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Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196

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Journal of Human Evolution

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A human mandible (BH-1) from the Pleistocene deposits of Mala Balanica cave
cevo Gorge, Nis, Serbia)
Mirjana Roksandic a, *, Dusan Mihailovi c b, Norbert Mercier c, Vesna Dimitrijevi
c b, Mike W. Morley d,
Zoran Rako c e, Bojana Mihailovi
cevi c f, Pierre Guibert c, Jeff Babb g
Department of Anthropology, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2E9 Canada
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University, Cika Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Centre de Recherche en Physique Appliquée à l’Archéologie, Université de Bordeaux Maison de l’Archéologie 3607 Pessac cedex, France
Human Origins and Palaeo-Environments (HOPE) Group, Department of Anthropology and Geography, Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK
Center for Digital Radiography, Faculty of Dentistry, Belgrade University, Rankeova 6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
National Museum, Trg Republike 1a, 1100 Belgrade, Serbia
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2E9 Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Neandertals and their immediate predecessors are commonly considered to be the only humans inhabiting
Received 23 October 2009 Europe in the Middle and early Late Pleistocene. Most Middle Pleistocene western European specimens
Accepted 21 February 2011 show evidence of a developing Neandertal morphology, supporting the notion that these traits evolved at
the extreme West of the continent due, at least partially, to the isolation produced by glacial events. The
Keywords: recent discovery of a mandible, BH-1, from Mala Balanica (Serbia), with primitive character states
comparable with Early Pleistocene mandibular specimens, is associated with a minimum radiometric date
Archaic Homo sapiens
of 113 þ 72  43 ka. Given the fragmented nature of the hemi-mandible and the fact that primitive
European hominin dispersals
Central Balkans
character states preclude assignment to a species, the taxonomic status of the specimen is best described as
an archaic Homo sp. The combination of primitive traits and a possible Late Pleistocene date suggests that
a more primitive morphology, one that does not show Neandertal traits, could have persisted in the region.
Different hominin morphologies could have survived and coexisted in the Balkans, the “hotspot of
biodiversity.” This first hominin specimen to come from a secure stratigraphic context in the Central
Balkans indicates a potentially important role for the region in understanding human evolution in Europe
that will only be resolved with more concentrated research efforts in the area.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Middle and Late Pleistocene show derived Neandertal traits, this is
not necessarily true for the East and the South of the continent. The
The settlement of Europe has a long history, with hominins existence of areas of refuge in the Mediterranean peninsulas could
present at the gates of the continent in Dmanisi (Georgia) as early as have played an important role in maintaining the variability of
1.7 million years ago (Gabunia et al., 2000). The recent recognition of hominins in Europe, by a combination of migratory pulses and in situ
several new species of Homo in Europe, including H. georgicus evolution. With a revised date, the Ceprano skull from the Apennine
(Gabunia et al., 2002) in Dmanisi, Georgia, H. antecessor (Bermúdez Peninsula could be regarded as one example where primitive
de Castro et al., 1997) in Atapuerca, Spain, and H. cepranensis from morphology persisted into the Middle Pleistocene (Muttoni et al.,
Ceprano in Italy (Mallegni et al., 2003), as well as H. heidelbergensis 2009). As a result, the peopling of Europe in the Pleistocene may
(Schoetensack, 1908), suggests considerable diversity in the Euro- have been very complex and the current fossil record may represent
pean hominin record. While western European specimens from the any number of different genetic processes including drift, founder
effect, directional adaptation and hybridization. Reconstructing
human evolution in the regional European context is therefore
* Corresponding author. inseparable from understanding the migrations of early hominins
E-mail addresses: m.roksandic@uwinnipeg.ca (M. Roksandic), dmihailo@f.bg.ac.rs into the area and their later movements into and out of Europe. The
(D. Mihailovi c), norbert.mercier@u-bordeaux3.fr (N. Mercier), vesnadim@beotel.rs
Balkan Peninsula, with its river valleys used as migratory routes for
(V. Dimitrijevi c), mmorley@brookes.ac.uk (M.W. Morley), mailzrakoc@yahoo.com
(Z. Rakocevi c), salitrena@gmail.com (B. Mihailovi
c), pierre.guibert@u-bordeaux3.fr animals and humans in prehistoric as well as historic times, repre-
(P. Guibert), j.babb@uwinnipeg.ca (J. Babb). sents the most likely corridor from Asia Minor into Europe and is no

0047-2484/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

M. Roksandic et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196 187

Figure 1. The context of the find: (a) Map of Southeast Europe indicating sites with fossil human remains: 1 Krapina, 2 Vindija, 3 Crvena stijena, 4 Balanica, 5 Bacho Kiro, 6
Petralona, 7 Theopetra, 8 Lakonis, 9 Apidima. Small letters indicate newly discovered Paleolithic sites in Serbia (aeh) and Monte Negro (iek) without hominin fossils. (b) The
location of Balanica cave complex in the Sicevo Gorge.

doubt of extreme importance in understanding Paleolithic migra- adjoining river valleys. Situated at the exit from the gorge, the caves
tions (Mihailovi c, 2009; Dennell et al., 2010). However, the region are both easily accessible and secluded, as is often the case with
has a very limited Paleolithic research history and very few fossil Middle Paleolithic localities (Mellars, 1996). Today the catchment
finds (for a recent overview of Paleolithic research in Greece see area is characterized by a moderate continental climate with
Harvati et al., 2009). New systematic prospection of several regions deciduous, oak-dominated forests. The site is situated in an active
in Serbia and excavations of newly identified Paleolithic sites karst setting (Woodward and Goldberg, 2001) and is subject to
(Mihailovic, 2008) (Fig. 1a), show that the dearth of fossil evidence groundwater infiltration through cracks and fissures in the host
from southeast Europe should be attributed to the lack of systematic bedrock. The present development of the cave system appears to be
research in the area. driven primarily by solution through infiltration and colluvial slo-
A recently discovered hominin fossil from Mala Balanica1 cave is pewash processes.
the first hominin specimen in the Central Balkans recovered from In 2005, a test excavation of a small 2 m2 area near the western
controlled excavations with firm stratigraphic context. Here, we wall of the cave identified a number of quartz artifacts and Quina
present a detailed description of the partial human hemi-mandible scrapers immediately below the present-day surface, and revealed
from Mala Balanica (BH-1) in its stratigraphic context and discuss a clandestine pit in the southwest corner of the cave. During the
its potential significance. The preservation of the specimen (see following four seasons, the excavation of artefact-bearing layers
below) precludes a more complete analysis of its species status, (averaging 30 cm in depth) was extended to a 12 m2 surface (Fig. 2),
while its primitive morphology raises questions about the role that and the backfill from the clandestine excavations was cleared. The
the Balkan Peninsula, the least researched glacial refugium in latter allowed us to expose a profile over 2 m below site datum,
Europe, played in hominin evolution on the continent. which was subsequently used to gather geoarchaeological and
palaeontological information (Table 1; Fig. 3).
Geoarchaeological and cultural context In very broad terms, the stratigraphy exposed in the studied
profile comprised well-bedded, horizontal to sub-horizontal layers
Mala Balanica (N43 20.2110, E22 05.1150 ) is an elongate karstic of limestone gravel contained within a silt- and sand-dominated
chamber, 8 m wide, 25 m deep and 2.8 m high, measured from the matrix, with major variations in the ratio of coarse (gravel) to fine
present-day surface in the interior of the cave. The site is situated at (silt-dominated) components. The profile has been bulk sampled
an elevation of 332 m above sea level, approximately 100 m above for detailed geoarchaeological analysis, which will provide impor-
the Nisava River, with the cave mouth facing SSW across the valley tant paleoenvironmental context to the archaeological material
(Fig. 1b). It is separated by a distance of 7 m from the entrance to the recovered from this area of the site, including the BH-1 mandible.
larger Velika Balanica cave with which it forms the Balanica Cave This work is currently ongoing and the results will be presented
Complex. The cave complex is situated on the southern slopes of elsewhere. For the purposes of the current paper, the stratigraphic
the Svrljig Mountain chain, formed of Cretaceous and Jurassic succession will be described in terms of field observations made
limestone in the area where the Rodop Mountains meet the during detailed sediment logging as part of both the archaeological
younger chains. The Si cevo Gorge is cut through by the Nisava River, and geoarchaeological fieldwork.
which provides an important communication between two The exposed sequence has been divided into three facies with
the aim of describing groups of sedimentary units with similar
depositional (and post-depositional) histories. These facies are
pronounced Bal
anitza. differentiated chiefly by colour, composition and the inclusion of
Author's personal copy

188 M. Roksandic et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196

Figure 2. Surface contours of the cave with the excavation grid. Inset shows the details of the excavation area where the specimen was found.

anthropogenic material (e.g. lithics). Facies 1 is a thin (c. 15 cm), Unequivocal evidence of human activity was noted only in Facies 2
sub-horizontal layer of silt and limestone clasts, which represents (aec), which could be the result of the very limited excavation area
Holocene and sub-recent deposition at the top of the sequence. in which the profile was observed, as well as the limited depth of
Facies 2 (a e h) is characterized by clast-supported, coarse angular the excavation in the remainder of the squares. Animal bones are
to sub-angular gravels held within a matrix of reddened silts and present throughout the sequence, although they are less common
sands. Facies 3 (a e c) is typified by matrix-supported, sub-angular in Facies 2de2h. Though the physical characteristics of the litho-
to sub-rounded gravel in a matrix of brown silts and sands. At the logic units are relatively uniform, a number of preliminary obser-
base of the sequence, unit 3c consisted of fine-grained silts and vations concerning the sedimentary sequence can be made. From
clays, some of which were well-cemented, with a paucity of lime- the base of the sequence upwards there is a general trend towards
stone clasts. Facies 2 and 3 represent Pleistocene accumulation. coarser sedimentary components, with the frequency of medium to
At the macroscopic level, the sequence is essentially minero- large limestone clasts increasing towards the base of Facies 2. Unit
genic in nature, with no major organic component within the 3c, at the base of the sequence, comprised well-cemented, fine-
sedimentary matrix except for occasional faunal material. grained silts and clays, suggestive of a wetter climate, possibly with

Table 1
Features of the sedimentary layers at Mala Balanica.

Layer Summary characteristics of lithologic facies and units Archaeological material Faunaa
1 Friable clay silt with mod-freq, sub-ang Recent and sub-recent Ovis aries
to sub-r, fine-medium limestone gravel. material, charcoal
2a Mod compact silt with mod-freq, Present only near the Canis lupus, Felis silvestris Schreber,
ang to sub-ang, fine-med limestone gravel. Western wall of the cave, Cervus elaphus, Capra ibex.
Middle Paleolithic artefacts
2b Friable silt with freq med-large, ang to sub-ang, limestone clasts. Throughout the cave, Middle Castor fibre, Lepus sp., Canis lupus,
Clast frequency increases towards base. Paleolithic artefacts, charcoal Ursus sp., Panthera pardus,
Felis silvestris.
2c Clast-supported, poorly sorted, ang to sub-ang, Present sporadically, Middle Apodemus sp., Castor fibre,
fine-med limestone gravel in a silt matrix Paleolithic artefacts, charcoal Ochotona pussila, Canis lupus,
2d Mod compact, slightly sandy silt with mod-freq, sub-ang to sub-r, Very few artefacts in the Vulpes vulpes, Martes martes,
fine limestone gravel e coarser towards base. topmost segment Mustelidae indet., Ursus arctos,
of the layer, no charcoal Ursus sp., Crocuta spelaea,
2e/2f Mod compact sandy silt with occ-mod, No artefacts, no charcoal Felis silvestris, Cervus elaphus,
fine-med, sub-ang to sub-r limestone gravel. Dama dama, Capreolus capreolus,
2g Matrix-supported, mod-sorted, ang to sub-ang, fine limestone gravel in a No artefacts, no charcoal Rupicapra rupicapra, Capra ibex.
sandy silt matrix. Appears clay enriched and more compact towards base.
Freq degraded limestone fragments and flecks
2h Matrix-supported, mod-sorted, ang to sub-ang, fine-med limestone No artefacts, no charcoal
gravel in a silt matrix. Clast size increases towards base
3a Matrix-supported, poorly sorted, sub-ang to sub-r, med-coarse No artefacts, no charcoal Ursus arctos, Ursus sp., Equus sp.,
limestone gravel in a calcareous sandy silt matrix. Freq CaCO3 inclusions. Capreolus capreolus.
Mod-freq large bone frags
3b Matrix-supported (occ clast-supported towards upper contact), No artefacts, no charcoal Canis sp., Ursus sp., Crocuta spelaea,
mod to poorly sorted, ang to sub-r, fine to medium (but occ coarse) Layer in which the BH-1 Cervus elaphus, Dama dama, Capra ibex.
limestone gravel. Darker and less calcareous than layer 3a mandible was found
3b0 Very well carbonate-cemented silt with occ fine gravel. Also contains No artefacts, no charcoal Canis sp., Ursus sp., Crocuta spelaea,
nodular calcium carbonate inclusions which Cervus elaphus, Dama dama, Capra ibex.
rest on upper contact of underlying layer
3c Dark, compact silty clay with occ poorly sorted, fine-med limestone No artefacts, no charcoal Carnivora indet., Cervus elaphus

Abbreviations are as follows: occ (occasional); mod (moderate); freq (frequent); ang (angular); r (rounded).
Additionally, the following taxa were identified from mixed contexts: Meles meles (Linnaeus), Bos/Bison.
Author's personal copy

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Figure 3. The profile excavated along the northern wall of the clandestine pit. Sedimentary units are described in Table 2. Layers 2ae2c produced Mousterian artifacts, layer 3B
produced the hominin mandible, BH-1.

water pooling at the site. Unit 3b appeared clay- and fine silt- the clandestine pit was reached at the top of layer 3b, in squares E,
enriched towards its base, again indicating a wetter climate F, G 19/20; consequently, the pit did not disturb the underlying
allowing fine-grained allogenic sediments to be washed into the sediments. Controlled excavation in squares D18a, b and E18d failed
site. The limestone clasts observed in Facies 3 were rounder than to reach bedrock and the stratigraphic sequence continues below
the angular to sub-angular clasts of Facies 2, implying partial the current level. The specimen was found in square D18, layer 3b,
dissolution as a consequence of the throughput of percolating three arbitrary 5 cm spits below the base of the clandestine pit. The
groundwaters. With the coarse angular gravel of Facies 2 typifying mandible was removed together with some adjoining sediment.
a cooler climate where cryoclastic processes promoted the gener- Other animal bones and nodular calcium carbonate were found and
ation of eboulis-like autogenic sediments (though issues of equi- recorded in situ in the same layer. No other fragments of bone were
finality should be borne in mind, see Bailey and Woodward, 1997), found in the faunal material from this and the surrounding exca-
preliminary observations advocate a warm e cooling phase repre- vation loci. The faunal remains showed the same adhered sediment
sented in the Facies 3e2 up-profile sequence. This proposal would and colouration as observed on the mandible. While the area
broadly concur with the faunal observations of warm-adapted excavated is small and a detailed site formation reconstruction is
species recovered from unit 3b. A marked variation was also currently beyond our reach, there is no indication that the strati-
observed in the unit-to-unit variability in carbonate content. This graphic sequence at this particular part of the cave was disturbed
parameter can be used as a paleoenvironmental proxy in identi- by geological, anthropogenic or biogenic processes. Fragmentation
fying warmer, wetter climatic episodes (Woodward, 1997; of faunal material, evidence of gnawing by carnivores and rodents,
Woodward and Goldberg, 2001; Schuldenrein, 2001; Straus et al., and the general uniform slope of the sediments towards the
2001) and this may help refine the paleoenvironmental recon- western wall throughout the excavated area, indicate that accu-
struction at a later stage. At present it is unknown whether these mulation could have originated towards the middle of the cave,
carbonates are primary (e.g., aeolian carbonate silt) or secondary gradually fanning out towards the sides of the cave. Evidence of
(i.e., reprecipitated). water logging on the mandible cannot be readily interpreted; it
could be due to a relatively long exposure prior to burial, or to the
water pooling in layer 3c suggested by geoarchaeological obser-
Stratigraphic context of the find
vations, or a number of other factors.

The mandibular specimen, BH-1, originated from layer 3b,

characterized by the presence of larger animal bones, fewer and Fauna from the Mala Balanica cave
less angular limestone clasts, and no other evidence of anthropo-
genic activity. BH-1 was situated 1.5 m below the lowest recorded Animal bones are present throughout the cave sequence. The
artifacts. The layer in which the specimen was found was excavated bones and teeth of large mammals are well preserved, but highly
on a very restricted surface below the clandestine pit. The bottom of fragmented. Many are damaged by carnivore and rodent gnawing.
Author's personal copy

190 M. Roksandic et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196

Some fragments have polished surfaces and randomly distributed Table 2

striations that are probably due to trampling of the bones and bone Activities of 234Th, 234U, 234mPa, 235U, 230Th and 214Bi were determined in analyzing
the gamma ray lines whose energies are given in the text.
fragments, and their friction with the sediment particles. Anthro-
pogenic modifications are visible from layers 2a to 2d as traces of U-238 (p.p.m.) U-234/Th-232 Th-230/U-234 Age (ka)
fire damage and cut- and chop-marks on animal bones. Given the 2.86  0.04 80 0.649  0.170 113 þ 72  43
small area from which the faunal material has been excavated The radioisotopic contents of the natural clay used for making the cast were also
below these strata, it is hard to ascertain whether the lack of determined by gamma spectrometry in using the GSN (granite) standard and cor-
anthropogenic modifications in the lower strata is genuine. rected for taking account of the difference in densities between the clay and the GSN
The identified taxa are listed in Table 1. Because of the limited
volume of excavations in the lower levels and the low yield of
faunal remains, it is not yet possible to conclude whether there are
92.8 keV), 234U (53.2 keV), 234mPa (1001.0 keV), 235U (185.8 keV),
significant differences in faunal composition throughout the 230
Th (67.7 keV), 214Pb (53.2, 295.1 and 351.9 keV), 214Bi (609.3 and
sequence. In layers 2ae2c, the most numerous remains are of ibex,
1120.3 keV) and 210Pb (46.5 keV). In addition, we recorded the
represented by cranial and postcranial elements of several adult
gamma rays coming from radioelements of the Th-series chain
and juvenile animals. Preliminary morphometric analysis points to
(228Ac, 212Bi, 212Pb, 208Tl). To obtain a reference standard, we
a large-sized ibex, which is commonly found in Upper Pleistocene
submitted a cast of the specimen made of a natural clay rich in
cave deposits in Serbia (Dimitrijevic, 1997). In terms of the pre-
radioelements of the U-series chain. This clay is used as a reference
vailing environmental conditions, the most important taxa are two
standard because its radioisotopic contents are well known. Since
cervid species, roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and fallow deer
the cast had the same shape and size as the mandible, the gamma
(Dama dama). Both are present in layers 3 and 2c - 2h and disappear
spectrum recorded during the measurement of the mandible could
in layers 2a and 2b. Both species were more common in warm than
be compared with the gamma spectrum recorded for the cast. As
in cold stages of the Pleistocene, and preferred a wooded habitat.
the radioisotopic contents of the cast are known, by comparison of
Fallow deer were completely absent in Last Glacial deposits in
these two spectra, it is possible to deduce the radioisotopic
Serbia (OIS 2e4), while roe deer were absent from most of the sites
contents of the mandible, and consequently its age (see Table 2).
where Last Glacial age was ascertained (Dimitrijevi c, 1997). The
The age estimate of the mandible was calculated assuming an early
fallow deer finds from layers 3 and 2 correspond in size to Last
uptake model for the uranium, i.e., one in which this radioelement
Interglacial Dama dama, the species considered characteristic of the
penetrated the fossil in a relatively short time in comparison to the
Upper Pleistocene interglacials (Gibbard, 2003). The appearance of
burial duration. Since this assumption cannot be confirmed inde-
murids (Apodemus sp.) suggests interglacial affinities for the lower
pendently, the radiological age should be understood as the
portion of the sequence, as cave deposits of the Last Glacial in
minimum date for the specimen. The date obtained was compared
Serbia are dominated by steppe species of arvicolids and cricetids
to faunal and geoarchaeological data to help estimate the age of the
(Dimitrijevic, 1997). The presence of the typical steppe species
mandibular specimen.
Ochotona pusilla in the upper portion of the sequence indicates
changes towards a more open landscape.
A possible interglacial origin for layers 3ce3a would also be Statistical procedures
supported by the sedimentology, as the fine-grained sediments of
3c immediately below the layers from which the mandible was Cluster analysis was run for morphological traits of BH-1 and 26
found, suggest a warmer, wetter climatic regime with a cooling specimens reported in Mounier et al. (2009) that had all of the 16
trend towards upper levels of the sequence. Calcium carbonate variables observable in BH-1: variables IeL and NeU and variables
levels appear to increase from 3b to 3a, which could indicate OO, PP, QQ and UU (as defined in Mounier et al., 2009: Table 5, Fig. 1
a reduction in the throughput of percolating groundwater, also and Table 11, Fig. 1, respectively). An agglomerative hierarchical
suggested by the increase in angularity of the gravel noticeable in clustering procedure was applied using the average linkage crite-
levels 3a up to 2g. rion, which measures the similarity between any two clusters as
the mean of the similarities between the objects in one cluster and
Materials and methods the objects in the other cluster. The distance measure was
Euclidean distance, applied to non-standardized data. To evaluate
The mandibular preservation and morphology are described the extent to which the dendrogram reflects the relationships in
following the terminology of Rosas (1995). The CT scan was per- the original distance matrix, we calculated the coefficient of
formed at the Centre for Radiological Diagnostics (University of cophenetic correlation, which represents the linear correlation
Belgrade) using a Siemens multi-slice Somatom sensation 16 between entries of the original distance matrix and corresponding
scanner to obtain sections (interslice distance 0.75 mm) in axial,
sagittal and frontal planes, and were used subsequently to create Table 3
a 3-d reconstruction. Hominin fossils used in cluster analysis with assigned groupings. From
The radiometric date of the mandible was obtained by the Mounier et al. (2009).
U-series method and, in particular, the disequilibrium between the Early Pleistocene (EP)
uranium and thorium radioelements (Table 2). We applied a non- Homo erectus s.l.: D211, D2600, Sangiran1b (S1b), KNM-ER 992
destructive approach by detecting the gamma rays emitted from Homo antecessor: ATD6-96
the specimen itself by the decay of radioelements of the U-series Middle Pleistocene (MP)
chain. The mandible was placed directly on a broad energy Homo erectus: (s.l.) Tighenif 1 (T1), Tighenif 2 (T2), Tighenif 3 (T3),
Germanium detector (thickness ¼ 30 mm, diameter ¼ 76 mm) for Sinanthropus H1 (SH1)
Homo heidelbergensis or Pre-Neandertals: Mauer, AT-888, AT-950,
almost two weeks. As gamma rays have a long freepath through
Arago II (ARII), Arago XIII (AR XIII), Montmaurin, Ehringsdorf F (Eh F)
matter, they can be detected with a low background Germanium
detector; the analysis is consequently non-destructive. The lead Upper Pleistocene: Neandertal (NT)
(NT): Krapina J, Krapina G, Spy 1, Shanidar I, Regourdou, Bañolas,
screen surrounding the detector and the mandible allowed us to La Ferrassie 1, La Quina H5, Amud 1, Zafarraya
detect the following gamma ray emissions: 234Th (63.3 and
Author's personal copy

M. Roksandic et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196 191

Table 4
Data used in the cluster analysis.

# G Specimen I J K L N O P Q R S T U OO PP QQ UU
1 UU BH-1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 1
2 EP D211 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1
3 EP D2600 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1
4 EP Sangiran1b 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
5 EP KNM-ER992 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1
6 EP ATD6-96 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1
7 MP Tighenif 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1
8 MP Tighenif 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1
9 MP Tighenif 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1
10 MP Mauer 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 1
11 MP AT-888 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 1
12 MP AT-950 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 2
13 MP Arago II 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 2
14 MP Arago XIII 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2
15 MP Montmaurin 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2
16 MP Sinanthropus SH1 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 1
17 MP Ehringsdorf F 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2
18 NT Krapina J 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1
19 NT Krapina G 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 2
20 NT Spy 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 1 2
21 NT Shanidar I 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 2
22 NT Regourdou 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 1
23 NT Ban olas 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 2
24 NT La Ferrassie 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 2
25 NT La Quina H5 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 2
26 NT Amud1 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 1
27 NT Zafarraya 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 2 1 1

G (Grouping): UU (Unknown), EP (Early Pleistocene), MP (Middle Pleistocene), NT (Neandertal). Data for 27 specimens on 16 variables representing 12 selected morphological
characteristics of the lateral face of the corpus (I through L, and N through U) and four morphological characteristics (OO, PP, QQ and UU) of the medial face of the mandibular
corpus described by Mounier et al. (2009).

entries of the cophenetic matrix of merge distances between typical Quina retouch, are the most common tool type (62.1%), while
taxonomic units (Sneath and Sokal, 1973). The specimens that were denticulates represent 24.1% of the lithic sample. Though limited in
available for statistical analysis are listed in Table 3 and 4. scope, the industry of Mala Balanica is consistent with Charentian-
type Mousterian (Fig. 4). This facies is ascertained on a much larger
Results scale in the adjoining Velika Balanica cave (Mihailovic, 2008, 2009).
Charentian-type Mousterian, present in both Balanica caves, has not
Radiometric dating of the specimen been previously confirmed south of the Sava and the Danube Rivers,
although it is known in adjoining areas, both in Central Europe
Despite the outlined limitations of the dating method, the (Betalov Spodmol, Erd, Krapina) and in Anatolia at Karain Cave. This
mandible can be attributed a minimum age of 113 þ 72  43 ka. facies cannot be associated with a particular chronological period;
This large uncertainty has two main origins: the counting statistics the Proto-Charentian at Karain (complex BeE) was tentatively dated
of the 230Th (67.7 keV) peak remains low despite the two week to 300e330 ka (Koz1owski, 2002), Krapina was dated to 130 ka (Rink
duration of the experiment, and the 234U (53.2 keV) peak is largely et al., 1995; Simek and Smith, 1997), while Betalov Spodmol and Erd
dominated (in a ratio of about 1:10) by 214Bi gamma rays emitted at could be as late as 40 ka (Gábori-Csánk, 1968; Osole, 1991). The
almost the same energy. This age estimate, however, must be Charentian industry found at the site could represent an early phase
considered as a minimum age since there is no independent eval- in the development of the Middle Paleolithic in the Central Balkans,
uation for the validity of the assumed early uptake model. Contrary a regional facies, or a particular type of site use by human pop-
to this assumption, the activities of the post-230Th radioelements ulations in the area.
(214Pb, 214Bi, 210Pb), which are about three times lower than the Geoarchaeological, archaeological, and faunal data seem to
Th activity, suggest that the 226Ra and/or its daughter, 222Rn, indicate an Early Upper Pleistocene age for the entire sequence. The
were mobile during at least the last 10 ky. Since there is no lower portion of the sequence (layers 3ce3a) is consistent with
complementary information for older periods, we need to take into a wooded habitat and likely represents a relatively mild and wet
account the possibility that part of the uranium was also mobile period compatible with OIS5 (e, c, a). In the upper portion of the
during the burial time. sequence, we observe a cooling trend and the presence of steppe
species, indicating changes towards a more open landscape. This
Lithic industry (Fig. 4) could be related to environmental changes at the beginning of the
Last Glacial, i.e., OIS 4. This would be in accordance with the
Only layers 2ae2d show unequivocal evidence of human activity radiometric date of 113 þ 72 -43 years for the lower layers.
in the form of stone tools, charcoal fragments and cut-marks on However, until the ESR and U-series dates are available, we cannot
animal bones. Lithic analysis of the material from both caves of the exclude the possibility that the find could be older.
Balanica complex identified the presence of different facies of the
Mousterian. The industry of Mala Balanica is limited, with only 102 The BH-1 specimen
artefacts, of which 93% were excavated from layers 2ae2c, with an
overall depth of 20 cm. Artefacts made of quartz predominate The BH-1 specimen is a 67 mm long left hemi-mandible,
(81.4%), the Levallois technique is completely absent, and retouched preserved from the posterior margin of the canine alveolus to the
artefacts represent 26.7% of the assemblage. Scrapers, some with mesial aspect of the ascending ramus with all three molars present
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192 M. Roksandic et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196

preservation. The posterior portion of the mandible was recon-

structed by refitting the fragments with small amounts of Paraloid
B72 dissolved in acetone. One positively identified small fragment
could not be refitted because it had no direct contact with the rest
of the bone.

Age and sex

Complete eruption and closure of the root apex of the M3 indi-

cate an adult individual, while minimal wear on the M3 and slight
to moderate wear on the M1 and M2 each suggest a relatively young
adult. Given the mandible’s unclear taxonomic position, it is
impossible to determine the sex of the individual.

Exomandibular aspect (Fig. 5a)

The BH-1 mandible is lacking the symphyseal region and the

presence/absence of the mental eminence could not be ascertained.
In the lateral view, the basal and alveolar margins are almost
parallel. The mandible shows only very faint relief in the exo-
mandibular view. The superior marginal torus is poorly defined. It
is represented by a slight change in the orientation of the lamina to
the axes of the horizontal branch above and below the mental
foramen. It transitions smoothly into the lateral prominence,
located at the level of M1/M2, equidistant from the alveolar and
Figure 4. A sample of tools from Mala Balanica layers 2a-2c: Transverse (a,b) and
basal margins. The ascent of the oblique line begins just above the
lateral scrapers (c,d) made of quartz (a) and flint (bed).
posterior marginal tubercle, 18.5 mm below the alveolar border at
the level of M1/M2 vertically, and the mental foramen horizontally.
in their sockets. The lower half of the mesiolingual root of the M3 is While the position is the same as in a comparative sample of
missing and the remaining roots are exposed due to the destruction modern humans, the ascent is not as steep. The lateral prominence
of the adjacent endomandibular lamina. The mesial portion of the is more anterior than in Neandertal and pre-Neandertal samples,
mandible shows an old breakage filled with sediment, whereas all where it is commonly located under the M3 (Rosas, 2001). The
of the breaks on the distal end are fresh. The alveoli of the P3 and P4 fragment of the exomandibular lamina of the vertical branch, which
are complete and are for the most part filled with sediment, while could not be refitted but could be identified on the basis of the
the posterior portion seems to have been subject to water infil- visible interior structure of the mandibular canal, shows very slight
tration resulting in substantial fragility that, together with the relief at the masseteric fossa, with no pronounced rugosities.
damage sustained during excavation, could explain its poor The reconstructed root of the vertical branch does not indicate the

Figure 5. The BH-1 specimen: (a) exomandibular view, (b) endomandibular view, (c) occlusal view, (d) dentition: from left to right M1, M2 and M3. Mesial (m) is up, distal (d) is
down, buccal (b) is left, and lingual (l) is right. Scale in centimetres.
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M. Roksandic et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196 193

presence of a retromolar space. However, it does not obscure the M3 noted as a change in orientation between the subalveolar plane and
in lateral view. This is most likely due to a wide extramolar sulcus, the submandibular fossa rather than a sharply delineated line. The
as the vertical branch overlaps with the edge of the M3 in the level at which it begins cannot be ascertained as the lower portion
occlusal view. of the endomandibular face is destroyed in that area. However, it
The mental foramen is situated below the P4 alveolus, 17.0 mm seems to extend towards the P3. Its ascent is not steep and it is still
from the alveolar margin and 16.4 mm from the basal margin. It is present at the level of the mesial alveolar margin of the M3 beyond
oval in shape, set obliquely to the sagittal and transverse planes, which it can no longer be observed due to the breakage. The line
and measures 5.2 mm by 2.9 mm. In contrast, the mental foramen is rises from 27.6 mm below the mesial edge of the M1 alveolus to
located under the M1 in up to 80% of Neandertal specimens and 54% 12.0 mm from the distal edge of the M2 alveolus.
of the Middle Pleistocene samples from Sima de los Huesos (Rosas,
2001). This position is often interpreted to be a reflection of the Occlusal view (Fig. 5c)
development of marked midfacial prognathism (Quam and Smith,
1998). The more anterior position of the mental foramen in this The mandible is very thick in the buccolingual dimension. The
specimen and the possible absence of a retromolar space, both mesial thickening is endomandibular while the distal thickening is
plesiomorphic traits observable in Homo erectus, indicate that the exomandibular with respect to the dental arcade. The occlusal view
mandible lacks autapomorphies of Neandertals and their Middle shows that the mandibular torus decreases in width from the M3 to
Pleistocene precursors. Similarly plesiomorphic is the equidistant P3, while the shelf-like thickening of the alveolar plane increases in
position of the mental foramen in relation to the alveolar and the width from the M1 towards the symphysis, and the ridge formed
basal margins. The anterior marginal tubercle could not be descends towards the mid-symphyseal region. This latter structure is
observed in this specimen, as the basal margin is missing mesially responsible for the endomandibular thickening of the bone towards
from below the mental foramen. the symphysis. The retromolar trigone could not be observed due to
breakage. The extramolar sulcus is very wide, accentuated by a low
and non-steep oblique line. The substantial width of the extramolar
Endomandibular aspect (Fig. 5b)
sulcus is further accentuated by a pronounced curvature of the dental
arcade towards the sagittal plane.
The internal lamina is preserved from the canine alveolus to the
The mandible measures 34.2 mm in height at the mandibular
M2/M3 septum in the alveolar portion, and from below the P3/M1
foramen, recedes slightly towards the M3 where it measures
septum to below the mesial edge of the M3 alveolus in the basilar
31.2 mm, and is most consistent with a “parallel” character state for
border. There is visible flaking and root etching all over the endo-
alveolar margin orientation. The width of the mandible varies from
mandibular surface. The mesiolingual root of the M3, the lingual
19.1 mm at the canine alveolus, becoming more restricted towards
lamina of the M3 alveolus, and the adjacent area above the basilar
the mandibular foramen (17.8 mm) and M1 (17.5 mm) and
edge are missing. A trowel mark can be observed on the M3 and the
increasing towards the M2 (18.4 mm) and the M3 (23. 8 mm).
interior lamina.
While the bone is robust, the relief of the internal surface is not
Dentition (Fig. 5d and Fig.7)
marked. The alveolar border shows thickening on the lingual side
from P3 to M2 (and possibly beyond), forming a mandibular torus just
Only the three left molars are present in the BH-1 specimen. The
below the alveolar process. The width of the alveolar process
teeth are well preserved except for the mesiolingual root of the M3,
decreases mesially. The width of the subalveolar plane increases
which shows recent breakage. The occlusal outline is sub-rectangular
towards the middle portion of the mandible, forming a shelf-like area
and elongated mesiodistally. The teeth are not occlusally complex as
(planum alveolare) that extends from below the P3 towards the canines
they show no extra fissures or crests. All three teeth have the five
and the symphysis, best observed in the occlusal view (Fig. 5c). The
main cusps (protoconid, metaconid, hypoconid, entoconid and
mesial endomandibular increase in width is observable towards the
hypoconulid). M1 amd M2 have a “Y” groove pattern, while M3 shows
upper third of the mandibular height below the alveolar border. Since
a “þ” pattern. The hypoconulid is large and buccally aligned. There is
the lower portion of the mandible is broken in the canine area, we
an easily observed, wedge-shaped cusp 7 (tuberculum intermedium)
have combined overlapping CT images at the canine alveolus and at
(Scott and Turner, 1997), separated by clear fissures in all three
the mental foramen showing thickening at the level of the canine and
molars. A protostylid is not present on any of the teeth. The mesial
an oblique rather than subvertical alveolar planum (Fig. 6).
marginal ridge shows a proper ridge in M1 with no anterior fovea.
The subalveolar plane (sublingual fossa) is flat rather than
This feature is continuous and depressed (very low) in M2 and
concave. The profile of the submandibular fossa is moderately
accompanied by an anterior fovea that is relatively poorly defined. It
concave. The expression of the mylohyoid line is moderate, and is
is represented by a wide depression rather than a deep triangular
depression, as described by Scott and Turner (1997). The mesial
marginal ridge shows a tubercle on the M3 and a possible but not
clear anterior fovea (Hillson, 1996). A well developed anterior fovea is
common in Neandertals (87% according to Bailey, 2002) and variable
in modern humans with a 83% frequency in a sample of modern
Croatians (Gauta et al., 2010) and a frequency of 92% in a sample of
modern Javanese (Artaria, n.d.). The M2 and M3 present a distal
trigonid crest that can be assessed by a short transverse fissure,
slightly oblique to the buccolingual fissure. The M2 and M3 show the
same number of cusps as the M1, with less advanced degree of wear
on M2 and no wear on M3. None of the teeth show the continuous
midtrigonid crest e considered to be indicator of Neandertal affinity
Figure 6. Cross-section of the mandible showing the alveolar planum. The figure is
based on two superimposed CT cross sections: one at the level of the canine and the
as it occurs in 96% of Neandertals (Bailey, 2002). The presence of cusp
other at the level of the mental foramen. The photos were inverted and rendered in 7 is non-diagnostic. While not unknown in Neandertals (18.8%), it is
grey-scale in Photoshop CS2. much more common both in Homo erectus (40%) and is extremely
Author's personal copy

194 M. Roksandic et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196

should be considered as a plesiomorphic trait in the Homo lineage

(Ackerman et al., 1973). Notable is the substantial distance between
root apices and the mandibular canal, which could be explained by
a reduction in tooth size coupled with the large size of the mandible.


While the shape of the dental arcade and molar morphology

place BH-1 in the genus Homo, its fragmentary nature and plesio-
morphic character of its traits preclude a more precise taxonomic
designation for this specimen (Carcraft, 1989). We assign it at
present to Homo sp. The presence of the alveolar planum and the
overall robusticity of the specimen indicate a non-modern
morphology and we can narrow the designation to an archaic Homo
sp. We compared available measurements and character states of
the mandibular body with specimens from the Early, Middle and
Upper Pleistocene (Table 3) published in two recent articles that
both claim to be able to differentiate among species on the basis of
a set of metric (Lague et al., 2008) and morphological traits
(Mounier et al., 2009) of the mandible. While the comparative
samples in these two articles are not ideally suited to examine the
position of BH-1 on the hominin spectrum, they provide a good first
Figure 7. CT scan of the mandible in: (a) mesiodistal (med) cross-section, (b) bucco- view of the affinities of the specimen. Raw data on mandibular
lingual (bel) slice at the root of M1 showing substantial subcortical thickening and height, width and robusticity (Table 5) were compared with data
a mesotaurodontic M1, (c) horizontal slice showing four diverticles of the M1 root, (d)
from Carbonell et al. (2005). A principal components analysis of
Three superimposed CT sections showing the morphology of the P4 alveolar socket
with possible root bifurcation. Scale in centimetres. metric data from Lague et al. (2008) (measurements were kindly
provided by Nicole Collard) did not provide any further insight. The
scores for the BH-1 specimen show that the specimen lies at the
variable in modern human populations (3e61%) (Bailey, 2002), with very margin of the spread for Neandertals and anatomically
highest frequencies recorded in Africa (Scott and Turner, 1997). The modern humans (AMH), in the area where they overlap, and very
expression of the distal trigonid crest is highly variable (Scott and close to the H. erectus range. On the basis of this, the specimen
Turner, 1997) and according to Martinón-Torres et al. (2008) often cannot be excluded from any of the three groups.
underscored. It is, however, expressed in higher frequencies in When compared with the table provided by Carbonell et al.
Dmanisi and Sangiran populations (Martinón-Torres et al., 2008). (2005), the height of the mandible falls within the range of Nean-
While the M1 and M2 have the same buccolingual width (10.9 mm) dertals and H. heidelbergensis. The corpus thickness, however,
and mesiodistal length (11.5 mm), the M3 is longer mesiodistally exceeds the limits of the Neandertal range and falls towards the
(12.1 mm) and narrower buccolingually (10.5 mm). upper limit of the H. heidelbergensis values. Corpus thickness, rather
than corpus height seems to show a general trend of decrease with
Radiological features (Fig. 7) time in the human lineage. Mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters of
the teeth fall within the range of variation for European Neandertal,
The CT scan of the mandible reveals a very dense subcortical Krapina, and Atapuerca samples (Wolpoff, 1979; Bermúdez de Castro
bone of almost homogenous structure (1600-1800H, corresponding et al., 2001).
to massa compacta). The thickness varies in both buccolingual, and Cluster analysis (Fig. 8) shows clear Early, Middle and Late
mesiodistal directions; the area adjacent to the lingual cortical Pleistocene clusters. The cophenetic correlation coefficient
lamina is almost twice the width of the buccal one (Fig. 7b) and the obtained equals 0.78, which is very close to taxonomic validity,
thickness increases from the molars towards the symphyseal region usually considered as 0.8 (Rohlf and Fisher, 1968; Sneath and Sokal,
(Fig. 7c). Trabeculation of the spongious bone is visible only in the 1973). BH-1 clusters with the Early Pleistocene sample, including
central part of the mandibular body superior to the mandibular specimens from Sangiran (1b), Atapuerca (ATD6-96), Dmanisi
canal; the trabeculae are coarse with prominent marrow spaces. (D211) and Koobi Fora (KNM-ER 992), as well as a Middle Pleisto-
There is no visible thickening of the lamina dura, nor the walls of cene specimen from Tighenif (2) and slightly later in the sequence
the mandibular canal.
The CT scan of the P4 alveolus shows a clear separation towards Table 5
the distal portion of the root socket, however, only the apex of Comparison of mandibular thickness, height and robustness of BH-1 with different
the root is clearly bifurcated. This could indicate a possible (or species of Homo as reported by Carbonell et al. (2005: Table 2).
partial) root bifurcation, or alternatively, a groove on the distal side Species Thickness, mm (n) Height, mm (n) Robustness (n)
of the root (Fig. 7d). Since the root itself is missing, it is not possible Homo habilis 19.7  2.3 (5) 29.3  2.2 (4) 64.5  5.3 (4)
to ascertain the presence or absence of two diverticles in the P4. The H. ergaster 19.8  1.4 (8) 31.2  2.8 (8) 63.8  5.0 (8)
M2 and M3 are mesotaurodontic (Mena, 1971). The M1 has two H. erectus 19.8  2.6 (4) 36.3  1.1 (4) 54.7  7.4 (4)
mesial and two distal diverticles (Fig. 7c). All three aspects of the root H. mauritanicus 18.0  1.1 (4) 35.8  1.5 (4) 50.2  1.8 (4)
H. pekinensis 16.5  1.8 (7) 28.6  3.3 (7) 58.0  5.6 (7)
morphology are primitive. While taurodontism has often been cited
H. antecessor 16.4 (2) 27.6 (2) 62.6 (2)
as a Neandertal trait, its varying frequencies in many different H. heidelbergensis 16.4  1.7 (16) 30.8  3.4 (16) 53.4  5.1 (16)
modern human populations (Terezhalmy et al., 2001), as well as its H. neanderthalensis 15.3  1.7 (21) 32.1  3.3 (21) 47.9  5.1 (21)
appearance in the Atapuerca sample (Bermúdez de Castro et al., BH-1 17.5 (1) 33.1 (1) 52.8 (1)
1997, 1999) and Homo erectus (Conroy, 1997) indicate that it
Author's personal copy

M. Roksandic et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196 195

Figure 8. Cluster analysis on mandibular body character states using Average Linkage, Euclidean Distance. UU: unknown age, EP: Early Pleistocene, MP Middle Pleistocene, NT:
Neandertals. The coefficient of cophenetic correlation ¼ 0.78.

with Sinanthropus H1 and Neandertal Bañolas specimen. This result Peninsula emerges as the source of all of the species of the East and
is consistent with the absence of observable derived Neandertal many of the West of northern Europe (Hewitt, 2000, 2004; Tzedakis,
traits in BH-1 and the presence of the alveolar planum, four diver- 2004). It shows substantial faunal heterogeneity (Griffiths et al.,
ticles in M1 and a possible bifurcation of the P4, all three of which 2004) and high levels of endemism (Zima, 2004). While the role that
are primitive traits inconsistent with Neandertals and AMH speci- refugial areas of the Iberian and Apennine Peninsulas played in human
mens. When considering raw data, BH-1 shares 13/16 traits with evolution during glaciations in the Northern hemisphere has been well
Sangiran (1b) and Atapuerca (ATD6-96), 12/16 with Tighenif (2), established in recent research (Finlayson, 2004; Finlayson et al., 2008),
and 10/16 with Dmanisi (211) and Koobi Fora KNM-ER 992. While the importance of Southeastern Europe in providing glacial refugium
the Bañolas mandible clusters relatively closely, it shares only four and maintaining gene flow between continents, while proposed for
character states with the BH-1 mandible. a number of animal species (Griffiths et al., 2004), is rarely discussed
Comparative analysis of the specimen indicates a number of with regards to human evolution. High levels of biodiversity in the
primitive traits: the alveolar planum, possible bifurcation of the P4, Balkans (Hewitt, 2004) and the refugial character of its flora
four diverticles in M1 and an anteriorly positioned single mandibular (Eastwood, 2004; Tzedakis, 2004), coupled with a lack of isolating
foramen that may signal the absence of midfacial prognathism. Given mechanisms during Pleistocene glaciations, could have played an
the associated Upper Pleistocene date, it is possible that this specimen important role in preserving variability, maintaining relic species, and
is a primitive Neandertal. However, the complete lack of derived allowing gene flow throughout the Pleistocene for all biota, including
Neandertal traits and clustering of BH-1 with the Early Pleistocene hominins. This lack of isolating mechanisms in the Balkans could have
specimens requires us to examine other plausible explanations. resulted in the preservation of the primitive morphology seen in BH-1,
While the paucity of remains from the area precludes any further or the group of archaic humans it belonged to.
discussion of the meaning of this partial specimen, the particularities
of the Balkan Peninsula as a refugium for temperate deciduous forests Conclusion
and associated biota (Eastwood, 2004; Tzedakis, 2004) and a “hotspot
of biodiversity” (Lesbarreres, 2008) warrant further research. Of the The recent discovery of a mandible BH-1, from Mala Balanica
three southern European peninsulas that were the source of most (Serbia), with primitive character states comparable with the
repopulation of Europe for both animals and plants, the Balkan Early Pleistocene mandibular specimens, is associated with
Author's personal copy

196 M. Roksandic et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 61 (2011) 186e196

a minimum date of 113 þ 72  43 ka. The BH-1 specimen, despite Harvati, K., Panagopoulou, E., Runnels, C., 2009. The Paleoanthropology of Greece.
Evol. Anthropol. 18, 131e143.
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Hewitt, G., 2000. The genetic legacy of the Quaternary ice ages. Nature 405,
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Acknowledgements Lague, M.R., Richmond, B.G., Wood, B.A., 2008. Hominid mandibular corpus shape
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The research was supported by a grant from the offices of the VP Lesbarreres, D., 2008. Post-glacial phylogeography: new insight into an old story:
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Mallegni, F., Carnieri, E., Bisconti, M., Tartarelli, G., Ricci, S., Biddittu, I., Segre, A.,
grant (371077-2010) to MR, and a grant from the Ministry of
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Culture and the Ministry of Science and Technological Develop- Pleistocene hominids. C. R. Palevol. 2, 153e159.
ment of the Republic of Serbia (177023) to DM. MR wishes to thank Martinón-Torres, M., Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Gómez-Robles, A.,
Mary Silcox, Fred Smith and Katerina Harvati for comments on the Margvelashvili, A., Prado, L., Lordkipanidze, D., Vekua, A., 2008. Dental remains
from Dmanisi (Republic of Georgia): morphological analysis and comparative
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Sanders and Zoran Pavlovi c for help with conservation, Rob Hoppa Mellars, P., 1996. The Neanderthal Legacy: An Archaeological Perspective from
and his team for a 3-D printout of the specimen and anonymous Western Europe. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Mena, C.A., 1971. Taurodontism. Oral Surg. Oral Med. O. 32, 812e823.
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