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OB provides a way for understanding human behaviour in the organisation. For shaping human
behaviour in a definite direction for achieving predetermined objectives, managers must know
how the people in the organisation behave. OB provides for understanding human behaviour in
all directions in which human beings interact. So, OB can be studied at individual level,
interpersonal level, group level and intergroup level.


 ' / 0 The behaviour of human beings as a social man is the first issue in
behavioural science. It provides for analysing why and how an individual behaves in a
particular way. OB integrates all the factors which affect the human behaviour so as to
understand it.
2.|  .   ' / 0 Human behaviour can be understood at the level of interpersonal
interaction. Such interpersonal interaction is normally in paired relationship which
represents man¶s most natural attempt at socialism. OB provides means to understand these
interpersonal relations with the help of different methods.
3.| % . ' / 0 Though people interpret anything at their individual level, they are often
modified by group pressure which then becomes a force in shaping human behaviour. OB
helps in understanding the human behaviour in a group as how the group behaves in its
norms, consistency, goals, procedures, communication pattern, leadership and membership.
4.|   .' / - The organisation is made up of many groups. Intergroup relations may
be in the form of co-operation or competition. Understanding this behaviour is very
important for the managers in the organisation as it is this relationship which helps the
organisation in achieving its objectives. OB helps in understanding and achieving co-
operative group relationships through interactions, rotation of members among groups,
avoidance of win-lose situations, and focus on the total group objectives.


earning is the process by which new behaviours are acquired. It is generally agreed that
learning involves changes in behaviour, practicing new behaviours, and establishing
permanency in the change.


1.| earning involves a change in behaviour though, not necessary that the change is an
improvement over previous behaviour.
2.| The behavioural change must be permanent.
3.| The behavioural change must be based on some form of practice or experience.
4.| The practice or experience must be reinforced in order for learning to occur.


,| 1 

  !/ 0 -onditioning is the process in which an ineffective object or
situation becomes so much effective that it makes the hidden response noticeable. In the
absence of this stimulus hidden response is the natural or normal response. -onditioning
has 2 main theories: -

,| 1

/0It states that behaviour is learned by repetitive association
between a stimulus and a response. Elements always present in this theory are: -




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 3  .

  : - When Pavlov presented a piece of meat to a dog it salivated
(Unconditional Response). On the other hand, when he merely rang a bell (neutral stimulus),
the dog had no salivation. This shows ringing of bell is having no effect on the dog. Then
Pavlov accompanied meat with ringing of bell. Dog salivated. The experiment was repeated
several times. Now, Pavlov just rang the bell without presenting the meat. The dog now
salivated. Now in the new situation, the dog has been classically conditioned to salivate to the
sound of the bell.
| .  1 

/ 0 Operant is defined as behaviour that produces effects. This
conditioning suggests that people emit responses that are rewarded and will not emit
responses that are either not rewarded or punished. Operant conditioning implies that the
behaviour is voluntary and it is determined, maintained and controlled by its
consequences. The operant conditioning involves the relationship between the three
elements: -

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 !/0-ognition approach emphasises the positive and free will
aspect of human behaviour. -ognition refers to an individual¶s ideas, thought, knowledge
interpretation, and understanding about himself and his environment. -ognition in learning
implies that organism learns the meaning of various objects and events and learned responses
depend on the meaning assigned to stimuli. Tolman¶s Demonstration: - A rat was trained to turn
right in T ± Shaped maze in order to obtain food. Then the rat was started from the opposite side
of maze. The rat as trained (conditioned) should have turned right but the rat turned toward
where the food was placed. Tolman concluded that, the rat formed a cognitive map to figure out
how to get the food and reinforcement was not a precondition for learning to take place.

2| & 
 !/0It combines and integrates both behaviouristic and cognitive
concepts. It points that learning can also take place via modeling. Modeling process involves
observational learning. earning does not result from discrete stimulus-response-consequence
connections. Instead, learning can take place through imitating others. 
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 is the complex forces starting and keeping a person at work in an organisation.
Motivation is something that moves the person to action, and continues him in the course of
action already initiated.

,|  #  )
!  !/ 0 According to Maslow, there seems to be a
hierarchy into which human needs are arranged.
 /0As these are the basic needs and they tend to have the highest
strength until they are reasonably satisfied, they are at the top of the hierarchy. These
needs are like food, clothing, housing etc. 
67|& ! /0Once the physiological needs are satisfied to a reasonable level, then
comes the safety needs. This is a need for being free of physical danger, job security
 / - After safety needs, social needs becomes important. As man has
always been a social being, he has a need to belong and to be accepted by various
groups. When social needs become dominant, a person will strive for meaningful
relations with others.
6 7|  / - The esteem needs are concerned with self-respect, self-confidence, a
feeling of personal worth, feeling of being unique and recognition. Satisfaction of
these needs produces feeling of self-confidence, prestige, power and control.
6 7|&  0actualization needs: - It is the need to maximize one¶s potential, whatever it may
be. This is related with the development of built in capabilities which lead people to
seek situations that can utilise their potential.
| ) -   

 3 )!
   !/ 0 According to Herzberg, there are two
categories of needs essentially independent of each other affecting behaviour in different
ways. There are some job conditions which operate primarily to dissatisfy employees
when the conditions are absent, their presence does not motivate them in a strong way.
Another set of Job conditions operates primarily to build strong motivation and high job
satisfaction, their absence does not dissatisfy them. First job conditions are Hygiene
Factors and second set of job conditions are motivational factors.
  8 / 0 Ten maintenance or hygiene factors are ± -ompany policy and
administration, technical supervision, interpersonal relationship with supervisors, interpersonal
relationship with peers, interpersonal relationship with subordinates, salary, job security,
personal life, working conditions and status. These factors are necessary to maintain at a
reasonable level of satisfaction in employees. Any increase beyond this level won¶t provide any
satisfaction in to the employees and any cut will really dissatisfy them.

 8 / 0 These factors are: - Achievement, recognition, advancement, work
itself, possibility of growth, and responsibility. Most of these factors are related with job
contents. An increase in these factors will satisfy the employees but any decrease will not affect
their level of satisfaction.

1     !/ 0 Mc-lelland has identified three types of basic motivating
needs. Need for power, need for affiliation and need for achievement.

/ 0 The ability to influence behaviour is power. Need of power is the need to
manipulate others. People with high power need have a great concern for exercising influence
and control. Such individuals generally seek positions of leadership; they involve in
conversation; they are forceful, outspoken, hard headed, and demanding.


/0Since people are social animals, most individuals like to interact and be
with others in situations where they feel they belong and are accepted. People with high need
for affiliation usually derive pleasure from being loved and tend to avoid the pain of being
rejected. They are concerned with maintaining pleasant social relationship, enjoying a sense of
closeness and understanding, and enjoy consoling and helping others in trouble.

/ 0 Some people have an intense desire to achieve. The need for
achievement is a distinct human motive that can be distinguished from other needs. Mc-lelland
has identified four basic characteristics of high achievers: -
1.| Moderate Risks: - Taking moderate risk is probably the simple most descriptive
characteristic of the person possessing high achievement need. This is against the
commonsense that a high achiever would take high risks.
2.| Immediate Feedback: - Person with high on achievement needs desires activities which
provide immediate and precise feedback information how he is progressing towards a
3.| Accomplishment: - Person with high on achievement needs finds accomplishing a task
basically satisfying in and of itself, or he does not expect or want the reward for it.
4.| Preoccupation with the task: - Once a high achiever selects a goal, he tends to be totally
preoccupied with the task until it is successfully completed. He will not feel satisfied
unless he has put maximum effort in completing the task.

"  $% !/0

Alderfer has categorised needs into three categories: - xistence needs, $elatedness needs and
%rowth needs.

Existence Needs: - They include all needs related to physiological and safety aspects of an
Relatedness Needs: - They include all those needs that involve relationship with other people
whom the individual cares.

Growth Needs: - They involve the individual making creative efforts to achieve full potential in
the existing environment.

! !/0

Equity theory of work motivation is based on the social exchange process. The theory points out
that people are motivated to maintain fair relationship between their performance and reward in
comparison to others. There are two assumptions on which the theory works:

1.| Individuals make contributions (inputs) for which they expect certain rewards
2.| Individuals decide whether or not, a particular exchange is satisfactory, by comparing
their inputs and outcomes with those of others and try to rectify any inequality.

Exchange relationship between a person¶s inputs/outcomes in relation to those of other persons

may be of three types: -

,|  .
!/0 Here, the person perceives that his outcomes are more as compared
to his inputs in relation to others. In this case, the person experiences guilt feeling.
| + .
!/ 0 Here, the person perceives that his outcomes are lower as
compared to his inputs in relation to others. In this case, the person experiences
!/0Here, the person perceives that his outcomes in relation to his inputs are equal
to those of others. In this case, the person experiences satisfaction.

1  &


/ -

-arrot ± Reward (Financial or non financial) for work done.

Stick ± Punishment (Non-working or not working properly).

Following points should be taken into consideration while using it:

1.| Punishment is effective in modifying the behaviour if it forces the person to select a
desirable alternative behaviour that is then rewarded.
2.| If the above does not occur, the behaviour will only temporarily suppressed and will
appear when the punishment is removed. 
3.| Punishment is more effective if applied at the time when the undesirable behaviour is
actually performed.
4.| Punishment must be administered with extreme care so that it does not become reward
for undesirable behaviour.


This theory suggests that there are actually two motivation systems: intrinsic and extrinsic that
correspond to two kinds of motivators:

y| Intrinsic motivators: Achievement, responsibility and competence. motivators that come

from the actual performance of the task or job -- the intrinsic interest of the work.
y| Extrinsic: pay, promotion, feedback, working conditions -- things that come from a
person's environment, controlled by others.

One or the other of these may be a more powerful motivator for a given individual.

Intrinsically motivated individuals perform for their own achievement and satisfaction. If they
come to believe that they are doing some job because of the pay or the working conditions or
some other extrinsic reason, they begin to lose motivation. The belief is that the presence of
powerful extrinsic motivators can actually reduce a person's intrinsic motivation, particularly if
the extrinsic motivators are perceived by the person to be controlled by people. In other words,
a boss who is always dangling this reward or that stick will turn off the intrinsically motivated

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According to this theory people are motivated to work toward and achieve goals. Goal setting is
an important motivational process. Goals enhance performance by clarifying what type and
level of performance is expected or required.

Achieving of goals leads to feeling of competence and success. Failing short of goal creates
dissatisfaction, so we are motivated to work hard to avoid failure.

%   !9  !:

The management¶s action of motivating human beings in the organization, according to

McGregor, involves certain assumptions, generalisations and hypothesis relating to human
behaviour. McGregor has characterised these assumptions in two opposite points, Theory X and
Theory Y.


The assumptions are: -

y| Work is inherently distasteful to most people, and they will attempt to avoid work
whenever possible.
y| Most people are not ambitious, have little desire for responsibility, and prefer to be
y| Most people have little aptitude for creativity in solving organizational problems.
y| Motivation occurs only at the physiological and security levels of Maslow's Needs
y| Most people are self-centered. As a result, they must be closely controlled and often
coerced to achieve organizational objectives
y| Most people resist change.
y| Most people are gullible and unintelligent.

Essentially, theory x assumes that the primary source of most employee motivation is monetary,
with security as a strong second.


The higher-level needs of esteem and self-actualization are continuing needs in that they are
never completely satisfied. As such, it is these higher-level needs through which employees can
best be motivated.

In strong contrast to Theory X, Theory Y leadership makes the following general assumptions:

y| Work can be as natural as play if the conditions are favorable.

y| People will be self-directed and creative to meet their work and organizational objectives
if they are committed to them.
y| People will be committed to their quality and productivity objectives if rewards are in
place that address higher needs such as self-fulfillment.
y| The capacity for creativity spreads throughout organizations.
y| Most people can handle responsibility because creativity and ingenuity are common in
the population.
y| Under these conditions, people will seek responsibility.

Under these assumptions, there is an opportunity to align personal goals with organizational
goals by using the employee's own need for fulfillment as the motivator. McGregor stressed that
Theory Y management does not imply a soft approach.

McGregor recognized that some people may not have reached the level of maturity assumed by
Theory Y and therefore may need tighter controls that can be relaxed as the employee develops.
Ans. 4

 may be defined as the process by which individuals organise and interpret their
sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.


1.| &  

: - After receiving the stimuli from the environment, some are
selected for further processing while others are screened out because it is not possible for
a person to select all stimuli which he sees in the environment.


: - After the stimuli are received, these are organised in some
form in order to make sense out of that.
3.|  . 

: - The perceptual inputs that have been organised will have to
be interpreted by the perceiver so that he can sense and extract some meaning of what is
going on in the situation. Interpretation of stimuli is affected by characteristics of stimuli,
situations under which perception takes place, and characteristics of the perceiver.
4.|   . .: - After the interpretation of stimuli, perceptual output emerges.
These outputs may be in the form of covert actions like development of attitudes,
opinions, beliefs, impression about the stimuli under consideration.

1  # 


The Big Five are five broad factors (dimensions) of personality traits. They are:

y| ; 
. The broad dimension of Extraversion encompasses such more
specific traits as talkative, energetic, and assertive.
y| "    This dimension includes traits like sympathetic, kind, and
y| 1 

  People high in -onscientiousness tend to be organized,
thorough, and planful.

 (sometimes reversed and called Emotional Stability). Neuroticism is
characterized by traits like tense, moody, and anxious.
y| .   ;. 
 (sometimes called Intellect or Intellect/Imagination). This
dimension includes having wide interests, and being imaginative and insightful.
Ans. 6

 : - Attitude is a mental and neural state of readiness organised through experience,
exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual¶s response to all objects and
situations with which it is related. Attitude implies a heightened responsiveness to certain

 : -

Attitudes affect behaviour of an individual by putting him ready to respond favourably or

unfavourably to things in his environment.

Attitudes are acquired through learning over the period of time. The process of learning
attitudes starts right from childhood and continues throughout the life of a person.

Attitudes are invisible as they constitute a psychological phenomenon which cannot be

observed directly. They can be observed by observing the behaviour of an individual.

Attitudes are pervasive and every individual has some kind of attitude towards the objects in his


A belief is an enduring organisation of perceptions and cognitions about some aspects of

individual¶s world. A belief is hypothesis concerning the nature of objects, more particularly
concerning one¶s judgment of the probability regarding their nature. Belief is the cognitive
component of the attitude which reflects the manner in which an object is perceived.


Values that a person has are one of the major forces shaping behaviour. Values are convictions
of an individual on the basis of which he judges what is good or bad, desirable or undesirable
ethical or unethical.

Values represent basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct is personally or socially
preferable to an opposite mode of conduct.


: -

1.|   / - Values are element of culture, and culture is the complex of values,
ideas, attitudes, and other meaningful symbols to shape human behaviour in the society.
2.|'  $ .  : - Human behaviour represents learned phenomenon. Human beings
have to learn almost everything about how to be human from experience. This is because
human beings live in a certain society having a culture.
3.| / - Values are inculcated and are passed through generation to generation by
specific groups and institutions.
    : - Values are social phenomenon, that is cultural habits are shared
by aggregates of people living in organised society. An individual¶s way of thinking and
behaving is not culture, rather group behaviour constitutes culture.

Ans. 8


A Process may be defined as:

y|'a particular course of action intended to achieve a result'

y|a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined business outcome
An individual goes through 9 processes: -

1.| Existential Process

2.| Empathic Process
3.| Role Process
4.| -ollaborative Process
5.| Group Process
6.| Growth Process
7.| Organisational Process
8.| -ommunity Process
9.| Society Process
Ans. 9

% .

Group is 2 or more individuals interacting and interdependent who come together to achieve
common objectives.

Factors in favour of a group: -

1.| Security: - People find comfort in a group.

2.| Status: - Recognition
3.| Self-esteem
4.| Affiliation
5.| Power
6.| Goal Achievement

&  % .8 

The group is not yet a group but a set of individuals. This stage is characterised by talk
about the purpose of the group, the definition and the title of the group, its composition,
leadership pattern, and life-span. At this stage, each individual tends to want to establish
his personal identity within the group, making some individual impression.

Most groups go through a conflict stage when the preliminary, and often false, consensus
on purposes, on leadership and other roles, on norms of behaviour and work, is
challenged and re-established. At this stage a lot of personal agendas are revealed and a
certain amount of interpersonal; hostility is generated. If successfully handled this period
of storming leads to a new and more realistic setting of objectives, procedures and norms.
This stage is particularly important for testing the norms of trust in the group.

The group needs to establish norms and practices. When and how it should work, how it
should take decisions, what type of behaviour, what level of work, what degree of
openness, trust and confidence is appropriate. At this stage there will be a lot of tentative
experimentation by individuals to test the temperature of the group and to measure the
appropriate level of commitment.

Only when the three previous stages have been successfully completed will the group be
at full maturity and be able to be fully and sensibly productive. Some kind of
performance will be achieved at all stages of the development but it is likely to be
impeded by the other processes of growth and by individual agendas. In many periodic
committees the leadership issue, or the objectives and purpose of the group, are recurring
topics that crop up in every meeting in some form or other, seriously hindering the true
work of the group.

o|" 4 

Adjourning, that involves completing the task and breaking up the team. Others call it the
phase for mourning.

% .<!
 refers to the nuances (difference) operating in a group which influences the
behaviour of member in a group.

1.| Group dynamics describes how work is done within a group.

2.| Relating pattern shared by people within the group.
3.| The pressure exerted by group members on each other.


A   comprises a group of people linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially

appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent

-haracteristics of a team are: -

Effective teams have a clear mission and purpose. It may be a short-term objective (select a
vendor for a project) or a long, ambitious goal (find ways to improve customer satisfaction).
Regardless, teams need a defined, mutually agreed upon purpose and mission.

Team members must be committed to the team's mission. -ommitment develops as members
begin to personalize their involvement and take ownership for the team's success. -ommitment
may come immediate for some team members, and it may take some time for others.


=%  $ 
"You've got to play by the rules." That old saying applies to teams. Effective teams have
explicit and appropriate ground rules and norms. One example might be, "Team meetings will
be held on Wednesday mornings from 9 to 10:30 a.m." or "Team members agree to rotate roles
from meeting to meeting."


-ompetent, goal-oriented teams agree on a process for success. Teams are unique, no two work
exactly alike. Regardless of the process a team embraces, team members must agree on the
process and understand their role. (Specific roles and responsibilities are covered elsewhere in
this program.)

In a group, people operate independently from one another. One person's progress is not
affected by anyone else. Teams however, function interdependently. Every member's role and
work complements someone else, and individual progress hinges on the help and input of
others. Interdependence is based on valuing and using the skills, knowledge, abilities and
perspective of other team members.


   # % .  

,| uality separates a group and a team. As for any information sharing goes, in a team it is
a collective performance and in a group it is individual.
| Synergy ± Ina group synergy is neutral while in a team there is a +ve synergy.
2| Skill Set ± It is very complementary with the people in team, whereas, it varies in a
5| Trust ± Not a major role in group. In a group resource sharing is more than trust sharing.
But in a team trust sharing is major.

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A .!  
  represents the mutual beliefs, perceptions, and informal obligations
between an employer and an employee. It sets the dynamics for the relationship and defines the
detailed practicality of the work to be done. It is distinguishable from the formal written
contract of employment which, for the most part, only identifies mutual duties and
responsibilities in a generalized form.

1.| Psychological contract plays an important role in the state and health of relationships
shared by the employer and the employees.
2.| This contract when positive leads to increased business performance.
3.| When the employees sense that the employer is fair towards them then psychological
contract is positive.

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