et al.

collected from the surface layer of accumulations. Guano samples potassium permanganate and potassium persulfate. Hg in the digested
were not oven-dried in the laboratory. Attics and the barn loft were hot sample was reduced to elemental Hg with stannous chloride and
and dry when samples were collected in July 1998, and guano was measured using a Perkin-Elmer Model FIMS-100. Lower limit of
presumed to be as uniformly dry as if it had been placed in desiccators, detection for Hg was 0.02 ␮g/g.
as observed in some previous studies (Clark et al. 1982; Clark and For As and Hg, daily calibration solutions, independent reference
Prouty 1976). To test this presumption, we determined percent mois- standards, and spiked method proficiency samples were routinely
ture in 18 guano samples collected simultaneous to those submitted for analyzed during quality control procedures. All analyses were per-
chemical analysis. These were stored in sealed jars for ⬍90 days after formed by PBS&J Environmental Laboratories, Orlando, Florida, un-
laboratory analysis. After a month in desiccant (CaSO4) samples had der contract to the U.S. Army. Average (⫾ SD) percent recoveries in
lost only 0.79 ⫾ 0.27% moisture (maximum 1.4%). spiked laboratory control standards (n ⫽ 11) were 100 ⫾ 9% for
We attempted to quantify relationships between presumed relative DDT, 82 ⫾ 9% for dieldrin, 71 ⫾ 11% for aldrin, 83 ⫾ 10% for
age of bats and contaminants in samples. However, true age of adults endrin, 61 ⫾ 7% for ␣-chlordane (n ⫽ 10), 95 ⫾ 21% for As (n ⫽
has not been determined in any study of bats and contaminants. Instead 7), and 95 ⫾ 0% for Hg (n ⫽ 2). Average (⫾ SD) percent recoveries
tooth wear measured as canine tip width (CTW) has been used as a in spiked bat, stomach, and guano samples (n ⫽ 7, brains were too
surrogate index of age (Clark et al. 1975, 1978a; Clark and Prouty small to spike) were 96 ⫾ 11% for p,p⬘-DDE, 82 ⫾ 12% for p,p⬘-
1976; Clark and Lamont 1976a, 1976b). This index has not been DDT, 77 ⫾ 9% for dieldrin, 73 ⫾ 8% for ␣-chlordane, 75 ⫾ 7% for
calibrated. Relationships between CTW and incremental lines in den- ␥-chlordane, 86 ⫾ 12% for aldrin, 69 ⫾ 8% for endrin, 97 ⫾ 13% for
tine and cementum in sections of canine teeth have been demonstrated isodrin, 52 ⫾ 27% for As, and 86 ⫾ 18% for Hg. Concentrations were
for big brown bats (Christian 1956). However, these sections were not adjusted for percent recovery.
made on bats of unknown age and reliability of interpretation as annuli
is questionable, although tooth wear can be of some utility as an age
index in bats if used with caution (Anthony 1988). In addition, OCs are
well known to increase with age in some mammals, particularly males,
Statistical Analyses
and concentrations or burdens of OCs correlate with tooth wear in
some other studies of bats (Clark et al. 1975; Clark and Prouty 1976). Residue concentration data were transformed to log10 prior to statis-
We therefore measured CTW to the nearest 0.3 mm on both upper tical analysis. Concentrations reported as lower than the detection level
canines of adult big brown bats with an ocular micrometer and a were entered into computations as one-half that level. For each con-
dissecting microscope, using CTW of the least worn tooth in calcula- taminant, residue concentrations in guano samples (␮g/g air dry
tions if wear was uneven. We investigated relationships between CTW weight) were analyzed with a balanced analysis of variance (ANOVA)
and dieldrin and DDE concentrations or total ␮g in carcasses for all by location (Fitzsimons or Fort Collins) and roost within location (Fort
adults and in adult males or females at RMA. Collins barn or attic, Fitzsimons Building 110 or Building 404).
Concentrations (␮g/g wet weight) of OCs in stomach contents of
adults and juveniles were contrasted because of potential bias if
younger bats had milk mixed with masticated insects in stomachs.
Contaminant Analysis Concentrations of individual OCs in carcasses and brains were ana-
lyzed by location (RMA or Fort Collins), and by age/sex category
Samples were analyzed for the following OC insecticides and metab- (adult male, adult female, or juveniles) with two-way ANOVA (Zar
olites: aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, isodrin, ␥-chlordane, ␣-chlordane, p,p⬘- 1984, p. 206), including tests for interaction. Because OCs in bat
DDE, and p,p⬘-DDT. Other OC pesticides or polychlorinated biphe- carcasses can vary with the amount of fat (Clark et al. 1980), the
nyls (PCBs) were not investigated. Each carcass, guano, and stomach percent lipid in carcasses was also contrasted by location and age/sex
contents sample was homogenized and a 1.0 ⫾ 0.1-g aliquot was category using ANOVA. Only the data for As and Hg in carcasses
extracted with methylene chloride. Brains and the pooled milk sample failed to meet assumptions for ANOVA. The nonparametric Kruskal-
were analyzed in their entirety or in approximately 0.1-g aliquots. The Wallis test (Zar 1984, p. 176) was therefore used to test for differences
extract was cleaned up by fractionation by gel permeation chromatog- in these metals among locations and age/sex categories. Relationships
raphy. Extract was solvent-exchanged into hexane, and analyzed by between tooth wear and OC concentrations were explored using re-
dual capillary-column gas chromatography with a Perkin-Elmer Au- gression, but a lack of correlation (see below) made adjustment of
tosystem equipped with two Ni-63 electron-capture detectors and two statistical comparisons of groups by this index of age unnecessary. We
fused silica capillary columns. For carcass, stomach contents, and also used regression to examine relationships between DDE and diel-
guano samples detection limits were 0.020 ␮g/g for most cyclodienes drin in brains and carcasses as a function of percent lipid in carcass.
and p,p⬘-DDE, and 0.025 ␮g/g for isodrin and p,p⬘-DDT. Detection All statistical analyses were performed using SAS for Microsoft Win-
limits for all compounds in the small (0.12– 0.28 g) brain samples were dows (version 7, SAS Institute, Cary, NC) with an ␣ ⱕ 0.05 consid-
about 0.1 ␮g/g. Quality control procedures included the use of stan- ered significant.
dard reference materials, calibration standards, method blanks, solvent
blanks, surrogate standards, and spiked samples. Calibration standards
for all compounds originated from commercially available stock that is Results
NIST or EPA traceable. Lipid content of samples was determined
gravimetrically. Moisture content was not determined.
Arsenic in carcass and guano samples was determined by graphite Contamination Patterns in Guano and Stomach Contents
furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. Sample aliquots were di-
gested with 1:1 nitric acid using microwave-assisted techniques, and Dieldrin was significantly higher in guano from the roost in
the digestate cooled and diluted to volume. Samples were analyzed on
Building 404 ( p ⬍ 0.001) near RMA, whereas dieldrin was
a Perkin-Elmer Model 4100ZL Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
with Zeeman background correction and an As electrodeless discharge not detected in other samples (Table 1). Cyclodienes other than
lamp. Minimum reporting level for As was 0.194 ␮g/g. dieldrin were not detected in guano, other than ␣-chlordane at
Hg in carcasses and guano was determined as total Hg by cold vapor 0.03 ␮g/g and ␥-chordane at 0.05 ␮g/g in guano from Fitzsi-
atomic absorption spectroscopy. An aliquot was solubilized with con- mons Building 110. Concentrations of DDE were significantly
centrated sulfuric and nitric acids and oxidatized at 60°C for 1 h with higher at the roosts nearest RMA ( p ⫽ 0.0005), with no roost
Contamination in E. fuscus at a Superfund Site 115

Table 1. Geometric means and ranges of concentrations (␮g/g air dry weight) of dieldrin, p,p⬘-DDE, p,p⬘-DDT, arsenic, and mercury in gua-
no of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) from two maternity roosts closest to Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) National Wildlife Area and
from two reference roosts at Fort Collins, Coloradoa
Location and Roost Dieldrin DDE DDT Hg As
Near Rocky Mountain Arsenal
Fitzsimons Bldg. 110 ND 0.08 0.04 0.12 1.4
(n ⫽ 6) (ND–0.26) (ND–0.33) (0.03–0.34) (0.93–2.4)
Fitzsimons Bldg. 404 0.07 0.07 0.02 0.26 2.9
(n ⫽ 6) (0.04–0.21) (0.02–0.31) (ND–0.10) (0.20–0.43) (2.2–3.7)
Fort Collins
Attic (n ⫽ 6) ND 0.02 ND 0.11 0.42
(ND–0.04) (0.10–0.13) (0.21–2.3)
Barn (n ⫽ 6) ND 0.02 0.02 0.08 2.5
(0.02–0.03) (ND–0.04) (0.07–0.10) (1.9–3.8)
␣-chlordane and ␥-chlordane were also detected at a roost near RMA (see text). ND ⫽ not detected

effect within locations ( p ⫽ 0.57, Table 1). Concentrations of category ( p ⫽ 0.01) with adult females ⬍ males or juveniles.
DDT did not differ between sites ( p ⫽ 0.07), although No statistical interactions occurred between site and age/sex
maximum concentrations were found near RMA (Table 1). group ( p ⫽ 0.21) in DDT concentrations in carcasses. DDE
Concentrations of Hg in guano were higher in roosts near RMA concentrations in carcasses varied with site ( p ⬍ 0.0001) and
( p ⫽ 0.003), with a significant roost effect ( p ⫽ 0.009) and age/sex group ( p ⬍ 0.0001), with concentrations higher in
higher means and maxima in Building 404 (Table 1). Arsenic bats at RMA, lowest in adult females at both sites, and highest
concentrations in guano were higher in roosts near RMA in in adult males at RMA (Table 2). The maximum DDE con-
comparison with Fort Collins ( p ⫽ 0.01); however, there was centration in carcasses was 16 ␮g/g in an adult male from
also a roost effect within locations ( p ⬍ 0.0001). Highest RMA, with maximum DDE in juveniles also ⬎ adult females
mean concentrations of As were found in Building 404, but (Table 2). No statistical interactions occurred between site and
concentrations were also relatively high at the roost in the Fort age/sex group ( p ⫽ 0.60) in DDE concentrations in carcasses.
Collins barn (Table 1). Hg in carcasses (Table 2) showed significant effects by location
Stomach contents of bats from RMA contained measurable only in juveniles, which were higher at RMA ( p ⫽ 0.003).
quantities of dieldrin and DDE, with other cyclodienes and Arsenic in carcasses was above detection limits in one adult
DDT not detected (As and Hg analyses were not conducted). female (0.19 ␮g/g) and an adult male (0.21 ␮g/g) from RMA,
Geometric mean (0.05 ␮g/g) and maximum (0.42 ␮g/g) con- and one adult female (0.23 ␮g/g) from Fort Collins.
centrations of DDE were slightly higher than dieldrin (0.03 The proportion of carcasses from RMA with detectable (⬎
␮g/g geometric mean, 0.24 ␮g/g maximum). The pooled milk 0.02 ␮g/g) residues of dieldrin was 100% for juveniles (12 of
sample from two juveniles collected at the nearest roost had 12), 96% for males (22 of 23) and 75% for females (12 of 16),
0.38 ␮g/g DDE, comparable to the maxima in the masticated whereas dieldrin was below detection limits in all adults and 7
insects in stomachs of bats feeding on RMA. There were no of 11 juveniles from the reference area. The proportion of
significant differences between adults and juveniles captured carcasses with greater than 0.1 ␮g/g dieldrin (important for
foraging at RMA in DDE ( p ⫽ 0.73) or dieldrin ( p ⫽ 0.95) comparison with other studies) at RMA was 56% for adult
concentrations in stomach contents. males (13/23), 25% for adult females (4/16), and 75% for
juveniles (9/12). None of 26 bats from Fort Collins exceeded
0.1 ␮g/g dieldrin, whereas the 3 juveniles from Fitzsimons
Contamination of Bats: Carcasses and Brains roosts exceeded this concentration.
The proportion of the carcass as lipids did not differ between
Concentrations of dieldrin in carcasses of bats collected while big brown bats from RMA and Fort Collins ( p ⫽ 0.37), but
foraging at RMA were higher ( p ⬍ 0.0001) than in those varied by age/sex category ( p ⫽ 0.022) with adult males
from Fort Collins, the latter being uniformly at or near the highest (Table 3). No significant correlations were found be-
limits of detection (Table 2). Dieldrin concentrations in car- tween CTW and concentrations or total body burdens of DDE
casses varied by age and sex group ( p ⫽ 0.007) and were or dieldrin in carcasses of adult males or adult females from
highest in juveniles, followed by adult males (Table 2). The RMA, Fort Collins, or the combined sample of adults. The only
most contaminated specimens at RMA were an adult male and detectable concentrations of contaminants in the single fetus
an adult female at 2.7 and 2.6 ␮g/g dieldrin, respectively from RMA were 0.06 ␮g/g DDE and 0.04 ␮g/g Hg. The
(Table 2). No statistical interactions occurred between site and maternal carcass had 1.07 ␮g/g DDE, 0.05 ␮g/g DDT, and 0.09
age/sex group in dieldrin concentrations ( p ⫽ 0.28). Concen- ␮g/g Hg, with no other contaminants detected.
trations of other cyclodienes were lower than the limits of Concentrations of dieldrin in brains of bats collected while
detection in carcasses from both areas, with the exception of foraging at RMA were higher than in brains of bats collected in
␣-chlordane at 0.03 and 0.06 ␮g/g in two adult males from Fort Collins ( p ⫽ 0.038) but did not differ by age/sex cate-
RMA. DDT concentrations in carcasses were higher at RMA gory ( p ⫽ 0.38). Interaction was found to be not significant
than the reference area ( p ⬍ 0.0001) and varied by age/sex ( p ⫽ 0.73). Concentrations of DDE in brains of bats at RMA
116 T. J. O’Shea et al.

Table 2. Geometric mean (GM) and maximum (MAX) concentrations of dieldrin, DDT, DDE, Hg, and As (␮g/g wet weight) in carcasses of
big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) from Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Fort Collins, Colorado, summer 1998 (ND ⫽ not detected)
Dieldrin DDT DDE Mercury Arsenic
Rocky Mountain Arsenal Males 23 0.13 2.7 0.04 0.28 1.2 16 0.10 0.19 ND ND
Females 16 0.06 2.6 0.02 0.09 0.25 2.9 0.08 0.16 ND 0.19
Juveniles 12 0.22 1.4 0.04 0.73 1.1 3.3 0.04 0.28 ND ND
Fitzsimons Bldg. 110 Juveniles 3 0.20 0.54 0.21 0.24 0.96 1.04 0.03 0.04 ND ND
Fort Collins Males 4 ND ND ND 0.03 0.34 0.63 0.10 0.11 ND 0.23
Females 11 ND ND ND 0.03 0.08 0.58 0.07 0.12 ND ND
Juveniles 11 0.02 0.03 ND 0.04 0.59 1.60 0.01 0.03 ND ND

Table 3. Arithmetic means (⫾1 standard deviation) and ranges (in parentheses) of percent lipid in carcasses and estimated total carcass bur-
dens (␮g) of dieldrin, DDE, and DDT in big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) captured at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Area, a
nearby maternity roost, and a reference area near Fort Collins, Colorado
Location Age/Sex n Percent Lipid in Carcass Dieldrin (total ␮g) DDE (total ␮g) DDT (total ␮g)
Rocky Mountain Arsenal Males 23 12.2 ⫾ 6.85 2.9 ⫾ 5.1 17.7 ⫾ 26.3 0.49 ⫾ 0.51
(3.5–28.8) (⬍ 0.1–20.3) (⬍ 0.1–127.4) (⬍ 0.1–2.1)
Females 16 9.7 ⫾ 4.32 2.1 ⫾ 6.3 5.2 ⫾ 7.6 0.20 ⫾ 0.16
(3.3–17.6) (⬍ 0.1–26) (0.3–25.2) (⬍ 0.1–0.6)
Juveniles 12 7.8 ⫾ 2.0 2.6 ⫾ 2.8 9.0 ⫾ 5.6 0.65 ⫾ 1.1
(5.3–11.9) (0.1–9.9) (4.3–22.1) (⬍ 0.1–4.2)
Fitzsimons Bldg. 110 Juveniles 3 7.9 ⫾ 4.3 1.5 ⫾ 1.3 5.5 ⫾ 0.33 1.2 ⫾ 0.14
(2.9–10.5) (0.7–3.0) (5.1–5.7) (1.0–1.3)
Fort Collins, Colorado Males 4 14.3 ⫾ 13.9 0.1 ⫾ 0.02 3.9 ⫾ 2.2 0.1 ⫾ 0.03
(6.9–35.1) (⬍ 0.1–0.1) (0.8–6.0) (⬍ 0.1–0.2)
Females 11 7.2 ⫾ 3.3 0.1 ⫾ 0.01 1.3 ⫾ 1.5 0.1 ⫾ 0.01
(3.8–13.7) (⬍ 0.1–0.1) (0.3–4.7) (0.1–0.15)
Juveniles 11 9.3 ⫾ 3.9 0.1 ⫾ 0.06 4.5 ⫾ 2.6 0.1 ⫾ 0.05
(2.7–18.4) (⬍ 0.1–0.2) (2.4–12.0) (⬍ 0.1–0.2)

were also higher than in brains of bats collected in Fort Collins roost at distances from confined but concentrated sources of
( p ⫽ 0.0005) and also differed by age/sex category ( p ⫽ persistent food chain contaminants can bioaccumulate these
0.019), with highest geometric mean concentrations in adult substances through exposure during foraging. Radio-tracking
males and juveniles (Table 4). Interaction was found to be not of females showed that by utilizing the Superfund site as a
significant ( p ⫽ 0.18). Concentrations of DDT, aldrin, endrin, foraging area, bats from at least 12 colony sites located up to 18
isodrin, ␣-chlordane, and ␥-chlordane were below minimum km away were subject to contamination. Concentrations of
detectable levels in brains of all bats. Dieldrin was below limits dieldrin, DDE, As, and Hg in guano collected at roosts of big
of detection in brains of all bats from Fort Collins, but was brown bats closest to RMA were significantly higher than those
above detection limits in six bats from RMA, with a maximum from roosts in the reference area, implicating RMA as the
of 0.70 ␮g/g in an adult female (Table 4). DDE was above source of these contaminants. Comparisons of maximum con-
limits of detection in 30 of the 51 brains of bats from RMA centrations of contaminants in guano at RMA with other stud-
with a maximum of 1.6 ␮g/g in an adult male (Table 4), ies is also instructive. Maximum concentrations of dieldrin in
whereas DDE was above detection limits in brains of just 3 of guano samples from RMA were an order of magnitude higher
the 26 bats from the reference area. The brain of one of the two than at the reference area and higher than those reported in 7 of
juveniles from the nearby maternity roost at Building 110 had 12 previous maxima from other species at other locations,
detectable concentrations of DDE (0.45 ␮g/g) and dieldrin including studies conducted when the use of dieldrin and aldrin
(0.27 ␮g/g), higher than those of juveniles from Fort Collins, (which is metabolized to dieldrin) as pesticides was largely
but comparable to those of juveniles captured while foraging at unrestricted (Reidinger 1972; Clark et al. 1975, 1988, 1995;
RMA (Table 4). No significant relationships were found be- Clark and Prouty 1976; Reidinger and Cockrum 1978). In the
tween percent lipid in carcasses and concentrations of DDE or majority of previous cases where maxima exceeded those re-
dieldrin in carcasses or brains. ported near RMA, concentrations of dieldrin in guano ex-
ceeded 0.38 ␮g/g, a threshold that, based on a variety of
evidence, is considered to be associated with mortality of bats
Discussion (Clark et al. 1978b, 1982, 1988; Clawson and Clark 1989).
This threshold was not exceeded in guano of the big brown bat
This study shows that despite their mobility and relatively large colonies we sampled near RMA. However, Clawson and Clark
ranges in comparison with terrestrial small mammals, bats that (1989) have noted that mortality from dieldrin poisoning can
Contamination in E. fuscus at a Superfund Site 117

Table 4. Concentrations of dieldrin and DDE (␮g/g wet weight) in brains of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) captured at Rocky Mountain
Arsenal National Wildlife Area, a nearby maternity colony (Fitzsimons), and a reference area at Fort Collins, Colorado (ND ⫽ not detected)
Dieldrin DDE
Location Age/Sex n GM Range GM Range
Rocky Mountain Arsenal Males 23 0.12 ND–0.50 0.23 0.11–1.6
Females 16 0.09 ND–0.70 0.10 0.10–1.4
Juveniles 12 0.08 ND–0.23 0.15 0.10–0.67
Fitzsimons Bldg. 110 Juveniles 2 0.18 ND–0.27 0.24 ND–0.45
Fort Collins, Colorado Males 4 ND ND 0.07 0.11–0.17
Females 11 ND ND 0.08 0.10–0.27
Juveniles 11 ND ND 0.09 0.10–0.23

occur in some juvenile gray bats (Myotis grisescens) in colo- concentration of dieldrin in 20 pooled beetle samples collected
nies where dieldrin concentrations in guano may be ⬍ 0.1 at RMA in 1995 was 0.19 ␮g/g (maximum 5.5 ␮g/g), whereas
␮g/g, a level that was exceeded in big brown bat guano near DDE in beetle samples was about 0.02 ␮g/g (maximum 0.18
RMA. ␮g/g) (Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation 1996), only
Maximum DDE concentrations in guano of bats collected slightly lower than in stomach contents. Thus, dietary exposure
near RMA, although higher than in samples collected at the of big brown bats that forage at RMA and elevated concentra-
reference area, were comparable to reports in other studies tions of dieldrin and DDE in carcasses and brains are consistent
where there has been no indication of associated mortality of with residue surveys of one of their principal prey groups.
bats. However, most of these were cases where guano was DDE was the only OC insecticide detected in the pooled
sampled prior to or just following restrictions on use of the milk sample and was lower than or equivalent to results from
parent compound DDT (Reidinger 1972; Clark et al. 1975, past studies elsewhere (Clark and Lamont 1976b). However,
1982, 1995; Clark and Prouty 1976; Reidinger and Cockrum DDE in milk of migratory free-tailed bats in Texas during 1973
1978; Clawson and Clark 1989). DDE concentrations in guano was about an order of magnitude higher than in big brown bats
from bat colonies with possible DDE mortality or elevated from near RMA (Clark et al. 1975), whereas DDE in milk of
ecosystem contamination with DDE have all been an order of gray bats from northern Alabama was two orders of magnitude
magnitude higher than in guano we sampled near RMA (Clark greater (Clark et al. 1988). In the latter case, however, the
et al. 1988, 1995). Thus the concentrations of DDE present in source of this DDE may have been an unusual case of regional
guano from bats roosting near RMA are not elevated enough to industrial contamination (O’Shea et al. 1980; Clark et al.
suspect mortality from this chemical (Clark et al. 1982, 1988). 1988). In our study dieldrin was not detected in milk. This is
Interestingly, however, maximum concentrations of DDT in typical for bats, except for gray bats from Missouri during the
guano from a roost near RMA were higher than previous 1970s, when elevated dieldrin concentrations from regional
reports of DDT in guano of other species of bats elsewhere. An agricultural uses were clearly associated with direct mortality
absence of significant differences between RMA and the ref- (Clark et al. 1978b, 1983). The presence of DDE in milk and
erence site in the other cyclodienes in guano indicates lack of the patterns of dieldrin, DDT, and DDE concentrations in
entry into the food webs utilized by big brown bats at RMA, carcasses by age/sex categories (higher in adult males and
perhaps in part due to higher degradation rates in the environ- juveniles than in adult females, see below) imply lactational
ment (e.g., aldrin, endrin). This is also consistent with their transfer of these OCs, and the single fetus demonstrated trans-
absence in masticated insect samples from stomachs of bats placental transfer. These mechanisms of OC transfer to young
from RMA. Maximum Hg concentrations in guano of big have also been demonstrated in other studies of bats (e.g.,
brown bat colonies near RMA were higher than those reported Clark et al. 1975; Clark and Lamont 1976a, 1976b; Clark 1978;
for guano samples from Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida Clark and Krynitsky 1978; Thies and McBee 1994).
brasiliensis) from an area in Arizona with ecosystem contam- Patterns of contamination in guano and stomach contents of
ination from Hg released to the atmosphere during smelter big brown bats were also seen in carcasses and brains. Maxi-
operations (Petit and Altenbach 1973). mum dieldrin concentrations in carcasses of big brown bats
Although geometric mean concentrations of OCs in stomach collected foraging on RMA are typically one to two orders of
contents of bats captured while foraging at RMA were uni- magnitude higher than in those from Fort Collins and exceed
formly low, it is of note that maximum concentrations of previous maxima for dieldrin in carcasses of this species from
dieldrin and DDE in these samples exceed those reported in elsewhere in the United States in the late 1960s and 1970s
studies of bats in the United States from periods before or (Reidinger 1976; Clark and Lamont 1976a, 1976b; Clark and
shortly after usage restrictions (Clark et al. 1975, 1983; Clark Prouty 1976; Henny et al. 1982) prior to or just following
and Prouty 1976; Clark and Lamont 1976b). Big brown bats restrictions on use of this compound. Maximum concentrations
consume a variety of insects, but small beetles are usually the of DDE and DDT in carcasses of big brown bats from RMA
major component of their diet (Kurta and Baker 1990; Whi- were generally one to two orders of magnitude higher than in
taker 1995). It has been shown that beetles at RMA are more big brown bats from the reference area, but with the exception
contaminated with dieldrin than other insects and are higher in of an elevated case from Arizona (Reidinger 1976), were
OCs than many vertebrates at RMA. The geometric mean within an order of magnitude of those reported for this species
118 T. J. O’Shea et al.

in the 1970s (Clark and Lamont 1976a, 1976b; Clark and ␮g/g (Clark and Prouty 1984). The maximum concentration
Prouty 1976; Henny et al. 1982). The only other compound reached in carcasses in this nonlethal feeding study was 2.5
detected in carcasses at RMA was ␣-chlordane. Traces of this ␮g/g wet weight. Dosages and residues were comparable to or
compound have been previously reported in a few individuals lower than those we observed in stomach contents, brains, and
of this species at two other U.S. localities (Clark and Prouty carcasses of big brown bats at RMA. Guano of captive little
1976; Clark and Lamont 1976b). brown bats fed dieldrin at 0.38 ␮g/g ranged 0.08 – 0.17 ␮g/g
The proportions of big brown bats sampled at RMA with dieldrin (Clark and Prouty 1984), similar to the ranges we
detectable residues of dieldrin in carcasses are similar to or detected in guano samples from a roost near RMA.
exceed reports for this species from elsewhere in the United Bats in our sample also had sufficient lipid reserves (Table 3)
States about 25 years ago, prior to or just following restrictions to prevent mobilization of significant quantities of DDE into
on use of this compound. Henny et al. (1982) found none of 25 the brain at the season in which they were collected. Mobili-
big brown bats sampled in eastern Oregon from 1975–1977 zation may not occur in bats until decreasing carcass lipids
with ⬎0.1 ␮g/g dieldrin, whereas proportions of samples ⬎0.1 approach about 2–3% or less of carcass weight (Clark and
␮g/g at RMA were similar to those found in 1973 in Maryland Kroll 1977; Clark and Prouty 1977, 1984). In addition, total
and West Virginia (Clark and Lamont 1976b; Clark and Prouty amounts of DDE in carcasses suggest that even under extreme
1976). Geometric means and maxima for dieldrin and geomet- mobilization of fat reserves quantities present in big brown bats
ric means for DDE in carcasses of big brown bats from RMA at RMA available to enter the brain are insufficient to cause
were also higher than in 81 pipistrelles (Pipistrellus pipistrel- mortality. Based on feeding studies, captive big brown bats
lus) from agricultural areas of Spain in 1988 –1990, about were estimated to require mobilization of about 148 –171 ␮g of
15–20 years after bans or restrictions on dieldrin and DDT in DDE into the brain to cause death; the amount of DDE in the
that country (Guillén et al. 1994). Dieldrin concentrations in carcass associated with this level in the brain at low carcass
big brown bat carcasses from RMA were also higher than or lipid concentrations was about 6,000 –7,000 ␮g (Clark and
comparable to dieldrin in carcasses of 20 Schreiber’s bent- Prouty 1977; Clark and Krynitsky 1983). The maximum body
winged bats (Miniopterus schreibersi) and 19 greater horse- burden of DDE in our sample of big brown bats was about 2%
shoe bats (Rhinolophus ferumequinum) from five localities in of this amount and less than the total required to reach the brain
Spain collected over the same period (Hernández et al. 1993). to achieve lethal levels. The modest concentrations of dieldrin
Although concentrations of dieldrin and DDE in carcasses and DDE probably also contribute to the lack of correlation of
and brains of big brown bats at RMA are elevated, they do not dieldrin or DDE in carcasses or brains with the proportion of
suggest lethality. Unfortunately, there are no data on sublethal lipid in carcasses. Such correlations have been found in exper-
effects of these contaminants on bats, so effects such as endo- imental samples with ranges from about 2 to 90 ␮g/g (wet
crine disruption and immunosuppression cannot be addressed weight) dieldrin in carcasses (Clark et al. 1980), 500 to 17,000
here. Diagnostic lethal concentrations of dieldrin in brains of ␮g/g (lipid weight) or 6,000 to 14,000 total ␮g DDE in car-
gray bats have been estimated, with a lower 95% confidence casses (Clark and Prouty 1977), and 1,200 to 71,000 ␮g/g
limit for geometric means at 6.7 ␮g/g (Clark et al. 1978b, (lipid weight) DDE in carcasses (Clark and Stafford 1981).
1980). For DDE, this limit has been established experimentally Modest dieldrin and DDE concentrations coupled with a nar-
as 519 ␮g/g in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) (Clark and row range of tooth wear (0.13 to 0.64 mm) in big brown bats
Stafford 1981) and 483 ␮g/g in Brazilian free-tailed bats (Clark from RMA probably also contributed to lack of correlation
and Kroll 1977), with estimates for DDT at 18.1 ␮g/g in brains between CTW and concentrations of these contaminants in
of little brown bats (Clark et al. 1978a). Maximum dieldrin carcasses. Lack of correlation with CTW and dieldrin or DDE
concentrations were about 10% of diagnostic lethal concentra- concentrations in carcasses has also been noted in some other
tions in our sample of 51 brains. Maximum concentrations of studies of bats (Clark et al. 1975; Clark and Prouty 1976; Clark
DDE in brains were less than 1% of lethal values, and DDT and Krynitsky 1978).
was not detected (Table 4). Dieldrin is the major contaminant Contamination of bats is generally higher than that reported
of concern at RMA and was the compound found closest to for other mammals at RMA. Dieldrin concentrations have been
lethal concentrations in bat brains at this site. Occasional determined in carcasses of deer mice (Peromyscus manicula-
mortality of big brown bats from dieldrin poisoning at RMA tus) from RMA collected at areas of highest soil contamination,
cannot be entirely ruled out. Our sample was based on presum- and in areas of very low and intermediate contamination (Allen
ably healthy bats captured while actively foraging, and it is and Otis 1998). These data were expressed as the proportion of
conceivable that individuals with much greater exposure may deer mice collected at each of two sites in these categories that
die at unknown roost locations and escape detection by our exceeded 0.015 ␮g/g. These proportions were 0.000 at a ref-
sampling methods. Bats with low body fat would be at most erence site (n ⫽ 3 mice), 0.125 and 0.222 at intermediate sites
risk. In general, this would be at the end of hibernation or in (n ⫽ 26), and 0.600 and 0.765 at the highly contaminated sites
individual bats forced to lose fat by disease, disturbance of (n ⫽ 22). These carcasses included skins, which could also be
torpor cycles, or other factors. However, based on our sam- contaminated by residues in soil. DDE was not detected in
pling, these would be unrepresentative of most of the big these deer mice (Allen 1996). The proportion of big brown bats
brown bats that utilize RMA as a foraging site. A low likeli- collected while foraging at RMA that exceeded 0.020 ␮g/g
hood of mortality based on our sample is also supported by dieldrin (our minimum detection limit) in carcasses was 0.902
experimental findings on captive little brown bats. These bats (46/51, all age and sex categories combined), whereas those
were fed 0.38 ␮g/g wet weight dieldrin for up to 52 days from our reference area was 0.269 (7/26). Although not limited
without reaching lethal brain concentrations, and only 6 of 47 to foraging at small core areas, a higher proportion of big
had measurable dieldrin in brains, ranging from 0.51 to 1.3 brown bats showed contamination than terrestrial deer mice
Contamination in E. fuscus at a Superfund Site 119

from very contaminated sites. Similarly low concentrations of and their high food intake rates needed to sustain metabolic
dieldrin were reported in deer mice, cottontail rabbits (Sylvila- requirements of flight and build up fat reserves for hibernation
gus sp.), and pocket gophers (Geomys sp.) from RMA (Frank (Clark 1988). Although the potential for contamination is fa-
1997). Pocket gophers are completely fossorial, but just 22% of cilitated by these life-history factors, it is remarkable that
the brains of those captured in the most contaminated soils at contaminants from a local but intense source of industrial
RMA had detectable concentrations of dieldrin, and none had pollution are detectable in big brown bats and their guano,
detectable residues of DDE (Close 1996). Furthermore, 70% of despite long distances to roosts that doubtless dilute exposure
the pocket gopher carcasses from these sites had detectable by facilitating foraging at other locations.
residues of dieldrin with the highest reported on any site less
than half the maximum in big brown bats. Lower proportions
of samples with detectable concentrations of dieldrin and low
maxima were also reported for kangaroo rats (Dipodomys Acknowledgments. L. Stone, J. McCance, and K. Castle, Midconti-
ordii), grasshopper mice (Onychomys leucogaster), and prairie nent Ecological Science Center (MESC) helped in the field. C. Henry,
voles (Microtus ochrogaster) from the most contaminated ar- J. Griess, M. Sattelberg, and S. Skipper of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
eas of RMA (Allen 1996). Service facilitated activities at RMA. P. Smith of MESC assisted with
Large mammals at RMA are also generally less contami- data organization and office support. For manuscript review we thank
nated than big brown bats. Dieldrin was detected in just 1 of 18 D. Clark Jr. and M. Sattelberg. J. Wimsatt served as consulting
brains of deer (Odocoileus virginianus and Odocoileus hemio- veterinarian. The Griffiths and Doster families in Fort Collins and the
Fitzsimons Army Medical Center near Denver provided access to bat
nus) (Creekmore et al. 1999), at ⬍ 3% of the maximum
colonies in their buildings. Specimens were collected under Colorado
concentration found in brains of big brown bats. Dieldrin was Division of Wildlife permit TR-738.
detected in fat of 9 of 17 deer, with a maximum of 0.72 ␮g/g,
whereas the maximum dieldrin concentration in carcass lipids
of big brown bats was 22 ␮g/g. Badgers (Taxidea taxus) and
coyotes (Canis latrans), both carnivores, are the only mammals
at RMA that thus far can show higher contamination with
Allen DL (1996) Effects of contaminants on small mammal population
dieldrin. At least two badgers were fortuitously found dead
and community parameters on the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Na-
with dieldrin concentrations in adipose tissue of 29 and 75 ␮g/g tional Wildlife Refuge. MS thesis, Clemson University, Clemson,
and up to a potentially lethal 5 ␮g/g in the brain (Hoff 1998). SC, 71 pp
One coyote was reported with a concentration of 2.7 ␮g/g Allen DL, Otis DL (1998) Relationship between deer mouse popula-
dieldrin in the brain (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1997). tion parameters and dieldrin contamination in the Rocky Moun-
However, the greater likelihood of discovering badger or coy- tain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. Can J Zool 76:243–250
ote carcasses than those of bats may bias this comparison. For Anthony ELP (1988) Age determination in bats. In: Kunz TH (ed)
example, the highest concentrations of dieldrin in 36 adipose Ecological and behavioral methods for the study of bats. Smith-
tissue biopsies of 29 free-ranging badgers (more comparable to sonian Inst, Washington DC, pp 47–58
free-flying bats) at RMA from 1994 –1996 was 7.6 ␮g/g, with Burnett CD, Kunz TH (1982) Growth rates and age estimation in
Eptesicus fuscus and comparison with Myotis lucifugus. J Mam-
11 of 33 (33%) samples and 8 of 29 (28%) individuals below
mal 63:33– 41
limits of detection (Hoff 1998). Dieldrin concentrations in Christian JJ (1956) The natural history of a summer aggregation of the
brains and adipose tissue of five radio-tagged badgers which big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus. Am Midl Nat 55:66 –95
died from various unrelated factors in the mid-1990s were Clark DR Jr (1978) Uptake of dietary PCB by pregnant big brown bats
lower than in big brown bats (Hoff 1998). Unlike the preva- (Eptesicus fuscus) and their fetuses. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol
lence of contamination in big brown bats, DDE was not de- 19:707–714
tected in the brains of these badgers, and reached a maximum Clark DR Jr (1988) How sensitive are bats to insecticides? Wildl Soc
of 0.039 ␮g/g in adipose tissue (Hoff 1998). DDE was also not Bull 16:399 – 403
detected in brains of three coyotes found dead in 1995 (U.S. Clark DR Jr, Martin CO, Swineford DM (1975) Organochlorine in-
Fish and Wildlife Service 1997). Departure from the pattern of secticide residues in the free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) at
Bracken Cave, Texas. J Mammal 56:429 – 443
higher concentrations of some contaminants in bats than in
Clark DR Jr, Prouty RM (1976) Organochlorine residues in three bat
other mammals is only evident where data were from terrestrial species from four localities in Maryland and West Virginia, 1973.
species (primarily deer mice and prairie dogs, Cynomys ludovi- Pestic Monit J 10:44 –53
cianus) collected in 1988 –1990 on specific sites at RMA Clark DR Jr, Lamont TG (1976a) Organochlorine residues and repro-
thought a priori to be most highly contaminated (Stollar and duction in the big brown bat. J Wildl Manage 4:249 –254
Associates 1992). Even in that comparison, maxima and fre- Clark DR Jr, Lamont TG (1976b) Organochlorine residues in females
quency of occurrence of DDE, DDT, and Hg were higher in big and nursing young of the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus). Bull
brown bats than in prairie dogs and deer mice. Dieldrin was Environ Contam Toxicol 15:1– 8
also lower in prairie dogs, but concentrations of dieldrin in deer Clark DR Jr, Kroll JC (1977) Effects of DDE on experimentally
mouse samples were equivalent to or higher than in bats. Thus, poisoned free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis): lethal brain con-
centrations. J Toxicol Environ Health 3:893–901
depending on the nature of the comparisons, our overall con-
Clark DR Jr, Prouty RM (1977) Experimental feeding of DDE and
clusion is that big brown bats are generally more contaminated PCB to female big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus). J Toxicol
with dieldrin and DDE than other mammals that inhabit RMA. Environ Health 2:917–928
This can be attributable to long life spans (to at least 19 years Clark DR Jr, Krynitsky AJ (1978) Organochlorine residues and repro-
[Kurta and Baker 1990]), their position in the food chain, duction in the little brown bat, Laurel, Maryland—June 1976.
relative contamination of their most likely prey (Coleoptera), Pestic Monit J 12:113–116
120 T. J. O’Shea et al.

Clark DR Jr, Kunz TH, Kaiser TE (1978a) Insecticides applied to a Guillén A, Ibáñez C, Pèrez JL, Hernández LM, González MJ, Fernán-
nursery colony of little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus): lethal dez MA, Fernández R (1994) Organochlorine residues in Spanish
concentrations in brain tissues. J Mammal 59:84 –91 common pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus). Bull Environ
Clark DR Jr, LaVal RK, Swineford DM (1978b) Dieldrin-induced Contam Toxicol 52:231–237
mortality in an endangered species, the gray bat (Myotis grises- Henny CJ, Maser C, Whitaker JO Jr, Kaiser TE (1982) Organochlorine
cens). Science 199:1357–1359 residues in bats after a forest spraying with DDT. Northwest Sci
Clark DR Jr, LaVal RK, Krynitsky AJ (1980) Dieldrin and heptachlor 56:329 –337
residues in dead gray bats, Franklin County, Missouri—1976 Hernández LM, Ibáñez C, Fernández MA, Guillén A, González MJ,
versus 1977. Pestic Monit J 13:137–140 Pèrez JL (1993) Organochlorine insecticide and PCB residues in
Clark DR Jr, Stafford CJ (1981) Effects of DDE and PCB on exper- two bat species from four localities in Spain. Bull Environ Contam
imentally poisoned female little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus): Toxicol 50:871– 877
lethal brain concentrations. J Toxicol Environ Health 7:925–934 Hoff DJ (1998) Integrated laboratory and field investigations assessing
Clark DR Jr, LaVal RK, Tuttle MD (1982) Estimating pesticide contaminant risk to American badgers (Taxidea taxus) on the
burdens of bats from guano analyses. Bull Environ Contam Toxi- Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. PhD diss,
col 29:214 –220 Clemson Univ, Clemson, SC, 240 pp
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hibernating bats. Environ Pollut (Ser A) 31:287–299 356:1–10
Clark DR Jr, Bunck CM, Cromartie E, LaVal RK (1983) Year and age Matsumara F (1985) Toxicology of insecticides, 2nd ed. Plenum Press,
effects on residues of dieldrin and heptachlor in dead gray bats, NY, 598 pp
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col Chem 2:387–393 at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. Science 209:509 –510
Clark DR Jr, Prouty RM (1984) Disposition of dietary dieldrin in the Petit MG, Altenbach JS (1973) A chronological record of environ-
little brown bat and correlation of skin levels with body burden. mental chemicals from analysis of stratified vertebrate excretion
Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 33:177–183 deposited in a sheltered environment. Environ Research 6:339 –
Clark DR Jr, Bagley FM, Johnson WW (1988) Northern Alabama 343
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chlorine contamination and mortality. Biol Conserv 43:213–225 levels. PhD diss, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 172 pp
Clark DR Jr, Moreno-Valdez AU, Mora MA (1995) Organochlorine Reidinger RF Jr (1976) Organochlorine residues in adults of six
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cology 4:258 –265 Reidinger RF Jr, Cockrum EL (1978) Organochlorine residues in
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