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Untuk memenuhi tugas ujian akhir semester
Bahasa Inggris
Yang dibina oleh Bapak Yulius Irham, S. Pd, MM

Oleh :
1. Elinda Miftahur Rohma (1601460010)
2. Ashvihan Imana (1601460012)
3. Vivian Yessica (1601460015)
4. Nuri Annisa Faradila (1601460024)
5. Hasrining Tri Suprapti (1601460034)

November 2019
1. Nuri Annisa Faradila : Patient
2. Elinda Miftahur Rohma: Family
3. Vivian Yessica : Nurse 1
4. Ashvihan Imana : Nurse 2
5. Hasrining Tri Suprapti : Doctor

Oneday, in the room 24A of Saiful Anwar Hospital, there is a patient with a medical
diagnosis of CA Mamae, aged 31, will receive chemotherapy drug therapy. Before giving
therapy the patient must get pre-medication therapy via intravenous injection.
Doctor : Please the patient Mrs. F is given chemotherapy therapy today, for the pre-
medication is dexamethasone 8mg for oral consume and will be continue with
dosetaksel 75mg and ondansentron 8mg for injection.
Nurse : Ok doc
Doktor : Don't forget to measure the vital signs, and confirm it to pharmacy
Nurse 1 and 2 : okey doc, we will do it

The nurse prepares a premed drug that will be given to the patient. After being in the
Nurse 1 : Good morning mrs, I'm a nurse my name ..., The one on duty this morning, are you
Mrs. F ? Can I see your identity bracelet, mrs ? Okay mrs, now I will put in a
premedication drug before chemotherapy, are you ready ?
Mrs F : Of course
Family : What is the function of this medicie, mrs ?
Nurse 1 : This medicine works to reduce nausea during the chemotherapy process
Family : Emm, ok ok Mrs
Nurse 1 : Yes mrs, I will inject this drug through an IV tube so that it goes directly into a vein,
and it's not too painful, I start to put the medicine in
Mrs F : Yes
Nurse 1 : Ok Miss, the medicine is already in, maybe about 15 minutes we will start the chemo
Mrs F : Ok miss
Nurse 1 : Ok, after this i will come back in this room

15 minutes later Nurse 2 prepares chemo drugs, after arriving in the room
Nurse 2 : Good morning miss
Mrs F : Morning
Nurse : I’m ...... now I will put in chemotherapy drugs , are you right mrs F ?
Mrs F : that’s right
Nurse 2 : Miss, I will start giving the chemotherapy drugs, ok....
Mrs F : Yes sir, isn’t pain ?
Nurse 2 : No miss, it will not hurt... because it goes straight into the blood vessels
Mrs F : oh, ok sir
Nurse 2 : I'm waiting for this, miss. If you feel uncomfortable, please call me by pressing the
button next to your bed
Mrs F : yes

10 minutes later Mrs. F called nurse 2 to come to her room

Nurse 2 : Yes miss, can I help you ?
Mrs F : Sir... Suddenly I fell nausea , is it normal ?
Nurse 2 : Yes Miss, It’s nomal...beacause nausea is one of effect of chemotherapy drugs
Family : And then, are there some medicine to lose this effect ?
Nurse 2 : Before the chemo process had been given a drug, the drug function is to reduce
nausea, if after the chemo is finished and the nausea is getting worse please report the
nurse to be given information.
Family : Ok sir, thank you
Nurse 2 : you are welcome

After a while the chemotherapy drugs already finished

Nurse 2 : good miss this chemotherapy is finished, thank you for your cooperation. I’ll go back
to the room first, see u youu
After a few moment the doctor come to room to ask about the patient
Doctor : how about chemotherapy for Mrs. F? Is there any problem?
Nurse 1 : the chemotherapy was done, and there is no any problem, Mrs.F just feel nausea for
some few but its okay
Doctor : but the premedication was done before chemotherapy right?
Nurse 1 : yes, have done doc
Doctor : okay thankyou nurse

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