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Formal greeting,
Simple past
Irregular verbs  
CONTENTS Present continuous
* Participate in class
practicing with a
  conversation in English
LEARNING * practice irregular verbs
GOALS * to greet others informally
*To practice de simple past
  *Simple Past
GRAMMAR * vocabulary  
  *Irregular Verbs  

Formal greeting conversation

between 3 people

some of the keyworLearn ds on how to have a formal conversation.

What is the formal conversation about?
The conversation is between 3 people at a university having a brief
conversation about a friend wanting to apply to the university.
Robert Good afternoon, teacher, how are you today?
Teacher Good afternoon, Robert. I am doing well. And you?
Robert I’m great, thank you. This is my best friend Jane. She wants to
apply to come to this university. She would like to ask you a few questions.
Would you mind taking the time and telling her what process she would have
to do, please?
Teacher Hello, Jane! It’s a nice to meet you. I am very busy today, as I am
going to class now for the next 3 hours. Can you come to my office for 9am
tomorrow morning?
Jane Yes that will be no problem. Thank you for making time for me and
speaking to me today.
Teacher Hopefully we will be seeing you at this university soon. See you
tomorrow at 9.

What is the conversation about occupation about?

Mr. Jones is talking to Mr. Rooney who he has just met in a cafe. They are having a
conversation when Mr. Jones asks Mr. Rooney what he does for a living . . .
Mr. Jones: What do you do for a living?
Mr. Rooney: Am sorry I don’t understand the question.
Mr. Jones: What is your occupation?
Mr. Rooney: I'm a mechanic; I work in a garage on Oxford Street.
Mr. Jones: A mechanic? You must do a lot of work and get very dirty.
Mr. Rooney: yes I do lots of work. Every day I fix cars and it takes a long time to get
clean after work.
Mr. Jones: That is really interesting. How many cars do you think you fix in a day?
Mr. Rooney: On average I probably fix about seven cars every day I do get tired.
Mr. Rooney: What, sort of job do you have Mr. Jones?
Mr. Jones: I don’t have a job at the moment.
Mr. Rooney: why?
Mr. Jones: I’m at college learning English.
Mr. Rooney: Thanks for the chat I have to get back to work now.
Mr. Jones: yes, thanks also.

Verbos Irregulares en Inglés

Los verbos irregulares en inglés son aquellos cuyo pasado simple y participio
pasado no siguen ninguna regla. Aquí tienes una lista completa de los verbos

1.  past simple
El past simple se utiliza para hablar de acciones ya concluidas en el
pasado. Este tiempo verbal equivale al pretérito indefinido en 
español: yo canté, tú cantaste, él cantó, etc.

Last week we travelled to Canada.

La semana pasada  viajamos  a Canadá.

Last year we dressed up as pineapples.

El año pasado nos  disfrazamos  de piñas.

2. El pasado en los verbos regulares e irregulares

En inglés, existen dos tipos de verbos: los regulares y los irregulares. Para poder
construir el pasado simple correctamente debemos saber si el verbo principal es
regular o irregular.
La mayoría de los verbos son regulares y forman el pasado añadiendo la
partícula -ed al final del verbo. Aun así, sufren una serie de cambios

Sin embargo, hay una serie de verbos que no siguen esta forma. Son los
denominados verbos irregulares. A continuación, tenéis una lista con los más

2. Estructura del past simple

• La forma afirmativa
. La forma negativa

Recuerda que en las oraciones negativas se utiliza el verbo en

infinitivo porque la partícula did ya nos indica que la oración está en pasado. Lo
mismo ocurrirá en las oraciones interrogativas.

La forma interrogativa

Did she  work last night? Yes, she did.

(ella) ¿Trabajó ayer por la noche? Sí.

Did they finish the food? No, they didn't.

(ellos) ¿Se acabaron la comida? No.

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