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A idouble idiffusive iprocess iis ione ithat iis idriven iby ithe ipresence iof itwo idifferent isubstances


i diffuse iat idifferent irates. iDouble idiffusion iwas ifirst iexplored ibecause iof iits iapplication ito ioceanic

i phenomena. iIn ithe iocean, ithe idensity iof iwater iis igoverned iprimarily iby itemperature iand isalinity.

i The iapplications iof ithe ipresent istudy ihas irecently iincreased iin iview iof iits ipotential ioccurrence iin

i nature iand iwide irange iof iapplications isuch ias ihigh-quality icrystal iproduction, iliquid igas istorage,

i migration iof imoisture iin ifibrous iinsulation, itransport iof icontaminants iin isaturated isoil,

i solidification iof imolten ialloys, iand igeothermally iheated ilakes iand imagmas, iunderground idisposal

i of inuclear iwastes, iliquid ire-injection, ielectro-chemical iand idrying iprocesses. i

A icomprehensive ireview iof ithe iliterature iconcerning idouble idiffusive inatural iconvection iin ia

i fluid-saturated iporous imedium imay ibe ifound iin ithe ibook iby iNield iand iBejan i(2006). iUseful

i review iarticles ion idouble idiffusive iconvection iin iporous imedia iinclude ithose iby iTrevisan iand

i Bejan i(1999), iMojtabi iand iCharrier-Mojtabi i(2005) iand iMamou i(2002), iVafai(2005) iand

i Vadasz(2008), iIngham iand iPop(2005). i

The ionset iof idouble idiffusive iconvection iin ia ihorizontal iporous ilayer ihas ibeen iinvestigated iby

i Rudraiah iet ial. i(1982) iusing ia iweak inon-linear itheory. iFinite iamplitude idouble idiffusive

i convection inear ithe ithreshold iof iboth istationary iand ioscillatory iinstabilities iin ia ibinary imixture

i was iinvestigated iby iBrand iand iSteinberg i(1983).The ilinear istability ianalysis iof ithe ithermosolutal

i convection iin ia isparsely ipacked iporous ilayer iwas imade iby iPoulikakos i(1986) iusing ithe iDarcy-

i Brinkman imodel. iSmall iamplitude inonlinear isolutions iin ithe iform iof istanding iand itraveling

i waves iand ithe itransition ito ifinite iamplitude iconvection, ias ipredicted iby ibifurcation itheory, iwere

i studied iby iKnobloch i(1986). iThe idouble idiffusive iconvection iin iporous imedia iin ithe ipresence iof

i Soret iand iDufour icoefficients ihas ibeen ianalyzed iby iRudraiah iand iMalashetty i(1986). i
Murray iand iChen i(1989) ihave iextended ithe ilinear istability itheory, itaking iinto iaccount ieffects iof

i temperature-dependent iviscosity iand ivolumetric iexpansion icoefficients iand inonlinear ibasic

i salinity iprofile. iDouble idiffusive ifingering iconvection iin ia iporous imedium iwith ihorizontally

i periodic iboundary iconditions iwas istudied iby iChen iand iChen i(1993). iMalashetty i(1993) imade ia

i linear istability ianalysis ito idetermine ithe ieffects iof ianisotropic ithermo iconvective icurrents ion ithe

i double idiffusive iconvection iin ia isparsely ipacked iporous imedium. i

Straughan iand iHutter i(1999) ihave iinvestigated ithe idouble idiffusive iconvection iwith iSoret ieffect

i in ia iporous ilayer iusing iDarcy-Brinkman imodel iand iderived ia ipriori ibounds. iAn ianalytical iand

i numerical istudy iof idouble idiffusive iconvection iwith iparallel iflow iin ia ihorizontal isparsely ipacked

i porous ilayer iunder ithe iinfluence iof iconstant iheat iand imass iflux iwas iperformed iusing ia iBrinkman

i model iby iAmahmid iet ial. i(1999). i

Bahloul iet ial. i(2003) ihave icarried iout ian ianalytical iand inumerical istudy iof ithe idouble idiffusive

i convection iin ia ishallow ihorizontal iporous ilayer iunder ithe iinfluence iof iSoret ieffect. iHill i(2005)

i performed ilinear iand inonlinear istability ianalyses iof idouble idiffusive iconvection iin ia ifluid

i saturated iporous ilayer iwith ia iconcentration ibased iinternal iheat isource iusing iDarcy’s ilaw. iDouble

i diffusive inatural iconvection iwithin ia imultilayer ianisotropic iporous imedium iis istudied

i numerically iand ianalytically iby iBennacer iet ial. i(2005). iMansour iet ial. i(2006) ihave iinvestigated

i the imultiplicity iof isolutions iinduced iby ithermosolutal iconvection iin ia isquare iporous icavity iheated

i from ibelow iand isubjected ito ihorizontal iconcentration igradient iin ithe ipresence iof iSoret ieffect. i
There iare ionly ifew istudies iavailable ion idouble idiffusive iconvection iin ithe ipresence iof irotation.

i Chakrabarti iand iGupta i(1981) ihave ianalyzed ithe inonlinear ithermohaline iconvection iin ia irotating

i porous imedium. inon-linear idouble idiffusive iconvection iin ia isparsely ipacked iporous imedium iwas

i studied iby iRudraiah iet ial. i(1986). i

Anisotropy iis igenerally ia iconsequence iof ipreferential iorientation ior iasymmetric igeometry iof

i porous imatrix ior ifibers iand iis iin ifact iencountered iin inumerous isystems iin iindustry iand inature.

i Anisotropy iis iparticularly iimportant iin ia igeological icontext, isince isedimentary irocks igenerally

i have ia ilayered istructure; ithe ipermeability iin ithe ivertical idirection iis ioften imuch iless ithan iin ithe

i horizontal idirection. iThe ireview iof iresearch ion iconvective iflow ithrough ianisotropic iporous imedia

i has ibeen iwell idocumented iby iMcKibbin i(1992) iand iStoresletten i(2004). iCastinel iand

i Combarnous i(1974) ihave iconducted ian iexperimental iand itheoretical iinvestigation ion ithe

i Rayleigh-Benard iconvection iin ian ianisotropic iporous imedium. iEpherre i(1977) iextended ithe

i stability ianalysis ito ia iporous imedium iwith ianisotropy iin ithermal idiffusivity ialso. i

Recently imany iauthors ihave istudied ithe ieffect iof ianisotropy iand/or irotation ion ithe ionset iof

i convection iin ia ihorizontal iporous ilayer i(see ie.g. iGovender; i2007, iMalashetty iand iSwamy; i2007).

i There iappears ito ibe ionly icouple iof istudies iavailable ion ithe idouble idiffusive iconvection iin ian

i anisotropic iporous imedium iwith irotation i( iPatil iet ial., i1989) iand iwithout irotation i(Tyvand; i1980).

Recently iGaikwad iand iKamble i(2012) ihave iinvestigated ithe iSoret ieffect ion idouble idiffusive

i convection iin ia ihorizontal isparsely ipacked iporous ilayer. iRani iand iReddy i(2013) ihave istudied ithe

i Soret iand iDufour iEffects ion iTransient iDouble iDiffusive iFree iConvection iof iCouple-stress iFluid

i past ia iVertical iCylinder. iThe ieffect iof irotation ion ithe ionset iof idouble idiffusive iconvection iin ia

i sparsely ipacked ianisotropic iporous ilayer iis istudied iby iMalashetty iand iBegum i(2011). iA ivery

i little iattention ihas ibeen idevoted ito ithe istudy iof idouble idiffusive iconvection iin irotating iporous
i medium iincluding ithe imechanical iand ithermal ianisotropic ieffects iin ipresence iof iSoret ieffect.

i Therefore, ithe iobjective iof ithe ipresent istudy iis ito iinvestigate ithe icombined ieffect iof irotation iand

i anisotropy iin ipresence iof iSoret ieffect ion ithe idouble idiffusive iconvection iin ia ihorizontal isparsely

i packed iporous ilayer iusing ilinear istability ianalyses.

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