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Class work

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following is an appropriate infection control practice?

a. medical asepsis hand washing
b. proper disposal of used needles and sharps
c. appropriate barrier precautions
d. All of the above are correct.
____ 2. When there is a danger of splashing of blood or body fluids, the health care worker should:
a. wear gloves c. wear a face shield
b. wear a gown d. All of the above are correct.
____ 3. Supplies commonly found in an office emergency kit include all of the following except:
a. an oxygen mask c. culture swabs
b. syringes and needles d. a stethoscope
____ 4. If a patient refuses to take a medication that has been prescribed, you should:
a. attempt to find out why the patient is refusing
b. document that the patient refused, if unable to administer
c. properly dispose of the medication
d. All of the above are correct.
____ 5. The best way to ensure you have the right patient, in the medical office setting, is to:
a. call the patient by name
b. check the ID bracelet
c. check the picture in the patient chart
d. ask another staff member who the patient is
____ 6. The purpose of the MEDWATCH program is to:
a. track medication errors
b. track controlled substance abuse
c. monitor drug safety
d. discipline health care workers who make medication errors
____ 7. All of the following are nonparenteral methods of medication administration except:
a. rectal suppository c. IM injection
b. ophthalmic drops d. transdermal patches
____ 8. Which of the following types of oral medications could be safely crushed for administration?
a. sublingual tablets c. sustained-release tablets
b. enteric-coated tablets d. scored tablets
____ 9. Suppositories may be used as:
a. local anesthetics c. antipyretic agents
b. laxatives d. All of the above are correct.
____ 10. Apnea may result when oxygen is given to patients with COPD in amounts greater than:
a. 2 LPM c. 1 LPM
b. 3 LPM d. 4 LPM
____ 11. Drugs that have a counterirritant effect and are usually vigorously rubbed onto the skin to relieve soreness in
muscles and joints are called:
a. liniments c. ointments
b. lotions d. wet dressings
____ 12. The temperature of irrigation and douche solutions should not exceed:
a. 100 degrees Fahrenheit c. 98 degrees Fahrenheit
b. 104 degrees Fahrenheit d. 110 degrees Fahrenheit
____ 13. To administer an enema, you should:
a. properly drape the patient
b. assist the patient into the proper position
c. provide for privacy
d. All of the above are correct.
____ 14. When 100% oxygen is breathed for a long period of time, which of the following may develop?
a. hypoxia c. anoxia
b. oxygen toxicity d. none of the above
____ 15. The parts of a syringe that must remain sterile are:
a. the inside of the barrel
b. the syringe tip to which the needle is attached
c. the section of the plunger that fits inside the barrel
d. All of the above are correct.
____ 16. A 1-cc syringe is used for:
a. irrigating wounds c. allergy testing
b. venipuncture d. IM injections
____ 17. Insulin syringes are calibrated in:
a. units c. milliliters
b. cubic centimeters d. milligrams
____ 18. Which of the following will help to prevent needlestick injuries in health care workers?
a. eliminating unnecessary use of needles
b. using devices with safety features
c. educating workers about safe work practices
d. All of the above are correct.
____ 19. When a U-100 syringe is used, 100 units of insulin is equivalent to:
a. 5 ml c. 0.5 ml
b. 1 ml d. 100 ml
____ 20. The slanted surface of the needle is called the:
a. bevel c. plunger
b. lumen d. gauge
____ 21. The part of the needle that attaches to the syringe is the:
a. bevel c. hilt
b. shaft d. hub
____ 22. Injections into the deltoid muscle should not exceed:
a. 1 cc c. 2 cc
b. 5 cc d. 3 cc
____ 23. Thick, oily medications require a needle with a lumen of:
a. 27-24 G c. 14-12 G
b. 21-16 G d. 24-20 G
____ 24. Which of the following syringe-needle combinations would be most appropriate for an IM injection?
a. 3-cc syringe, 27-G, 1/2-inch needle c. 3-cc syringe, 22-G, 1 1/2-inch needle
b. 5-cc syringe, 21-G, 1/2-inch needle d. 1-cc syringe, 27-G, 1/2-inch needle
____ 25. Which of the following statements is not true when selecting the appropriate needle size?
a. A large person may need a longer needle.
b. Thicker medications require a larger-gauge needle.
c. Pediatric or geriatric patients may require a smaller needle.
d. If the patient appears apprehensive, you should use the smallest needle you have to
minimize discomfort.
____ 26. An accidental stick by a contaminated needle could transmit:
a. syphilis c. malaria
b. hepatitis d. All of the above are correct.
____ 27. When aspirating medication from a vial, you should do all of the following except:
a. check the “Six Rights”
b. apply gloves
c. inject a quantity of air equal to the amount of medication you are withdrawing
d. keep the tip of the needle above the surface of the liquid
____ 28. Which of the following must be done when withdrawing medication from an ampule?
a. Flick the ampule to release any medication that may be trapped in the neck.
b. Disinfect the neck with an alcohol swab.
c. Snap off the top of the ampule while surrounding it with gauze.
d. All of the above are correct.
____ 29. Which of the following is not true when mixing medications in a syringe?
a. Medications should never be mixed in the same syringe.
b. You should check with the pharmacist to ensure drug compatibility before mixing drugs.
c. Remove the needle from the vial by pulling the vial from the needle.
d. Do not inject air into the second vial.
____ 30. Which of the following are disadvantages of the parenteral route?
a. possibility of infection c. possibility of tissue damage
b. possibility of needle breakage d. All of the above are correct.
____ 31. When preparing the patient for injection, you should:
a. consider the patient’s age and mental condition
b. keep conversation to a minimum
c. tell the patient that the injection will not hurt
d. ask the patient to flex the muscles to give you a larger target for the injection
____ 32. When choosing an injection site, which would be the best choice?
a. the deltoid, with no scars or lesions visible
b. the vastus lateralis with an old burn scar
c. the deltoid with a small bruise
d. the vastus lateralis of a patient with paraplegia
____ 33. A subcutaneous injection is given at a ____-degree angle.
a. 10-15 c. 90
b. 45 d. 25
____ 34. The ____ is the preferred site for injections in infants and children.
a. deltoid c. ventrogluteal
b. vastus lateralis d. dorsogluteal
____ 35. Which of the following would not be appropriate if the health care worker should sustain an accidental
needlestick after giving an injection?
a. Wash the site with soap and water.
b. Be tested for HIV and HBV.
c. Do not report the incident to your supervisor because you will be reprimanded for not
following proper needle safety precautions.
d. Cleanse the skin with an antiseptic.
____ 36. After injection of which of the following medications should you massage the injection site?
a. insulin c. DTaP
b. heparin d. Imferon
____ 37. When preparing to give an intradermal injection, the first thing the health care worker should do is:
a. obtain the correct medication c. wash his or her hands
b. identify the patient d. prepare the patient for injection
____ 38. Which statement is not appropriate for Z-track injections?
a. Insert the needle quickly, using a dartlike motion.
b. Wait 10 seconds before removing the needle to allow medication to be absorbed.
c. Remove the needle and syringe at the same angle of insertion.
d. Massage the site after administration to aid absorption.
____ 39. Which statement is not appropriate for insulin administration?
a. Shake the bottle vigorously to ensure that the medication is properly mixed.
b. Use a U-100 syringe.
c. Do not massage the injection site.
d. Make sure insulins are compatible prior to mixing.
____ 40. Which of the following sites would be appropriate for insulin injections?
a. abdomen c. upper arm
b. lower back d. all of the above
Class work
Answer Section


1. ANS: D
NOT: /A/Medical asepsis hand washing is not the only correct answer./B/Proper disposal of used needles and
sharps is not the only correct answer./C/Appropriate barrier precautions is not the only correct
2. ANS: D
NOT: /A/Wear gloves is not the only correct answer./B/Wear a gown is not the only correct answer./C/Wear
a face shield is not the only correct answer./D/Correct.
3. ANS: C
NOT: /A/An oxygen mask is commonly found in office emergency kits./B/Syringes and needles are
commonly found in office emergency kits./C/Correct./D/A stethoscope is commonly found in office
emergency kits.
4. ANS: D
NOT: /A/You should attempt to find out why the patient is refusing, but this is not the only correct
answer./B/You should document that the patient refused, but this is not the only correct answer./C/You should
properly dispose of the medication, but this is not the only correct answer./D/Correct.
5. ANS: A
NOT: /A/Correct./B/Patients do not wear ID bracelets in the medical office setting./C/Most medical offices
do not have pictures in the patient chart./D/You should not rely on other staff to identify your patient.
6. ANS: C
NOT: /A/The purpose of MEDWATCH is not to track medication errors./B/The purpose of MEDWATCH is
not to track controlled substance abuse./C/Correct./D/The purpose of MEDWATCH is not to discipline health
care workers.
7. ANS: C
NOT: /A/A rectal suppository is a nonparenteral method of medication administration./B/Ophthalmic drops
are a nonparenteral method of medication administration./C/Correct./D/Transdermal patches are a
nonparenteral method of medication administration.
8. ANS: D
NOT: /A/Sublingual tablets should not be crushed./B/Enteric-coated tablets should not be
crushed./C/Sustained-release tablets should not be crushed./D/Correct.
9. ANS: D
NOT: /A/Local anesthetics is not the only correct answer./B/Laxatives is not the only correct
answer./C/Antipyretic agents is not the only correct answer./D/Correct.
10. ANS: A
NOT: /A/Correct./B/3 LPM is too much./C/1 LPM is a safe level./D/4 LPM is too much.
11. ANS: A
NOT: /A/Correct./B/Lotions have antiseptic or astringent effects./C/Ointments are used to relieve irritations
and to treat skin diseases./D/Wet dressings are used for local treatment of skin disorders.
12. ANS: B
NOT: /A/100 degrees Fahrenheit is a bit cool./B/Correct./C/98 degrees Fahrenheit is cooler than
recommended and may cause discomfort./D/110 degrees Fahrenheit is too warm and may burn.
13. ANS: D
NOT: /A/Properly draping the patient is not the only correct answer./B/Assisting the patient into the proper
position is not the only correct answer./C/Providing for privacy is not the only correct answer./D/Correct.
14. ANS: B
NOT: /A/Hypoxia results from a lack of oxygen, not too much./B/Correct./C/Anoxia results from a lack of
oxygen, not too much./D/Oxygen toxicity may develop with prolonged use of 100% oxygen.
15. ANS: D
NOT: /A/The inside of the barrel is not the only part of the syringe that must remain sterile./B/The syringe
tip to which the needle is attached is not the only part of the syringe that must remain sterile./C/The section of
the plunger that fits inside the barrel is not the only part of the syringe that must remain sterile./D/Correct.
16. ANS: C
NOT: /A/A 1-cc syringe is too small for wound irrigations./B/A 1-cc syringe is too small for
venipuncture./C/Correct./D/A 1-cc syringe is too small for IM injections.
17. ANS: A
NOT: /A/Correct./B/Insulin syringes are measured in units./C/Insulin syringes are measured in
units./D/Insulin syringes are measured in units.
18. ANS: D
NOT: /A/Eliminating unnecessary use of needles is not the only correct answer./B/Use of devices with safety
features is not the only correct answer./C/Education of workers about safe work practices is not the only
correct answer./D/Correct.
19. ANS: B
NOT: /A/5 ml is more than 100 units./B/Correct./C/0.5 ml is less than 100 units./D/100 ml is much too much
for 100 units.
20. ANS: A
NOT: /A/Correct./B/The lumen is the opening of the beveled tip./C/The plunger is part of the syringe, not the
needle./D/The gauge refers to needle size and is not part of the needle.
21. ANS: C
NOT: /A/The bevel is the slanted tip of the needle./B/The shaft is the hollow steel tube through which
medication passes./C/Correct./D/The hub is the proximal end of the shaft.
22. ANS: C
NOT: /A/1 cc is less than the maximum amount recommended./B/5 cc is more than the recommended
amount./C/Correct./D/3 cc is more than the recommended amount.
23. ANS: B
NOT: /A/27-24 G needles are too small for thick, oily medications./B/Correct./C/14-12 G needles are larger
than required./D/24-20 G needles are too small for thick, oily medications.
24. ANS: C
NOT: /A/A 27-G needle is too small for most IM injections./B/A 5-cc syringe is larger than is required for
IM injections./C/Correct./D/A 1-cc syringe with a 27-G needle is too small for IM injections.
25. ANS: D
NOT: /A/It is true that a larger person may require a longer needle./B/It is true that thicker medications
require a larger-gauge needle./C/It is true that pediatric or geriatric patients may require a smaller
26. ANS: D
NOT: /A/Syphilis is not the only correct answer./B/Hepatitis is not the only correct answer./C/Malaria is not
the only correct answer./D/Correct.
27. ANS: D
NOT: /A/You should always follow the “Six Rights.”/B/You should apply gloves./C/You should inject air
equal to the amount of medication being withdrawn./D/Correct.
28. ANS: D
NOT: /A/Flicking the ampule to release medication is not the only correct answer./B/Disinfecting the neck of
the ampule is not the only correct answer./C/Snapping off the top of the ampule while covering it with gauze
is not the only correct answer./D/Correct.
29. ANS: A
NOT: /A/Correct./B/It is true that you should check with the pharmacist to ensure drug compatibility prior to
mixing drugs./C/It is true that you should remove the needle by pulling the vial away from the needle./D/It is
true that you should not inject air into the second vial.
30. ANS: D
NOT: /A/The possibility of infection is not the only disadvantage./B/The possibility of a needle breaking is
not the only disadvantage./C/The possibility of tissue damage is not the only disadvantage./D/Correct.
31. ANS: A
NOT: /A/Correct./B/Professional conversation with the patient helps to establish rapport./C/You should
never tell a patient that an injection will not hurt./D/You should ask the patient to relax the site to ease in
32. ANS: A
NOT: /A/Correct./B/An old burn scar should be avoided when possible./C/A small bruise should be avoided
if possible./D/Paralyzed areas should be avoided whenever possible.
33. ANS: B
NOT: /A/10-15 degrees is the angle of injection for an intradermal injection./B/Correct./C/90 degrees is the
angle for an intramuscular injection./D/25 degrees is the angle for an intravenous injection.
34. ANS: B
NOT: /A/The deltoid is contraindicated for infants./B/Correct./C/The ventrogluteal is acceptable for infants
and children, but is not the preferred site./D/The dorsogluteal is contraindicated for infants and is used only as
a last resort for children.
35. ANS: C
NOT: /A/The site should be washed with soap and water./B/Workers should be tested for HIV and HBV
after a needlestick accident./C/Correct./D/The skin should be cleansed with an antiseptic after washing with
soap and water.
36. ANS: C
NOT: /A/You should not massage the site after insulin administration./B/You should not massage the site
after heparin administration./C/Correct./D/You should not massage the site after Imferon injection.
37. ANS: C
NOT: /A/Hand washing should always be the first thing the health care worker does./B/Hand washing should
always be the first thing the health care worker does./C/Correct./D/Hand washing should always be the first
thing the health care worker does.
38. ANS: D
NOT: /A/Z-track injections should be given quickly, using a dartlike motion./B/When giving a drug by Z-
track, the needle should be left in place for 10 seconds./C/The needle and syringe should be removed at the
same angle of insertion./D/Correct.
39. ANS: A
NOT: /A/Correct./B/Insulin should be given using a U-100 syringe./C/The injection site should not be
massaged following insulin administration./D/Drug compatibility should always be checked before mixing
drugs in a syringe.
40. ANS: D
NOT: /A/The abdomen is a commonly used site, but is not the only correct answer./B/The lower back is an
acceptable site, but is not the only correct answer./C/The upper arm is an acceptable site, but is not the only
correct answer./D/Correct.

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